Saturday, November 19, 2016

Forex Au Dollar

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Cotizaciones Forex de dólar australiano

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Dólar australiano roba protagonismo como dólar, euro y yen

* Aussie dólar de nuevo a 73 centavos de EE. UU., cerca de 2016 pico

* Otras monedas importantes subyugaron antes de los datos de los empleos de Estados Unidos en el viernes

* China servicios PMI debido más tarde en la mañana

SYDNEY, 3 mar (Reuters) - El dólar australiano comenzó a operar en Asia el jueves cerca de su pico de 2016, tras haberse disparado sobre datos locales sorprendentemente fuertes justo cuando el dólar, el euro y el yen se instalaron en un patrón de espera.

El australiano coqueteó con 73 centavos de dólar estadounidense, su nivel más alto desde el 4 de enero, luego de un aumento del 1,7 por ciento el martes. Los inversores se calentaron a la moneda después de que el cuarto trimestre de noticias el crecimiento económico inesperadamente se levantó a un saludable 3,0 por ciento anual.

"Hemos sido eliminados de nuestra recomendación corta de AUDUSD", escribieron analistas de BNP Paribas en una nota a los clientes.

"Mientras que nos hemos movido a las líneas laterales por ahora, permanecemos de la opinión que la perspectiva es bajista para el AUD."

El australiano escaló un pico de tres meses en el euro, que se deslizó a 1.4869 dólares, y llegó apenas tímido de 83.00 yenes - su más alto en casi un mes.

Por el contrario, el dólar se mantuvo en territorio familiar frente al euro y al yen, incluso después de que un informe mostró un sólido crecimiento del empleo en los Estados Unidos en el sector privado.

El greenback volvió cerca de 113.50 yenes después de perder agarre de un máximo de dos semanas de 114.56. El euro derivó hasta $ 1.0871, de un mínimo de un mes de $ 1.0825.

Mientras que el Informe Nacional de Empleo de ADP señalaba un resultado saludable para las nóminas no agrícolas del viernes, una encuesta de la Reserva Federal encontró que las condiciones económicas variaban considerablemente entre regiones y dentro de los sectores.

El panorama mixto sigue siendo un dolor de cabeza para los responsables de las políticas de la Fed cuando se reúnan para decidir la trayectoria de las tasas de interés del 15 al 16 de marzo.

Contra el yen, la moneda común bajó a 123,40. Desde arriba 124,00.

Los inversores seguían temerosos de comprar el euro después de que otro importante responsable de la política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) insinuara posibles acciones la próxima semana, cuando el BCE realice su revisión de políticas.

Benoit Coeure, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva, dijo que los bancos de la zona euro pueden lidiar con las tasas de interés más bajas y que en realidad se benefician de los esfuerzos del banco central para apuntalar el crecimiento y la inflación.

Los datos comerciales de Australia se deben publicar más tarde en la mañana, seguido de una encuesta del sector privado sobre el sector de servicios de China.

Dólar australiano

Visión de conjunto

El dólar australiano (AUD) es la unidad monetaria utilizada en el Commonwealth de Australia. El símbolo del dólar australiano es $. Los estados de la Commonwealth de Australia incluyen las islas de Cocos, la isla de Norfolk, los estados de la isla pacífica, la isla de Christmas, y Australia. El dólar es clasificado por el mercado de divisas mundial como la quinta moneda más negociados en el mundo. El dólar australiano es también conocido como el "Aussie".


Australia tiene una economía moderna fuertemente desarrollada y establecida.

En 2011, Australia fue calificada como la 13 ª mayor economía por el PIB.

La economía de Australia depende de la industria de servicios, que aporta el 60% del PIB total.

Los productos de importación son computadoras, máquinas, partes de telecomunicaciones, equipos, productos petrolíferos y crudo.

Los productos de exportación incluyen oro, carne, aluminia, lana, trigo, mineral de hierro y carbón. El valor total de las exportaciones para el año 2010 se estima en 2.107 millones de dólares australianos.


El dólar australiano substituyó la libra australiana en 1966. La moneda fue valorada en 2 AUD = 1 libra y las primeras monedas introducidas eran 1 centavo, 2 centavos, 5 centavos, 10 centavos, 20 centavos, y 50 centavos.

En 1967, Australia abandonó el estándar de la libra esterlina y fijó el dólar australiano al dólar de los Estados Unidos en una tarifa de 1 AUD = 1.12 USD.

En 1983, el AUD se convirtió en una moneda flotante.

En 1984, se introdujo la moneda australiana de un dólar; En 1988 se introdujo la moneda de dos dólares.

En 2006, las monedas de 1 y 2 céntimos se suspendieron y se retiraron de la circulación.

Australia ha hecho monedas y notas especiales de la edición para conmemorar acontecimientos, tales como los juegos de la Commonwealth de 1982.

Símbolos y nombres

Símbolos: Dólar - $, A $, AUD. Centavo

Apodos: Aussie, Menzies

Países que usan esta moneda


Islas Ashmore y Cartier (Territorio australiano)

Territorio Antártico Australiano (Territorio Australiano)

Isla de Navidad (Territorio australiano)

Islas Cocos (Keeling) (Territorio australiano)

Islas del Mar de Coral (Territorio australiano)

Islas Heard y McDonald (Territorio australiano)



Isla Norfolk (Territorio australiano)


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ver menos

Monedas Pegged A AUD.

Dólar Tuvaluano

Dólar de Kiribati

AUD se pega a:

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Principales Noticias Forex

El dólar australiano es la moneda oficial de la Commonwealth de Australia. A menudo se llama el Aussie por los comerciantes de la divisa. La moneda se implementó en 1966 y se dejó flotar libremente en 1983. Australia tiene una economía impulsada por las exportaciones (el sector minero representa el 19% del PIB), por lo que el valor del australiano depende de los precios de los productos básicos. Australia tiene fuertes lazos comerciales con Asia, particularmente China, por lo que el crecimiento económico en esa región tiene un impacto particularmente fuerte en la moneda de Australia. El Aussie se utiliza en el comercio de carry debido a las tasas de interés relativamente altas en Australia.

Archivo de noticias del dólar australiano

El dólar australiano subió hoy, resistiendo el impacto negativo de los datos económicos pobres publicados tanto de Australia como del extranjero. La moneda alcanzó el nivel más alto desde diciembre frente al euro y la mayor desde julio frente al dólar estadounidense.

Una Visión Del Comerciante De Forex De La Relación Aussie / Gold

Las relaciones entre los diferentes mercados financieros son casi tan antiguas como los propios mercados. Por ejemplo, en muchos casos cuando las acciones de referencia suben, los bonos caen. Muchos comerciantes estarán atentos a las correlaciones de este tipo y tratar de aprovechar la oportunidad. El mismo tipo de relaciones existen en el mercado global de divisas. Tomemos, por ejemplo, el lazo estrechamente relacionado entre el dólar australiano y el oro. Debido principalmente al hecho de que Australia sigue siendo un importante productor del metal amarillo, la correlación es una oportunidad que no sólo existe, sino que es una que los comerciantes en todos los niveles pueden capitalizar. Echemos un vistazo a por qué esta relación existe y cómo se puede utilizar para producir retornos de oro sólido.

Ser productivo es clave La relación entre el dólar estadounidense y el crudo existe por una sencilla razón: el precio de la mercancía es en dólares. Sin embargo, no se puede decir lo mismo de la correlación australiana. La relación oro / dólar australiano se deriva de la producción. Australia es uno de los mayores productores de oro del mundo. Como resultado, es natural que su moneda siga un patrón similar al oro. Con el reflujo y el flujo de la producción, el tipo de cambio seguirá la oferta y la demanda a medida que el dinero cambia de manos entre el minero y el fabricante.

Capitalización de la relación Aunque la estrategia de macro funciona en todos los niveles, es más adecuada para las carteras que se establecen en marcos de tiempo más largos. Los comerciantes no van a ver fuertes correlaciones en cada día de comercio, al igual que otras dinámicas más amplias del mercado. Como resultado, es ventajoso amortiguar el golpe de la volatilidad y el riesgo diarios a través de un horizonte de tiempo más largo.

Los comerciantes fundamentalmente orientados tenderán a comerciar uno o ambos instrumentos, tomando señales comerciales de la otra. Estas claves pueden ser recogidas de una lista de temas que incluyen:

Informes de la Reserva de Productos Básicos

COT Futures Reports

Desarrollos económicos australianos

Tasas de Interés

Safe Haven Investing

Como resultado, estas operaciones tienden a ser más largas que las consideraciones de comercio de día, ya que la cartera está buscando capturar el tono general del mercado, en lugar de sólo un pop o una caída intradía.

Técnicamente, los comerciantes tienden a encontrar sus señales en las formaciones técnicas con la esperanza de que las correlaciones correspondientes se filtrarán en el mercado relacionado. Si la formación está en la carta de oro o la carta australiana, es mejor encontrar primero una formación sólida, en lugar de buscar ambas cartas para correlacionar perfectamente. Un ejemplo de esto se ve claramente en los siguientes ejemplos de gráficos.

Fuente: FX Trek Intellicharts

Como se muestra en la Figura 2, con el mercado en la turbulencia y el desapalancamiento de los inversores que estaba "en vogue" en 2008, los comerciantes vieron una oportunidad de saltar en el tren ya que tanto el australiano como el oro experimentaron una subida temporal en el precio. Ya sabiendo que esto sería una explosión top en un mercado de otra manera bajista, el experto inversor técnico podría ver visiblemente ambos activos moviéndose en sincronía. Como resultado, técnicamente hablando, una oportunidad corta brilló a medida que la mercancía se acercó a la cifra de $ 905.50, que correspondía con la cifra pivotal de 0.8500 en el mercado de divisas. La doble tapa en oro casi aseguró una mayor depresión en el dólar australiano / EE. UU. Par de divisas del dólar.

Trying It Out: una configuración comercial Ahora echemos un vistazo a una configuración de comercio más corto que implica tanto el dólar australiano y el oro.

En primer lugar, la amplia imagen macro. Haciendo un vistazo a la Figura 2, vemos que el oro ha tenido un duro descenso, ya que los inversores y los comerciantes han desapalancado y vendido activos más riesgosos. Tras esta medida, la consolidación posterior presta a la creencia de que un cambio puede ser persistente en el mercado. La idea es apoyada por la probabilidad de que los inversionistas de equidad elegan mover algo de dinero en la característica de refugio seguro del producto mientras los índices de referencia globales continúan disminuyendo en valor.

Vemos que una posición similar se está desarrollando en el dólar australiano después de un pico abajo a apenas debajo de la figura 0.6045, demostrada en la figura 4 abajo. En este momento, la moneda estaba bajo una presión extrema, ya que los especuladores globales consideraban que el dólar australiano era una moneda arriesgada. Juntando estos dos factores, la dirección de la cartera está mirando hacia arriba.

A continuación, echamos un vistazo a nuestras cartas y aplicamos técnicas básicas de soporte y resistencia. Siguiendo nuestra idea inicial de comercio con oro, primero proyectamos un canal de libros de texto a nuestro gráfico como acción de precio ha mostrado tres puntos técnicos definitorios (etiquetados A, B y C). El canal de oro corresponde a un canal a corto plazo que se desarrolla en el par de divisas AUD / USD en la Figura 4.

La combinación culmina el 10 de diciembre de 2008, (Figura 3 Punto C). No solo los dos activos prueban el soporte o la línea de tendencia de canal inferior, sino que también tenemos una convergencia MACD alcista que confirma el movimiento más alto en el par de divisas AUD / USD.

Finalmente, colocamos la entrada correspondiente al cierre de la sesión, 0.6561. La parada subsiguiente se colocaría en el columpio bajo. En este caso, sería el 5 de diciembre de 0,6290, una parada de aproximadamente 271 pip. Teniendo en cuenta la correcta gestión de riesgos / recompensas, ponemos nuestra meta en 0.7103 para darnos un ratio riesgo-recompensa de 2: 1. Afortunadamente, el comercio no toma más de una semana, ya que el objetivo se dispara el 18 de diciembre para un beneficio de 542 pip.

La línea de fondo Intermarket estrategias como el dólar australiano y el oro presentan amplias oportunidades para el inversionista inteligente y comerciante. Ya sea para producir una mayor relación beneficio / pérdida o aumentar el rendimiento general de la cartera. Las correlaciones de mercado están seguros de agregar valor al repertorio de un participante del mercado.

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AUD / USD Tipo de Cambio

AUD / USD Tipo de Cambio

El dólar australiano es la quinta moneda más negociada del mundo, representando el 7,6% de la cuota diaria del mundo y el comercio en los mercados internacionales de divisas detrás del dólar de EE. UU., el euro, el yen y la libra esterlina. También es una moneda de reserva.

El dólar australiano, generalmente referido por los comerciantes de divisas como el "Aussie", es popular entre los comerciantes de divisas debido a las tasas de interés comparativamente altas en Australia, la relativa libertad del mercado de divisas de la intervención del gobierno allí y la estabilidad general de La economía y el sistema político de Australia. Además de su atractivo es la opinión predominante de que el dólar australiano ofrece diversificación en una cartera que contiene las principales monedas del mundo debido a su mayor exposición a las economías asiáticas y el ciclo de materias primas.

Gráfico AUD / USD

Es interesante observar la tabla de tipos de cambio, ya que tiende a correlacionarse negativamente con otros pares de divisas principales, como USD / CAD, USD / JPY y USD / CHF. El par se ve afectado en gran medida por los diferenciales de tipos de interés entre los países y por los anuncios bancarios.

Algunos economistas teorizan que los precios de las materias primas son el motor dominante del dólar australiano, y esto significa que los cambios en los tipos de cambio del dólar australiano ocurren en formas opuestas a muchas otras monedas. De hecho, la balanza comercial de Australia sigue dependiendo principalmente de las exportaciones de productos básicos, como los minerales y los productos agrícolas. Esto indica que el valor relativo del dólar variará significativamente durante el ciclo económico, mostrando un repunte durante los auges mundiales cuando Australia exporta grandes cantidades de materias primas y cae cuando los precios de los minerales desploman o cuando el gasto doméstico domina la perspectiva de las ganancias de exportación. Este movimiento es en la dirección opuesta a otras monedas de reserva, que suelen ser más fuertes durante las caídas del mercado cuando los comerciantes mover su dinero de la caída de las existencias en efectivo.

Tendencias de AUD / USD

AUD / USD es un popular par de divisas, ya que puede ser negociado activamente durante las sesiones comerciales de Asia y Nueva York. Al revisar el dólar australiano al dólar de EE. UU. análisis de divisas FX uno debe trazar las tendencias técnicas con el fin de ver los patrones que pueden dilucidar los beneficios futuros. El análisis del equipo de comercio de DailyForex. com puede proporcionarle las ideas que necesita para operar con éxito.

AUD / USD Últimas actualizaciones

El par USD / JPY cayó durante el transcurso de la sesión el jueves, rompiendo bastante significativamente. El dólar australiano cayó inicialmente durante el día del jueves, pero volvió a mostrar su fuerza una vez más.

A raíz de la retórica de la Fed, el dólar cayó frente a la mayoría de las principales monedas durante la sesión de hoy.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 17 de marzo de 2016.

El par USD / JPY inicialmente trató de reaccionar durante el transcurso del día el miércoles, pero dio vuelta a la derecha alrededor de caer hacia el fondo de la zona de consolidación reciente. El par AUD / USD cayó inicialmente durante el transcurso de la sesión el miércoles, pero encontró suficiente apoyo en el nivel de 0.74 para cambiar las cosas y rebotar significativamente.

El par USD / JPY cayó durante el transcurso del día el martes, pero encontró suficiente apoyo por debajo del nivel de 112.50 para cambiar las cosas y formar un poco de martillo. El par AUD / USD se rompió durante el transcurso del día el martes, mientras rodábamos el 0.75.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 16 de marzo de 2016.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 15 de marzo de 2016.

Con la decisión de la política del Banco de Japón de salir del camino, los mercados pueden cero en la próxima reunión del Banco de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos que concluye mañana.

El par USD / JPY tuvo una sesión bastante benigna durante el día del lunes mientras volvíamos a negociar. El par AUD / USD cayó bastante significativamente durante el transcurso del día el lunes, probando el mango de 0.75.

Los mercados de divisas fueron relativamente benignos, ya que los comerciantes esperan los resultados de varias reuniones políticas clave en todo el mundo.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD Forex para el 14 de marzo de 2016.

El dólar estadounidense subió ligeramente frente al yen japonés durante la sesión del viernes, pero todavía estamos muy atrapados dentro del área de consolidación que llevamos dentro desde hace algún tiempo. El par AUD / USD rompió la parte superior del martillo de la sesión del jueves durante el día del viernes, y por supuesto ha eliminado el nivel de 0.75 también.

Obtenga el pronóstico de Forex usando los fundamentos, el sentimiento y los análisis de posiciones técnicas para los pares principales para la semana del 14 de marzo de 2016.

El par USD / JPY tuvo una sesión muy volátil durante el día del jueves, mientras seguimos rebotando en la reciente área de consolidación. El par AUD / USD inicialmente trató de rally el jueves, pero tal como habíamos visto el miércoles, en algún lugar por encima del nivel 0.75 hay una enorme cantidad de resistencia.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 10 de marzo de 2016.

El par USD / JPY cayó inicialmente el miércoles pero encontró suficiente apoyo cerca del nivel 112 para cambiar las cosas y formar una vela ligeramente positiva. El dólar australiano rompió por encima del nivel de 0.75 por primera vez en edades durante la sesión del miércoles.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 9 de marzo de 2016.

El par USD / JPY cayó durante el día el martes, mientras bajábamos a la manija 112.50. El dólar australiano tuvo una sesión ligeramente positiva durante el día del martes, ya que se rompió más arriba y trató de romper por encima del nivel de 0.75 una vez más.

Las monedas de refugio seguro subieron, especialmente frente al dólar estadounidense y el euro, tras el lanzamiento de datos decepcionantes de China que reavivaron las preocupaciones de los inversionistas.

Obtenga la señal de AUD / USD para el 8 de marzo de 2016.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Tipos de cambio de la divisa

En Forex-Ratings. com puede en todo momento referirse a la información de cambio de divisas. El rango de monedas disponibles consiste en 34 posiciones, desde monedas base como dólar estadounidense, euro, yuan chino, a una variedad de monedas exóticas. También realizamos un seguimiento de los cambios en los pares principales de los últimos 7 días. Los comerciantes que se refieren a nuestra base de datos del intercambio de modernidad están siempre enterados de las tendencias del intercambio de modernidad de la semana pasada. Todos los principales pares de divisas y la información de intercambio de tasas están disponibles a continuación. También encontrará pronósticos sobre los principales pares de divisas. Tendencias.

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AUD / USD (Dólar Australiano / Dólar Estadounidense)

BREAKING DOWN 'AUD / USD (Dólar Australiano / Dólar Estadounidense)'

El valor del par AUD / USD se cotiza como 1 dólar australiano por X dólares estadounidenses. Por ejemplo, si el par se negocia a 1,50 significa que se necesitan 1,5 dólares de los EE. UU. para comprar 1 dólar australiano.

El AUD / USD se ve afectado por factores que influyen en el valor del dólar australiano y / o el dólar estadounidense en relación con el otro y otras monedas. Por esta razón, el diferencial de tasas de interés entre el Banco de Reserva de Australia (RBA) y la Reserva Federal (Fed) afectará el valor de estas monedas cuando se comparen entre sí. Cuando la Fed interviene en actividades de mercado abierto para fortalecer el dólar estadounidense, por ejemplo, el valor de la paridad AUD / USD podría disminuir, debido al fortalecimiento del dólar estadounidense en comparación con el dólar australiano.

El AUD / USD tiende a tener una correlación negativa con los pares USD / CAD, USD / CHF y USD / JPY porque el AUD / USD está cotizado en dólares estadounidenses, mientras que los otros no lo son. La correlación con USD / CAD también podría deberse a la correlación positiva entre el dólar canadiense y el dólar australiano (porque ambas tienen estructuras económicas similares porque ambas son economías basadas en recursos).

La moneda es una forma generalmente aceptada de dinero, incluyendo monedas.

La tasa de interés de la factura bancaria es la tasa interbancaria al por mayor dentro de.

El tipo de cambio actual al que se puede comprar un par de divisas.

El cambio de precio más pequeño que un determinado tipo de cambio puede hacer.

La primera moneda cotizada en un par de divisas en divisas. Es.

La segunda moneda cotizada en un par de divisas en divisas. En un.

Pasar de las acciones a las monedas requiere que usted ajuste cómo interpreta las cotizaciones, margen, spreads y rollovers.

Desconcertado por los tipos de cambio? Se preguntan por qué algunas monedas fluctúan mientras que otros se fijan? Este artículo tiene las respuestas.

Averigüe cuáles son las monedas más afectadas por las fluctuaciones en los precios del oro y el petróleo, y mejorar su comercio.

Aprenda cómo asignar sus inversiones cuando el dólar de los Estados Unidos está abajo.

Repasamos algunas de las cosas que debes entender antes de que puedas cambiar divisas.

Obtenga una ventaja comercial al aprender cómo las fuerzas macroeconómicas juegan de manera diferente para varios pares en el mercado de divisas.

Aproveche los mercados de divisas sin salir de su casa.

Mientras que muchos ETF del mercado internacional siguen en tendencia a la baja, algunos se han convertido y ahora están favoreciendo oportunidades de compra.

Averigüe cómo la incertidumbre, las tasas de interés y las expectativas de inflación impulsaron los precios del oro a principios de 2016 y por qué los analistas no esperan que el rally continúe.

A medida que el dólar estadounidense continúa flexionando sus músculos, muchas compañías se beneficiarán, pero también una serie de otras se verán heridas.

Los tipos de cambio internacionales muestran cuánto puede cambiar una unidad de una moneda por otra moneda. Moneda. Leer respuesta completa >>

En divisas, los pares de mercancías consisten en los pares de divisas fuertemente negociados y contienen el canadiense, el australiano y el neozelandés. Leer respuesta completa >>

Australia es uno de los países más desarrollados del mundo. El producto interno bruto (PIB) por habitante de la nación, uno. Leer respuesta completa >>

Un pip en el comercio de divisas es una medida de un movimiento de precios en un par de divisas. "Pip" es el acrónimo de interés de precio. Leer respuesta completa >>

Durante un déficit comercial, el dólar estadounidense generalmente se debilita. Por supuesto, hay numerosos insumos que determinan los movimientos de la moneda. Leer respuesta completa >>

El sector de metales y minería a menudo se mueve inversamente con el mercado más amplio y el dólar de los Estados Unidos. Cuando los mercados accionarios están en alza. Leer respuesta completa >>


Vivo y Histórico Tasas AUD / USD

El gráfico anterior muestra el dólar australiano (AUD) frente al dólar estadounidense (USD), es decir, cuántos USD pueden comprar un AUD. El emparejamiento de AUD / USD también se conoce como matie y aussie, y se considera un par de materias primas debido a la correlación fuerte del aussie al oro. Tanto USD como AUD se consideran monedas importantes.

El dólar australiano

Con una introducción en el mercado mundial en 1966, el dólar australiano trajo el sistema decimal a la moneda australiana. Desde 1983, el AUD ha sido una moneda flotante. Las altas tasas de interés y la limitada interferencia del gobierno australiano hacen que el dólar australiano sea la sexta moneda más negociada del mundo. El AUD también es fuerte debido a la riqueza de recursos naturales de Australia. El mineral de hierro, el carbón, el oro, el crudo y el gas natural licuado figuran entre las principales exportaciones de Australia. Otra razón por la que el dólar australiano es tan fuerte es la conexión única de Australia con Asia. Algunos de los principales socios comerciales de Australia son India, Japón, China y Corea del Sur.

El dólar de los EE. UU.

El dólar está involucrado en más operaciones internacionales que cualquier otra moneda en el mundo. Se utiliza para el comercio no sólo en los Estados Unidos, sino también en varios otros países que no tienen dólares como moneda nacional. De hecho, la mayoría de los dólares se llevan a cabo fuera de los EE. UU. A pesar de que el dólar estaba vinculado a 23 monedas diferentes al principio, los Estados Unidos lideraron el camino con monedas flotantes a principios de los años 70. La Reserva Federal mantiene un control muy estrecho sobre el valor del dólar y es capaz de hacer cambios en el valor del dólar mediante ajustes a las tasas de interés de los préstamos.

Análisis del AUDUSD

Los EE. UU. y Australia no son los principales socios comerciales. Debido a la fuerte conexión de Australia con el sureste de Asia, el par USD / JPY tiene una fuerte correlación con AUD / USD. La economía australiana tiende a fluctuar más que los EE. UU., debido a los ciclos de los productos básicos. Si un comerciante está bien versado en materias primas, este par es una excelente manera de beneficiarse de cualquier cambio importante. Como con la mayoría de los pares que implican AUD, también es posible negociar este par en cualquier brecha del mercado entre Asia y el oeste. Sólo rara vez hay una oportunidad de beneficiarse de carry trades con esta moneda.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

Tarifas actuales del dólar australiano para cambio de divisas y transferencia de dinero desde la India

Precios en vivo del dólar australiano hoy

En BookMyForex, vamos a todas las longitudes posibles con el fin de proporcionar las mejores tasas de cambio del dólar australiano a nuestros clientes. Hemos invertido significativamente en nuestra infraestructura para asegurar que usted reciba tarifas que sean reales y exactas hasta el último segundo. A diferencia de otros sitios web que muestran tasas indicativas, BookMyForex le muestra las tasas de cambio reales de divisas en las que puede comprar AUD, vender AUD o transferir dólar australiano desde la India. Incluso puede congelar las tarifas del dólar australiano en vivo en nuestro sitio en cualquier momento. Quieres reservar una orden cuando las tarifas son mejores? Simplemente utilice nuestra función de alerta de tarifas y le enviaremos un correo electrónico tan pronto como las tarifas lleguen al nivel deseado.

La mayoría de los otros cambiadores de divisas en la India que se ocupan en AUD trabajan en lo que se llama "la tasa de AUD de hoy" o "la tasa de AUD hoy". Que es una tasa estática que no cambia a lo largo de la duración del día. Este concepto, sin embargo, es intrínsecamente defectuoso ya que la tasa de AUD varía según la demanda y la oferta globales, que es inherente al comercio intra-día de divisas. Simplemente no hay tal cosa como un constante "dólar australiano tipo de cambio de hoy" La mayoría de las empresas de cambio de moneda pad en grandes márgenes a estas "tasas de AUD de hoy" que publican. De esta manera son capaces de protegerse de las fluctuaciones en las tasas de divisas durante todo el día. Con nuestra sólida infraestructura tecnológica y nuestros excelentes empates, podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes tarifas de cambio perfectamente vivas y transparentes.

Esperamos revolucionar el mercado de divisas en la India, rompiendo mitos como el "tipo de cambio del dólar australiano hoy" con el fin de proporcionar transparencia perfecta y el valor de la excepción a nuestros clientes. BookMyForex alberga un conjunto completo de productos de divisas y puede comprar o vender tarjetas de AUD forex, AUD cheques de viajero y billetes de moneda AUD. Además, también puede hacer remesas internacionales utilizando transferencias rápidas de AUD y AUD Demand Drafts.

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Otros tipos de cambio

Dólar australiano (AUD)

El dólar australiano (AUD), la página cubre noticias e información con respecto a los cruces AUD / USD y AUD. Tasas, gráficos, noticias y análisis de AUD.

Además, Prosticks patentado gráficos se puede encontrar en esta página. Si desea recibir actualizaciones diarias sobre las noticias del dólar australiano y anotarse el análisis técnico de nuestro boletín de noticias GRATUITO.

Noticias de AUD

Publicado: 16 de Marzo de 2016

El dólar australiano sigue perdiendo terreno el miércoles, ya que el par se negocia a 0,7430 al inicio de la sesión norteamericana. En el frente de la liberación, el punto culminante de hoy es el anuncio de la tarifa de la Reserva Federal y la declaración de la política. La inflación al consumidor estadounidense & # 8230;

Publicado: 18 de Marzo de 2016

DailyFX. com & # 8211; La adherencia a la tasa básica de inflación de Canadá puede impulsar una nueva disminución en USD / CAD, ya que aumenta la presión sobre la BoC para que se aleje de su ciclo de alivio. & # 8211; El Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC) de Canadá se desaceleró a 1.5%, el más bajo desde noviembre de 2015. & # 8211; Tasa básica de inflación a & # 8230;

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Últimos Aussie Eventos Económicos

Calendario Económico en Tiempo Real proporcionado por Investing. com.

AUD-Australian Dollar Técnicos

Widget de resumen técnico Desarrollado por Investing. com


Cotizaciones AUD (Australian Dollar)

21 de enero de 2016


Enfoque de moneda




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Riesgo - Al usar este sitio web usted acepta sus términos y condiciones. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Forex (o FX o fuera de divisas de futuros y opciones de divisas) el comercio implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. El valor de las monedas puede fluctuar y los inversores pueden perder todas o más de sus inversiones originales. Los riesgos también incluyen, pero no se limitan a, el potencial para cambiar las condiciones políticas y / o económicas que pueden afectar sustancialmente el precio y / o la liquidez de una moneda. El impacto de los eventos estacionales y geopolíticos ya se ha tenido en cuenta en los precios de mercado. La naturaleza apalancada del comercio de divisas significa que cualquier movimiento del mercado tendrá un efecto igualmente proporcional en sus fondos depositados y tal puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Los resultados anteriores no son indicios de rendimiento futuro. La información contenida en este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a fines informativos y se obtuvo de fuentes que se creían confiables. De ningún modo la información está garantizada. Ninguna garantía de ningún tipo está implícita o es posible cuando se intentan proyecciones de condiciones futuras.

© Copyright ForexTV 2016, Todos los derechos reservados.

