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Esto se hace Binxry la llamada y poner; Esencialmente, el sí y el no que discutimos anteriormente. Debe estar utilizando la mejor plataforma También es un factor más cuando el corredor utiliza la mejor plataforma para sus clientes.
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Así que no todos los sitios. * Por conveniencia para comprobar los sitios que desea comprobar su estafa? Presione F3 o Ctrl + F en esta página. Y escriba el nombre del sitio que desea comprobar su estafa y luego presione Intro. Si encontró el texto resaltado, significa que el sitio es estafa. De lo contrario, no es estafa o es la posibilidad no en la lista. PS En esto he encontrado el sitio 1 estafa. Eso es dubaimlm, es muy estafa. Regístrese y obtenga un bono de $ 100. Es muy exagerado. ไม่ ได้ มี ครบ ทุก เว็บ นะ ครับ * เพื่อ ความ สะดวก ใน การ ตรวจ สอบ หา ชื่อ เว็บ ที่ ต้องการ ว่า หลอกลวง หรือ ไม่ ให้ กด F3 หรือ Ctrl + F ใน หน้า นี้ แล้ว พิมพ์ ชื่อ เว็บ ที่ ต้องการ แล้ว กด Introduzca ถ้า หา เจอ จะ มี แถบ สี ครอบ ชื่อ เว็บ นั้น ใน หน้า นี้ ถ้า หา ไม่ เจอ จะ ไม่มี อะไร เกิด ขึ้น ป ล. ใน นี้ ผม เจอ มา 1 อัน คือ DubaiMLM มัน หลอก ได้ หลอน มาก สมัคร แล้ว แจก 100 ดอลลาร์ หรือ 3.500 บาท ไทย โค ตะ ระ โม้ เลย อะ
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Qué es un sitio PTC
Para aquellos de ustedes que nunca tuvieron contacto con un sitio de ptc, aquí está una definición simplista de este tipo de sitio web:
Un ptc es un sitio web que paga a su miembro por los anuncios que hacen clic y ver, sobre una base diaria. En una explicación detallada, un sitio de ptc es la conexión entre los anunciantes y sus clientes potenciales (en este caso los miembros de ptc). The advertiser pays a fee to the ptc and then the ptc shares a part of that fee with its members, with the only condition that the members click and view the ads.
Trusted Ptc Sites.
Before joining a ptc site you should always do a research on the internet to see if it’s trusted or not or what are people saying about it. In the next few paragraphs I will present you some of the things you could take in consideration when checking a ptc site and also you will find a couple of sites where you can find real information about scam and trusted PTC sites.
First of all – take a look at the fee they perceive from their advertisers and then compare it to the fee they are paying to the members. If they pay the members more than they ask from their advertisers then the website is not financially sustainable. In other words they don’t make a profit from it and it will not last for long, even if you can’t seem to find complaints about it, yet.
Make a short research on Google with the name of the ptc domain you are verifying followed by the word “scam”. If people are complaining about that particular ptc site you will find it in the first result pages for sure.
There should always be a forum for the members to discuss their issues. Check if the ptc has a forum and take a close look in the forum. See if there are complaints or issues to be solved and how exactly the admin is answering to those posts. If there aren’t complaints of any kind, or bugs or issues to solve then probably the admin is removing the inconvenient posts. A ptc site like that is 80% scam.
Go to whois. net and do a search for the ptc’s domain. You can find there when the website was registered, where was it registered, what hosting service is using. If it is a free hosting or a free domain or even in a country you’ve never heard of then it is not a trustworthy ptc site. If the owner is not willing to invest in his business the minimum amount possible then he will not invest in his members either.
Take a look at the ads shown in the member area. If the majority of the ads lead to threads in its own forum or to different offers also from its own website then the ptc is not trustworthy. Think about it for a second. Why should someone be happy to pay you to see things you already see in the member area?!… Even if it pays you once, the ptc is not going to last with this kind of profit strategy.
The website looks totally unprofessional. Like I said above, if the owner is not willing to invest something in his business it’s hard to believe he will invest in his members.
You get more than $0.01/click. If you see something like that then it should ring the bell. For more than $0.01 per click advertisers could use Adwords for targeted people. If you find a ptc that pays you like $0.07, I don’t recommend wasting your time with it.
If the ptc asks you to upgrade in order to receive your payments then it is not trustworthy. Beside the fact that you might pay the money to upgrade and never get the money you earned earlier from clicking, a trusted ptc pays its members even with a standard membership.
On the front page the payout is $2 and in the Terms of Service the payout is $10.
These are first things you should check before joining a ptc site. It may take a couple of minutes, but it’s worth the effort. It’s not pleasant at all to work a few days or more and at the end to see it’s all a big scam.
This post is more like for ptc scam sites to help you avoid as much as possible losing money and time and a lot of headache…on the way… of making money with ptc sites.
I’ll make a complete list of ptc scam sites and I didn’t manage, every day there are dozens of websites showing up and most of them are …or become scams. That is why I’ve decided to recommend you some websites what it`s in a list of scam ptc sites and i wil try to update it regularely.
This is a pretty long list of ptc scam sites. I recommend you check this list from time to time to avoid wasting your time or being scammed. The list was built by adding ptc scam sites. and also ptc sites that other people complaint about.
The list of scam sites:

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Tagged with forex-cashbux. com scam
Lista SCAM
Scam ( ang. Con fidence trick ) – działanie polegające na wprowadzeniu kogoś w błąd poprzez sugestię, że jest on beneficjentem określonego dobra, na ogół finansowego. Celem tego działania jest przeprowadzenie trudnego do udowodnienia oszustwa. Najczęstszą formą scamu jest korespondencja w formie tradycyjnej lub elektronicznej – odmiana spamu.
Z jej treści przeważnie wynika rzekomo omyłkowe zaadresowanie tejże korespondencji.
Inną formą scamu są strony WWW oferujące wysokie zyski lub bardzo wartościowe informacje najczęściej w zamian za niewielki wkład inwestycyjny (HYIP). Może to być również wypełnianie ankiet, wprowadzanie danych on-line, jak i odbieranie reklam w poczcie elektronicznej (GPT). Istnieje również dużo agencji matrymonialnych (głównie na terenie Rosji), których celem jest zwerbowanie jak największej ilości osób (SCAM VICTIM) w celu wyłudzania od nich pieniędzy na rzekome wizy oraz podróże dla przepięknych kobiet poznanych za pomocą internetu. Przy rejestracji na tego rodzaju stronach jest wymagany adres poczty elektronicznej, więc jest ona często przyczyną dużej ilości spamu w skrzynce.
W niektórych przypadkach strona początkowo płaci, żeby później, przekształcając się w scam, przynieść większe zyski. Po krótkim czasie scam znika z sieci lub ogłasza zmianę właściciela, która w rzeczywistości niekoniecznie nastąpiła.
Jeśli chcesz wyszukać, czy na liście znajduje się dana strona użyj klawiszy Ctrl + F.
Ostatnia aktualizacja 17.10.2011

NeoBux geriausias visų laikų e-marketingo PTC, turintis virš 3,6 milijono narių. Junkis ir imk pinigus iš interneto.
Gerb. kolegos, čia pateikiu sąrašą Webų-sukčių, kurie niekada jums nesumokės jokio atlyginimo už darbą. Negaiškit laiko su jais. Sąrašas nėra baigtinis. Laikas nuo laiko, jį atnaujinu. Norint matyti mano svetainės pagrindinį puslapį, spauskite nuorodą viršuje "HOME".
A site will go on this list if it is: not paying, too many complaints and negative comments are found unstable (comes and goes) abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!) Scam List (note: we do not have all sites up yet. We are working on them as we go) You need to click on the link to see more info about the site. This is not just a list. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :( 1-usd-mail. com 3-dollar-mail. com 5-dollar-mail. com 10-cash. com 20-euro-mail. com 100-cash. com 2008mails. com 1800banners. com 100dollarptc. com 100euro-mail. com 200euromails. net 247payouts. com 400dollarsdaily. info 10bux. net 10centcashoutptc. com 10dollar-mail. com 10euro-mail. com 50centMails. com 77bux. com 99centptc. com 1cent-mail. com 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 1dollarptc. com 2bux. net 5cash. info 4realptc. info 5euro-mails. com 7evenbux. com 7heavenptc. com awsurveys. com a-n-cash. com adbux. org adflasher. net afferinte. com ahbux. com andreamails. com ads-earn. com adventures4u. com adybux. com aerobux. com aglocomails. com alexmails. com all-cashmails. com angelbux (angelbux. com) arclicks. com ariaptc. com asonewishes. com astroux. com at-mails. com atbux. com athome-cash. com autoex. org autopayouts. com b-u-x. net babalac. com baltbux. com bangthelinks. com bank-ptr. com bankomails. com banzibux. com bcbux. com beachbux. net beachptc. com beanybux. com bear-mails. com beaverbux. com best-mails. com bestbux. info bestdollarclicks. com bestnewbuxto. info bestpaybux. com BbetaBux. com bfgbux. com biggreenbux. com bigmoneycenter. com bigmoneyptc. com bigptc. tk billionaireptc. com birdmails. com black-mails. com blackearn. com blubux. com blue-mails. com bobomails. com boffopaidmail. com bombapub. com boodaq. com boonbux. com bpbux. com bravebux. com britebux. com business-ptr. com businessmails. bz bux. ee bux. gs bux. io bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) bux. to bux-7ven. com bux-gr. com bux-inv. com bux-service. com buxanna. com buxcafe. com buxcashy. com buxchristmas. com buxcorp. com buxdiamond. com buxextra. com buxfirst. com buxforex. com buxforyou. com buxgolden. com buxhunter. com buxinc. com buxler. net buxmarley. com buxmillionaire. com buxnew. com buxoffice. net buxokk. com buxptr. com buxter. ws buxs. nl buxtask. com buxtro. com buxturk. ws buxwin. com buxwiz. com buxxl. com camel-mails. com capricornbux. com cash4clickingptc. com cash4Clicks. org cash4ubux. com cashfiesta. com cashflowmails. com cashkidding. com cashnbux. com cashmails. biz cashmails. org cashmailz. com cashmedia. biz cashmoneyemail. com cashmybux. com cashTreePTC. com casino-PTR. com cat-mails. com cd-mails. com charm-mail. com cherry-mails. com chilloutbux. com chinawelcomeptc. info chobitsmails. net cjbux. com click2earn. biz clickersheaven. com clickersheaven. info clickforabuck. com clickmybux. com clicksterbux. com clicksx. com clix. vc clix-p. com clixp. com clixncash. com cloud-mails. com cloudy-mails. com cloudbux. com club4you. net coast-mail. com cobebizs. com cobybux. com colph. com comfortableincome. net companybux. com cooperativemail. com creativemails. biz currencymails. com cutebux. com cvbux. com depacco. com detbux. com devbux. com diamond-bizs. com diamond-mails. net diamond-ptr. com dingobux. com discobux. com discoclicks. com disney-mails. com doemails. com dog-mails. com dollargpt. com donkeybucks. com dreamails. com dutzzubux. com dw-mails. com dynamicptr. com e-mailpaysu. com eagle-mails. com earn-usd. biz earningsecret. com earnmybux. com earthptr. com easycashptc. com elephant-mails. com eliteptc. com enrichptc. com e-mailptr. com emmamails. com enbux. com enterpriseptr. com epaisa. pk esooe. com essentialptr. com euro-emails. com eurotrademails. com evernityrewards (evernity. com) exceedmargin. com excellentbux. com exclusivemails. net exobux. com expert-mails. com expertmails. net ezihippo. com ezlaptop. com fairhits. com fallsmails. com fastcarptc. com fastcashbux. com fastpayptc. com fatmoneyptc. com feer-mial. com fillbux. com filobux. com financebux. com financialfreedomads. com fineptc. com fire-mails. com firebux. net fivedollarptc. com flamemails. com flashbux. com fly-field. com flybizs. com foggy-mails. com foreverptc. com forex-cashbux. com foundmails. com freedom-mails. com fromhomedataentry. com fullmoneybux. com future-ptr. com gainpay. org gammabux. com gardenoflinks. com generalbucks. com geniusptr. com genuinemails. com get-umoney. com getdailypaid. com getpaidindustry. com getrefmails. com getrichptc. com getrichptr. com get-umoney. com giga-mails. com gkcash. com globalPTR. com gobigptc. com godbux. com godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info goldbizs. com golden-galaxy. com goldenquarters. com google-bux (googlenow. info) gowellup. com gpclub. net grandptc. com grapemails. com green horse gtsbux. com halloweenptc. info harktheheraldangelssingptc. info hatbux. com hawkinsBux. com helgabux. com hellishdollars. com herecomessantaclausptc. info hiddenbux. com hide4dz. biz highbux. Biz highbashbonus. com hitzmagic honestclicks. info hoobux. com huebux. com hugeptc. com hulk-mails. com hybux. com ibux. eu icepaid. com incomeptr. com infinitebux. com insanecricket. com inspiremarrow. com instant-ptc-cash. com instantlyptc. com instantptr. com interadmedia. com ippomails. net ironbux. com isabelmarco. com itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info izyBux. com jackmails. com javaptc. com jaysu. com jemabux. com jesusbux. com jobptc. com jokerbux jpbux. com jrbux. com justbux. com kazariangpt. com keedes. com key-mails. com kinderbux. com king-mails. com lachicaemails. com lawyer-mails. com leadmails. com leetbux. net legend-mails. com lenkaclix. com levinclix. com libertyreservemails. com link2communion. com litbux. com livebux. com lollipopmails. com loving-mail. com luckydollar. biz makenbux. com magicalmails. com magicalptc. com mailsmoney. com mailsmoney. net main-bux. com makemybux. com malnadcashmachine. com mapbux. com mappbux. com massiveptr. com maverickptc. info maystromails. net mecbux. com megabuxx. com megacashzone. com megamoneyptc. com mic-promotion. com milbux. com millionairebux. com mixbux. com mnmbux. com mom-n-popptc. info moneyems. com moneymakerptc. com moneypakbux. com moneytrainptc. com moonpaid. com mutualptr. com mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. mygoldbux. com mylook. com mymoneybux. com mysteryclickers. com NacBux. com NeatBux. com necbux. com NeoPays. com neveroff-bux. com NewBuxIndia. com Next-neo. com NippyClicks. com NoMinCashout. com NoMinimumBux. com NoWorkCash. com oberonclicks. com Ocean-Mails. com Ochristmastreeptc. info olebux. com Ok-usd. com omnibux. com OnABux. com Onedollarptc. com OppoMails. com Paid-Bux. info PaidClicks. WS PaidForFree. com Paidlink. info Paidstation. com PaidToViewTube. com Papillon-clicks. com ParadiseClicks. com Paradiseclicks. info PayablePTR. com PayDayPTC. com Payee. me Paying-mails. com PayingClub. com PayingPTR. com paymentsbooklet. com Payooclub. com Paypay-mails. com Pcash. info Pearlmails. com PegasusPTR. com PerfectPTR. com PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) PerformancePTC. com Persianptc. com phatbux. com Phoenixcash. info pink-mails. com Planetmails. com Pleasant-Mails. com Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) PogoMails. com Power-mails. net Power4Bux. com pretty-mail. com Profitmorebux. com Project-Bux. com ProMails. org ProperPTR. com ProsperousBoom. com ptc4u. com Ptcbiz. com Ptcbonus. com PTCBux. com PTCNinja. com Ptcrush. com PTCSense. com Ptcshare. com PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) PTR-Business. com Pumpkin-Mails. com QualityBux. com Quickcashptc. com QubeCash. com RageBux. com RaiBux. com rainbow-mail. net Rainpaid. com Rainy-mails. com Rapidobux. com Read2Money RealDataEntry. net RealMoneyCompany. com RealCashPTC. com Redclub-cash. com ReoBux. com Revbux. com RevolutionBux Richestmail. com Richestmails. net Richptc. com RichPTR. info Richptr. net RingMails. com Rolex-mails. com rushnsuccess. com RustBux. com SaladMails. com Salary-mails. com Salemails. com SapphireBux. com Saturn-mails. com SchoolBusOfCash. com Scopebux. com ScvBux. com ShareTheBux. com ShortBux. com Show-sales. com Silvanamails. net SmurfsPTR. com Snbux. com SnapDollars. com Snowy-mails. com solomails. com StableBux. com StablePTR. com SteadyCashPTC. com SteadyMails. com Stock-mails. com StockBux. com StormOfTraffic. com StreamEx. org Sun-Cash. com Superpaybyemail. com Sureptr. com SurfJunky. com Sweetdealsemail. net SweetPTR. com SweetsMails. com Tea-Mails. com teammails. com tehnobux. com Tendollarclick. com Thanksgivingptc. info Thebestptcintown. com TickerBar. info Timelessearn. com Topcashmails. com Touch-Mails. com TrafficNowFire. com Ts-Mails. com Tumbbux. com TuePaid. com TuiBux. com Turquads. net Twodollarptc. com uddoo. com UltraBux. com Universe-Mails. com up-bux. com UpBux. com USA-Bux. com Usd-ad. com Usdcenter. com UtilBux. com Ufobux. com Valentine-ptr. com Valuebux (Valuebux. com) Verbonix. com Vibrantvitalities. com Victorptr. com viewbux. com Vinefire (vinefire. com) Vision-Bux. com Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) Vitaraptr. com VuBux. com WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) WaveBux. com WavuBux. com WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) Webcamcashmails. com Western-Mails. com Windy-mails. com Wishmails. com Wonderful-Mails. com World-mails. com WorldsPTR. com Worldwide-mails. com WorldWidePTC. com Worldwideptr. com worldwideptr. net wow-mails. com WuBux. com XeonBux. com Xionbux. com XrayEmails. com YingYangBux. com Yippeemails. com YooBux. com YouPTC. com YourBestBux. com YourMyBux. com zaebux. com zionBux. com
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Since I’m going back to school within the next week for Finance Management I really wanted to reeducate myself on economics. It was something we were required to take in college, and although I did well, a lot of it has gone by the wayside. To really jump start my upcoming degree I wanted to get back on track. I will admit, my knowledge of economics and even of the economy is fairly average. Over the last several months I have taken a keen interest in the economy, stock market, money, investing, etc. I thought before I continued reading more about that stuff, I need to have a better understanding of the economy and how it works.
I picked up Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt because of the excellent reviews it has received. A majority of the reviews kept raving how much information is packed into such a simple, yet short, book. In hindsight this was perfect for me. Before I really jumped into the heart of things I felt that it was best to get the basics down and work my way up.
The book itself starts off with the most basic economic stuff. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if company “x” didn’t make the control board for televisions, company “y” couldn’t sell them. The entire first couple chapters are based on this, and this alone. After that the book really jumps around from one topic to the next. Economics is hard enough to understand, especially when the book isn’t laid out to teach someone step-by-step. That’s why by the fourth chapter I really started to get upset with what I was reading. When I pick up a book to read I want to learn something. I love getting the author’s opinion on a certain subject, but I also feel facts and real life situations or moments are key.
The part that bugs me the most about the book is why I believe certain topics were chosen. Yes, some topics are chosen wisely with good information. However, I feel like he picked topics that personally bugged him and wrote them down on paper. When I’m reading this I’m getting the impression he is pissed off about this and that, and it should work like “this.” Throughout the rest of the book I feel like I’m reading about someones rants on economics. Right away in the beginning I noticed several chapters taught me absolutely nothing. Instead I got the feeling he had a strong opinion and wanted everyone to hear it. I’m not discrediting Henry Hazlitt’s work or knowledge, instead I feel like I’m challenging his writing methods.
You may be able to get past the ranting and find some useful knowledge. For me there are too many key economic points that should be addressed that were left out. Bottom line, would I recommend this book to a friend? No
Every legit Paid-To-Click (PTC) website will offer some form of advertising for you to obtain direct referrals. It’s no hidden secret direct referrals will be a big part of you making money. These advertisements can range from banner advertisements (most popular), PTC ads, and advertising in their click game (I. E. ClixGrid, AdPrize, etc.). If the right form of advertising is done on the right PTC website, it can be extremely rewarding for you. Below is a glimpse into these three specific forms of advertising.
This can be found in various places throughout a PTC advertising website. The most common places are on a home page about the information, above and below PTC ads.
This is what you click on to make your money. On certain websites (Neobux and ClixSense) you can create a PTC ad yourself. This will take a little more time to be creative but could yield huge results for you if done right. Of course this will also cost the most.
ClixSense and Neobux both have fun little games that offer the member more ways of gaining points, prizes, or money simply by performing a simple task. Just like PTC advertising this can be a beneficial way of advertising your PTC website or business but it can be the most expensive.
Out of these three options banner advertising is the most common method used. It’s very cost effective, yet effective at getting you referrals. Banner advertising will have better success on PTC websites that have a good crowd following it. Don’t waste your time and money advertising on a site that won’t get you any real results. However, doing PTC advertising will easily get you the most referrals. Some of the more well known websites actually only use this method due to its effectiveness (plus helps other members out with clicking). The only downside is the cost. If you’re comfortable forking money over for ads the price won’t bother you. On the other hand if you’re trying to do this without investing any money you may want to stick to banner advertising. “Game” advertising is really difficult to pinpoint with a price or an opinion. Por ejemplo; NeoBux uses AdPrize points, which are accumulated after you watch an ad, to allow you to watch additional advertisements. Very similar to the way traditional PTC ads work. Unfortunatley these games don’t give out money for every click, instead prizes, points, additional clicks, and money can be won. Now, if you go to ClixSense and play their ClixGrid game you will notice it has a completely different style to it. The user is given one ‘click’ to guess the correct box the prizes are hidden in. Just like NeoBux prizes and money can be won. There is no doubt people play these games, it’s just a matter if you want to advertise to them with a heavy price in mind.
When and how should I advertise? At this point you should already know what websites you want to advertise for. If you’re confused by what I mean please see a previous blog of mine that describes PTC techniques: https://101moneyonline. wordpress. com/2012/02/11/paid-to-click-ptc-success-methods/. First thing you should do is break down the price per view for that form of advertising. I’ve seen some websites offer 1000 views for $1.00 when another one offers 1000 views for $0.50. If that’s a very successful site that has a lot of members that makes sense, however, that’s not the case for every PTC website out there so be careful. Once you have an idea look at the different packages they offer. Some websites offer better deals the more you buy while others offer no benefit to buying more views.
You could go all in and start advertising one or two particular websites at the same time. Personally, I like to spread the advertising out a little so there is always one running. If you aren’t at that period where you can do that don’t worry about it, eventually it will happen. Here’s what I do:
Currently I am active in 7 different PTC advertising websites. At this moment I’m trying to pull any direct referral I get right over to #1. If I have enough money I’ll run #2 until it runs out, followed by 3, then 4, etc. etc. During that time if I see a particular site getting me more referrals I will run that one as soon as I have enough money and bypass one that doesn’t work.
Before you do any type of advertising sit back, take a deep breath, and look at everything. Don’t think that if you can afford it you should start advertising. Start small and see what works on what sites. Once I started doing that my direct referral success has gotten much better. Keep in mind, you aren’t guaranteed a referral every time so don’t quit using a site because it wasn’t successful once or twice.
To help boost my advertising and/or profit I joined more Paid-To-Click (PTC) websites verses investing more of my money into one. With that in mind, on January 27, 2012 I joined YakBux. com to do just that. Seeing that they had over 6,000 members and paid out over $3,000 was enough to get me to sign up. On my initial sign up I wasn’t greeted with any type of sign-up bonus; maybe you will get lucky. The overall layout is exactly like the other Bux websites out there – simple to navigate, member and payout information in the top header, so on and so forth.
Before I begin clicking I always looks at the payout-per-click, offers (if they chose to do this), amount to purchase advertising, and the amount of clicks I am given per day. All of these Bux websites offer completely different payouts and ad amounts, it’s my duty to find the ones worth sticking with. Some will offer “cheap” banner advertising but give you only a few ads to click from with very minimal payouts. YakBux seems to work just like that. The standard amount of clicks per-day is 9 but that’s all depends if they have any available ads to click on. Due to the small payout and lack of ads I spend maybe a few minutes on there per day. If they don’t have any ads to offer I see no reason to frequent their site. Personally I average only 5-6 ads a day even though I am on in the morning, afternoon, and evenings. I will investigate this a little further and update my findings later on.
I’m sure some of you will ask, is YakBux a scam? No . They have paid out $3,000 and there is proof of that out there. If their forum wasn’t down I would love to show you! Something to keep in mind, I would be more worried about the sites offering higher pay-outs and multiple bonus offers for completing various tasks. A PTC website offering very few ads and little opportunity to make money doesn’t really have the chance to scam you. ;)
Right now my goal is to reach $0.50 to help advertise my other PTC websites. Although I know it won’t make me much money I still plan on clicking. It’s only been a few weeks so it’s very possible I do make money. However I will go back to what I said before; if there aren’t any ads to click, I can’t make money.
*Feel free to click on my affiliate link to be my direct referral: YakBux. com
I will start off by saying this is not a fool-proof or guaranteed way of being successful with these PTC advertising websites. Throughout this post I will discuss the method I am doing and how it is slowly working into my favor. Trust me, if this works for me, it can work for you!
When I started ‘clicking’ I started small. Meaning I only signed up for a few websites, maxed out the clicks, then waited for the next day. Don’t do that. Sign up with as many legit websites as you can (List of scam websites: https://101moneyonline. wordpress. com/2012/02/08/scam-paid-to-click-ptc-websites/ ) but keep it at a reasonable amount, I’ll tell you why in a second. As of right now I am registered and active in 7 different PTC websites. Personally, I know this amount is something I can do everyday in a reasonable amount of time. Here is why you need to keep it under control: say you sign up for 20 different PTC websites and get lucky by getting direct/rented referrals. The website will only pay you if you click the day of, or before. In other words, if you’re overloaded with the clicking and forget to do a website, you won’t get paid money for the work your referral did. You probably won’t lose that much money, but trust me, that will add up.
The next step is to find a website that really appeals to you. I determined this by the pay-out amount per click, longevity, amount of members, if I have any referrals or not, and of course if the site is legit (at this point I already know). The site I picked offered the biggest opportunity in my mind. I got in early enough to actually get direct referrals. That, plus my rented referrals have made up a decent amount of my balance. If you have read my others blogs you will see I’m huge on getting direct/rented referrals.
This step is key. Do NOT forget to click on the other PTC websites you registered for. This money you earn will be used to advertise for your specific PTC website(s). Before I started this method I had zero active referrals and a ton of rented ones. Out of those rented referrals, only 25% were actually clicking. Literally two days after I increased my advertising for the website I got 4 direct referrals. Three of those are very active netting me 250 clicks already!
Most of you won’t think this is a “secret” or a great way to make money. I thought the same thing until I started doing it. Try it out, give it a little time, if it doesn’t work try something else. In my opinion this method can work for anyone and everyone. See below for additional ways to reassure you the PTC website you registered for is legit.
Is this PTC website legit or a scam?
*You will encounter some PTC websites requiring an investment before requesting a pay-out. It can be as small as $1.00 or as much as $20.00; it depends on your commitment. If that is a requirement my advice is to start clicking and actually making money to know it’s even possible. I found out with ClixSense it’s very difficult doing that. Why I felt confident to invest $14.95 right away is beyond me. Anyways, that should give you enough time to determine if that site is legit or not. Two ways to determine that; First, take a look at my blog for an updated list of scam sites: https://101moneyonline. wordpress. com/2012/02/08/scam-paid-to-click-ptc-websites/. Second, generally the website has picture or stories of people making money. A good way is to browse their forum. If everything lines up correctly, feel confident and put in a set amount of money.
With any PTC website there is always the chance it could be a scam. In my opinion anything online claiming to make your money has a very good chance of becoming the next biggest scam. I wanted to give everyone a list of scam websites to keep an eye out for. Thanks for PTC Investigations for providing this information – if you would like to look at their site please visit http://ptc-investigation. com/ScamList. aspx
Scam Sites – No Longer Online (Inactive)
Old Scam Sites – Archived From Old Blog
(no links yet) however they are SCAMS. If you have a question as to why they are scams, leave a comment at the end of this list and we will find the old review and upload it for you.
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info OLD REVIEW UP 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com OLD REVIEW UP 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org OLD REVIEW UP 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com OLD REVIEW UP 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. bcbux. com 62. beachbux. net 63. beachptc. com OLD REVIEW UP 65. bear-mails. com 66. beaverbux. com 67. best-mails. com OLD REVIEW UP 69. bestdollarclicks. com 70. bestnewbuxto. info 71. bestpaybux. com 72. BbetaBux. com 73. bfgbux. com 74. biggreenbux. com 75. bigmoneycenter. com OLD REVIEW UP 77. bigptc. tk 78. billionaireptc. com 79. birdmails. com OLD REVIEW UP 81. blackearn. com 82. blubux. com 83. blue-mails. com 84. bobomails. com 85. boffopaidmail. com 86. bombapub. com 87. boodaq. com 88. boonbux. com 89. bpbux. com 90. bravebux. com 91. britebux. com 92. business-ptr. com 93. businessmails. bz 94. bux. ee OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 97. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 98. bux. to 99. bux-7ven. com 100. bux-gr. com 101. bux-inv. com 102. bux-service. com OLD REVIEW UP 104. 105. buxanna. com 106. buxcafe. com 107. buxcashy. com 108. buxchristmas. com 109. buxcorp. com 110. buxdiamond. com 111. buxextra. com 112. 113. buxfirst. com 114. buxforex. com 115. buxforyou. com 116. buxgolden. com 117. buxhunter. com
OLD REVIEW UP 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com OLD REVIEW UP 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com OLD REVIEW UP 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com
OLD REVIEW UP 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com OLD REVIEW UP 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com REMOVED – NOW A BLOG 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com OLD REVIEW UP 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) OLD REVIEW UP 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com – BuxHost from 2009 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com OLD REVIEW UP 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don’t review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info OLD REVIEW UP 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com
OLD REVIEW UP 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com
OLD REVIEW UP 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com
NO LONGER REVIEWABLE 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com
* Thanks for PTC Investigations for providing this information – if you would like to look at their site please visit http://ptc-investigation. com/ScamList. aspx

Project Description: The Hyundai/Kia test track is part of a 4,300 acre, $60 million Hyundai/Kia test facility in California City. Vehicles are tested on a variety of surfaces including a 6.4 mile oval track, a 2 million square-foot Vehicle Dynamics Area, a 2.75 mile winding track and a 3.3 mile hill road, and various special surface roads designed to duplicate highway and road conditions. The Proving Ground also includes a 30,000 square-foot office complex for its 50 staff members. Diamond West provided engineering services for the site’s grading, road/street, and storm drain facilities, as well as the storm water pollution prevention plan.
In addition to the on-site development plans, Diamond West prepare the infrastructure design for all off-site improvements, including 2 miles of roadway, water supply pipelines, and storm drains in the road shoulder.
The project site included habitat for the federally and state protected desert tortoise and Mohave ground squirrel. Diamond West worked closely with the environmental consultant in the site design and preparation of a Habitat Conservation Plan that mitigated impacts to these habitats.
The project was completed in 2004 with much enthusiasm and has been featured in multiple print and television advertisements by the Hyundai / Kia Motor Company. " California City is honored to be the home of the Hyundai-Kia Motors California Proving Ground," said Larry Adams, mayor of California City. "For the past two years, Hyundai and Kia have been welcome neighbors, and we look forward to working with them in the years to come."

Since 1992 we have provided a dedicated Estate Management Service for a number of private clients in County Durham and North Yorkshire.
We are tasked with both day to day management and the lettings that periodically arise for vacant properties - commercial, agricultural and residential.
Please go to the properties page to see what is currently available and feel free to e mail or phone for more information about availability and up to date news.

old secret of making money
الريفيرال هو اي شخص يسجل في الشركة من خلال رابطك او البانر . بعد التسجيل فى الشركة تعطيك رابط خاص بك تجده فى صفحة حسابك مباشرة فى موقع الشركة ت اخد الرابط وتدعو به اصحابك واحبابك ويسجلو منه وطبعا لما يسجلو ويضغطو على الاعلانات تأخذ نصف سنت علي كل صغطة يضغطها الريفيرال اى ان من يسجل عن طريق الرابط الخاص بك كلما زاد رصيده كلما زاد رصيدك بمثل نصف رصيده ( عموله من الشركة) وليس من رصيده الذي سجل من خلالك اى لو هو رصيده 2 دولار سيصلك واحد دولارعموله من الشركة وهكذا جلب الريفيرال هو عصب الربح حاول دعوة أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشخاص الى الشركات التي انت مسجل فيها لأن هذا هو اساس الربح بحيث كلما كان عدد الريفيرال كبير كان ربحك كثير … يمكنك دعوة الكثير. كدعوة الأصدقاء و المشاركة في المنتديات الخاصة بهذا المجال
كيف يمكنني الحصول على الرابط الخاص بي؟؟

أنواع الريفيرال (الإحالات الخاصة بك ) في الموقع
والريفيرال يعتبر نوعان :
( أو الريفيرال المباشر أو الإحالة المباشرة )
وهو الشخص الذي سجل عن طريق الرابط الخاص بك كما ذكرنا سابقاً وكمثال هذا الرابط الخاص بي كلما سجل شخص عن طريقي يعتبر لي ريفيرال مباشر أو احاله مباشرة
ويكون معاك على طول المشوار وكل ضغطه يقوم بالضغط عليها تحسب ليك بـــ (0.005$) نصف سنت .
النوع الثاني : Rent Refferals
( أو الريفيرال المؤجر أو الإحالة المؤجرة )
الريفيرال المؤجو هو عصب الربح هنا
وهذا النوع من الريفيرال يتم استأجاره من الموقع بمبلغ معين وعدد
: معين وهذه قائمة الأسعار للريفيرال التي يمكن تأجيرها من الموقع
كما ظاهر في الصوره فيوجد مجموعات بمعنى ال 20 ريفيرال لمدة شهر بــ 5,60 $ و الــــ 30 ريفيرال بــ 8,40$ لمدة شهر وهكذا وكل ما تؤشر بالماوس على مجموعة من المجموعات يظهرلك ثمنها. وايضاً لا يمكنك شراء مجموعه اخرى من الريفيرال الا بعد مرور 7 ايام
لكن لم أفهم شيء ممكن توضيح أكثر .
من المعروف عندنا ان الشركة تعطيك 4 إعلانات في اليوم الواحد وهذا يعني انك ستجمع في اليوم 0.04$ ( 4 سنتات في اليوم ) يعني حوالي 2$ في الشهر وهذا المبلغ يعتبر قليل جداً
لذلك لابد ان يكون معك ريفيرالات الريفيرال المباشر يمكن انك تجد فيه صعوبه انك تجده لذلك فوفرلك الموقع الريفيرلات المؤجره كما ذكرنا سابقاً وللتأجير الريفيرال أسعار وقوانين كما ذكرنا سابقاً
ممكن واحد يقول خلاص انا هأجر 1000 واحد مره واحده
للأسف لايمكن لأن أقصى عدد ريفيرال يمكن أن تأجرها في المره الوحده هو 100 ريفيرال
ولابد أن تنتظر 7 أيام وتاجر 100 ريفيرال أخرى. وايضاً لا ننسى ان هناك حد لعدد الريفيرلات المؤجره وهو 500 ريفيرال للعضوية الأستندار . ماذا تعني بـ عضوية إستندار ؟؟
ماهي أنواع العضويات ؟؟
كما تجد في الصورة أدناه تجد أنواع العضويات وسنشرحها الأن
كما ذكرنا سابقاً أن خاصية الأوتوباي
هي خاصية تعمل على تمديد الرفيل لمدة يوم واحد والذي يقوم بالضغط على اعلاناته فى نفس اليوم مقابل خصم مبلغ من رصيدك مقداره 0.0075 $ وهي تحسب كتمديد 60 يوم ولكن كل يوم بيومه وتعمل هذه الخاصية على الرفيلز الذي بقي على معاد انتهاء مدة تأجيرهم اكثر من 25 يوم اما اقل من 25 يوم فلن تعمل الخاصية وهذا الشرط يطبق على الأعضاء البيونير ولاستندار والاعضاء الجولدن
اما الاعضاء الالتميت فلا تعمل هذه الخاصية معهم اذا تبقى على مدة انتهاء الرفيل اقل من 15 يوم
وطريقتنا هنا أننا سننتظر لتجميع أول 85 سنت. وليه 85 سنت لأن اقل مجموعه يمكن تأجيرها في المره الواحده هي 3 ريفيرالات وقيمتهم 85 سنت
فبعد تجميع ال85 سنت نقوم بتأجير أول 3 ريفيرالات ونشغل الأوتوباي
ستضغط على الإعلانات الأربعه بشكل منتظم لمدة 25 يوم فقط بعد ال25 يوم ستجد عندك 0.85$ ستأخدهم و تستأجر بهم 3 ريفيرال
وكلما توصل لأنك تأجر ريفيلرالات والأتوباي سيمدد أتوماتكياً للأعضاء النشطه
وهكذا حتى تصل الى الحد الأقصى 500 ريفيرات
هذه العملية ستأخذ وقت من شهرين الى 3 أشهر فقط
ستجد انه معاك من 100$ الى 120 $ وبالتالي تنتقل على المرحله التي بعدها
وتكلفة الأبجريد تساوي 85$ فقط وبباقي ارباحك
تأجر 100 ريفيرال ومن أرباح ال100 تأجر غيرهم 100 أخرين وهكذا
وهنا سيصبح ضغطة الريفيرال بدل من نصف سنت الى سنت كامل وهذا التغير سيضاعف أرباحك
سيصبح أقصى عدد للريفيرات هو 2000 ريفيرال
وبالتالي ستضاعف ارباحك بسهوله أكبر وتستمر في التاجير
الى ان تصل الى الحد الأقصى للريفيرات وهو 2000 ريفيرال وهذه العملية ستأخذ منك من شهرين الى 3 أشهر فقط
وتكلفة الأبجريد تساوي 850$ فقط وبباقي ارباحك
تأجر غيرهم الى ان تصل الى الحد الأقصى وهو 4000 ريفيرال
وهنا سيصبح ضغطة الريفيرال بدل من نصف سنت الى سنت كامل وهذا التغير سيضاعف أرباحك
سيصبح أقصى عدد للريفيرات هو 4000 ريفيرال
وهذا ليس كل شيء هناك على الأقل 5 شركات إذا ما هو الرصيد الصافييي هههههههههههه؟؟؟ ______________________________________________________ سحب المال من البنك
كل ماعليك فعله هو تصفح هذا الموقع المصري و الموثوق عليه من جميع النواحي بإمكانك الإتصال بصاحبه من الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني الموجود في أسفل الموقع
أحسن شركات الربحية
الشركات الغير موثوق فيهم
طريقة البحث عن الشركة فى القائمة السوداء يجب اتباع الخطوات الاتية
استخدم خاصية البحث بالضغط على
وبعد أكتب الشركة التي تشك فيها
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LT (bux. xz. lt) 98. bux. to 99. bux-7ven. com 100. bux-gr. com 101. bux-inv. com 102. bux-service. com 103. 104. 105. buxanna. com 106. buxcafe. com 107. buxcashy. com 108. buxchristmas. com 109. buxcorp. com 110. buxdiamond. com 111. buxextra. com 112. 113. buxfirst. com 114. buxforex. com 115. buxforyou. com 116. buxgolden. com 117. buxhunter. com 118. buxinc. com 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com 143. cashmails. biz 144. cashmails. org 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com 152. cd-mails. com 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com 185. depacco. com 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com 197. dollargpt. com 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com 203. e-mailpaysu. com 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com 212. enrichptc. com 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com 217. epaisa. pk 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com 225. exclusivemails. net 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com 244. fineptc. com 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) 284. gowellup. com 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 296. hiddenbux. com 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 321. izyBux. com 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com 345. libertyreservemails. com 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com 355. magicalptc. com 356. mailsmoney. com 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com 363. massiveptr. com 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com 393. newbuxindia. com 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. 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Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com 454. PTCSense. com 455. Ptcshare. com 456. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net 479. Richptc. com 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com 486. RustBux. com 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com 494. ScvBux. com 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com 500. SnapDollars. com 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com 522. Tendollarclick. com 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com 526. TickerBar. info 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com 533. TuiBux. com 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com 540. UpBux. com 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net 572. wow-mails. com 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته وشكرا

Nel post precedente vi ho fatto un elenco dei siti PTC (Paid to Click) che da almeno 2/3 anni non hanno mai avuto problemi con i pagamenti e che sono considerati attendibili e sicuri .
I siti PTC stanno riscuotendo moltissima attenzione in rete ultimamente ed il motivo è che offrono un modo semplicissimo per guadagnare online e soprattutto sono alla portata di tutti, anche dei meno esperti di internet e di computer; l'unica cosa da fare è cliccare ogni giorno su alcune pubblicità o link che vi propongono e visitare il sito del partner per alcuni secondi . che variano da programma a programma, e accumulerete punti o centesimi di dollaro per ogni click. Però ovviamente non bisogna fidarsi di tutto quello che si trova in rete perché ogni giorno nascono decine di siti che promettono soldi facili, alte remunerazioni, premi e cose simili, e poi non mantengono e ci fanno solo sprecare tempo.
In questo post, a tal proposito, vi riporto l'elenco dei siti PTC considerati " Scam ", ovvero dei "S iti Truffa" ; quindi prima di iscrivervi ad un nuovo programma, controllate che non sia nell'elenco, in modo da non sprecare tempo a partecipare a programmi che poi non vi pagheranno. Di seguito vi riporto la lista dei siti che NON sono attendibili . secondo le informazioni ed i commenti trovate in rete, e che rispondono, in parte o totalmente, ai seguenti requisiti: - non sono dei siti paganti - il forum non c'è o è stato rimosso - hanno ricevuto molti commenti negativi e lamentele - non sono sempre online e spesso sono bloccati per"aggiornamenti" - i proprietari non partecipano più attivamente al sito e non rispondono nel forum - i proprietari sono dei truffatori già noti da precedenti siti non paganti - siti che vi ingannano offrendo remunerazioni troppo elevate. e ovviamente impossibili da gestire - siti che sono pieni di virus - nessun supporto tecnico - le pubblicità esposte non cambiano mai - il sito non è aggiornato e non riceve post o news per molto tempo - il sito è stato venduto e chiuso e nessuno è stato pagato
Se non trovate il sito che state cercando su questa lista non vuol dire che non sia affidabile, potrebbe essere un nuovo sito che non è stato ancora aggiornato e che non ho inserito nella lista, quindi il consiglio che vi do è quello di cercare sempre informazioni in rete prima di iscrivervi a qualsiasi programma, e prima di perderci tempo dietro, guardare i commenti nei forum e nei siti di opinioni come Ciao e Yahoo Answers. e provare a fare una ricerca su google mettendo il nome (o link) del programma + scam, come ad esempio. "abc. com scam" e leggete qualche commento degli altri che l'hanno già provato. Lasciate dei commenti sotto se avete avuto esperienze con qualcuno di questi siti riportati ed esprimete la vostra opinione per farla conoscere a tutti. 07Bux. net 10000usd-mail. com 1000-mail. com 100cents-1000dollars. com 100dollarsmails. com 100euro-mail. com 100usd. com 101clix. com 10bux. net 10-cash. com 10centcashoutptc. com 10clix. com 10dollarclick. com 10dollar-mail. com 10euro-mail. com 1-800-mail. com 1bux. org 1centemails. com 1cent-mail. com 1dollarcash. com 1-dollar-mail. com 1dollarptc. com 1stbux. com 1stprofit. com 1-usd-mail. com 2008mails. com 2009-bux. com 2000dollars. com 200dollarmail. com 200dollars-email. com 200dollarsmail. com 200euro. com 200euro-mail. com 200euromails. com 200euromails. net 20-cash. com 20dollarsmail. com 20euromail. com 20-euro-mail. com 247bux. com 247payouts. com 247vipclub. com 24bux. com 25dollarsmail. com 25-dollars-mail. com 2bux. com 2bux. net 2dollaremails. com 2-dollar-mail. com 2-opt. com 2ree. net 2usdbux. com 300dollarsmail. com 30dollarsmail. com 37-21mail. com 3-dollar-mail. com 3rbux. com 400dollarsdaily. info 400dollarsmail. com 4bux. info 4bux. pri. ee 4realptc. info 4starads. info 500cents-500dollars. com 500cents-500dollars. net 500cents-500dollars. org 500dollars-mail. com 500pounds-and-500pence. com 50centmails. com 50dollarclick. com 50dollarsmail. com 520searcher. com 5bux. com 5buxs. cn 5cash. info 5ivebux. com 60euromail. com 666mails. com 6buxy. com 75centinstantbux. com 77bux. com 7centsolos. com 7heavenptc. com 7thbux. com 7thheavenptr. net 80euromail. com 8cent-emails. com 99centclicks. info 99centptc. com 9bux. info 9icebux. com
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Rabu, 13 Januari 2010
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Scam Site
A site will go on this list if it’s: – Not paying. & # 8211; Too many complaints and negative comments are found. & # 8211; Unstable (comes and goes). & # 8211; Abandonment (owner disappears from the forum). & # 8211; Ties with or is owned by a previous scammer. & # 8211; It is being deceiving.
If you got another earning site and not listed here, that meaning that earning site are legit! (not a scam)
If you got another earning site and listed here, that meaning that earning site are scam!
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How To Detect A Scam Site
If you find a site which you can earn money on that website, you’ll be doubt about the site. You’ll say “Is this site is scam or not?”. But you can find the solutions here!
A site will go scam if it’s: – Not paying. & # 8211; Too many complaints and negative comments are found. & # 8211; Unstable (comes and goes). & # 8211; Abandonment (owner disappears from the forum). & # 8211; Ties with or is owned by a previous scammer. & # 8211; It is being deceiving.
The list of the scam sites are listed HERE
The best way to detect a scam site is using a search engine (Google and Youtube). You should search a payment proof in a form of screenshot, or you should search with a word of “SCAM” or “Paying” (That mean you should search a feedback), example:
“(Website name) Payment proof” “Payment proof Paypal of (Website name)” “Screenshot payment proof of (Website name)” “(Website name) SCAM” “(Website name) Paying”
(+) If there’s a payment proof in the form of screenshot on a search engine, that mean the site is not a scam. (+) If the peoples are positive that site are paying, that mean the site is not a scam. This can be found in a forum. (-) If there are no payment proof in the form of screenshot on a search engine, that mean the site is a scam. (-) If the peoples are positive that site are SCAM, that mean the site is a scam. This can be found in a forum.
P. S: I have been search on Google about the http://www. bigmoneyptc. com and there are no payment proof and there are so many negative feedback. So, the website is a scam.
This page will be updated soon! So, be patient!
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ما هو نظام شركة الربح المجانيه ؟؟
اولا انت تشترك فيها عادى جدا كأنك بتسجل فى منتدى وبعد الدخول تجد عدد من الاعلانات ( كل شركة تختلف عن الاخرى فى عدد الاعلانات ) تضغط على اعلان واحد فقط وبعد فتح الاعلان ستجد عداد رقمى فى الاعلى غالبا مايكون 30 ثانيه وطبعا بيختلف مش شركة لأخرى بعد انتهاء الاعلان تغلقه وتفتح الاخر تحذير. لا تفتح أكثر من اعلان واحد فى نفس الوقت لأن بذلك لن يحتسب لك الرصيد. يعنى اعلان اعلان تحذير. غالبا ما يوجد برامج تساعد فى فتح اعلانات الشركة تلقائيا فأياك ان تستخدم هذة البرامج .
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الريفيرال هو اي شخص يسجل في الشركة من خلال الرابط بتاعك او البانر
بعد التسجيل فى الشركة بتديك لينك خاص بيك تجده فى صفحة حسابك مباشرة فى موقع الشركة تاخد الينك وتدعوه بيه اصحابك واحبابك ويسجلو منوا وطبعا لما يسجلوا ويضغطواعلى الاعلانات تأخذ نصف سنت علي كل صغطة يضغطها الريفيرال بتاعك اى ان من يسجل عن طريق الرابط الخاص بك كلما ربح رصيد كلما زاد رصيدك بمثل نصف رصيده (عموله من الشركة) وليس من رصيد اللى سجل من خلالك اى لو هوا رصيده 2 دولار سيصلك واحد دولار عموله من الشركة وهكذا
جلب الريفيرال هو عصب الربح حاول دعوة أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشخاص الى الشركات التي انت مسجل فيها لأن هذا هو اساس الربح بحيث كلما كان عدد الريفيرال كبير كان ربحك كثير … يمكنك دعوة الكثير. كدعوة الأصدقاء و المشاركة في المنتديات الخاصة بهذا المجال مثل. & # 8220; قسم الشركات الربحية “
طيب نيجى لسوال تانى ( معنديش اصحاب واحباب يسجلوا عن طريقى اعمل ايه ) الاجابة اسهل ما يكون أعمل موضوع (ايه) ؟؟؟ ايوه اعمل موضوع انت استغربت ليه موضوع فى المنتدى المميز لك زى (عرب ليونز) مثلا اوصف فيه مميزات الشركة وحط الرابط بتاعك فيه وكده لو حد عجبوا الشركة هيسجل عن طريقك .
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ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people)
or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
Note: Updated. 01 April 2010
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info 14. 10bux. net 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com 22. 1centemails (1centemails. com) 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org 33. adflasher. net 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com 54. b-u-x. net 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. beachbux. net 62. beachptc. com 63. beanybux. com 64. bear-mails. com 65. beaverbux. com 66. best-mails. com 67. bestbux. info 68. bestdollarclicks. com 69. bestnewbuxto. info 70. bestpaybux. com 71. BbetaBux. com 72. bfgbux. com 73. biggreenbux. com 74. bigmoneycenter. com 75. bigmoneyptc. com 76. bigptc. tk 77. billionaireptc. com 78. birdmails. com 79. black-mails. com 80. blackearn. com 81. blubux. com 82. blue-mails. com 83. bobomails. com 84. boffopaidmail. com 85. boodaq. com 86. boonbux. com 87. bpbux. com 88. bravebux. com 89. britebux. com 90. business-ptr. com 91. businessmails. bz 92. bux. ee 93. bux. gs 94. bux. io 95. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 96. bux. to 97. bux-7ven. com 98. bux-gr. com 99. bux-service. com 100. 101. 102. buxanna. com 103. buxCashy. com 104. buxChristmas. com 105. buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 106. buxextra. com 107. buxfirst. com 108. buxforex. com 109. buxforyou. com 110. buxhunter. com 111. buxinc. com 112. buxler. net 113. buxmarley. com 114. buxmillionaire. com 115. buxnew. com 116. buxoffice. net 117. buxokk. com 118. buxptr. com 119. buxs. nl 120. buxwin. com 121. buxwiz. com 122. buxxl. com 123. Camel-mails. com 124. capricornbux. com 125. cash4clickingptc. com 126. cash4Clicks. org 127. cash4ubux. com 128. cashfiesta. com 129. cashflowmails. com 130. cashkidding. com 131. cashnbux. com 132. cashmails. biz 133. cashmails. org 134. cashmailz. com 135. cashmedia. biz 136. cashmoneyemail. com 137. cashmybux. com 138. cashTreePTC. com 139. casino-PTR. com 140. cd-mails. com 141. charm-mail. com 142. cherry-mails. com 143. chilloutbux. com 144. chinawelcomeptc. info 145. chobitsmails. net 146. click2earn. biz 147. clickersheaven. com 148. clickersheaven. info 149. clickforabuck. com 150. clickmybux. com 151. clix. vc 152. clix-p. com 153. clixp. com 154. clixncash. com 155. cloud-mails. com 156. cloudy-mails. com 157. cloudbux. com 158. club4you. net 159. coast-mail. com 160. cobebizs. com 161. cobybux. com 162. colph. com 163. comfortableincome. net 164. companybux. com 165. cooperativemail. com 166. creativemails. biz 167. currencymails. com 168. cutebux. com 169. cvbux. com 170. depacco. com 171. diamond-bizs. com 172. diamond-mails. net 173. diamond-ptr. com 174. dingobux. com 175. discoclicks. com 176. disney-mails. com 177. dog-mails. com 178. dollargpt. com 179. donkeybucks. com 180. dreamails. com 181. dutzzubux. com 182. dw-mails. com 183. e-mailpaysu. com 184. eagle-mails. com 185. earn-usd. biz 186. earningsecret. com 187. earnmybux. com 188. earthptr. com 189. easycashptc. com 190. elephant-mails. com 191. eliteptc. com 192. enrichptc. com 193. e-mailptr. com 194. emmamails. com 195. enbux. com 196. epaisa. pk 197. esooe. com 198. essentialptr. com 199. euro-emails. com 200. eurotrademails. com 201. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 202. exceedmargin. com 203. excellentbux. com 204. exclusivemails. net 205. exobux. com 206. expert-mails. com 207. expertmails. net 208. ezihippo (ezihippo. com) 209. ezlaptop. com 210. Fairhits. com 211. Fallsmails. com 212. FastCarPTC. com 213. Fast Money 24 ( 214. FastPayPTC. com 215. Fatmoneyptc. com 216. Feer-mial. com 217. FillBux. com 218. FiloBux (filobux. com) 219. FinanceBux. com 220. FinancialFreedomAds. com 221. FinePTC. com 222. Fire-Mails. com 223. FireBux. net 224. Fivedollarptc. com 225. Flamemails. com 226. FlashBux. com 227. Fly-field. com 228. Flybizs. com 229. Foggy-mails. com 230. ForeverPTC. com 231. Forex-cashbux. com 232. Foundmails. com 233. Freedom-mails. com 234. Fromhomedataentry. com 235. Fullmoneybux. com 236. Future-PTR. com 237. Gainpay. org 238. GammaBux. com 239. Gardenoflinks. com 240. Generalbucks. com 241. GeniusPTR. com 242. Genuinemails. com 243. Get-UMoney. com 244. GetDailyPaid. com 245. GetPaidIndustry. com 246. GetRefMails. com 247. GetRichPTC. com 248. Getrichptr. com 249. Get-umoney. com 250. Giga-Mails. com 251. Gkcash. com 252. GlobalPTR. com 253. GoBigPTC. com 254. GodBux. com 255. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 256. Goldbizs. com 257. 258. Golden-Galaxy. com 259. GoldenQuarters. com 260. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 261. gowellup. com 262. Gpclub. net 263. GrandPTC. com 264. GrapeMails. com 265. Green Horse 266. GTSBux. com 267. Halloweenptc. info 268. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 269. HawkinsBux. com 270. Helgabux. com 271. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 272. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 273. HiddenBux. com 274. Hide4dz. biz 275. HighBux. Biz 276. HighCashBonus. com 277. HitzMagic 278. Honestclicks. info 279. HooBux. com 280. Hugeptc. com 281. Hulk-mails. com 282. HyBux. com 283. Ibux. eu 284. IcePaid. com 285. Incomeptr. com 286. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) 287. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 288. inspiremarrow. com 289. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 290. InstantlyPTC. com 291. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 292. InterAdMedia. com 293. Ippomails. net 294. IronBux. com 295. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 296. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 297. IzyBux. com 298. Jackmails. com 299. Jaysu. com 300. jemabux. com 301. JesusBux. com 302. Jobptc. com 303. JokerBux 304. JrBux. com 305. JustBux. com 306. KazarianGPT. com 307. Key-Mails. com 308. Kinderbux. com 309. King-mails. com 310. Lachicaemails. com 311. Lawyer-mails. com 312. Leadmails. com 313. Legend-mails. com 314. LenkaClix. com 315. 316. LevinClix. com 317. LibertyReserveMails. com 318. Link2Communion. com 319. LitBux. com 320. LiveBux. com 321. LolliPopMails. com 322. Loving-Mail. com 323. Luckydollar. biz 324. MakenBux. com 325. MagicalMails. com 326. mailsmoney. com 327. Mailsmoney. net 328. Main-Bux. com 329. MakeMyBux. com 330. malnadcashmachine. com 331. mappbux. com 332. MassivePTR. com 333. Maverickptc. info 334. MaystroMails. net 335. Mecbux. com 336. MegaBuxx. com 337. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 338. megamoneyptc. com 339. Mic-Promotion. com 340. MillionaireBux. com 341. MixBux. com 342. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 343. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 344. Moneyems. com 345. moneymakerptc. com 346. Moneytrainptc. com 347. Moonpaid. com 348. MutualPTR. com 349. mybestpornobux 350. Mygoldbux. com 351. MyMoneyBux. com 352. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 353. NacBux. com 354. NeatBux. com 355. necbux. com 356. NeoPays. com 357. neveroff-bux. com 358. NewBuxIndia. com 359. Next-neo. com 360. NippyClicks. com 361. NoMinCashout. com 362. NoMinimumBux. com 363. NoWorkCash. com 364. Ocean-Mails. com 365. Ochristmastreeptc. info 366. olebux. com 367. Ok-usd. com 368. OnABux. com 369. Onedollarptc. com 370. OppoMails. com 371. Orangebizs. com 372. Paid-Bux. info 373. PaidClicks. WS 374. PaidForFree. com 375. Paidlink. info 376. Paidstation. com 377. PaidToViewTube. com 378. Papillon-clicks. com 379. ParadiseClicks. com 380. Paradiseclicks. info 381. PayablePTR. com 382. PayDayPTC. com 383. Payee. me 384. Paying-mails. com 385. PayingClub. com 386. PayingPTR. com 387. Payooclub. com 388. Paypay-mails. com 389. Pcash. info 390. Pearlmails. com 391. PegasusPTR. com 392. PerfectPTR. com 393. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 394. PerformancePTC. com 395. Persianptc. com 396. phatbux. com 397. Phoenixcash. info 398. pink-mails. com 399. Planetmails. com 400. Pleasant-Mails. com 401. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 402. PogoMails. com 403. Power-mails. net 404. Power4Bux. com 405. Profitmorebux. com 406. Project-Bux. com 407. ProMails. org 408. ProperPTR. com 409. ProsperousBoom. com 410. Ptcbiz. com 411. Ptcbonus. com 412. PTCBux. com 413. PTCNinja. com 414. Ptcrush. com 415. PTCSense. com 416. Ptcshare. com 417. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 418. PTR-Business. com 419. Pumpkin-Mails. com 420. QualityBux. com 421. Quickcashptc. com 422. QubeCash. com 423. RaiBux. com 424. rainbow-mail. net 425. Rainpaid. com 426. Rainy-mails. com 427. Rapidobux. com 428. Read2Money 429. RealDataEntry. net 430. RealMoneyCompany. com 431. RealCashPTC. com 432. Redclub-cash. com 433. ReoBux. com 434. Revbux. com 435. RevolutionBux 436. Richestmail. com 437. Richestmails. net 438. Richptc. com 439. RichPTR. info 440. Richptr. net 441. RingMails. com 442. Rolex-mails. com 443. rushnsuccess. com 444. RustBux. com 445. SaladMails. com 446. Salary-mails. com 447. Salemails. com 448. SapphireBux. com 449. Saturn-mails. com 450. SchoolBusOfCash. com 451. Scopebux. com 452. ScvBux. com 453. ShareTheBux. com 454. ShortBux. com 455. Show-sales. com 456. Silvanamails. net 457. SmurfsPTR. com 458. SnapDollars. com 459. Snowy-mails. com 460. StableBux. com 461. StablePTR. com 462. SteadyCashPTC. com 463. SteadyMails. com 464. Stock-mails. com 465. StockBux. com 466. StormOfTraffic. com 467. StreamEx. org 468. Sun-Cash. com 469. Superpaybyemail. com 470. Sureptr. com 471. SurfJunky. com 472. Sweetdealsemail. net 473. SweetPTR. com 474. SweetsMails. com 475. Tea-Mails. com 476. teammails. com 477. Tendollarclick. com 478. Thanksgivingptc. info 479. Thebestptcintown. com 480. TickerBar. info 481. Timelessearn. com 482. Topcashmails. com 483. Touch-Mails. com 484. TrafficNowFire. com 485. Ts-Mails. com 486. TuePaid. com 487. TuiBux. com 488. Turquads. net 489. Twodollarptc. com 490. uddoo. com 491. UltraBux. com 492. Universe-Mails. com 493. UpBux. com 494. USA-Bux. com 495. Usd-ad. com 496. Usdcenter. com 497. UtilBux. com 498. Valentine-ptr. com 499. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 500. Verbonix. com 501. Vibrantvitalities. com 502. Victorptr. com 503. viewbux. com 504. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 505. Vision-Bux. com 506. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 507. Vitaraptr. com 508. VuBux. com 509. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 510. WaveBux. com 511. WavuBux. com 512. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 513. Webcamcashmails. com 514. 515. Western-Mails. com 516. Windy-mails. com 517. Wishmails. com 518. Wonderful-Mails. com 519. World-mails. com 520. WorldsPTR. com 521. Worldwide-mails. com 522. WorldWidePTC. com 523. Worldwideptr. com 524. WuBux. com 525. XeonBux. com 526. XrayEmails. com 527. YingYangBux. com 528. Yippeemails. com 529. YooBux. com 530. YouPTC. com 531. YourBestBux. com 532. YourMyBux. com 533. zaebux. com 534. zionBux. com
Note: Updated. 01 April 2010
The aboved list may change in a few days or weeks, so by next month a new list may appear in this page to update you the activity of some PTC sites for your info. You may please do leave some comments below if any suspected site(s) that you want to share and investigated or just to aware your fellow-clickers.

Daftar / PTC Scam / PTC Penipu Hati - hati jangan ikuti PTC ini kalau anda gak pingin kecewa.
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info 14. 10bux. net 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com 22. 1centemails. com 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org 33. adflasher. net 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com 54. b-u-x. net 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. beachbux. net 62. beachptc. com 63. beanybux. com 64. bear-mails. com 65. beaverbux. com 66. best-mails. com 67. bestbux. info 68. bestdollarclicks. com 69. bestnewbuxto. info 70. bestpaybux. com 71. BbetaBux. com 72. bfgbux. com 73. biggreenbux. com 74. bigmoneycenter. com 75. bigmoneyptc. com 76. bigptc. tk 77. billionaireptc. com 78. birdmails. com 79. blackearn. com 80. blubux. com 81. blue-mails. com 82. bobomails. com 83. boffopaidmail. com 84. boodaq. com 85. boonbux. com 86. bpbux. com 87. bravebux. com 88. britebux. com 89. business-ptr. com 90. businessmails. bz 91. bux. ee 92. bux. gs 93. bux. io 94. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 95. bux. to 96. bux-7ven. com 97. bux-gr. com 98. bux-service. com 99. 100. 101. buxanna. com 102. buxCashy. com 103. buxChristmas. com 104. buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 105. buxextra. com 106. buxfirst. com 107. buxforex. com 108. buxforyou. com 109. buxhunter. com 110. buxinc. com 111. buxler. net 112. buxmarley. com 113. buxmillionaire. com 114. buxnew. com 115. buxoffice. net 116. buxokk. com 117. buxptr. com 118. buxs. nl 119. buxwin. com 120. buxwiz. com 121. buxxl. com 122. Camel-mails. com 123. capricornbux. com 124. Cash4clickingptc. com 125. Cash4Clicks. org 126. Cash4ubux. com 127. Cashfiesta. com 128. Cashflowmails. com 129. CashKidding. com 130. Cashnbux. com 131. Cashmails. biz 132. Cashmails. org 133. Cashmailz. com 134. Cashmedia. biz 135. Cashmoneyemail. com 136. Cashmybux. com 137. CashTreePTC. com 138. Casino-PTR. com 139. Cd-Mails. com 140. Charm-mail. com 141. Cherry-Mails. com 142. Chilloutbux. com 143. Chinawelcomeptc. info 144. Chobitsmails. net 145. Click2earn. biz 146. ClickersHeaven. com 147. ClickersHeaven. info 148. Clickforabuck. com 149. ClickMyBux. com 150. Clix. vc 151. Clix-P. com 152. ClixP. com 153. ClixnCash. com 154. Cloud-mails. com 155. Cloudy-mails. com 156. CloudBux. com 157. Club4You. net 158. Coast-Mail. com 159. Cobebizs. com 160. CobyBux. com 161. Colph. com 162. Comfortableincome. net 163. companybux. com 164. Cooperativemail. com 165. CreativeMails. biz 166. CurrencyMails. com 167. CuteBux. com 168. CvBux. com 169. Depacco. com 170. Diamond-bizs. com 171. Diamond-mails. net 172. Diamond-PTR. com 173. DingoBux 174. Discoclicks. com 175. Disney-mails. com 176. Dog-mails. com 177. DollarGPT. com 178. DonkeyBucks. com 179. Dreamails. com 180. Dutzzubux. com 181. Dw-mails. com 182. E-MailPaysU. com 183. Eagle-Mails. com 184. Earn-USD. biz 185. Earningsecret. com 186. EarnMyBux. com 187. Earthptr. com 188. EasyCashPTC. com 189. Elephant-Mails. com 190. ElitePTC. com 191. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 192. E-mailptr. com 193. Emmamails. com 194. EnBux. com 195. Epaisa. pk 196. Esooe. com 197. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 198. Euro-Emails. com 199. EuroTradeMails. com 200. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 201. Exceedmargin. com 202. ExcellentBux. com 203. Exclusivemails. net 204. ExoBux. com 205. expert-mails. com 206. Expertmails. net 207. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) 208. Ezlaptop. com 209. Fairhits. com 210. Fallsmails. com 211. FastCarPTC. com 212. Fast Money 24 ( 213. FastPayPTC. com 214. Fatmoneyptc. com 215. Feer-mial. com 216. FillBux. com 217. FiloBux (filobux. com) 218. FinanceBux. com 219. FinancialFreedomAds. com 220. FinePTC. com 221. Fire-Mails. com 222. FireBux. net 223. Fivedollarptc. com 224. Flamemails. com 225. FlashBux. com 226. Fly-field. com 227. Flybizs. com 228. Foggy-mails. com 229. ForeverPTC. com 230. Forex-cashbux. com 231. Foundmails. com 232. Freedom-mails. com 233. Fromhomedataentry. com 234. Fullmoneybux. com 235. Future-PTR. com 236. Gainpay. org 237. GammaBux. com 238. Gardenoflinks. com 239. Generalbucks. com 240. GeniusPTR. com 241. Genuinemails. com 242. Get-UMoney. com 243. GetDailyPaid. com 244. GetPaidIndustry. com 245. GetRefMails. com 246. GetRichPTC. com 247. Getrichptr. com 248. Get-umoney. com 249. Giga-Mails. com 250. Gkcash. com 251. GlobalPTR. com 252. GoBigPTC. com 253. GodBux. com 254. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 255. Goldbizs. com 256. 257. Golden-Galaxy. com 258. GoldenQuarters. com 259. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 260. gowellup. com 261. Gpclub. net 262. GrandPTC. com 263. GrapeMails. com 264. Green Horse 265. GTSBux. com 266. Halloweenptc. info 267. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 268. HawkinsBux. com 269. Helgabux. com 270. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 271. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 272. HiddenBux. com 273. Hide4dz. biz 274. HighBux. Biz 275. HighCashBonus. com 276. HitzMagic 277. Honestclicks. info 278. HooBux. com 279. Hugeptc. com 280. Hulk-mails. com 281. HyBux. com 282. Ibux. eu 283. IcePaid. com 284. Incomeptr. com 285. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) 286. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 287. inspiremarrow. com 288. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 289. InstantlyPTC. com 290. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 291. InterAdMedia. com 292. Ippomails. net 293. IronBux. com 294. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 295. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 296. IzyBux. com 297. Jackmails. com 298. Jaysu. com - (tutup) 299. jemabux. com 300. JesusBux. com 301. Jobptc. com 302. JokerBux 303. JustBux. com 304. KazarianGPT. com 305. Key-Mails. com 306. Kinderbux. com 307. King-mails. com 308. Lachicaemails. com 309. Lawyer-mails. com 310. Leadmails. com 311. Legend-mails. com 312. LenkaClix. com 313. 314. LevinClix. com 315. LibertyReserveMails. com 316. Link2Communion. com 317. LitBux. com 318. LiveBux. com 319. LolliPopMails. com 320. Loving-Mail. com 321. Luckydollar. biz 322. MakenBux. com 323. MagicalMails. com 324. Mailsmoney. net 325. Main-Bux. com 326. MakeMyBux. com 327. mappbux. com 328. MassivePTR. com 329. Maverickptc. info 330. MaystroMails. net 331. Mecbux. com 332. MegaBuxx. com 333. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 334. megamoneyptc. com 335. Mic-Promotion. com 336. MillionaireBux. com 337. MixBux. com 338. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 339. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 340. Moneyems. com 341. moneymakerptc. com 342. Moneytrainptc. com 343. Moonpaid. com 344. MutualPTR. com 345. mybestpornobux - 346. Mygoldbux. com 347. MyMoneyBux. com 348. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 349. NacBux. com 350. NeatBux. com 351. NeoPays. com 352. neveroff-bux. com 353. NewBuxIndia. com 354. Next-neo. com 355. NippyClicks. com 356. NoMinCashout. com 357. NoMinimumBux. com 358. NoWorkCash. com 359. Ocean-Mails. com 360. Ochristmastreeptc. info 361. olebux. com 362. Ok-usd. com 363. OnABux. com 364. Onedollarptc. com 365. OppoMails. com 366. Orangebizs. com 367. Paid-Bux. info 368. PaidClicks. WS 369. PaidForFree. com 370. Paidlink. info 371. Paidstation. com 372. PaidToViewTube. com 373. Papillon-clicks. com 374. ParadiseClicks. com 375. Paradiseclicks. info 376. PayablePTR. com 377. PayDayPTC. com 378. Payee. me 379. Paying-mails. com 380. PayingClub. com 381. PayingPTR. com 382. Payooclub. com 383. Paypay-mails. com 384. Pcash. info 385. Pearlmails. com 386. PegasusPTR. com 387. PerfectPTR. com 388. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 389. PerformancePTC. com 390. Persianptc. com 391. phatbux. com 392. Phoenixcash. info 393. Planetmails. com 394. Pleasant-Mails. com 395. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 396. PogoMails. com 397. Power-mails. net 398. Power4Bux. com 399. Profitmorebux. com 400. Project-Bux. com 401. ProMails. org 402. ProperPTR. com 403. ProsperousBoom. com 404. Ptcbiz. com 405. Ptcbonus. com 406. PTCBux. com 407. PTCNinja. com 408. Ptcrush. com 409. PTCSense. com 410. Ptcshare. com 411. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 412. PTR-Business. com 413. Pumpkin-Mails. com 414. QualityBux. com 415. Quickcashptc. com 416. QubeCash. com 417. RaiBux. com 418. rainbow-mail. net 419. Rainpaid. com 420. Rainy-mails. com 421. Rapidobux. com 422. Read2Money 423. RealDataEntry. net 424. RealMoneyCompany. com 425. RealCashPTC. com 426. Redclub-cash. com 427. ReoBux. com 428. Revbux. com 429. RevolutionBux 430. Richestmail. com 431. Richestmails. net 432. Richptc. com 433. RichPTR. info 434. Richptr. net 435. RingMails. com 436. Rolex-mails. com 437. rushnsuccess. com 438. RustBux. com 439. SaladMails. com 440. Salary-mails. com 441. Salemails. com 442. SapphireBux. com 443. Saturn-mails. com 444. SchoolBusOfCash. com 445. Scopebux. com 446. ScvBux. com 447. ShareTheBux. com 448. ShortBux. com 449. Show-sales. com 450. Silvanamails. net 451. SmurfsPTR. com 452. SnapDollars. com 453. Snowy-mails. com 454. StableBux. com 455. StablePTR. com 456. SteadyCashPTC. com 457. SteadyMails. com 458. Stock-mails. com 459. StockBux. com 460. StormOfTraffic. com 461. StreamEx. org 462. Sun-Cash. com 463. Superpaybyemail. com 464. Sureptr. com 465. SurfJunky. com 466. Sweetdealsemail. net 467. SweetPTR. com 468. SweetsMails. com 469. Tea-Mails. com 470. teammails. com 471. Tendollarclick. com 472. Thanksgivingptc. info 473. Thebestptcintown. com 474. TickerBar. info 475. Timelessearn. com 476. Topcashmails. com 477. Touch-Mails. com 478. TrafficNowFire. com 479. Ts-Mails. com 480. TuePaid. com 481. TuiBux. com 482. Turquads. net 483. Twodollarptc. com 484. uddoo. com 485. UltraBux. com 486. Universe-Mails. com 487. UpBux. com 488. USA-Bux. com 489. Usd-ad. com 490. Usdcenter. com 491. UtilBux. com 492. Valentine-ptr. com 493. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 494. Verbonix. com 495. Vibrantvitalities. com 496. Victorptr. com 497. viewbux. com 498. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 499. Vision-Bux. com 500. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 501. Vitaraptr. com 502. VuBux. com 503. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 504. WaveBux. com 505. WavuBux. com 506. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 507. Webcamcashmails. com 508. 509. Western-Mails. com 510. Windy-mails. com 511. Wishmails. com 512. Wonderful-Mails. com 513. World-mails. com 514. WorldsPTR. com 515. Worldwide-mails. com 516. WorldWidePTC. com 517. Worldwideptr. com 518. WuBux. com 519. XeonBux. com 520. XrayEmails. com 521. YingYangBux. com 522. Yippeemails. com 523. YooBux. com 524. YouPTC. com 525. YourBestBux. com 526. YourMyBux. com 527. zaebux. com 528. zionBux. com
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Hola Amigos de Gana Dinero en Internet-py
Aqui les traigo La Lista Negra de las PTC SCAM o que estafan, esta es la lista mas completa y actualizada hecha en toda la web, pertenece a un sitio en ingles dedicado llamado PTC-Investigations Lo menciono porque hay que darles el credito que se merece.
A partir de aqui ire agregando personalmente todos los sitios que se convierten en estafa o que desde el principio lo son
tiene el hosting (soporte de su web) suspendido por lo que hasta que no regrese, quizas ya no lo haga, se convierte en SCAM
- XionBux - SnBux - HatBux (Era muy buena) - Bux9x - Westbux
Lista Negra de PTC's
1. 1-usd-mail. com 1-usd-mail. com
2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3-dólar-mail. com
3. 5-dollar-mail. com 5-dólar-mail. com
4. 10-cash. com 10-cash. com
5. 20-euro-mail. com 20-euro-mail. com
6. 100-cash. com 100 cash. com
7. 2008mails. com 2008mails. com
8. 1800banners. com 1800banners. com
9. 100dollarptc. com 100dollarptc. com
10. 100euro-mail. com € 100-mail. com
11. 200euromails. net 200euromails. net
12. 247payouts. com 247payouts. com
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15. 10centcashoutptc. com 10centcashoutptc. com
16. 10dollar-mail. com 10dollar-mail. com
17. 10euro-mail. com € 10-mail. com
18. 50centMails. com 50centMails. com
19. 77bux. com 77bux. com
20. 99centptc. com 99centptc. com
21. 1cent-mail. com 1cent-mail. com
22. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 1centemails (1centemails. com) - no debe confundirse con 1 email ciento
23. 1dollarptc. com 1dollarptc. com
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26. 4realptc. info 4realptc. info
27. 5euro-mails. com € 5-mails. com
28. 7evenbux. com 7evenbux. com
29. 7heavenptc. com 7heavenptc. com
30. awsurveys. com awsurveys. com
31. an-cash. com un cash. com -
32. adbux. org adbux. org
33. adflasher. net adflasher. net
34. afferinte. com afferinte. com
35. ahbux. com ahbux. com
36. andreamails. com andreamails. com
37. ads-earn. com anuncios-earn. com
38. adventures4u. com adventures4u. com
39. adybux. com adybux. com
40. aerobux. com aerobux. com
41. aglocomails. com aglocomails. com
42. alexmails. com alexmails. com
43. all-cashmails. com todos los cashmails. com -
44. angelbux (angelbux. com) angelbux (angelbux. com)
45. arclicks. com arclicks. com
46. ariaptc. com ariaptc. com
47. asonewishes. com asonewishes. com
48. astroux. com astroux. com
49. at-mails. com en situación de mails. com
50. atbux. com atbux. com
51. athome-cash. com latam-cash. com
52. autoex. org autoex. org
53. autopayouts. com autopayouts. com
54. bux. net bux. net
55. babalac. com babalac. com
56. baltbux. com baltbux. com
57. bangthelinks. com bangthelinks. com
58. bank-ptr. com banco ptr. com
59. bankomails. com bankomails. com
60. banzibux. com banzibux. com
61. beachbux. net beachbux. net
62. beachptc. com beachptc. com
63. beanybux. com beanybux. com
64. bear-mails. com oso mails. com
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68. bestdollarclicks. com bestdollarclicks. com
69. bestnewbuxto. info bestnewbuxto. info
70. bestpaybux. com bestpaybux. com
71. BbetaBux. com BbetaBux. com
72. bfgbux. com bfgbux. com
73. biggreenbux. com biggreenbux. com
74. bigmoneycenter. com bigmoneycenter. com
75. bigmoneyptc. com bigmoneyptc. com
76. bigptc. tk bigptc. tk
77. billionaireptc. com billionaireptc. com
78. birdmails. com birdmails. com
79. black-mails. com negro-mails. com
80. blackearn. com blackearn. com
81. blubux. com blubux. com
82. blue-mails. com azul-mails. com
83. bobomails. com bobomails. com
84. boffopaidmail. com boffopaidmail. com
85. boodaq. com boodaq. com
86. boonbux. com boonbux. com
87. bpbux. com bpbux. com
88. bravebux. com bravebux. com
89. britebux. com britebux. com
90. business-ptr. com la empresa ptr. com