Calcular AUD a PHP

5 AUD = 176,67 PHP

5 Австралийский доллар = 176,67 Филиппинский песо

10 AUD = 353,34 PHP

10 Австралийский доллар = 353.34 Филиппинский песо

50 AUD = 1766,72 PHP

50 Австралийский доллар = 1766.72 Филиппинский песо

100 AUD = 3533,43 PHP

100 Австралийский доллар = 3533.43 Филиппинский песо

250 AUD = 8833,58 PHP

250 Австралийский доллар = 8833.58 Филиппинский песо

500 AUD = 17667,16 PHP

500 Австралийский доллар = 17667.16 Филиппинский песо

1000 AUD = 35334,32 PHP

1000 Австралийский доллар = 35334.32 Филиппинский песо

5000 AUD = 176671.61 PHP

5000 Австралийский доллар = 176671.61 Филиппинский песо

10000 AUD = 353343,22 PHP

10000 Австралийский доллар = 353343.22 Филиппинский песо

50000 AUD = 1766716,11 PHP

50000 Австралийский доллар = 1766716.11 Филиппинский песо

100000 AUD = 3533432.22 PHP

100000 Австралийский доллар = 3533432.22 Филиппинский песо

500000 AUD = 17667161,11 PHP

500000 Австралийский доллар = 17667161.11 Филиппинский песо

1000000 AUD = 35334322.23 PHP

1000000 Австралийский доллар = 35334322.23 Филиппинский песо

5000000 AUD = 176671611.14 PHP

5000000 Австралийский доллар = 176671611.14 Филиппинский песо

100000000 AUD = 3533432222.73 PHP

100000000 Австралийский доллар = 3533432222.73 Филиппинский песо

Cuánto es calcular Филиппинский песо a Австралийский доллар (calcular PHP a AUD)? Ver PHP a AUD Caculate.

Revisión Económica Mensual: Dólar Australiano

Publicado hace 11 meses | 5:34 AM | 9 de abril de 2015 8 Comentarios

Since we’re jumping into a new quarter, it’s time for us to have a quick rundown of recent data from across the globe. Today’s quick review is on the Land Down Under: Australia.

Trade Activity

Australia’s latest trade figures showed an increase in their trade deficit to - A$1.26B in March vs. - A$0.98B in February. Besides falling global energy prices, a chuck of that deficit can be attributed to what’s going on with one of its biggest trading partners: China.

Recently, the focus has been on falling iron ore prices, due to less demand during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, rising surpluses, and more recently, possibly driven by China’s actions to support their own iron ore miners through tax cuts. These issues can not only bring on a continued drop in iron ore prices, but like the recent drop in oil, a round of iron ore industry layoffs or even companies failing.

We can also see pain in Australia’s export coal industry (7.3% drop year-over-year) as Chinese regulators tightened up on the coal industry to help reduce it’s pollution problems. With China setting growth targets to 7.0% (it’s slowest pace in 24 years ), the expectation is for Australia’s trade sector to continue to struggle, at least in the short-term.


The February read of Australian employment conditions showed an increase of 15.6K net jobs versus a 15K forecast and a -12.2K decrease in January. Also, the unemployment rate unexpectedly ticked lower to 6.3% from 6.4% forecast/previous. This kind of improvement in the unemployment rate usually calls for folks to start poppin’ bottles and breaking out their party hats, but we shouldn’t break out the champagne just yet because as the saying goes, the devil is in the details.

Unfortunately, the labor force participation rate (the percentage of working-aged, able bodied citizens who are 1. working or 2. looking for work) declined in February from 64.8% to 64.6%. This means that the reason we saw the unemployment rate drop was due to the number of people leaving the work force, which is usually a sign of job market issues. And given the problems we’ve seen recently with international trade above, it looks like we may not have seen the top yet in the recent trend higher in the unemployment rate.

RBA Monetary Policy Bias

We just got the latest monetary policy decision from the Reserve Bank of Australia this week, holding the main cash rate at 2.25%. There was pressure on the RBA to cut interest rates with the growing trade deficit, and while they defied the expectation this time, it’s widely expected they will cut again this year. RBA Governor Stevens mentioned that the Aussie dollar remains overvalued, and that .7500 is the appropriate level where growth can be sustained for this export driven economy, so it is likely the RBA will do anything (like interest rate cuts) to get their currency to where they feel it needs to be.

Overall, the data and monetary policy is pointing to another rate cut by the RBA. Do you think that .7500 will be the bottom for the year or will the Aussie break even lower?

Australian Dollar (AUD)

About the Australian Dollar

The Australian “dollar” (plural: dollars) is the official currency used in the Commonwealth of Australia, as well as the Cocos Islands, Norkfolk Island, and the independent Pacific Island states of Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu. Its official currency code is “AUD” and it is symbolized by “$”. The primary denominations include 5, 10, 20 cent coins; 1 and 2 dollar coins (1 dollar = 100 cents); and 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar paper bank notes. In Australia, decimal numbers are denoted using a point (e. g. 1.50). The dollar has a floated exchange rate and its value is often seen as being dependent on commodity prices (Australia’s largest export).

News: Australian Dollar

Reports & Events: Australian Dollar

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Dólar australiano

Australian dollar ($ AUD) was introduced in 1966 and replaced the Australian pound. It’s considered to be a strong currency, while being strongly dependent on the commodity market.

Below you can read the in-depth guide about Australian Dollar:

Common names for Australian Dollar

“Aussie”, “Pacific Peso” (locally), “The Royal” and “The OZ” is the most common names used for the Australian currency.

Countries with AUD

The official countries using Australian Dollar is Australia, Kiribati, Nauru, Tuvalu, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands and Norfolk Island.

How much is the AUD traded?

Currency symbol and ISO-code

The only official ISO code as currency traders and money exchange offices are using is AUD.

History of the Australian Dollar

In 1966 the Australian Dollar ($AUD) replaced the old currency. the Australian pound (£ AU). The initial conversion rate was two dollars per pound or ten shillings per dollar. Exchange rate was fixed against the pound sterling at an exchange rate of 1 pound = 2.5 U. S. dollars (8 shillings = 1 AUD). The following year, Australia gave up the pound. When pound sterling devalued in 1967 against the U. S. Dollar, the Australian Dollar did not comply.

Currency Crises with AUD

In 2008, the AUD dropped sharply, despite the long interest rates were relatively high compared with other major trading partners. In late 2009 to early 2010, however, the Australian dollar showed a strong recovery.

Reserve Bank of Australia

Reserve Bank of Australia pursues an inflation of 2-3% per year and has three main objectives:

Stable prices . Australia’s central bank pursues monetary stability.

Low unemployment rate . The maintenance of full employment in Australia.

Economic motives . Economic prosperity and welfare for the people of Australia.

Online Forex Trading with Australian Dollar

Australian Dollar (AUD) is part of the 6th most traded currency pairs. Trading currency with AUD are common among both individuals and international companies that have foreign exchange exposure to Asia and the Pacific. The economy and the government is relatively stable. Australia and it’s currency is heavily affected by fluctuations in commodity prices – and investing in AUD gives favorable diversification opportunities. It has traditionally been a good carry currency, which you can earn interest if you keep it, because interest rates were often higher in Australia than in many other major currency areas. AUD has also become popular among currency traders because the Australian government do not intervene as much in the currency market.

The AUD’s value against other currencies

The Australian Dollar is traded freely under floating exchange rate.

Pictures of AUD notes

Below are some common notes and coins in the euro zone. Read the latest news about Australian Dollar .

News related to Australian Dollar

Graphs Euro Australian Dollar (EUR/AUD)

Euro Australian Dollar Rates

On the Forex, the Australian Dollar (AUD) is mainly dealt in the form of the AUD/USD cross, and its fluctuations really depend on the health of the countries of Pacific Asia (Japan and South East Asia) which are the main trade partners of Australia, but also and over all on the farm raw material exchange rates as. Lee mas.

Dólar australiano

The Australian Dollar introduction

The Australian Dollar (Official currency code is AUD) is a commodity dominated currency and is at present, the sixth most traded in the world foreign exchange markets behind the US. Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound and the Swiss Franc. The Australian Dollar has been the official currency of the Commonwealth of Australia since February 14th, 1966. It is abbreviated by a вЂ˜$’ sign, with substitutes such as $A, $AU, or AU$ and is used to differentiate between the other dollar currencies. The Australian Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The Australian Dollar makes up to 5 percent of total forex transactions (approximately 1.9 trillion dollars a day). The Australian Dollar is a popular choice for currency traders as it lacks government intervention in the forex market, its strong but stable economy and the region it’s located, which is the Asia-Pacific region. Despite lacking government intervention, it is closely monitored by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). the central bank of Australia.

Deregulation of the Australian Dollar

The Australian Dollar was originally pegged to the British pound, but that changed during 1946 where they pegged the Australian Dollar to the US. Dollar in accordance to the Bretton Woods system. This system proved unsuccessful in 1971 and the Australian Dollar moved to being a fixed peg to a moving peg. In 1974, concerns about the US. Dollar caused the Australian Dollar to move against a group of currencies called the TWI or the trade weighted index. The TWI continued until December 1983, when Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Treasurer Paul Keating from the Labour government decide to вЂ˜float’ the Australian Dollar, otherwise known as the deregulation of the Australian financial system. This was due to the inefficiency shown in the financial system while it had government controls.

International influences on the Australian Dollar

Due to the increasing incidence of globalisation and deregulation, the Australian Dollar has been heavily influenced by international factors. These include overseas interest rate differentials, upward and downward movements of global stock markets, levels of global growth and demand, the level of overseas confidence and the incidence of geopolitical jitters around the world. An example of this would be the 2007 subprime market crash in the U. S. which affected international stock markets. The Reserve Bank of Australia's contractionary stance over 2007 has caused the Australian Dollar to reach 23 year high's against the U. S. Dollar. The other favourable condition for the Australian Dollar's popularity include the expansionary stance of the U. S. Federal Reserve due to the slowing of the U. S. economy.

The Australian Dollar now relies on its commodity export such as gold, iron, copper. Commodities now account for 1 billion Australian Dollars which is 55 percent of total export. Any changes within the market for commodities will affect the movement of the Australian Dollar. Over the past 15 years, the Australian Dollar has been steadily growing throughout the economic cycle and has come across many opportunities in world trade. China, Asia’s great economic engine has been growing above 8 percent per annum and demand for Australian commodity has been high. Australia also has the world’s largest reserves of uranium, which is another economic opportunity as the world begins to address the issues such as the global energy crisis.

Domestic influences on the Australian Dollar

The Australian Dollar is also influenced by domestic factors. These include, level of interest rates and expectations, level of economic growth and other economic indicators such as inflation. The Reserve Bank of Australia can also influence the level of exchange rates during times of heavy volatility by participating in the forex market as a buyer and seller of the currency. In most instances, the dirty float is meant to act as a buffer against an external economic shock before its effects become disruptive to the domestic economy.

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The US. Dollar, Official currency of the United States of America. of the United States Body: The Dollar is the official unit of currency of the United States of America. Sus. and placed with a вЂ˜US’ to differentiate it from other dollar based currencies such as the Australian Dollar. Other nicknames for the US. currency include the buck.

What is the Australian Dollar? What influences the Australian Dollar?. Image Caption: Australian Dollar coin Image: Teaser: Find out more about the Australian dollar and what influences this Australian currency.

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Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Exención de Responsabilidad - Commodity Futures Trading Commission El comercio de futuros y opciones tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


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Australian dollar falls to one-week low

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

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FOREX-Australian dollar knocked by China data, others steadier

* Aussie extends fall on disappointing China data

* China's factory output grows at weakest pace in nearly six years

* Fed policy meeting this week major risk event

By Cecile Lefort and Ian Chua

SYDNEY, Sept 15 The Australian dollar came in the cross hairs of sellers first thing on Monday, sliding to a fresh six-month low after a set of disappointing Chinese data weighed on already soft demand.

In contrast, the dollar was flat against the yen, near a six-year peak of 107.39 set on Friday. The euro was also steady at $1.2961, having drifted up from a 14-month trough of $1.2859 last week.

"China data was the catalyst of the move lower. The Aussie has come a long way and is now feeling oversold," said a trader at a European bank in Singapore, tipping the currency to consolidate in the short-term.

The Australian dollar fell towards 90 U. S. cents, from around $0.9040 late in New York on Friday. It last traded at $0.9015.

It has tumbled four cents in 10 days and a break below key support at 90 cents could see a retracement all the way to $0.8660, the 2014 trough, traders said.

However, the trader said the Aussie will eventually crack below 90 cents and then hover in the high 80s.

Data released on Saturday showed China's factory output grew at the weakest pace in nearly six years in August, while growth in other key sectors also cooled.

The bearish data from China - Australia's major export market - has added to worries about a 40-percent slide in iron ore prices. IO62-CNI=SI this year and further soured sentiment for commodity currencies.

Across the Pacific, the Canadian dollar suffered a similar fate against its U. S. peer, which peaked at C$1.1099 - a level last seen in late March. The greenback was last at C$1.1088, having gained 3 Canadian cents in around 2 weeks.

Much of the pressure for the commodity-linked currencies came from a rising U. S. dollar as investors seemed to be repricing the risk the Federal Reserve could sound more hawkish at its policy meeting this week.

Also undermining is a sharp decline in prices of iron ore. IO62-CNI=SI, Australia's top export earner, retreating to their lowest in five years.

"The focus this week is on the FOMC meeting. The USD rally, and other market moves, have formed around an expectation that the Fed will begin preparing the market for an earlier than market priced rise in rates," said Emma Lawson, senior currency strategist at National Australia Bank.

"It will require a confirmation of that expected language change, and possible forecast change, to maintain the USD gains seen so far."

Trading is Asia is likely to be relatively subdued due to a public holiday in Japan. (Editing by Shri Navaratnam)


Live and Historical AUD/NZD Rates

This chart represents the relationship between the aussie dollar (AUD) and the New Zealand dollar (NZD) - how many NZD can buy one AUD. The New Zealand dollar is also known as the "kiwi" or "kiwi dollar." While AUD is a major currency, NZD is not. Together, they form neither major nor commodity pair

The Australian Dollar

Australia replaced the Australian Pound with the aussie dollar and introduced the country's first decimalized currency in 1966. The aussie dollar has had a floating currency value since 1983, and its value has consistently run just under the American dollar. High interest rates and minimal government interference makes AUD a favorite among currency traders. Australia remains one of the most highly developed nations in the world, but surprisingly it functions quite independently of other industrialized nations. This gives the aussie dollar unique diversification opportunities with neighboring Asian countries. Australia's prime trade partners include South Korea, India, China, and Japan.

The New Zealand Dollar

The kiwi dollar was introduced to the world market in 1967.The kiwi's value was pegged to the US dollar at that time. Since 1985, the kiwi has been a floating currency. It is the twelfth most commonly traded currency. As a small currency with heavy dependence on international trade, the kiwi's value is heavily influenced by fluctuating international interest rates, and significant spikes or subsequent drops in value can be expected. A prime example of this fluctuation took place in the early 2000s. The kiwi is a decimalized currency; however, the smallest denomination of coins for the kiwi is 10 cents. The kiwi is used in four countries other than New Zealand.

AUDNZD Analysis

Australia and New Zealand have an obvious geographic relationship, and they are trading partners. However, their industries are largely distinct, and NZD is more international in scope than AUD. The primary influence on NZD is the agriculture and food market, while AUD is influenced by commodity markets. Both currencies are influenced by JPY, but NZD is impacted more by the US dollar than AUD is. Interest rates in the two countries have tended to move in tandem, and carry trades are usually unprofitable as a result. The best way to profit from this pair is with any changes in the heavy commodity or agriculture markets.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

AUD to NZD Exchange Rates

This live exchange rate calculator converts AUD (Australian Dollar) to NZD (New Zealand Dollars) using the latest exchange rates and currency exchange information from OzForex. Convert AUD to NZD using this calculator to get the most up-to-date exchange rates from live currency exchange market information.

When your ready to transfer your funds, try using OzForex for the most competitive rates of exchange and low transfer fees. Visit OzForex for a pricing and information.

The Australian Dollar (AUD) A$:

The Australian Dollar is the form of currency used by the Commonwealth of Australia. This region includes Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, as well as the Pacific Island regions of Tuvalu, Nauru, and Kiribati. The Australian currency is typically contracted through the dollar sign ($). The dollar is sometimes distinguished from other currencies using the dollar by A$. It can be divided into 100 cents.

The New Zealand Dollar (NZD) NZ$:

The New Zealand Dollar is the official currency of New Zealand, but is also used in the Cook Islands of Niue, Pitcairn, and Tokelau. The New Zealand dollar is a decimal-based currency with a division of 100 cents to the dollar. The symbol for the New Zealand dollar can be depicted as NZ$ to distinguish it from dollars used in other countries, such as Australia and the United States. The dollar in New Zealand is colloquially known as the kiwi, and the official $1 coin has one side that depicts a kiwi fruit. The New Zealand dollar was officially adopted by the country in 1963 as a replacement for the pound. At its inception, the New Zealand dollar was pegged to the U. S. dollar and remained so until 1985. In 1985, the NZD was set to float on the international currency exchange. It was initially set at $0.444 USD and, to date, has reached a maximum value of $0.82 USD.

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The humorists' take on the RBA and Australian dollar

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Australian currency (Australian Dollar, AUD)

Fact 1 - At the time when New Zealand dollar had a similar rate to the Australian dollar in 1980s it was suggested that the Australian currency should be an 'Australis' and it was further defined as an 'ANZAC dollar'. When it was eliminated by the Australian treasurer the Australian dollar was thought to be adopted or the value of the New Zealand dollar attachment to the Australian.

The currency union can establish a fixed currency rate rather than the present situation of rates fluctuation. The sense of this situation is that the currency value gets fixed with respect to some measure instead of the actual currency confirmation like the currencies rates attachment to the price of gold.

Fact 2 - The Commonwealth of Australia that includes Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island, Norfolk Island, the independent Pacific Island states of Kiribati, Nauru and Tuvalu has the AUD (Australian dollar) as its official currency, marked with the dollar sign $, since 14 February, 1966. There are a number of abbreviations, such as A$, $A, $AU, AU$, used to differentiate the Australian dollar from other countries operating dollar. "Aussie battler" is its another name. This currency had a different name, the "Pacific Peso" at the short period from 2001 to 2002. One Australian dollar contains 100 cents.

The Australian dollar has the fifth position at the priority of traded currencies in forex. It goes after the U. S. dollar, the euro, the yen, and the Pound sterling. The Australian dollar holds from 4% to 5% of the transactions around the world. The economy stability and the absence of a severe governmental regulation of the AUD makes it appealing for currency traders.

Fact 3 - The monetary policy of Australia is established by RBA (The Reserve Bank of Australia). It has three key objectives:

the Australian currency stability;

full employment support within the country;

the wellbeing of the economy and the prosperity of the Australians.

Fact 4 - The AUD$ correlates with the prices for gold and commodities by 80%. It happens because Australia has the third place in gold production in the world and its gold export makes up $5 billion annually. This causes the AUD$ dependence on the commodity prices: the Australian dollar rises when they go up and declines when they get lower.

Fact 5 - The British-established colonies have widely used lots of currency forms. The Bank of New South Wales has issued first notes in Australia in 1816. The Australian Notes Act (1910) gave birth to the First Australian notes in 1913. The British system of twenty shillings to a pound and twelve pence to a shilling has served an example. The decision of decimal currency adoption was taken in 1963 by the Australian government and the currency named "Dollar" was accepted on February 14, 1966.

Nowadays, the Australian bank notes are made of plastic. Australia was the first country that started using this technology and it is proud of this fact a lot.

There are the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar notes in Australia. Moreover it also has the coins of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents as well as the ones of one and two dollars.

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How to trade the Australian dollar

One of the cardinal rules of trading is to trade what you know, and no one knows the Australian economy better than the people who live in Australia. For example, only Australians really know when the floods started and how bad the situation really was at the time. International media didn’t pick up on the story until it became very serious and even then the coverage was typically allocated to the second and not the front page of the newspapers. Being on the ground gives Australians a huge home-turf advantage that allows them to know exactly how the economy is doing better than anyone else. Having travelled to Australia often over the past two years and seen all of the for-hire ads in storefronts and newspapers, I knew that the Australian labor market was very strong. In contrast, many Australians were surprised to hear about the degree of weakness in the US economy and how difficult the labor situation really is, even today. Given the strength of the Australian economy last year, it is hard for some people to believe that the rest of the world is not enjoying the same degree of growth. However, 2011 has not been so kind to Australia. The floods took a big toll on the economy and only the people in Australia will really know how much contribution the recovery efforts will have on the Australian economy. Everyone else will hear it second hand, because by the time it hits their radar and the news makes headlines in the US and Europe, the recovery will be already underway.

Believe or not, this intimate on-the-ground knowledge of how the economy is doing can be very useful for making investment and trading decisions. The Australian dollar is a very active currency that can provide plenty of trading opportunities. Depending on your knowledge of the markets and whether you are interested in holding your positions for a short or long time, there are many different ways to trade the Australian dollar. Trade the Big Stories If you are an investor, then it may be prudent to focus on the big stories and large moves in the Australian dollar. In other words, don’t sweat the small stuff. Last year the Australian dollar appreciated more than 13% against the US dollar and more than 20% against the euro. During the year, there was a good share of dips and retracements but overall, the trend was still up. In contrast, the ASX rose only 7.5% last year. The strength of the Aussie was entirely due to the strength of the Australian economy. Compared to the rest of the world, Australia was seen as the haven for growth. The Reserve Bank of Australia also raised interest rates by 100bp, making the AUD very attractive to yield seekers. However in the first two weeks of January, the Australian dollar fell steeply, giving up more than 4% of its value. The sell-off was a direct result of the floods in Queensland and the effect it would have on the economy. Being on the ground, Australians watched the flooding become serious the last week of December. However, oblivious to the problems locally, international investors continued to buy the Aussie, driving it to a record high that week. One potential trade at the time for Australian investors could have been to sell Australian dollars and buy US dollars (short AUD/USD) in anticipation of the damage that the flooding would have on the export sector and the reaction by international investors. The same can be said of the recovery efforts. Australians, especially those with close ties to the commodity industries will have the best knowledge about how much contribution the recovery efforts will have on the economy and in turn the Australian dollar. If the country recovers quickly from the floods and the economy performs well, the Reserve Bank could also start talking about raising interest rates. No one will know how well the economy recovers better than the people in Australia.

Look for Chart Patterns The other alternative would be to trade the Australian dollar based upon chart patterns or technical analysis. Since currencies trade 24 hours a day, five days a week, technical analysis is very popular because there are a lot of data points, increasing the statistical significance of each pattern. Within every timeframe of a typical currency pair, a trader can apply any technical indicator, chart pattern, or technical strategy that they may have learnt or used in shares trading. The more popular technical indicators include Stochastics, MACD and moving averages. Currency traders also regularly look for chart patterns such as head-and-shoulders, double-bottoms and tops, and wedge formations. The list goes on; anything from Bollinger bands to Fibonacci retracements are just as commonly used by professional forex traders as shares traders. There is, however, one nuance that technical traders need to be aware of when trading forex – there are no volume indicators in currencies because it is an over the counter and not exchange traded market. Pick the Right Currency When trading the Australian dollar, it is also important to think about which currency you would like to buy or sell the Aussie against because the US dollar is not your only option. Nearly all foreign exchange providers allow traders to take positions in the Australian dollar against the euro, British pound, Japanese Yen, Canadian and New Zealand dollars. The reason why you may want to look beyond the US dollar is because developments in the US economy can often overshadow what is happening in Australia and, therefore, it may be smarter to take your view on the Aussie against another currency. For example, you may travel to New Zealand often and have a good sense of how the New Zealand economy is performing relatively to Australia’s, which could be turned into an AUD/NZD trade. Alternatively you may have a view on the problems in Europe and what will transpire next, which could be turned into a EUR/AUD trade. Currency pairs that do not involve the US dollar are known as the “crosses”. Crosses can provide more diverse trading opportunities but the spread, which is the cost of trading, could also be larger.

How to Get Started If you are interested in trading forex, the best thing to do is to contact a foreign exchange broker that has an office in Australia and is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Ask them for more information on how to trade currencies and open up a demo, which is a practice trading account and start plugging away. There are many books, courses and free resources that can teach you how the market works and your broker can send you in the right direction. Currency trading is here to stay and if you are interested in diversifying part of your portfolio away from shares trading, then the forex market would be worth considering. Forex trading can be risky because of the high degree of leverage and this makes it extremely important for everyone to understand the risks and rewards of forex trading before opening up a live account.

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AUD/USD-Australian dollar correlation - 26 September 2014

Editor's Choice

The AUD/USD pair fell hard during the course of the day on Thursday, breaking below the 0.88 level. This is an area that I had anticipated being somewhat supportive, so the fact that we broke down below it signals to me that we are in fact going to continue going lower given enough time. The next support level that I see is the 0.86 level, and most certainly the 0.85 level.

I have no interest whatsoever in buying this market, at least not until we test a more significant support handle. The fact that we broke through the 0.88 level of course is very negative though, and as a result I am very hesitant to start buying. After all, the gold markets certainly are not helping the situation either, as the Australian dollar is so highly leveraged to that particular market. The gold markets are trying to test the $1200 level, which breaking down below there would in fact be very negative overall.

The gold and Australian dollar correlation

I believe that the correlation between the two of these market should continue to drive the market overall, and there is a bit of a “double whammy” in this situation as the US dollar is the reason why both the Australian dollar and the gold markets or falling. If we can break down below the $1200 level, I think that is the extra push needed to really move this market lower.

Sometimes, one of these markets will lead the other one, and I feel that the Australian dollar may be doing that as far as gold is concerned. Because of that, I feel that it’s only a matter of time before this pair breaks down significantly and as a result I am bearish of both the Australian dollar and the gold markets. The pair will rally from time to time, but I think that each one of these rallies will end up being nice selling opportunities at least until we get down to the 0.85 handle. If we broke back above the 0.90 level, at that point in time I would be comfortable buying.

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Australian Dollar /US Dollar (AUD/USD)

THE AUD/USD rate is composed of the Australian Dollar "base currency" and the US Dollar "quote currency".

The Australian Dollar/US Dollar (AUD/USD) exchange rate reflects the relation of the Australian Dollar against the US Dollar (1 AUD per x USD). For example, if the AUD/USD quotes at 0.9000, then 10,000 Australian Dollars would equal 9000 US Dollars (because 10,000 x 0.9 = 9000). It simply means that 1 Australian Dollar buys you 0.9 US Dollars.

Trading Characteristics Of The AUD/USD

One of the most popular currency pairs on the spot market (5%).

Typical forex broker spread: 2-4 pips

Most active trading sessions: Sydney, London and New York

5 Year Average Daily Range: 127 pips

Who trades the Australian Dollar vs US Dollar? Central banks, financial institutions, retail traders.

Recommended level of forex experience: Advanced

Best trading sessions for daytraders: London and New York

Worst times to trade: Holidays and before major economic news events

Most common used AUD/USD forex charts: Daily, 4 Hour and 1 Hour

Best forex brokers to trade AUD/USD: Click here >>>

Forex trading strategies to trade Australian Dollar US Dollar: Click here >>>

Best forex trading system to trade Australian Dollar US Dollar: Click here >>>

Australian Dollar/US Dollar Historical Chart

Top 3 Economic Events That Move AUD/USD

FOMC Rate Decision + Press Conference

RBA Rate Decision

US Employment (Non Farm Payrolls)

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GBP/AUD rates have spiked by almost a cent during Friday’s trading, following a host of key data releases for the UK yesterday. The pair have hit 1.9026 at today’s high, having been held under the 1.90 threshold for much of the trading week.

Sterling has found some support across the board over the past 24 hours, following the release of the latest Bank of England (BoE) interest rated decision and subsequent minutes. Despite rates being held at 0.5%, this is now 7 years without a change in our base rate, the Pound spiked during the BoE minutes. I believe investors had started to factor in the possibility of a rate cut over the coming months but the indication is that the BoE feel the current economic climate is still strong enough to withhold this. This in turn boosted market confidence and the Pound benefited as a result.

This move comes despite the Australian unemployment rate coming better than expected at 5.8% yesterday. With tensions surrounding the UK recovery and the on-going effect of June’s EU referendum, I wouldn’t be gambling too much on further sustained improvement.

If you have an upcoming GBP/AUD currency requirement and are keen to discuss the current market conditions and forecasts, or simply wish to compare our award winning exchange rates with your current provider, then please feel free to contact me directly on 0044 1494 787 478 and ask one of the team for Matt. Alternatively, I can be emailed directly on mtv@currencies. co. uk

Osbourne’s budget has caused Sterling to drop against the majority of major currency pairings. This was primarily due to the drop in the growth forecast. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) had previously forecast that the economy would grow 2.4% this year, but is now predicting a rate of 2.0%. This caused GBP/AUD to drop into the 1.86s, we then saw the Bank of England (BOE) interest rate decision and despite the fact that there was no change the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) stated there is more chance of a rate hike than a cut. This caused the pound to rally against the Aussie to 1.90.

With the pending EU referendum creating significant economic uncertainty I can’t see any substantial gains for Sterling. If you are looking to buy Australian Dollars short term you may have to bite the bullet. If you are waiting until after the EU referendum it is a massive gamble. A current Financial Times poll shows that 45% of the UK population wish to stay, with 40% ready to leave and the rest undecided. If the UK were to leave I would estimate a 20 + cent drop for the pound. Many clients are considering Forward contracts in order to safe guard against such a fall.

If you have a currency requirement I would be happy to assist. I will provide a trading strategy to suit your individual needs and also guarantee to beat any competitors rate of exchange. Please do get in touch for a free, no obligation quote. You can contact me at dcj@currencies. co. uk or feel free to give me a call on 01494 787478 and ask for Daniel Johnson. Thank you for reading my blog it is appreciated.

GBPAUD rates have improved even further for AUD sellers as uncertainty over the UK economy combines with improvements in the Australian economy. This is presenting tough choices for AUD buyers with pounds, in short if you have a transfer buying AUD with sterling I would not be holding on for big improvements. It would appear very likely this trend will only continue in the coming weeks and months particularly with the EU Referendum just around the corner!

The Australian dollar is benefiting from a range of factors. Firstly Chinese economic data has improved in some important areas, notably house prices. To make houses China needs Iron Ore, one of Australia’s key exports. This has led to a surge in Iron Ore prices of over 20% last week! This has removed the immediate need for an interest rate hike and with the Federal Reserve highlighting global concerns as a reason to only raise interest rates twice this year rather the predicted four, investors selling off USD have been buying AUD as it offers a higher yield because of the higher interest rates on offer in Australia.