1-usd-mail. com 3-dollar-mail. com 5-dollar-mail. com 10-cash. com 20-euro-mail. com 100-cash. com 2008mails. com 1800banners. com 100dollarptc. com 100euro-mail. com 200euromails. net 247payouts. com 400dollarsdaily. info 10bux. net 10centcashoutptc. com
10dollar-mail. com 10euro-mail. com 50centMails. com 77bux. com 99centptc. com 1cent-mail. com 1centemails. com 1dollarptc. com 2bux. net 5cash. info 4realptc. info 5euro-mails. com 7evenbux. com 7heavenptc. com 888bux
amirbux awsurveys. com a-n-cash. com adbux. org adflasher. net afferinte. com ahbux. com andbux. net andreamails. com adptc ads-earn. com adventures4u. com adybux. com aerobux. com aff. si alexmails. com
aglocomails. com all-cashmails. com angelbux. com aobux arclicks. com ariaptc. com asonewishes. com astrobux. com ashbux. com at-mails. com atbux. com athome-cash. com atlascash autoex. org autopayouts. com awardmails. biz
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camel-mails capricornbux cash4clickingptcm cash4Clicks. org cash4ubux cashfiestam cashflowmails cashium. net cashkidding cashnbux cashmails. biz cashmails. org cashmailz cashmedia. biz cashmoneyemail cashmybux cashswing cashTreePTC cashviews casino-PTR cat-mails cd-mails charm-mail cherry-mails chilloutbux chinawelcomeptc. info chobitsmails. net cjbux clickersheaven. info clickforabuck
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depacco. com detbux. com devbux. com diamond-bizs. com diamond-mails. net diamond-ptr. com dingobux. com discobux. com discoclicks. com
disney-mails. com doemails. com dog-mails. com dollargpt. com donkeybucks. com dreamails. com dutzzubux. com dw-mails. com dynamicptr. com
e-mailpaysu. com eagle-mails. com earn. bz earn-usd. biz earningsecret. com earnmybux. com earthptr. com easycashptc. com egyptianclicks. com elephant-mails. com eliteptc. com enrichptc. com e-mailptr. com emmamails. com enbux. com enjoybux. com
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highbux. Biz highbashbonus. com hitzmagic honestclicks. info hoobux. com huebux. com hugeptc. com hulk-mails. com hybux. com
i4ptc ibux. eu icepaid. com ienbux iibux incomeptr. com indoclix infinitebux. com insanecricket. com
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urobux USA-Bux. com usd-ad. com usdcenter. com utilBux. com
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zaebux. com zendbux zionBux. com

ptc Forums
08-12-2015, 08:40 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2015, 08:34 PM by aDmin .)
The Scam List provided below is based on extensive research by experienced forum members. These sites are proven scams and will waste your money and/or time. We advise you to stay away from these sites.
If you feel that a site should be added or removed from the list please leave a comment here, or PM an administrating staff with your concern.
This is an up-to-date list of the PTC sites we do not recommend signing up for, please use the find feature (CTRL + F) in your browser, at this page, to make sure the website you're signing up for, isn't listed here .
There may be several reasons for a site being added to the list, examples include:-
1. owned by known scammers including but not limited to GPTNETWORKS, MADERITE, WILLJ/NORTHOWL, KIM BALLARD, SAMANTHA SHEPHERD WILSON, etc.
2. complaints by members, examples: non payment, account deletion, etc.
3. changing terms from paying all members to only paying certain members like upgraded members or new investors.
4. changing paying sites to ad-only sites.
All sites on free hosts should be avoided, if they cannot afford a paid host they cannot afford to pay you. Sites using the Buxhost should be avoided, they rent by the month, they disappear by the month. Free hosted sites and Buxhost sites will not be added to the scam list.
Listed in alphabetical order, starting with numbers, and then letters.
0 07Bux. net
1 1-800-mail. com 10-cash. com 10bux. net 10centcashoutptc. com 1centemails. com 10clix. com 10dollar-mail. com 100-cash. com 100-dollars-mail. com 100-percents-work-bux. com 100cents-1000dollars. com 100dollarsmails. com 100euro-mail. com 1000-mail. com 10000usd-mail. com 101clix. com 123bux. net 123easycash. net 1bux. org 1centemails. com 1dollarcash. com 1stbux. com 1stprofit. com
2 2-dollar-mail. com 20-cash. com 20-Euro-mail. com 200dollars-email. com 200dollarsmail. com 200euro-mail. com 200eurocent-200euro. com 200euromails. com 200euromails. net 20dollarsmail. com 20euromail. com 2009-bux. com 24bux. com 247bux. com 247payouts. com 247vipclub. com 25dollarsmail. com 25-dollars-mail. com 2bux. com 2bux. net 2dollaremails. com 2ree. net 2usdbux. com
3 300dollarsmail. com 30dollarsmail. com 37-21mail. com 37bux. com 3rbux. com
4 4bux. info 4bux. pri. ee 400dollarsdaily. info 400dollarsmail. com 4starads. info
5 50centmails. com 500cents-500dollars. net 500cents-500dollars. org 500pounds-and-500pence. com 50dollarsmail. com 520Searcher. com 5bux. com 5buxs. cn 5ivebux. com
6 60euromail. com 666mails. com 6buxy. com
7 75centinstantbux. com 77bux. com 7centsolos. com 7thbux. com 7heavenptc. com 7thheavenptr. net
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lunes, 16 de abril de 2012
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Recuerde que sólo debe hacer el vínculo filial con los códigos de afiliados que ya ha creado. Los enlaces de afiliados anteriores son sólo ejemplos y no va a funcionar con su cuenta.
Después de haber hecho algunos enlaces de afiliados usted puede insertar en los correos electrónicos, blogs, páginas de clasificados, foros, redes sociales, etc Recuerde que debe incluir una razón convincente de por qué alguien debe registrarse y empezar a trabajar, esto le permitirá tener más gente se registra y usted ganará más dinero.
¿Cómo puedo ver cuántas remisiones me han invitado?
Usted puede ver cómo muchas referencias a su haber invitado al entrar en el "Panel de afiliados" de la página.
En estos momentos estamos trabajando para añadir más información acerca de las personas que ha invitado. Vamos a actualizar esta página y agregar otro que le da estadísticas detalladas de cada uno de tus referidos.
¿Puedes por favor darme más información acerca de los pagos?
Los pagos se realizan en los mismos días y en las mismas condiciones que los pagos regulares de trabajo se hacen. La única diferencia es que se necesita un mínimo de 5 referencias pagados para comenzar a recibir los pagos de comisiones.
¿Puedo crear 5 cuentas, el trabajo en cada uno de ellos y recoger el 10% de comisión sobre mi propio trabajo?
No. Esto está estrictamente prohibido y es monitoreado constantemente. Se detecta estas actividades antes de liberar los pagos. Si usted hace esto, ninguno de sus cuentas será pagado y todas las cuentas de sus afiliados será cancelada. No tenemos ninguna tolerancia para los tramposos.
Traducción de la guia de inicio en ProTypers
Los "captchas" son esos códigos de verificación que a menudo se nos solicita introducir para darnos de alta en algún servicio web o para publicar un comentario en facebook, por ejemplo. En esta imagen se muestra un ejemplo de "captcha" formado por dos palabras:
Seguramente, antes de conocer este mundillo nunca hubieses imaginado que detrás de los "captchas" hubiese todo un negocio, y es así, porque esos "captchas ya resueltos" son adquiridos a su vez por webs que utilizan aplicaciones de descarga o subida de archivos a sus usuarios. Así que, esas webs son actualmente el principal cliente de estos servicios de venta de "captchas resueltos".
Aunque, como ya habrás experimentado por ti mismo al navegar por internet, hay muchos tipos de "captchas". Unos los conforman combinaciones de números y letras, Otros están hechos con números solamente, otros por combinaciones de letras en mayúscula y en minúscula:

En algunos "captchas" los caracteres de su imagen se muestran como espaciados, sin embargo, tú tendrás que teclearlos sin espacios entre ellos:
En ocasiones te pueden aparecer "captchas" de dos palabras en los que uno de ellos aparece como cortado por la mitad, siendo sólo una de las palabras legibles, en estos casos sólo tendrás que mecanografiar la parte visible del "captcha":
En otros casos verás que junto a la palabra del "captcha" te aparece un signo ortográfico, en estos casos no es necesario escribir el signo ortográfico, simplemente escribe la palabra en sí:
Es muy importante que estés familiarizado con la mecanografía, ya que para resolver cada "captcha" te dan un tiempo de quince segundos, si no lo resuelves, aunque sea mal, o no pulsas el botón de "I DON´T KNOW", te pueden banear durante algunos minutos. A esos baneos temporales se les llama "kickouts", y se suceden repetidamente esos baneos te pueden llegar a banear definitivamente. Aunque si ocurre eso puedes escribirles un e-mail exponiendo tus razones para reactivar tu cuenta.
No realizes descargas durante el tiempo que estés "captcheando" . ya que eso puede enlentecerr tu conexión a internet y por tanto el funcionamiento de la página de tal manera que los "captchas" tarden mucho tiempo en mostrarse, con la consiguiente pérdida de tiempo para resolverlos.
Procura evitar resolver "captchas" de la forma en que se muestra la siguiente imagen, es decir, donde no hay semejanza alguna entre la imagen y lo tecleado. El error está permitido, pero está muy penalizado el escribir "captchas basura":
Si te encuentras con un "captcha" indescifrable opta por pulsar el botón "DON´T KNOW":
Una forma rápida de pulsar ese botón es haciendo clic en el botón "ESC" de tu teclado. De todas formas, entre la disyuntiva de si escribir lo que "buenamente vemos" o pulsar el botón "DON´T KNOW", es más aconsejable optar por escribir lo que veamos, aunque lo hagamos con error, ya que está más penalizado pulsar el botón "DON´T KNOW" excesivamente, que el cometer errores.
Si te encuentras cansado, y quieres hacer una pausa, en el siguiente "captcha" que te aparezca resuélvelo y pulsa el botón "SUBMIT AND PAUSE"
Algo que sin duda te servirá de ayuda para ver con mayor claridad los "captchas" es aumentar el zoom de tu navegador. Un zoom del 200% puede serte muy útil, ya que con ese aumento te da para ver el "captcha" y el segundero.
Los ratios de pago varían dependiendo de la hora a la que te pongas a resolver " captchas ". La hora de referencia del servidor que aloja la página es de seis horas menos respecto a la hora peninsular en España y, como verás en la imagen, el ratio oscila entre los 0,85 dólares y los 1,35 dólares por cada mil "captchas resueltos" . con lo que el horario mejor pagado para trabajar desde la península en España sería el comprendido entre las 22,00 h. y las 01,00 h. que se corresponden con las 16,00 h. y 19,00 h. del servidor de la página.
Como tendrás ocasión de comprobar, no es un trabajo fácil . pero resulta gratificante por la seriedad y rapidez con la que te hacen los pagos . ya que te los hacen todos los lunes, siempre y cuando con anterioridad a ese día hayas alcanzado el mínimo de tres dólares en tu cuenta para ello. El pago te lo hacen de forma automática, es decir, ni siquiera tienes que solicitarlo, ellos te harán el ingreso el mismo lunes en tu cuenta de paypal. Es muy importante que transcribas correctamente tambien tu cuenta al registrarte en la página de "ProTypers".
Creo que estas son las nociones principales para que te puedas manejar en la resolución de "captchas", pero recuerda que a pesar de que "ProTypers" lo anuncia como un trabajo fácil, no lo es en absoluto, hay que estar muy atento y tener paciencia.
Mucha suerte y adelante con ello.
Hola Quiero presentaros una serie de páginas denominadas PTC'S. Estas páginas pagan generalmente por visitar otras páginas clicando en unos links. Hay otras que tambien pagan por mail, por autosurf o registros.
Pincha en el banner correspondiente y regístrate, mi identificación debe estar por defecto, te convertirás en mi referido y por lo tanto yo me llevaré un tanto % de lo que tu hagas sin que eso perjudique tus beneficios.
Os recomiendo visitar todas las páginas 2 veces al día. Por ejemplo por la mañana y por la noche, por que hay algunas que incluyen más links a lo largo del día.
Hello I want to present a series of pages known as PTC's. These pages usually pays visit other pages by clicking on some links. There are others who also pay by mail, by or registrations autosurf.
Simply click on the banner and register for my identification must be by default, will turn you in my referral and therefore I will take you somewhat % of what you do without that harms your benefits.
I strongly recommend to visit all the pages 2 times a day. For example, by the morning and in the evening because there are some that include more links throughout the day.

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2.Goldenchase. net xóa tài khoản không có lý do lấy do bảo trì không thể đăng nhập 2.Fusebux cùng admin với probux không thể rút tiền. 3.Eghtclix, Clixlog, Fisrtclix xóa acc khi gửi yêu cầu thanh toán.
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Online Scam (want your money, not paying)
reason: seems to belongs to same (scam) admin as chillbux. When you go http://chillbux. com it redirects to ptc wallet. Better keep away on this site!
reason: admin does not paying to members. Showing fake stats (total paid money).
reason: admin does not paying to members.
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mailsmoney. com & mailsmoney. net
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Scam (« estafa . chanchullo» en inglés) es un término anglosajón que se emplea familiarmente para referirse a una red de corrupción. Hoy también se usa para definir los intentos de estafa a través de un correo electrónico fraudulento (o páginas web fraudulentas).
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Actualizada al 29/02/2012
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457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net
480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com
487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com 494. ScvBux. com 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com 500. SnapDollars. com 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com 522. Tendollarclick. com 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com 526. TickerBar. info 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com
534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com
541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net 572. wow-mails. com 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com

PTC Scam!
PTC adalah sebuah cara untuk mendapatkan uang dengan cara melakukan klik pada sebuah link baik dalam bentuk iklan banner, teks dan lain sebagainya. Segala sesuatu yang Anda klik akan menghasilkan uang secara instant bisa dengan cepat ataupun lambat.
Alasan kenapa saya gak begitu menyukainya karena secara gampangnya adalah pekerjaan ini cukup menyita waktu. Namun dari sisi lain kapanpun Anda butuh pendapatan cepat klik saja terus menerus karena kendali ada ditangan Anda. Saat ini program PTC banyak ragam dan aturannya, ada yang bisa dengan bebas, ada yang memiliki batasan waktu, batasan jumlah klik per-hari dan lain sebagainya.
Jujur saja sayang memang sudah pernah mencoba beberapa PTC yang ada dan tidak ada satupun yang sukses. Alasannya adalah karena kurang cocok dengan kondisi saya (walaupun bisa online 24 jam sekalipun). Alasan lain adalah karena banyaknya janji-janji palsu alias bohong yang diumbar oleh para penyedia layanan PTC.
Selain saya dengan sangat yakin pasti Andapun pernah terjebak bahkan tidak tahu sama sekali hingga saat ini masih saja menjalankan pekerjaan ini. Dengan tujuan membantu para pebisnis online yang gemar dengan PTC, maka saya melakukan pencarian data dan menghasilkan daftar para penyedia PTC yang melakukan kebohongan alias SCAM . Berhati-hatilah sebelum mengambil putusan, walaupun hanya rugi bukan rugi uang tapi bayangkan jika Anda melakukan ini hingga berbulan-bulan bahkan tahunan menunggu nasib yang tak pernah jelas ujungnya.
Inilah daftar PTC Scam yang berhasil saya kumpulkan yang bersumber dari berbagai forum diskusi yang ada di Internet. Bagi Anda yang mengetahui dari sekian daftar di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan scam silakan tuliskan alasan Anda. Termasuk juga bagi Anda yang ingin menambahkan daftar PTC yang menurut Anda adalah Scam. Saya menulisnya berdasarkan abjad mulai dari angka 0 hingga 9 lalu diikuti huruf A hingga Z.

1-usd-mail. com
3-dollar-mail. com
10-cash. com
20-euro-mail. com
100-cash. com
2008mails. com
100euro-mail. com
200EuroMails. net
247payouts. com
400DollarsDaily. info
10bux. net
10centcashoutptc. com
10dollar-mail. com
10euro-mail. com
50centMails. com
77bux. com
1cent-mail. com
1centemails (1centemails. com) – not to be confused with 1 cent email
1dollarptc. com
2bux. net
5cash. info
4realptc. info
7evenbux. com
7heavenptc. com
A. W. Surveys
A-n-cash. com
Adbux. org
Adflasher. net
Afferinte. com
Andreamails. com
Ads-Earn. com
Adventures4U. com
AeroBux. com
Aglocomails. com
All-CashMails. com
AngelBux (angelbux. com)
ArClicks. com
Aria PTC (ariaptc. com)
AstroBux. com
At-Mails. com
Atbux (atbux. com) (closed)
Athome-cash. com
AutoEx. org
Autopayouts. com
B-u-x. net
Babalac. com
Bank-ptr. com
BankoMails. com
BeachBux. net
Beachptc. com
BeanyBux. com
Bear-mails. com
BeaverBux. com
Best-Mails. com
BestBux (bestbux. info)
BestDollarClicks. com
Bestnewbuxto. info
BetaBux. com (closed)
Bigmoneycenter. com
Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com)
Bigptc. tk
Billionaireptc. com
Birdmails. com
BlackEarn (blackearn. com)
Blue-Mails. com
BoBoMails. com
Boffopaidmail. com
Boodaq. com
BoonBux. com
BpBux. com (closed)
BraveBux. com
BriteBux (britebux. com)
Business-PTR. com
Bux-gr. com
Bux-Service. com
Buxanna. com
Buxcorp (buxcorp. com)
BuxForex. com
Buxforyou. com (closed)
Bux. gs
Bux. io
Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt)
Bux. to
Bux-7ven. com
BuxCashy. com
BuxChristmas. com
BuxExtra. com
BuxFirst. com
BuxHunter. com
BuxInc. com
BuxMarley. com
BuxNew. com
BuxOffice. net
Buxokk. com
BuxPTR. com
Buxs. nl
BuxWin. com
BuxWiz. com
Buxxl. com
Camel-mails. com
Cash4clickingptc. com
Cash4Clicks. org
Cashfiesta. com
Cashflowmails. com
CashKidding. com
Cashnbux. com
Cashmails. biz
Cashmails. org
Cashmailz. com
Cashmedia. biz
Cashmoneyemail. com
Cashmybux. com
CashTreePTC. com
Casino-PTR. com
Cd-Mails. com
Charm-mail. com
Cherry-Mails. com
Chinawelcomeptc. info
Chobitsmails. net
Clickforabuck. com
ClickMyBux. com
Clix. vc
Clix-P. com
ClixP. com
ClixnCash. com
Cloud-mails. com
Cloudy-mails. com
CloudBux. com
Club4You. net
Coast-Mail. com
Cobebizs. com
CobyBux. com
Colph. com
Comfortableincome. net
Cooperativemail. com
CreativeMails. biz
CuteBux. com
Depacco. com
Diamond-bizs. com
Diamond-mails. net
Diamond-PTR. com
Discoclicks. com
Disney-mails. com
Dog-mails. com
Dreamails. com
Dutzzubux. com
Dw-mails. com
E-MailPaysU. com
Eagle-Mails. com
Earn-USD. biz
EarnMyBux. com
Earthptr. com
EasyCashPTC. com
Elephant-Mails. com
ElitePTC. com
EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com)
E-mailptr. com
EnBux. com
Epaisa. pk
Esooe. com
Essential PTR (essentialptr. com)
Euro-Emails. com
EuroTradeMails. com
EvernityRewards (evernity. com)
Exceedmargin. com
ExcellentBux. com
Exclusivemails. net
expert-mails. com
Expertmails. net
EziHippo (ezihippo. com) (closed)
Ezlaptop. com
FastCarPTC. com
Fast Money 24 (
Fatmoneyptc. com
Feer-mial. com
FillBux. com
FiloBux (filobux. com)
FinanceBux. com
FinancialFreedomAds. com
FinePTC. com
Fire-Mails. com
FireBux. net
Flamemails. com
FlashBux. com
Fly-field. com
Flybizs. com
Foggy-mails. com
ForeverPTC. com
Forex-cashbux. com
Foundmails. com
Freedom-mails. com
Fromhomedataentry. com
Fullmoneybux. com
Future-PTR. com
Gainpay. org
GammaBux. com
Gardenoflinks. com
Generalbucks. com
GeniusPTR. com
Genuinemails. com
Get-UMoney. com
GetDailyPaid. com
GetPaidIndustry. com
GetRefMails. com
GetRichPTC. com
Getrichptr. com
Get-umoney. com
Giga-Mails. com – Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :(
Gkcash. com
GlobalPTR. com
GodBux. com (closed)
Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info
Goldbizs. com
Golden-Galaxy. com
GoldenQuarters. com
Google-Bux (googlenow. info)
GrandPTC. com
Green Horse
GTSBux. com
Halloweenptc. info
Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info
HawkinsBux. com
Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com)
Herecomessantaclausptc. info
HiddenBux. com
Hide4dz. biz
HighBux. Biz
HighCashBonus. com
Honestclicks. info
HooBux. com
Hugeptc. com
Hulk-mails. com
HyBux. com
Ibux. eu
IcePaid. com
Incomeptr. com
InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) (closed)
Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com)
Instant-PTC-Cash. com
InstantlyPTC. com
InstantPTR (instantptr. com)
InterAdMedia. com
Ippomails. net
IsabelMarco’s Money Maker (isabelmarco. com)
Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info
IzyBux. com
Jackmails. com
Jaysu. com – (closed), went down before we could review it
JesusBux. com
Jobptc. com
JokerBux (closed)
JustBux. com
KazarianGPT. com
Key-Mails. com
Kinderbux. com
King-mails. com
Lachicaemails. com
Lawyer-mails. com
Leadmails. com
Legend-mails. com
LenkaClix. com
LevinClix. com
Link2Communion. com
LiveBux. com
LolliPopMails. com
Loving-Mail. com
Luckydollar. biz
MagicalMails. com
mailsmoney. net
Main-Bux. com
MakeMyBux. com
MassivePTR. com
MaystroMails. net
Mecbux. com
MegaBuxx. com
Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com)
Mic-Promotion. com
MillionaireBux. com
MixBux. com
MNMBux (mnmbux. com)
Mom-n-PopPTC. info
Moneyems. com
Moneytrainptc. com
Moonpaid. com
mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don’t review porn, go here to read comment.
Mygoldbux. com
MyMoneyBux. com
Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com)
NacBux. com
NeatBux. com
NeoPays. com
NewBuxIndia. com
Next-neo. com
NippyClicks. com
NoMinCashout. com
NoMinimumBux. com
NoWorkCash. com
Ocean-Mails. com
Ochristmastreeptc. info
Ok-usd. com
OnABux. com
Onedollarptc. com
OppoMails. com
Paid-Bux. info
PaidClicks. WS
PaidForFree. com
Paidlink. info
Paidstation. com
Papillon-clicks. com
ParadiseClicks. com
Paradiseclicks. info
PayDayPTC. com
Payee. me
Paying-mails. com
PayingClub. com
PayingPTR. com
Payooclub. com
Paypay-mails. com
Pcash. info
PegasusPTR. com
PerfectPTR. com
PerformanceBux (performancebux. com)
PerformancePTC. com
Phoenixcash. info
Planetmails. com
Pleasant-Mails. com
Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com)
PogoMails. com
Power-mails. net
Power4Bux. com
Profitmorebux. com
Project-Bux. com
ProMails. org
ProperPTR. com
ProsperousBoom. com
Ptcbiz. com
Ptcbonus. com
PTCNinja. com
Ptcrush. com
PTCSense. com
Ptcshare. com
PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com)
PTR-Business. com
Pumpkin-Mails. com
QualityBux. com
Quickcashptc. com
QubeCash. com
RaiBux. com
Rainpaid. com
Rainy-mails. com
Rapidobux. com (closed)
RealDataEntry. net
RealMoneyCompany. com
RealCashPTC. com
Redclub-cash. com
ReoBux. com
Richestmail. com
Richestmails. net
Richptc. com
RichPTR. info
Richptr. net
RingMails. com
Rolex-mails. com
RustBux. com
SaladMails. com
Salary-mails. com
Salemails. com
SapphireBux. com
Saturn-mails. com
Scopebux. com
ShareTheBux. com
ShortBux. com
Show-sales. com
SmurfsPTR. com
SnapDollars. com
Snowy-mails. com
StableBux. com (closed)
StablePTR. com
SteadyMails. com
Stock-mails. com
StockBux. com
StormOfTraffic. com
Sun-Cash. com
Superpaybyemail. com
SurfJunky. com
Sweetdealsemail. net
SweetPTR. com
SweetsMails. com
Tea-Mails. com
Tendollarclick. com
Thanksgivingptc. info
Thebestptcintown. com
TickerBar. info
Timelessearn. com
Touch-Mails. com
TrafficNowFire. com
Ts-Mails. com
TuePaid. com
TuiBux. com (closed)
Turquads. net
Twodollarptc. com
UltraBux. com
Universe-Mails. com
USA-Bux. com
Usd-ad. com
Usdcenter. com
UtilBux. com
Valuebux (Valuebux. com)
Vibrantvitalities. com
Victorptr. com
Vinefire (vinefire. com)
Vision-Bux. com
Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net)
Vitaraptr. com
VuBux. com
WaoIndia (waoIndia. com)
WaveBux. com
WavuBux. com
WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com)
Webcamcashmails. com
Western-Mails. com
Wishmails. com
Wonderful-Mails. com
World-mails. com
WorldsPTR. com
Worldwide-mails. com
WorldWidePTC. com
WuBux. com
XeonBux. com
Yippeemails. com
YooBux. com
YourBestBux. com
YourMyBux. com
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Sites that are waiting to be uploaded from old blog ( no links yet ) however they are SCAMS. If you have a question as to why they are scams, leave a comment at the end of this list and we will find the old review and upload it for you.
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Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com 345. libertyreservemails. com 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com 363. massiveptr. com 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info OLD REVIEW UP 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com 422. PayingPTR. com 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com 442. pretty-mail. com 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. 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First of all, this site is NOT A PTC, but is a BIG tool we can use. You can use click exchange to give traffic to your blog or website in order to fish referrals, but if you want big traffic EasyHits4U is the site to get it.
Unlike many click exchanges, this sites offers you a 1:1 ratio. This means that for every page you see you gain 1 credit (equal to one hit). Like many click exchanges this sites gives you rewards too! Banners, credits, tickes and cash. For every 1000 sites surfed you get $0.30 USD. It's also approved for PTP on some PTCs.
Let me summarize the benefits:
Traffic Exchange ratio: 1:1
Pays: $0.30 USD bonus for every 1000 viewed sites
Minimum Payout: $3.0 USD
Wait Time: 5-7 Business days.
This feature, also known as manual surf, is available in all aurora (pre-made script) sites I know and it’s usually on earnings area
This feature doesn’t give us money like PTC banners or links, but it give us click exchange credits that we can use to gain traffic. The credits we get will depend of the ratio that the site offers, in this case we can see its 5/4 (most auroras use this ratio).
What this mean is that for every 5 pages we see we’ll get 4 credits or hits. Also many auroras insert a random reward game in which we can earn money or banner credits, link credits, PTC credits, etc.
You may wonder why do I need traffic for? I just wanna ear money not gain traffic! Well you can earn money or even better get referrals if you use this. Lemme explain both cases:
Earn money: Many sites like DonkeyMails and CashnHits will pay you to promote your PTP link, you can find it usually on the Promote area. You need to check the terms for this in order to know how much you’ll earn and in which sites you can promote your link, (donkeymails just allow some sites be careful).
Get referrals: Click exchange isn’t really effective for this but it’s possible and you can achieve in a direct way or indirect way.
Directo. You can just simple add your referral link and assign it credits in order to be displayed in the click exchange area and if someone joins through it you got a new referral. But this is unlikely :(
Indirect: Let’s say you just decided to open a website or a blog where you display your banners with referral links, well now you need to promote your site. No one will just stumble into it. Many people, if not all, use search engines and "While there may be millions of web pages that include a particular word or phrase, some pages may be more relevant, popular . or authoritative than others”
So flood your website/blog with your credits. And who knows maybe if u made your website attractive some clicker will see it while surfing and join through you banners!
Put your credits to work!
The criteria for this list is this:
Site owned by a known scammer
Complaints by members: No payment, account deletion.
Changing terms from paying all members to only paying upgraded members
Changing paying sites to adonly sites.
Use Ctrl+f for an easly search.
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Scam definition: a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle.
There are many PTCs that are scam from which you will not receive a single penny. But the major threat is the sites that have a good beginning and turn into scam, taking away your investments and your valuable time. In order to avoid such sites we must have in mind these considerations:
1. - There’s no such thing as a “trusted admin” or “trusted site”, they’re only trusted while they’re paying.
2. - PTC sites are to earn money, if u want to invest a large amount of money the best option is the bank.
3. - Every PTC could become a scam tomorrow.
Now, you maybe wonder Why join a PTC then? Well the truth is that many sites have achieved a good stability and have been paying for years. If you want to join a PTC and reduce the possibility of getting scammed check this things first:
Who is the admin and where is this site located? We can gain such information through a website (on the right side you can find a link or click HERE ). If the site uses a PrivicyProtect then we can most likely not trust it. If we can obtain the name of the admin we should Google it and search on forums to know his reputation. If the site is located in a third world country well… I don’t like to discriminate but a site located in the US, UK, Netherlands, etc. makes me more comfortable.
Search engines are your friends. If you want to join a site a quickly way to know if it’s a scam is a simple search on Google. Let’s say you want to join 10bux. com, just Google “10bux. com scam” “10bux. com payment proof” “10bux. com pays”.
Does the site have its own domain? If the site uses a free host or a sub domain then how can be trusted? No money for its own domain= no money to pay you.
READ THE TERMS. I know it is boring yea but many scammers know it too and the count on you not reading them. Many sites use tricky terms that will lead you to a big surprise when you try to cash out like “you need to invest in order to cash out” or “We don’t pay to people from your country”, so READ THE GOD DAMN TERMS.
Verify what kind of information the site asks to register. If you need to provide personal information register with a fake one. When you feel comfortable with the site and you’re close to cash out then change it for the real one. The only thing you need to use is a real e-mail to verify your registration, in this case register with the e-mail account that you use for spam.
NEVER register with a password that is the same to your payplay account or your main e-mail.
If you already joined a PTC keep an eye on this:
Broken Links. Take some time to look around the whole site, if you find many broken links and errors this mean that the admin doesn’t care about the site or has already left it. If he doesn’t care about his site he won’t care about your payment.
The ads. It’s common to see many of ads from people advertising their referral link, but if we notice that there are ads from outside PTC world its good sign! On the other hand, many admins just launch a PTC to gain referrals and then abandon the site. Its ok if the admin uses one or maybe two ads to promote his referral link, but if we notice that there are too many ads like this then most likely you won’t get paid. This is because the site doesn’t really have advertisers, which are the main source of income of a PTC.
¿How much the site charges for advertise? Let’s say that the site we joined offers this to advertisers:

500 clicks for $1.5 USD
1000 clicks for $2.5 USD
2000 clicks for $4.0 USD
5,000 clicks for $8.0 USD And pays its members $0.005 USD for click.
If we do the math we notice that this site will be broke soon, because if a member does 300 clicks he’ll have $1.5 USD but the site charges 500 clicks for $1.5 USD!
¿Does the site has a forum? A site with a forum is always more trustable because you can have contact with the admin and his staff. Also we can see other member opinions and their payment proofs.
¿How much traffic does the site generates? We can know this from other websites that measure traffic; check the right side for alexa’s traffic.
Inversiones. The best choice is the bank in my opinion. Sometimes if the PTC looks good and you have received your first payout, then well… It’s ok but don’t invest more of what you can afford, every investment carries a risk.
Minimum Payout. When you reach it cash out! Every site could stop paying tomorrow so take your money, this tell you right away if the site deserves your trust.

For last but not least, if for some reason you got scammed, tell everyone. Don’t let other fellow clickers suffer the same.
Have fun clicking.

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zwallet. com
Pessoal, sou um grande observador do atendimento ao cliente no comércio de Cataguases. E tenho a dizer que a qualidade não é lá essas coisas (pra não falar coisa pior). Pois bem, mas às vezes nos deparamos com algumas situações que nos surpreende. Vejam isso:
Na ultima terça-feria dia 08/12 estava eu e minha esposa fazendo compras no supermercado Morais quando em um certo momento da compra minha esposa chegou para um funcionario e disse:
Moço, você pode cortar esta abóbora (madura) no meio pra mim?
Posso sim, a senhora deseja que eu também descasque e corte em pedaços?
detalhe: todo mundo sabe que é um "saco" descascar e cortar abóbora madura.
Ela respondeu: Se puder, eu agradeço.
Depois de alguns minutos o funcionário trouxe a abóbora descascada e em pedaços conforme prometido.
Agora vejam o atendimento excelente: Sabe quanto custou a metade desta abóbora?
R$ 0,29 (vinte e nove centavos).
Concluindo: A abóbora saiu de graça porém o mercado ganhou a fidelidade de mais um cliente.
Do dia 26/09 a 24/10 aconteceu no Instituto Francisca de souza peixoto mais um treinamento profissional em EXCEL BASICO para os funcionários da Cia. Industrial Cataguases. As aulas foram ministradas aos sábados no horário de 13:00 às 17:00h com intervalo para coffee break.
O ponto alto do treinamento foi o último dia onde o facilitador Wendell Rodrigues dividiu os participantes em 2 grupos e colocou no ar o jogo EXCEL-QUESTIONS onde várias perguntas sobre todo conteúdo abordado no treinamento são questionadas aos grupos valendo um prêmio bacana no final para o vencedor.
"Na minha opinião este jogo é melhor que uma aplicação de prova pois o aluno fica mais desinibido, mais atento, menos apreensivo e atinge nosso principal objetivo que é forçar o participante a pensar. "
Um dos principais objetivos do treinamento é mostrar as ferramentas e comandos do Excel que ajudarão o participante a agilizar suas atividades na empresa.
Para os interessados ao curso de EXCEL AVANÇADO favor ficarem atentos pois as incriçoes abrirão em breve. Grande abraço a todos!
Parabéns aos alunos certificados.
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Pessoal, sou um grande observador do atendimento ao cliente no comércio de Cataguases. E tenho a dizer que a qualidade não é lá essas coisas (pra não falar coisa pior). Pois bem, mas às vezes nos deparamos com algumas situações que nos surpreende. Vejam isso:
Na ultima terça-feria dia 08/12 estava eu e minha esposa fazendo compras no supermercado Morais quando em um certo momento da compra minha esposa chegou para um funcionario e disse:
Moço, você pode cortar esta abóbora (madura) no meio pra mim?
Posso sim, a senhora deseja que eu também descasque e corte em pedaços?
detalhe: todo mundo sabe que é um "saco" descascar e cortar abóbora madura.
Ela respondeu: Se puder, eu agradeço.
Depois de alguns minutos o funcionário trouxe a abóbora descascada e em pedaços conforme prometido.
Agora vejam o atendimento excelente: Sabe quanto custou a metade desta abóbora?
R$ 0,29 (vinte e nove centavos).
Concluindo: A abóbora saiu de graça porém o mercado ganhou a fidelidade de mais um cliente.
Do dia 26/09 a 24/10 aconteceu no Instituto Francisca de souza peixoto mais um treinamento profissional em EXCEL BASICO para os funcionários da Cia. Industrial Cataguases. As aulas foram ministradas aos sábados no horário de 13:00 às 17:00h com intervalo para coffee break.
O ponto alto do treinamento foi o último dia onde o facilitador Wendell Rodrigues dividiu os participantes em 2 grupos e colocou no ar o jogo EXCEL-QUESTIONS onde várias perguntas sobre todo conteúdo abordado no treinamento são questionadas aos grupos valendo um prêmio bacana no final para o vencedor.
"Na minha opinião este jogo é melhor que uma aplicação de prova pois o aluno fica mais desinibido, mais atento, menos apreensivo e atinge nosso principal objetivo que é forçar o participante a pensar. "
Um dos principais objetivos do treinamento é mostrar as ferramentas e comandos do Excel que ajudarão o participante a agilizar suas atividades na empresa.
Para os interessados ao curso de EXCEL AVANÇADO favor ficarem atentos pois as incriçoes abrirão em breve. Grande abraço a todos!
Parabéns aos alunos certificados.

*5.13.11 – BuxNova has been added to our scam List!
5.2.11 – Bux-Earnings have been added to our scam list.
This Bux site pretty new, so it won’t in our HOLY LIST, Don’t forget this site doesn’t scam!
This is a full review about Bux-Earnings - It may be updateded so check phew time a month about new news:
Pay Per click – 0.01$.
Minimum cash out – 4.00$.
Payment methods – PayPal.
1.Forum - Bux-Earnings support a forum which means that you can communicate with other people, get tips and hints, and even get helped by other people.
2.Active Site - The admin very active, He offers worth deals, Accomplish laying, Update immediately about any bugs Etc…
3.Normal rates of bux site - Even that Bux-earnings offers high profit per click, There’s only 4 ads each day, which means that this PTC site don’t going to cheat you. It may take you 100 Days without direct or rented referrals get to the minimum payout.
4.Payment - The site offers you post proof. which hint us this isn’t a scam bux site, even it doesn’t have proofment payouts.
5.Accepted all countries - Which means that they haven’t any problem with payment.
1.New site - This is a very new site, It may be very dangerous invest too much Cash, so be cautious. We recommend you, register to stable ptc site – A PTC site which stable over a year, and Has a lot of payment proofs and a big community.
2.Bux site - Even this site, may not be a Scam site. you should be aware that in one day everything can change, and this site will be a scam. Bux sites known as a scamming websites(Not everyone).
Average earning without referrals – 0.4$ +-
Average number of ads: 4 Ads
Earning per click of your referrals: 0.0055$
Minimum cash out: 4$ Via paypal
1.Trusted Website – Clixsence, known as one of the most trusted sites of PTC. They won’t scam you and They paying and on The time.
2.ClixGrid - One of his biggest advantages is that a daily name which cold ClixGrid. There’s 600 squares and in one of them hide The Prize – 5.00$.After you clicked on one of the squares, It will submit you to another link that vaild your click. If you don’t win they will write you on the same page that you haven’t won. If you won another page will open and post your prize.
Iv’e won from this loto until today, Is 1$.
3.Stable Site - ClixSense has been working from 2007.This advantage improves that PTC website is faith.
4.No limit for Direct Referrals - Most of the PTC sites are have direct limit. On this website don’t have limit, That mean’s that you can earn a lot!
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6.Fixed Cash Out - Minimum Cash out is 10$.Most of the PTC, has low cashout, but after your cashout it always increase. On ClixSense it won’t be.
1.Low Cerdits Ads - Most of the Ads have low credit for standard users. So before you will able to upgrade you should be active and click, always! Their a solution – download ClixSense toolbar, by the toolbar you will be able see if their new ads, updates etc…
Facts and information:
Your daily earnings without referalls, will be 0.005$
Numbers of ads – 4.If you login to clixSense sometimes while day, Youll see more ads.
Referral Earnings: 0.0001$
One of the biggest, problems with this way is scamming PTC websites. There are a lot of risks in scamming PTC, such cracking to your other PTC websites user(If you use the same username and password) and the most scary thing-try crack to your PayPal user, You won’t get your cash, They would crazy you, for their interest which doesn’t worth the hard work.
So here some tips, how to identify scammed PTC websites:
1.Most of those scammed websites. offers you high binds for each ad. So check always the average binds for each click, that would be easier for you identify scammed PTC websites.
2.High binds payment from. you referral can be a handsome symbol that can to hint that web is scamming you.
3.Most of those scammed websites, offers to much ads to click(It’s usually relevant to standard user),So check always be your experience how much ads theirs usually in a stable PTC website.
4.Another symbols which harder to identify is the time of waiting for each PTC website. If the time of waiting is to quickly – Be aware, It can be scamming PTC website!(Not everyone of course).
5.You have upgrade to Premium user to cashout the cash which you were earn.
6.Check the reputation of the website in Alexa, Most of the stable and successful PTC website is mentioned their.
7.Search about the Monetary value of the PTC site. The stable PTC sites has high cashout. as a example NeoBux – until today more than 41 million dollars were cashed out!
8.Their’s not proof payments – Most of the website has. in forums or special category with pictures of proof payments.
9.Google it – search Review about this PTC website – By the review you can know if it is scamming website.
10.Here a scam list of untrusted websites(scamming….):
* – New in our scam list
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4 4bux. info 4bux. pri. ee 400dollarsdaily. info 400dollarsmail. com 4starads. info
5 50centmails. com 500cents-500dollars. net 500cents-500dollars. org 500pounds-and-500pence. com 50dollarsmail. com 520Searcher. com 5bux. com 5buxs. cn 5ivebux. com
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9 9bux. info 99centclicks. info 99centptc. com 9icebux. com
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C cadybux. com cafebux. com cannabisbux. net cannabismails. com carclicks. net carrotclicks. info cash-kitty. com cash-mails. net cash-overflow. info cash2all. cn cash4bux. com cash4ever. biz cash4grabs. info cash4hits. com cash4offers. com cashbux. com cashclicks. biz cash-clix. net cashheist. com cashination. com cashinonads. info cashlauncher. com cashmails. biz cashmails. org cashmailz. com cashmall-bux. com cashmedia. biz cashmoneyptc. com cashmybux. com cashnads. biz cashnbux. com cashnclicks. com cashout. me cashoutbux. com cashoutclix. com cashpointclicks. com cashposse. net cashptc. info cashquestgpt. com cashread. com cashsea. com casinoptc. com cassandraclicks. com cat-mails. com catch-cash. com cd-mails. com celbux. com celestialclicks. com cent-clicks. com centbux. com centclicks. com centking. com ceoptc. com champbux. com cheap-bux. com cherokeeptr. com chillbux. com chillcash. com chlorobux. com chobitmails. com chobitsmails. net christmas-bux. com christmasclicks. info citygpt. com cjbux. com class-act-clicks. com classic-bux. com clean-invest. com click-bux. net clickads. nu-zone. org click2bepaid. com click2bux. com click4you. net/ clickabuck. info clickandbux. com clickanimation. info click-bux. net clickbux. com clickbux. org clickbuxpay. com clickbuxx. com clickearnmoney. com clickerbux. com clickerscompany. com clickermania. com clickerscoop. info clickersheaven. com clickfantasy. net clickforthousands. com clickin. me clickingmoney4u. com clickipink. com clickkt. com clickmybux. com clickonbux. info clickosaur. us clickpay. ca clickpaycash. com clickptc. us clicks4bux. com clicks4cash. com clicksforshare clickpaycash. com clicktazia. com clicktopsites. com clickvoid. com click4u. net clickabuck. info clickersheaven. com clickfantasy. net clickipink. com clickptc. us clicksx. com clixango. com clixp. com clix. vc clix-cash. info clix4coins. com clix4sense. info clixdistrict. com clixearn. com clixmakesense. com clixmania. net clixmedia. biz clixmx. com clixncash. com (let us know when jj sells it, i am sure it won’t be long) clixos. com clixplaza. com clixsurf. com clixsurf. com clockpay. net cloud-mails. com cloudybux. com club4you. net cm-ptr. com cmediazone. info coast-mail. com cobybux. com cocobizs. com coffee-bizs. com coinclicks. net coinzbux. com combux. com comeagain. com cometbux. com comfortableIncome. net cool-bux. com coolybux. info cooperativemail. com copperflame. com copymails. com corpbux. info cosmicwealth. com countryfriendsptc. info coverclicks. com cowboy-mail. com crabclicks. info crazy4dollar. com crazyclicks. com crazyptc. biz cream-mails. com creativemails. biz crewbux. com crewbuxonline. com crewptc. com croclix. com croptc. com cruiseshipclicks. info currencymails. com cvbux. com czechooo. com
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List of ptc-Investigations
A site will go on this list if it is: * not paying, * too many complaints and negative comments are found * unstable (comes and goes) * abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) * ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) * or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true"
(ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
(note: we do not have all sites up yet. We are working on them as we go) You need to click on the link to see more info about the site. This is not just a list.
Hint: Use CTRL + F to help you look through this list. This page was last modified on November 14, 2010
Sites that are waiting to be uploaded from old blog ( no links yet ) however they are SCAMS !
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For those who are wondering what is a scam, here is a definition of a scam.