If you are buying AUD there will of course be spikes to take advantage of which I will happily point out to you but there is a stronger likelihood in my opinion rates will become much worse. For more information on the latest news to impact your exchange rate please contact me Jonathan on jmw@currencies. co. uk

The cost of buying Australian Dollars have been getting more and more expensive with the pound this year – in fact the negative trend we have been seeing since the middle of last year is very clear to see. I have many clients who were originally waiting for rates to recover back to 2.20, then 2.10, then 2.0 and now 1.95 and I think they will continue to be disappointed. The forecast for GBPAUD is very strong to suggest that we will continue to see rates fall further through the next 3 months.

China data has bottomed out and is no longer surprising markets, it seems anything negative for china has a much smaller impact on GBPAUD than anything positive

The forecast for a hike in the US with their Interest rate decisions later this year seems to be getting stronger – adding demand for the AUD pushing up its volume and making it more expensive to buy

Australian data is also showing improvements – again strengthening the AUD

PLUS, Lastly, UK uncertainty about the BREXIT moving forward continues to have a large impact weakening the pound

Again if you think that rates for GBPAUD levels will climb over 2.0 again in the near future you have to have a very strong argument as you are in the minority.

This morning we have already had news from the UK with the latest UK Budget which again did not help. GBPAUD rates have fallen already today and I expect a further fall this evening.

This evening we have an update form the US this evening on their interest rate policy moving forward, expected to make GBPAUD more expensive.

Personally I expect to see GBPAUD rates below 1.85 centrally before we see it over 1.95 again.

I strongly recommend that anyone with a AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR buying requirement should contact me on 0044-1494 787 478 and ask the reception team for Steve in order to discuss a strategy for your transfer in order to maximise your Euro return. Alternatively email myself at hse@currencies. co. uk if you would like such information.

Sterling is about to enter a difficult few days on the currency markets, whilst the Australian Dollar is set for a further boost. Small drops today even with negative news in one particular area of the Australian economy is suggestive that buying rates for the Dollar are set to get more expensive as the week continues.

Overnight the Reserve Bank of Australia released the minutes from their most recent meeting last month, which hinted that current issues with inflation (which all global economies are facing) hasn’t ruled out rate cuts in the future. However, Glenn Stevens, the Head of the RBA has hinted about potential cuts for over a year now with no action, so the Australian Dollar only weakened against the Pound by around 0.75 cents.

These improvements were almost immediately reversed as UK trading opened in the morning for a few reasons:

First, the budget tomorrow is expected to show a UK Government on the back foot. Sweeping cuts are expected to be in the range of £4bn suggest an apprehensive view from the individuals at the helm of the economy for the year to come, particularly given the recent slides on global financial markets, this is no surprise.

Secondly, events in the US tomorrow should be watched closely.

In December the Australian Dollar lost significant value following the announcement of a rise in US interest rates, the first of its kind since the financial crises. This made the US Dollar more attractive and so many investors sold off riskier currencies to hold US Dollars, so the Australian Dollar lost value through lack of demand. Hence better GBP/AUD buying rates.

In the past, when the US has conducted their small interest rate rises it has resulted in 4 similar rises later that year. However, similar to the UK, due to recent slides on global markets this now seems very unlikely and the FED themselves have made explicit hints about delays.

Should these rises be delayed, many investors who had taken long-term positions on the US Dollar will be disappointed with the news, and likely go back to the Australian Dollar to enjoy the current gains available with interest rates at 2%. Here the opposite will see the Australian Dollar increase in value through a spike in demand, and see it become more expensive for those buying with Sterling.

I strongly recommend that anyone with an Australian Dollar buying requirement should contact me on jjp@currencies. co. uk to discuss a strategy for your transfer in order to maximize your Australian Dollar return.

I have never had an issue beating the rates of exchange offered elsewhere, and the current buying levels before the falls expected over the few days (and frankly months with a potential Brexit hanging over Sterling’s value) can actually be fixed for up to a year if you are worried about further movements increasing the cost of your transfer.

AUD sellers can also get in contact, and I can explain the best way to ride the expected movements in your favour to their completion within the time-period you have to make your transfer.

The Aussie Dollar has gained significantly against the pound in recent weeks, and I think this week in particular could be important as to whether that trend continues.

The Aussie has been boosted by bullish comments from the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) during their minute’s speeches, high interest rates, a mini-revival in commodity prices and Sterling weakness due to the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming EU referendum which is now only 100 days away.

Whether the Aussie will continue this bullish trend could depend on Thursday’s employment report. Employment figures are always important, but presently they are of greater importance than usual as they’re the main target of RBA policy and can determine the interest rates set by the central bank. High interest rates are one of the reasons the Aussie has shown so much strength lately so anyone with an interest in value of the Aussie dollar, perhaps for an upcoming currency requirement for example, should be keeping a close eye on that report which is scheduled for Thursday at 12.30am (GMT Time).

If you would like to discuss any topics in the above article, or an upcoming currency requirement you have involving the pairs in question, feel free to contact me (Joseph Wright) on jxw@currencies. co. uk and I will be happy to assist you with regards to the timing of that conversion. Just provide me with an outline of your need, including the time scales, and I’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.

The Sterling Australian dollar exchange rate has swung by nearly 23 cents within the last 24 hours. News from the European Central bank has changed demand dramatically and given AUD sellers the best levels we have seen for some time. If you have AUD to sell you are getting the best price seen in nearly 10 months.

If this is something that you would like to take advantages of – please get in contact with myself STEVE EAKINS via HSE@Currencies. co. uk or call on 01494 787 478.

Moving forward I expect the next few days to remain volatile as speculators continue to drive markets. We will probably see a sell of starting this afternoon giving buyers some relief and the best we could see for the next week. If you have a position to trade on the GBPAUD keep a close eye on markets over the next few days. Yesterday’s event was the largest we have seen for the year to date with particular movement on AUDUSD, a record day!

Next on the horizon for movement again is next Wednesday when we have the UK Budget and the next of next week with commentary from the US on their next potential interest rate change.

Here we offer a number of pro-active tools to our clients including SPIKE NOTIFICATIONS, RATE ALERTS, LIMIT ORDERS, STOP-LOSS ORDERS and FORWARD CONTRACTS. All have their place in assisting our clients get the most from the market. If you would like any more information on any of these tools, forecasts for movements and in deed live prices please get in contact. Email myself on HSE@Currencies. co. uk or call on 0044-1494 787 478.

The European Central Bank have announced this afternoon that they have cut the deposit interest rate to 0% and also increased QE by an additional €20bn.

This has caused all the commodity based currencies to weaken during this afternoon’s trading session including the Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar and the South African Rand.

Indeed, GBPAUD rates have moved by as much as 4 cents from the low to high.

ECB president Mario Draghi has also cut the growth forecasts for the Eurozone and this has led to a huge loss in investor confidence and global risk appetite causing such volatility on the currency markets.

With Chinese Retail Sales due to be released on Saturday morning as well as Industrial Production data this could also negatively effect the Australian Dollar.

As China is Australia’s largest trading partner any negative news often causes weakness for the AUD.

China has also had its outlook downgraded to negative by credit ratings agency Moody’s and could this be a sign of things to come for China?

If you have a currency transfer to make and want to save money on exchange rates compared to using your own bank then contact me directly for a free quote. Tom Holian teh@currencies. co. uk

The Australian dollar does not just react to developments on the Australian economy. It also reacts to global events that impact financial markets such as the news later today from the European Central Bank. Expectations are for the ECB to look at some form of QE which would weaken the Euro and make the Aussie stronger. Australia offers a much higher interest rate for investors than what is on offer elsewhere in the world and this means if investors are confident they would rather put money into a currency with a higher interest rate.

The recent surge in commodity prices for the Australian economy has removed the immediate need for any interest rate cuts down under and should help keep the Aussie dollar stronger. If you have any Aussies to buy or sell today could be a very important day so making plans in advance could be worthwhile.

For more information at no cost or obligation please speak to me Jonathan by emailing jmw@currencies. co. uk

Today’s trading session has seen another strong day for the Australian Dollar, with the Aussie gaining on all other major currency pairs with the exception of the Canadian Dollar.

AUD has benefited a great deal from the mini-revival in commodity prices as of late, and with oil (crude) gaining another 1.5% so far today amongst other commodity gains, it would seem like the Aussie could have further to climb as the Austral-Asian market opens up and prices in today’s bullish day for commodities.

Towards the end of last year there had been speculation of an interest rate hike although given the boost to the Australian economy via improved commodity prices, that increase is now looking a lot less likely. The Aussie is currently trading around a 1 year high against the Pound, and unless we see a dramatic turn in commodity prices or monetary policy from the RBA, I cannot see a change in the direction of the AUD against both the Pound and US Dollar.

There’s little Australian specific economic data due this week, although I think the ECB’s Monetary Policy meeting tomorrow could affect the AUD’s value should we hear any announcements regarding further financial stimulus within the Euro-zone. I think further Quantitative Easing could benefit AUD as the currency has benefited a lot recently from financial stimulus from major banks, as investors’ appetite for riskier assets increases.

If you have an upcoming currency requirement involving the Aussie Dollar, British Pound, or any other major currency for that matter, it may well be worth your time getting in contact with me on jxw@currencies. co. uk in order to ensure you make a well informed decision on when to make the transfer, as well as benefiting from highly competitive exchange rates from one of the UK’s leading foreign currency brokerages. Just provide me with a basic outline of your currency requirement and I will be back in touch with you as soon as possible.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 20:37

The Australian dollar closed the Asian forex trading day stronger today brought about by gains in local and regional stockmarkets as well as economic data released today. The Australian economy grew by 1.0 percent in the fourth quarter, lifting on year growth to 2.8 percent from 2.2 percent in the third quarter. Strong spending, construction and mining activity gave the economy a boost. Growth was expected by the market to be 0.6 percent.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 20:37

The Aussie dollar is steady for now. Australia’s monthly trade deficit in January has narrowed which encouraged the local currency somewhat. The deficit narrowed to A$876 million in January from a gap of A$1.379 billion in December. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said that exports rose by 2 percent and imports fell by 1 percent in the month. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) met earlier this morning but the market expects them to hold rates steady at 6.25 percent. The outcome of their meeting will be found out tomorrow.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 21:50

While the Australian dollar has drifted lower in forex trade today, selling pressures across worldwide markets have eased. Government bond prices have closed higher after the economic data out of US of a downgrade in US fourth quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In local data there was an upbeat fourth quarter capital investment data where business investment lifted just 1.0 percent (seasonally-adjusted) in the fourth quarter from the third, the data included news of a sharp upward revision of expected mining sector investment through 2007-08.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 14:43

Looks like the Australian dollar is stuck in range trading mode for the moment. The support for the Aussie dollar is largely believed to be from the possible further rate rises. The RBA Governor Glenn Stevens warned last week that it was “too soon to declare victory” over inflation, adding that cutting of interest rates hasn’t been recently considered. Remember that the Australian official interest rates were raised three times in 2006.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 22:28

I haven’t been in Australia for the past month, and it’s time to review the forex charts to check out what’s been happening to my beloved AUD/USD currency pair over the past month. Yes, the holiday was GREAT. And Yes, I did keep up to speed of what the Australian dollar has been doing over the past month. Cómo? By checking out local papers and Bloomberg!

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 19:43

The Australian dollar has finished the final trading day of 2006 on a high note. The Aussie held onto a the recently broken resistance level of 79 US cents today even with a thinly traded market which lacked momentum. “There is demand for the Aussie out there but it feels like month, quarter or year-end demand rather than genuine demand,” said Robert Rennie, currency strategist at Westpac Bank in Sydney. The Australian dollar hit a high of US$0.7915 in New York trade with the aussie maintaining its strength in the New York session.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 16:46

The Australian dollar is the official currency of the Commonwealth of Australia since 1966. The currency is commonly abbreviated with the dollar sign “$”. Other notations used to distinguish the Australian dollar from other currencies are $A or A$ . $AU or AU$ and its official ISO currency code is AUD . To locals and currency traders the currency is commonly referred to as simply “ the Aussie ” or “ the Aussie Dollar “.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 14:10

The Aussie dollar traded firmer today (Wednesday) after favourable crossrates against the Japanese yen. However, Aussie trade was stagnant with little stimulus from local or offshore data. The Aussie dollar has recovered from its recent lows of just below 78 cents and low it lies around 78.41 US cents. The Aussie was up to Y92.59 from 92.06 yesterday. US Treasurys initially fell in response to U. S. November producer price index (PPI) data and a report on housing starts but recovered in the afternoon, closing unchanged.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 01:03

The Australian dollar recovered somewhat from a daily dip down to US$0.7775 in New York trade and the currency is now hovering above 78 cents. Local economic news is scarce around this time of the year – more major economic news are coming in the new year. Australian Government bonds ended slightly firmer, moving away from their year lows. A quiet U. S. Treasurys market yesterday meant few leads were on offer for local traders. Interest is focused on the release later today for the US November producer price index (PPI) data and a report on housing starts data.

Submitted by Daniel Santos on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 16:46

The Aussie dollar drifted lower in trading today after the US dollar found some strength. Australian government bonds closed lower after a mixed session in the U. S. Treasury market on Friday after U. S. November inflation data surprised on the downside. At 0530 GMT, the Aussie dollar was at US$0.7812, down from last weeks close of US$0.7820 late last Friday. The Aussie dollar traded at Y92.25 against the Yen, up from Y92.17.

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Capital Economics on Monday (July 27) in a research report pointed out that Australia and New Zealand interest rates and the exchange rate is still much room for further decline. Chinese forex blog said so.

Kay cast macro representation, is expected to enter in 2016, the Australian dollar will drop to 0.65, NZD / dollar will drop to 0.55; expected the RBA (RBA) cash rate to 1.5% eventually, the RBNZ (RBNZ) official cash rate will fall to 2.0%. The following reasons:

★ With the slowdown in gross domestic product (GDP) growth, both in Australia and New Zealand trade deterioration; significant deterioration in New Zealand GDP.

★ Australia May monthly rate of capital goods imports fell 17.6% in the second quarter showed that investment in plant and machinery and weakness.

★ New Zealand May stagnant residential building permits, another sign that the building boom after the earthquake reconstruction demand-driven drawing to a close.

★ weaker demand in China and Australia and New Zealand will restrict the recent weakness of the currency exchange rates boosted net exports. Agency: Australia and New Zealand interest and exchange rates are expected to decline further

11:45 GMT, the Australian dollar against the US dollar reported 0.7290 / 93.

Barclays Capital said that in the near future Greece and its international gold master agreement conditional commodity currencies continued the decline, due to market concerns about the Chinese economy to make the foreign exchange market continues to trade sideways almost no people space. Barclays: The Australian dollar continued to recommend short, the target to see 0.7000 in our forex blog .

And the famous "fight hamster" game is very similar, causing market volatility and nervousness of news events being followed. June and early July after China's stock market crash, the Chinese side indicators have begun to deteriorate, released last week, China in July manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) fell to 15-month lows to shrink situation, and the market is expected to significantly deterioration.

June commodity prices and related currencies such as the Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Canadian dollar and the Norwegian krone has plummeted. In a market risk sentiment relatively cautious environment, commodity prices continued to expect further weakness in the Australian dollar is still overvalued from the current level of continued downward (overvalued by about 10%) on.

And last week, the RBNZ cut rates by 25 points to 3.00 percent contrast, the RBA seemed reluctant to implement the necessary monetary stimulus measures, due to the country's largest city, Sydney house prices rise too quickly the situation, is still a major concern of monetary policy makers.

Thus, in the case of interest rate policy can not be put in place to further suppress the Australian dollar will be the only option for the RBA to safeguard stability in the economy can take. Barclays therefore recommend short Australian dollar continued, maintaining short positions starting from 0.7779, stop at 0.8180, the next target to see 0.7000.

12:00 GMT, the Australian dollar against the US dollar reported 0.7290 / 92.


European stock markets are continuing to push higher as we approach the mid-session. Investors are relieved that China’s attempts at halting the market turmoil there has finally worked – at least for now, anyway – as the Shanghai Composite closed up 5.75% overnight. We have binary options platforms. In addition, optimism about the prospects of a Greek deal is growing as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is due to submit ‘credible’ reform proposals to the EU later. In the US, index futures are also pointing to a higher open on Wall Street as the second quarter earnings season unofficially got underway last night after Alcoa reported its numbers. US investors may wait to see the results of a few company earnings before deciding on what to do with their long equity positions, which could be another factor helping to stabilise the markets. Meanwhile minutes from the FOMC’s last policy meeting yesterday contained very little in the way of new information other than what we already knew. However, as some FOMC members are concerned about the developments in China and Greece, the Fed may after all wait until the start of 2016 before hiking interest rates. The prospects of rates remaining low for slightly longer than expected is further good news for the stocks markets, and potentially bad for the dollar.

Like China’s Shanghai Composite and the S&P 500 in the US, Germany’s DAX has found strong support from its own 200-day moving average. This particular moving average is closely-watched and it is thought that some money managers and hedge funds have specific rules that prevent them from buying markets which trade below these averages. Others, particularly those that believe in the theory of mean reversion, have strategies that specifically require them to buy at or around the 200-day average. It is therefore encouraging to see these indices finding some much-needed strength at these levels. BUT it remains to be seen whether this bounce is indeed driven by strong buying pressure or merely short covering.

In the case of the DAX, the German index has also completed an AB=CD move. Point D of this move has been established at just below the 161.8% Fibonacci level of the BC swing at 10690. This Fibonacci exhaustion point is not too far below the long term 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level of the upswing from the October low, at 10855. The latter represents a relatively shallow retracement in the long-term bull trend and if the index were to find a clear base here, then the next move higher could potentially be explosive as it would suggest that the bulk of the market participants are still positioned long or at least hold a bullish view. Meanwhile the momentum indicator RSI has formed a clear bullish divergence with the index: it has made a higher low.

Thus, if the 200-day average support holds firm, as it is for the time being, a potential rally could be on the way, particularly as there are also a couple of market gaps that have yet to be “filled.” The first such void is above the resistance level of 10995 and the second is above 11295. We could therefore see the DAX rally all the way to the upper trend of its bearish channel, particularly if we hear some good news regarding Greece. The bear channel would turn into a long-term bull flag if the DAX eventually breaks out to the upside. If seen, this would be a very bullish outcome.

However, if the bounce from these levels fails to inspire a buying frenzy in the coming days then we could be in for a much larger correction. Indeed, if the DAX and co. break decisively below their 200-day averages, we could see further withdrawal of long positions from the group of market participants discussed above, which could exacerbate the sell-off. In this case, the DAX could easily drop to 10,000 or lower before deciding on its next move.

Australian Dollar Rises Against Majors

The Australian dollar strengthened against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Monday.

The Australian dollar rose to an 8-month high of 0.7588 against the U. S. dollar and more than a 2-month high of 86.39 against the yen, from last week's closing quotes of 0.7557 and 86.03, respectively.

Against the Canadian dollar and the euro, the aussie advanced to a 5-day high of 1.0031 and a 4-day high of 1.4703 from Friday's closing quotes of 0.9989 and 1.4731, respectively.

The aussie edged up to 1.1239 against the NZ dollar, from last week's closing value of 1.1197.

If the aussie extends its uptrend, it is likely to find resistance around 0.79 against the greenback, 89.00 against the yen, 1.01 against the loonie, 1.43 against the euro and 1.13 against the kiwi.

Published: 2016-03-14 05:11:00 UTC+00 5 days, 12 hours, 6 min. hace

AUD (Australian Dollar) ETF List

Australian Dollar ETFs allow investors to gain exposure to the AUD (Australian Dollar) currency, without the need for complicated foreign exchange (forex) accounts.

Click on the tabs below to see more information on AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs, including historical performance, dividends, holdings, expense ratios, technical indicators, analysts reports and more. Click on an ETF ticker or name to go to its detail page, for in-depth news, financial data and graphs. By default the list is ordered by descending total market capitalization. Note that ETFs are usually tagged by ETFdb analysts as more than one type; for example, an inverse gold ETF may be tagged as “inverse” and as “gold” and as “commodity”.

Note that the table below may include leveraged and inverse ETFs. Exclude Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

ETF Resumen

This is a list of all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs traded in the USA which are currently tagged by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que la lista no puede contener ETF recién emitidos. Si está buscando una forma más sencilla de navegar y comparar ETFs, puede visitar nuestras Categorías ETFdb. Que categorizan cada ETF en un solo & # 8220; mejor ajuste & # 8221; categoría.

& # 42; Activos en miles de dólares estadounidenses. Assets and Average Volume as of 2016-03-18 20:17:02 UTC

Devoluciones ETF

This page includes historical return information for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database.

Gastos de la ETF

The following table includes expense data and other descriptive information for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. In addition to expense ratio and issuer information, this table displays platforms that offer commission-free trading for certain ETFs.

Clicking on any of the links in the table below will provide additional descriptive and quantitative information on AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs.

Dividendos de la ETF

This page includes historical dividend information for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que ciertas ETPs no pueden hacer pagos de dividendos, y como tal, parte de la información a continuación puede no ser significativa.

ETF Holdings

The table below includes basic holdings data for all U. S. listed AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs that are currently tagged by ETF Database. El siguiente cuadro incluye el número de tenencias para cada ETF y el porcentaje de activos que componen los diez activos principales, si corresponde. Para obtener información más detallada sobre las tenencias de cualquier ETF. Haga clic en el enlace de la columna de la derecha.

Tasas de impuestos ETF

The following table includes certain tax information for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database, including applicable short-term and long-term capital gains rates and the tax form on which gains or losses in each ETF will be reported.

Técnicos de la ETF

This page contains certain technical information for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que la tabla siguiente sólo incluye indicadores técnicos limitados; Haga clic en el & # 8220; Ver & # 8221; En la columna de la derecha para cada ETF para ver una pantalla ampliada de los técnicos del producto.

ETF Analysis

This page provides links to various analysis for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Los enlaces en la tabla siguiente le guiarán a varios recursos analíticos para el ETF relevante. Incluyendo una radiografía de las tenencias, una hoja informativa oficial del fondo, o un informe objetivo del analista.

ETFs: ETFdb Realtime Ratings

This page provides ETFdb Ratings for all AUD (Australian Dollar) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Las ETFdb Ratings son evaluaciones transparentes y basadas en los datos de ETFs en relación con otros productos de la misma ETFdb Category. Como tal, debe tenerse en cuenta que esta página puede incluir ETFs de múltiples Categorías ETFdb.

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The Australian dollar has had its biggest one day surge in almost two years after the US Federal Reserve surprised markets with a downbeat statement.

The local currency soared as high as US78.46c on Thursday morning, from US76.06c at Wednesday’s close, after the Fed unexpectedly downgraded its growth forecasts for the US economy and lowered its inflation outlook.

And although the central bank did drop the word ‘patient’ from its statement regarding possible interest rate hikes, Fed chair Janet Yellen said that didn’t mean policymakers would be “impatient”.

The downbeat language took the market by surprise, sparking a sell-off in the US dollar and giving the Australian dollar a boost, LTG GoldRock director Andrew Barnett said.

“The vast majority of the market were positioned for the US dollar to rise, because they were assuming the Fed would remove the word `patient’,” Mr Barnett said.

“They did actually do that, but they made some fairly dovish remarks about holding interest rates close to zero for longer, so you saw a massive spike in the Aussie.”

Mr Barnett said the Aussie dollar would likely drift lower over the next week, amid growing expectations of a Reserve Bank rate cut in April.

Source: AAP February 26, 2015 4:01PM

THE Australian dollar has fallen on the back of some very weak local business investment figures.

At 4pm (AEDT), the local unit was trading at US78.57c, down from US78.88c yesterday.

Business investment fell 2.2 per cent in the December quarter, a larger fall than the median market forecast of 1.6 per cent. And, further falls in investment are expected in the coming financial year.

LTG GoldRock director Andrew Barnett said the Australian dollar has handed back most of the gains made in the past two days on the back of easing US interest rate hike expectations.

“We’re now trading closer to US70c after the capital expenditure report that was released not so long ago,” he said.

“That was, obviously, a surprise to the market to see it fall that much.”

Mr Barnett expects the Australian dollar to grind lower over the coming months and get to US70c by the middle of 2015 if there are more local interest rate cuts.

“I think we’re going to see a rate cut in Australia next month or April and any rally in the Aussie is going to see some selling pressure (afterwards),” he said.

Source: AAP February 23, 2015 12:58PM

Andrew Barnett is a Senior Trader and Director at LTG GoldRock.

The Australian dollar is higher as fears ease about a breakdown in the debt bailout talks between Greece and its European partners.

At 12pm (AEDT) on Monday, the local unit was trading at US78.36c, up from US78.06c on Friday.

Europe granted Greece a four-month extension to its debt bailout on Friday, ending weeks of tension.

In exchange, Greece has agreed to submit a list of economic and other reforms on Monday, which the European officials will review on Tuesday.

LTG GoldRock director Andrew Barnett said most currencies rose after the extension was announced, but some volatility for the Australian currency is expected this week as more news about the negotiations comes out.

“Greece has got to come up with a strategic plan today but essentially the Greeks will be able to kick the can down the road for another four months,” él dijo.

“So markets will remain a little bit on edge but I think that mostly the market had priced in that some type of deal would be done.”

Mr Barnett said the Australian dollar is more likely to go down rather than up this week.

“The upside is very limited,” él dijo.

“If the markets settles down, we get this Greece deal out of the way for the next four months and the stock markets start to go higher again I think the Australian and New Zealand currencies are right to go lower.”

Full story: http://www. theaustralian. com. au/business/markets/australian-dollar-higher-after-greek-bailout-agreement/story-e6frg916-1227234843961

The Australian Banking & Finance Awards were held in Sydney on Friday night and I am thrilled to announce that the LTG GoldRock won the award for Best Forex Education Company 2013. The awards were in their 26th year and Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos presented the award. I would like to thank our entire staff for their outstanding ongoing commitment to you our members and for continuing to make LTG GoldRock a great place to belong to.

LTG GoldRock Director Andrew Barnett comments on the latest Aussie Dollar News in the Media

THE Australian dollar is higher after bouncing back from losses caused by weaker than expected Chinese trade figures.

At 5pm, the local unit was trading at 91.96 US cents, up from 91.83 cents yesterday.

LTG Goldrock director Andrew Barnett said the Australian dollar dipped after official data from China showed the country’s monthly trade surplus fell by 14 per cent in June, as imports and exports both unexpectedly declined.

But the market was now awaiting Australian labour force figures and US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes, both to be released tomorrow, he said.

“The Aussie has reacted negatively toward the China data but what the Aussie is going to really react to are the FOMC minutes and any comments that US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke makes on Thursday,” Mr Barnett said.

“Anything that gives the market any hint about tapering in the US is going to see strength in the US dollar which of course is going to be weakness in the Aussie.

“If the labour force figures are weak, we’re going to see further weakness in the Aussie.”

May 25th 2013, LTG GoldRock’s Andrew Barnett was featured in Alan Kholer’s Business Spectator commenting on the Forex Markets. Review the latest Forex Video from LTGGOLDROCK on http://www. youtube. com/ltggoldrock

LTG GoldRock today (Wed 22 nd Aug) was recognised in the World Finance 100 listing for 2012, alongside industry heavyweights for excellence in its field. Spanning numerous industries and covering a multitude of international marketplaces, the World Finance 100 is compiled by the editorial board at World Finance, in conjunction with reader recommendations, to honor “the very finest businesses and business leaders over the past year.”

World Finance 100 recognises those who have reached the highest levels of achievement in their various areas of expertise and organisations that lead the way in driving their respective industries further with great success.

“This is a fantastic time for a firm such as LTG GoldRock, who offer a diverse, comprehensive, and unique trading system. In a highly competitive market, the firm certainly stands out,” said World Finance editor Alexander Redcliffe.

LTG GoldRock joins just four Australian companies on the World Finance 100 list from 2011, and is the only foreign exchange company listed from Australia. In a who’s who of Australian corporate heavyweights LTG GolRock joins Rio Tinto, Westpac, Andrew Forrest and Newcrest Mining on the super elite list.

“We are honoured to enter the prestigious list of the world’s leading enterprises - World Finance 100. We consider that it is the consequence of the business’s vision and dedication over the past few years,” said LTG GoldRock co-founder Andrew Barnett.

“We aim to keep providing excellent professionalism and direction within the developing foreign exchange market. We are thrilled to be recognized as a driving force in industry and believe our clientele will continue to benefit from this,” he added.

Barnett travelled to London to accept the accolade from London’s Stock Exchange studio from World Finance 100 representatives.

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Australian Dollar Falls Against Majors

The Australian dollar weakened against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Tuesday.

The Australian dollar fell to 4-day lows of 0.7479 against the U. S. dollar, 85.04 against the yen and 1.4850 against the euro, from yesterday's closing quotes of 0.7511, 85.49 and 1.4767, respectively.

Against the New Zealand and the Canadian dollars, the aussie edged down to 1.1230 and 0.9948 from yesterday's closing quotes of 1.1249 and 0.9959, respectively.

If the aussie extends its downtrend, it is likely to find support around 0.72 against the greenback, 81.00 against the yen, 1.53 against the euro, 1.09 against the kiwi and 0.97 against the loonie.

Published: 2016-03-15 04:33:00 UTC+00 4 days, 12 hours, 44 min. hace

The above chart represents the seasonality for Australian Dollar Forex (FX:AUD) for the past 20 years.

Date range: January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2009

Type: Forex – US (USD per AUD – the amount of USD that may be purchased by 1 AUD)

Symbol: FX:AUD

Australian Dollar Forex (AUD) Seasonality

Analysis has revealed that with a buy date of October 10 and a sell date of July 16, investors have benefited from a total return of 93.15% over the last 10 years. This scenario has shown positive results in 7 of those periods.

Conversely, the best return over the maximum number of positive periods reveals a buy date of October 19 and a sell date of January 11, producing a total return over the same 10-year range of 47.34% with positive results in 10 of those periods.

The buy and hold return for the past 10 years was 36.57%.