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LIST OF SPAM/SCAM PTC WEBSITES the list is obtained from talkptc.
The list of scam sites in the blog is definitely not exhaustive. There are other sites, especially new ones, that may not have revealed their 'true colors' yet. So, be careful with them. And even paying sites can suddenly become non-paying sites.
PTC/PTR sites that pay high amounts per click or high payouts would not be sustainable and most likely be scams. Which advertiser would be willing to pay $1 or more per click or email?
Be careful with sites on free hosting. If the owner can't afford a site, how can he pay you. Sites using Buxhost should also be avoided. Buxhost sites are rented monthly and they usually do not last.
Scripts that are free or are easily hacked.
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J jays-paidmail. com Jaysu. com jazzyptc. info jdclicks. com jennysclixs. info jetclicks. info jiggypig. com jjlbux. com jlbux. com jnbux. com job-readmail. com joinbux. net joinforcash. com jokerbux. com jolilobux. com joy-bux. com joy-click. com jreignsfim. com jthcorp. com junglecash. com just-ad. info just-click. us justbux. com
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* not paying, * too many complaints and negative comments are found * unstable (comes and goes) * abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) * ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) * or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!) 1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 2008mails. com 4. 100euro-mail. com 5. 200EuroMails. net 6. 247payouts. com 7. 400DollarsDaily. info 8. 10bux. net 9. 10centcashoutptc. com 10. 10dollar-mail. com 11. 1cent-mail. com 12. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 13. 1dollarptc. com 14. 5cash. info 15. 7heavenptc. com 16. A. W. Surveys 17. Adbux. org 18. Adflasher. net 19. Andreamails. com 20. Ads-Earn. com 21. Adventures4U. com 22. AeroBux. com 23. Aglocomails. com 24. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 25. ArClicks. com 26. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 27. At-Mails. com 28. Atbux (atbux. com) (closed) 29. Athome-cash. com 30. AutoEx. org 31. B-u-x. net 32. Babalac. com 33. Bank-ptr. com 34. BankoMails. com 35. BeachBux. net 36. Beachptc. com 37. BeanyBux. com 38. Bear-mails. com 39. Best-Mails. com 40. BestBux (bestbux. info) 41. BestDollarClicks. com 42. BetaBux. com (closed) 43. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 44. Bigptc. tk 45. Billionaireptc. com 46. Birdmails. com 47. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 48. Boffopaidmail. com 49. Boodaq. com 50. BoonBux. com 51. BpBux. com (closed) 52. BraveBux. com 53. BriteBux (britebux. com) 54. Business-PTR. com 55. Bux-gr. com 56. Bux-Service. com 57. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 58. buxforyou. com (closed) 59. Bux. gs 60. Bux. io 61. Bux. to 62. 63. BuxCashy. com 64. BuxFirst. com (closed) 65. BuxNew. com 66. Buxokk. com (closed) 67. BuxPTR. com 68. BuxWiz. com 69. Camel-mails. com 70. Cash4clickingptc. com 71. Cashfiesta. com 72. Cashflowmails. com 73. Cashnbux. com 74. Cashmails. biz 75. Cashmails. org 76. Cashmailz. com 77. Cashmedia. biz 78. Cashmoneyemail. com 79. Cashmybux. com 80. CashTreePTC. com 81. Casino-PTR. com 82. Charm-mail. com 83. Cherry-Mails. com 84. Chobitsmails. net 85. Clickforabuck. com 86. ClickMyBux. com 87. ClixP. com 88. ClixnCash. com 89. Cloud-mails. com 90. CloudBux. com 91. Club4You. net 92. Cobebizs. com 93. CobyBux. com 94. Colph. com 95. Comfortableincome. net 96. Cooperativemail. com 97. CreativeMails. biz 98. CuteBux. com 99. Depacco. com 100. Diamond-bizs. com 101. Diamond-PTR. com 102. DingoBux 103. Dreamails. com 104. E-MailPaysU. com 105. Eagle-Mails. com 106. Earn-USD. biz 107. EarnMyBux. com 108. Earthptr. com 109. EasyCashPTC. com 110. Elephant-Mails. com 111. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 112. E-mailptr. com 113. Epaisa. pk 114. Esooe. com 115. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 116. Euro-Emails. com 117. EuroTradeMails. com 118. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 119. Exceedmargin. com 120. Exclusivemails. net 121. expert-mails. com 122. Expertmails. net 123. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) (closed) 124. Ezlaptop. com 125. Fast Money 24 ( 126. FiloBux (filobux. com) 127. FinancialFreedomAds. com 128. FinePTC. com 129. Fire-Mails. com 130. Flamemails. com 131. Fly-field. com 132. Flybizs. com 133. Forex-cashbux. com 134. Foundmails. com 135. Freedom-mails. com 136. Fromhomedataentry. com 137. Future-PTR. com 138. Gainpay. org 139. GammaBux. com 140. Gardenoflinks. com 141. GeniusPTR. com 142. Get-UMoney. com 143. GetDailyPaid. com 144. GetRefMails. com 145. Getrichptr. com 146. Get-umoney. com 147. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :( 148. Gkcash. com 149. GlobalPTR. com 150. GodBux. com (closed) 151. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 152. Goldbizs. com 153. 154. GoldenQuarters. com 155. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 156. GrandPTC. com 157. Green Horse 158. Halloweenptc. info 159. HawkinsBux. com 160. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 161. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 162. Hide4dz. biz 163. HighBux. Biz 164. HighCashBonus. com 165. HitzMagic 166. Honestclicks. info 167. HooBux. com 168. Hugeptc. com 169. Hulk-mails. com 170. Incomeptr. com 171. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) (closed) 172. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 173. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 174. InstantlyPTC. com 175. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 176. InterAdMedia. com 177. Ippomails. net 178. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 179. Jackmails. com 180. Jaysu. com - (closed), went down before we could review it 181. Jobptc. com 182. JokerBux (closed) 183. JustBux. com 184. KazarianGPT. com 185. Key-Mails. com 186. Kinderbux. com 187. King-mails. com 188. Lawyer-mails. com 189. Leadmails. com 190. Legend-mails. com 191. Link2Communion. com 192. LolliPopMails. com 193. Loving-Mail. com 194. MagicalMails. com 195. mailsmoney. net 196. Main-Bux. com 197. MakeMyBux. com 198. MassivePTR. com 199. MaystroMails. net 200. Mecbux. com 201. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 202. Mic-Promotion. com 203. MixBux. com 204. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 205. Moneyems. com 206. Moneytrainptc. com 207. Moonpaid. com 208. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 209. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 210. NeatBux. com 211. NeoPays. com 212. NoMinCashout. com 213. NoMinimumBux. com 214. Ocean-Mails. com 215. Onedollarptc. com 216. OppoMails. com 217. Paid-Bux. info 218. PaidClicks. WS 219. PaidForFree. com 220. Paidstation. com 221. Papillon-clicks. com 222. ParadiseClicks. com 223. PayDayPTC. com 224. Payee. me 225. PayingClub. com 226. Payooclub. com 227. Paypay-mails. com 228. Pcash. info 229. PegasusPTR. com 230. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 231. PerformancePTC. com 232. Phoenixcash. info 233. Planetmails. com 234. Pleasant-Mails. com 235. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 236. Power-mails. net 237. Project-Bux. com 238. ProMails. org 239. ProperPTR. com 240. ProsperousBoom. com 241. Ptcbiz. com 242. PTCNinja. com 243. Ptcrush. com 244. PTCSense. com 245. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 246. PTR-Business. com 247. QualityBux. com 248. Quickcashptc. com 249. Rapidobux. com (closed) 250. Read2Money 251. RealDataEntry. net 252. RealMoneyCompany. com 253. ReoBux. com 254. RevolutionBux 255. Richestmail. com 256. Richestmails. net 257. Richptc. com 258. RichPTR. info 259. Richptr. net 260. RingMails. com 261. Rolex-mails. com 262. SaladMails. com 263. Salary-mails. com 264. Salemails. com 265. Saturn-mails. com 266. Scopebux. com 267. ShareTheBux. com 268. ShortBux. com 269. Show-sales. com 270. SmurfsPTR. com 271. Snowy-mails. com 272. StableBux. com (closed) 273. StablePTR. com 274. SteadyMails. com 275. Stock-mails. com 276. StormOfTraffic. com 277. Superpaybyemail. com 278. SurfJunky. com 279. Sweetdealsemail. net 280. SweetPTR. com 281. SweetsMails. com 282. Tea-Mails. com 283. Thanksgivingptc. info 284. Thebestptcintown. com 285. TickerBar. info 286. Timelessearn. com 287. Ts-Mails. com 288. TuePaid. com 289. TuiBux. com (closed) 290. Twodollarptc. com 291. UltraBux. com 292. Universe-Mails. com 293. USA-Bux. com 294. Usd-ad. com 295. Usdcenter. com 296. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 297. Vibrantvitalities. com 298. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 299. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 300. Vitaraptr. com 301. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 302. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 303. Webcamcashmails. com 304. 305. Western-Mails. com 306. Wonderful-Mails. com 307. World-mails. com 308. WorldsPTR. com 309. Worldwide-mails. com 310. WorldWidePTC. com 311. Yippeemails. com 312. YourMyBux. com
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(Credits goes to:workforparttime. com)
TalkPTC Scam List (All Credits goes to TALKPTC. com)
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(no links yet) however they are SCAMS. If you have a question as to why they are scams, leave a comment at the end of this list and we will find the old review and upload it for you.
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OLD REVIEW UP 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com OLD REVIEW UP 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com OLD REVIEW UP 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com
OLD REVIEW UP 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com OLD REVIEW UP 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com REMOVED - NOW A BLOG 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com OLD REVIEW UP 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) OLD REVIEW UP 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com - BuxHost from 2009 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com OLD REVIEW UP 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info OLD REVIEW UP 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com
OLD REVIEW UP 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com
OLD REVIEW UP 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com
NO LONGER REVIEWABLE 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com

Clixsense Advertise
Many people buy c lixsense ad credits balance and after purchasing these ads they don't know how they work or what they mean for, Today I write about Clixsense ads credit and I hope you guys will get out of that and will buy clixsense ads credit wisely!
What is Clixsense Ads Credit Balance?
Clixsense ads credit blance is the ads you buy from clixsense to promote on your blog or any other site i. e you place the link of these ads on your blog or any other blog (on which your promoting ads) and when some one clix on that ads you will get the credit of that ads in your clixsense account!
Different Ads Credit Packs from clixsense
1000 ads credit for 2.40 $
2000 ads credit for 4.30 $
5000 ads credit for 9.50 $
10,000 ads credit for 16.00 $
20,000 Ads credit for $ 31.00 $
50,000 Ads credit for 75$
100,000 Ad credits for 143.00 $
200,000 Ad credits for 280.00 $
500,000 Ad credits for 690.00 $
Its good to start from 31$ package but first you should have a place where you can promote these ads like blog or site! I will write in my next post how how you can promote these ads and will also tell you places where you can promote your ads without having your own site or blog! so stay tuning
and please leave us comment about your problem or experience related to PTC sites!
Mar 20, 2012
A to Z List of SCAM PTC (Bux) site!
Here I listed all the PTC sites from A to Z on the base of follwoing factors
Not paying their members,
Too many complaints and negative comments are found
Unstable (comes and goes)
Lack of good design of the site
Abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) or it is being deceiving
And is "too good to be true " (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
No forum included in the site or no response from the organizer of the forum if exist!


888bux. com
123EasyCash. net
62bux. com
37bux. com
8ballbux. com
1dollarforclick. com
1-usd-mail. com
3-dollar-mail. com
5-dollar-mail. com
10-cash. com
20-euro-mail. com
100-cash. com
2008mails. com
1800banners. com
100dollarptc. com
100euro-mail. com
200euromails. net
247payouts. com
400dollarsdaily. info
10bux. net
10centcashoutptc. com
10dollar-mail. com
10euro-mail. com
50centMails. com
77bux. com
99centptc. com
1cent-mail. com
1centemails (1centemails. com)
1dollarptc. com
2bux. net
5cash. info
4realptc. info
5euro-mails. com
7evenbux. com
7heavenptc. com


adptc. com
adshow. eu
alertpayments. com
alphabux. com
amazingptc. com
amdbux. com
andbux. net
angel-mails. com
ashbux. com
astralbux. com
atlascash. net
autopaybux. com
awardmails. biz
awardmails. info
awardmails. net
awsurveys. com
awsurveys. com
a-n-cash. com
adbux. org
adflasher. net
afferinte. com
ahbux. com
andreamails. com
ads-earn. com
adventures4u. com
adybux. com
aerobux. com
aglocomails. com
alexmails. com
all-cashmails. com
angelbux (angelbux. com)
arclicks. com
ariaptc. com
asonewishes. com
astroux. com
at-mails. com
atbux. com
athome-cash. com
autoex. org
autopayouts. com
axnbux. com


bestbux. info
black-mails. com
blackrose-mail. com
bux. to
bux9x. com
bux4cashflow. com
buxator. com
buxaware. com
bux. bz
buxexcel. com
buxforlife. com
buxglobal. com
buxgocrazy. com
buxinc. com
buxiq. com
buxix. com
buxls. com
buxplode. com
buxpro. me
buxrise. com
buxtax. com
buxter. ws
buxuniverse. com
buxyath. com
buxyworld. com
b-u-x. net
babalac. com
baltbux. com
bangthelinks. com
bank-ptr. com
bankomails. com
banzibux. com
bcbux. com
beachbux. net
beachptc. com
beanybux. com
bear-mails. com
beaverbux. com
best-mails. com
bestdollarclicks. com
bestnewbuxto. info
bestpaybux. com
BbetaBux. com
bfgbux. com
biggreenbux. com
bigmoneycenter. com
bigmoneyptc. com
bigptc. tk
billionaireptc. com
birdmails. com
blackearn. com
blubux. com
blue-mails. com
bobomails. com
boffopaidmail. com
bombapub. com
boodaq. com
boonbux. com
bpbux. com
bravebux. com
britebux. com
business-ptr. com
businessmails. bz
bux. ee
bux. gs
bux. io
bux. LT (bux. xz. lt)
bux. to
bux-7ven. com
bux-gr. com
bux-inv. com
bux-service. com
buxanna. com
buxcafe. com
buxcashy. com
buxchristmas. com
buxcorp. com
buxdiamond. com
buxextra. com
buxfirst. com
buxforex. com
buxforyou. com
buxgolden. com
buxhunter. com
buxjobs. com
buxler. net
buxmarley. com
buxmillionaire. com
buxnew. com
buxoffice. net
buxokk. com
buxptr. com
buxs. nl
buxtask. com
buxtro. com
buxturk. ws
buxwin. com
buxwiz. com
buxxl. com


caringbux. com
catchwavebux. com
ceoptc. com
christyclix. com
chromybux. com
clicksx. com
clixos. com
clixy. us
clockpay. net
conch-mails. com
creditbux. com
camel-mails. com
capricornbux. com
cash4clickingptc. com
cash4Clicks. org
cash4ubux. com
cashfiesta. com
cashflowmails. com
cashkidding. com
cashnbux. com
cashmails. biz
cashmails. org
cashmailz. com
cashmedia. biz
cashmoneyemail. com
cashmybux. com
cashTreePTC. com
casino-PTR. com
cat-mails. com
cd-mails. com
charm-mail. com
cherry-mails. com
chilloutbux. com
chinawelcomeptc. info
chobitsmails. net
cjbux. com
click2earn. biz
clickersheaven. com
clickersheaven. info
clickforabuck. com
clickmybux. com
clicksterbux. com
clicksx. com
clix. vc
clix-p. com
clixp. com
clixncash. com
cloud-mails. com
cloudy-mails. com
cloudbux. com
club4you. net
coast-mail. com
cobebizs. com
cobybux. com
colph. com
comfortableincome. net
companybux. com
cooperativemail. com
creativemails. biz
currencymails. com
cutebux. com
cvbux. com


daily-mails. com
dcbux. com
depacco. com
dionbux. com
dynobux. com
detbux. com
devbux. com
diamond-bizs. com
diamond-mails. net
diamond-ptr. com
dingobux. com
discobux. com
discoclicks. com
disney-mails. com
doemails. com
dog-mails. com
dollargpt. com
donkeybucks. com
dreamails. com
dutzzubux. com
dw-mails. com
dynamicptr. com


everydaybux. com
e-mailpaysu. com
eagle-mails. com
earn-usd. biz
earningsecret. com
earnmybux. com
earthptr. com
easycashptc. com
elephant-mails. com
eliteptc. com
enrichptc. com
e-mailptr. com
emmamails. com
enbux. com
enterpriseptr. com
epaisa. pk
esooe. com
essentialptr. com
euro-emails. com
eurotrademails. com
evernityrewards (evernity. com)
exceedmargin. com
excellentbux. com
exclusivemails. net
exobux. com
expert-mails. com
expertmails. net
extrajozbux. com
ezihippo. com
ezlaptop. com


fatwalletbux. com
fellowequality. com
fineptc. com
fortuda. com
frostbux. com
fairhits. com
fallsmails. com
fastcarptc. com
fastcashbux. com
fastpayptc. com
fatmoneyptc. com
feer-mial. com
fillbux. com
filobux. com
financebux. com
financialfreedomads. com
fire-mails. com
firebux. net
fivedollarptc. com
flamemails. com
flashbux. com
fly-field. com
flybizs. com
foggy-mails. com
foreverptc. com
forex-cashbux. com
foundmails. com
freedom-mails. com
fromhomedataentry. com
fullmoneybux. com
future-ptr. com


goldcashbux. com
gagabux. com
gainpay. org
gammabux. com
gardenoflinks. com
generalbucks. com
geniusptr. com
genuinemails. com
get-umoney. com
getdailypaid. com
getpaidindustry. com
getrefmails. com
getrichptc. com
getrichptr. com
get-umoney. com
giga-mails. com
gkcash. com
globalPTR. com
gobigptc. com
godbux. com
godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info
goldbizs. com
golden-galaxy. com
goldenquarters. com
google-bux (googlenow. info)
gowellup. com
gpclub. net
grandptc. com
grapemails. com
green horse
gtsbux. com


hatbux. com
hiddenbux. com
hiebux. com
hqbux. com
htbux. com
halloweenptc. info
harktheheraldangelssingptc. info
hawkinsBux. com
helgabux. com
hellishdollars. com
herecomessantaclausptc. info
hide4dz. biz
highbux. Biz
highbashbonus. com
honestclicks. info
hoobux. com
huebux. com
hugeptc. com
hulk-mails. com
hybux. com


icobux. com
igniteclicks. com
imcrew. com
iubux. com
izybux. com
ibux. eu
icepaid. com
incomeptr. com
infinitebux. com
insanecricket. com
inspiremarrow. com
instant-ptc-cash. com
instantlyptc. com
instantptr. com
interadmedia. com
ippomails. net
ironbux. com
isabelmarco. com
itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info


jmgold. com
jphfbux. com
jackmails. com
javaptc. com
jemabux. com
jesusbux. com
jobptc. com
jpbux. com
jrbux. com
justbux. com


klikcashoutfast. com
klikerz. com
krisbux. com
kazariangpt. com
keedes. com
key-mails. com
kinderbux. com
king-mails. com


levinclix. com
lewbux. com
libertydollarreserve. com
lachicaemails. com
lawyer-mails. com
leetbux. net
legend-mails. com
lenkaclix. com
levinclix. com
libertyreservemails. com
link2communion. com
litbux. com
livebux. com
lollipopmails. com
lolybux. com
loving-mail. com
luckydollar. biz


magicalptc. com
mailsmoney. com
manobux. com
marketptc. com
miniptc. com
momobux. com
moneyallthetime. info
monthbux. com
mybux. me
myptc. me
mysteryptc. com
makenbux. com
magicalmails. com
makemybux. com
malnadcashmachine. com
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massiveptr. com
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maystromails. net
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megabuxx. com
megacashzone. com
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mic-promotion. com
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mom-n-popptc. info
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moonpaid. com
mutualptr. com
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mylook. com
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mysteryclickers. com


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neopays. com
neveroff-bux. com
newbuxindia. com
next-neo. com
nippyclicks. com
nomincashout. com
nominimumbux. com
noworkcash. com


okeybux. com
omnibux. com
OnABux. com
Onedollarptc. com
oberonclicks. com
Ocean-Mails. com
Ochristmastreeptc. info
olebux. com
Ok-usd. com
OppoMails. com


paidmailz. com
pay4surf. info
pink-mails. com
poketbux. com
premiertrafficbux. com
ptc-investigation-ptc. com
ptc4profit. info
ptc2u. com
ptcclick. com
ptcdude. info
ptcevolution. me
ptcpro. info
ptcsense. com
ptcwallet. com
Paid-Bux. info
PaidClicks. WS
PaidForFree. com
Paidlink. info
Paidstation. com
PaidToViewTube. com
Papillon-clicks. com
ParadiseClicks. com
Paradiseclicks. info
PayablePTR. com
PayDayPTC. com
Payee. me
Paying-mails. com
PayingClub. com
PayingPTR. com
paymentsbooklet. com
Payooclub. com
Paypay-mails. com
Pcash. info
Pearlmails. com
PegasusPTR. com
PerfectPTR. com
PerformanceBux (performancebux. com)
PerformancePTC. com
Persianptc. com
phatbux. com
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Planetmails. com
Pleasant-Mails. com
Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com)
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Power-mails. net
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pretty-mail. com
Profitmorebux. com
Project-Bux. com
ProMails. org
ProperPTR. com
ProsperousBoom. com
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Ptcbonus. com
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PTCNinja. com
Ptcrush. com
Pumpkin-Mails. com
Ptcshare. com
PTR-Business. com


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Quickcashptc. com
QubeCash. com


RageBux. com
RaiBux. com
rainbow-mail. net
Rainpaid. com
Rainy-mails. com
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rcbux. com
RealDataEntry. net
RealMoneyCompany. com
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readbud. com
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starnaute. com
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surfwithmoney. com
swippis. com
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SchoolBusOfCash. com
Scopebux. com
ScvBux. com
ShareTheBux. com
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solomails. com
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StreamEx. org
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Superpaybyemail. com
Sureptr. com
SurfJunky. com
Sweetdealsemail. net
SweetPTR. com
SweetsMails. com


tebux. com
techbux. com
theclickers. net
theclixus. com
tiobux. com
tt-mails. com
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twinpods. com
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Tendollarclick. com
Thanksgivingptc. info
Thebestptcintown. com
thumbbux. com
TickerBar. info
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Touch-Mails. com
TrafficNowFire. com
Ts-Mails. com
TuePaid. com
Turquads. net
Twodollarptc. com


uddoo. com
UltraBux. com
Universe-Mails. com
up-bux. com
USA-Bux. com
Usd-ad. com
Usdcenter. com
UtilBux. com
unibux. com
upbux. com
urobux. com


validbux. com
velvetclix. com
Valentine-ptr. com
Valuebux (Valuebux. com)
Verbonix. com
Vibrantvitalities. com
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viewbux. com
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Vision-Bux. com
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VuBux. com
vitaraptr. com


warpbux. com
waterbux. com
westbux. com
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Western-Mails. com
Windy-mails. com
Wishmails. com
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World-mails. com
WorldsPTR. com
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worldwideptr. net
wow-mails. com
WuBux. com
wonbux. com


xionbux. com
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XrayEmails. com
xxlbux. com


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Yippeemails. com
YooBux. com
YouPTC. com
YourBestBux. com
YourMyBux. com


zendbux. com
zaebux. com
zionBux. com

Tips & Tricks to Defend Yourself From fake and SCAM PTC
Fresh members on PTC /bux site how to shun or avoid yourself getting confined on any SCAM PTC site.
What SCAM site is. It’s a site that possibly extinct less than 1 year after their launched, and usually the holder of the site will take away all of your money . Read sign of scam or fake site .
Here are some valuable tips and trick how to escape them and How to stay safe from SCAM PTC sites
Haz tu investigación
Before becoming the member of any PTC site USE GOOGLE SEARCH . it is great to search such information or any detail related to a site, it's good practice for you to write it with "[name of the site] scam" on Google search, usually various members always talk about their site in a forum or you can get review about the site which could be helpful to you.
Check the site thoroughly its design its functionality and its response and load time and also check the link of that site working or not test them all is the link that states " contact us " functioning . and the "contact us" page load? Commonly if a site has more than one broken link . it can mean a sign of trouble or fakeness . Either the owner has abandoned the site and is just quitting it up to see if it will come back to life.
In PTC sites Forum matter a lot where very use can stay connected with other member and can ask any question and If a site has a forum . it is a decent symbol that the organizer is 'real' but if the forum is taken down by the auto-answer or auto-machine, then that is also a sign that the owner is going to bail or payments are not being made. Being capable to connect with the site and team or organizers of the site is also a good sign that shows you the owner of this forum is responsible and earnestly taking overhauling the site. They have an online supports such as live chitchat, email address or even phone number to be communicated .
If you decided to join the site, and you got something suspicious . what ought you do . Here are the tips ► Not ever provide out your private detail just put a fake name and Paypal or Alertpal account, the simply thing that you give is true is just your email address, and when the time is come to claim the pay out . then give your real paypal and alert pay account.
Never ever use same password on all the PTC or even other sites, because more likely someone would hack your password and it could be very bad because then anyone can access all of your account and IDs connected with that Password and email
Don’t invest even a single $ if you are not confirm and did not receive your first earning yet . Unless You have ready to lose your money on it .
As soon as you touched your minimum payout, request for payment do not delay your payment request do as soon as possible things may changing fast . Some sites have instant payment . while the other pay in a certain day or month wait until the time they have assured you, and while waiting keep being an active member, unless it will give them a cause for not paying you.
Read A to Z list of scam PTC sites