**Results shown are compounded  

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Australian Dollar To Canadian Dollar

Calculate live Australian Dollar to Canadian Dollar foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. You can convert currencies and precious metals. View a Australian Dollar to Canadian Dollar currency exchange rate graph. This currency graph will show you a 1 month AUD/CAD history..View a Canadian Dollar to Australian Dollar currency exchange rate graph. This currency graph will show you a 1 month CAD/AUD history..Convert AUD to CAD Currency: Australian Dollar AUD. Country: Australia, Region: Oceania, Currency: Canadian Dollar CAD. Country: Canada, Region.

Related Post "Australian Dollar To Canadian Dollar"

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Correlations. Forex and Commodities

Estás aquí. Forex Learning Center > Level EXPERT > Correlations

The movement of currencies is influenced by various factors: supply and demand, interest rates. economic growth and many others. Specifically, economic growth and exports is directly related to the domestic production of the country, it is natural that some currencies are closely linked to prices of raw materials. The currencies that have the closest correlation with the raw materials are the Australian Dollar (AUD), the Canadian Dollar (CAD) and New Zealand Dollar (NZD). Other currencies are correlated, such as the Swiss Franc or the Yen, but the correlation is lower.

There are many reasons behind the drop in oil prices, including a stronger dollar (since oil is priced in dollars) and an overall demand reduction. As a major oil exporter, Canada is severely affected by the decline in oil prices while Japan (general importer) benefits of that.

During the years 2006 to 2009 the correlation between the Canadian Dollar and the price of oil was about 80%. On a day this correlation may break but on the long term. their changes are correlated. Canada is the 7th largest oil producer in the world and will continue to grow in the list thanks to large reserves that have been discovered. These reserves have also been reported recently exploitable, which has attracted the attention of many importing countries such as China. In 2000, Canada has also surpassed Saudi Arabia and the United States as an oil producer. The oil reserves of Canada are the second largest after Saudi Arabia. Canada's proximity with the United States also plays an important role, the United States cannot meet all their needs with only their domestic production.

All these factors make Canada extremely sensitive to changes in oil prices.

The chart below shows that there is a positive correlation between the Canadian Dollar and oil . Oil is one of the determinants of the evolution of the parity. The graph shows the evolution of oil prices and of the parity between May 2007 and May 2009. This shows that when oil prices rise, the CAD appreciates.

On the other hand, Japan's imports almost all the oil it consumes (compared to U. S. which imports about 50%). Before 2009, Japan was the 3rd largest oil importer behind the U. S. and China. Japan has a lack of natural resources and its important needs in oil make it very sensitive to changes in oil prices. Moreover, oil supplies to this country 49% of its energy needs and so when its price goes up, Japan's economy suffers

Traders on gold will be surprised to learn that trading the Australian dollar (AUD), is like to trade gold . As the 3rd largest gold producer in the world, the Australian dollar has a positive correlation of 84% with gold between 1998 and 2008. Speaking simply, when the price of gold rises, the AUD appreciates. The proximity of New Zealand with Australia makes the latter a favorite destination for New Zealand's exports. So, the health of the New Zealand economy is closely linked to that of Australia, which explains why over the same period, the NZD / USD and AUD / USD has a positive correlation of 96%. The correlation of the NZD / USD with gold is slightly lower than the Australian dollar but it reaches 78%.

Everyone also knows that gold is priced in dollars and so when the dollar appreciates, the gold price goes down. We are in the case of a very strong negative correlation that shows perfectly the following graph representing the price of gold and the USD index. The USD index represents the evolution of the dollar against a basket of other currencies.

For commodities traders, have an eye on currency trading can be an alternative or supplement to the trading of commodities. Besides the correlations that may exist between different parities and commodities, traders can deal in foreign exchange, earning interest. In fact, when you trade on the forex market, you are dealing with different countries and these countries have interest rates. For example, a trader who had bought the AUD / USD in March 2009 would have earned 3% more in interest if the interest rates in Australia remained at 3.25% and those of the United States has remained at 0.25% during the entire year. When you buy a currency, you receive the interest rate. You should also know that these 3% have no leverage, so you can imagine the impact with the leverage available on the Forex. Of course, you must not forget that leverage can be very dangerous and can make you lose all your capital.

As you noted, it can be very interesting to trade on some currency parities that are correlated to gold rather than dealing in gold directly.

I advise you to be alert to changes in commodity prices but also to certain parities that are correlated with these commodities. Observe the time of impact of prices movements of commodities on the foreign exchange market. You will see that often these movements are overlayed and therefore offer good opportunities for profit.

They are talking about it on the forum

FOREX stands for Foreign Exchange - which means currency market. The Forex market is where currencies are sold, bought, in the form of parity. On the Forex market, all currencies are traded in real time, 24h/24h, 7J/7J. The Forex is open since few years to individuals, single investors wishing to diversify their investments or pure speculators. The access to foreign exchange market for individuals is offered through Forex Brokers.

BEWARE . FOREX is a market made volatile by the leverage which is offered to you. Consequently, a risk of important financial losses is always present. Tribuforex provides his internauts some trade ideas and analysis, but will not be responsible in case of losses. The main goal of www. forex-tribe. com is to offer a tool allowing traders to share forex between them.

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Yen-dollar rate may be the least of Mazda's forex worries

TOKYO -- While Mazda Motor has built up its resilience against changes in the yen-dollar exchange rate in the past few years, the growing impact of other currencies now poses new risks.

Each 1 yen slide or stiffening by the Japanese currency against the U. S. dollar is seen boosting or eroding the automaker's operating profit by a little less than 1 billion yen ($8.78 million) in the fiscal year ending March 2017. The figure has steadily declined from the 3.5 billion yen of fiscal 2012 and is estimated at 1.3 billion yen for the current year ending March 31.

In the past, concern over the profitability of exports often weighed down Mazda's share price when the yen strengthened against the greenback. But the impact has shrunk significantly, thanks to Mexican production facilities opened in 2014. Mazda has steadily increased U. S.-bound shipments from Mexico while cutting Japanese exports to America. This trend will likely continue next fiscal year. Sales from the Mexican facilities are denominated in dollars, eliminating foreign exchange risk.

But as Mazda's business grows worldwide, fluctuations by other currencies pose risks of their own. The company has been exporting more to Australia, Europe and Canada. Each 1 yen change in the yen-Aussie dollar rate has a 2.5 billion yen impact on Mazda's operating profit. The effects come to 1.8 billion yen with the euro and 1.5 billion yen with the Canadian dollar.

Declining resource exporter currencies have weighed on profit this fiscal year. A weaker Australian dollar would keep eating into profit next fiscal year, too. Securities brokerage analysts on average project Mazda's operating profit at 230 billion yen next fiscal year -- flat compared with fiscal 2015 plans.

Sales of new vehicles will likely remain robust. But the broader impact of forex changes presents Mazda with a new set of challenges.

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Posts Tagged ‘australian dollar’

Friday, January 30th, 2015

The Australian dollar has been weakening as a result of falling oil prices. “Jawboning” or the false market commentary has also been blamed to be partially responsible for AUD weakening.

The currency is under pressure with predications that the Aussie Reserve Bank will lower interest rates in response to other central bank decreases and lesser inflation expectations.

The cuts are contagious – currencies are weakened. Central banks in Mexico and South Africa are to release policy decisions and Mexico’s central bank is keeping policy rates on hold. (more…)

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

In the latest round of online Forex trading news, most eyes are now focused on the federal government of the United States and the quantitative easing that the policymakers will take during the first months of 2014.

This is a direct result of the fact that Europe will remain comparatively quiet this month. So, traders will be looking to see if they can take advantage of what many feel will be a strengthening of the dollar in the weeks ahead. (more…)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

The Australian Dollar enjoyed an increase overnight as manufacturing industries in China acquired even more of Australia’s surplus requirements.

The PMI figure of 50.4 – welcomely higher than the optimum 50.0 required for growth – indicates that the Australian Dollar’s growth looks set to continue, at least for the time being as China turns to Australasia as a realistic solution for its exponential construction requirements.

Online Forex traders should take heed, however. Current forecasts may hint at a continued positive trend, but as yet it is too early to glean a long-term increase. (more…)

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

RBA. The Reserve Bank of Australia, decided on Tuesday to keep the interest rates unchanged for the third month in a row. We continue to see strong numbers for Australian employment and growth, and expect AUD to continue being strong against the USD with many carry traders moving to the pair (USD/AUD).

Strong growth among Australia’s trading partners

Economic data for the June quarter indicate strong growth, around 6 %, for Australia’s major trading partners. China, Japan and Korea had a stronger growth than expected, while the US economy grows less than expected.

Economic conditions in Australia

First, the Australian labour market has continued to show more jobs, while employment increased by over 46 000 jobs in June, growing 3.25 % since (more…)

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Australian Dollar (AUD) and New Zealand Dollar (NZD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

NZD rate March 18, 2016

The Australian Dollar is the currency in Australia (AU, AUS), Canton and Enderbury Islands, Christmas Island (CX, CXR), Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands, CC, CCK), Heard and McDonald Islands (HM, HMD), Kiribati (KI, KIR), Nauru (NR, NRU), Norfolk Island (NF, NFK), and Tuvalu (TV, TUV). The New Zealand Dollar is the currency in New Zealand (NZ, NZL), Cook Islands (CK, COK), Niue (NU, NIU), Pitcairn (PN, PCN), and Tokelau (TK, TKL). The symbol for AUD can be written A$, Au$, $Au, Aud$, $Aud, Aus$, and $Aus. The symbol for NZD can be written NZ$. The Australian Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The New Zealand Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The exchange rate for the Australian Dollar was last updated on March 18, 2016 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the New Zealand Dollar was last updated on March 18, 2016 from The International Monetary Fund. The AUD conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The NZD conversion factor has 6 significant digits.

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This currency calculator is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Australia To Us Dollars

5 Australian Dollars

Calculate live Australian Dollar to US Dollar foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. You can convert currencies and precious metals with this. This Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert Australian Dollar to Euro from any amount..US Dollar. 1 AUD = 0.7084 USD View Chart 1 USD = 1.4116 AUD. Click here for great rates and low fees on global money transfers. Please note the OzForex. Convert AUD to USD Currency: Australian Dollar AUD. Country: Australia, Region: The U. S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions..

Related Post "Australia To Us Dollars"

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Forex forecast the dollar to the euro

Any comments made on Forex Crunch or on other sites that have received permission to republish the content originating on Forex Crunch reflect the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of any of Forex Crunch's authorized authors. Asso the euro benefited and this enabled it to quickly retrace more than half of forex forecast the dollar to the euro morning losses. Programa operazioni binaries4ever Black Monday last August Australia has been forced to diversify their trade partners away from their reliance on China, and such efforts appear to be bearing fruit. However, firm break of 1. And as long as 1. Stock trade generally lower in Asia and Europe, despite Chinese authorities announced they will focus on reactivate growth this year, as over the weekend, growth target was revised lower to a range of 6. The euro is down 5. But despite the anxiety surrounding China, currency strategists believe the monetary-policy trade — which is based on the idea that the Fed is on track to tighten With Australian GDP coming out much better than expected this week at 3% and signs of the trade deficit narrowing overall the Australian Dollar has had a very forex forecast the dollar to the euro week against Sterling. But risk will stay on the downside as long as 1. The pair will enter the new week at 1. This news from the US will help investors to weigh up their attitudes to risk which will feed into weakness or strength on the Aussie. FXStreet no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y Omisiones pueden ocurrir. However, firm auto azioni binaries4ever netspend of 1. The Australian Dollar had a mixed week last week but came out largely forex forecast the dollar to the euro on the currency markets thanks to continued gains seen once more on the commodity markets. No responsibility can be held arising from any loss following consideration of this information. The odds of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates in September — or even this year — have diminished greatly since the beginning of August. Legal disclaimer and risk disclosure Information on these pages contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This caused forex speedometer tm test speedometer price of iron ore to gain by its biggest daily amount since 2009.

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15 Mar 2016 21:13:43

Exchange Rate Forecasts. British Pound Climbs vs Australian Dollsr, NZ Dollar and Canadian (Commodity) Dollars Exchange Rates UK Commodity dollars are suffering a major slump today as iron ore and crude oil continue to slip from recent highs, boosting demand for safe-haven assets such as EUR and USD while AUD. NZD and CAD all tumble. Oil continues to slip away from its recent. Euro to US Dollar (EUR USD) Exchange Rate Forecast: Single.

15 Mar 2016 12:09:00

British Pound to Australian Dollar: Is AUD's Bullish Run Close to an End? Exchange Rates UK Worse-than-expected figures from China over the weekend have softened appetite for high-risk assets such as the Australian Dollar ( AUD ) after igniting fresh fears over the state of China's economy. A larger-than - forecast drop in growth for industrial.

15 Mar 2016 11:42:00

Pound Sterling Live Australian Dollar Strength on Hold Thanks to Overbought Conditions, RBA Minutes, Aussie Employment Data is Key. Pound Sterling Live There are reasons to believe pound sterling could be in for a chance with the GBP AUD charts suggesting an oversold currency pair could recover. Whilst it has gained on the USD, EUR. JPY. CHF and NZD it has lost ground to the all-conquering AUD. Central Bank Decisions: The Euro. Canadian Dollar & New Zealand Dollar ( EUR - CAD-NZD) Exchange Rates Outlook

11 Mar 2016 07:12:34

EURAUD Forex Forecast - Major Correction Underway ForexMinute. com There are no major reports lined up from both Australia and the euro zone today, which suggests that the trends might resume. Still, data due from China over the weekend namely industrial production, retail sales, and fixed asset investment might.

09 Mar 2016 14:28:18

Future Currency Forecast EUR AUD Exchange Rate Forecast to Decline on PBoC Intervention Euro Exchange Rate News The Euro to Australian Dollar ( EUR AUD ) exchange rate softened by around -1.0% on Wednesday afternoon. As Thursday's European Central Bank (ECB) policy meeting draws ever closer, expectations of dramatic policy changes is weighing on demand for. Australian Dollar: High-Risk AUD Exchange Rates Crash on Draghi's Comments Pound Sterling to Australian Dollar ( GBP AUD ) Exchange Rate Forecast. Sterling Jumps Briefly as Investors Hesitant. Expat currency news Euro edges lower on ECB stimulus concerns

03 Mar 2016 19:42:17

Euro to Australian Dollar ( EUR AUD ) Exchange Rate Forecast to Soften as Market Sentiment Improves Euro Exchange Rate News The Euro to Australian Dollar ( EUR AUD ) exchange rate declined by around -0.6% on Thursday afternoon. The single currency edged higher versus most of its major peers today thanks to a combination of positive domestic data results and US Dollar.

02 Mar 2016 16:57:44

FXTimes (press release) (registration) EURAUD Facing A Major Challenge FXTimes (press release) (registration) Euro traded down against the Australian Dollar today, after the release of the Australia's GDP report. There was a support trend line formed on the hourly chart of the EURAUD pair, which was broken to clear the way for more losses. Australian Gross.

02 Mar 2016 11:39:02

ForexMinute. com EURAUD Forex Forecast - Reversal Confirmed! ForexMinute. com After previously forming a double top reversal pattern, EURAUD made a strong downside break of support, confirming the selloff. The chart pattern is around 800 pips tall so the downtrend could last by the same number of pips, taking price down to the 1.

23 Feb 2016 09:56:18

ForexMinute. com EURAUD Forex Forecast - Uptrend Reversal Signal ForexMinute. com A double top pattern can be seen on the 4-hour chart of EURAUD. signaling that a selloff is in order. Price is still testing the neckline around the 1.5250 minor psychological mark for now and a breakdown could set off a long-term downtrend. Los.

22 Feb 2016 23:57:47

Pound Sterling Live Australian Dollar to Pound Exchange Rate: The Best Just Gets Better Exchange Rates UK. the year in spite of wider market turmoil. Aussie data is expected to continue to have a more limited impact on the GBP to AUD exchange rate in coming months, as uncertainty over the UK's future in the EU weighs heavily on the country's economic. Debate on Whether Pound to Australian Dollar Exchange Rate Will Fall to 1.90 Again


Forex Positioning Update: Fight Trends In The Euro And Australian Dollar, Follow British Pound And Canadian Dollar

Apr. 7, 2014 1:28 AM

Fundamentals have not yet caught up with the euro and Australian dollar.

The British pound is the silent bull waiting for the next Inflation Report.

The Canadian dollar has stopped losing ground for now.

There was a lot of action last week in the foreign exchange market. This piece is a quick update on how I have adjusted and/or maintained positioning in select currencies: the euro (NYSEARCA:FXE ), the British pound (NYSEARCA:FXB ), the Canadian dollar (NYSEARCA:FXC ), and the Australian dollar (NYSEARCA:FXA ).

Euro Last week on April 3rd, the European Central Bank (ECB) rolled out its latest update on monetary policy. President Mario Draghi reminded markets that risks in the euro area remain to the downside. There were some other points that caught my interest.

Investors continue to show interest in euro area assets. This interest no doubt explains at least some of the stubborn strength in the euro.

"The growth of the narrow monetary aggregate M1 remained robust at 6.2% in February, after 6.1% in January. The main factor supporting annual M3 growth continued to be the increase in the MFI net external asset position, reflecting the keen interest of international investors in euro area assets."

The ECB's analysis of inflation expectations continues to reassure markets that deflation is still not a real concern even as Draghi points out that the longer low inflation persists the higher the risk of deflation:

"…the economic analysis confirms our expectation of a prolonged period of low inflation followed by a gradual upward movement in HICP inflation rates towards levels closer to 2%." (HICP = the Harmonised Index of Consumer Price )

Draghi also pointed out that 70% of the drop in inflation from 2.7% in the first quarter of 2012 to 0.5% now has come from a decline in energy and food prices. This drop in inflation "…supports the real disposable income especially of those people who have a fixed nominal income."

I believe the clincher for the euro came during the Q&A period when Draghi confirmed that the ECB's Governing Council discussed the possibility of implementing QE. Draghi also re-emphasized the importance of the exchange rate, an emphasis I think has been largely missing until now…even if the exchange rate itself is still not a "policy target":

"The exchange rate is very important for price stability, so much so that we have made an explicit reference to it in the introductory statement, as you have seen, where we say that '… the Governing Council sees both upside and downside risks to the outlook for price developments as limited and broadly balanced over the medium term. In this context, the possible repercussions of both geopolitical risks and exchange rate developments will be monitored closely'. But, as I have said several times, it is not a policy target. It is an increasingly important factor in our medium-term assessment of price stability, but it is not a policy target. In this sense, we do not link our medium-term assessment to a precise level of the exchange rate. It is part of the overall information that comes into play when we undertake our medium-term assessment."

The euro sold off against the U. S. dollar in the wake of the Q&A and continued dropping into Friday. I used this opportunity to lock in profits on my EUR/USD position while holding my remaining euro shorts. Per the on-going approach, I will look to (re)fade the next euro rally. The charts below show the daily action and zoom in on the 15-minute view to make the catalyst clear on the latest sell-off.

The euro fades after a trigger-finger surge in reaction to the start of Draghi's Q&A session

The euro is on the move lower again, but the general uptrend from last year's lows remains unbroken

British Pound I do not think there is much to say abut the British pound right now. Economic data are generally supporting the recovery theme for the UK. The reaction to the February Inflation Report was very bullish as Governor Mark Carney strongly affirmed the strong UK outlook calling the recovery one of the strongest among developed nations. Since we are already two months out from that report, I will not do my quarterly summary. I hope to be more timely for May's report. In the meantime, GBP/USD generally meanders along. The currency pair is trading exactly where it was to start 2014, making for good setups for bears and bulls. Since I am bullish, I have regularly and enthusiastically bought dips (and sold into subsequent rallies). The overall trend for GBP/USD remains up and to the left four months into a breakout from the post-2009 downtrend.

The British pound continues to meander in a very slow-moving uptrend

Canadian dollar The Canadian dollar has had a strong comeback since getting slammed by the Federal Reserve's March monetary policy announcement. The gains in USD/CAD from that day have been reversed and then some. I am back into accumulation mode although it seems the upward momentum for the currency pair has stalled out for now. The Canadian jobs report was a bit stronger than "consensus": 42.9K jobs created versus 22.5K expected and an unemployment rate that ticked down to 6.9% versus an expectation to stay steady at 7.0%. I see nothing to change the fundamental thesis that I have promoted in previous posts for over a year now that are now consistent with the overall upward trend in USD/CAD.

The upward momentum in USD/CAD looks done for now

Australian dollar The Australian dollar is firmly in breakout mode against the U. S. dollar (AUD/USD). However, its run against the Japanese yen (AUD/JPY) finally seems to be ending. I post charts at the end of this section. If AUD/JPY confirms a top, I think the Australian dollar will finally start to falter against other currencies like the U. S. dollar. The robust and bullish forecasts for export revenues continue to be one of the more interesting developments for the Australian dollar. I have long accepted that the terms of trade for Australia peaked in 2011, but I start to wonder when I see forecasts like those produced in the Resources and Energy Quarterly-March Quarter 2014. produced by the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE).

Energy and resource earnings are projected to keep growing for another year or two

Source: the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics

Sure this rise is supported by expanded production capacities and the demand to absorb it. However, if I had not know the expectations for a peak in the terms of trade, I would have looked at this chart and assumed the terms of trade remained bullish. Instead, it seems that a continued decline in commodity prices will help support robust export activity, helped along by a decline in the Australian dollar. Case in point is the BREE's projection for the exchange rate on the Australian dollar:

"Higher resources and energy commodity export earnings as a result of both higher volumes and a more favourable Australian dollar exchange rate will also support GDP growth in 2013-14…

…Although lower than the first quarter of 2013, the Australian dollar-US dollar exchange rate remains high by historical standards. Since depreciating in the second half of 2013, the Australian dollar-US dollar exchange rate has remained relatively stable through the first quarter of 2014 and traded at around 0.89 USD/AUD for most of the quarter. Through the remainder of 2014 the exchange rate is forecast decline in response to further tapering of the US' QE3 bond purchases, lower commodity prices (and subsequently declining terms of trade) and more bearish sentiment over economic growth in China. For the financial year 2013-14 the exchange rate is forecast to average 0.90 USD and then depreciate to average around 0.85 USD over the remainder of the outlook period."

So, on balance, I am staying net short the Australian dollar rather than switching to match the bullish technicals that defy the fundamentals. I was using currency pairs like AUD/JPY to buffer the bearish positions. I stopped making that trade a few weeks ago, ever more surprised at how the rise in AUD/JPY flew against the what seemed like an aversion to risk in the U. S. stock market with the decline in high-tech and momentum stocks. AUD/JPY remains one of my key signals to watch for underlying biases in market sentiment.

The Australian dollar is defying expectations against the U. S. dollar

The Australian dollar finally showed some weakness against the Japanese yen

Be careful out there!

Divulgación: No tengo posiciones en ninguna de las acciones mencionadas, y no planeo iniciar ninguna posición dentro de las próximas 72 horas. Escribí este artículo yo mismo, y expresa mis propias opiniones. No estoy recibiendo compensación por ello (que no sea de Buscando Alpha). No tengo ninguna relación comercial con ninguna compañía cuyas acciones se mencionan en este artículo.

Additional disclosure: In forex, I am net short the euro, Australian dollar, and Canadian dollar; net long the British pound

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Pound Australian Dollar forecast - GBP AUD

Pound Sterling Exchange Rate Forecast Rises Today vs EUR USD CAD

17 Mar 2016 at 6 PM - Written by Frank Davies

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Moody's Downgrades China Outlook, AUD and NZD Predicted to Fall Just when global equities markets were getting over the disappointing Chinese Gross Domestic Product data which was published at the start of the year and the downward shift in investor sentiment which followed, leading credit ratings agency Moody’s has re-ignited.

Pound Sterling (GBP) Slides Against Australian Dollar (AUD) and Swiss Franc (CHF) on Weak GDP Data

2 Mar 2016 at 2 PM - Written by David Woodsmith

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Pound Sterling (GBP) to Australian Dollar (AUD) Exchange Rate Forecast to Improve?

1 Mar 2016 at 9 AM - Written by Minesh Chaudhari

AUD Edges Higher after RBA Hold Overnight Cash Rate The overnight Asian session brought significant risk events which are forecast to inform price action in the global currency markets today. As anticipated, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) opted to maintain its key lending rate at its current record low level of 2.00%. RBA Governor.

Weekly FX Currency Market Pound Sterling (GBP) Prominent Data Forecast

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Pound Sterling Gains against Australian Dollar and New Zealand Dollar

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World Share Markets Tumble: AUD, NZD, ZAR Forecast Falls

11 Feb 2016 at 5 PM - Written by David Woodsmith

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Global Currency Market Forecasts. Outlook for Week Commencing 1st February

1 Feb 2016 at 8 AM - Written by Tim Boyer

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Could Pound Sterling Gains Versus AUD, NZD & ZAR be Erased?

21 Jan 2016 at 8 AM - Written by John Cameron

Sterling Gained in Early Trade Yesterday following Lowest Unemployment Rate in a Decade The Pound Sterling (currency. GBP) enjoyed a fillip during early trading yesterday when the latest set of UK jobs data was published. The official data revealed that the overall level of British unemployment sank to a relatively lowly 5.1% during the.

Gambling on the dollar: time to reign in forex trading


Associate Professor of Economics, Melbourne Business School

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ASIC warns: forex currency trading requires a high degree of skill, and consumers should be aware of the risks and potential for loss. Image of finance chart with sell/buy dice from www. shutterstock. com

With the value of the Australian dollar falling more than 10 cents in the past few months, should we all be hedging our bets and trading the Aussie for a fast profit?

There’s no shortage of foreign currency trading companies spruiking their services online, keen to help Australians become foreign exchange traders, with the promise of easy returns.

Forex trading can be risky for mum and dad investors, and should never be treated as an investment opportunity. In Australia, it is disappointing companies can promote forex trading to unsophisticated investors, by advertising prominently in magazines and online.

A zero sum game

For more than a century, the average real return on investment in the share market has been in the order of 6%. Of course some investors do better than this, and some do worse, but buying and holding shares in a diversified portfolio should yield a solid return over long periods.

But in the case of exchange rates there is no reason to believe investors receive anything more than a zero return from trading. There is very strong evidence that a currency like the Australian dollar moves in directions that are completely unpredictable.

Investors should also be wary of forex trading due to the high leveraging of many promoted forex products, where traders use borrowed money for their trades, and increase the potential loss.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (https://www. moneysmart. gov. au/investing/complex-investments/foreign-exchange-trading) explains the risks of foreign exchange trading for consumers, by way of an example of a typical foreign exchange trader who invests A$500 in a margin contract to buy Australian dollars at $0.91. If the Australian dollar rate falls to $0.885, the trader will lose A$2825 – and will actually have to pay another A$2325 in addition to the original A$500 in order to close out this contract.

Volatility rules

How unpredictable is the Australian dollar? In December 1983, when the dollar was floated, the exchange rate was $0.90, remarkably close to the exchange rate today - 30 years later.

More than 10 years ago, the lowest point of the Australian dollar was under $0.50, and more recent highs have been close to $1.10. In eight of the past 30 years the Australian dollar has moved by more than $0.10 in a calendar year.

There is no question that there has been, and is likely to continue to be, a huge amount of volatility in the exchange rate, but a considerable body of academic research finds little or no predictability in floating exchange rates.

As early as the late 1970s, work on the random nature of exchange rate movements confirmed the unpredictability of exchange rates floating against the US dollar. Despite a range of academic literature which tries to find predictability in floating exchange rates, empirical studies have not found any compelling evidence that exchange rates can be successfully forecast.

If exchange rates are unpredictable why would anyone trade forex?

Many do so in the ordinary course of their business. A clothing retailer in Australia might import goods from China and needs to pay its suppliers in US dollars in a few months time. In order to “hedge” the risk of a rising US dollar, the retailer might decide to purchase a foreign exchange product (called a forward contract), which locks (at today’s rate) the cost of the future US dollar commitment.

But there are many examples of companies that do not hedge (when sometimes perhaps they should), and also of companies that hedge when they do not need to and subsequently get into difficulty. Hedging forex risk is a complicated business, and even multinational companies need to tread carefully.

Unpredictability means that for every forex trader who wins there is at least one trader who loses. The only sure winners in forex trading are the forex companies that collect fees and make money on the foreign exchange spread (the difference between the buy and sell price), thus ensuring that on average, individual forex traders make a negative return. Borrowing money to trade forex is not a sensible strategy, and not one that any investment advisor ought to recommend.

Time to tighten the rules

In the regulator ASIC’s view, even with years of skill and experience, forex trading remains risky. Despite these warnings, companies advertising online forex trading are able to convince traders they can learn forex trading in a few short lessons, and make it easy to set up a trading account and “start trading in just five minutes”.

If we allow people to bet on the flipping of a coin, it’s probably fine to bet on whether currencies rise or fall. But let’s call it what it is – gambling, not investing, and regulate the industry accordingly.

Regulations should specifically stop private investors from leveraging forex trades, and also limit advertising by forex trading companies, so that individual traders are properly informed of the risks.

Why is the Australian Dollar Falling Sharply?

The Australian dollar has fallen significantly through recent currency trading, as the highly commodity-sensitive currency continues to trade lower on a similar tumble in gold and other commodity prices. The Reuters/Jefferies CRB index registered its single-largest daily loss since March—driven by a $4.30 dive in crude oil futures. Given that the Australian Dollar previously rallied to post-float record highs on similar heights in major commodity markets, it is perhaps little surprise to see the AUDUSD fall significantly on the recent downturn. In fact, the Australian Dollar currently holds its strongest year-long correlation to the CRB Index since the currency’s free-float in 1984.

A cursory look at year-to-date charts comparing price action in the Australian Dollar and the CRB Index only emphasizes this point, and we see that the currency remains highly sensitive to the trajectory of the widely-followed commodities benchmark index.

A year-to-date regression on the Australian Dollar and Gold Prices suggests that the Australian Dollar stands to lose 0.25 percent for every 1 percent drop in the COMEX Gold contract.

Given such a dynamic, it will be more important than ever to monitor day-to-day changes in gold and other commodity standpoint for the Australian dollar trader. A shift in the secular uptrend for Gold Prices could lead to a similar shift in long-term trends for the Australian Dollar—leading it sharply lower against its US namesake.

Written by David Rodriguez, Quantitative Analyst for DailyFX. com.

We love hearing from readers. To contact the author of this report, e-mail drodriguez@dailyfx. com.

One of the most stated facts about Forex trading in Australia is its market hours. It operate 24 hours a day with three sessions forming this market namely the Asian session, US session and European session. In between each session, there is a period of time where two sessions are open at the same time. This occurrence is known as a session overlap. From 3:00 PM to 4:00 AM EDT, the Tokyo session and London session overlap while from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT, the London session and the New York session overlap. During session overlaps, the markets are very liquid, meaning that there are a lot of trading activities going on at these times. Naturally, these are the best times to trade. While the extent of Australia forex trading hours allows you to place and execute trades at any time of the day or night, anywhere in the world, there are some times where the volume of trades is significantly higher. For example, those hours where the North American and the British markets are still open simultaneously, you’ll find there is a far greater trading volume. The same is true for the Australian and Tokyo market overlap, as well as the Tokyo and British time overlap. This can mean your trades are executed more swiftly and there’s more liquidity in the market. The first hour after one of the major market opens is very important to serious Forex traders. This is because the opening can sometimes indicate early trends emerging within a market. Keep a careful watch on the Australia currency trading hours while you’re trading. You’ll find it much easier to plan when to place your trades for fast liquidity.

Here is a tool, you can find about Australian Forex Market hours. Please put the time zone according to Australia forex market hours. Mainly there are four main forex markets which are located in - New York - London - Tokyo - Sydney

So, when you try to determine the best time to trade the forex market this information would prove very useful. Trades have almost always the same relative frequency and until the forex market remains open, the probability of finding a trade whenever you look is almost the same. This is all about volume of trade. It is determined by the number of markets that are open and the number of times each of these markets overlap with each other.

Keeping in mind the forex volume is extremely essential. It is generally seen that the volume of transactions remains high all through the day but when does it peak? The answer is when the Asian markets with Australia and New Zealand, the European markets and the US markets open simultaneously. This is the best time to trade the forex market.

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Most Popular Currency Pairings Traded Online

There are a huge range of different currency pairings that you are able to link up and trade against each other, and in this section of the website we shall introduce you to those currencies that are often paired up against each other by Australian based Forex traders.

Let us start by introducing you to some of the major worldwide currencies and their associated abbreviations. Have a quick look through this list so you fully understand what each major currency is known as by its abbreviation.

Australian Dollar – Being based in Australian you are probably already fully aware that the abbreviation for the Australian Dollar is AUD .

British Pound – The abbreviation for the British Pound is GBP .

Euro – The vast majority of European States use the Euro as their currency and the abbreviation of the Euro is quite easy to remember as it is EUR .

Japanese Yen – Another major currency a lot of Forex brokers tend to use as on half of a currency pairing is the Japanese Yen and the abbreviation for this currency is JPY .

Swiss Franc – The Swiss Franc has a very unusual and not instantly recognizable abbreviation and that is CHF .

US Dollar – One major world currency and one that you can instantly recognise from its abbreviation is the US Dollar and its abbreviation is of course USD .

Canadian Dollar – Should you wish to start trading in Canadian Dollars or link it up to any other currency then you need to be aware that its abbreviation is CAD .

New Zealand Dollar – With New Zealand not being that far away from Australia you may be interested in linking up your currency pairings with the New Zealand Dollar and if so its abbreviation is NZD .

Most Traded Currency Pairings

If you wish to follow the crowd in regards to the currency pairings you link up to each other and trade against each other, then below we have listed in order, the most commonly trading currency pairings.

Whilst it is with noting any two major world currencies can be linked up together in any Forex trade, those listed below attract the highest volumes of trade every working day of the week.

EUR/USD – The most commonly paired up currency pairing is the Euro against the US Dollar.

USD/CAD – The second most commonly traded currency pairings are UD Dollars and the Canadian Dollar. This is probably due to the majority of Forex traders living or being based in the US!

GBP/USD – It may surprise you to learn that the third most commonly traded currency pairing is the Great British Pound being traded against the US Dollar and this currency pairing can be quite volatile with the value often swing one way or the other quite massively in value during any given time period!

USD/JPY – Another quite commonly traded currency pairing and one that is listed as one of the top ten currency pairings is the US Dollar and Japanese Yen.

AUD/USD – One currency pairing that we are sure all of our Australia based online Forex traders are going to be placing lots of trades on is in regards to Australian Dollars being paring up and traded against the value of the US Dollar.

USD/CHF – The fourth most commonly traded currency pairing is the US Dollar being linked up and traded against the Swiss Franc.

EUR/AUD – If you are one of our Australia based website visitors and you are looking to link up AUD with another major currency then one to consider is the Euro being linked up to the Australian Dollar, all online Australian Forex Brokers will allow you to trade this currency pairing and there can be some quite large swings in the value of each currency!

EUR/JPY – One final currency pairing that is a popular one with traders is the Euro being linked up to Japanese Yen, and once again all of our featured and top rated Forex Brokers will always allow you to pair up and trade these two currencies against each other.

EUR/CAD – The next major currencies that are traded against each other in large volumes by online Forex traders every single day of the week is the Euro against the Canadian Dollar.

NZD/USD – The seventh most commonly paired up currency pairing is the New Zealand against the US Dollar, this can also be another volatile currency pairing and one you may be looking to place.


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Location: Sydney, Australia Regulation: AFSL 410681 Platforms: MT4, MT4 Supreme Edition Account Currencies: AUD, USD Min. Deposit: 100 AUD, 100 USD Min. Lot: 0.01 Max. Leverage: 500:1 * NDD execution with no requotes for Admiral. Markets account * ECN execution with no requotes for Admiral. Prime account * Forex, metals, indices, stocks & bonds

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AUD/USD – Australian Dollar Short Setup | Forex Markets

Uploaded by William Metz on July 19, 2015 at 4:54 pm

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AUD/USD – Dólar australiano

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Short Setup | Forex Markets

Spread Betting: Trading AUD/USD

The Aussie Dollar has been one of the biggest stories in recent years and continues to be a favoured currency in an FX trader’s bag of tricks. The reasons behind this favour are multiple, and given its relatively small supply, AUD punches a little way above its weight. Over the past decade AUD has been progressively strengthening on the back of the economic gains made by the largest island nation on earth. Then came the global financial crisis and AUD gained against pretty much every major (and often minor) currency.

Spread betting on the Australian dollar versus the US dollar [Aussie dollar] is an interesting prospect. The Australian economy is worth study, because it acts very differently from the Western economies that we are used to. The Australian dollar, sometimes called the “Aussie”, has been around since the 60s, when it replaced the Australian pound, a leftover from the British Empire. It is ranked as the fifth most traded currency in the world, with the US dollar being ranked number one.

One advantage of the Australian dollar is that the Australian government tends not to intervene too much in the currency exchange market, which means that any analysis is not disrupted by sometimes unpredictable government action. This means that the currency is able to reflect the global sentiment of Australia’s economic prospects in its daily movements. The Reserve Bank of Australia tries to keep the rate of inflation at a modest 2% to 3%, and it appears that this is reasonably achieved without too much manipulation. For instance, the Australian dollar dipped in 2008, but recovered strongly in 2009 and 2010.

AUD is a commodity-bloc currency; as such it can be used as a proxy trade for the Chinese growth outlook. AUD is particularly sensitive to Chinese data and it tends to be very volatile around the release of such indicators as Chinese PMI data. So, for investors looking to trade a currency with a tight correlation to Chinese economic conditions, the AUD is a popular pick.

The other factor which you need to take into account when trading on the Australian dollar is that it is a commodity linked currency, with the price of commodities having a marked effect on its value. As such you can use the Aussie as a proxy to trade your view on commodities without taking any position in the underlying commodity markets. It is also worth noting that you can get some good swings when trading a commodity currency like the Australian dollar. When the gold spot price moves sharply in one direction the AUD/USD and the AUD crosses tend to follow. This is because higher gold prices can help support the Australian dollar since gold is a key export market in Australia. Gold can be a lucrative, albeit risky market to trade due to its high volatility and if you are interested in day trading the metal but wanted to avoid the higher risk you could trade AUD currency pairs instead. There is a similar pattern with the Canadian dollar .

From a trader’s perspective, the Australian dollar is a useful asset to acquire particularly when commodity prices like metals are rising, global demand is strong, Chinese and Asian growth is healthy and the Australian economy is benefiting from these factors. The dependence on emerging market is now so strong that the Aussie dollar is now mainly a play on China so any risks of a China slowdown will put pressure on the currency and point to further Aussie dollar weakness.

Mining stocks’ profitability will be directly connected to Chinese demand and the underlying price of the commodities. If you believe that the Chinese slowdown will persist and idea could be be to short the currency of one of the main commodity exporters to China – Australia. This is a proxy hedge, but the growth of the economies are correlated. That said, holding a short Aussie position could be expensive to finance due to the high swap rates incurred, as a result of interest rate differentials. In fact, for the past year (2014), the Australian dollar (AUD) has outperformed the US dollar largely due to the cost of carrying a short trade on the Aussie currency which makes it expensive for traders to short in the medium term. Australian interest rates are presently at 2.5% while US rates at zero means that any short trade incurs a negative carry meaning that it costs traders to have a short position.

The Australian economy has been slowing in keeping with its most important trading partner, China recently. Some economists believe it shows signs of ‘Dutch disease.’ This phenomenon occurs in nations that experience prolonged periods of relative wealth – the most noteworthy occurrence took place in the Netherlands after oil was discovered off its coast – as the population gets too comfortable, spends too much, does not work enough and they eventually spiral into economic turmoil.

If you think that might happen or for any other reason you don’t fancy taking a punt on AUD, there are other options available. Alternatives to AUD include those currencies that are tied to commodities. ZAR for its exposure to gold, CAD, NOK, and NZD – although this is tied to agricultural resources, such as milk rather than hard commodities. These currencies all have the ‘bellwether factor’.

It is also interesting to note that the AUD is preferred over a number of other currencies since its yield on cash deposits is normally higher than that available in, say euros, yen or US dollars. The S&P500 is also linked to the Aussie; particularly since both the Australian dollar and the S&P500 offer a relatively high interest rate. Demand for the currency is also affected by the same things that drive corporate profits so both will tend to move in tandem.

As the international currency, the US dollar has a special place in Forex circles. America is not subject to the constraints of other countries, as the US dollar can be printed to manufacture more value. In the long run, this leads to higher inflation and has resulted in some dire warnings from economists, but the 21st century has seen a massive increase in the US deficit, which is attributable in part to two unfunded wars and stimulus spending to combat the global depression.

If you wish to trade the USA dollar weakness, you could take a long spread bet on the Aussie dollar but care still has to be taken because you could be caught unprepared if the Australian economy suffers due to a spike in unemployment figures for instance. Nonetheless, the US dollar still seems to have a secure hold on international trade, and rumours that it might be replaced with another currency such as the euro have not been realized. The dollar is regularly manipulated by the Federal Reserve Bank and its Board, known colloquially as the “Feds”. They meet monthly, issuing obscure statements about the economy and setting the bank lending rate.

As with all currencies, there are certain fundamental factors about the countries’ finances which should be followed so that you can form an overall picture of the health of the economies. You need to look particularly at things like the number of people working and the unemployment claims, as this both shows how prosperous the economy is and also impacts the amount of revenue that the government receives. The rate of inflation is usually addressed by a change in bank rate if it is deemed to be out of a desirable range, so undesirable values can precede an interest rate change announcement. The balance of trade, which must be paid for by currency exchange, gives some indication of pressures on the exchange rate.

Before the turmoil from the global financial crisis, carry trading was a popular strategy and it will come back after the crisis has subsided and volatility decreases. Being short a high yielding currency is one thing…being short a ‘risk on’ currency when the market is negative too, is another…it is really not enough to just rely on technical indicators, fundamentals are also important here.

Recently (mid-2013), the Reserve Bank of Australia has decided to slash the official cash rate from 2.75% to 2.5% which hasn’t helped the Australian dollar particularly as the domestic economy has been slowing and the unemployment rate rising to just under 6%. It is still expected that the Fed will begin cutting its quantitative easing programme which wouldn’t help the Aussie.

Do keep in mind that although with spread betting you could go long or short, a short position against a higher yielding currency such as the Australian dollar will incur a negative carry since you are borrowing in Aussie $ (where rates are high) and putting it in the USA dollar (where rates are lower) so you need to consider this.

As a spread trader, you might notice that the fundamentals behind the Australian dollar follow closely behind some of the big local resource shares in Australia such as BHP and Rio Tinto (which also happen to play a major role in the BHP and Rio). As such it shouldn’t be surprising that the Australian stock market tends to follow the value of the Australian dollar. Of course the Australian economy is not just about mining and energy companies so the correlation isn’t perfect but still… Bullish factor for the USA dollars include a falling unemployment rate and the tapering of quantitative easing. It is also worth noting that Australia is currently experiencing something of a slowdown in its economy and this coupled with a persisting economic slowdown in China might lead to Aussie dollar weakness.

Spread betting on currency exchange rates tends to be a short-term trade, therefore you should use technical analysis to determine the market sentiment from day to day, and direct your bets. Be sure to include realistic stop losses, bearing in mind the volatility of the currency pair, and protect your capital.

Despite the RBA interest rate actions recently, AUD still holds a considerable yield advantage over that of other currencies. If the situation in Europe stabilises, traders will no longer be seeking safe haven trades and will instead be on the search for yield. AUD will be top of that list. If equity markets and commodity prices show some strength over coming months, AUD should be well supported by currency traders. In short, if we have a ‘risk-on’ phase in the market AUD should flourish. Conversely ‘risk-off’ conditions would see AUD again shunned by traders.

Spread Betting on the AUD/USD

The Australian dollar and the US dollar are a good combination for spread trading. They are not the most popular currency pair, but still a major one and one which can react differently from the more mainstream products. The current daily rolling bet is priced at 10,564.6 – 10,566.6, which is a great spread of only two points, giving more scope for profit on the bet.

If you think that the US dollar is weakening in the face of poor economic results, you may want to place a long bet on the AUD/USD (US dollar weakness is the same as Australian dollar strength on this pairing, so requires a long bet). Bet £6.50 per point at the buying price of 10,566.6.

Assuming now that the price goes up to 10,752.3 – 10,754.3, here’s how you can work out how much you have won. The bet is placed for a certain value per point; therefore you first must work out how many points you have gained. The bet went on at 10,566.6, and closed at 10,752.3. That’s a gain of 185.7 points. At £6.50 per point, it works out to £1207.05.

On the other hand, if the price had gone down you might have to close your bet and accept your losses. Say it went down to 10,507.1 – 10,509.1. You work out the point difference, as before, this time taking 10,507.1 from 10,566.6. That’s 59.5 points which for your chosen stake amounts to a loss of £386.75.

For a second example of spread betting on the AUD/USD, let’s consider the case where you think the US economy is turning around and becoming stronger against the Australian one. In this case, you would place a sell bet, also called going short on the currency pair, and might stake £5 per point.

If this bet is a winner, assume you close it when the spread betting quotation goes to 10,392.9 – 10,394.9. To calculate your winnings, first work out how many points you have gained. The bet was placed at 10,564.6, the selling price, and closed at 10,394.9, the buying price. The difference is 169.7 points. You chose to wager £5 per point, so this multiplies up to total winnings of £848.50.

Whenever you place a bet, you must bear in mind that it may not win, and you should know how much you can afford to let it go against you before you close the bet and accept your loss. This is one of the keys to being profitable when you spread bet, as taking a major loss can severely affect your ability to keep on trading.

Let’s say that the AUD/USD goes up after you place your short bet. You might decide to close the bet when it goes up to 10,592.0 – 10,594.0. You should have worked out in advance how large a loss this would give you in general terms, but calculating with the actual figures is done like this. 10,594.0-10,564.6 equals 29.4 points lost. Multiplying by your stake, you have lost a total of £147.

It is worth noting that if you wish to place a short position on the Aussie this will normally cost you money due to the negative carry. (Australian interest rates are at 2.5% while USA rates are at 0%). As such you need to be confident that your risk/reward calculations outweigh your holding costs particularly if you wish to keep the trade open for weeks. One idea is to trade the forward contract in such situations where the spread is a little wider on entry but there are no holding costs when rolling the trade day to day.

In conclusion, AUD is a useful currency and even outside of a pair can be used by investors to make (and lose) some serious cash.

When an investor holds Aussie companies, shorting AUD acts as a hedge against losses. However, if you short resource companies, this doesn’t necessarily follow, as commodities are priced in USD.

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November 9, 2015

Australian dollar index is on the rise due to the positive comments from the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor Glenn Stevens and the strong statistics. Will the trend go on?

Glenn Stevens noted the non-resource sector in Australia was experiencing strong growth which improves employment. He added there was no need in further monetary easing so far. As a result, the Australian currency strengthened against the other currencies. The RBA rate is 2% which is far above the ECB rate (0.05%), Bank of England rate (0.5%), Bank of Canada rate (0.5%) and the rates in other developed countries. The contracted Australia’s trade deficit in September to its lowest in 7 months had the additional positive impact. On Friday the strong US labour market statistics was released that pushed the U. S. dollar up significantly. Markets decided the strong data would let the Fed hike the rates on their next meeting on December 16. The US bonds yield was up reaching its 5-year high. As a matter of course, the Australian dollar slumped against the greenback. Nevertheless, the Australian dollar index is still in uptrend which may mean the Aussie is in higher demand than other currencies.

In the daily chart the PCI instrument AUD_Index: D1 has switched from the downtrend to the uptrend. It is below its 200-day moving average. The Parabolic indicator has formed the buy signal while MACD has not yet. RSI is on the rise struggling for staying above the resistance line. It has not yet reached the overbought zone. Divergence is not seen. The Bollinger bands have contracted which may mean lower volatility. They are tilted upwards. The bullish momentum may develop in case the Australian dollar index surpasses two upper fractals, Bollinger band and the upper Parabolic signal at 0.744. This level may serve the point of entry. The initial risk-limit may be placed below the trend line, the Parabolic signal and last three fractal lows at 0.722. Having opened the pending order we shall move the stop to the next fractal low following the Bollinger and Parabolic signals. Thus, we are changing the probable profit/loss ratio to the breakeven point. The most risk-averse traders may switch to the 4-hour chart after the trade and place there a stop-loss moving it in the direction of the trade. If the price meets the stop-loss level at 0.722 without reaching the order at 0.744, we recommend cancelling the position: the market sustains internal changes which were not taken into account.

The Rationale for Sticking with a Tried and True Method The Required Brainpower to Follow the Stock Market

The Relationship Between the Stock Market and Forex Markets

The equity market can impact the currency market in many different ways. For example, if a strong stock market rally happens in the U. S. with the Dow and the Nasdaq registering impressive gains, we are likely to see a large influx of foreign money into the U. S. as international investors rush in to join the party. This influx of money would be very positive for the U. S. dollar. because in order to participate in the equity market rally, foreign investors would have to sell their own domestic currency and purchase U. S. dollars. The opposite also holds true: if the stock market in the U. S. is doing poorly. foreign investors will most likely rush to sell their U. S. equity holdings and then reconvert the U. S. dollars into their domestic currency - which would have a substantially negative impact on the greenback. This logic can be applied to all the other currencies and equity markets around the world. It is also the most basic usage of equity market flows to trade FX.

Source: http://www. investopedia. com/articles/forex/05/MA. asp; http://www. gftforex. com/; http://www. bktraderfx. com/site/members-benefits

Best Currency ETF Plays to Exploit Weak Dollar Trend

by Darwin on September 23, 2009

Currency ETFs are starting to gain favor with retail investors as both a hedge to the weak dollar trend that has resumed since the flight to safety during the recent financial crisis, as well as for speculation. While many individual investors are intimidated by setting up a Forex market trading account, there are several US Dollar ETF tools that allow American investors to hedge against both developed and developing market currencies. The benefits of these individual hedges are numerous, but there are risks in trying to trade currencies as well. Where many investors run into trouble is in using leverage to try and exploit a trend, but when that trend breaks, it can get ugly. For investors and consumers that want to dip their toe in while providing some marginal hedging to a weak dollar crisis, ETFs are a much more practical and cost-effective means to achieve that objective.

Why Engage in Forex Currency Trading and Hedging?

Many Americans expend a considerable portion of their net income on energy and materials. Since energy sources like oil and metals like gold and silver are traded on global exchanges as dollar-denominated assets, as the US dollar weakens against foreign currencies, while a particular commodity may remain roughly stable in terms of say, the Euro, it may become increasingly expensive in terms of the US dollar. Consumers and investors looking to hedge this exposure on a grand scale can simply buy a currency ETF that provides returns based on the rise and fall of foreign currencies versus the US dollar. All of the ETFs below are in terms of US dollars, so if you were to purchase FXA for example, you’d be banking on an increase in the strength of Australia’s Dollar versus the US Dollar. (If you were doing this over the prior 6 month period, you would have been right – FXA is up over 20% as the dollar has weakened considerably against virtually all major currencies).

Some doomsayers are calling for an actual weak dollar crisis whereby China stops funding our debt, the Fed is unable to reign in inflation, unemployment remains high, the economy sputters, etc. While buying Gold is one way to prepare for such a scenario, what if the current gold price already reflects such sentiment or if other factors like global demand suppress the rise in gold prices you were expecting? At least with a foreign currency ETF, you get that gain no matter what, as long as you select the right currency. For that purpose, most traders advise banking on a major currency versus the US like the Euro or Japanese Yen. For the extreme risk takers out there, there are leveraged ETFs for currency as well. (see full list of all sector and country leveraged ETF possibilities).

For creative traders out there, these currency ETFs actually provide the ability to trade options on the underlying instrument. A creative way to hedge your currency and provide income to your portfolio instantaneously would be to purchase one of the ETFs below and then sell covered calls against the shares. While this can start to become complex and eat into your funds with commissions, this article on how options work outlines some background, best practices and a comprehensive review of the best online brokers for such transactions.

Foreign vs. Dollar Currency ETFs – Long, No Leverage

FXA CurrencyShares Australian Dollar Trust FXB CurrencyShares British Pound Sterling Trust FXC CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar Trust FXE CurrencyShares Euro Trust FXY CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust FXM CurrencyShares Mexican Peso Trust XRU CurrencyShares Russian Ruble Trust FXS CurrencyShares Swedish Krona Trust FXF CurrencyShares Swiss Franc Trust BZF WisdomTree Dreyfus Brazilian Real Fund CYB WisdomTree Dreyfus Chinese Yuan Fund CEW WisdomTree Dreyfus Emerging Currency Fund – Active EU WisdomTree Dreyfus Euro Fund ICN WisdomTree Dreyfus Indian Rupee Fund JYF WisdomTree Dreyfus Japanese Yen Fund BNZ WisdomTree Dreyfus New Zealand Dollar Fund SZR WisdomTree Dreyfus South African Rand Fund

Leveraged Currency ETFs – Long and Short

ULE ProShares Ultra Euro ETF YCL ProShares Ultra Yen ETF EUO ProShares UltraShort Euro ETF YCS ProShares UltraShort Yen ETF

If you’re unsure of how leveraged ETFs work, check out this article demonstrating the value destruction that occurs over time due to daily rebalancing in this leveraged ETF risk article (I didn’t dub them the riskiest ETFs on Earth for no reason).

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Foreign Currency Trading

Understanding Foreign Currency Trading Quotes

Foreign currency trading quotes always show up in pairs of two currencies. This means a currency quote is made of two pairs of currencies . An example of this is the quote EUR/USD. With this example the first currency is called the Base Currency, and the second currency is called the Pricing Currency.

When trading foreign currencies. you are always buying and selling the base currency. Let's say you buy one unit of USD/JPY. This means you are buying 1 dollar and selling at the same time 118.42 JPY (the current Yen value).

The US dollar is usually the base currency . meaning the standard currency which is used when evaluating other currencies. For most major currency the first to appear, the base currency, is the USD. Examples of the currency trading quotes of the "major" currencies will then be USD/CAD (Canadian Dollar), USD/JPY (Japanese Yen) or USD/CHF (Swiss Mark).

In all the previous currency trading quotes you see that a currency is measured against the US dollar. The Euro, British pound and Australian dollar are exceptions. So the EUR, GBP and the AUD are shown before the dollar, and are considered base currencies. In this case you will see a currency trading quote such as GBP/USD or AUD/USD, meaning the base currency for them is not the USD.

The major currency trading quotes are presented like so:

USD/CHF (Swiss Franc)

USD/JPY (Japanese Yen)

USD/CAD (Canadian Dollar)

EUR/USD (Euro)

GBP/USD (British Pound)

AUD/USD (Australian Dollar)

NZD/USD(New-Zealand Dollar)

Here are some examples of foreign currency trading quotes:

In currency trading quote of USD/CHF 1.4566, you buy 1.4566 Swiss Marks with 1 Dollar.

A quote of GBP/USD 1.784, means you buy 1.784 dollars with 1 British pound.

While you trade foreign currencies you will hear the terms rising quote or weakening quote quite a lot. A rising currency trading quote means that the base currency has appreciated, as you can buy more currency with it. A weakening quote means the exact opposite. So while the direction of the rising quote is up, the direction of the weakening quote is down.

Currency trading quotes that do not involve the dollar are referred to as cross currencies. You might also see a double quote, one marked as 'ask' and the other as 'bid'. The 'bid' quote represents the price you can sell the base currency for and the 'ask price' represents the price you can sell the base currency.

John Roberts, Editorial Staff

October 26, 2005


Forex Online

The Foreign Exchange, often referred to as the Forex or FX, is the world’s largest financial market, with approximately 3 trillion dollars traded daily. Los "bienes" que se comercian son monedas de varios países, con la mayoría de las acciones que implican las denominadas monedas principales: el dólar de los Estados Unidos (USD), el euro europeo (EUR), el yen japonés (JPY), la libra británica La libra esterlina (GBP), el franco suizo (CHF) y el dólar australiano (AUD). Gold and silver are also popular trading instruments. With the explosion of internet usage, the Forex market has become accessible to almost everyone.


Because of the Foreign Exchange’s relatively volatile nature, and the corresponding potential for very high profit, investing in the Forex market might be considered a form of speculation. The highly leveraged financing commonly offered by Forex operators allows traders extremely high potential profits with a comparably small amount of capital investment.

In Forex, clients are offered leverage as high as 1:200, so the client must invest, in this case, only 1/2 percent of the position they would like to buy. In practice, the trader uses a credit, and covers only the risk of the operation (the percentage of presumed currency volatility).

For example, suppose a trader utilizes a 100:1 leverage, and buys a contract valued at $100,000 with an investment of $1,000. With a 1% increase in the position, the trader would make a profit of $1000, or a 100% return on investment.


Obviously, brokerages make a commission for every trade executed, which is generally factored into the prices quoted in the form of a "pip spread". This cost is very small, usually 0.0003 of a unit or, in Forex lingo, three pips. Three pips is equivalent to three-hundredths of one penny. Of course, when trading extremely large amounts of currencies, this can add up.

For example, if a currency pair is quoted as EUR/USD 1.4000/1.4003, the price at which a broker will sell (Ask) one EUR is 1.4003 USD, while the price at which a broker will buy (Bid) one EUR is 1.4000 USD. The price difference is the broker’s profit. With such a pip spread, the cost of buying one lot (USD 100,000) would be USD 30.

Of course, a lower spread is better for the client. If the position above increases by 10 pips, to 1.4010/1.4013, a trader would earn seven pips, having bought the position at 1.4003 (broker’s selling price), and selling at 1.4010 (broker’s buying price).

Internet Forex Platforms

Today, anyone with an Internet connection can exploit the Forex market utilizing Forex trading platforms, computer applications that enable you — in few simple steps — to buy and sell currencies. These online brokerages provide trader’s the real time information needed to make informed decisions, and the technology to instantly execute trades.

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Immense global interest in the Chinese Yuan is leading foreign exchange giant FXCM to offer it as a trading pair to Australian investors.

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Commodity currencies such as Canadian, Australian and New Zealand dollars are suffering - but what do the experts predict for the coming months? Monedas. EUR-USD USD-JPY GBP-USD USD-CHF USD-CAD AUD-USD Bitcoin-USD Gold charting how the Canadian dollar behaves against the U. S. dollar, foreign exchangeGet the USD/CAD Forex Signal for January 11, 2016. Forex Forecast Pairs In Focus 1/10/2016 AM. Forex Trading Recommendation, Forecast, Trading Signal, Forex Training Course, Education, Tutorial, FX Book, Forex ebooks, Learn to Trade Forex, FXOIL Daily What caught my attention was that over these last two days, the normally highly correlated Canadian Dollar hasn't exactly followed suit.

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FOREX Trading in Panama

Foreign Exchange or FOREX refers to trading the world’s currency. FOREX is the largest market in the world. Daily trades account for more than 3 trillion US daily. A largely speculative activity, a low percentage of FOREX trades represent governmental and corporate currency conversion needs. Not conducted via a central exchange, FOREX runs on the interbank market with trading taking place directly between the two parties making the trade.

The main FOREX trading centers are Sydney, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and New York. However, via phone lines or internet networks, trading takes place all over the globe. With a worldwide distribution of currencies, the FOREX market operates 24 hours a day. Currently, the FOREX market is concentrated in several major currencies. More than 85% of all transactions include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar and New Zealand Dollar. The most commonly traded currencies are those from nations with stable governments, respected central banking systems and low inflation. Currencies are traded in pairs such as Euro to Yen and vice versa.

FOREX trading is generally considered to be low risk since it’s easy to buy and sell regardless of the status of a currency’s value. The industry is open to just about anyone and presents a good opportunity for a disciplined individual who is willing to learn as much as he/she can about the market.

Most FOREX traders rely on price charts, volume charts and other mathematical stats relating to market data. This provides them with the information they need to get into or withdraw from a market. This analysis increases knowledge and minimizes emotion, making it easier to create an informed and logical trading plan.

Although FOREX trading isn’t licensed in Panama, it is possible (and becoming more common) to set up an offshore corporation in the Caribbean nation to engage in this activity. Click here for some tips on setting up a FOREX business in Panama.

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Saya rangkum dari berbagai sumber, bisa dijadikan semacam dictionary kecil, khusunya bagi newbie di trading forex yang bisa dijadikan panduan dalam mengenal istilah-istilah trading forex.