ini aku sharingkan list situs PTC ataupun PTR yang menipu membernya alias tidak membayar, sebenarnya list ini daat dai blog sebelah di "daftarptcpeniupu. com" biar temen blogger juga gak kena tipu makanya akau sharingkan daftarnya ini nich : Daftar Ptc yang tidak membayar membernya (SCAM) :
1-usd-mail. com 3-dollar-mail. com 10-cash. com 20-euro-mail. com 100-cash. com 2008mails. com 100euro-mail. com 200EuroMails. net 247payouts. com 400DollarsDaily. info 10bux. net 10centcashoutptc. com 10dollar-mail. com 10euro-mail. com 50centMails. com 77bux. com 99centptc. com 1cent-mail. com 1centemails. com 1dollarptc. com 2bux. net 5cash. info 4realptc. info 7evenbux. com 7heavenptc. com A. W. Surveys A-n-cash. com Adbux. org Adflasher. net Afferinte. com Andreamails. com Ads-Earn. com Adventures4U. com AeroBux. com Aglocomails. com Alexmails. com All-CashMails. com AngelBux (angelbux. com) ArClicks. com Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) AstroBux. com At-Mails. com Atbux (atbux. com) Athome-cash. com AutoEx. org Autopayouts. com B-u-x. net Babalac. com BangTheLinks. com Bank-ptr. com BankoMails. com BanziBux. com BeachBux. net Beachptc. com BeanyBux. com Bear-mails. com BeaverBux. com Best-Mails. com BestBux (bestbux. info) BestDollarClicks. com Bestnewbuxto. info BetaBux. com BfgBux. com Bigmoneycenter. com Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) Bigptc. tk Billionaireptc. com Birdmails. com BlackEarn (blackearn. com) Blue-Mails. com BoBoMails. com Boffopaidmail. com Boodaq. com BoonBux. com BpBux. com (closed) BraveBux. com BriteBux (britebux. com) Business-PTR. com Businessmails. biz Bux-gr. com Bux-Service. com Buxanna. com Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) BuxForex. com Buxforyou. com (closed) Bux. gs Bux. io Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) Bux. to Bux-7ven. com BuxCashy. com BuxChristmas. com BuxExtra. com BuxFirst. com BuxHunter. com BuxInc. com BuxMarley. com BuxNew. com BuxOffice. net Buxokk. com BuxPTR. com Buxs. nl BuxWin. com BuxWiz. com Buxxl. com Camel-mails. com Cash4clickingptc. com Cash4Clicks. org Cashfiesta. com Cashflowmails. com CashKidding. com Cashnbux. com Cashmails. biz Cashmails. org Cashmailz. com Cashmedia. biz Cashmoneyemail. com Cashmybux. com CashTreePTC. com Casino-PTR. com Cd-Mails. com Charm-mail. com Cherry-Mails. com Chinawelcomeptc. info Chobitsmails. net Click2earn. biz Clickforabuck. com ClickMyBux. com Clix. vc Clix-P. com ClixP. com ClixnCash. com Cloud-mails. com Cloudy-mails. com CloudBux. com Club4You. net Coast-Mail. com Cobebizs. com CobyBux. com Colph. com Comfortableincome. net Cooperativemail. com CreativeMails. biz CuteBux. com CvBux. com Depacco. com Diamond-bizs. com Diamond-mails. net Diamond-PTR. com DingoBux Discoclicks. com Disney-mails. com Dog-mails. com Dreamails. com Dutzzubux. com Dw-mails. com E-MailPaysU. com Eagle-Mails. com Earn-USD. biz Earningsecret. com EarnMyBux. com Earthptr. com EasyCashPTC. com Elephant-Mails. com ElitePTC. com EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) E-mailptr. com EnBux. com Epaisa. pk Esooe. com Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) Euro-Emails. com EuroTradeMails. com EvernityRewards (evernity. com) Exceedmargin. com ExcellentBux. com Exclusivemails. net ExoBux. com expert-mails. com Expertmails. net EziHippo (ezihippo. com) Ezlaptop. com Fallsmails. com FastCarPTC. com Fast Money 24 FastPayPTC. com Fatmoneyptc. com Feer-mial. com FillBux. com FiloBux (filobux. com) FinanceBux. com FinancialFreedomAds. com FinePTC. com Fire-Mails. com FireBux. net Flamemails. com FlashBux. com Fly-field. com Flybizs. com Foggy-mails. com ForeverPTC. com Forex-cashbux. com Foundmails. com Freedom-mails. com Fromhomedataentry. com Fullmoneybux. com Future-PTR. com Gainpay. org GammaBux. com Gardenoflinks. com Generalbucks. com GeniusPTR. com Genuinemails. com Get-UMoney. com GetDailyPaid. com GetPaidIndustry. com GetRefMails. com GetRichPTC. com Getrichptr. com Get-umoney. com Giga-Mails. com - Gkcash. com GlobalPTR. com GodBux. com Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info Goldbizs. com Golden-Galaxy. com GoldenQuarters. com Google-Bux (googlenow. info) Gpclub. net GrandPTC. com Green Horse GTSBux. com Halloweenptc. info Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info HawkinsBux. com Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) Herecomessantaclausptc. info HiddenBux. com Hide4dz. biz HighBux. Biz HighCashBonus. com HitzMagic Honestclicks. info HooBux. com Hugeptc. com Hulk-mails. com HyBux. com Ibux. eu IcePaid. com Incomeptr. com InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) Instant-PTC-Cash. com InstantlyPTC. com InstantPTR (instantptr. com) InterAdMedia. com Ippomails. net IsabelMarco’s Money Maker Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info IzyBux. com Jackmails. com Jaysu. com - JesusBux. com Jobptc. com JokerBux JustBux. com KazarianGPT. com Key-Mails. com Kinderbux. com King-mails. com Lachicaemails. com Lawyer-mails. com Leadmails. com Legend-mails. com LenkaClix. com LevinClix. com Link2Communion. com LitBux. com LiveBux. com LolliPopMails. com Loving-Mail. com Luckydollar. biz MagicalMails. com Mailsmoney. net Main-Bux. com MakeMyBux. com MassivePTR. com MaystroMails. net Mecbux. com MegaBuxx. com Mega Cash Zone megamoneyptc. com Mic-Promotion. com MillionaireBux. com MixBux. com MNMBux (mnmbux. com) Mom-n-PopPTC. info Moneyems. com Moneytrainptc. com Moonpaid. com mybestpornobux - c Mygoldbux. com MyMoneyBux. com Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) NacBux. com NeatBux. com NeoPays. com NewBuxIndia. com Next-neo. com NippyClicks. com NoMinCashout. com NoMinimumBux. com NoWorkCash. com Ocean-Mails. com Ochristmastreeptc. info Ok-usd. com OnABux. com Onedollarptc. com OppoMails. com Paid-Bux. info PaidClicks. WS PaidForFree. com Paidlink. info Paidstation. com PaidToViewTube. com Papillon-clicks. com ParadiseClicks. com Paradiseclicks. info PayDayPTC. com Payee. me Paying-mails. com PayingClub. com PayingPTR. com Payooclub. com Paypay-mails. com Pcash. info Pearlmails. com PegasusPTR. com PerfectPTR. com PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) PerformancePTC. com Persianptc. com Phoenixcash. info Planetmails. com Pleasant-Mails. com Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) PogoMails. com Power-mails. net Power4Bux. com Profitmorebux. com Project-Bux. com ProMails. org ProperPTR. com ProsperousBoom. com Ptcbiz. com Ptcbonus. com PTCBux. com PTCNinja. com Ptcrush. com PTCSense. com Ptcshare. com PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) PTR-Business. com Pumpkin-Mails. com QualityBux. com Quickcashptc. com QubeCash. com RaiBux. com rainbow-mail. net Rainpaid. com Rainy-mails. com Rapidobux. com Read2Money RealDataEntry. net RealMoneyCompany. com RealCashPTC. com Redclub-cash. com ReoBux. com Revbux. com RevolutionBux Richestmail. com Richestmails. net Richptc. com RichPTR. info Richptr. net RingMails. com Rolex-mails. com RustBux. com SaladMails. com Salary-mails. com Salemails. com SapphireBux. com Saturn-mails. com SchoolBusOfCash. com Scopebux. com ShareTheBux. com ShortBux. com Show-sales. com Silvanamails. net SmurfsPTR. com SnapDollars. com Snowy-mails. com StableBux. com StablePTR. com SteadyCashPTC. com SteadyMails. com Stock-mails. com StockBux. com StormOfTraffic. com Sun-Cash. com Superpaybyemail. com Sureptr. com SurfJunky. com Sweetdealsemail. net SweetPTR. com SweetsMails. com Tea-Mails. com teammails. com Tendollarclick. com Thanksgivingptc. info Thebestptcintown. com TickerBar. info Timelessearn. com Touch-Mails. com TrafficNowFire. com Ts-Mails. com TuePaid. com TuiBux. com Turquads. net Twodollarptc. com UltraBux. com Universe-Mails. com UpBux. com USA-Bux. com Usd-ad. com Usdcenter. com UtilBux. com Valentine-ptr. com Valuebux (Valuebux. com) Verbonix. com Vibrantvitalities. com Victorptr. com Vinefire (vinefire. com) Vision-Bux. com Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) Vitaraptr. com VuBux. com WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) WaveBux. com WavuBux. com WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) Webcamcashmails. com Western-Mails. com Wishmails. com Wonderful-Mails. com World-mails. com WorldsPTR. com Worldwide-mails. com WorldWidePTC. com Worldwideptr. com WuBux. com XeonBux. com YingYangBux. com Yippeemails. com YooBux. com YouPTC. com YourBestBux. com YourMyBux. com ZionBux. com
Untuk Ptc-Ptc yang terbukti membayar membernya. perklik biasa dihargai $0.01 - $1.
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MMO là gì? Make Money Online, có nghĩa đơn giản là Kiếm tiền trên mạng, Kiếm tiền trực tuyến, hay Kiếm tiền Online 2. Có những hình thức MMO cơ bản nào . * MMO có những hình thức cơ bản sau: - PTC. Kích các ADS xem quảng cáo - PTR. Đọc mail kiếm tiền - PTS. Hay còn gọi là Offer, nói đơn giản là hình thức kiếm tiền bằng cách hoàn thành các yêu cầu đăng ký tại một trang Web, viết tắt của Paid To SigUp - PTU. Upload files kiếm tiền - PTP. Post bài kiếm tiền, viết tắt của Paid To Post - AutoSurf. Lướt web kiếm tiền - HYIP. Các chương trình đầu từ Siêu lợi nhuận - Affiliate. Các chương trình Affiliate - Surveys. Khảo sát kiếm tiền - Ngoài ra còn rất nhiều hình thức kiếm tiền khác 3. Khi tham gia MMO tôi sẽ nhận tiền như thế nào ?* Khi tham gia MMO, bạn sẽ được thanh toán thông qua các hệ thống toán trực tuyến, hay nói gọn hơn là các ngân hàng trực tuyến, từ các ngân hàng trực tuyến đó, bạn có thể rút tiền về Việt nam 4. Có những ngân hàng trực tuyến nào Phổ biến * Khi tham gia MMO, bạn phải tạo tài khoản của mình tại các ngân hàng trực tuyến, việc tạo tài khoản là miễn phí, hiện nay dân MMO sử dụng phổ biến các ngân hàng sau: a. Ngân hàng PayPal, viết tắt PP - Tài khoản ngân hàng PP của bạn chính là một email khi bạn đăng ký với nó, tiền trong PP được quy định 1$PP = 1USD, từ ngân hàng PP bạn có thể rút tiền về bank Việt nam để sử dụng. - Khi đăng ký PP, bạn lưu ý 2 câu hỏi bí mật để bạn lấy lại mật khẩu, hay để bạn đổi mật khẩu. Tài khoản PP chưa verify vẫn có thể nhận và chuyển tiền, rút tiền về Bank, xong nó bị hạn chế số lượng mà thôi. - Ngân hàng PP được verify bằng các loại thanh toán quốc tế như Credit Card, Debit Card. Ở Việt nam, bạn nên đăng ký các loại thẻ này ở những ngân hàng có hỗ trợ tốt về thanh toán quốc tế. Ngoài ra các bạn lưu ý, tài khoản PP chưa verify rất hay bị Limit tài khoản(bị Limit, nghĩa là PP không cho bạn nhận và chuyển tiền tài khoản đó trong một khoản thời gian). Nếu bạn chưa verify thì bạn nên ADD một ngân hàng Việt nam vào PP, điều này cũng giảm bớt tài khoản bị Limit b. Ngân hàng Alertpay, viết tắt AP - Tương tự ngân hàng PP, tài khoản ngân hàng AP của bạn chính là một email khi bạn đăng ký với nó, tiền trong AP được quy định 1$AP = 1USD, từ ngân hàng AP bạn có thể rút tiền về bank Việt nam, thẻ ATM để sử dụng - Khi đăng ký AP, bạn lưu ý 2 câu hỏi bí mật để bạn lấy lại mật khẩu, hay để bạn đổi mật khẩu. Tài khoản AP chưa verify vẫn có thể nhận và chuyển tiền, xong bạn lưu ý chỉ tài khoản AP đã verify mới có thể rút tiền về Việt nam. Tài khoản AP được verify bằng Credit Card và số điện thoại c. Ngân hàng Libertyreserve, viết tắt LR - Khác với ngân hàng PP, AP tài khoản ngân hàng LR của bạn có dạng Uxxxxxxx, trong đó xxxxxxx là một dãy số, ví dụ U1234567. Tiền trong LR được quy định 1$LR = 1USD hay 1$LR = 1EUR. - So với PP, AP thì ngân hàng LP có tính bảo mật rất tốt, khi đăng ký ngân hàng này, bạn cần lưu lại các thông tin sau + Login PIN. một số 4-5 ký tự + Master Key. một số 3 ký tự + Security Question. Câu hỏi bí mật --> Các thông tin này bạn có thể thay đổi khi đăng nhập vào tài khoản - Các bạn lưu ý, tài khoản LR không cần verify, song mỗi lần đăng nhập, nếu bạn dùng IP khác, thì tài bước thứ 2, nó sẽ hỏi bạn mã Verification PIN, mã này nó sẽ gửi vào email đăng ký của bạn, bạn cần mở email ra và đăng nhập bằng mã này. 5. Tôi là Newbie nên chơi những hình thức MMO nào trước . - Bạn nên chơi những hình thức kiếm tiền cơ bản như PTC, Offer, PTU và những hình thức đơn giản khác. Sau một thời gian tham gia và tìm hiểu, bạn có thể chơi tất cả các hình thức kiếm tiền từ MMO, chẳng có gì là khó khăn cả, nếu bạn chịu khó đầu tư thời gian và tìm hiểu 6. Chơi PTC, một ngày kích vài quảng cáo, kiếm ít quá? - Nếu bạn chơi PTC, ban đầu đúng thật có khó khăn khi bạn chưa biết xây dựng hệ thống downline hay bạn chưa có chiến thuật về thuê Ref và nâng cấp tài khoản, nên bạn kiếm được ban đầu đúng là không nhiều. Khi tham gia một thời gian, chịu khó tìm hiểu bạn phải có chiến thuật kiếm tiền cho riêng mình, có thất bại mới có thành công bạn àh. 7. Các thuật ngữ thường được sử dụng MMO = make money online CC = credit card Sock = địa chỉ ip ảo UG = under group = thế giới ngầm SCAM - Lừa đảo Payout, cashout, withdraw. Đề nghị trang MMO thanh toán Ref (referal): Giới thiệu Exchange - Exchanger. đổi (tiền) - người đổi (tiền) Payment Proof: Bằng chứng nhận tiền từ các trang MMO
8. MMO thích hợp với những đối tượng nào
MMO có thể giành cho tất cả mọi người, ở tất cả mọi nơi miễn là bạn kết nối INTERNET, vậy thì MMO thích hợp cho những ai? - Thích hợp cho những người hay lên mạng và để kiếm thêm thu nhập cá nhân, nếu bạn không có mạng ở nhà mà thỉnh thoảng ra net thì bạn nên chơi các trang chỉ gồm PTC (bạn xem bài viết của tôi về cách chơi 20 trang PTC trong vòng 20phút). - Nếu bạn có mạng ở nhà thì bạn có thể kết hợp nhiều cách chơi, và bạn xác định kiếm tiền từ MMO phải tích cực học hỏi, biết chút ít sử dụng các công cụ để phục vụ MMO. - Nếu bạn thực sự am hiểu INTERNET và máy tính, tiếng anh, thì bạn có thể kiếm tiền ngoài các hình thức PTC, PTS, PTU. thì bạn hãy viết một blog/Website với nội dung tiếng anh, để kiếm tiền với Google Adsense. hay adbrite. com. - Ngoài ra khi chơi MMO, bạn cần phải có một số yêu cầu sau để đi đến thành công và nhận được số tiền xứng đáng: + Bạn phải có lòng kiên trì, và xác định rằng chơi MMO dễ mà không đơn giản + Bạn phải xác định rằng thời gian ban đầu là khó khăn khi bạn chưa có kiến thức đầy đủ. Từ kinh nghiệm của bản thân, tôi biết là nhiều bạn khi mới bắt đầu kiếm tiền trên mạng (kiem tien tren mang, qua mang, online, truc tuyen) còn nhiều điều chưa biết, vì thế rất dễ chán nản rồi bỏ cuộc. Nếu tôi chỉ thuyết phục bạn đăng ký mà không chỉ cho bạn cách kiem tien thì bạn chỉ tham gia được vài ngày rồi chán và thôi không làm nữa, như vậy là tôi đã làm cho bạn bị tốn thời gian vô ích, và bạn có cớ để trách tôi là tôi quảng cáo trò nhảm nhí, không thật. + Bạn phải có lòng tin về MMO, vì MMO là thương mại điện tử mà thương mại điện tử thì ngày càng phát triển, không phải hình thức lừa đảo hay đa cấp gì đó như nhiều người đang nghĩ, bạn chỉ sẽ mất công nếu dính phải các trang scam (lừa đảo-không trả tiền), tất cả những gì tôi đăng tải tại site này đều đang diễn ra đúng sự thật. 9. Nhiều người cho rằng MMO là lừa đảo ? - Cái gì cũng có 2 mặt của nó, lừa đảo ở đây là 100% thì không đúng mà MMO là có thật chỉ có sự lừa đảo trong thế giới MMO mà thôi. Vì thế khi kiếm tiền trên mạng, bạn cần phân biệt sự lừa đảo để kiếm được tiền thực sự. 10. Còn nhiều vấn đề nữa . nếu bạn là Newbie, thực sự muốn thì bạn cứ tham gia và tìm hiểu đi, hãy khám phá thế giới MMO đi, tôi thấy rất thú vị
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Pernah ga sih kalian tertipu dengan situs SCAM/SPAM alias situs PENIPU, saya punya pengalaman pernah tertipu memtah mentah dengan situs tersebut terhitung hampir 15san situs lah dari situs PTC, PTR, dll.
Ya. sebenarnya waktu itu yang sudah mencapai PAYOUT hanya 3 situs PTR tapi ternyata tak bisa diambil semua malah di suruh Update Member Premium, sudah komplen lebih dari duakali juga tidak di balas-balas.
Eee. tiba-tiba lagi iseng-iseng browsing ketemu daftar situs SCAM selelah di cek ternyata semua PTR dan PTC yang saya ikuti SCAM, Astagfirullah. aduh. parah.
Nah jika sekarang kamu sedak menjalani PTC, PTR dll coba kamu lihat daftar situs Sbam di bawah ini tenah ini data asli yang di ambil dari 2 situs.
1. Sumber dari http://ptc-investgations. blogspot. com/2009/04/scam-sites. html A site will go on this list if it is:
* not paying, * too many complaints and negative comments are found * unstable (comes and goes) * abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) * ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) * or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
Scam List (note: we do not have all sites up yet. We are working on them as we go) You need to click on the link to see more info about the site. This is not just a list. Hint: Use CTRL + F to help you look through this list.
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 2008mails. com 6. 100euro-mail. com 7. 200EuroMails. net 8. 247payouts. com 9. 400DollarsDaily. info 10. 10bux. net 11. 10centcashoutptc. com 12. 10dollar-mail. com 13. 10euro-mail. com 14. 50centMails. com 15. 1cent-mail. com 16. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 17. 1dollarptc. com 18. 5cash. info 19. 7heavenptc. com 20. A. W. Surveys 21. Adbux. org 22. Adflasher. net 23. Afferinte. com 24. Andreamails. com 25. Ads-Earn. com 26. Adventures4U. com 27. AeroBux. com 28. Aglocomails. com 29. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 30. ArClicks. com 31. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 32. At-Mails. com 33. Atbux (atbux. com) (closed) 34. Athome-cash. com 35. AutoEx. org 36. Autopayouts. com 37. B-u-x. net 38. Babalac. com 39. Bank-ptr. com 40. BankoMails. com 41. BadefeisPTC. info 42. BeachBux. net 43. Beachptc. com 44. BeanyBux. com 45. Bear-mails. com 46. BeaverBux. com 47. Best-Mails. com 48. BestBux (bestbux. info) 49. BestDollarClicks. com 50. BetaBux. com (closed) 51. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 52. Bigptc. tk 53. Billionaireptc. com 54. Birdmails. com 55. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 56. BoBoMails. com 57. Boffopaidmail. com 58. Boodaq. com 59. BoonBux. com 60. BpBux. com (closed) 61. BraveBux. com 62. BriteBux (britebux. com) 63. Business-PTR. com 64. Bux-gr. com 65. Bux-Service. com 66. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 67. buxforyou. com (closed) 68. Bux. gs 69. Bux. io 70. Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 71. Bux. to 72. 73. BuxCashy. com 74. BuxExtra. com 75. BuxFirst. com (closed) 76. BuxHunter. com (closed) 77. BuxNew. com 78. Buxokk. com (closed) 79. BuxPTR. com 80. BuxWiz. com 81. Camel-mails. com 82. Cash4clickingptc. com 83. Cash4Clicks. org 84. Cashfiesta. com 85. Cashflowmails. com 86. Cashnbux. com 87. Cashmails. biz 88. Cashmails. org 89. Cashmailz. com 90. Cashmedia. biz 91. Cashmoneyemail. com 92. Cashmybux. com 93. CashTreePTC. com 94. Casino-PTR. com 95. Charm-mail. com 96. Cherry-Mails. com 97. Chobitsmails. net 98. Clickforabuck. com 99. ClickMyBux. com 100. Clix. vc 101. Clix-P. com 102. ClixP. com 103. ClixnCash. com 104. Cloud-mails. com 105. CloudBux. com 106. Club4You. net 107. Cobebizs. com 108. CobyBux. com 109. Colph. com 110. Comfortableincome. net 111. Cooperativemail. com 112. CreativeMails. biz 113. CuteBux. com 114. Depacco. com 115. Diamond-bizs. com 116. Diamond-PTR. com 117. DingoBux 118. Disney-mails. com 119. Dreamails. com 120. E-MailPaysU. com 121. Eagle-Mails. com 122. Earn-USD. biz 123. EarnMyBux. com 124. Earthptr. com 125. EasyCashPTC. com 126. Elephant-Mails. com 127. ElitePTC. com 128. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 129. E-mailptr. com 130. Epaisa. pk 131. Esooe. com 132. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 133. Euro-Emails. com 134. EuroTradeMails. com 135. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 136. Exceedmargin. com 137. Exclusivemails. net 138. expert-mails. com 139. Expertmails. net 140. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) (closed) 141. Ezlaptop. com 142. Fast Money 24 ( 143. Fatmoneyptc. com 144. FillBux. com 145. FiloBux (filobux. com) 146. FinancialFreedomAds. com 147. FinePTC. com 148. Fire-Mails. com 149. Flamemails. com 150. FlashBux. com 151. Fly-field. com 152. Flybizs. com 153. Forex-cashbux. com 154. Foundmails. com 155. Freedom-mails. com 156. Fromhomedataentry. com 157. Future-PTR. com 158. Gainpay. org 159. GammaBux. com 160. Gardenoflinks. com 161. GeniusPTR. com 162. Get-UMoney. com 163. GetDailyPaid. com 164. GetRefMails. com 165. Getrichptr. com 166. Get-umoney. com 167. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :( 168. Gkcash. com 169. GlobalPTR. com 170. GodBux. com (closed) 171. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 172. Goldbizs. com 173. 174. GoldenQuarters. com 175. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 176. GrandPTC. com 177. Green Horse 178. GTSBux. com 179. Halloweenptc. info 180. HawkinsBux. com 181. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 182. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 183. Hide4dz. biz 184. HighBux. Biz 185. HighCashBonus. com 186. HitzMagic 187. Honestclicks. info 188. HooBux. com 189. Hugeptc. com 190. Hulk-mails. com 191. HyBux. com 192. Ibux. eu 193. Incomeptr. com 194. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) (closed) 195. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 196. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 197. InstantlyPTC. com 198. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 199. InterAdMedia. com 200. Ippomails. net 201. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 202. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 203. Jackmails. com 204. Jaysu. com - (closed), went down before we could review it 205. JesusBux. com 206. Jobptc. com 207. JokerBux (closed) 208. JustBux. com 209. KazarianGPT. com 210. Key-Mails. com 211. Kinderbux. com 212. King-mails. com 213. Lawyer-mails. com 214. Leadmails. com 215. Legend-mails. com 216. Link2Communion. com 217. LolliPopMails. com 218. Loving-Mail. com 219. MagicalMails. com 220. mailsmoney. net 221. Main-Bux. com 222. MakeMyBux. com 223. MassivePTR. com 224. MaystroMails. net 225. Mecbux. com 226. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 227. Mic-Promotion. com 228. MillionaireBux. com 229. MixBux. com 230. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 231. Moneyems. com 232. Moneytrainptc. com 233. Moonpaid. com 234. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 235. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 236. NacBux. com 237. NeatBux. com 238. NeoPays. com 239. NoMinCashout. com 240. NoMinimumBux. com 241. Ocean-Mails. com 242. Ochristmastreeptc. info 243. OnABux. com 244. Onedollarptc. com 245. OppoMails. com 246. Paid-Bux. info 247. PaidClicks. WS 248. PaidForFree. com 249. Paidstation. com 250. Papillon-clicks. com 251. ParadiseClicks. com 252. Paradiseclicks. info 253. PayDayPTC. com 254. Payee. me 255. PayingClub. com 256. PayingPTR. com 257. Payooclub. com 258. Paypay-mails. com 259. Pcash. info 260. PegasusPTR. com 261. PerfectPTR. com 262. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 263. PerformancePTC. com 264. Phoenixcash. info 265. Planetmails. com 266. Pleasant-Mails. com 267. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 268. Power-mails. net 269. Power4Bux. com 270. Profitmorebux. com 271. Project-Bux. com 272. ProMails. org 273. ProperPTR. com 274. ProsperousBoom. com 275. Ptcbiz. com 276. PTCNinja. com 277. Ptcrush. com 278. PTCSense. com 279. Ptcshare. com 280. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 281. PTR-Business. com 282. QualityBux. com 283. Quickcashptc. com 284. QubeCash. com 285. Rainpaid. com 286. Rapidobux. com (closed) 287. Read2Money 288. RealDataEntry. net 289. RealMoneyCompany. com 290. Redclub-cash. com 291. ReoBux. com 292. RevolutionBux 293. Richestmail. com 294. Richestmails. net 295. Richptc. com 296. RichPTR. info 297. Richptr. net 298. RingMails. com 299. Rolex-mails. com 300. RustBux. com 301. SaladMails. com 302. Salary-mails. com 303. Salemails. com 304. SapphireBux. com 305. Saturn-mails. com 306. Scopebux. com 307. ShareTheBux. com 308. ShortBux. com 309. Show-sales. com 310. SmurfsPTR. com 311. Snowy-mails. com 312. StableBux. com (closed) 313. StablePTR. com 314. SteadyMails. com 315. Stock-mails. com 316. StockBux. com 317. StormOfTraffic. com 318. Superpaybyemail. com 319. SurfJunky. com 320. Sweetdealsemail. net 321. SweetPTR. com 322. SweetsMails. com 323. Tea-Mails. com 324. Tendollarclick. com 325. Thanksgivingptc. info 326. Thebestptcintown. com 327. TickerBar. info 328. Timelessearn. com 329. Ts-Mails. com 330. TuePaid. com 331. TuiBux. com (closed) 332. Twodollarptc. com 333. UltraBux. com 334. Universe-Mails. com 335. USA-Bux. com 336. Usd-ad. com 337. Usdcenter. com 338. UtilBux. com 339. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 340. Vibrantvitalities. com 341. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 342. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 343. Vitaraptr. com 344. VuBux. com 345. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 346. WaveBux. com 347. WavuBux. com 348. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 349. Webcamcashmails. com 350. 351. Western-Mails. com 352. WishingWellPTC. info 353. Wonderful-Mails. com 354. World-mails. com 355. WorldsPTR. com 356. Worldwide-mails. com 357. WorldWidePTC. com 358. WuBux. com 359. XeonBux. com 360. Yippeemails. com 361. YooBux. com 362. YourBestBux. com 363. YourMyBux. com
For those who are wondering what is a scam, here is a definition of a scam.
nah ini yang kedua ini malah lebih banyak lagi 2. Sumber dari http://sites. google. com/site/earnmoneywithouinvestment/scam-list
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Đánh Máy Thuê
Danh sách các trang kiếm tiền trực tuyến bị đánh dấu là lừa đảo và không trả tiền cho người tham gia, mọi người chú ý trước khi tham gia kiếm tiền trực tuyến.
Bạn hãy nhớ câu "Những kẻ ngu và kẻ tham lam luôn bị lừa", những tên lừa đảo đã đánh vào tâm lý ham lợi để đưa ra các chương trình trả tiền hậu hĩnh để mọi người tham gia. Bạn nên cảnh giác với các chương trình này, tìm hiểu kỹ thông tin trên mạng trước khi tham gia, kẻo làm tốn thời gian của mình, của bạn bè và bị mang cái danh "giúp đỡ lừa đảo". Điều quan trọng là bạn phải sớm nhận biết chương trình đó có lừa đảo hay không để có thể dừng lại đúng lúc. Trên VNPayPal đã phân biệt rõ CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THỬ NGHIỆM và CHƯƠNG TRÌNH UY TÍN. Các CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THỬ NGHIỆM tuy có thể rất hấp dẫn nhưng hoàn toàn chưa chắc chắn khi tham gia, nếu có dấu hiệu lừa đảo, VNPayPal sẽ liệt vào CHƯƠNG TRÌNH KHÔNG NÊN THAM GIA để mọi người lưu ý.
Khi Cập nhật các trang kiếm tiền trực tuyến, VNPayPal sẽ lọc vào 2 loại Thử nghiệm và Uy tín, trong đó Uy tín là chắc chắn an toàn 100%, thử nghiệm là chưa biết, nếu trang thử nghiệm đó scam sẽ được đưa vô danh sách lừa đảo này. Nếu phát hiện trang lừa đảo, bạn hãy liên hệ hoặc comment tại bài này để VNPayPal cập nhật vào.
* Đặc biệt cashfiesta, bux. to, gagabux và tickerbar greenhorse SCAM ( lừa đảo ) từ rất lâu rồi tuy nhiên vẫn có nhiều người mới biết đến kiếm tiền trên mạng lại cứ tham gia vào.
Cập nhật tháng 03/2013: 1: work-danh may. ucoz. com 2: danh may thue247.blogspot. com/ 3: gockiemtien. ucoz. com/index/viec_lam_nhan_luong_theo. /0-22 4: gockiemtien. com --> đã có hiện tượng scam. không trả tiền cho người tham gia.
Cập nhật tháng 11/2010: ifbux và klickerz đã có hiện tượng scam, không trả tiền cho người tham gia.
1:bux-service. com (cập nhật ngày 14/08/2009)
3:adpoint ( đây là ads việt) SCAM SCAM SCAM
4:cutebux. com cập nhật ngày 17/08/2009
5:tuibux. com cập nhật ngày 17/08/2009
6:viennabux. com cập nhật ngày 21/08/2009
7: bpBUX chưa SCAM nhưng chạy không ổn định cập nhật ngày 24/08/2009 đã SCAM cập nhật ngày 31/08/2009
11:Buxwiz. com (27/08/2009 không pay qua AP)
12:Amirbux. com (27/08/2009 tạm thời không nên tham gia)
13: fortuda. com chưa SCAM nhưng pay min lên đến gần 8$ lận, vì thế khuyến cáo không nên tham gia site này nữa(31/08/2009)
14: buxvegas. com Error (01/09/2009)
15 :buxyou. com (05/09/2009)
18:http://www. freepremiumdomain. com (cập nhật thông tin ngày 16/09/2009)
20:intoffers. com (chưa chắc chắn) (03/10/2009)
23:BUXTEAM. com (link site died 22/10/20009)
24:ptcnew. com (link site died 28/10/2009)
26:svbux. com ( site die 14/11/2009)
27:inovabux. com ( site die 14/11/2009)
28:hybux. com (site died 22/12/2009)
29:hit2ads. com ( site died 05/01/2010)
30:bux. gs ( scam 10/01/2010)
31:enbux. com ( site die 10/01/2010)
32:izybux. com ( site die 10/01/2010)
33:cvbux. com ( site died 12/02/2010)
34. upbux. com ( problem with paying )
35:geniusfunds. com ( hyip scammed)
37: verifield. com (had scammed)
38:perella. biz ( đã scam )
39:hyifund. com (đã scam)
41:clicksxcom ( đã scam 05/06/2010)
42:atoxfinance. com (site hyip đã scam )
43:buxplode. com (updated 25/06/2010)
44:Ashbux. com ( site died )
45:888bux. com ( cập nhật ngày 14/07/2010 )
Nếu bạn không thấy site mình đang chơi có trong backlist này, thì bạn có thể PM mình (Y! M Tdp_ditimcongly ) hoặc repply tại topic này để mình nhận diện giúp bạn ^_^
Update list scammed site from easymoneyinstant. blogspot. com
Danh sách các trang web kiếm tiền Scam-Lừa đảo (Tiếp Theo)
September 09, 2012 ToanSystem No comments
Sau đây là các trang web Scam – lừa đảo, không trả tiền cho thành viên tham gia, Chúng tôi sẽ update thường xuyên thông qua phản ánh của các bạn, các blogger Việt Nam và thế giới, cũng như chính từ chúng tôi. ( list lấy từ nhiều nguồn) bạn ấn Ctrl + F để tìm kiếm xem trang web bạn đang nghi ngờ có trong list của chúng tôi không. Nếu có gì thắc mắc, phản ánh, các bạn gửi lại ở comments nhé. 1. 123EasyCash. net 2. 62bux. com 3. 37bux. com 4. 8ballbux. com 5. 1dollarforclick. com 6. adptc. com 7. alphabux. com 8. amazingptc. com 9. andbux. net 10. ashbux. com 11. angel-mails. com 12. awsurveys. com – hiện trên mạng có 2 luồng tin trái chiều về trang này, người thì bảo scam, người thì bảo không. Riêng tôi kiếm tiền đã gửi yêu cầu thanh toán, quá 5 ngày theo quy định rồi mà vẫn chưa nhận được. kết luận của chúng tôi là Scam. 13. black-mails. com 14. blackrose-mail. com 15. bux. to 16. bux9x. com 17. 18. bux4cashflow. com 19. buxator. com 20. buxaware. com 21. buxforlife. com 22. buxglobal. com 23. buxgocrazy. com 24. buxinc. com 25. buxiq. com 26. buxplode. com 27. buxtax. com 28. buxter. ws 29. buxyath. com 30. caringbux. com 31. ceoptc. com 32. chromybux. com 33. clicksx. com 34. clixos. com 35. clixy. us 36. conch-mails. com 37. dcbux. com 38. everydaybux. com 39. fatwalletbux. com 40. fellowequality. com 41. findingbux. com 42. frostbux. com 43. gagabux. com 44. goldcashbux. com 45. hatbux. com 46. hiddenbux. com 47. hiebux. com 48. htbux. com 49. jmgold. com 50. jphfbux. com 51. klikcashoutfast. com 52. krisbux. com 53. magicalptc. com 54. mailsmoney. com 55. manobux. com 56. momobux. com 57. moneyallthetime. info 58. neoclix. net 59. neodollar. com 60. neoptc. com 61. omnibux. com 62. paidmailz. com 63. palmbux. com 64. pennybux. com 65. pink-mails. com 66. poketbux. com 67. ptc4profit. info 68. ptcevolution. me 69. ptcpro. info 70. rosebizs. com 71. rustbux. com 72. sisibux. com 73. snbux. com 74. srsbux. com 75. sugar-mails. com 76. swippis. com 77. tebux. com 78. techbux. com 79. tt-mails. com 80. twinpods. com 81. unibux. com 82. vitaraptr. com 83. xionbux. com 84. waterbux. com 85. westbux. com 86. wonbux. com 87. zendbux. com Sites that are waiting to be uploaded from old blog (no links yet) however they are SCAMS ! 1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info 14. 10bux. net 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com 22. 1centemails (1centemails. com) – not to be confused with 1 cent email 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org 33. adflasher. net 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com 54. b-u-x. net 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. bcbux. com 62. beachbux. net 63. beachptc. com 64. beanybux. com 65. bear-mails. com 66. beaverbux. com 67. best-mails. com 68. bestbux. info 69. bestdollarclicks. com 70. bestnewbuxto. info 71. bestpaybux. com 72. 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ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com 454. PTCSense. com 455. Ptcshare. com 456. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net 479. Richptc. com 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com 494. ScvBux. com 495. 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11:Buxwiz. com (27/08/2009 không pay qua AP)
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- Cập nhật các trang PTC SCAM ngày 22.03.2011
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- Cập nhật các trang PTC SCAM ngày 16.02.2011
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- Cập nhật các trang PTC SCAM ngày 16.01.2011
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- Cập nhật các trang PTC SCAM ngày 13.12.2010
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Tổng hợp các chiêu thức lừa đảo / Cần cảnh giác phòng tránh.
Hi all. Vấn đề lừa đảo, chiếm đoạt tài sản của người khác là một vấn đề đang rất quan tâm và nóng. Hiện nay trên các lĩnh vực lừa đảo, chiếm đoạt tài sản của người khác là điều không tránh khỏi. Nhưng nếu biết cách phòng tránh thì sẽ giảm thiểu đến mức tối đa qua hình thức internet, Ngân Hàng ATM, bên ngoài. Ngay sau đây là các mánh khóe tinh vi hòng lừa đảo, chiếm đoạt tài sản. Các bạn xem qua để biết cách phòng tránh.
1. Giao dịch qua yahoo, tin nhắn điện thoại và không qua trung gian, yêu cầu mình đưa thông tin nick trước rồi họ mới send tiền . 99.99% của các trường hợp này là bùng sạch không trả đồng nào => Cách phòng tránh: Tuyệt đối khi tham gia buôn bán không nhắn tin qua điện thoại mà phải gọi trực tiếp ( Ai nhắn tin nghỉ đi cho nhanh, vì thành phần nhắn tin là thành phần rất ấm ớ đáng khả nghi ). Quan trọng không giao dịch kiểu đưa thông tin rồi mới send tiền. 2. Sử dụng các nick lừa đảo đặt gần giống nick của Mod pm cho thành viên, mạo nhận, yêu cầu đưa nick để kiểm tra thông tin, sẵn sàng làm trung gian. Trường hợp này đã gặp rất nhiều, biết bao người đã bị mất tiền oan chỉ vì chút sơ suất => Cách phòng tránh: Các bạn lưu ý quy định không 1 Mod nào tham gia giao dịch trung gian. Nếu thấy có nick đặt tên giống nick Mod diễn đàn thì báo ngay cho BQT khu vực Box 23dzo hoặc BQT cấp cao để có biện pháp kiểm tra và ngăn chặn kịp thời.
3. Làm giả các địa chỉ liên lạc trên mạng phổ biến như yahoo. Thông thường thì những tên lừa đảo thường thêm, bớt, đánh dấu 1 ký tự nào đó để làm giống yahoo của một thương nhân và lừa đảo chiếm đoạt tài sản. Bạn nào không nhận ra sẽ mất oan với dạng lừa đảo này. Ví dụ . Nick yahoo thật abc_abc / Nick yahoo giả abc_abc_ => Cách phòng tránh: Liên hệ ngay với người buôn bán đó bằng bất cứ hình thức nào như điện thoại. Nếu không có điện thoại yêu cầu vào ngay Topic của người bán đó xác nhận yahoo. Nếu xảy ra tình trạng tài khoản diễn đàn bị hack thì yêu cầu các bạn phải xin ngay số điện thoại từ khi nói chuyện lần đầu để phòng tránh cho an toàn.
4. Yêu cầu người trung gian cho các bạn là Mod của một box khác, không phải box CB 23dzo; hoặc nói là Mod của box CB 23dzo nhưng ở phần "Ban Quản Trị" không thấy có tên và title không có chữ Moderators => Cách phòng tránh: Lưu ý: Quy định đã ghi rõ ràng, nghiêm cấm các BQT tham gia buôn bán và giao dịch trung gian, các bạn buôn bán hãy nhớ kĩ về điều này và nếu có qua hình thức yahoo thì xem ngay tại câu 2.
5. Bất kì ai buôn bán qua hình thức yahoo đều cẩn thận với chiêu thức send file lạ. Thông thường bọn lừa đảo sẽ dụ dỗ xem cái này rồi xem cái kia và gửi file có đuôi lạ. Nếu là gửi ảnh, đuôi file sẽ phải là. jpg hoặc. png. jpeg. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Không nhận bất kì file nào vì có thể nó chứa virus hoặc keyloger. Nếu là ảnh các bạn chuyển sang chế độ "Chia sẻ hình ảnh" 6. Khi tham gia buôn bán trên diễn đàn các bạn không được click vào các link trên chữ ký hay bài viết của các thành viên buôn bán khác nếu là đường link đã được đổi tên . Rất có thể đường link đó dẫn đến 1 đường link khác không thuộc phạm vi NPH và các địa chỉ tin cậy. Nó có thể tự động cài virus như keyloger, trojan, woms. ngầm vào máy tính các bạn. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Copy link ở chữ ký hay bài viết cần xem sau đó mở 1 Tab google dịch và paste link vào đó, nếu thấy link đáng tin cậy thì các bạn bôi đen đường link ở google dịch sau đó paste vào 1 Tab khác cho an toàn.
7. Giả làm người bán vcoin, nói rằng họ sẽ bán cho mình với giá rẻ nhưng không cung cấp ảnh chứng tỏ có số vcoin, nói là vcoin này là vcoin công ty làm riêng . Họ chấp nhận giao dịch bằng thẻ võ lâm hoặc chính thẻ VTC hay card điện thoại. Họ yêu cầu send tiền trước rồi mới send vcoin mà nhất định không thông qua giao dịch trung gian hoặc đưa cho bạn yahoo trung gian. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Quy định đã đặt ra, nghiêm cấm bạn nào buôn bán vcoin dưới bất kì hình thức, nếu ai rao bán vcoin hoặc mua vcoin các bạn liên hệ ngay Mod khu vực 23dzo để xử lý nhanh gọn trường hợp này.
8. Những kẻ lừa đảo sẽ giả vờ hỏi mượn pass 1 bằng nhiều thủ đoạn sau đó sẽ vào kiểm tra trang hỗ trợ xem có moi móc được thông tin gì ko . nếu bạn đã từng hỗ trợ mà chưa xóa thông tin đó đi thì 100% bạn mất nick. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Không cho người lạ mượn pass, kể cả người thân . Hoặc nếu cho mượn thì hãy kiểm tra trong trang hỗ trợ mình có còn xót gì ko. Nếu những hỗ trợ đã được hỗ trợ xong thì hãy xóa hết nó đi tránh phiền phức mất nick. Hoặc tạo 1 nick clone đưa cho họ hỗ trợ.
9. Vấn đề bán tài khoản thiếu thông tin nhưng thực chất là đầy đủ thông tin để hòng lừa đảo. Các bạn lưu ý thủ đoạn này rất tinh vi, họ sẽ nói thiếu thông tin rồi bán cho bạn. Nếu bạn mua thì sau đó kẻ lừa đảo sẽ nhanh chóng lấy lại Tài khoản hoặc đợi 1 thời gian sau lấy lại. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Tuyệt đối không mua Tài khoản thiếu thông tin, tài khoản nào thiếu thì miễn mua cho lành.
10. Giao dịch qua thẻ ATM là 1 giao dịch rất phức tạp, nếu không cẩn thận các bạn có thể sẽ dẫn đến mất mát. Với chiêu thức chuyển tiền cho bạn trước và sẽ đưa ra được bằng chứng là đã chuyển tiền, và yêu cầu của kẻ lừa đảo là bắt bạn gửi toàn bộ thông tin đó trong vòng 5p trước khi họ chuyển tiền, nếu không họ sẽ hủy . (Vì Ngân Hàng sẽ chuyển tiền trong 15p), sau khi bạn chuyển toàn bộ thông tin thì họ sẽ thay đổi Email của bạn và hủy chuyển tiền. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Điều này là không tránh khỏi vậy nên bạn nào giao dịch qua thẻ ATM thì nên chọn người nào uy tín để mua bán hoặc tìm người uy tín để giao dịch trung gian.
11. Vấn đề tài khoản là vấn đề rất quan trọng, nhưng với thủ đoạn tạo rất nhiều yahoo ảo hoặc yahoo giống người quen, bạn bè người thân. và liên lạc thì khó lòng phân biệt . Với các yahoo đã được tạo sẵn, bọn lừa đảo sẽ dụ nạn nhân đọc từng thông tin và cuối cùng là sẽ có full thông tin. Ví dụ: - Yahoo 1 sẽ dụ nạn nhân đọc Email - Yahoo 2 sẽ dụ nạn nhân đọc Câu hỏi bí mật - Yahoo 3 sẽ dụ nạn nhân đọc CMND - Yahoo 4 sẽ dụ nạn nhân đọc Pass Và như vậy là có 3/3 thông tin rồi => Cách phòng tránh: Không chia sẻ các thông tin tài khoản qua yahoo kể cả người quen hay người thân nếu thấy có dấu hiệu khả nghi.
12. Trang web lừa đảo là 1 trong số những chiêu thức lừa đảo phổ biến hiện nay. Thông thường những trang web fake làm nhái giống y hệt trang chủ, diễn đàn, hỗ trợ. của NPH VTC Game . Điều này là điều khó tránh khỏi nếu những bạn nào còn mù mờ. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Hiện tại tất cả trang web của NPH VTC có 2 đuôi miền duy nhất là. go. vn và. vtc. vn / Bất cứ trang web nào không phải 2 đuôi miền này thì đều là web nhái, web lậu, web fake. Các bạn chú ý đuôi miền để tránh mất mát thiệt hại. 13. Câu hỏi bí mật là 1 trong những thông tin quan trọng nhất của Tài khoản, nếu bị lộ câu hỏi bí mật thì rất có thể Tài khoản của các bạn dễ dàng thay đổi nhanh chóng. Thông thường bọn lừa đảo cần 1 thời gian bắt chuyện hỏi thăm lân la với bạn. Và hỏi bạn 1 số câu hỏi liên quan đến câu hỏi bí mật, nếu bạn trả lời thì kẻ lừa đảo sẽ dựa vào những điều đó để thay đổi thông tin của bạn. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Tuyệt đối không trả lời những câu hỏi đó và phải nói là không biết cho dù là người thân. Làm như vậy mới có cơ hội thoát được chiêu thức lừa đảo tinh vi xảo quyệt như này.
14. Đây là 1 chiêu thức tống tiền nếu các bạn không tỉnh ngộ. Với chiêu thức bắt thóp các bạn thì kẻ lừa đảo sẽ tống tiền bạn vì đang nắm giữ 1 đoạn video, replay hack và dọa sẽ tố cáo để tài khoản của các bạn bị block. Đây là một chiêu thức không phải là mới. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Tốt nhất tuyệt đối không sử dụng hack bug để sau này mang họa vào thân.
15. Vấn đề nổi cộm nhất hiện nay là fake Số điện thoại của các BQT, thương nhân buôn bán, người giao dịch trung gian uy tín. Fake Số điện thoại là điều không phải mới, nhưng nếu ai không biết đến thì đó là 1 điều nguy hiểm. Thông thường thì các nạn nhân nhận cuộc gọi hay 1 tin nhắn của SĐT giả mạo giống của người buôn bán uy tín nhằm chiếm đoạt tài sản. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Với chiêu thức này thì các bạn để ý đến đầu số điện thoại. Đầu SĐT thật là +84xxxxxxxxx còn SĐT Fake là +166 hoặc +xx ( xx là Đầu số lạ giống như ở nước ngoài ). Để phân biệt hơn thì các bạn gọi vào SĐT có đầu số +84 đó để xác nhận lại cho an toàn. Thường thì SĐT Fake không gọi được quá 10p và nhắn quá 10 tin, vậy nên các bạn ghi nhớ để phòng tránh.
16. Giao dịch trực tiếp vẫn bị lừa khi n gười bán sau khi giao dịch. bạn chỉ kịp đổi E mail, SMS B anking và pass 1ngay khi vừa đi khỏi cửa. N gười bán có thể Đ T đến tổng đài yêu cầu khóa tài khoản với lý do - bị hack. V ới CMND. câu hỏi và câu trả lời bảo mật đã đủ điều kiện yêu cầu khóa tài khoản. S au khi khóa thành công người bán gửi đến hỗ trợ để thay đổi thông tin , n ếu bạn cũng thực hiện tương tự thì xảy ra tranh chấp tài khoản. M à VTC là người ở giữa. VTC sẽ trả lại TK cho chủ acc thật sự biết nhiều thông tin hơn như: hình ảnh CMND thực tế trùng với CMND đăng kí tài khoản. hình ảnh xác thẻ đã nạp vào tài khoản, số Đ T đã nạp vcoin vào tài khoản trên 3 tháng. = & Gt; Cách phòng tránh: Giao dịch trực tiếp như này nên cẩn thận, nếu là người lạ thì họ phải cung cấp đầy đủ thông tin và gọi điện thoại đến tổng đài để yêu cầu khóa TK và thực hiện thay đổi lại thông tin trước khi người kia thực hiện ý đồ và quan trọng nhất là nên giao dịch trung gian qua người có uy tín. Nếu không thì giao dịch trực tiếp qua VTC Game.
17. Trong các Topic của thành viên rao bán nếu có 1 vài hình ảnh ( hiện bàn tay click - dạng sang link ). Hình thức post keylock mới đó là gài link auto download vào trong link ảnh đó, khi click vào ảnh thì link sẽ tự động download 1 file về máy tính của bạn. Do đó khi click vào một link ảnh nào đó các bạn phải hết sức đề phòng. Hãy Xem ngay câu 6 để tìm hiểu => Cách phòng tránh: Cẩn trọng với các Topic có hình ảnh ( hiện bàn tay click - dạng sang link ) . ngay lập tức reported. Nếu có download 1 file nào đó thì cancel ngay lập tức, nếu đã down rồi thì nên del ngay lập tức file đó đi . tuyệt đối không giải nén và ngay sau đó thông báo cho BQT khu vực 23dzo để kịp thời ngăn chặn hành vi cướp đoạt tài sản kiểu tinh vi này.
. các chiêu thức lừa đảo sẽ còn update để các bạn phòng tránh.
Danh sách thông tin các thương nhân lừa đảo các bạn xem tại => Click Here <=
Các chiêu thức lừa đảo được tổng hợp từ 1 số thành viên và 1 số Box BBTĐ bên diễn đàn Game. Topic có chỉnh sửa và bổ sung thêm điều mới từ BQT galaxy. go. vn
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H halloweenptc. info harktheheraldangelssingptc. info hatbux. com hawkinsBux. com helgabux. com hellishdollars. com herecomessantaclausptc. info hiddenbux. com hide4dz. biz highbux. Biz highbashbonus. com hitzmagic honestclicks. info hoobux. com huebux. com hugeptc. com hulk-mails. com hybux. com
I i4ptc ibux. eu icepaid. com ienbux iibux incomeptr. com indoclix infinitebux. com insanecricket. com inspiremarrow. com instant-ptc-cash. com instantlyptc. com instantptr. com interadmedia. com ippomails. net ironbux. com isabelmarco. com itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info izybux. com isabelclicks. com
J jackmails. com javaptc. com jaysu. com jemabux. com jesusbux. com jobptc. com jokerbux jpbux. com jphfbux jrbux. com justbux. com
K kazariangpt. com keedes. com key-mails. com kinderbux. com king-mails. com klikerz. com
L lachicaemails. com lawyer-mails. com leadmails. com leetbux. net legend-mails. com lenkaclix. com levinclix. com libertyreservemails. com link2communion. com linksense. com litbux. com livebux. com lollipopmails. com lolybux. com loving-mail. com ltbux luckydollar. biz
M makenbux. com magicalmails. com magicalptc. com mailsmoney. com mailsmoney. net main-bux. com makemybux. com malnadcashmachine. com mapbux. com mappbux. com massiveptr. com matebux. com maverickptc. info maystromails. net mecbux. com megabuxx. com megacashzone. com megamoneyptc. com mic-promotion. com milbux. com millionairebux. com mindbux mixbux. com mnmbux. com mom-n-popptc. info moneyems. com moneymakerptc. com moneypakbux. com moneytrainptc. com moonpaid. com mutualptr. com mybestpornobux mybux. me mybux. co mygoldbux. com mylook. com mymoneybux. com mysteryclickers. com
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Q qualityBux. com quickcashptc. com qubeCash. com
R rageBux. com raiBux. com rainbow-mail. net rainpaid. com rainy-mails. com rapidobux. com rcbux. com read2Money realDataEntry. net realMoneyCompany. com realCashPTC. com red-mails. com redclub-cash. com reoBux. com revbux. com revolutionBux richestmail. com richestmails. net richptc. com richPTR. info richptr. net ringMails. com rjbux rolex-mails. com rpbux. com rushnsuccess. com rustBux. com
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U uddoo. com ultraBux. com universe-Mails. com up-bux. com upBux. com urobux USA-Bux. com usd-ad. com usdcenter. com utilBux. com
V valentine-ptr. com valuebux. com verbonix. com vibrantvitalities. com victorptr. com viewbux. com vinefire. com vipclix vision-Bux. com visit4cash. net vitaraptr. com vynbux vuBux. com
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Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com - BuxHost from 2009 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com OLD REVIEW UP 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info OLD REVIEW UP 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com OLD REVIEW UP 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com OLD REVIEW UP 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com NO LONGER REVIEWABLE 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com OLD REVIEW UP 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com
For those who are wondering what is a scam, here is a definition of a scam.
1scam . a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation scam