1 AL Auto-Liquidation 2 BE Break Even 3 BEEB Bearish Engulfing Bar 4 BEOB Bearish Outside Bar 5 BNZ Bank of New Zealand 6 BO Break Out 7 BOJ Bank Of Japan 8 BOC Bank Of Canada 9 BOE Bank Of England 10 BUEB Bullish Engulfing Bar 11 BUOB Bullish Outside Bar 12 Cable GBP/USD 13 Cheese = TF Time Frame 14 CMP Current Market Price 15 CS Candle Stick 16 DHLC Double High Lower Close 17 DLHC Double Low Higher Close 18 DC Daily Chart 19 EWT Elliott Wave Theory 20 Fiber EUR/USD 21 F12 Keyboard Shortcut in MT4 platform to move one candle or price bar at a time through your charts. 22 FED Federal Reserve (Central Banking System Of The United States) 23 FIB Fibbonacci Retracement 24 GMT Greenwich Mean Time 25 HH Higher High 26 H&S Head & Shoulders price pattern 27 IB Inside Bar 28 Kiwi NZD/USD 29 LL Lower Low 30 Loonie Canadian dollar 31 MC Monthly chart 32 MC Margin Call 33 MT MetaTrader 4 34 MM Money Management 35 NFP Non Farm Payrolls (Economic new released on the first Friday of each month) 36 OHLC Open High Low Close 37 OP Open Position (Buy/Sell) 38 P&L Profit and Loss 39 PA Price Action 40 PASR Price Action Support & Resistance 41 PB Price Bar 42 RET Retrace 43 RBA Reserve Bank Of Australia 45 RR Risk Reward 46 ROI Return On Investment 47 SF Swiss Franc 48 SL Stop Loss 49 SNB Swiss National Bank 50 SS Shooting Star 51 S / R Support & Resistance 52 SRZ Support/Resistance Zone 53 TL Trend Line 54 TP Take Profit 55 TS Trailing Stoploss 56 USDX US dollar Index 57 WC Weekly Chart


Analisa Fundamental = Analisia berdasarkan berita atau isu seputar kegiatan ekonomi suatu negara.

Analisa Teknikal = Analisa dalam Forex trading untuk mengukur pergerakan harga melalui grafik harga. Hal-hal yang patut diketahui dari analisa teknikal ini adalah trend, kejenuhan, support, ressisten, dan Pivot Point.

Account = Semua catatan pembukuan yang menyangkut berbagai transaksi dan seorang nasabah, termasuk saldo kredit atau debit, floating loss/profit, dan nilai buku nil

Account balance = Selisih antara debit dan kredit dalam suatu rekening. Jika debitnya lebih besar dan kredit, maka rekening tersebut dikatakan memiliki saldo negatif. Dalam istilah lain, itu disebut defisit. Sementara yang sebaliknya disebut surplus.

Account statement = Laporan berkala yang menjelaskan status dan berhaga transaksi beliljual sekuritas/kontrak mata uang seorang nasabah.

Appreciation = Penguatan sebuah mata uang atau saham sebagai akibat respons positif atau permintaan yang Iebih tinggi daripada partisipan pasar.

Ask Price (Harga Permintaan) = Harga dimana pasar bersedia untuk menjual pasangan mata uang tertentu. Juga dikenal sebagai ‘ offer ‘, ‘ ask’ (permintaan), dan ‘ ask rate’ .

At Best = Instruksi yang diberikan kepada dealer untuk Beli atau Jual pada kurs terbaik yang ia bisa dapatkan.

At or Better = Pesanan untuk melakukan aktivitas perdagangan pada kurs tertentu atau kurs yang lebih baik

Aussie = Julukan yang biasa dipakai pelaku Forex untuk pasangan AUS/USD

AL = Auto-Liquidation (account kita bangkrut & dilikuidasi)


Balance of Trade (Neraca Perdagangan) = Nilai dari ekspor suatu negara dikurangi nilai impor negara tersebut.

Bar Chart (Diagram Batang) = Format diagram terkenal untuk menunjukkan perkembangan harga dari suatu pasangan mata uang

Base Currency (Mata uang dasar) = Mata uang pertama pada suatu pasangan mata uang. Contohnya pada EUR/USD, Euro adalah mata uang dasar atau Base Currency .

Bar Chart (Diagram Batang) = Format diagram terkenal untuk menunjukkan perkembangan harga dari suatu pasangan mata uang

Bid Price (Harga Penawaran) = Harga dimana pasar bersedia untuk membeli mata uang tertentu. Harga ini ditunjukkan pada sebelah kiri dari perbandingan. Sebagai contoh pada perbandingan USD/CHF 1.4527/32, harga penawaran atau bid price nya adalah 1.4527, yang berarti anda bisa menjual satu Dollar AS untuk 1.4527 Francs Swiss.

Broker = Seseorang atau suatu firma yang bertindak sebagai perantara, yang menjalankan pesanan untuk membeli atau menjual mata uang dengan imbalan komisi atau penyebaran ( spread ).

Bear Market (Pasar ”Beruang”) = Pasar yang ditandai dengan harga yang menurun.

Bearish = lstiiah praktisi pasar uang/saham yang menunjukan trend harga yang menurun.

Bid/Ask Spread = Perbedaan harga beli dan jual pada suatu waktu tertentu. jarak/perbedaan harga beli dan jual itu sering dijadikan indikasi likuiditas pasar. Artinya, jika spread semakin berkurang, maka semakin tinggi likuiditas keadaan pasar saat itu.

Bottom price = Harga terendah yang terjadi dalam rentang waktu tertentu.

Broker = Pialang. Perantara antara pembeli dengan penjual sekuritas/produk pasar uang. Pialang biasanya mengenakan komisi untuk setiap transaksi dan nasabahnya.

Buy = adalah posisi dalam Forex Trading untuk Beli dan dilakukan jika harga diperkirakan akan naik. Singkatnya beli saat murah dan jual saat mahal, keuntungan Anda adalah selisih antara harga saat beli dengan saat jual kembali

Buy Limit = Suatu pesanan tertunda untuk membeli mata uang pada harga yang lebih rendah dari harga yang sekarang

Buy Stop = Suatu pesanan tertunda untuk membeli mata uang pada harga yang lebih tinggi dari harga yang sekarang Bar Chart (Diagram Batang) – Format diagram terkenal untuk menunjukkan perkembangan harga dari suatu pasangan mata uang

Bull Market = Istilab yang dipakai oleh praktisi pasar uang untuk menunjukan tren harga yang naik.


Cable – Julukan untuk pasangan mata uang Sterling/US Dollar.

Candilestick Chart = Sebuah jenis grafik yang mengindikasikan kisaran transaksi pada suatu mata uang/saham. Berisi informasi mengenai harga Pembukaan, Tertinggi, Terendah, dan Penutupan. Jika harga penutupan berada di atas harga pembukaan, maka jenis Candle kosong. Sebaliknya, jika harga penutupan berada di bawah harga pembukaan (harga turun), maka candle akan berisi. Pola analisis itu diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh para pedagang komoditas di Jepang pada awal abad 18-an.

Central Bank (Bank Sentral) - Organisasi pemerintah atau organisasi semi-pemerintah yang mengatur kebijakan keuangan suatu negara. Contohnya, bank sentral dari Amerika Serikat adalah Federal Reserve, dan bank sentral dari Jerman adalah Bundesbank..

Chartist = Seseorang yang menggunakan chart dan grafik, serta membuat interprerasi trend data/sejarah pergerakan harga untuk menentukan trend dan membuat prediksi di masa yang akan datang. Sering disebut juga sebagai Pialang Teknikal.

Closing a Position (Menutup posisi) – Proses dimana seorang pelaku Forex membeli atau menjual sebuah posisi Forex, yang mengakibatkan likuidasi dari posisi tersebut.

Clearing (Kliring) – Proses menetapkan suatu perdagangan/transaksi.

Correlation (Korelasi) – Hubungan yang sedang terjadi antara dua atau lebih mata uang

Counter Currency (Mata uang lawan) – Mata uang yang ditulis kedua dalam sebuah pasangan mata uang.

Currency Pair (Pasangan mata uang) – Dua mata uang yang membentuk sebuah nilai tukar valuta asing. Contohnya, EUR/USD.

Currency = Sebuah mata uang yang dilegalkan oleh sebuah negara yang dimonitor langsung oleh bank sentralnya dan digunakan sebagai alat transaksi resmi negara tesebut.

CMP= Current Market Price (harga running sekarang)


Day Trading = Mengacu ke sebuah posisi transaksi keuangan tertentu yang dibuka dan ditutup pada han yang sama (tidak bermalam/ menginap).

Day Trader (Pelaku Perdagangan Harian) – Pelaku Forex yang mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari pergerakan harga dalam jangka pendek. Mereka sering sekali menutup dan membuka posisi perdagangan, seringkali di hari yang sama.

Dealer – Seseorang atau suatu firma yang membeli dan menjual aset dengan portofolio mereka sendiri. Mereka bisa bertindak sebagai pihak utama atau Mitra pengimbang ( counterparty ) dari suatu transaksi.

Deficit (Defisit) – Didefinisikan dalam ilmu ekonomi ketika Neraca Perdagangan atau pembayaran menunjukkan nilai negatif.

Delivery (Penyampaian) – Suatu perdagangan valuta asing dimana kedua pihak benar-benar membuat dan melaksanakan penyampaian dari mata uang yang dipertukarkan.

Dips = koreksi turun kecil dalam Uptrend


Economic Indicator = Berita yang dikeluarkan Pemerintah yang menunjukan kondisi pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Beberapa indikator tersebut adalah GDP, retail sales, dll

End Of Day Order (EOD) – Pesanan untuk membeli atau menjual pada harga yang ditentukan. Pesanan ini tetap terbuka hingga akhir dari hari perdagangan yang biasanya berakhir pada pukul 17:00 ET.

Elliot Wave Theory (Teori Gelombang Elliot) – Dasar yang digunakan untuk mencoba dan menjelaskan aktivitas pasar, dengan menghubungkan pola dari delapan gelombang ke suatu siklus.

EURO – Mata uang dari Persatuan Ekonomi dan Moneter Uni-Eropa (EMU).

Equity = ketahanan dana


Flat – Jargon yang digunakan untuk menunujukkan suatu posisi yang telah dibalik sepenuhnya, contohnya: anda membeli $200.000 lalu menjual $200.000, sehingga membentuk suatu posisi yang netral (flat).

Floating Loss/Profit dan Realized = Saat Anda mempunyai posisi beli di 9500 dan kemudian harga bergerak turun menjadi 9000, maka jika dihitung perkiraan kerugian Anda adalah 9000-9500 = -500. Namun nilai tersebut masih bisa berubah besok, entah bertambah turun menjadi 8700 atau kembali naik menjadi 9700. Nah, nilai -500 pada saat ini disebut Floating Loss (Rugi), jika nilainya positif, misalnya harga sekarang menjadi 10.000 maka selisihnya 10.000 - 9.500 = +500 disebut Floating Profit. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk menjual / menutup posisi Anda pada saat harga sedang 10.000, maka nilai +500 menjadi Realized Profit (bukan lagi Floating/mengambang tapi sudah menjadi Real/Nyata)

Forex – Singkatan dari Foreign Exchange (Pertukaran Valuta Asing).

Forward – Suatu transaksi yang akan diselesaikan/dilaksanakan di kemudian hari.


Going Long (Membuka Posisi Long/Panjang) – Pembelian suatu pasangan mata uang.

Going Short (Membuka Posisi Short/Pendek) – Penjualan suatu pasangan mata uang dengan cara meminjamnya terlebih dahulu, lalu mengakhiri transaksi di kemudian hari dengan membelinya kembali (diharapkan pada harga yang lebih rendah) .

Gross Domestic Product (Produk Domestik Bruto) – nilai keseluruhan semua barang dan jasa yang diproduksi di dalam wilayah suatu negara dalam jangka waktu tertentu

Good Till Cancelled Order (GTC) – Pesanan untuk membeli atau menjual sebuah pasangan mata uang pada harga yang ditentukan. Pesanan tetap aktif sampai dibatalkan atau dilakukan oleh pelaku Forex.


Hedge =Posisi atau kombinasi beberapa posisi yang ada untuk mengamankan suaru harga atau meminimalkan pergerakan harga.

Holder – Pembeli dari suatu pasangan mata uang.

High = titik tertinggi harian yg dicapai oleh harga


Initial margin = Margin awal yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka suatu posisi, margin dibutuhkan untuk memberikan garansi bagi broker.

Inflation (Inflasi) – Kondisi dimana harga barang-barang konsumen naik di suatu negara, mengurangi daya beli masyarakat.

Inter-day Trading – Suatu perdagangan dimana posisi perdagangan dibuka dan ditutup pada hari yang sama.

Interest Rate (Tingkat Suku Bunga) – tingkat yang dikenakan, atau dibayar, untuk penggunaan uang. Dikeluarkan oleh Bank Sentral dari suatu negara.


Japanese Yen – Mata uang negara Jepang. Dikenal juga dengan nama Yen.


Kiwi – Julukan yang diberikan para pelaku Forex untuk Dolar Selandia Baru (NZD).


Leading Indicators (Indikator awal) – Statistik yang digunakan oleh pelaku Forex untuk memprediksikan pergerakan dan aktivitas ekonomi di masa depan.

Leverage – Rasio dari batas ukuran posisi maksimum. Sebagai contoh, setoran $100 dengan leverage 100:1 akan memberikan daya beli $10.000

Limit order – Pesanan untuk mengakhiri transaksi pada harga yang ditentukan atau harga yang lebih baik.

Liquidation (Likuidasi) – Penutupan suatu posisi Forex melalui suatu transaksi lain yang mengimbangi posisi tersebut.

Liquidity (Likuiditas) – Menunjukkan suatu pasar dimana banyak pembeli dan penjual yang menghasilkan volume yang besar.

Long position (Posisi Long/panjang) – Ketika anda membeli suatu pasangan mata uang, itu disebut going long atau membuka posisi panjang. Ketika suatu pasangan mata uang berada dalam posisi panjang, mata uang pertama dibeli, sedangkan mata uang kedua dijual.

Lot (Letter of Transaction) = adalah satuan dalam forex atau bisa di sebut juga sebagai Kontrak Mini dan Kontrak Standard / Regular. Jika kita membeli minyak, ukurannya adalah liter, jika gula pasir maka ukurannya adalah kilogram. Untuk forex ukurannya disebut Lot. Berapa sih besar 1 Lot itu? Jika di dunia Saham 1 Lot = 500 lembar saham, pada Forex 1 Lot = 10.000 mata uang bersangkutan, misal 1 Lot USD/JPY = 10.000USD dan 1 Lot GBP/USD = 10.000 GBP. Ukuran 1 Lot = 10.000 disebut Kontrak Mini, mengapa disebut Mini? Karena sebelumnya dalam dunia forex itu 1 Lot = 100.000 mata uang bersangkutan (disebut juga Kontrak Standard/Regular), kemudian karena tingginya minat dalam forex trading maka dibuat kontrak mini dimana 1 Lot = 10.000 mata uang bersangkutan

Leverage = Adalah daya ungkit dalam trading Forex yaitu rasio untuk menentukan berapa margin (uang muka) yang diperlukan dalam melakukan transaksi, dimana rasio tersebut akan dikalikan dengan kontrak size. Contoh: Leverage 1:200 pada kontrak mini account 10.000 maka margin yang digunakan adalah (1/200) x 10.000 = 50 satuan mata uang yang diperdagangkan. Misal membuka posisi USD/JPY sebesar 1 lot untuk kontrak mini, maka yang dibeli adalah 10.000 USD, margin yang diperlukan adalah sebesar 1/200 x USD 10.000 = USD 50. Jika bertrading dengan GBP/USD maka margin yang digunakan adalah sebesar 50 Poundsterling. Untuk Standard account, kontrak yang digunakan adalah 100.000 dengan Leverage 1:100, jadi 1 lot USD/JPY = USD 1000 dan margin yang diperlukan 1/200 x USD 100.000 = USD 500

Leading Indicators = Indikator yang dapat memprediksi pergerakan harga di masa yang akan datang.

Liquidation = Penutupan suaru posisi karena syarat-syarat yang terpenuhi atau interverensi dan Trader.

Low = titik terndah harian yg dicapai oleh harga


Margin = Dana yang dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan (atau membuka) open posisi (bisa satu atau beberapa posisi). Atau jaminan dalam trading forex, anggaplah seperti Uang Muka pembelian sebuah rumah. Ketika Anda menyerahkan uang muka pembelian rumah sebesar 30 juta rupiah untuk rumah seharga 100 juta rupiah maka kita mendapatkan Kontrak perjanjian jual beli, secara hukum Anda pemilik sah rumah tersebut meskipun hanya memegang kontraknya. Kontrak ini dapat Anda jual pada harga penuh pada orang lain, misalnya menjadi 120 juta. Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan bersih 20 juta (120 - 100jt). Hal yang sama berlaku dalam forex, yang diperdagangkan adalah kontrak mata uang, misal USD/JPY maka nilai 1 lot kontraknya adalah USD 10.000, untuk mendapatkannya kita cukup mengeluarkan margin (uang muka) sebesar USD 100. Mengapa USD 100? Ini terkait dengan Leverage . Margin disetorkan saat membuka posisi dan kemudian akan dikembalikan saat menutup posisi, sama seperti transaksi jual beli rumah tadi. Anda menyetor uang 30 juta saat membeli kemudian dijual kembali seharga 120 juta, saat Anda menerima uang 120 juta, maka 100juta kita serahkan pada penjual pertama dan penjual mengembalikan uang muka (modal awal) sebesar 30jt dan kita memiliki uang 30 juta dari modal awal dan kelebihan 20 juta.

Margin call = Permintaan broker untuk dana segar (atau aksi tertentu) untuk mempertahankan posisi aktif yang ada, atau jika tidak, maka semua posisi aktifa akan dilikuidasi.

Market Maker – Seorang dealer yang sering membandingkan harga penawaran ( bid price ) dan harga permintaan ( ask price ) dan siap untuk membuat pasar dua-sisi untuk setiap pasangan mata uang.

Market Order – Instruksi untuk membeli atau menjual suatu mata uang secara langsung, pada harga terbaik yang tersedia.

Margin Level = persentase ketahanan dana thdp Price Action


Net Position (Posisi Net) – Posisi mata uang Forex yang belum ditutup dengan posisi yang berkebalikan dengan posisi tersebut.

NZD – simbol mata uang untuk Dollar Selandia Baru


Offer – Nilai tukar dimana seorang dealer bersedia menjual mata uang. Dikenal juga sebagai ask price (harga permintaan).

Order dan Posisi = Order adalah pesanan untuk membeli atau menjual pada harga tertentu namun jika Order yang disampaikan ternyata 'match' atau 'ada lawannya', contoh jika Anda order beli pada harga 9500 dan kebetulan ada yang mau jual pada harga yang sama, maka Order menjadi Posisi. Jadi selama pesanan belum 'match' maka namanya tetap order namun sesudah 'match' maka sekarang menjadi Posisi. Untuk menjual kembali posisi yang sudah Anda miliki (tutup posisi) maka dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan Order kembali tapi dengan arah berlawaran (jika posisi Buy maka ditutup dengan Sell dan sebaliknya)

Open order = Sebuah order yang akan dijalankan bila harga bergerak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan. Biasanya disebut “Good until Cancelled Orders”.

Open position = Sebuah posisi yang belum dieksekusi.

Oscillator – Suatu Indikator teknis yang dicirikan dengan kemampuannya menunjukkan kondisi jenuh beli ( overbought ) atau jenuh jual ( oversold ) pada pasar

Overnight = Sebuah posisi yang terus aktif sampai han berikutnya(berinalam).

Overbought = titik jenuh dari suatu Up-Trend

Oversold = titik jenuh dari suatu Down-Trend


Pips = Digit yang ditambahkan atau dikurangkan dan tempat desimal keempat, misalnya 0.0001. juga disebut Points.

Political Risk (Risiko Politis) – Kerentanan terhadap perubahan dalam kebijakan pemerintahan yang mungkin memiliki efek tertentu pada suatu mata uang dan mempengaruhi posisi seorang pelaku Forex.

Position (Posisi) – Perdagangan yang sedang berlangsung.

Pivot = Area Tengah (rata2 dari harga high & low kemarin)

PA = Price Action (action harga dari low ke high/sebaliknya)

PO = Pending Order (pemesanan harga)

Point = digit terakhir dari harga market


Quote (Perbandingan) – Harga pasar dimana bid price dan ask price ditampilkan untuk pasangan mata uang tertentu.


Rally – Pemulihan harga dimana harga suatu mata uang akan melonjak naik.

Range – Perbedaan antara harga terendah dan harga tertinggi selama periode perdagangan.

Rate (Nilai Tukar) – Harga dimana suatu mata uang bisa dibeli oleh pelaku Forex atau dijual terhadap mata uang lain.

Resistance (R) = Sebuah istilah yang digunakan dalam analisis teknikal yang mengindikasikan tingkat nilai terrentu yang dengan hasil kesimpularrnya orang akan menjual. Atau batas harga atas yang merupakan harga psikologis, contohnya saat ini (tahun 2010) nilai tukar dollar adalah 9000 dan memiliki batas harga atas (resistance) 10.000 Rupiah, yang bisa diartikan kalau sampai harga tukar dollar menembus harga 10.000 rupiah maka ada kemungkinan akan naik terus menjauhi 10.000 tapi selama belum menyentuh 10.000 kemungkinan harga hanya akan bergerak naik turun di bawah 10.000.

Risk Management = Penggunaan analisis finansial dan teknik trading untuk mengurangi dan atau mengontrol berbagai macam resiko.

Roll-Over – Kondisi dimana seorang pelaku Forex memperpanjang tanggal penyelesaian transaksi dari suatu posisi terbuka ( open position ) ke hari perdagangan selanjutnya.


Sell = adalah posisi dalam Forex Trading untuk Jual dan dilakukan jika harga diperkirakan akan turun sehingga ketika harga turun Anda dapat menutup posisi Sell anda dengan Buy yang lebih rendah. Singkatnya seperti konsinyasi, kita jual terlebih dahulu dengan harga mahal (pinjam) dan kemudian kita beli kembali ketika harga murah, selisihnya menjadi keuntungan kita.

Sell Limit – Pesanan tertunda untuk menjual suatu pasangan mata uang pada harga yang lebih tinggi.

Sell Stop – Pesanan tertunda untuk menjual mata uang pada harga yang lebih rendah.

Short (Pendek) – Menjual sebuah pasangan mata uang

Spot Price (Harga Spot) – Harga pasar yang berlaku. Penyelesain dari transaksi spot biasanya berlangsung dalam 2 hari kerja.

Spread (Penyebaran) = Perbedaan harga antara harga jual dan harga beli.

Stop Loss Order = Limit order yang digunakan untuk membatasi kerugian.

Support (S) = batas harga bawah yang merupakan pasangan dari resistance (atas), contohnya saat ini (tahun 2010) nilai tukar dollar memiliki batas harga bawah (support) 8.500 Rupiah, yang bisa diartikan kalau sampai harga tukar dollar turun menembus harga 8.500 rupiah maka ada kemungkinan akan turun terus menjauhi 8500 tapi selama belum menyentuh 8500 kemungkinan harga hanya akan bergerak naik turun di atas 8500 (support) dan di bawah 10.000.(resistance)

Support Levels = Sebuah teknik yang digunakan dalam analisis teknikal yang mengindikasikan nilai spesifik teratas atau terbawah di mana nilai tukar yang diberikan akan mengoreksi dirinya sendiri secara otomatis.

Sideways/Ranging Market = Harga bergerak flat/volatilitas rendah


Take Profit Order – Pesanan yang digunakan oleh pelaku Forex untuk mengunci keuntungan pada tingkat tertentu dengan menutup perdagangan.

Technical Analysis (Analisis Teknis) – Usaha untuk memprediksi harga mata uang dengan menganalisis data pasar.

Tick – Perubahan minimal pada harga, naik maupun turun. Juga dikenal sebagai pip.

Tomorrow Next (Tom/Next) – Aktivitas menutup sebuah posisi lalu membukanya kembali pada hari perdagangan yang sama sehingga tanggal penetapannya dimajukan.

Turnover – Nilai total uang dari seluruh aktivitas perdagangan yang dilakukan dalam periode waktu tertentu.

Two-Way Price – Kondisi dimana bid price dan ask price dibandingkan untuk sebuah transaksi Forex. Dikenal juga sebagai Perbandingan ( Quote).


US Dollar – Mata uang Amerika Serikat.

Uptick – Harga baru yang harus dieksekusi pada harga yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada perdagangan sebelumnya.


Value Date – Tanggal penyelesaian untuk suatu kontrak mata uang.

Variation Margin – Jumlah dana yang diminta oleh broker kepada klien untuk dimiliki dalam akunnya untuk memenuhi batas minimal setoran yang diperlukan.

Volatility (Vol) (Volatibilitas) – Ukuran statistik dari pergerakan harga pasar pada satu periode waktu tertentu.

Volatil Market = harga bergerak naik-turun dengan range besar & cepat


Whipsaw – Istilah yang digunakan ketika suatu posisi dibuka dan sebuah stop loss dibuat, lalu pasar bergerak dan mengaktifkan stop loss tersebut, dan kemudian berbalik arah dan bergerak naik lagi.


Zig Zag = sebuah perangkat analisa teknikal untuk mengetahui trend sekaligus support-ressisten harga.

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Introduction to the Forex Market

" Forex " stands for for eign ex change; it's also known as FX. In a Forex trade, you buy one currency while simultaneously selling another.

Currencies trade in pairs, like the Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). Forex trading is used to speculate on the relative strength of one currency against another. The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter market, which means that it is a decentralised market with no central exchange.

Who trades currencies, and why?

Daily turnover in the world's currencies comes from two sources:

Foreign trade (5%). Companies buy and sell products in foreign countries, plus convert profits from foreign sales into domestic currency.

Speculation for profit (95%).

Most traders focus on the biggest, most liquid currency pairs. " The Majors " include US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. In fact, more than 85% of daily Forex trading happens in the major currency pairs.

The world's most traded market

With average daily turnover of US$3.2 trillion, Forex is the most traded market in the world.

A true 24-hour market from Sunday 17:00 to Friday 17:00 New York time, Forex trading begins in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, London, and New York.

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Forex update: Swiss franc falls to parity versus US dollar

Swiss franc is aiming for 0.9021, in case of a correction from channel resistance. Upward, 1.040 will be the currency's first stop IBTimes UK/FXStreet

The Swiss franc has fallen to parity against the dollar, which has been rallying broadly but holding near the 1.20 floor rate against the euro, with the European currency reeling under strong downward pressures.

Charts show that the upward rally in USD/CHF is still within the trend downwards seen since 2005, meaning the immediate moves in the pair will be crucial.

With the early days of the new year showing continued dollar demand and a euro sell-off, the franc is likely to keep its diverging trends against its two most important counterparts.

If the likelihood of worsening deflation risks and a downbeat economic outlook for the Eurozone can keep the Swiss unit supported against the single currency, relatively more positive US numbers and safe haven demand will keep the dollar dominant.

The Swiss National Bank's decision last month to charge a fee for sight deposits of a particular amount and above has effectively brought Switzerland under negative interest rate regime, taking the safe haven shine of the franc away.

When all of this is considered, the Swiss currency is fundamentally weak, and only the relatively worse scenario in Eurozone keeps the franc upbeat versus the common currency.

The SVME purchasing managers index for December will be published on 5 January and then unemployment rate and inflation data on 9 January.

Swiss unemployment rate is at 3.1% and inflation has been mostly at -0.1% or zero through last year. Only in two months the year-on-year inflation rate came above the zero line and the market consensus for December is a repeat of the November print of -0.1%.

After falling below the parity mark in November 2010, USD/CHF made two attempts to break back higher, in July 2012 and in May 2013, but failed.

The success this month has taken it through the 2012 peak of 0.9973 to a more than two-year high.

A close look at the monthly chart reveals two trends: the upward trend that started in July 2011 and the big picture downtrend started in October 2005.

The recent upward one has hit channel resistance increasing the likelihood of a correction – then 0.9021 will be the level to target.

If the pair ignores the channel resistance and continue upward towards the second wave top, then it can hit 1.10 in a few weeks.

On the way north, the 1.04 level may offer some resistance, but a stronger resistance would still be higher – at 1.1286. Further up, 1.2133 is a level to watch.

On the downside, 0.9634 and 0.8700 are two major levels to watch. As long as the former holds, risks will be more skewed to the upside.

A fall through the latter will, however, resume the big picture downtrend opening doors to levels like 0.8000, 0.7000 and below.

Euro vs Dollar Currency Chart - 21st September 2009

The euro vs dollar continued to march ever higher last week, with the only temporary setback coming on Friday, with the last trading day of the week ending with a narrow spread down candle, but one with a deep and significant lower wick to the body, and with the low of the trading session finding support from the 9 day moving average. With all three moving averages pointing sharply higher, and with the US dollar continuing its steep and deep decline, there is nothing to suggest that the current rally in the euro vs dollar is likely to end soon, or is there?

First, it is interesting to note from the daily currency chart, that over the last ten days, the spread of each candle has been narrowing each day, and certainly since the breakout of two weeks ago, all of the subsequent candles. whilst blue and positive, have remained in a tight range during each trading session, and have not exhibited any surge in momentum which we would have expected. Thursday’s candle in particular was very narrow, and followed by Friday’s weakness. Whilst it may be premature to forecast a reversal lower for the euro vs dollar, we are now running into some dense resistance in the 1.47 to 1.50 price region, and indeed the previous rally of late 2008, failed at the 1.4710 with a subsequent steep sell off back to 1.25. This seems unlikely at present, but we may see some volatility later in the week, sparked by the FOMC rate decision and statement due out on Wednesday, and I have covered all the forex fundamental news for the euro vs dollar on the euro to dollar site.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

Wednesday. September 9 th. 2009

Euro vs Dollar - Daily Candle Chart 9th September 2009

Análisis Técnico Forex

Euro vs dollar forex traders finally received the price action they have been craving for so long as the forex pair broke above the pennant formation which has been forming during August with a strong break higher to take the rate through the USD1.44 level at long last and closing the session just below USD1.45. Technically the chart ended with a wide spread up bar which now clearly signals that we are in for a period of bullish momentum for the Euro and with our initial price target now having been achieved we can look towards the USD1.50 level once again. The only area of resistance which may cause a temporary pullback is the upper boundary at USD1.4700 region but if this broken then we have a clear run back to USD1.50 and even as high as last year’s USD1.60.

Fundamental Forex Analysis

A surprisingly quiet day both for Europe and the US with very little fundamental news on the economic calendar with only German final CPI this morning in Europe which came in on target at 0.2%, the same as last time. Owing to the Labor Day national holiday there are no crude oil inventory numbers due today and the only other item for the US is the Beige Book which is due for release at 19.00 GMT.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

Tuesday. September 1 st. 2009

Análisis Técnico Forex

With the UK market closed yesterday for a national holiday, trading volumes in the euro vs dollar were relatively thin, and as a result we saw a volatile day of forex trading on little news, with the candle ending as a doji, and perhaps more significantly and ‘inside day’ or the Japanese term ‘harami’. This is often the first signal that a reversal is likely, although given the fact that we are in effect consolidating sideways, the signal probably has less weight on this occasion. Indeed the low of yesterday’s candle seemed to find support from the 14 day moving average, with the close of the trading session balanced on the 9 day, both of which suggest that the euro vs dollar will continue to edge higher in trading once again. The key to the medium term remains the new resistance level now in place at 1.4450, and only a break and hold above here will signal a breakout and sustained move higher. With all three moving averages providing solid support my trading suggestion for today is to attempt small long positions intra day, but only as far as the initial target outlined above. Should we subsequently clear this level in due course then longer term trend trades may well profit from the move.

Fundamental Forex Analysis

The new month of fundamental news for Europe kicks off with German Retail Sales forecast to show an improvement from last time at -1.3% to a positive 0.7%, and if met will once again confirm that the recession is beginning to flatten as the long slow recovery begins. This is followed later in the morning with the German Unemployment change which is also expected to provide further good news for Europe with a forecast of +33k against a previous of -6k, although this ‘good news story’ may be counterbalanced by the Unemployment Rate for Europe which is expected to show an increase once again from 9.4% last time to 9.5% today, although being a lagging indicator this fundamental news may not surprise the forex markets .

Two items of fundamental news dominate the US economic calendar this afternoon with ISM Manufacturing and Pending Home Sales, the first of which is expected to nudge over the psychologically important 50 level, indicating an economy in contraction to one in expansion, with a figure of 50.6 forecast against a previous of 48.9, but once again ( as in Europe) this good news may be balanced by Pending Home Sales which are forecast at half last time at 1.7% against a previous of 3.6%, but given we are still in the summer, this number may not concern the forex markets unduly. The day ends with several minor news items all of which are covered in more detail on the econimic calendar.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

Lunes. August 31 st. 2009

Euro vs Dollar - Daily Forex Analysis 31st August 2009

Análisis Técnico Forex

The euro vs dollar continues to struggle to break above the 1.44 technical level on the daily forex chart, which increasingly seem to be becoming a key level for the forex pair. Following Thursday’s strong move higher, technical view was that this should follow through on Friday, but with a return of some limited US dollar strength, the pair fell back in later forex trading markets to close the session and the week with a down candle, with the low of the day finding some support from the 9 day moving average. With seven failed attempts to clear this level, the resistance now building is becoming increasingly significant, and a barrier to any progress higher, however, should we see a break and hold above this level in due course, then this will provide a solid platform to any move higher in due course.

Fundamental Forex Analysis

There is very little in the way of significant fundamental news on the economic calendar for Europe today, with only Italian Retail Sales, Italian Preliminary CPI and the European CPI Flash estimates reporting. Of these the most important is the last, which measures the change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, and is therefore an excellent guide to the current inflationary or deflationary picture in Europe. The forecast for today is for - o.4% against a previous of -0.7% so a slightly better picture than last time should this number be correct. For the US meanwhile, the only fundamental news item due out is the Chicago PMI data, which if the forecast is correct, shows an economy inching its way out of the depths of recession.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

Wednesday. August 26 th. 2009

Análisis Técnico Forex

Once again the euro vs dollar promised much but delivered little in yesterday’s forex analysis, with the threatened breakout in early trading failing to materialise, and the currency pair falling back later in the session to end the day with a weak shooting star candle formation. With a small body and deep upper wick, the candle suggests a bearish tone to today’s trading in the euro vs dollar, as the pair once again consolidates in this congested area immediately above all three moving averages. Like many other markets. the currency markets too is suffering from thin trading volumes, lack of any real news, and summer holidays in full swing, are all adding to the sideways movements of which the euro vs dollar is no exception. Until we see a break out above the new resistance level at 1.44, then we can assume that the pair will continue to trade in this range until normal market volumes return in September. The only way to trade at present is on an intra day basis aiming at small profit targets.

Fundamental Forex Analysis

This morning’s fundamental news on the economic calendar started early with the release of the German Import prices data which came in worse than expected at -0.9% against a forecast of -0.7%, a relatively minor piece of news, but one which is followed by the more significant German IFO Business Climate data, a number which will certainly have an impact when released. The forecast for today is 89.1 against a previous of 87.3. The IFO data is highly regarded due to it’s large sample size and historic correlation with German and wider Eurozone economic conditions, and as a result tends to have a significant impact on the forex market when released, as it generally considered a leading indicator of the economy in Europe. The figures are derived from a survey of about 7,000 businesses which asks respondents to rate the relative level of current business conditions and expectations for the next 6 months.

The focus of attention for forex traders then shifts to the US where we have two key numbers this afternoon, namely Core Durable Goods ( and Durable Goods which is less significant) followed 90 minutes later by New Home Sales. The first of these is expected to come in worse than last time at 1.0% against a previous of 1.6%, whilst new home sales are expected to show a modest improvement from 384,000 to 393,000. Both numbers will provide some interesting fundamental forex analysis for forex traders and analysts. Shortly after this we have the Crude Oil Inventories, but as always these will tend to have more of an impact on the Canadian Dollar owing to Canada’s pre-eminence in the energy complex, and these numbers will be available on the crude oil trading site soon as they are available. The usd to cad par will no doubt react to these figures on release which are forecast at -2.1M a huge change from last week’s -8.4M.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

Tuesday. August 18 th. 2009

Análisis Técnico Forex

An interesting trading session for the euro vs dollar pair which ended the day with a narrow spread doji candle which once again perched neatly on the 40 day moving average, suggesting that the pair may have found some support at the USD1.41 price handle. With the doji indicating market indecision and the depth of Monday’s wick to the downside, it would not be unreasonable to expect a small move higher in tomorrow’s trading session, particularly as we seem to be experiencing a series of higher lows of which this could be fourth in a series going back as far as early June. Whilst this is hardly a strong trading recommendation it may provide some opportunities for short term intra day scalping to the long side, whilst longer term position traders will have to wait for a sustained break either to the upside or the downside when the current trading range is finally broken.

Forex Fundamental Analysis

With only German PPI and the Current Account due for release early tomorrow morning and crude oil inventories in the US later in the day trading in the euro vs dollar is likely to be dictated by equity markets and investor appetite for risk.

You can keep up to date with all the latest fundamental news on the economic calendar, latest currency news and live currency charts by simply following the links. I have also included details on an excellent ECN broker.

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My latest forecasts here!

Gold prices finished last week in bullish mood once again following the extended period of price congestion which has seen the precious metal trade within the range of the wide spread volatility up candle of the 11th February. This candle was seminal in defining and describing any further advance for gold, given its move outside. [& Hellip;]

After the malaise of the last few months, copper finally nailed a key technical level firmly into place on Friday as the red metal surged higher, closing the session with a wide spread up candle supported with excellent volume, thereby confirming the validity of the move higher. Indeed last week’s price action was a very. [& Hellip;]

The daily chart of the CAD/USD is one of those examples where the description of technical analysis being an art and not a science, neatly sums up the price action of the last three months with perfect symmetry around the low January 2016. December’s bearish trend with its pause point in the 0.7200 region, followed. [& Hellip;]

With so many traders keen to forecast the longer term prospects for crude oil, I thought it was time to add my own thoughts, and as always at times like this, I find starting with the slower timeframes provides a more balanced and rounded view of the way ahead. And if we start with the. [& Hellip;]

As each new year comes around, and we celebrate the new and say goodbye to the old, as traders we are never sure what it is precisely we are welcoming in, or indeed saying goodbye too. Is it more of the same, or a transformation, and for 2016 so far it has been the latter. [& Hellip;]

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“Having recently started trading Forex, I have been avidly devouring as many books as I can to increase my toolkit. Some are good, some are bad and some are downright ugly, but “Secrets of High-Yield Currency Trading” by Edward Mellar has been a revelation.

This is the perfect trading book to bridge the gap between beginners’ guide and technical manual. It deals with the fundamentals thoroughly but what I really liked was the fact that it presents you with good, solid strategies for successful trading and focuses on furnishing you with real techniques for dealing with real life situations.

It is written in easy-to-understand language while providing advanced strategies to help you analyse technical data. Edward is an analyst to the core but he manages to make the complicated area of fundamental analysis easy to comprehend, and provides some good, solid techniques in clear and concise language.

The author has a solid trading background and is not afraid to share his lows as well as his highs. He includes lots of useful information about how to avoid traps and scams and there is a large section on risk management.

This is an easy-to-follow guide that I will be referring to for some time to help steer me through the maze of currency trading.

All in all, a superb bible for any Forex trader, from beginner to pro.”

Do you think you know a really good and useful forex trading book? Suggest it to be featured here

Gold and Forex News

Belgrade, January 13 / January second ( EFE ), died today, the Yugoslav coach Milan Malanic former coach of Real Madrid at the age of 82 years. according to Serbian media.

Malanic Born on the Fourth of May / May 1930 in the city of Bitola in Yugoslavia. and was the manager of the Serbian team Red Star. who played in the ranks, also coached Valencia to the Spanish side Real Madrid where he won league titles and cup.

He was coach of Yugoslavia in World Cups 1974 and 1982. and in 1983 coached the Qadsia until 1985.

Malanic and retired from training in 2001 to serve as president of the Yugoslav football.

Coach and embarked on a late author of several books that have been used as reference and curriculum in schools across the ball in the world. ( EFE )

While the forex market is certainly driven by fundamental economic factors, commonly known as the fundamentals, most traders prefer to make their trading decisions on the basis of charts and indicators, since these are open to anybody and do not require a deep understanding of global economics, these traders are known as technical traders or chartists.

The overall style of this type of trading is technical analysis .

The first point in lining up your technical analysis tools is to ensure that you are using the type of forex chart that suits you best. All currency trading charts show price movements for a currency pair but you can change how you view them. There are three basic types of chart:

Line charts simply show the closing price for each period. You could set this to show the closing price at the end of every minute, the end of every day or many different periods between. This will give one point for each period and these are joined by a line to show the direction of the price movement.

Line charts can be useful if you want a quick overview of a trend. However, they do not give much information so very few traders would base a trading system on line charts.

Bar charts give four times as much information as a line chart. As well as the closing price, given as a notch on the right of the bar, they show the opening price with a notch on the left, and the high and the low (top and bottom points of a vertical line).

Being able to see the range of movement within a period can be very useful. It can give an indication of volatility of the currency pair, and in some cases, indicate when a retracement may be about to take place.

3. Candlestick charts

Candlesticks are the most popular type of forex chart. They show the high and low for the period in the same way as a bar chart, but the open and close prices are shown by the range of the candle body. If the open is higher than the close, i. e. the price fell during the period, the candle will be shaded in a white/shaded system or red in a green/red colored system. If the close was higher than the open, i. e. the price increased during the period, the body of the candle will be white or green.

The shading or color makes it easy to see the direction of price movement at a glance. The size of the candle body makes it equally easy to see the range of movement between the open and close. This is very helpful when looking for patterns in currency price movements. It makes it simple to spot trends, choppy markets and retracements.

Whatever type of forex chart you use, you will be able to alter the time period that point, bar or candle covers. This allows you to see price movements over a longer period or focus in to view the changes every minute. Many traders will use a second time period in the chart to check that their signal is not contradicted with a different chart setting. Of course, you can also use other technical analysis tools such as indicators to verify your decision before placing an order on the basis of your forex chart reading.

Forex Strategy Outlook: US Dollar May Shed Gains on December Effect

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Category Archives: Dollar Index Weekly Analysis

The US dollar . The dollar is one of the most highly traded currencies in the world. The greenback is frequently utilised for international transactions and is often exchanged for euros, pounds and the Japanese yen as well as commodities including Oil and Gold. The dollar index is a weighted view of the dollar exchange rate versus the following basket of currencies. Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Pound sterling (GBP), Canadian dollar (CAD), Swedish krona (SEK) and Swiss franc (CHF). The primary focus of this category is technical analysis of the USDX but fundamental developments are also covered with a view to understanding the prevailing market sentiment.

Big Round Numbers - Trading Strategies

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Harmonic Patterns For Forex Trading

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Enhancing Trading Performance Through Meditation

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Forex Market Direction. Where Are The Major Currencies Heading.

Knowing the overall forex market trend for the major currencies will prove beneficial for staying on the right side of the market. Forex Traders in general want to enter positions in line with the dominant market trend.

As the major currencies are paired with the US Dollar we can follow their dominant direction by analyzing the US Dollar.

If the US Dollar is bearish, the following pressure for the majors would be;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

Monthly commentary on the US Dollar is now only provided for newsletter subscribers.

Look for the subscribe link on the top right corner of the site.

Direction of US Dollar for the next few years;

For the longer term direction of the US Dollar, Deutsche Bank believes that the dollar cycles have historically lasted around six to 10 years. As at 26 march 2013 Deutsche bank believes that the downtrend ended in 2011 and has now entered a sustained multi year uptrend. The article is located here www. businessinsider. com. au/chart-long-term-us-dollar-cycles-2013-3

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Current Forex Market Forecast by brainyforex

Market Commentary As at 22 October 2012

In our prior forecast of 11 September 2012 (see below) it was stated. "Our next downside target is the natural square level of 79.00".

As seen from the above "Weekly Chart" we can see that price has been reacting on this 79.00 natural square level. So far failing to move under it.

Where to from here and it's influence on the majors?

The market has been moving sideways for the prior 5 weeks and continues to do so to the present day.

As is, can only expect more of the same sideways price action.

Market Commentary As at 11 September 2012

In our prior forecast of 30 July 2012 (see below) it was said. "Should price move under the prior week low of 82.59 this will signal that the current uptrend has halted and we should see the dollar moving down to test lower support levels, the first target being 81.00".

Price followed that path and now we have confirmed weakness in the US Dollar. As shown on the above weekly chart (11 September 2012) we see a break in the 81.00 support level and also a break in the weekly swing low, thereby signaling more weakness to follow.

Our next downside target is the natural square level of 79.00.

Just remember that price usually retraces backup towards an old broken support level to test it before making further lows. In this case there is a strong possibility that price will move backup towards the 81.00 (may not reach it though?) before falling towards the 79.00 target level.

Price pressure continues for the medium time frame as follows:

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

[NB. Beware of short-term retracements in the opposite direction].

From last week we anticipated the US Dollar to move higher, which did not happen. Last weeks forecast as seen below also mentioned that it would be important for the 83.50 natural square level to hold as support for further higher price moves. As shown on the above weekly chart we now see IMMEDIATE DANGER for the US Dollar.

Should price move under the prior week low of 82.59 this will signal that the current uptrend has halted and we should see the dollar moving down to test lower support levels, the first target being 81.00.

Price pressure now changes as follows on the intermediate time frame:

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

[NB. The next few days will show if 82.59 level breaks for more lower prices / sideways. Time vibration shows uptrend has halted for the time being. See the white line on above chart].

Once again, as anticipated on our prior forecast the US Dollar retraced before moving upwards to current level of 83.79 this Monday morning 23 July 2012. [See above chart]

Where to from here?

Anticipate upwards direction. Watch natural square levels for resistance at 86.00 and more importantly 88.50. Also remember price moves higher in wave formations - expanding and retracing. With this forecast its important that the current price support level of 83.50 holds.

Price pressure will continue as follows on the intermediate time frame:

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

[NB Reminder. Beware that there are no certainties in forecasting as Governments can intervene in apparently so called "freely traded markets" and step in and manipulate price through what are called their "dirty floats" ].

As anticipated on our prior forecast the US Dollar retraced back to 81.16 on the 18 June (read below) and started moving back upwards from there. [See above chart]

Where to from here?

On last Friday price closed on 83.56. A natural square level as show on the above chart is 83.50, which means that price is currently fighting against resistance.

If price continues above this 83.50 level expect this level to form support and creating a wave three formation which should see price head up toward the 86.00 level.

Over the next few days lets watch how price reacts to this resistance level. If price fails to exceed the 83.50 level immediately, expect it to do so after a minor pullback.

US Dollar is in uptrend as shown on the weekly chart, which means price pressure will continue as follows on the intermediate time frame:

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

[NB. If US Dollar hits resistance on the current 83.50 level expect prices to move opposite that shown above for the "immediate" time frame].

As anticipated on our prior forecast the US Dollar hit resistance on the 83.50 level (read below) and started retracing back down.

Where to from here? As the US Dollar is in a uptrend on the weekly chart we can expect price to start moving back upwards after retracing towards the natural square level of 81.00. Will price go all the way down and hit the 81.00 mark? Responder. Probably close to it? See the above chart (daily chart).

We now have price pressure as follows:

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

UNTIL the US Dollar stops falling further. Which is probably the 81.00 level.

Once the 81.00 level is hit (or near it) expect a upward move in the US Dollar thereby creating reverse pressure as follows:

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

The US Dollar may reach the 81.00 price level around 22 June 2012.

As WD Gann would say "lets watch as price reacts on these levels and confirms the forecast so as not to get ahead of the market".

Surprise surprise. Price of US Dollar blasted past the strong resistance level of 81.00 as shown on the above WEEKLY chart.

A Gann principle is that "old resistance becomes support". So lets watch price retrace back to the 81.00 level and not sink further before price continues to move higher toward the next resistance level of 82.80 - 83.50 which is 61.8% fibonacci level and natural square level respectively.

As price continues to move northwards we can expect more downward pressure on EUR, GBP & AUD until US Dollar hits the next resistance level between 82.80 - 83.50.

The converse is applied to JPY, CAD & CHF.

Bear in mind as US Dollar retraces back to 81.00 EUR, GBP & AUD will retrace upwards or move sideways for a short time.

The US Dollar is reaching toward 81.00 level as shown on the above chart. We can expect price to stall on this level and even reverse.

Cuando? Sometime before the end of this week.

Expect to see continued downward pressure on EUR, GBP & AUD until US Dollar hits the 81.00 resistance level. After this prices will reverse and see EUR, GBP & AUD move upwards.

The converse is applied to JPY, CAD & CHF.

Above US Dollar DAILY chart shows the following;

1. Price approaching old resistance / support level of 81.00 which is also a natural square level. (white line) and

2. 81.00 level also being a 50% of a prior range level (blue line).

The US Dollar closed the week on it's low of 78.40.

This has now provided evidence that it's attempted appreciation last week was futile. For a while early last week it looked like it had the strength for a bull rally - which did not eventuate.

Now we see from the weekly Dollar chart above 'huge weakness' in the form of the following;

1. Price under old support / resistance level of 79.00 which is also a natural square level.

2. Price moved under the prior week low.

3. Bearish candle pattern with price closing under the prior week low.

A weakening US Dollar means "strength" for the Euro, British Pound and Australian Dollar. Also, the converse (opposite) for Japanese Jen, Canadian Loonie and Swiss Franc. These three should see a depreciation in value and move downwards.

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

The US Dollar has now moved ABOVE the 79.00 natural square level, 79.78. The vibration line on the chart shows its down time is complete for the present and we should see it move upwards from here toward the 81.00 natural square level. Notice also it's bullish nature by moving above the prior week high.

A strengthening US Dollar means "weakness" for the Euro, British Pound and Australian Dollar. Also, the converse (opposite) for Japanese Jen, Canadian Loonie and Swiss Franc. These three should see an appreciation in value and move upwards.

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

Update Market Commentary As at 1 February 2012

The US Dollar has now moved down to 79.42 and found (temporary?) support near the 79.00 natural square level which has been a prior support / resistance area in the past.

The US stock market as represented by the DJIA is having problems staying above the 12,700 natural square level. (Currently 12,633).

This now means that we should see "weakness" in the current bullish moves for the Euro, British Pound and Australian Dollar. Also, the converse (opposite) for Japanese Jen, Canadian Loonie and Swiss Franc. These three should see a (temporary?) halt to their recent declines.

Market Commentary As at 25 January 2012

As seen on the weekly chart of the US Dollar (shown below) we notice that price currently at 79.93 has moved under the prior week low in addition to breaking under its price vibration and natural square level as explained by WD Gann.

We can now anticipate further falls from here. (As long as the 81.00 NSQ level is not breached to the upside).

For currency traders this means that price pressure will be as follows;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

[Experienced traders recommend waiting for a retracement or pullback in price before entering a position so as to reduce risk. There are no 100% certainties as to price direction due to unexpected unforeseen world events. Risk only what you can afford to lose.]

Last Friday, 10th June 2011 we saw a bearish weekly candle price closing (11,951) under the natural square level for the DJIA which means we should have a high probability of a continued down trend continuing.

On the US Dollar weekly chart, 10 June 2011 (chart insert) we see a bullish candle formation closing above the natural square level. This signifies a high probability that price will continue to moving upwards from the 75.19 level.

This means pressure continues as follows; Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

DJIA and US Dollar Weekly Chart as at 10 June 2011. Market Commentary As at 11 May 2011

The US dollar has now moved above it's prior week high indicating a good chance of further upward action. We also see that last weeks price formation shows a 'bullish candle' right on the natural square support level, giving us further confidence of the continuation of the (temporary) bullish move in the US Dollar.

This means pressure moves to; Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Weekly Chart as at 11 May 2011.

Market Commentary Update At 21 April 2011

The US dollar as of yesterday broke under it's prior week low, which means that it's back to the original forecast of;

Pressure; Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Weekly Chart as at 20 April 2011.

Market Commentary Update At 18 April 2011

As seen from the chart below, we notice that the US Dollar has now exceeded its prior week high. This now causes a change in the forecast. We now see temporary pressure move as follows;

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Weekly Chart 18 April 2011.

US Dollar Weekly Chart 30 March 2011.

From the two charts above of US Stock Market and US Dollar (insert) we see a reversal from our previous forecast. The DJIA has moved above its time vibration and about its 12,100 natural square level.

The US Dollar failed to exceed its natural square level, thereby indicating further weakness.

For the last few weeks we saw the DJIA and US Dollar were out of sync, thereby resulting in mostly sideways price action for the currencies.

As noted on the US Dollar chart insert, once price moves under its prior week low it will cause a break in its vibration level thereby causing price to fall further. This will mean the pressure for the major currencies should soon be as follows;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Daily Chart 10 March 2011.

From the two charts above of US Stock Market and US Dollar we see a weakening of the prior bullish move in the US Stock Market.

As noted on the chart, notice three major indications that show weakness; For DJIA 1) Price moving under prior week low. 2) Price moving under natural square level of 12,100 points and 3) Time expiration by break of vibration line.

For the US Dollar chart insert we see the exact opposite of all three points mentioned for the DJIA.

This forecast should hold true if there is no major reversal in Friday's direction.

We can be prepared for next week that the inter-market effect on price pressure for the major currencies to be as follows;

Bearish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bullish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

DJIA Daily Chart 11 February 2011.

The above chart shows the US stock market to be bullish. We also notice the orange natural square levels for both the DJIA and the US Dollar coming into play.

On the US Dollar chart insert, notice a zig zag formation which is likely to finish on the 79c level followed by a continued downward move.

The effect should be as follows;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Daily Chart 8 February 2011.

As price is moving a little sideways we notice the NSQ (natural square levels) which may give us an indication of what price will do once it reaches these levels. The main levels currently as shown are 77, 79 and 81c.

Since price is in a trading range we turn our attention to the US stock market and notice that it is currently trending strongly upwards / bullish which means our current forecast from the 20 January remains in tact.

From the bearish nature of the US Dollar expect the following price pressure to continue;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

US Dollar Weekly Chart 20 Januaray 2011.

We now see weakness in the US Dollar based on the weekly chart. As shown on the chart notice the double top, price moving under the prior week low as well as last weeks bearish candle formation. Plus, price rejected the 81.00 natural square level.

WD Gann said that the best chart to see what the market was doing was the "WEEKLY CHART".

From the bearish nature of the US Dollar expect the following price pressure;

Bullish = AUD/USD, EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Bearish = USD/JPY, USD/CAD and USD/CHF.

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CFD on Forex Contract Specifications & Leverage Levels details

Typical Average Spread 1

AUD/CAD Australian Dollar VS Canadian Dollar

AUD/CHF Australian Dollar VS Swiss Franc

AUD/JPY Australian Dollar VS Japanese Yen

AUD/DKK Australian Dollar VS Danish Krone

AUD/HUF Australian Dollar vs Hungarian Forint

AUD/NZD Australian Dollar VS New Zealand Dollar

AUD/PLN Australian Dollar VS Polish Zloty

AUD/SGD Australian Dollar VS Singapore Dollar

AUD/USD Australian Dollar VS US Dollar

CAD/CHF Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc

CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen

CAD/NOK Canadian Dollar vs Norwegian Krone

CAD/SEK Canadian Dollar vs Swedish Krona

CHF/JPY Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen

CHF/HUF Swiss Franc vs Hungarian Forint

CHF/NOK Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krone

CHF/PLN Swiss Franc vs Polish zloty

CHF/SGD Swiss Franc vs Singapure Dollar

EUR/AUD Euro vs Australian Dollar

EUR/CAD Euro vs Canadian Dollar

EUR/CHF Euro vs Swiss Franc

EUR/CNH Euro vs Chinese Renminbi

EUR/CZK Euro vs Czech Koruna

EUR/DKK Euro vs Danish Krone

EUR/GBP Euro vs British Pound

EUR/HKD Euro vs Hong Kong Dollar

EUR/HUF Euro vs Hungarian Forint

EUR/JPY Euro vs Japanese Yen

EUR/MXN Euro vs Mexican Peso

EUR/NOK Euro vs Norwegian Krone

EUR/NZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar

EUR/PLN Euro vs Polish Zloty

EUR/RUB Euro vs Russian Ruble

EUR/SEK Euro vs Swedish Krona

EUR/SGD Euro vs Singapore Dollar

EUR/TRY Euro vs Turkish Lira

EUR/USD Euro vs US Dollar

EUR/ZAR Euro vs South Africa Rand

GBP/AUD British Pound vs Australian Dollar

GBP/CAD British Pound vs Canadian Dollar

GBP/CHF British Pound vs Swiss Franc

GBP/DKK British Pound vs Danish Krone

GBP/JPY British Pound vs Japanese Yen

GBP/HUF British Pound vs Hungarian Forint

GBP/NOK British Pound vs Norwegian Krone

GBP/NZD British Pound vs New Zealand Dollar

GBP/PLN British Pound vs Polish zloty

GBP/SEK British Pound vs Swedish Krona

GBP/SGD British Pound vs Singapore Dollar

GBP/TRY British Pound vs Turkish Lira

GBP/USD British Pound vs US Dollar

GBP/ZAR British Pound vs South African Rand

HKD/JPY Hong Kong Dollar vs Japanese Yen

NZD/CAD New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar

NZD/CHF New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc

NZD/HUF New Zealand Dollar vs Hungarian Forint

NZD/JPY New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen

NZD/SGD New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar

NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar

NOK/JPY Norwegian Krone vs Japanese Yen

NOK/SEK Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona

PLN/JPY Polish Zloty vs Japanese Yen

SEK/JPY Swedish Krona vs Japanese Yen

SGD/JPY Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen

TRY/JPY Turkish Lira vs Japanese Yen

USD/CHF US Dollar vs Swiss Franc

USD/CNH US Dollar vs Chinese Renminbi

USD/CZK US Dollar vs Czech Koruna

USD/DKK US Dollar vs Danish Krone

USD/HKD US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar

USD/HRK US Dollar vs Croatia Kuna

USD/HUF US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint

USD/JPY US Dollar vs Japanese Yen

USD/MXN US Dollar vs Mexican Pesos

USD/NOK US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone

USD/PLN US Dollar vs Polish Zloty

USD/CAD US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar

USD/RUB US Dollar vs Russian Ruble

USD/SEK US Dollar vs Swedish Krona

USD/SGD US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar

USD/TRY US Dollar vs Turkish Lira

USD/ZAR US Dollar vs South African Rand

ZAR/JPY South African Rand vs Japanese Yen

Long Rate in Pips 2

Short Rate in Pips 2

AUD/CAD Australian Dollar VS Canadian Dollar

AUD/CHF Australian Dollar VS Swiss Franc

AUD/DKK Australian Dollar VS Danish Krone

AUD/HUF Australian Dollar VS Hungarian Forint

AUD/JPY Australian Dollar VS Japanese Yen

AUD/NZD Australian Dollar VS New Zealand Dollar

AUD/PLN Australian Dollar VS Polish Zloty

AUD/SGD Australian Dollar VS Singapore Dollar

AUD/USD Australian Dollar VS US Dollar

CAD/CHF Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc

CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen

CAD/NOK Canadian Dollar vs Norwegian Krone

CAD/SEK Canadian Dollar vs Swedish Krona

CHF/NOK Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krone

CHF/PLN Swiss Franc vs Polish Zloty

CHF/SGD Swiss Franc vs Singapore Dollar

CHF/JPY Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen

CHF/HUF Swiss Franc vs Hungarian Forint

EUR/AUD Euro vs Australian Dollar

EUR/CAD Euro vs Canadian Dollar

EUR/CHF Euro vs Swiss Franc

EUR/CNH Euro vs Chinese Renminbi

EUR/CZK Euro vs Czech Koruna

EUR/DKK Euro vs Danish Krone

EUR/GBP Euro vs British Pound

EUR/HKD Euro vs Hong Kong Dollar

EUR/HUF Euro vs Hungarian Forint

EUR/JPY Euro vs Japanese Yen

EUR/MXN Euro vs Mexican Peso

EUR/NOK Euro vs Norwegian Krone

EUR/NZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar

EUR/PLN Euro vs Polish Zloty

EUR/RON Euro vs Romanian New Leu

EUR/RSD Euro vs Serbian Dinar

EUR/RUB Euro vs Russian Ruble

EUR/SEK Euro vs Swedish Krona

EUR/SGD Euro vs Singapore Dollar

EUR/TRY Euro vs Turkish Lira

EUR/USD Euro vs US Dollar

EUR/ZAR Euro vs South African Rand

GBP/AUD British Pound vs Australian Dollar

GBP/CAD British Pound vs Canadian Dollar

GBP/CHF British Pound vs Swiss Franc

GBP/DKK British Pound vs Danish Krone

GBP/HUF British Pound vs Hungarian Forint

GBP/JPY British Pound vs Japanese Yen

GBP/NOK British Pound vs Norwegian Krone

GBP/NZD British Pound vs New Zealand Dollar

GBP/PLN British Pound vs Polish Zolty

GBP/SEK British Pound vs Swedish Krona

GBP/SGD British Pound vs Singapore Dollar

GBP/TRY British Pound vs Turkish Lira

GBP/USD British Pound vs US Dollar

GBP/ZAR British Pound vs South African Rand

HKD/JPY Hong Kong Dollar vs Japanese Yen

NOK/JPY Norwegian Krone vs Japanese Yen

NOK/SEK Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona

NZD/CAD New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar

NZD/CHF New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc

NZD/HUF New Zealand Dollar vs Hungarian Forint

NZD/JPY New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen

NZD/SGD New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar

NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar

PLN/JPY Polish Zloty vs Japanese Yen

SEK/JPY Swedish Krona vs Japanese Yen

SGD/JPY Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen

TRY/JPY Turkish Lira vs Japanese Yen

USD/BGN US Dollar vs Bulgarian Lev

USD/CAD US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar

USD/CHF US Dollar vs Swiss Franc

USD/CNH US Dollar vs Chinese Renminbi

USD/CZK US Dollar vs Czech Koruna

USD/DKK US Dollar vs Danish Krone

USD/HKD US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar

USD/HRK US Dollar vs Croatia Kuna

USD/HUF US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint

USD/JPY US Dollar vs Japanese Yen

USD/MXN US Dollar vs Mexican Pesos

USD/NOK US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone

USD/PLN US Dollar vs Polish Zloty

USD/RON US Dollar vs Romanian New Leu

USD/RSD US Dollar vs Serbian Dinar

USD/RUB US Dollar vs Russian Ruble

USD/SEK US Dollar vs Swedish Krona

USD/SGD US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar

USD/TRY US Dollar vs Turkish Lira

USD/ZAR US Dollar vs South African Rand

ZAR/JPY South African Rand vs Japanese Yen

[2] The swap value depends mainly on the level of interest rates and the interest of the Company for having an open position during the night. The exchange is automatically converted to the base currency of the trading account of the client. The Company reserves the right to amend the swap values of a specific client in case of any suspect of a trading abuse. The operation is carried out at 23.59 (server time) and may take several minutes.