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BuxHunter. com 102. BuxInc. com 103. BuxMarley. com 104. buxmillionaire. com 105. BuxNew. com 106. BuxOffice. net 107. Buxokk. com 108. BuxPTR. com 109. Buxs. nl 110. BuxWin. com 111. BuxWiz. com 112. Buxxl. com 113. Camel-mails. com 114. Cash4clickingptc. com 115. Cash4Clicks. org 116. Cash4ubux. com 117. Cashfiesta. com 118. Cashflowmails. com 119. CashKidding. com 120. Cashnbux. com 121. Cashmails. biz 122. Cashmails. org 123. Cashmailz. com 124. Cashmedia. biz 125. Cashmoneyemail. com 126. Cashmybux. com 127. CashTreePTC. com 128. Casino-PTR. com 129. Cd-Mails. com 130. Charm-mail. com 131. Cherry-Mails. com 132. Chilloutbux. com 133. Chinawelcomeptc. info 134. Chobitsmails. net 135. Click2earn. biz 136. ClickersHeaven. com 137. ClickersHeaven. info 138. Clickforabuck. com 139. ClickMyBux. com 140. Clix. vc 141. Clix-P. com 142. ClixP. com 143. ClixnCash. com 144. Cloud-mails. com 145. Cloudy-mails. com 146. CloudBux. com 147. Club4You. net 148. Coast-Mail. com 149. Cobebizs. com 150. CobyBux. com 151. Colph. com 152. Comfortableincome. net 153. Cooperativemail. com 154. CreativeMails. biz 155. CurrencyMails. com 156. CuteBux. com 157. CvBux. com 158. Depacco. com 159. Diamond-bizs. com 160. Diamond-mails. net 161. Diamond-PTR. com 162. DingoBux 163. Discoclicks. com 164. Disney-mails. com 165. Dog-mails. com 166. DonkeyBucks. com 167. Dreamails. com 168. Dutzzubux. com 169. Dw-mails. com 170. E-MailPaysU. com 171. Eagle-Mails. com 172. Earn-USD. biz 173. Earningsecret. com 174. EarnMyBux. com 175. Earthptr. com 176. EasyCashPTC. com 177. Elephant-Mails. com 178. ElitePTC. com 179. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 180. E-mailptr. com 181. EnBux. com 182. Epaisa. pk 183. Esooe. com 184. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 185. Euro-Emails. com 186. EuroTradeMails. com 187. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 188. Exceedmargin. com 189. ExcellentBux. com 190. Exclusivemails. net 191. ExoBux. com 192. expert-mails. com 193. Expertmails. net 194. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) 195. Ezlaptop. com 196. Fairhits. com 197. Fallsmails. com 198. FastCarPTC. com 199. Fast Money 24 ( 200. FastPayPTC. com 201. Fatmoneyptc. com 202. Feer-mial. com 203. FillBux. com 204. FiloBux (filobux. com) 205. FinanceBux. com 206. FinancialFreedomAds. com 207. FinePTC. com 208. Fire-Mails. com 209. FireBux. net 210. Flamemails. com 211. FlashBux. com 212. Fly-field. com 213. Flybizs. com 214. Foggy-mails. com 215. ForeverPTC. com 216. Forex-cashbux. com 217. Foundmails. com 218. Freedom-mails. com 219. Fromhomedataentry. com 220. Fullmoneybux. com 221. Future-PTR. com 222. Gainpay. org 223. GammaBux. com 224. Gardenoflinks. com 225. Generalbucks. com 226. GeniusPTR. com 227. Genuinemails. com 228. Get-UMoney. com 229. GetDailyPaid. com 230. GetPaidIndustry. com 231. GetRefMails. com 232. GetRichPTC. com 233. Getrichptr. com 234. Get-umoney. com 235. Giga-Mails. com 236. Gkcash. com 237. GlobalPTR. com 238. GoBigPTC. com 239. GodBux. com 240. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 241. Goldbizs. com 242. 243. Golden-Galaxy. com 244. GoldenQuarters. com 245. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 246. Gpclub. net 247. GrandPTC. com 248. GrapeMails. com 249. Green Horse 250. GTSBux. com 251. Halloweenptc. info 252. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 253. HawkinsBux. com 254. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 255. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 256. HiddenBux. com 257. Hide4dz. biz 258. HighBux. Biz 259. HighCashBonus. com 260. HitzMagic 261. Honestclicks. info 262. HooBux. com 263. Hugeptc. com 264. Hulk-mails. com 265. HyBux. com 266. Ibux. eu 267. IcePaid. com 268. Incomeptr. com 269. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) 270. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 271. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 272. InstantlyPTC. com 273. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 274. InterAdMedia. com 275. Ippomails. net 276. IronBux. com 277. IsabelMarco’s Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 278. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 279. IzyBux. com 280. Jackmails. com 281. Jaysu. com – 282. JesusBux. com 283. Jobptc. com 284. JokerBux 285. JustBux. com 286. KazarianGPT. com 287. Key-Mails. com 288. Kinderbux. com 289. King-mails. com 290. Lachicaemails. com 291. Lawyer-mails. com 292. Leadmails. com 293. Legend-mails. com 294. LenkaClix. com 295. 296. LevinClix. com 297. LibertyReserveMails. com 298. Link2Communion. com 299. LitBux. com 300. LiveBux. com 301. LolliPopMails. com 302. Loving-Mail. com 303. Luckydollar. biz 304. MakenBux. com 305. MagicalMails. com 306. Mailsmoney. net 307. Main-Bux. com 308. MakeMyBux. com 309. mappbux. com 310. MassivePTR. com 311. MaystroMails. net 312. Mecbux. com 313. MegaBuxx. com 314. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 315. megamoneyptc. com 316. Mic-Promotion. com 317. MillionaireBux. com 318. MixBux. com 319. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 320. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 321. Moneyems. com 322. Moneytrainptc. com 323. Moonpaid. com 324. mybestpornobux 325. Mygoldbux. com 326. MyMoneyBux. com 327. 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Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com 540. UpBux. com 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net 572. wow-mails. com 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com

Knighty Night's Talk
John Chow's May 2008 Income Report 2008-06-01 18:08:00 It never stop amazing me when I see his monthly income report for his blog. With just a PageRank of 3 or 4 he's able to pull in $32k+ while he's having fun in China. Thats the power of making money from anywhere in the world just as long as you have access to the Internet. He's able to monetize his blog effectively selling out all his blog spaces. I found his blog very eye appealing, but most of the stuff he blogs about doesn't really help me make money. Its a real fact that he makes money by telling people how much he makes. I sometimes wonder if those number are even real because he never shows proof of them. At the beginning of each month John Chow post the blog's month income report showing how much money he made from his money makers. How John Chow Makes Money? Kontera - in-text contextual adsPrivate Ad Sales - selling ad spaces for $200-$1000 per monthReviewMe - writes review for advertisers for $500Affiliate Commission - Selling other people's productText-Link Ads -. More About: Report. Ingresos. 2008
Another Blogger's Attempt to Help You Make Money 2008-06-01 02:23:00 I'm bored an decided to look through my "make money online" feeds to see if there were any good information. I realized again and again how difficult it is to teach someone to make money online. You need to show the results and how you did it to get those results. A lot of people just come up with theories and the obvious, which doesn't really tell you how to make money. We all want to know the "HOW" of making money but very few people actually tell you how its done. I found out that doing reviews of products or anything that is unrelated to the topic of your blog lowers the quality of the blog and might make visitors go away. I had fun making over $1000 working for PayPerPost, which is writing reviews. That was a lot of hard work and the money wasn't increasing. I need to figure out another way to steady increase the income. I seen a lot of my traffic stopped increasing because visitors aren't returning when I first got approved by PayPerpost. My feedburner count was st. More About: Money. Make Money. Hacer
myLot, Source for Money Making Info 2008-05-31 02:39:00 What is myLot? myLot is a forum that started as a "Get paid to Post". You earn money for posting, responding to post, and also for uploading pictures. It sounds great, but you only earn around $0.01 to $0.02 for a post or upload. You get paid when you reach $10, which takes forever. What do I use it for? I don't use myLot just because it makes me money, but I use it as a tool for researching on making money online related. Why myLot? Basically everyone in myLot is interested in making money online. That is why most people joined in the first place. I mainly use it to ask question on making money online and searching for money making information. If you want to know if program pays or not, you can do a search in myLot. If I don't find what I'm looking for, I would start a new discussion by asking a question, "Has anyone go paid from so and so?" and earn a few cents. Since people get paid to post, if someone has the answer to your question they'll most likely do a post and a. More About: Money. Info. Fuente
HyperWebEnable Free Domain and Hosting and Tools 2008-05-29 21:29:00 What is HyperWebEnable? They posted an ad in my comments, but I didn't approve it. HyperWebEnable provides members the opportunity of a lifetime, which is getting a free domain and free hosting and a lot of free tools. You can create your own social network or a blog service like BLOGSPOT to provide members to capability of creating a blog on your domain. You can also install a popular blogging tool like Wordpress. For each referral you bring to HyperWebEnable, you'll get $1. The payout is $10 and the method is PayPal. What do I Think? When I first saw that ad, I was pretty happy to see that we can get a free "yourdomainname. com" and free hosting. Then I calmed down and thought, how are they making money from this and why would they give something out like that for free. Then I went on Google and did some few minute research and found this interesting post on HyperWebEnable. It doesn't say if its a scam or not. After reading the post, I figure it wasn't for me because eve. More About: Tools. Alojamiento. Dominio. Free
Making Money Off Social Networks 2008-05-28 22:04:00 I recently been getting a lot of e-mails from DonkeyMails and No-Minimum promoting this new website called ZenZuu. What is ZenZuu? ZenZuu is a social network website like myspace, friendster, facebook, etc. It lets you upload your photos, create blog post, upload your videos, send messages, leave comments. Basically anything a social network should have in general they have it. What is Different about ZenZuu? It may not be ass fancy as facebook or as popular as myspace, but they're paying members 80% of advertising revenue and keeping 20% for themselves to maintain the website and also paying the owners. Of course the owners of the website will be the biggest earner because they only have a few people splitting the 20% whereas 80% is split amongst 10,000 to 1,000,000 members. The only way for a member to make any money is to have a crap load of referrals. What do I think? This is similar to YUWIE, another social networking website that pays its members. I personally think ZenZuu loo. More About: Social. Dinero. Social Networks. Networks
Payment From MasterBux - $10.11 2008-05-25 20:57:00 Yup just got another payment from another one of my penny clickers of "Make A Dollar Per Day Plan". Every time I receive a payment from a penny clicker that I haven't receive money from before gives me confirmation that I'm actually making money and my make a dollar per day plan is about to get better and better. Alertpay Payment Received - $10.11 from MasterBuxAnother paying Penny Clicker confirmed at the moment. If you don't know about start today and "Make a Dollar Per Day" without any of money investing. All you need is a little bit of time maybe like 10 minutes per day. Instead of using disposable money you can use disposable time.
Update on Making a Dollar Per Day 2008-05-17 22:55:00 I stopped using Velocity Clicks because they require their members to upgrade to premium to be able to request a payout. If you don't you can only use your earnings for advertising. I decided thats not for me so later Velocity Clicks. RainingBux seems to be dead because their website has been down for the past few weeks so later to you too. Since those two are basically useless now, I joined another two penny per click websites shown below to stay at a total of 10 penny per click websites.15-20 ads per day so min $0.15, payout is $10 (ADDED MAY 16, 2008)20-25 ads per day so min $0.20, payout is $5 (ADDED MAY 16, 2008)The good thing about my Making a Dollar Per Day plan is you don't just focus just on one penny per click website. So if one or two of the penny per click websites you joined goes out of business like what happen to me with InstantAds and RainingBux. I still have 8 other penny per click website to fall back on. If you just joined one and if they go out of business y. More About: Update
Free Wordpress Make Money Online Blogging Template 2008-05-17 00:59:00 When I was visiting some blogger's blog that joined my BlogCatalog neighborhood, I came across a pretty cool "Make Money Online" blog. One in particular that I remember is what this post would be about is "GATHER SUCCESS" and blog with a goal to make $1,000,000. If you saw the success of John Chow's blog, "John Chow dot Com" than you're probably going to want to download that free Wordpress template called the Atomic Blogging Theme from "GATHER SUCESS". The template is very similar to John Chow's blog. He's gotta be doing something right being able to make an average of $30,000 per month. I would definitely use that free Wordpress template and modify it to fit my taste. For those who are new or been around the Internet thinking of making money online I definitely recommend installing that Wordpress template for your Wordpress blog. Make $10,000 Per Year - Requires Super Commitment, which I don't have yet. More About: Make Money. Make Money Online
2Bux is Officially Dead 2008-05-11 20:58:00 Recently I have seen a bunch of ads when I logged in at 2Bux after a reader commented on one of my post saying there are lots of ads to look at now. So I decided to try it out again. Today I checked 2Bux again and saw there was a new interface. Initially, I thought cool its remodeling. When I carefully read the stuff on the main page, it says someone who had administrative rights before posted up the ads without the current owner knowing. This is the problem with new penny clickers. You can't tell if they are successful or not. A lot of them end up like this with broken promises. If you want to be successful with penny clickers, you have to keep trying. When you see there's one that is going out of business join another one. You are bound to find one that will be around for a long long time making your money. More About: Dead
Did I Abandon this Blog? 2008-05-07 08:03:00 Not exactly. I been trying to find a Software Engineering job, but so far haven't had any luck. I was able to get into a few interviews but I guess there are always better candidates for the position. Blog ging is fun, but since its fun I feel like I'm not doing something productive. My goal was to make a full time income online, but I haven't reached this yet. Sorry for the lack of update. I'm been taking some courses at City College of San Francisco. Learning Javascript and Networking. I could apply a lot of fancy scripting in this blog now with my new knowledge of Javascript. No need to copy and paste code from other developers. I can hard code it myself. I'll do more updates from now on. I will start surfing the web again to learn more about making money online and post them here in this blog. A reader asked me about ucash. in today about why he/she can't see any earnings in their account yet. For those people that think its a scam, it might or it might not because. More About: Abandon
Cheap Quality Advertising 2008-04-20 02:19:00 Do you notice the "Are you in my Top Spots" section on the right hand side of this blog? People who wants to get their website seen, but don't want to spend money on costly PPC or Ineffective auto-surfs should definitely check out "Are you in my Top Spots" because a lot of websites with good traffic is only charging about $1 per month. Its a really good deal if you want to advertise. I get about 2000 monthly visits on average. So if you pay for the $1 to have you link shown for one month it would be about $0.0005 per impression. The CPM is also $0.50, which means the cost per thousand impression. Its cheaper than most places. Its extremely cheap if you advertise on websites with the same niche. That way you are getting most people that would also be interested in your website. So if you want to promote an affiliate link or just your website. You can find websites with the Top Spots widget installed. They have a directory where you can search for related niche websites. If you. More About: Advertising. Cheap. Quality
Make Money with your Money Options 2008-04-14 21:43:00 If you spend as much as you make and find it difficult to save any money for side uses like trying to make money online or just having some diposable cash. With the need for money noawadays there are lots of options to choose from for personal loans. Whether you're using it for personal spendings, need for money, or want to try investing in making money online you do not need to rely on your personal bank for money. Trading Forex is the trend now, where people invest money in currency to make money. Its difficult for people with bad credit to get money to borrow money to invest, but with the number of money loaners on the internet, bad credit loans are not a problem. People with bad credit could rebuilt their credit if investing right. There are many places that shows you how you can make money with Forex are making money online. This is also the age of blogging, a lot of people are blogging about their experience and their success, which people can also learn from. Existen. More About: Money. Make Money. Opciones. Hacer
Bux3 Proof of Payment 4/9/2008 - $42.09 2008-04-09 21:29:00 I'm so happy today. I got my payout of $42.09 from Bux3 to my AlertPay account. I'm going to use $30 from that to purchase more 100 Guaranteed Sign Ups for my other penny clicking websites. This is awesome. I'm making like $100 per month now. Good luck to all of you who using this method to make money online. For those people who still at the spectator seat, check out "Make a Dollar Per Day" plan. Assuming that these websites that I signed up for last for a year, which some I know did last for a year and more. I could be making $500-$1000 per month no sweat. More About: Proof. Pago. 2008
Make A Dollar Per Day Weekly Report 5 2008-04-06 19:51:00 Nothing but Penny Clicker reports for the past month. I need to get back into the game. Recommended for Penny Clickers - 100 Guaranteed International referralsPenny Clicker - Total Earnings (+7 day earnings) from Last Week's Total Earnings1. DailyClicks - $12.51 (+$0.46) from $12.052. Bux. to - $211.46 (+$5.02) from $206.443. Velocity Clicks - $12.47 (+$1.09) from $11.384. RainingBux - $4.69 (+$1.14) from $3.555. Bux3 - $56.89 ($6.72) from $50.176. MasterBux - $7.00 (+$1.09) from $5.91 (DOWN)7. Isabelmarco's Moneymaker - $1.05 (+$0.49) from $0.568. ClixMania - $2.71 ($0.53) from $2.189. ClixSense - $100.95 (+$0.62) from $100.3310. 10Bux. net - $0.39 (+$0.11) from $0.28Total - $411.21 (+$17.27) from $393.94Removed:InstantAd - Out of Business2Bux - No Ads to Look at More About: Dollar. Informe. Hacer. Semanal
Make A Dollar Per Day Weekly Report 4 2008-03-31 00:51:00 Here's the next weekly report for "Make A Dollar Per Day". Making about $20+ per week. Thats pretty good. I just have a blog here that is indexed by Google. Every day I get about 5-10 new visitors. I probably convert 1/50 new visitors to join in on the "Make A Dollar Per Day". Just a reminder that its not enough to just join all these and click on your own. You'll also need referrals. To passively gain referrals I recommend creating a blog with all your penny clicker websites posted up like me. The past week I have not done any clicking at all because I was busy looking for a job and going out with friends, but still manage to get $20+ this week. This was all thanks to my referrals. Recommended for Penny Clickers - 100 Guaranteed International referralsPenny Clicker - Total Earnings (+7 day earnings) from Last Week's Total Earnings1. DailyClicks - $12.05 (+$0.79) from $11.262. Bux. to - $206.44 ($8.47) from $197.973. Velocity Clicks - $11.38 ($1.18) from $10.204. RainingB. More About: Report. Semanal
Make A Dollar Per Day Weekly Report 3 2008-03-23 08:33:00 Last week I forgot to post up the weekly report for, "Make A Dollar Per Day". This week I almost forgot again. I haven't been doing any clicking for the past 3 or 4 days. I hope it didn't hurt my earnings too much. This week will be an earning comparison for 2 weeks. Recommended for Penny Clickers - 100 Guaranteed International referralsPenny Clicker - Total Earnings (+14 day earnings) from Last Week's Total Earnings1. DailyClicks - $11.26 (+$1.85) from $9.412. Bux. to - $197.97 (+$16.25) from $181.723. Velocity Clicks - $10.20 (+$5.71) from $4.494. RainingBux - $3.37 (+$0.37) from $3.005. Bux3 - $40.87 (+$25.42) from $15.456. MasterBux - $5.91 (+$3.19) from $2.727. InstantAd - Out of Business8. ClixMania - $2.18 (+$0.50) form $1.689. ClixSense - $100.33 (+$0.78) from $99.5510. 2Bux - $0.27 (+$0.02) from $0.25 - Don't join this because I will stop using this soonTotal - $372.36 (+$54.09) from $318.27Not bad for two weeks and the past few days I didn't do any clicking at all. More About: Report. Semanal
What's Up With Me Right Now 2008-03-19 01:41:00 I been lazy and tired to be blogging the past few weeks. I been busy getting rid of my old stuff on Ebay. Just taking me awhile to get rid of everything. I'm selling like old computers, old video game systems, games, books, etc. I forgot to post up the weekly report for the "Make a Dollar Per Day Weekly Report". I guess I'll try to post the other one this coming Saturday. I'm making like $2-$3 per day now. It just great, but the bad thing is I have to wait 60 business days to receive my money. That is like a 3 months wait. Will as long as they pay I don't really mine. Logged into PayPerPost account and they're having $1k Tuesday again. So whoever got approve by PayPerPost should join in the page reloading race to get $50 post on Tuesday. They'll have 20 of them. I only got it once before.
The Rich Kids Partial Test Results 2008-03-14 23:44:00 Sorry to disappoint the people who are thinking about trying TheRich Kids. what it basically does is give you a guide on how to advertise your affiliate links. It doesn't really tell you what to sell. The guides is pretty easy to follow, it is only good for beginners that does not know how to advertise. You also need to have some disposable cash, meaning cash that you can lose and still be OK. This is not for people who are desperate for money. They have 6 affordable advertising steps that you can follow to start earning money. I'm not sure if I should try out the more expensive advertising step because after failing the 2nd step, which I followed 100% only got me back $7.50 and they're still holding onto my money. They require you to have make 3 sales of TheRichKids to earn your payout. Maybe because I tried selling to people who already bought it thats why I failed. I haven't had time to fully test it out. So I'm going to look into it more. Thanks to a reader that remin. More About: Results. Prueba. Rich Kids
Time For My Quest to Increase Website Traffic 2008-03-12 16:15:00 I been stuck at about 90 hits per day and 45 unique visitors per day and about 6 returning visitors per day. Its been like that for a few months. Now it's time for researching on how to increase traffic without spending money. There are a lot of information out there on how to increase traffic utilizing social networks and viral stuffs. Well I don't know if it'll work until I try it. Recently someone sent me an email on the "Secrets of Blogging" that supposely increase your traffic like 5 times more if I remember correctly. I haven't had time to look at it yet, but I'll start today with this post. If I could get 5 times more traffic, which is like 450 hits per day and 225 unique visitors per day and maybe 30 returning visitors per day. With that many traffic, my Alexa score will probably reach 100,000 or less. If anyone knows the approximate alexa score don't hesitate to correct me. What Can You Do With Traffic? If I can increase the traffic higher, advertiser would be more. More About: Website. Website Traffic. Hora. Quest
Make A Dollar Per Day Weekly Earning Report 2 2008-03-08 21:36:00 Here is the 2nd report of "MaKe A DoLLaR pEr DaY" with free to join programs. I seem to be earning more and more thanks to my blog passively earning referrals and also from that 100 Guaranteed International Sign Up. You can check last week's report to see how much more I made than last week. Recommended for Penny Clickers - 100 Guaranteed International referralsPenny Clicker - Total Earning s (+7 day earnings) from Last Week's Total Earnings1. DailyClicks - $9.41 (+$0.92) from $8.492. Bux. to - $181.72 (+$7.40) from $174.323. Velocity Clicks - $4.49 (+$0.79) from $3.704. RainingBux - $3.00 (+$0.44) from $2.565. Bux3 - $15.45 (+$8.16) from $7.296. MasterBux - $2.72 (+$0.86) from $1.867. InstantAd - Site Down (Unknown) from $1.93 - This one might be dead8. ClixMania - $1.68 ($0.36) from $1.329. ClixSense - $99.55 ($0.79) from $98.7610. 2Bux - $0.00 ($0.09) from $0.25 - Giving this another week's try then I'm going to remove it if there still aren't any things to click onTotal - $3. More About: Dollar. Informe. Hacer. Semanal
Finished Test of 100 Guaranteed Internation Sign Ups 2008-03-06 07:08:00 Well my order hasn't completed yet so the referrals are still coming in. As you can see from the screen shot below, I gained over 200 referrals from purchasing "100 Guaranteed International Sign Ups" and earning about a dollar per day if you look at my last post with a screen shot of the status page. I don't know why this is happening but its great for me. Oh yeah, I already meet the minimum payout requirement and I just requested $10 payout yesterday. I'm making a little over a dollar a day with Bux3 now. What does this Prove? It shows that purchase 100+ guaranteed referral for your free programs are worth the money considering if these kind of website will pay you. If I had bought 100+ guaranteed referrals when Bux. to first started, I probably would be making $200-$300 per month now. So good luck with the 100 guaranteed referrals purchase. I might have gotten lucky since I got over 200+ referrals. So this test is over, but I will continue to post proof of payments and week. More About: Test
4th Payout From Bux. to - $24.59 2008-03-04 19:45:00 Near the end of this post there is a screenshot of payment to my AlertPay account. There will be some information on why they aren't using PayPal anymore and theories on why the payout take so freaking long. Recently PayPal has banned all websites similar to Bux. to, which cause a lot of of members to assume those other websites to think that it is a scam. What PayPal did was locked their account so they couldn't access their money. I'm not sure how the owner could get access to the money, but they no longer payout with PayPal. The new payment processor is AlertPay. I just got my 4th payout from Bux. to in the amount of $24.59. I just requested $107 payout for the next payout. I can't wait to get that one. I have to wait like 104 days for it if I stay a free member, but if I upgrade to premium membership, I only have to wait approximately 52 days. Why Does It Take Them So Long To Payout? This is my theory but may not be true. Their Alexa score is less than less than 500 so I.
Make A Dollar Per Day Weekly Earning Report 1 2008-03-01 17:42:00 I started the initial number for making a dollar per day experiment last week to start off this report. From this report on it will show how much I made in a week. It also can show how much more I made or how much less I'm making. For those new visitors that doesn't know whats going on you can check out "hOw To MaKe A DoLLaR pEr DaY" with free programs. Penny Clicker - Total Earning s (+7 day earnings) from Last Week's Total Earnings1. DailyClicks - $8.49 (+$0.99) from $7.502. Bux. to - $174.32 (+$7.43) from $166.893. Velocity Clicks - $3.70 (+$1.33) from $2.374. RainingBux - $2.56 (+$0.46) from $2.105. Bux3 - $7.29 (+$4.25) from $2.546. MasterBux - $2.72 (+$0.86) from $1.867. InstantAd - $1.93 ($0.21) from $1.728. ClixMania - $1.32 ($0.29) from $1.039. ClixSense - $98.76 ($0.30) from $98.4610. 2Bux - $0.25 ($0.09) from $0.16Total - $301.34 (+$18.01) from $284.63So this week I made $18.01 with penny clickers only, but I haven't been paid yet, but I"m getting there. About all of. More About: Dollar. Report. Make. Weekly
I'm getting 100+ Referrals From The Order 2008-02-26 20:41:00 I'm getting over 100+ referrals for Bux3. Just check out the screen shot below. I got 123 referrals and the advertisement stats that I checked in DonkeyMails is only about 65% completed so I can still get at least 43 more referrals and maybe more. I predict by the time the "100 Guaranteed International Sign Ups" completes I'll have over 200+ referrals. I'm close to making $1 per day now with just Bux3 alone. I hope Bux3 stays alive long enough for me to break even. Going back to Feb 16, 2008 I only have 1 referral. After paying $30 for "100 Guaranteed International Sign Ups" at DonkeyMails I'm getting from 7-15 sign ups per day. I gotta was right, the majority of the referrals aren't active. I'm seeing about out of every 10 referrals only 1 is active. If anyone decides to get Guaranteed Sign Ups don't go for the 10, 25 or anything under 100 sign ups. Get the 100+ ones. If it stays alive at least for a year this has got to be the best investment I made. Imagine get. More About: Order
Commence "Make a dollar per day" Reporting Per Week 2008-02-23 17:24:00 I'm getting pretty unorganize for my "Make a Dollar Per Day" idea. I'm going to put up a report each week of my earnings each week. If its a dollar per day, I should be making around $7 dollar per week or more. I am also slowly gaining referrals to each of free programs I joined. My first milestone is to be able to generate at least $50 per month just from starting with making a dollar per day. Imagine how great that would be an extra when I get to my later milestone of $200 per month. The Internet have a load of free resources we can use to earn money now, not like a 10 years ago where there are limited free stuff and even when you pay for the tools, they aren't that good anyways. Tools like Google Analytics, StatCounter, WordTracker, Google Trends, etc. I'll start off the report with the initial amount I earned in each program now.1. DailyClicks - $7.502. Bux. to - $166.893. Velocity Clicks - $2.374. RainingBux - $2.105. Bux3 - $2.546. MasterBux - $1.867. InstantAd - $1.728. More About: Week
I Already Got 38/100 International Referrals for Bux3 2008-02-20 22:38:00 Bux3 just recently changed their copycat interface of Bux. to to a somewhat better looking interface. My order is about 38% completed. I got 38/100 referrals already from the "100 guaranteed international sign ups" from DonkeyMails. It's expected that not all the referrals would be active since guaranteed sign ups are mostly doing it to get paid to sign up, but there are some that are actually doing some clicking. Not a lot, but better than nothing. The referrals that I get from this blog are way better than the guaranteed ones, but relying on my blog takes forever. I'm still getting about 7-8 referrals per day from the order. Its been 3 days since the order has been placed and 38 referrals already so in 6 more days the order should be completed. UpdateIts been 2 or 3 weeks and the combine money earned from the "make a dollar per day" idea has reached passed $20, but still not enough to make payout yet. More About: International
The Referrals Are Rolling In for Bux3 2008-02-18 20:56:00 The order I made went through at DonkeyMails and the referrals are rolling in. Its fun to log in everyday to see that you get more addition referrals. I was right about not getting all the referrals at the same time. It seems to be spreading out. On Feb 17, 2008 I got 7 referrals and only 3 of 7 of those referrals did some clicking. Today I got about 8 referrals, but none of them clicked on anything. It seems like I will get around 7 to 8 referrals per day. At this rate it'll take about 14 days to complete my order of 100 guaranteed international sign ups. It isn't looking too good though. Can't really say anything yet until I get 100 referrals. You see the "[Mail]" link next to each referral's name? Well I thought I could contact them about make a dollar per day in attempt to get them active, but I have to upgrade to premium membership to contact them so that kind of sucks. Most of these referrals are inactive now, but eventually some will also become active like a week. More About: Rolling
Testing DonkeyMails Cheap 100 Referrals 2008-02-16 23:31:00 OK remember from my previous posts I talked about where you can get cheap 100 referrals for your penny per click websites. These websites might not last, but its good to get in early for these websites. Well can't tell how good it is so bought a 100 guaranteed international referrals from DonkeyMails, but I probably won't get all the sign ups in one day probably hoping an average of 10 referrals per day. Here is my account with only 1 referral so far. This post will be something to go by when I post up periodic updates on the 100 guaranteed international sign ups status and how active they are and how much money they can make me. It would be awesome if I could generate atleast $1-$2 per day with those guaranteed sign ups for just $33. Then reuse those money make to buy more guaranteed referrals for more $1+ per day plan. Wish me luck. More About: Testing. Cheap
Get 100 Guaranteed Sign Ups For $33 2008-02-14 20:11:00 For those people that seriously want to make money with penny clicking websites should not work by themselves. To be successful, you'll need referrals. I just found out that you can buy 100 referrals for a fraction of the cost that you would need to pay at the penny per click websites. For only $33 dollars you can get 100 guaranteed international referrals. You can purchase it at Donkeymails or other similar websites. I realize that a lot of people couldn't get referrals and after awhile of clicking and still haven't reached to minimum payout yet. I purchase referrals from Donkeymails before, but I guess I'll do an experiment with it to see how many of the sign ups are actually active. I'm going to test this out on If it works I'll get 100 referrals for each of the penny per click websites, I signed up. It actually works because I actually found a blogger that talked about it like a month or two ago. I just remember it and thought I would like to try it out fo. More About: Sign
Bux. to Extends The Payout to 60 Business Days 2008-02-12 09:11:00 Bux. to have way to many members to keep up with the massive number of payout request. They have to extend the payout to 60 business days for free members and 30 business days for premium members. I been waiting since November for my payout. I should be getting it any time now. After I get the payout, I'm going to use it to upgrade to Premium so that I earn 1.5x more and get paid in 30 business days. Waiting over 100 days including weekends is just too crazy and annoying. I request payout 3 times and have all been paid. The chance of them paying me again is pretty high. I'm not even doubting them anymore. I just wish they would get more people to help out with the payout. I got some bux. to proof of payments if anyone wants to see. My first bux. to proof of payment led ease down my skepticism and let go to keep trying new things and take some risks. Related Articles:Start Making Dollar Per Day More About: Business. Días

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The Scam List, reason these website comes into the list:
not paying
too many complaints and negative comments are found
unstable (comes and goes)
abandonment (owner disappears from the forum)
ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people)
or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
提示:请用CTRL+F来寻找您想要寻找的网址。 Hint: Please use CTRL + F to search for the website address you need.
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Bux. to 119. 120. 121. bux4cashflow. com 122. 123. bux-7ven. com 124. bux9x. com 125. buxanna. com 126. buxator. com 127. buxaware. com 128. buxcafe. com 129. buxcashy. com 130. buxchristmas. com 131. buxcorp. com 132. buxdiamond. com 133. buxextra. com 134. 135. buxfirst. com 136. buxforex. com 137. buxforlife. com 138. buxforyou. com 139. buxglobal. com 140. buxgocrazy. com 141. buxgolden. com 142. bux-gr. com 143. buxhunter. com 144. buxinc. com 145. bux-inv. com 146. buxiq. com 147. buxjobs. com 148. buxler. net 149. buxmarley. com 150. buxmillionaire. com 151. buxnew. com 152. buxoffice. net 153. buxokk. com 154. buxplode. com 155. buxptr. com 156. buxs. nl 157. bux-service. com 158. buxtask. com 159. buxter. ws 160. buxtro. com 161. buxturk. ws 162. buxwin. com 163. buxwiz. com 164. buxxl. com 165. camel-mails. com 166. capricornbux. com 167. caringbux. com 168. cash4clickingptc. com 169. cash4Clicks. org 170. cash4offers. com 171. cash4ubux. com 172. cashfiesta. com 173. cashflowmails. com 174. cashkidding. com 175. Cashmails. biz 176. cashmails. org 177. cashmailz. com 178. cashmedia. biz 179. cashmoneyemail. com 180. cashmybux. com 181. cashnbux. com 182. cashread. com 183. cashTreePTC. com 184. casino-PTR. com 185. cat-mails. com 186. cd-mails. com 187. ceoptc. com 188. charm-mail. com 189. cherokeeptr. com 190. cherry-mails. com 191. chilloutbux. com 192. chinawelcomeptc. info 193. chobitsmails. net 194. chromybux. com 195. cjbux. com 196. classical-mail. com 197. click2earn. biz 198. clickersheaven. com 199. clickersheaven. info 200. clickforabuck. com 201. clickmybux. com 202. clicksterbux. com 203. clicksx. com 204. clix. vc 205. clixncash. com 206. clixos. com 207. clixp. com 208. clix-p. com 209. cloudbux. com 210. cloud-mails. com 211. cloudy-mails. com 212. club4you. net 213. coast-mail. com 214. cobebizs. com 215. cobybux. com 216. colph. com 217. comfortableincome. net 218. companybux. com 219. conch-mails. com 220. cooperativemail. com 221. crazymonkeygold. com 222. creativemails. biz 223. currencymails. com 224. cutebux. com 225. cvbux. com 226. dcbux. com 227. depacco. com 228. detbux. com 229. devbux. com 230. diamond-bizs. com 231. diamond-mails. net 232. diamond-ptr. com 233. dingobux. com 234. discobux. com 235. discoclicks. com 236. disney-mails. com 237. doemails. com 238. dog-mails. com 239. dollargpt. com 240. donkeybucks. com 241. dotcells. com 242. dreamails. com 243. dreamstarmail. com 244. dutzzubux. com 245. dw-mails. com 246. dynamicptr. com 247. eagle-mails. com 248. earningsecret. com 249. earnmybux. com 250. earn-usd. biz 251. earthptr. com 252. easycashptc. com 253. elephant-mails. com 254. eliteptc. com 255. e-mailpaysu. com 256. e-mailptr. com 257. emmamails. com 258. enbux. com 259. enrichptc. com 260. enterpriseptr. com 261. epaisa. pk 262. esooe. com 263. essentialptr. com 264. euro-emails. com 265. eurotrademails. com 266. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 267. everydaybux. com 268. exceedmargin. com 269. excellentbux. com 270. exclusivemails. net 271. exobux. com 272. expert-mails. com 273. expertmails. net 274. extrajozbux. com 275. ezihippo. com 276. ezlaptop. com 277. fairhits. com 278. fairytaleptr. com 279. fallsmails. com 280. fastcarptc. com 281. fastcashbux. com 282. 283. fastpayptc. com 284. fatmoneyptc. com 285. fatwalletbux. com 286. feer-mial. com 287. fellowequality. com 288. fillbux. com 289. filobux. com 290. financebux. com 291. financialfreedomads. com 292. findingbux. com 293. fineptc. com 294. firebux. net 295. fire-mails. com 296. fivedollarptc. com 297. flamemails. com 298. flashbux. com 299. flybizs. com 300. fly-field. com 301. foggy-mails. com 302. foreverptc. com 303. forex-cashbux. com 304. foundmails. com 305. freedom-mails. com 306. fromhomedataentry. com 307. frostbux. com 308. fullmoneybux. com 309. future-ptr. com 310. gagabux. com 311. gainpay. com 312. gainpay. org 313. gammabux. com 314. gardenoflinks. com 315. generalbucks. com 316. geniusptr. com 317. genuinemails. com 318. getdailypaid. com 319. getpaidindustry. com 320. getpaidtotry. com 321. getrefmails. com 322. getrichptc. com 323. getrichptr. com 324. get-umoney. com 325. ggmails. com 326. giga-mails. com 327. gkcash. com 328. globalPTR. com 329. globalworldmails. com 330. gobigptc. com 331. godbux. com 332. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 333. goldbizs. com 334. 335. golden-galaxy. com 336. goldenquarters. com 337. google-bux (googlenow. info) 338. gowellup. com 339. gpclub. net 340. grandptc. com 341. grapemails. com 342. green horse 343. gtsbux. com 344. halloweenptc. info 345. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 346. hatbux. com 347. hawkinsBux. com 348. helgabux. com 349. hellishdollars. com 350. herecomessantaclausptc. info 351. hiddenbux. com 352. hide4dz. biz 353. hiebux. com 354. highbashbonus. com 355. highbux. Biz 356. 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Ocean-Mails. com 472. Ochristmastreeptc. info 473. okayemail. com 474. Ok-usd. com 475. olebux. com 476. omnibux. com 477. OnABux. com 478. onedollaremail. com 479. Onedollarptc. com 480. OppoMails. com 481. ourpaidmail. com 482. Paid-Bux. info 483. PaidClicks. WS 484. paidemail. com 485. PaidForFree. com 486. Paidlink. info 487. Paidstation. com 488. paidsurveysonline. com 489. PaidToViewTube. com 490. Papillon-clicks. com 491. ParadiseClicks. com 492. Paradiseclicks. info 493. PayablePTR. com 494. PayDayPTC. com 495. Payee. me 496. PayingClub. com 497. Paying-mails. com 498. payingptr. com 499. paymentsbooklet. com 500. Payooclub. com 501. Paypay-mails. com 502. Pcash. info 503. Pearlmails. com 504. PegasusPTR. com 505. pennybux. com 506. perfectptr. com 507. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 508. PerformancePTC. com 509. Persianptc. com 510. phatbux. com 511. Phoenixcash. info 512. pink-mails. com 513. Planetmails. com 514. Pleasant-Mails. com 515. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 516. PogoMails. com 517. poketbux. com 518. Power4Bux. com 519. Power-mails. net 520. pretty-mail. com 521. Profitmorebux. com 522. Project-Bux. com 523. promails. org 524. ProperPTR. com 525. ProsperousBoom. com 526. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 527. ptc4profit. info 528. ptc4u. com 529. Ptcbiz. com 530. Ptcbonus. com 531. PTCBux. com 532. ptcevolution. me 533. PTCNinja. com 534. ptcpro. info 535. Ptcrush. com 536. PTCSense. com 537. Ptcshare. com 538. PTR-Business. com 539. ptr-trading. com 540. Pumpkin-Mails. com 541. QualityBux. com 542. QubeCash. com 543. Quickcashptc. com 544. RageBux. com 545. RaiBux. com 546. rainbow-mail. net 547. Rainpaid. com 548. Rainy-mails. com 549. Rapidobux. com 550. rcbux. com 551. Read2Money 552. readrevenue. com 553. RealCashPTC. com 554. RealDataEntry. net 555. RealMoneyCompany. com 556. Redclub-cash. com 557. refbackbank. com 558. ReoBux. com 559. Revbux. com 560. RevolutionBux 561. Richestmail. com 562. richestmails. net 563. Richptc. com 564. RichPTR. info 565. Richptr. net 566. RingMails. com 567. rolex-mails. com 568. rosebizs. com 569. rpbux. com 570. rushnsuccess. com 571. RustBux. com 572. SaladMails. com 573. Salary-mails. com 574. Salemails. com 575. SapphireBux. com 576. Saturn-mails. com 577. SchoolBusOfCash. com 578. Scopebux. com 579. ScvBux. com 580. seekbizs. com 581. ShareTheBux. com 582. ShortBux. com 583. Show-sales. com 584. silvanamails. net 585. sisibux. com 586. SmurfsPTR. com 587. SnapDollars. com 588. snbux. com 589. Snowy-mails. com 590. solomails. com 591. spedia. net 592. srsbux. com 593. StableBux. com 594. StablePTR. com 595. SteadyCashPTC. com 596. SteadyMails. com 597. StockBux. com 598. Stock-mails. com 599. StormOfTraffic. com 600. StreamEx. org 601. strongptr. com 602. sugar-mails. com 603. Sun-Cash. com 604. sunsbux. com 605. Superpaybyemail. com 606. Sureptr. com 607. surfjunky. com 608. Sweetdealsemail. net 609. SweetPTR. com 610. SweetsMails. com 611. swippis. com 612. Tea-Mails. com 613. teammails. com 614. tebux. com 615. tehnobux. com 616. Tendollarclick. com 617. Thanksgivingptc. info 618. Thebestptcintown. com 619. thumbbux. com 620. TickerBar. info 621. Timelessearn. com 622. Topcashmails. com 623. Touch-Mails. com 624. TrafficNowFire. com 625. Ts-Mails. com 626. TuePaid. com 627. TuiBux. com 628. Turquads. net 629. twinpods. com 630. Twodollarptc. com 631. ubizs. com 632. uddoo. com 633. UltraBux. com 634. Universe-Mails. com 635. UpBux. com 636. up-bux. com 637. USA-Bux. com 638. Usd-ad. com 639. Usdcenter. com 640. UtilBux. com 641. Valentine-ptr. com 642. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 643. Verbonix. com 644. vibrantvitalities. com 645. Victorptr. com 646. viewbux. com 647. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 648. Vision-Bux. com 649. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 650. vitaraptr. com 651. VuBux. com 652. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 653. WaveBux. com 654. WavuBux. com 655. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 656. Webcamcashmails. com 657. 658. westbux. com 659. Western-Mails. com 660. Windy-mails. com 661. Wishmails. com 662. wonbux. com 663. Wonderful-Mails. com 664. World-mails. com 665. WorldsPTR. com 666. Worldwide-mails. com 667. WorldWidePTC. com 668. Worldwideptr. com 669. worldwideptr. net 670. wowearnings. com 671. wow-mails. com 672. WuBux. com 673. xionbux. com 674. XrayEmails. com 675. YingYangBux. com 676. Yippeemails. com 677. YooBux. com 678. YouPTC. com 679. YourBestBux. com 680. YourMyBux. com 681. zaebux. com 682. zendbux. com 683. zionBux. com
684. 1024cm. cn - 欺骗点击和流量 685. 1fa. com. cn - 欺骗点击和流量 686. readbud. com - 太多人投诉没收到钱,他只支付给特定的人,不是全部人哦
2010-07-30 Update: 687. buxtax. com - 七月一号后就没给钱,论坛充满SPAM而且没有管理员,网站非常不稳定。

PTC Scam List
A A-n-cash. com AAA-mails. com Abovebux. com Aceptc. com Active-Clickers. com Activeclickers. com Actualbux. com Ad2bank. info Ad-fortune. com Adandel. com Adbux. org Adbuxter. com Adcash. lv Adcash. org Adfez. net Admadbux. com Admadmax. com Admonsta. com Adoost. com Adpalptc. com Adptc. info Ads-bux. net Ads-earn. com Ads. own. CZ Ads4cash. net Ads4sale. info Adsforsale. info Adsgain. com Adsneed. com Adspacedepot. com Adstab. com Adstobux. com Adstomail. com Adswing. info Adverbux. com Adversess. com Advertbux. com Advercash. net Advertunited. com Advintage. com Adybux. com Aembux. com Aerobux. com Afferinte. com Ageptr. com Ahacash. com Alabamaclicks. com Alabamaptc. info Alertbux. com Alertptc. com Alphabux. com AlibabaMails. com Allcashmail. com Alleybux. com Allstarsbux. com Allyousubmitters. com Almightybux. com Almiyachts. com Almondbux. com Alwayspay. com Amirbux. com American-mails. com Amigoemail. com Amubux. com Ancient-bux. ch Angelbux. com Annies-biz. com Apachemails. com Anotherrealm. info Apple-bizs. com Applemails. com Appleptc. info Appolomails. com Aquabux. com Arabbux. com Arabicbux. biz Arcane-mails. com Archbux. com Arclicks. com Arcticbux. com Argentinaptc. com. AR Argusbux. info Ariaptc. com Armybux. com Asonewishes. com Astrobux. com At-mails. com Athome-cash. com Atlantis. shiftcode. com Auction-emails. com Augbux. com Aurorabux. com Auto-bux. com Autopayouts. com Avengerbux. com Awsurveys. com Ayotraffic. info Azbux. com scamlist is property of: http://www. talkptc. com
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Langkah Ketiga : Setelah Target ke Point Blank lihat HP kamu jika 100 scan 100 dan jika 90 scan 90 tapi sebelum scan, ganti type 4 byte ke dalam Float.
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Langkah Kelima : Langkah terakhir, setelah scan ke2 kalinya kalian akan mendapatkan minimal 3 address(kalau aku ada banyak banget).klik address paling atas. Setelah itu centang address tersebut, lihatlah di bawah tulisan forzen kotaknya kecentang kan. terus klik kanan/klik dua kalipun boleh address tersebut change record-> value. ganti aja 2000 kalau kelebihan error nanti.
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1. Sumber dari http://ptc-investgations. blogspot. com/2009/04/scam-sites. html A site will go on this list if it is:
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Scam List (note: we do not have all sites up yet. We are working on them as we go) You need to click on the link to see more info about the site. This is not just a list. Hint: Use CTRL + F to help you look through this list.
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 2008mails. com 6. 100euro-mail. com 7. 200EuroMails. net 8. 247payouts. com 9. 400DollarsDaily. info 10. 10bux. net 11. 10centcashoutptc. com 12. 10dollar-mail. com 13. 10euro-mail. com 14. 50centMails. com 15. 1cent-mail. com 16. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 17. 1dollarptc. com 18. 5cash. info 19. 7heavenptc. com 20. A. W. Surveys 21. Adbux. org 22. Adflasher. net 23. Afferinte. com 24. Andreamails. com 25. Ads-Earn. com 26. Adventures4U. com 27. AeroBux. com 28. Aglocomails. com 29. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 30. ArClicks. com 31. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 32. At-Mails. com 33. Atbux (atbux. com) (closed) 34. Athome-cash. com 35. AutoEx. org 36. Autopayouts. com 37. B-u-x. net 38. Babalac. com 39. Bank-ptr. com 40. BankoMails. com 41. BadefeisPTC. info 42. BeachBux. net 43. Beachptc. com 44. BeanyBux. com 45. Bear-mails. com 46. BeaverBux. com 47. Best-Mails. com 48. BestBux (bestbux. info) 49. BestDollarClicks. com 50. BetaBux. com (closed) 51. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 52. Bigptc. tk 53. Billionaireptc. com 54. Birdmails. com 55. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 56. BoBoMails. com 57. Boffopaidmail. com 58. Boodaq. com 59. BoonBux. com 60. BpBux. com (closed) 61. BraveBux. com 62. BriteBux (britebux. com) 63. Business-PTR. com 64. Bux-gr. com 65. Bux-Service. com 66. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 67. buxforyou. com (closed) 68. Bux. gs 69. Bux. io 70. Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 71. Bux. to 72. 73. BuxCashy. com 74. BuxExtra. com 75. BuxFirst. com (closed) 76. BuxHunter. com (closed) 77. BuxNew. com 78. Buxokk. com (closed) 79. BuxPTR. com 80. BuxWiz. com 81. Camel-mails. com 82. Cash4clickingptc. com 83. Cash4Clicks. org 84. Cashfiesta. com 85. Cashflowmails. com 86. Cashnbux. com 87. Cashmails. biz 88. Cashmails. org 89. Cashmailz. com 90. Cashmedia. biz 91. Cashmoneyemail. com 92. Cashmybux. com 93. CashTreePTC. com 94. Casino-PTR. com 95. Charm-mail. com 96. Cherry-Mails. com 97. Chobitsmails. net 98. Clickforabuck. com 99. ClickMyBux. com 100. Clix. vc 101. Clix-P. com 102. ClixP. com 103. ClixnCash. com 104. Cloud-mails. com 105. CloudBux. com 106. Club4You. net 107. Cobebizs. com 108. CobyBux. com 109. Colph. com 110. Comfortableincome. net 111. Cooperativemail. com 112. CreativeMails. biz 113. CuteBux. com 114. Depacco. com 115. Diamond-bizs. com 116. Diamond-PTR. com 117. DingoBux 118. Disney-mails. com 119. Dreamails. com 120. E-MailPaysU. com 121. Eagle-Mails. com 122. Earn-USD. biz 123. EarnMyBux. com 124. Earthptr. com 125. EasyCashPTC. com 126. Elephant-Mails. com 127. ElitePTC. com 128. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 129. E-mailptr. com 130. Epaisa. pk 131. Esooe. com 132. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 133. Euro-Emails. com 134. EuroTradeMails. com 135. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 136. Exceedmargin. com 137. Exclusivemails. net 138. expert-mails. com 139. Expertmails. net 140. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) (closed) 141. Ezlaptop. com 142. Fast Money 24 ( 143. Fatmoneyptc. com 144. FillBux. com 145. FiloBux (filobux. com) 146. FinancialFreedomAds. com 147. FinePTC. com 148. Fire-Mails. com 149. Flamemails. com 150. FlashBux. com 151. Fly-field. com 152. Flybizs. com 153. Forex-cashbux. com 154. Foundmails. com 155. Freedom-mails. com 156. Fromhomedataentry. com 157. Future-PTR. com 158. Gainpay. org 159. GammaBux. com 160. Gardenoflinks. com 161. GeniusPTR. com 162. Get-UMoney. com 163. GetDailyPaid. com 164. GetRefMails. com 165. Getrichptr. com 166. Get-umoney. com 167. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :( 168. Gkcash. com 169. GlobalPTR. com 170. GodBux. com (closed) 171. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 172. Goldbizs. com 173. 174. GoldenQuarters. com 175. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 176. GrandPTC. com 177. Green Horse 178. GTSBux. com 179. Halloweenptc. info 180. HawkinsBux. com 181. 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ini semua asli kaloa anda tak percara cek di sumbernya dan comenlah di sana nanti Adminnya pasti kan menjawab. Lee mas.
Sebelum maen ninja saga kalian harus mengerti kelebihan dan kelemahan setiap element, di bawah adalah sedikit penjabaran untuk setiap element ninja saga.
*Untuk setiap status yang anda naikan berpengaruh terhadap Ninjutsu damage per element.
Dalam Ninja Saga ada 5 elemen ninjutsu :
Wind(Angin) = Meningkatkan 0.4% Dodge(penghindaran), Memberikan 1 Agility, dan meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Angin.
Fire(Api) = Meningkatkan 0.4% semua serangan(Damage), dan 0,4% chance untuk menambah damage 30% serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Api.
Thunder(Petir) = Meningkatkan 0,4% Critical(Kritikal) dan meningakatkan 0,8% damage kritikal, serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Petir.
Water(Air) = Meningkatkan 30 CP(Chakra Point), dan 0,4% chance untuk menghapus semua negative effect(stun) serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Air/ efek heal.
Earth(Tanah) = Meningkatkan 30 HP(Hit Point), dan 0,4% chance untuk mengurangi damage 30% serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Tanah.
Element Damage : Wind(Angin) = Low Damage, Fast Time Cooldown, Low Chakra Cost Fire(Api) = High Damage, Long Time Cooldown, Average Chakra Cost Thunder(Petir) = Average Damage, Average Time Cooldown, High Mana Cost Water(Air) = Low damage, Average Time Cooldown, Average Mana Cost Earth(Tanah) = Average Damage, Long Time Cooldown, Average Mana Cost
Selain Ninjutsu 5 element ada Taijutsu dan Genjutsu :
Taijutsu = Jurus yang menggunakan Serangan Fisik, untuk sekarang masih sedikit skill untuk Taijutsu Genjutsu = Jurus Ilusi, efek skillnya adalah untuk menghentikan langkah(turn) lawan. untuk sekarang juga masih sedikit skillnya.
Istilah dalam Ninja Saga saat battle: 1. Combustion = damageny + 30% 2. Combustion Fadded = Combustion Hilang 3. Purify = Menghilangkan Status Negatif 4. Reactive Force = Damage Return 30% 5. Critical = Total Damage 150 % 6. Evade = Serangan Gagal 7. Dodge = Serangan Dihindari
Di bawah ini ada beberapa info saya share untuk temen temen yang masih bingung, "kira kira jadinya apa gabungan skill saya?" nah silahkan dinikmati infonya. Info Element Gabungan
* Wood = Water + Earth * Ice = Water + Wind * Boil = Water + Fire * Storm = Water + Lightning * Swift = Wind + Lightning * Dust = Wind + Earth * Crystal = Earth + Lightning * Lava = Earth + Fire * Blaze = Lighting + Fire
*Hanya Ninja level Level 40 dan diatasnya yang akan memiliki garis keturunan jadi teruslah leveling.
* Sharingan (melihat jurus dan cooldown musuh) * Byakugan (melihat hp dan cp musuh) * Ranmaru dojutsu (kombinasi dari beberapa kemampuan sharingan dan byakugan) * Rinnengan * Insect User (Shino - Membakar Chakra) * Puppet User (Kankurou - Pengguna Boneka) * Bone User (Kimimaro - Keturunan Tulang Khusus) * Shadow Manipulation Technique (Shikamaru - Jurus Bayangan) * Muscular Augmentation (Chouji - Tubuh Membesar).
Isu Ninjutsu: * Amaterasu (Tembakan Api Hitam) * Soul chain (3 Turn Hp terus berkurang) * Fear From Hell (4 Turn Can't attack, Charge, and Use any skill) * Opening Gate (3 Hit, Effect buat badan 1 stun) * Protection (3 Turn Menaikan pertahanan skill ini memiliki defend lebih bagus daripada rigid)
Tipe Ninja Elemen Gabungan :
Wind + Earth = Imune Ninja, memiliki HP lebih dan Penghindaran, Dengan ini agan akan lebih kebal terhadap serangan.
Fire + Thunder = Destroyer, memiliki damage besar dan serangan kritikal, Mengkonsumsi CP lebih banyak dari Tipe lain, jadi CP bisa cepat habis.
Earth + Water = Supporter, memiliki HP dan CP lebih serta bisa Heal, Ninja paling ditakuti waktu pvp .
Water + Fire = Sage, memiliki damage dan CP besar serta bisa Heal. Jurusnya mengkonsumsi banyak CP, karena memiliki banyak CP. jadi Anda tidak usah kebingungan dengan CP.
Thunder + Wind = Runner, hanya mengandalkan keberuntungan saja, memiliki kelebihan chance(kemungkinan) melakukan serangan kritikal dan dodge(menghindar).
Thunder + Earth = Stunner, memiliki kritikal dan HP yang lebih, Stunner Type .
Fire + Earth = Berserker, memiliki damage dan HP yang besar, CP termasuk kecil karena membutuhkan banyak CP saat melakukan jurus berelemen Api.
Wind + Fire = Assaulter, memiliki chance menghindar lebih besar dan damage besar.
Wind + Water = Blaster, memiliki chance menghindar lebih besar dan CP besar, tidak akan pernah pusing dengan CP hehe .
Thunder + Water = Windshock, memiliki chance kritikal lebih besar dan CP besar, Ninja Support.
Pertama tama siapkan dahulu software VMWare 7.0 dan ISO windows XP(search aja di mbah google)))he..he..he..
langkah ke-1 : 1. Install VMWare sampai selesai 2. Menginstall Windows XP caranya : - buka VMware Workstation (shorcut ke VMware di desktop) - Pilih File > New > Virtual Machine [CTRL+N]
-kemudian ikuti wizard yang ada - untuk Guest operating system pilih Installer disc image file (ISO), kemudian pilih ISO windows XP anda - Untuk hardware VMWARE specnya sbb: -1 Processor -256 MB Ram [recommended] - installah windows XP seperti biasa sampai selesai 3. Setelah menginstall windows XP. installah Luna Online di VMWare anda. 4. Step 1 selesai
Note. untuk masalah koneksi, bagi yang hanya memiliki 1 koneksi saya sarankan menggunakan shared connection, jadi koneksi host atau komputer utama dengan virtual machine dipakai secara bersamaan.
langkah ke-2. Mengedit File 1. Pastikan VMware telah dimatikan dan di close. 2. Buka file di C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows XP xxx\Windows XP xxx. vmx di Windows Vista atau 7, atau C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows XP xxx\Windows XP xxx. vmx di Windows XP memakai Wordpad atau Notepad. 3. Setelah itu di bagian paling bawah dari file tersebut copy dan paste script berikut :
isolation. tools. getPtrLocation. disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools. setPtrLocation. disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools. setVersion. disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools. getVersion. disable = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_directexec = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_chksimd = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_ntreloc = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_selfmod = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_reloc = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_btinout = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_btmemspace = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_btpriv = "TRUE" monitor_control. disable_btseg = "TRUE"
4. Save file tersebut, apabila ada warning di OK saja. 5. buka kembali VMWare anda dan jalankan Luna Online ^^.
langkah ke-3. Duplicate? 1. Luna telah berjalan dengan baik? tapi kamu ngga puas cuma satu client aja? cara tergampang adalah. DUPLICATE!
caranya mudah sekali, klik windows XP yang sudah diedit dan dicoba menjalankan luna online dan berhasil,
Kemudian di bagian toolbar pilih VM > Clone.
Ikuti saja wizard tersebut dan Tadahhhh. semoga ajah komputernya kuat :D
langkah ke-4. Play ^^ Tambahan step: 1. Online luna online pada komputer utama kita. 2. Baru Online luna online pada komputer virtual anda Read more.
Mao tau caranya ga.
tapi kudu modal keberanian ama. kerelaan. wkkwkwkw
coz tar kalo di banned gw ga tanggung jawab ya. hwahwah
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Selamat Mencoba n Semoga Bermanfaat Read more.
Clan ninja saga sudah di buka kembali, di Season 2 ini ada beberapa aturan baru. Berikut ini adalah aturan barunya :
1. Jika semua anggota Clan tidak memiliki Stamina, apa yang akan terjadi?
Clan Anda akan didefinisikan tidak mempunyai Defender. Setiap clan yang menyerang akan langsung memperoleh Reputasi.
2. Jika menemukan hacker/NgeCheat dengan memanfaatkan Clan, apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Anda dapat melaporkan ke Saga Ninja melalui Support page. Laporan tersebut harus mencakup:
& # 8226; ID Clan dari Clan hacking • Rincian deskripsi perilaku hacking
3. Apakah ada batasan pada Clan lain untuk menyerang?
Clan yang memiliki kurang dari 300 Reputasi dapat menyerang hanya Clan yang memiliki kurang dari 300 Reputasi.
Clan yang lebih tinggi dari 300 Reputasi hanya dapat menyerang Clan yang memiliki lebih dari 300 Reputasi.
Itulah beberapa ATURAN BARU CLAN NINJA SAGA SEASON 2, semoga bermanfaat. Ayo buat Clan kalian agar tambah Kuat. Lee mas.
Setelah postingan pertama tentang Hunting House Ninja Saga, Maka sekarang ini saya akan memberikan lanjutannya.
Hunting House adalah fitur dimana anda bisa melawan setiap monster atau World Boss yang sangat kuat diluar sana, dengan Hunting Monster, anda akan mendapatkan reward sebuah batu bernama Magatama dan senjata, setiap Magatama mempunyai level berbeda tergantung Level dari setiap Monster. Setiap monster hanya dapat dilawan satu kali dalam satu hari. Effect stun (baik dari genjutsu ataupun ninjutsu earth) tidak akan berfungsi saat menghadapi monster-monster ini. Berikut hunting list yang tersedia di Hunting House :
GINKOTSU - Lv. 10 (C Grade Monster) ● Deskripsi Binatang yang mirip Serigala bernama Genkotsu hidup diantara Desa Angin dan Desa Api, mereka adalah pemburu yang hebat di hutan, mereka selalu menyerang petualang dan pelancong di tengah Hutan ● Reward Reward yang bisa didapatkan yaitu; - Magatama Level 1, atau Magatama Level 2 (x1) - Ginkotsu Saw (bila beruntung) - EXP 1491 dan gold 4000
SHIKIGAMI YANKI - Lv. 20 (C Grade Monster) ● Deskripsi Dibangkitkan Oleh Kojima, Kojima menugaskan Yanki untuk menjaga Laboratorium ketiga miliknya, Yanki takkan membiarkan seorangpun masuk kedalamnya ● Reward Reward yang bisa didapatkan yaitu; - Magatama Level 1/Level 2/Level 3 (x1) - YanKi Sickle - EXP 4078 dan gold 5000
TENGU - Lv 30 (B Grade Monster) ● Deskripsi Kojima menggunakan Kinjutsu untuk merubah mayat menjadi Zombi Tengu, kedua Tengu bisa menghidupkan kawannya dan menggunakan Jutsu yang dipelajarinya, hanya tuannya yang bisa mengendalikan mereka ● Reward Reward yang bisa didapatkan yaitu; - Magatama Level 1/Level 2/Level 3/Level 4 (x1) - Tengu Umbrella dan Tengu Spear - EXP 5556 dan Gold 6000
BYAKKO - Lv 40 (A Grade Monster) ● Deskripsi Byakko adalah monster yang kejam dan bengis, beberapa tahun lalu, seorang ninja pelarian menggunakan Kinjutsu untuk menggabungkan badannya dengan Monster Byakko untuk meraih kekuatan yang luar biasa, tapi sayang, dia gagal, Byakko pun mengambil alih badannya. & # 9679; Reward Reward Yang bisa didapatkan yaitu; - Magatama Level 1/Level 2/Level 3/Level 4/Level 5 (x1) - Byakko Sword - EXP 7035 dan Gold 7000 Read more.
Inilah beberapa info tentang MAGATAMA dan HUNTING HOUSE NINJA SAGA :
1. Dimana kita bisa bertempur melawan Boss? Kita bisa bertempur dengan cara masuk kedalam HUNTING HOUSE yang berada di Village.
2. Bagaimana Cara memulai pertempuran melawan Boss? Pilih salah satu Boss antara Level 10 sampai Level 40, setelah itu Klik attack. Klo bisa jangan sendirian karena Boss sangat kuat. Klik recruit sebelum mengklik attack untuk membawa teman.
3. Apa Keuntungan bertempur dengan Boss di Hunting House? Kita bisa dapet gold dan Xp. Selain itu Boss juga sering Drop/Menjatuhkan senjata langka, pakaian dan juga menjatuhkan Magatama.
4. Apa Itu MAGATAMA ? MAGATAMA adalah sesuatu yang bisa digunakan untuk mengUpgrade senjata kita
5. Apakah ada batasan Level untuk menyerang Boss? Tidak ada batasan sama sekali selagi anda masih mempunyai semangat. Walaupun anda level 1 anda masih tetap bisa menyerang Boss.
6. Apakah kita harus membayar untuk melawan Boss? Tidak perlu membayar apa-apa untuk melawan Boss, hanya dibutuhkan Kemauan dan Semangat.
7. Berapa Kali Maximal kita bisa melawan Boss? Kita hanya bisa melawan Boss sehari satu kali.
8. Jika kita kalah dalam pertemuran melawan Boss apakah kita bisa menyerangnya lagi? Ya, kita bisa menyerangnya terus sampai Boss itu kalah sekali dalam 1 hari.
9. Kenapa kita tidak dapat reward/hadiah? Hadiah datang saat kita lagi beruntung atau saat kebetulan saja. Lee mas.
Start Clan / Join Clan
1. Cara membuat Clan? Masuklah ke Clan District dan Anda dapat membuat Clan. Buatlah nama untuk Clan anda, dan klik [Create]. biaya membuat Clan. 400 Tokens
2. Apakah ada keterbatasan untuk membuat Clan? Tidak ada batas level. Baik gratis dan premium user dapat membuat Clan.
3. Apakah ada keterbatasan pada nama Clan? Ya, hanya boleh huruf (a-z) dan angka (0-9) tidak diperbolehkan. Setiap Clan harus memiliki nama yang unik dan menarik.
4. Bagaimana cara bergabung dengan Clan? Anda dapat bergabung dengan Clan dengan cara :
* Dapat undangan yang dikirim ke kotak surat (berwarna kuning terletak di bawah)dari Clan Master. * Minta undangan dari teman Anda (yang merupakan Clan Master) * Ikut Fans NINJA SAGA di FACEBOOK. Contoh: Ninja Saga Indonesia * Cari sebuah Clan dari Peringkat Halaman & meminta undangan dari Clan Master
5. Apakah ada keterbatasan untuk bergabung dengan Clan? Tidak ada batas level. Baik gratis dan premium user dapat bergabung dengan Clan. Tetapi Banyak Para Ketua Clan mencari User yang levelnya sudah tinggi, level 32 ke atas.
6. Bagaimana mengelola Clan? Anda dapat mengatur dalam Clan di Clan Hall.
7. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Anda dapat:
* Undang anggota Clan * Hapus anggota Clan * Posting pengumuman * Upgrade bangunan Clan (menggunakan Gold) * Menghapus Clan Anda
8. Bagaimana saya dapat mengundang anggota baru? Anda dapat mengundang anggota baru di Clan Hall:
* Ajak teman-teman NINJA SAGA anda (yang juga teman-teman Facebook anda) dari daftar teman * Ajak non-Facebook Saga Ninja pemain dengan karakter mereka meminta ID
9. Apa yang di maksud dengan ID di profil saya? Itu adalah suatu karakter ID anda. Clan Masters membutuhkan ID untuk pencarian Anda dan mengundang Anda dalam suatu Clan.
10. Bagaimana mendapatkan anggota slot agar lebih banyak? Setiap Clan diberikan slot 20 anggota di awal. Ketua Clan dapat membayar Tokens untuk membuka slot.
11. Di mana saya dapat memberikan posting pengumuman? Klik ke tab Pengumuman di Clan Hall, ketik pengumumannya dan klik [Save].
12. Bagaimana membaca pengumuman? Anggota Clan dapat membaca pengumuman di tab Pengumuman Clan Hall.
13. Apakah fungsi dari donasi Gold? Setiap Clan memiliki dana sendiri. Semua anggota Clan termasuk Ketua Clan dapat menyumbangkan emas ke dalam Clan. Tetapi Hanya Clan Master(Ketua) yang dapat mengelola dana. Dana dapat digunakan untuk membangun dan meng-upgrade Clan bangunan.
14. Siapa saja yang bisa dapat memperoleh Gold dari Clan? Tak seorang pun mendapatkan Emas yang telah disumbangkan.
15. Apakah fungsi dari Ramen, Hot Spring, Temple dan Training Hall? Ramen. Meningkatkan Stamina restorasi per Tick (Max level: 3) Hot Spring: Meningkatkan 'max. HP semua anggota Clan saat Battle (Max level: 3) Temple: Meningkatkan 'max. CP semua anggota Clan saat Battle (Max level: 3) Training Hall: Tingkatkan semua anggota Clan 'serangan kerusakan dalam pertempuran Clan (Max level: 3) Clan Master dapat membangun dan meningkatkan bangunan di Clan District. Pilih bangunan yang Anda ingin upgrade, dan sebuah kotak akan muncul dengan deskripsi bangunan.
16. Bagaimana menghapus anggota Clan? Hanya Clan Master yang dapat menghapus anggota Klan. Caranya Cari Daftar anggota di Clan Hall. Pilih anggota yang ingin Anda hapus dan klik [Remove Member]. 17. Bagaimana keluar dari sebuah Clan? Hanya anggota Clan yang dapat keluar dari sebuah Clan. Pergilah ke Clan Hall dan klik [Quit Clan].
18. Bisakah saya mendapatkan kembali Emas yang disumbangkan jika sudah keluar dari Clan? Tidak, Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan Emas yang telah disumbangkan.
19. Apakah Reputation itu? Reputasi adalah untuk menentukan peringkat Clan Anda.
20. Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Reputation? Clan harus memenangkan Battle. Setiap kemenangan akan meningkatkan Reputation Clan.
21. Apakah ada hukuman jika saya kalah dalam battle? Tidak, tidak ada hukuman.
22. Reputation Clan saya menjadi kurang dan kurang! Kenapa ya? Reputation akan di curi oleh Clan yang menyerang kita.
23. Untuk Apakah Stamina itu? Stamina adalah energi Anda. Stamina digunakan untuk melakukan Clan battle. Setiap serangan atau pertahanan dalam pertempuran Clan memerlukan 10 Stamina. Ketika Stamina Anda adalah 0, Anda tidak dapat menyerang Clan lain atau membela serangan dari Clan lain. 30 Stamina dikembalikan setiap 30 menit.
24. Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Stamina? 30 Stamina di butuhkan waktu setiap 30 menit. Clan Master dapat membuat bangunan ramen dan meng-upgrade gedung tersebut untuk meningkatkan Stamina agar lebih cepat pulih/penuh.
31. Bagaimana memulai sebuah Clan Battle? Masuk ke Clan Battle yang berada di District Clan. Pilih lawan Clan. Rekrut anggota (1 - 2). Tekan [Fight] untuk memulai pertempuran.
32. Apakah Manual Battle itu? Manual Battle adalah bentuk pertempuran di mana Anda dapat mengontrol karakter untuk menyerang musuh-musuhnya. Lebih menyenangkan dalam pertempuran manual.
33. Apakah Quick Battle itu? Quick Battle adalah bentuk pertempuran di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan hasil pertempuran dengan cepat. Hasil pertempuran dihitung oleh sistem.
34. Bagaimana saya dapat menahan serangan dari Clan lain? Anda tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa. Ketika seseorang dari Clan lain menyerang Clan Anda, sistem akan secara otomatis memilih 1-3 Clan anggota yang Stamina nya penuh akan melawan Clan musuh untuk menahan serangan.
35. Mengapa kadang-kadang bisa mendapatkan banyak Reputation sementara kadang-kadang hanya sedikit? Reputation yang Anda dapat memperoleh dari kemenangan tergantung pada Reputasi Clan Lawan. Jika lawan mempunyai lebih tinggi Clan Reputasi, Clan Anda dapat memperoleh lebih, dan sebaliknya. Jadi, jika Anda menyerang Clan dengan 0 Reputation, walaupun Anda memenangk Clan battle, Anda bisa tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.
36. Di mana saya dapat melihat rincian pertempuran Clan saya? Anda dapat memeriksa catatan pertempuran di halaman Riwayat di Clan Hall. Lee mas.

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Hay que notar que aquí se encuentran Gagabux y Bux. to . sitios que sí pagan pero escogen cuándo y a quienes pagar (y qué decir de los retrasos de los pagos). También se encuentra en esta lista NeoPTC . una página que está pagando puntualmente, pero se ha comprobado que es del mismo admin de AdPTC . un sitio SCAM. Muchos estafadores abren una PTC pagando puntualmente en un principio para ganarse la confianza de las personas, haciendo que muchos inviertan en membresias o referidos. Cuando ha conseguido suficiente dinero, el admin simplemente desaparece con todo. Es por eso que este tipo de sitios se encuentran en esta lista*. Para encontrar un sitio rápidamente podemos buscar presionando Ctrl + F.