Zero margin requirements for opening a hedged position provided free margin is positive (Margin Level > 100%);

Zero commission;

The trading hours starting daily from 00:00 to 24:00 server time Monday through Friday. The server time is GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 is applied during summer time).

From Friday to Monday swap is charged once. From Wednesday to Thursday swap is charged in triple size.

Leverage on RUB and CNH crosses will be 1/10 of the account leverage. Max Leverage can be 1:50 when account leverage is 1:500.

Leverage on CHF, DKK and CZK crosses will be 1/3 of the account leverage. Max Leverage can be 1:166.67 when account leverage is 1:500.

The Company reserves the right to amend the swap values of a specific client in case of any suspect of a trading abuse.

Trading hours for specific exotic pairs: USDRUB, EURRUB: 10:00 - 18:00 USDCNH, EURCNH: 03:00 - 24:00

Zero margin requirements for opening a hedged position provided free margin is positive (Margin Level > 100%);

No commission applies;

The trading hours, for all Live and STP accounts, are 24 hours per day, starting at 00:00 Monday and closing at 24:00 Friday server time. Server time is GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 applies during daylight saving/summer time.

Leverage on RUB and CNH crosses will be 1/10 of the account leverage. Max Leverage can be 1:50 when account leverage is 1:500.

Leverage on CHF, DKK and CZK crosses will be 1/3 of the account leverage. Max Leverage can be 1:166.67 when account leverage is 1:500.

No micro lots are allowed for accounts with a balance over $10,000

Trading hours for specific exotic pairs: USDRUB, EURRUB: 10:00- 18:00 USDCNH, EURCNH: 03:00 -24:00

The Company reserves the right to change the client’s account leverage as per below table or otherwise appropriate considering client’s trading activity:

Instant execution Account

Leverage Level per Exposure

If exposure on a single currency pair is > than 10mln (100 lots) account leverage can be changed to a maximum level of 1:200 3

If exposure on a single currency pair is > than 10mln (100 lots) account leverage can be changed to a maximum level of 1:100 3

If exposure on a single currency pair is > than 15mln (150 lots) account leverage can be changed to a maximum level of 1:50 3

Trading de alto riesgo Advertencia: Nuestros servicios incluyen productos que se negocian en margen y conllevan el riesgo de perder todo su depósito inicial. Before deciding to trade on margin products offered by IronFX you should consider your investment objectives, risk tolerance and your level of experience on these products. Trading with a high leverage level you can either sustain losses or gains on your funds. Los productos de margen pueden no ser adecuados para todos y debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con respecto a los productos que se negocian en el margen y buscar asesoramiento financiero independiente, si es necesario. Please read IronFX’s AU Risk Disclosure statement. IronFX is a trade name of GVS (AU) Pty Limited. GVS (AU) Pty Limited is authorized and regulated by ASIC (AFSL no. 417482). Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice. Before acting on any information on this website, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. It is important that you read and consider the Financial Services Guide (FSG). Declaración de divulgación del producto (PDS). and other relevant disclosure documents before you acquire any product listed on the website or make any decision about using our services. The information and advertisements offered on this website are not directed to residents outside Australia and are not intended for distribution to or use by any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use is contrary to the local laws and regulations. This website is owned and operated by the GVS (AU) Pty Limited.

Licences and Authorisations IronFX is a trading name of GVS (AU) Pty Limited.

GVS (AU) Pty Limited is authorized and regulated by ASIC (AFSL no. 417482 )

IronFX AU does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as USA, Iran, Cuba, Sudan, Syria and North Korea

Currency: trends in the Forex market

An individual looking to invest in Forex needs to identify the dominant currencies in this market and the key currency pairs. Currency investments offer significant diversification benefits for portfolios of individual investors. A due diligence conducted on behalf of the investor in this regard is sure to reap benefits in future trading.

Key Currency Trends

The major currencies in the foreign exchange market are basically the ones in which most of the currency trades are established. These key currencies include the US Dollar, the European Euro, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Canadian Dollar, the Australian Dollar and the Swiss Franc.

The US dollar is the benchmark against which other major currencies are traded in the foreign exchange market, in particular the Yen, the Euro and the British pound. Often referred to as the greenback, due to its color, the US dollar has been the dominant currency of global foreign exchange reserves. However, in the recent past the US dollar has lost ground to the euro on account of current account imbalances in the US. The euro's share of the global foreign exchange reserves increased from 18% in early 1999 to close to 25% by end 2003.

Currency Pairs – What are They?

A currency pair represents a quotation of one currency in terms of another. The first currency mentioned in the pair is the base or transaction currency. The second currency in the pair is known as the quote or counter currency. Such a quotation indicates how many units of the counter currency would be required to purchase a single unit of the base currency. For example, the quote for the EUR/USD currency pair indicates how many US dollars are needed to purchase one euro.

Currency Pairs - The BIG Ones

There are six key currency pairs that form about 90% of the daily trading activity in the Forex market. Éstas incluyen:

EUR/USD – Euro vs. US Dollar

GBP/USD – British Pound vs. US Dollar

USD/CHF – US Dollar vs. Swiss Franc

JPY/USD – Japanese Yen vs. US Dollar

USD/CAD – US Dollar vs. Canadian Dollar.

AUD/USD – Australian Dollar vs. US Dollar

For a new entrant in the Forex market, it is extremely important that he/she focuses on a single currency pair, with the ideal one being EUR/USD, since this has a small spread. When the bid/ask prices are on an upswing, it indicates that the counter currency is weakening and the base currency is strengthening.

Peringatan Atas Risiko: Foreks, Komoditas, Option, dan CFD (OTC Trading) adalah produk-produk yang bisa meningkatkan nilai uang Anda, tetapi juga mengandung risiko kerugian yang cukup besar, termasuk hilangnya modal pokok yang Anda investasikan. Selain itu, tidak semua orang bisa mengelola investasi ini dengan baik. Pastikan bahwa Anda benar-benar memahami risiko yang dikandungnya dan jangan menginvestasikan hingga jumlah kerugian yang tidak bisa Anda tanggung. Silakan lihat penuh kami risiko disclaimer. Blue Capital Markets Limited

Blue Capital Markets Limited Hu ICP Bei 14032025-3

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

A Day in the Life of a Forex Trader

Are you looking into breaking into the field of professional foreign exchange trading? Or are you already a forex trader doing it regularly? Either way, this article may be of interest to you. The forex trader is a different breed of human being. They utilize the markets to earn a living everyday. We have a look into the insight of a day in the life of a forex trader.

Any professional forex trader has the potential to make massive returns from their initial investment or on the nastier side any trader can make massive losses. It is not a game of chance, trading is a skill of emotional control and sound decision making. Traders have an understanding of market mechanics and their behaviour as a response of economic trends.

Traders makes their living from taking advantage of price differences between the buy and sell price of currency pairs and more importantly they make their money by following the market trend. If you yourself have studies forex charts you may notice how the price fluctuates – there are only three directions the price can do: rise, fall or stay the same. Currency prices only stay the same if the currency value is not floated and fixed to a certain value. Traders make their money on the difference on price so the trader can either buy long and hope the currency rises or sell short as the currency drops in price and still makes a profit.

The advanced forex trader waits for a new trade or rather waits for the right time to open a new trade by looking for the right indicators and signs to signal an entry into the foreign exchange market. There are two things that the forex trader can do at home to watch out for an entry signal: look at charts or wait for news. Traders watch for the right trending signals to enter a trade. And the primary rule for the trader is that вЂ˜the trend is your friend. ’ Stick to the trend and you won’t get hurt. Secondly, traders also watch the news. They must know what economic data is coming out on which days and what that data means to the future of the economy of the respective countries. If they don’t keep track of these facts and economic data and indicators they may find that some currencies are especially volatile during these news announcement events and see the market jump. The forex trader must be ready for these economic announcements to ensure they can anticipate the increased market activity.

Once the forex trader has successfully entered into a trade, a trade that is going well the trader then simply rides the trend to completion, implementing a trailing stop to lock in profits as the price trends the way the trader wanted the trend to go. But if the trade goes sour, the forex traders needs to exit the trade with grace. The trader must cut their losses to succeed in the business of foreign exchange trading.

Hopefully this has given you an overview of what a professional forex trader does to make a living from simply taking advantage over the price difference. The technique is to enter a trade correctly using trend analysis or a news announcement and then follow the rules of “riding the trend” or the “trend is your friend” with “cutting your losses quickly. ”

George Polizogopoulos is a staff writer for MyShareTrading. com . an information hub for traders: forex, shares, derivatives, CFD's. MyShareTrading. com also provides free blogs for traders who wish to share their market experiences.

You may republish this article on the condition that it is not edited and all html links to our website is kept intact. MyShareTrading. com В© 2006 All Rights Reserved.

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Dollar Bulls Roared Back To Life. Image Caption: Forex currency price chart of USD and JPY Image: Teaser: Dollar Bulls Roared Back To Life. Dollar Buyers Return Body: Dollar Buyers Return. cent in the US session as the Dollar bulls roared back to life. Stops were hit in both directions and have left the technical situation.

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Forex 4 Arab

Qué es Forex Trading?

Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries against each other. Forex is acronym

For example, in Europe the currency in circulation is called .

and in the United States the currency in circulation is called the US Dollar. Un ejemplo de un comercio de la divisa es comprar el euro mientras que simultáneamente vende dólar de los EEUU. This is called on the EUR/USD.

Forex trading is typically done through a broker or market maker. As a forex trader you can choose a currency pair that you expect to change in value and place a trade accordingly. For example, if you had purchased 1,000 Euros in January of 2005, it would have cost you around $1,200 USD. Throughout 2005 the Euro’s value vs. the U. S. Dollar’s value increased. At the end of the year 1,000 Euros was worth $1,300 U. S. Dollars. If you had chosen to end your trade at that point, you would have a $100 gain.

Operaciones de Forex se pueden colocar a través de un corredor o creador de mercado. Las órdenes se pueden colocar con apenas algunos tecleos y el corredor pasa entonces la orden junto a un socio en el mercado interbancario para llenar su posición. Cuando cierra su operación, el corredor cierra la posición en el Mercado Interbancario y acredita su cuenta con la pérdida o ganancia. Esto puede suceder literalmente en unos pocos segundos.

The Dow Theory This idea of ​​a simplified theory of Dow Daw Theory _______________ Dow Theory Daw won a lot of attention at the time in the early last century. Dow himself one of the founders of Wall Street and the owner of the famous index of U. S. companies, "Dow Jones Daw Jones". Basics of Dow Theory Daw?

1 - the basic direction of the market: The market is moving according to the theory of three major movements, the first is the movement of the primary trend of the market. The movement of the primary trend of the market are either upward movement (Polish) Rally upward and are either the movement of a bear (Birch), bearish rally. Take the primary movement direction of the market (depending on those days) a year or several years. 2 - the direction of the secondary market (correction): We talked about the first move of the market is the primary trend. What about the secondary move? Movement direction is the secondary reaction corrective reverse movement of the underlying market. Take the movement direction of the secondary market from month to 3 months and a range of almost one-third thirds of the previous move. 3 - small movements of the market: It moves a small price to take from day to 3 weeks in several directions. Which is the main component of the movements of large primary and secondary. Dow talked about but completely ignored in his analysis. 4 - the use of averages to confirm the direction of the market: One of the most important principles of the Dow Daw, where he said the market without Almtostan to confirm each other Vatjaha negligible. It should be noted here that the Dow average is Mtostatna completely, but it depends on the averages of the factories and means of transport such as determining the direction of the market as a whole (note, the Dow Jones index is a company). 5 - Volume Volumes another affirmation of the direction of the market: It is not the importance of averages is not very significant. It is based on the continuation of market direction as long as a large volume (by the way, there is an indication Balmitatredr) and vice versa. 6 - the trend remains true even show a sign reversal clearly: The direction is clear (say, upward rally, for example), the highest price for the current candle is greater than the highest previous price for the candle and the candle below the current price is greater than the minimum price of the previous candle, Sign reversal show reversal signals earlier (the highest current price is less than before and so on). * In conclusion, the Dow theory Daw is clear from the foregoing it is primitive compared to what we got it from the multiple instruments of technical analysis today, but I mentioned only because it is out of the idea of ​​Elliot Waves and many see it as the spiritual father of these waves.

The phenomenon of remorse investors The so-called phenomenon of investors remorse is a movement always recur in the various financial markets (stocks - forex. etc) They reflect the psychological state traders in the market, as occurs when the price reaches the summit of a particular constitute a Hi new to a specific time period, and in this point see much of the traders that the price is right for sale but it may prevent them from so they feel that the price will continue to qualify for the give up and frequented some of them of the sale, but the price down and continue to fall and here possesses these traders remorse, and after a period of time return the price to go up and the moment had reached the point of Hi former accelerates these traders to conduct sale (in order not to repeat remorse again) and as a result of this sale price is the so-called double top and back down. Therefore, the Dubl Top Model is the result of the psychological state of traders and what some call the phenomenon of remorse investors. Also that this phenomenon occurs when similarly shaped bottom or point of a new Low. As we see this phenomenon, the major role in the formation of support and resistance lines, and a lot of professionals know the result of study and experience the psychological state of traders and their reactions to a particular movement in the market and act on it. But I like to note important note is that we must always be upon the arrival of the market or the price to the point of the top or bottom of the precedent here is very important to know news and economic data at this stage where he said there was no significant news often occurs the phenomenon of remorse investors and return the price of the reflection. while at this stage that featured news or data confirm the direction of the market, the price continues to trend going on here and break to the point of resistance or support the former. I hope I have managed to bring the idea Please accept my respect

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Million Dollar Pips

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Developer: Developed by the William Morrison and the Million Dollar Pips team.

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Summary: Works on the EUR/USD currency pair using the M1 timeframe.

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Setup: Easy Setup.

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Pros: - Excellent customer support

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Cons: 1 currency pair robot.

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Price: USD$ 99.00 – Onetime fee.

Credit Card Processor: ClickBank

Million Dollar Pips Expert Advisor Customer Support: Excellent

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Top Forex Robots

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CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Forex & Trading Competition

The purpose of this post is to estimate the Forex Trading Strategies of Commercial Forex Robot: Million Dollar Pips by examining the daily trading activities and trading history.

Current version is 1.2 updated on Jun 2011. What is new:

it implements improvements into the diagnostics.

it includes a reset script to reset money management variables.

Previous Version was 1.16. You can check the version by the property of the Expert Advisor:

After activation, EA settings should be displayed as blow on the MT4 platform:


Multiple Currency Pairs on M1 time frame.

The recommended pairs is EURUSD.

You can also purchase the version for USDJPY and GBPUSD separately.

Trading Hours:

Based on the forward test, this Robot opens more trades 24 hours, 5 day per week. It will open average 9 to 10 trads per day.

Entry Strategies & Set-Ups:

Entry Strategies is following scalper trading rule for quick in and quick out for small profile ranging. However, it is not Asia scalper.

Diagnostics and Debug information can be set as true to show you more details.

NumOrders_Levels: 0- 4… 0 being, less trades, more profitable, and 4 being more trades, and less profitable

Additional_Channels: 0 – 8, increases trading series frequency.

Slippage: Any number, a broker can have a slip in the price causing your results to be slightly off. This allows you to control when the robot trades during slippage. The lower the number, the safer and more profitable, but chance of less trades. Higher slippage, means more trades, but higher chance of failure in trades. See my result under the setting of 0.2 here .

Max_Simultaneous_Orders: Allows the robot to do more trades at once, it will not increase risk as the robot will adjust accordingly, improves profit potential. Recommend 1 for those wanting 1 trade at a time and U. S. Clients.

FIFO: Must be true if using US broker. This only comes in handy if Max_Simultaneous_Orders is > 1.

OrderCmt: Allows you to change the comments on each trade.

Pessimistic_Testing: Default is false. Simulates bad live account conditions ( realistic entry and exit slippages ) in back tests. Funky_Exit: Default is true. Exits trades sooner.

AutoApply_ECN: Default is true. Use ECN account settings automatically when ECN is detected.

One username can be used on one live trading account only. Username is your clickbank receipt. However, live account and broker changing is available uner member activation area:

Group_Orders. Group bunch of orders into one trade if possible, reducing server communication overhead.

Trailing_Resolution: This is the stepping for trailing stop.

If .0, it will not do anything.

If .1, it will not doing anything.

At .2 and up it will act as a step trailing.

Use_Stop_Orders: Set to true if your broker doesn’t deal with slippage when settings stops or has stop level of 1 or less. This will improve profitability, only true if those conditions are met.

Hard_Stop_Trailing: When true will use hard stops and take profit trailing. Meaning it will modify the trade as it trails. If off, the trailing will be done internally.

Golden Entry Rules:

The strategy itself is not excessively complex: it uses a few of the indicators and channels to decide entry signals.

Exit Strategy:

Take Profit = Uses Dynamic Take Profit Level (no fixed TP). It is between 2 and 35 pips,

Stop Loss = Uses Dynamic, ranging from -0.3 to -35 pips

Pre-Session Routine:

The Forex Trading Strategies for Pre-Session routine is to check spread and the broker condition. It will not trade under the following two condition:

Spread is too high

The broker offer only 4 digits. For example, you are not able to run it on Fxpro account. Go Market is suitable for this EA.

Post-Session Routine:

Risk/Money Management:

This Forex Trading Robots use the following four settings to control the risk:

Min_Lots: Lot sizes will never go below this number.

Max_Lots: Lot sizes will never exceed this number.

Risk: Every 1 is about 1% to 1.5% risk of current balance per order.

Risk_Mode_CommPips: Risk determined with target pips when true, otherwise risk based only on risk %.

Most of the live forward test account use 1.5% as the default risk level. The expectation for this risk level is:

Assuming the deposit of $3000, the opening lot will be 0.7 to 0.8 Lot

The average loss is between 4 and 5 pips

The average gain is 9 pips


This Forex Trading Robot open lot size slightly bigger than other Robot. However, it won’t hold the trade for long. Most of the trade will be closed between 1 and 5 minutes. The emotion level is minimal for those newbie who constantly monitoring the trade. Fast execution is important for this forex trading robot.

Won’t the Effectiveness of the Million Dollar Pips Robot Be Affected if Too Many Traders Are Using it at the Same Time?

While some users are worried that the effectiveness of this robot might be affected if too many traders are using it simultaneously, this is in fact a myth. The consistency of the results that this robot has been showing even after its huge release proves that due to the trillions of dollars traded on the Forex market, it is very difficult to dilute the profitability of this robot software. It certainly has not been having a negative effect on my trading profits so far.

Why Was the Million Dollar Pips Software Created, and Will You Benefit From Using It?

As with many other legitimate business and investment opportunity, forex trading can sometimes be very time-consuming. Because of that, this robot’s owners decided that if they could input all their manual system’s trading rules, they will be able to successfully continue earning the income that they are earning while requiring lesser time and effort to do so. If you are interested in using a forex trading robot to generate an automated and sustainable income, you will definitely want to find out more about this software.

Will You Be Able to Profit from the Forex Markets Using Million Dollar Pips? The forex market was once only accessible to very large financial institutions and funds. However, anyone can get a forex brokerage account and start buying and selling currencies to generate an extra or full time income online. Despite that fact, most average people are still not aware of these great opportunities since they are not widely advertised and publicized.

Also, if you are already trading Forex manually and finding it extremely time-consuming, you can also start using this bot to automate trading profits.

Forward test

1. Owner: FTSP Team, special thanks for the help of Million Dollar Pips Team

Started: 14 April 2012

Start Balance: $1000 US Dollar Settings:

NumberOrders_Level = 4 for more trades

Welcome Forex Exchange

Forex realted is all to all things and many more and a nice forex exchange blog sites. The simple sense of Forex (Forex currency exchange, Foreign Exchange) is simultaneous purchase and sale of the currency or the exchange of one country's currency for the one of another country. The world currencies do not have a fixed exchange rate and are always fluctuating being traded in the currency pairs like Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen an others.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Forex, which is the brief constitute of Foreign Replace, is a term used to act the trading of various currencies of the man. Nowness trading has boomed freshly and is draftsmanship much and much nowness traders from all over the experience. There are distinct types of trades worldwide but this particular alter of patronage has numerous advantages over the pose. One should not abash forex with the product interchange markets since it is a distinguishable typewrite of trading and provides the experienced participant with g collection most the duplicate along with knowledge of how exchanges energy and its advantages.

Conscionable as render trading is through on the acquire market, forex trading is conducted on the forex turn that is considered one of the largest trading exchanges of the world. The product of exchange conducted on this market surpasses the dealings on the New Royalty Develop Mercantilism. Forex trading, which is colonial, is through via electronic networks and telephone from locations in cities equal Deutschland, Unsegmented States, England, Nihon and Country. In visit to be booming in adulterating interchange grooming one has to keep convert is to acquire one presentness and at the like instant mercantilism off another currency. The disagreement between the purchasing and commercialism prices cause the make of the trader. There are predestined status that are victimised in this switch suchlike pips, locomote & cover and the one needs to be close with them before they act dabbling in foreign turn.

To get the most out of a business, one should move to ordinary acceptance exchanges and these are referred to as hybridize. The smallest turn a cover price advert can difference is referred to as pips and circulate agency the difference in cost between the purchasing and marketing price of a currency. Tho' external interchange trading needs lots of experience and confinement, it is worthwhile because of the varied advantages it provides over other types of trading. External Replace Trading takes put 24 hours a day and hence there are no limitations set by initiative and final period similar in the caudex markets.

Forex trading gives you an chance to get such money but you should be aware that the risk of forex trading is also rangy.

Monday, 25 April 2011

The Imported Turn, many commonly glorious as Forex, has get the maximal business in the online domain. It allows brokers and dealer to preform exchanges with individual foreign currencies all over the sphere. The replace is area 24 hours a day, 5 life a period. Because of this, the possibilities someone beautify interminable. There is a new attribute which has been else freshly which involves making money from the forex marketplace automatically with forex software.

Elite in widespread is constantly hunt for the fitter face of time. Forex has prefabricated careful to petition to this type of someone. Because of the refer, forex has grown implausibly over the eld. Withal, before one dives into the forex class, it is big to see as much as contingent. There are more things to larn some this item, but with a undersized assets of knowledge, you can statesman reaping success.

There are worthy differences that become forex and exchanges resembling the New Royalty Reputation Convert. For occurrence, forex is an Over the Sideboard marketplace. This but capital it is not a centralise fabric improved upon a business room, some equal the NYSE. Thus, trading can become all day lengthened.

A galactic construction in forex is the diverse currencies. It allows for the get of artefact and services. Likewise, because currencies are constantly fluctuating, dealer are competent to dungeon up with replace rates writer closely.

In organization to be a eminent merchandiser, one must inform the component of forex. In status to earn insightful noesis, brokers and licensed advisors are readily easy and surefooted of movement knowledge dr. to the forex newbie. A emotional bit of counselling goes a lengthened way when forex trading.

Tho', judgment a broker isn't for everyone. That is why the internet is such a exquisite locate. Anything you necessary to couple around the unnaturalized mercantilism is readily open to any trader aspirant. Browsers can ascertain anything from making money from forex mart automatically with forex software to the bedrock of forex trading.

The foreign work market is a judge where currencies are traded, allowing institutions and banks to buy and delude them disregardless of get or decline. The primary aim of forex market is to found outside swop. They ply in the exchange of currencies from one to another without any difficultness. To be much circumstantial, during a alien reverse transaction the somebody buys a write of acceptance by paying another quantity of currencies. In today's experience, forex merchandise is one of the directing sources through which group piss hurried money. You can do your trading process from your internal also, which makes it favorable to mart from any section of the man and be in match with your product.

The exotic convert activity evolved in the 1970s, when the floating exchanges rates were state introduced by the countries. In the olden days, Bretton woods system was firm style of dealings practiced in these countries. There are many advantages existing in a imported exchange activity. They are its trading volumes, geographical spacing, trading hours are hourlong and leverage can be utilized, extreme liquidity and advanced benefit rates. If you are fascinated to variety fast money, this is the honourable charitable of acting you are looking for in your silty all the money in the activity. There are antithetical software's getable time which give assist you in exploit writer knowledge around the forex experience.

There are umpteen sites time online which instrument cater you in learned author near forex convert and its peculiarities. They testament also pass you in the compensate message regarding the investments and the returns from the mart. If you keep the alter change at the fitting indication, you gift competent to accomplish groovy vantage within a brief period of Adulterating reverse is a rank where currencies are bought and sold according to the requirements of the organism. Hundreds of group are using forex marketplace time to work an earning.

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A Forex trading system is simply a method by which traders select to buy, cozen, or decree out of a interchange. It is uncouth for a scheme.

It's not as arduous as you expect to activity a gain in the forex industry. The actuality is that the vast majority of the beginners who.

The foreign work market is a judge where currencies are traded, allowing institutions and banks to buy and delude them disregardless of get.

The Imported Turn, many commonly glorious as Forex, has get the maximal business in the online domain. It allows brokers and dealer to prefo.

To be frankfurter, the forex industry is not dissimilar a cassino in few slipway.  The much you put in, the much you defend to acquire, but.

Forex, which is the brief constitute of Foreign Replace, is a term used to act the trading of various currencies of the man. Nowness trading.

Forex Broker Leaning Unnaturalized interchange industry is well-known as a Forex Currency Change. It is advised as a money-making only for.

What are Forex indicators? Forex indicators are confusable to merchandise industry indicators, and those of you that possess traded stocks.

The peltate sagacity of Forex (Forex currency work, Abroad Mercantilism) is simultaneous acquire and merchantability of the nowness or the c.

Forex finance is a difficult move, and numerous bailiwick and significant factors relate it. System conditions of each country, class report.

Millions of traders trade billions of dollars in a single day. All these traders belong to different parts of the world and hence a trading is divided into three session namely, Asian session, European session and the US session. The day always starts with the Asian session including some of the large economies of Asia such as Tokyo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore and others. Each session has its own trends and temperaments making it distinct from the other session. In this article, we will look at some of Asian Forex Trading.

Mostly traded currency pairs in Asian session include American Dollar and Japanese Yen, European Dollar and Japanese Yen, and European Dollar and US Dollar. Japanese Yen is among the top of the lists in Asian currencies, since it is an extremely large driving force of the overall world’s economy

One thing needs to be mention about the Asian Forex trading is that it moves a bit slowly throughout the day or month as compare to other sessions of Europe and US. Economies and trading of Europe and US are most fast and stabilized in contrast with Asian economies and hence currencies. But the other side of the coin is an opportunity for the traders to experience more stabilized and less changing currency levels and letting them concrete their decision.

Currency pairs are being added in the list of trades in different countries. For example China has soon released eight new currency pairs to be traded. This not only increases the opportunities and profit gain but also is a growth and developing measure to any economy.

Anyways, a big scale forex business or company trades in all three session to make a more reliable, effective and profit yielding portfolio. This is because European and US session give a more profitable business than Asian session. But still, there are individuals and organizations only dealing on a large enough scale in Asian session that they do not enter in the other two sessions. This is because, economies like China and Japan contributing a lot in the Asian session.

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