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আপনার জানা মতে কোনো স্কাম সাইট যদি এই লিষ্ট থেকে বাদ পরে তাহলে কমেন্টে বলুন আমি এড করে দেবো । ধন্যবাদ !
এলার্টপে একাউন্ট থেকে ৪টি ভিন্ন ভিন্ন উপায়ে টাকা আনা যায়। পদ্ধতিগুলো হল – চেক, ক্রেডিট কার্ড, ব্যাংক ট্রান্সফার এবং ব্যাংক ওয়্যার ।
১) চেক: এই পদ্ধতিতে একটি চিঠির মাধ্যমে চেক পাঠানো হয়। চেকের জন্য এলার্টপে-কে ৪ ডলার ফি দিতে হয় এবং একাউন্টে সর্বনিম্ন ২০ ডলার হলে চেকের জন্য আবেদন করা যায়। আবেদন করার ২ দিনের মধ্যে একটি চেক আপনার ঠিকানায় পাঠানো হবে, যা হাতে পেতে ২ থেকে ৩সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত সময় লেগে যেতে পারে। চেকটি ডলারে পাঠানো হয় তাই যেসব ব্যাংক ডলারে চেক গ্রহণ করে সেখানে এটি জমা দিতে হবে। সরকারী ব্যাংকের মাধ্যমে চেক থেকে টাকা তুলতে অল্প একটা ফি দিতে হয়, তবে সময়বেশি নিবে। আর বেসরকারী ব্যাংকে তুলনা মূলকভাবে বেশি ফি দিতে হবে কিন্তু সময় অনেক কম লাগবে। যাদের ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট কিংবা ক্রেডিট কার্ড নেই তাদের জন্য এটি খুব দরকারি, সময় একটু বেশি লাগলেও ঝামেলা কম। প্রথম প্রথম যখন আপনার আয় কম থাকবে তখন এই পদ্ধতি ইউজ করতে পারেন। পরে আয় বাড়লে মাস্টার কার্ড নিয়ে নিতে পারেন। তবে সাবধান, আপনার এলার্ট পে অ্যাকাউন্টে আপনার ঠিকানা সঠিক ভাবে দিবেন এবং ” চেক” পাঠানোর আগে ঠিকানা ভালো ভাবে চেক করে দিবেন।
২) ক্রেডিট কার্ড: যাদের ভিসা বা মাস্টারকার্ড রয়েছে তারা এই পদ্ধতিতে খুবসহজেই টাকা আনতে পারবেন। এলার্টপে সাইটে ক্রেডিট কার্ডের কথা বলা হলেও এটি ডেবিট কার্ডও সাপোর্ট করে। এজন্য প্রথমে এলার্টপে সাইটে কার্ডটি যোগ করতে হবে। কার্ডটি যাচাই করার জন্য এলার্টপে আপনার কার্ড থেকে ১ থেকে ২ ডলারের মধ্যে একটি অর্থ এলার্টপে একাউন্টে নিয়ে আসবে। এরপর কত ডলার লেনদেন হয়েছে এবং সেই পরিমাণটি এলার্টপে সাইটে এসে একটি টেক্সটবক্সে প্রবেশ করাতে হবে। সঠিকভাবে ডলারের পরিমাণটি বলতে পারলে আপনার কার্ডটি অর্থ লেনদেনের জন্য উপযোগী হবে। লক্ষ্যণীয় যে, আপনার এলার্টপে একাউন্টে অর্থ লেনদেনের মূল মূদ্রা হিসেবে ইউরো থাকলে কার্ড যাচাইয়ের পূর্বেই ডলারে পরিবর্তন নিতে হবে। অন্যথায় সঠিকভাবে কার্ডটি যাচাই হবেনা। এলার্টপে থেকে কার্ডে প্রতিবার লেনদেনে ৫ ডলার ফি দিতে হয় এবং সর্বনিম্ন ১০ ডলার উঠানো যায়, যা ৩ থেকে ৪ দিনের মধ্যে কার্ডে সরাসরি চলে আসে। এরপর নিকটস্থ ATM (যেগুলো মার্সারকার্ড সাপোর্ট করে – যেমন DBBL, Standard Chartered Bank) থেকে যে কোন সময় টাকা তোলা যায়।
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৪) ব্যাংক ওয়্যার: যাদের কোন ভিসা বা মাস্টারকার্ড নেই তারা এই পদ্ধতিতে দেশের ব্যাংকে সরাসরি টাকা আনতে পারবেন। এটি সাইটের সবচেয়ে ব্যয়বহুল পদ্ধতি। এক্ষেত্রে খরচ পড়বে ১৫ ডলার এবং সর্বনিম্ন ৪০ ডলার হলে এই পদ্ধতিতে টাকা উঠানো যাবে। ব্যাংক ওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে আপনার ব্যাংক একাউন্টে টাকা আসতে প্রায় এক সপ্তাহের মত সময় লাগবে। ব্যাংক ওয়্যারের জন্য প্রথমে সাইটে আপনার ব্যাংকএকাউন্টের নাম্বার, ব্যাংক কোড, ব্রাঞ্চ কোড এবং SWIFT CODE যোগ করতে হবে, যা আপনার ব্যাংকে যোগাযোগ করে তথ্যগুলো সংগ্রহ করতেপারেন। এখন দেখুন কিভাবে এলার্টপে একাউন্টে আপনারব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট যোগ করবেন। ১. এলার্টপে একাউন্ট এ লগিন করে Overview ক্লিক করুন, তারপর “Add a bank account” ক্লিক করুন ২. তারপর সঠিক ফিল্ডে আপনার ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টের প্রয়োজনীয় ইনফর্মেশন গুলোফিল আপ করে এলার্টপে একাউন্ট এ আপনার ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট টি Add করুন।
এই অ্যালার্ট পে অ্যাকাউন্ট আপনার অনলাইন ব্যাংক হিসাবে কাজ করবে এবং নেটে আয়ের সাইট গুলো আপনাকে আপনার অ্যালার্ট পে অ্যাকাউন্ট এ পেমেন্ট করবে, তারপর আপনি সেইপেমেন্ট আপনার ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টে বা চেকেঅথবা Visa বা Master ক্রেডিট/ডেবিট কার্ডে কিছু চার্জের বিনিময়ে টাকা তুলতে পারবেন।
আশা করি এখন আপনি সহজেই নেটের টাকা নিজের পকেটে নিয়ে আসতে পারবেন। ধন্যবাদ ।
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Tidak semua situs PTC aman, beberapa ada yang berupa scam atau maling, jadi anda juga harus berhati-hati dalam memilih situs PTC, berikut adalah daftar PTC yang terpercaya dan terbukti membayar.
PTC Lokal Terpercaya :
Payout minimal Rp.20.000,-
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Payout minimal Rp.10.000,-
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Poti fi platit sa dai click pe reclame, nu te vei imbogati peste noapte din aceasta activitate dar daca perseverezi si te tii de asta iti poti rotunji veniturile, exista situri unde nu este obligatoriu sa investesti ceva bani initial, iti prezint cele mai sigure situri ptc unde nu este necesar sa investesti bani si care platesc instant, Neobux si Onbux. Bineinteles ca daca ai posibilitatea sa investesti o suma mica castigurile cresc si ele direct proportional cu suma investita.
0.01$ / pentru fiecare click al tau
0.005$ / pentru fiecare click facut de un referal al tau
2$ / suma minima de retragere (plata se face instant)
4+ / minum 4 reclame de vizualizat zilnic
50 / referali maxim pentru contul gratis
plata de face prin PayPal si AlerPay
toate datele de mai sus sunt valabile pentru contul STANDARD unde NU trebuie sa investesti nici un ban, ai posibilitati de a castiga mai mult daca faci upgrade la cont (adica daca investesti o suma de bani)
castigul zilnic posibil doar din clickurile tale pentru contul standard (gratis) :
4(reclame minim) x 0.01$(pt fiecare click) = 0.04$ pe zi /
deasemenea daca mai ai si 50 referali mai se adauga inca 0.25$ pe zi
astfel se poate ajunge la un castig lunar de 8.7$ fara sa investesti nimic in afara de maxim 2 minute necesare pentru a vizualiza cele 4 reclame
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10+ / minum 10 reclame de vizualizat zilnic
10 / referali maxim pentru contul gratis
plata de face prin PayPal si AlerPay
toate datele de mai sus sunt valabile pentru contul STANDARD unde trebuie sa investesti o singura data suma de 6 dolari pentru a putea retrage banii rezultati din click-uri, ai posibilitati de a castiga mai mult daca faci upgrade la cont
castigul zilnic posibil doar din clickurile tale pentru contul standard (gratis) :
10(reclame minim) x 0.01$(pt fiecare click) = 0.10$ pe zi /
deasemenea daca mai ai si 10 referali mai se adauga inca 0.25$ pe zi
astfel se poate ajunge la un castig lunar de 10.5$, nu sunt necesare mai mult de 5 minute pe zi pentru a vizualiza cele 10 reclame zilc (vizualizarea reclamei dureaza 30 secunde)
pentru a te inscrie gratuit click aici
0.01$ / pentru fiecare click al tau
0.0025$ / pentru fiecare click facut de un referal al tau
4$ / suma minima de retragere (plata se face instant)
10+ / minum 10 reclame de vizualizat zilnic
10 / referali maxim pentru contul gratis
plata de face prin PayPal si AlerPay
toate datele de mai sus sunt valabile pentru contul STANDARD unde trebuie sa investesti o singura data suma de 6 dolari pentru a putea retrage banii rezultati din click-uri, ai posibilitati de a castiga mai mult daca faci upgrade la cont
castigul zilnic posibil doar din clickurile tale pentru contul standard (gratis) :
10(reclame minim) x 0.01$(pt fiecare click) = 0.10$ pe zi /
deasemenea daca mai ai si 10 referali mai se adauga inca 0.25$ pe zi
astfel se poate ajunge la un castig lunar de 10.5$, nu sunt necesare mai mult de 5 minute pe zi pentru a vizualiza cele 10 reclame zilc (vizualizarea reclamei dureaza 30 secunde)
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paginas que no pagan por internet
Asi es, paginas que despues de lograr el minimo de cientos o miles de clicks para cobrar tu comision en verdad no pagan ni te dan las gracias. NO PIERDAN SU TIEMPO, son poquisimas las paginas que si pagan, aqui les dejo las que ya esta comprobado que son fraude.
Que es una PTC SCAM?
Es aquella página que te ofrece pagarte por ver publicidad, pero cuando llegas al monto mínimo para cobrar se hacen los locos, te hacen esperar demasiado y al final se agarran tu dinero. Es sitio web fraudulento que pretende estafar económicamente por medio del engaño.
Cuales son pagínas SCAM?
HAsta hoy hago una lista de las PTC SCAM, muchas ya cerraron. Se ha comprobado que estas paginas no pagan, asi que no desperdicien tiempo y esfuerzo en ellas. Si has descubierto alguna nueva, coméntala. A no caer en estas trampas, en orden alfabetico estas son:
Ultimas Páginas SCAM
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 2008mails. com 6. 100euro-mail. com 7. 200EuroMails. net 8. 247payouts. com 9. 400DollarsDaily. info 10. *** 11. 10centcashoutptc. com 12. 10dollar-mail. com 13. 10euro-mail. com 14. 50centMails. com 15. 77bux. com 16. 1cent-mail. com 17. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 18. 1dollarptc. com 19. 2bux. net 20. 5cash. info 21. 4realptc. info 22. 7heavenptc. com 23. A. W. Surveys 24. A-n-cash. com 25. *** 26. Adflasher. net 27. Afferinte. com 28. Andreamails. com 29. Ads-Earn. com 30. Adventures4U. com 31. AeroBux. com 32. Aglocomails. com 33. All-CashMails. com 34. AngelBux (***) 35. ArClicks. com 36. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 37. AstroBux. com 38. At-Mails. com 39. Atbux (atbux. com) (closed) 40. Athome-cash. com 41. AutoEx. org 42. Autopayouts. com 43. B-u-x. net 44. Babalac. com 45. Bank-ptr. com 46. BankoMails. com 47. BadefeisPTC. info 48. BeachBux. net 49. Beachptc. com 50. BeanyBux. com 51. Bear-mails. com 52. BeaverBux. com 53. Best-Mails. com 54. BestBux (bestbux. info) 55. BestDollarClicks. com 56. Bestnewbuxto. info 57. BetaBux. com (closed) 58. Bigmoneycenter. com 59. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 60. Bigptc. tk 61. Billionaireptc. com 62. Birdmails. com 63. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 64. Blue-Mails. com 65. BoBoMails. com 66. Boffopaidmail. com 67. Boodaq. com 68. BoonBux. com 69. BpBux. com (closed) 70. BraveBux. com 71. BriteBux (britebux. com) 72. Business-PTR. com 73. Bux-gr. com 74. Bux-Service. com 75. 76. Buxanna. com 77. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 78. BuxForex. com 79. Buxforyou. com (closed) 80. Bux. gs 81. Bux. io 82. Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 83. *** 84. Bux-7ven. com 85. *** 86. BuxCashy. com 87. BuxChristmas. com 88. BuxExtra. com 89. BuxFirst. com 90. BuxHunter. com 91. BuxInc. com 92. BuxMarley. com 93. BuxNew. com 94. BuxOffice. net 95. Buxokk. com 96. BuxPTR. com 97. BuxWin. com 98. BuxWiz. com 99. Buxxl. com 100. Camel-mails. com 101. Cash4clickingptc. com 102. Cash4Clicks. org 103. Cashfiesta. com 104. Cashflowmails. com 105. CashKidding. com 106. Cashnbux. com 107. Cashmails. biz 108. Cashmails. org 109. Cashmailz. com 110. Cashmedia. biz 111. Cashmoneyemail. com 112. Cashmybux. com 113. CashTreePTC. com 114. Casino-PTR. com 115. Charm-mail. com 116. Cherry-Mails. com 117. Chinawelcomeptc. info 118. Chobitsmails. net 119. Clickforabuck. com 120. ClickMyBux. com 121. Clix. vc 122. Clix-P. com 123. ClixP. com 124. ClixnCash. com 125. Cloud-mails. com 126. Cloudy-mails. com 127. CloudBux. com 128. Club4You. net 129. Cobebizs. com 130. CobyBux. com 131. Colph. com 132. Comfortableincome. net 133. Cooperativemail. com 134. CreativeMails. biz 135. CuteBux. com 136. Depacco. com 137. Diamond-bizs. com 138. Diamond-PTR. com 139. DingoBux 140. Discoclicks. com 141. Disney-mails. com 142. Dog-mails. com 143. Dreamails. com 144. Dutzzubux. com 145. Dw-mails. com 146. E-MailPaysU. com 147. Eagle-Mails. com 148. Earn-USD. biz 149. EarnMyBux. com 150. Earthptr. com 151. EasyCashPTC. com 152. Elephant-Mails. com 153. ElitePTC. com 154. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 155. E-mailptr. com 156. EnBux. com 157. Epaisa. pk 158. Esooe. com 159. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 160. Euro-Emails. com 161. EuroTradeMails. com 162. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 163. Exceedmargin. com 164. Exclusivemails. net 165. expert-mails. com 166. Expertmails. net 167. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) (closed) 168. Ezlaptop. com 169. FastCarPTC. com 170. Fast Money 24 ( 171. Fatmoneyptc. com 172. FillBux. com 173. FiloBux (filobux. com) 174. FinanceBux. com 175. FinancialFreedomAds. com 176. FinePTC. com 177. Fire-Mails. com 178. Flamemails. com 179. FlashBux. com 180. Fly-field. com 181. Flybizs. com 182. Foggy-mails. com 183. ForeverPTC. com 184. Forex-cashbux. com 185. Foundmails. com 186. Freedom-mails. com 187. Fromhomedataentry. com 188. Fullmoneybux. com 189. Future-PTR. com 190. Gainpay. org 191. GammaBux. com 192. Gardenoflinks. com 193. Generalbucks. com 194. GeniusPTR. com 195. Get-UMoney. com 196. GetDailyPaid. com 197. GetPaidIndustry. com 198. GetRefMails. com 199. GetRichPTC. com 200. Getrichptr. com 201. Get-umoney. com 202. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one 203. Gkcash. com 204. GlobalPTR. com 205. GodBux. com (closed) 206. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 207. Goldbizs. com 208. 209. Golden-Galaxy. com 210. GoldenQuarters. com 211. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 212. GrandPTC. com 213. Green Horse 214. GTSBux. com 215. Halloweenptc. info 216. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 217. HawkinsBux. com 218. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 219. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 220. HiddenBux. com 221. Hide4dz. biz 222. HighBux. Biz 223. HighCashBonus. com 224. HitzMagic 225. Honestclicks. info 226. HooBux. com 227. Hugeptc. com 228. Hulk-mails. com 229. HyBux. com 230. Ibux. eu 231. IcePaid. com 232. Incomeptr. com 233. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) (closed) 234. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 235. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 236. InstantlyPTC. com 237. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 238. InterAdMedia. com 239. Ippomails. net 240. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 241. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 242. IzyBux. com 243. Jackmails. com 244. Jaysu. com - (closed), went down before we could review it 245. JesusBux. com 246. Jobptc. com 247. JokerBux (closed) 248. JustBux. com 249. KazarianGPT. com 250. Key-Mails. com 251. Kinderbux. com 252. King-mails. com 253. Lawyer-mails. com 254. Leadmails. com 255. Legend-mails. com 256. LenkaClix. com 257. 258. LevinClix. com 259. Link2Communion. com 260. LiveBux. com 261. LolliPopMails. com 262. Loving-Mail. com 263. Luckydollar. biz 264. MagicalMails. com 265. mailsmoney. net 266. Main-Bux. com 267. MakeMyBux. com 268. MassivePTR. com 269. MaystroMails. net 270. Mecbux. com 271. MegaBuxx. com 272. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 273. Mic-Promotion. com 274. MillionaireBux. com 275. MixBux. com 276. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 277. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 278. Moneyems. com 279. Moneytrainptc. com 280. Moonpaid. com 281. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 282. Mygoldbux. com 283. MyMoneyBux. com 284. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 285. NacBux. com 286. NeatBux. com 287. NeoPays. com 288. NewBuxIndia. com 289. Next-neo. com 290. NippyClicks. com 291. NoMinCashout. com 292. NoMinimumBux. com 293. Ocean-Mails. com 294. Ochristmastreeptc. info 295. Ok-usd. com 296. OnABux. com 297. Onedollarptc. com 298. OppoMails. com 299. Paid-Bux. info 300. PaidClicks. WS 301. PaidForFree. com 302. Paidlink. info 303. Paidstation. com 304. Papillon-clicks. com 305. ParadiseClicks. com 306. Paradiseclicks. info 307. PayDayPTC. com 308. Payee. me 309. PayingClub. com 310. PayingPTR. com 311. Payooclub. com 312. Paypay-mails. com 313. Pcash. info 314. PegasusPTR. com 315. PerfectPTR. com 316. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 317. PerformancePTC. com 318. Phoenixcash. info 319. Planetmails. com 320. Pleasant-Mails. com 321. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 322. PogoMails. com 323. Power-mails. net 324. Power4Bux. com 325. Profitmorebux. com 326. Project-Bux. com 327. ProMails. org 328. ProperPTR. com 329. ProsperousBoom. com 330. Ptcbiz. com 331. Ptcbonus. com 332. PTCNinja. com 333. Ptcrush. com 334. PTCSense. com 335. Ptcshare. com 336. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 337. PTR-Business. com 338. Pumpkin-Mails. com 339. QualityBux. com 340. Quickcashptc. com 341. QubeCash. com 342. RaiBux. com 343. Rainpaid. com 344. Rainy-mails. com 345. Rapidobux. com (closed) 346. Read2Money 347. RealDataEntry. net 348. RealMoneyCompany. com 349. RealCashPTC. com 350. Redclub-cash. com 351. ReoBux. com 352. RevolutionBux 353. Richestmail. com 354. Richestmails. net 355. Richptc. com 356. RichPTR. info 357. Richptr. net 358. RingMails. com 359. Rolex-mails. com 360. RustBux. com 361. SaladMails. com 362. Salary-mails. com 363. Salemails. com 364. SapphireBux. com 365. Saturn-mails. com 366. Scopebux. com 367. ShareTheBux. com 368. ShortBux. com 369. Show-sales. com 370. SmurfsPTR. com 371. Snowy-mails. com 372. StableBux. com (closed) 373. StablePTR. com 374. SteadyMails. com 375. Stock-mails. com 376. StockBux. com 377. StormOfTraffic. com 378. Superpaybyemail. com 379. SurfJunky. com 380. Sweetdealsemail. net 381. SweetPTR. com 382. SweetsMails. com 383. Tea-Mails. com 384. Tendollarclick. com 385. Thanksgivingptc. info 386. Thebestptcintown. com 387. TickerBar. info 388. Timelessearn. com 389. Touch-Mails. com 390. TrafficNowFire. com 391. Ts-Mails. com 392. TuePaid. com 393. TuiBux. com (closed) 394. Turquads. net 395. Twodollarptc. com 396. UltraBux. com 397. Universe-Mails. com 398. USA-Bux. com 399. Usd-ad. com 400. Usdcenter. com 401. UtilBux. com 402. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 403. Vibrantvitalities. com 404. Victorptr. com 405. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 406. Vision-Bux. com 407. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 408. Vitaraptr. com 409. VuBux. com 410. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 411. WaveBux. com 412. WavuBux. com 413. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 414. Webcamcashmails. com 415. 416. Western-Mails. com 417. WishingWellPTC. info 418. Wishmails. com 419. Wonderful-Mails. com 420. World-mails. com 421. WorldsPTR. com 422. Worldwide-mails. com 423. WorldWidePTC. com 424. WuBux. com 425. XeonBux. com 426. Yippeemails. com 427. YooBux. com 428. YourBestBux. com 429. YourMyBux. com
Fuente: El contenido del post es de mi autoría, y/o, es un recopilación de distintas fuentes.

الربح المضمون
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نبذه عن الشركات الربحية الغير صادقة. نقصد بالشركات الربحية النصابة ( Scams ) الشركات التي لا تدفع لأعضائها وبالتالي فان تعاملك معها سيكون مضيعة للوقت ، هناك عدة شركات ربحية نصابة يرجى توخي الحذر منهاو لمعرفة طريقة اختيار الشركات الربحية الصادقة اتبع التعليمات الآتية : *اذا كانت الشركة لا تحتوي على منتدى فلا أنصحك بالاشتراك بها ، أما ان كانت تحتوي على منتدى فبالتالي يمكنك التحقق من مصداقيتها بحيث تجد اثباتات دفع الاعضاء في منتدى الشركة .
* اذا كانت شركة بمميزات خيالية كـ : 1 دولار مقابل الضغطة أو اكثر. الخ فهذا مستحيل احذر فهو نصباوعدد كبير من الاعلانات يتعدى 20 اعلان.
*هناك شركات حتى و ان وضعت صور اثباتات دفع في موقعها ، ما هي الا صور مزورة تستعملها لاغراء الناس فاحذرها.
* اذا كانت شركة جعلت الحد الأدنى للدفع كبير فلا أنصح بالاشتراك بها .
* اذا كان سكريبت و تصميم الموقع افتراضي البوكس هوست فهو يثير الشكوك بل أنها ليست شركة جادة و بالتالي لا انصح بالاشتراك بها .
*اذا كانت شركات تستعمل اسم نطاق مجاني أو استضافة مجانية و بالتالي كيف تدفعلك و هي لا تستطيع تحمل تكاليف الموقع .
هناك بعض الشركات تبدأ بالدفع لاعضائها وبعد فترة لاتدفعكيف تعرف ان الشركة هتنصب قريبا: ظهور الكثير من الشكاوي من الأعضاء في تأخر الدفع
الأدمن مهمل للموقع ولا يرد على اي استفسار أو شكوى الشركة جميع إعلاناتها لنفسها منذ فترة طويلة رغم أنها دفعت مبالغ كبيرة.
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Active Scam Sites
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Old Scam Sites - Archived From Old Blog
(no links yet) however they are SCAMS. If you have a question as to why they are scams, leave a comment at the end of this list and we will find the old review and upload it for you.
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OLD REVIEW UP 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com OLD REVIEW UP 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com REMOVED - NOW A BLOG 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com OLD REVIEW UP 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) OLD REVIEW UP 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com - BuxHost from 2009 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com OLD REVIEW UP 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info OLD REVIEW UP 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com
OLD REVIEW UP 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com
OLD REVIEW UP 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com
NO LONGER REVIEWABLE 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com
OLD REVIEW UP 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com

el mundo es nuestro si keremos!
Ganar dinero en internet sí es posible mediante inversiones forex . Benefíciese de todos los fondos de inversión más rentables de internet. Ahora, usted puede ganar dinero en internet realizando inversiones económicas adaptadas a su capacidad de inversión a través de fondos de inversión online que invierten por usted en mercados Altamente Rentables (se puede obtener como mínimo entre el 4% y el 35% de interés Mensual de su inversión) como el mercado forex, entre otros. Además, no necesita saber nada sobre inversiones para ganar dinero con este tipo de fondos de inversión online.
En esta web exponemos aquellos fondos de inversión online que son altamente rentables, confiables y actuales para ganar dinero en internet sin necesidad de tener experiencia previa sobre inversiones para poder beneficiarse de ellos . Usted encontrará en el Menú principal de esta web las diferentes opciones de inversión que existen para ganar dinero en internet.
En el menú principal tiene la opción de ganar dinero invirtiendo en el mercado forex dirigiéndose a la opción del menú " Inversiones Forex ", que requerirá de que usted haga una inversión hecha a su medida en este tipo de fondos de inversión con los que ganará sumas de dinero muy importantes fruto de elevados intereses obtenidos en el mercado forex sin necesidad de que sepa usted como operar en dicho mercado.
Luego tiene la opción de ganar dinero con " Inversiones Rentables " para personas que desean recibir una Alta Rentabilidad por sus inversiones en diferentes fondos de inversión que no sólo se circunscriben al mercado forex. Invertir en estos fondos de inversión es muy sencillo y no requiere de conocimientos previos sobre inversiones.
Personalmente me avalan más de 8 años de experiencia experimentando y analizando sistemas para ganar dinero en internet y puedo garantizarle que con el uso de éstos fondos de inversión online, cuidadosamente seleccionados, usted podrá conseguir ganar dinero en cantidades muy elevadas. Esto dependerá de usted. Verá como sí es posible ganar dinero en internet. Le aseguro que se de lo que le estoy hablando y tengo comprobantes de cobro que así lo demuestran y que usted va a poder ver en las secciones correspondientes de esta web.
Antes de empezar a registrarse en los fondos de inversión para ganar dinero que hay en las secciones Inversiones Forex o Inversiones Rentables que en este portal web le presento, déjeme que le diga que sería muy conveniente, aunque no imprescindible, que se crease un blog con el que sacarles el mayor rendimiento posible.
Si usted tiene un blog o una web puede obtener mucho más dinero de estos fondos de inversión, tanto de los de la sección Inversiones Forex como los de la sección Inversiones Rentables. Esto es así porque las empresas que manejan estos fondos de inversión le pagarán a usted comisiones elevadas por las inversiones que hagan sus referidos o personas que usted invite a invertir en dichos fondos de inversión online. Esto aumentará exponencialmente sus beneficios mensuales.
Si por el contrario, usted no posee ninguna página web o blog para ganar dinero por internet, tranquilo, porque puede tener gratuitamente un blog en pocos minutos con blogger. Por si no tiene conocimiento sobre blogger, blogger le permite crear un blog fácilmente, sin tener conocimientos previos en creación de blogs. Para " Crear un Blog Fácilmente " de forma totalmente gratuita, vaya al menú principal a la sección correspondiente y allí se lo explico todo paso a paso.
También necesitará sistemas para cobrar los beneficios que usted obtenga de los fondos de inversión que en este portal web le presento. Para ello, verá usted en el menú principal un apartado que se titula " Sistemas de Cobro ". En él le explico con qué bancos virtuales ha de abrirse una cuenta gratuita para cobrar todo el dinero que le pagarán los fondos de inversión.
Una vez que ya esté apuntado a todos los fondos de inversión online que sean de su elección, tenga su blog o web creada, y ya tenga cuentas virtuales para recibir el dinero que usted cobrará (y que luego podrá transferirlo a su cuenta bancaria habitual o realizar de nuevo una inversión), necesitará saber cómo generar un tráfico ilimitado de visitas hacia su web o blog para que cientos de personas se apunten a los fondos de inversión a través de usted. Así usted podrá ganar dinero en cantidades muchísimo más elevadas en concepto de comisiones por las inversiones de sus referidos.
Se lo explico todo en el apartado del Menú principal " Promoción Web ".
Por último, quiero decirle que usted debe ser consciente de que para ganar dinero a través de la realización de inversiones, hay que aceptar un riesgo de pérdida de capital. Personalmente, he hecho una selección de los fondos de inversión online, que usted puede encontrar en el apartado "Inversiones Forex" y en el apartado "Inversiones Rentables" del menú principal de esta web, que tienen más indicadores de estabilidad temporal, salud económica y fiabilidad en los pagos de las rentabilidades. Aún así, nadie puede garantizarle cuánto tiempo durarán y hasta cuando seguirán pagando.
Estos son mis sencillos consejos para que usted pueda minimizar el riesgo de sus inversiones.
1. Acepte el riesgo de que cualquiera de estos fondos de inversión online pueden cerrar en cualquier momento y por tanto, no invierta más dinero del que esté dispuesto a perder.
2. Diversifique su capital invirtiendo en todos los fondos de inversión online que usted pueda. Esto va a minimizar el riesgo soportado pues es fácil de entender que la probabilidad de perder todo el capital invertido es menor si se distribuye en varios fondos de inversión que si dicho capital se invierte en sólo un único fondo de inversión. Teniendo en cuenta que son fondos de inversión independientes, es menos probable que todos los fondos de inversión online dejen de pagar todos a la vez que deje de pagar sólo uno. De este modo, el hecho de que le cierren un fondo de inversión de manera imprevista, no le afectará tanto a su capital total y a sus beneficios totales, si su capital está distribuído en varios fondos de inversión. Esto le puede dar la posibilidad de recuperar el capital que haya podido perder en dicho fondo de inversión a través de los beneficios de los otros fondos de inversión que siguen perfectamente funcionando y multiplicando su capital inicial.
3. No se deje llevar por el miedo a perder el capital . Deje que los fondos de inversión hagan su trabajo y duerma tranquilo. Tampoco se deje llevar por la ambición de ganar dinero a un ritmo más elevado del que usted pueda hacerlo. Esto quiere decir que no invierta nunca el capital destinado a su superviviencia. Invierta sólo el capital que usted pueda permitirse perder. Céntrese en la sensación tan agradable de saber que usted ya ha hecho todas las inversiones que tenía que hacer para conseguir los mayores beneficios económicos posibles, y en que ahora sólo ha de ir viendo de vez en cuando, si todo marcha bien en los fondos de inversión en los que usted ha invertido o si usted ha de hacer alguna acción para seguir manteniendo y multiplicando su capital.
3 de septiembre de 2009
Para ganar dinero en Internet se requiere una preparación mental, una disciplina como en cualquier trabajo debido a que ningún dinero es fácil de obtener como algunos te hacen creer. Muchos realizan publicidad haciéndote creer que el emprender en internet es dinero fácil. Pero todo lo contrario, por eso si lo que quieres es que te vaya bien con tu tarea de ganar dinero en internet, aquí te dejo esto 80 consejos que te harán las vida un poco más fácil si lo que quieres es ganar dinero con tu blog o sitio web. Administrando tu Sitio web / Blog
1. Escoge tu temática: Elegir una buena temática es esencial para un blog exitoso. Esta debe ser buena para ti y rentable en términos de publicidad. 2. Interésate en tu blog: Debes tener algún interés o conocimiento del tema. No escribas sobre algo de lo que no sabes. 3. Algunas temáticas son mucho más rentables: Vale la pena tener en cuenta que si tu estas obteniendo una alta cantidad de clics en los anuncios, es notable la rapidez con la que puedes desarrollar un interés en tu temática rentable. 4. Finanzas: La temática debería estar relacionada con un producto que tenga un valor financiero. Si tu blog es sobre videos divertidos no esperes un alto porcentaje de clics. Si puedes conseguir tráfico para un blog sobre finanzas, seguros, hipotecas, puedes esperar una mayor rentabilidad. 5. La motivación y el interés pueden hacer rentable un temática: Cualquier temática puede generar dinero siempre y cuando tengas bastante tráfico. Por lo tanto, si tienes el conocimiento e interés en un tema, este puede ser uno de los más rentables para ti. 6. Escribe sobre productos: Bloguear sobre productos es otra forma de generar altos ingresos. Si blogueas sobre filosofía, la vida en general, lo anunciantes no tendrán productos que publicitar. Si tu blog es sobre algunos bienes como computadoras, cámaras, etc. hay una amplia gama de programas de publicidad que puedes usar. 7. Obtén tu propio dominio: No uses dominios gratuitos como. blogspot. com y. wordpress. com. Esto se ve mal, la gente y los anunciantes te tomarán menos en serio. Será más difícil conseguir enlaces. Lo lamentarás en algún momento, quizás no hoy, pero lo harás. 8. Toma decisiones audaces: Si actualmente tienes una dirección. blogspot. com, cámbiala ahora. 9. Elige un dominio pegadizo: Si es posible, también con palabras clave. El dominio ideal debería tener dos o tres sílabas, que sean memorables y permanezcan en la mente de las personas. Poner palabras clave relacionadas te ayudará. Sin embargo, no es esencial como mucha gente afirma. Escoge cuidadosamente, llega un momento en el cual cambiar tu dominio es un trabajo doloroso. Títulos memorables de blogs como “Blog en Serio”, “Punto Geek”, “Chica SEO”, “Blogmundi”, “Trazos Web… & # 8220 ;. Escogiendo tu plataforma para blogs 13. Un diseño bueno y sólido es imprescindible: Es cierto que puedes evitar pasar demasiado
tiempo en adornos y cosméticos. Pero tu blog tiene que verse profesional. 14. Evita parecer común, normal, ordinario: No uses un theme estándar, que todo el mundo tenga. Al menos créate una cabecera original. 15. El contenido es el rey: Discúlpame por este cliché, pero debes trabajar en crear contenido de alta calidad y artículos interesantes. 16. Sé paciente: No te desanimes si el tráfico es bajo al principio. No te preocupes por tus ganancias, o la falta de estas en los primeros 6 meses. Toma tiempo obtener buen tráfico. 17. Difunde tus palabras: Deja que la gente sepa que tienes un nuevo blog. Esto puede hacerse a través de mensajes de correo y además comentando en otros blogs. Desarrollando Enlaces 18. Enlaces: Incrementar los enlaces entrantes es esencial para obtener PageRank y tráfico. Lo ideal sería que vinieran desde varias fuentes, preferiblemente de sitios web o blog de alto rango. 19. Enlaces naturales: Tienes que tener algo que valga la pena enlazar. Perdóname si has leído esto 100 veces, pero, es necesario subrayar que los mejores enlaces son los enlaces naturales, es decir, a la gente le gusta lo que vé y te enlazan sin necesidad de que se lo pidas. 20. Aumenta tus lectores RSS: Este grupo de lectores puede no hacer clics en tus anuncios, pero ellos tienen muchas más probabilidades de ser bloggers. Son estos lectores de RSS lo que más probablemente te empezarán a enlazar. De nuevo, ten paciencia, los primeros 100 suscriptores son los 100 más difíciles de obtener. 21. Cadenas de enlaces: Unirse a cadenas de enlaces puede ayudar a que tu blog reciba varios enlaces desde los diferentes sitios que estén unidos a esta cadena. 22. Intercambio de enlaces: Realmente no recomiendo participar en intercambio de enlaces, encuentro que a menudo traen más problemas de lo que valen. 23. Enlaces en Directorios: Vale la pena enviar tu blog a los mejores directorios web como estos y estos. Como aumentar tus suscriptores RSS 24. Guest Blogging: Escribir artículos para blog exitosos te permite ser muy conocido por nuevos lectores. El tráfico esta muy bien orientado, por lo tanto, suele haber un alto porcentaje de conversión de visitantes. 25. Escribe artículos en blog populares: Escribir en un blog popular te da una mejor oportunidad de estar en la portada de Menéame. Si un artículo es popular, éste te puede enviar tráfico durante un largo periodo. 26. Fomenta la suscripción: Haz que sea fácil para las personas suscribirte a tu blog y ofrece una recompensa por ello. 27. Ten una consistente frecuencia de publicación: Una vez al día, es una muy buena frecuencia de publicación. Pero, para aumentar tus lectores de RSS es siempre mejor la calidad sobre la cantidad. Dos magníficos artículos por semana pueden conseguir que tu blog sea notado. 10 artículos mediocres se perderán. Consejos de escritura 28. Listas: Utiliza las listas para hacer los artículos más accesibles y fáciles de examinar. Muchos de los artículos más populares de la red son “Los mejores 10…“, “10 cosas que…“, “80 consejos para…“, “Las 100 cosas que…“. 29. La escritura deber ser clara y concisa: No añadas frases innecesarias. 30. La buena gramática y la ortografía son importantes: Incluso si comentes pequeños errores, estos serán recogidos por alguien. Vale la pena evitar algunos de lo errores más comunes y obvios. 31. Ten confianza y sé persuasivo: No te sientes en la cerca a esperar, intenta hacer que tu artículo provoque opiniones y sea original. 32. Enfoca el artículo: No trates de abarcar varios temas a la vez. Es mejor dividir el artículo en varias secciones. 33. Artículos columna: Tomate el tiempo para escribir artículos que sean de muy alta calidad. Alguna gente se refiere a ellos como “Artículos columna”. Estos artículos son la oportunidad para mostrar lo mejor que tu blog tienen para ofrecer. Diseño 34. Los mejores artículos deben estar visibles: Asegúrate de que tus mejores artículos no estén escondidos. Un nuevo visitante debe poder encontrarlos fácilmente. 35. Manténlo simple: No ofrezcas muchas elecciones - esto puede confundir a los lectores. Deja claro donde te gustaría que ellos fueran. 36. Ten un logo y un diseño memorable. 37. Eslogan: NO subestimes la importancia de un buen eslogan. Esto ayuda a decirle a le gente de inmediato de que trata el blog. 38. Imágenes: Utiliza imágenes de vez en cuando. Las imágenes crean un impacto visual poderoso y fomentan a la gente a quedarse por más tiempo en tu blog. Publicidad 39. No exageres: Sobre todo al principio, no sobrecargues tu blog con publicidad. Tener muchos bloques de AdSense te hacen parecer como spam. 40. Menos es más: Reducir el número de bloques de AdSense no necesariamente reducirá tus ingresos. 41. Posición de los anuncios: La posición de los anuncios lo es todo. El porcentaje de clics varía tremendamente dependiendo de donde pongas los anuncios. Observa a personas que se sabe que ganan bastante con AdSense y mira donde ponen sus anuncios, luego trata de acomodarlo a tu blog. Sin embargo, debo decir que esto va según el diseño de cada blog, lo que para un blog puede funcionar muy bien, para otro no. 42. Vender enlaces: Vender enlaces directamente o mediante terceros como LinkLift, es utilizado para ofrecer una buena ruta de monetización de tu blog. (Especialmente si tu blog es sobre Blogging o SEO). Esto ha cambiado con el desaliento de google sobre vender enlaces. Alguna gente todavía sigue vendiendo enlaces, pero, si tendrás que estar preparado para alguna clase de penalización por parte de Google. Esto ha creado un cierto grado de incertidumbre con este método de recaudación de ingresos. 43. Los enlaces de texto deben ser pertinentes: Si vendes enlaces, no vendas tu alma. Asegúrate de que son enlaces que vale la pena tener. No tengas enlaces de Juegos en un blog sobre SEO. Este punto es muy importante dada la reciente guerra de Google en contra de la venta de enlaces. Si los enlaces están estrechamente relacionados con tu texto, deberías ser capaz de escapar de la detección. Pero enlaces inapropiados te delatarán. 44. Experimenta: Experimenta con diferentes tipos de publicidad. He encontrado que la publicidad más efectiva depende del tipo de blog. 45. Página de publicidad: Provee una página de publicidad, donde puedas ofrecerle a las personas la posibilidad de anunciarse. 46. Afiliados: Encontrar un buen sistema de afiliados es una de las cosas más importantes para maximizar el potencial monetario de tu blog. Esto se vuelve más fácil cuando tu blog desarrolla más tráfico. 47. Revisiones pagadas: Zync y Review Me pueden ser una buena fuente de ingresos, pero, no dejes que estos se apoderen de tu blog, ya que puede desanimar a tus lectores. Probablemente es mejor esperar hasta que puedas vender a alto precio y no solo con el mínimo de $20 dólares. 48. Text Links Ads es otro buen sistema de afiliados que puede ofrecer buenas ganancias por su uso. 49. LinkLIft: Este es otro buen sistema de afiliados, tal vez con más cliente de enlaces es español que TExt Links Ads. 50. Google AdSense: AdSense puede ofrecer buenas ganancias y es fácil de implementar, especialmente para bloggers novatos. Sin embargo, hay vida más allá de AdSense. Trata de no ser dependiente de un solo sistema de publicidad. 51. Referencias de Google: Si eres capaz de coger los anuncios correctos, las referencias de Google pueden ofrecerte muchas más ganancias que los anuncios normales de AdSense. El sistema todavía esta en desarrollo y es probable que mejore con el tiempo. Aumentar el tráfico 52. Desarrollar enlaces es esencial para obtener las posiciones más altas en los buscadores. 53. Los títulos que eliges para tus artículos son muy importantes. Necesitas escoger palabras clave que la gente esté buscando. Al mismo tiempo, deberías escoger palabras clave que no tengas mucha competencia de otros sitios. Es mejor escoger títulos con 3 o 4 palabras clave en él. 54. Tus estadísticas te muestran tus palabras clave más efectivas. Intenta con variaciones de estas palabras clave para beneficiarse de búsquedas relacionadas. Si la gente llega a tu blog con “Supermercados” intenta “Supermercados en Bogotá”. 55. No te limites a confiar el los buscadores, pon énfasis en los lectores del RSS, esto permite el tráfico, incluso si los buscadores cambian sus algoritmos. 56. Publica frecuentemente: Una forma de ganar dinero en internet es irse por la cantidad. Esto no significa necesariamente que la calidad tenga que sufrir, pero se debe tratar de escribir la mayoría con relativa rapidez. Algunos artículos pueden tomar de 10 a 20 minutos en escribir. No todos los artículos deben ser una gran cantidad de texto. 57. Lee 100 formas de obtener más tráfico para tu blog. Redacción
58. Escribe títulos interesantes: Para asegurarte de que la gente lea el artículo. 59. La primera oración es muy importante: En necesario para atraer a la gente dentro del artículo. 60. No exageres con titulares tipo Linkbait: No olvides también a tus lectores promedio. Linkbait
61. El Linkbait tiene una inmerecida mala reputación. El Linkbait es sobre crear excelente contenido que las personas quieran leer y enlazar. 62. Un buen Linkbait sería un artículo de los 100 mejores… 63. Una lista con los 100 mejores bloggers es un buen Linkbait. 64. Intenta hacer algo original que no haya sido hecho antes. 65. Un Linkbait necesita ser promocionado, no solo escrito. 66. Envíale un email a bloggers clave que puedan estar interesados. Nota: Esto puede ayudar si ellos ven un beneficio en el linkbait. La lista de los mejores 100 bloggers funciona bien pues ellos se alegran de verse en una lista entre los mejores 100. 67. Pídele a tus amigos que voten por ti en Menéame, Autobombéame, etc.. Medios Sociales
68. Puedes optar por enviar un artículo a Menéame, pero llegar a la portada de éste es muy difícil, especialmente para nuevos bloggers. 69. Puedes pasar horas tratando de crear una buena cuenta en Menéame. Pero es probablemente mejor que te enfoques en tu sitio, en tu propio blog. 70. Anima a las personas a votar tus artículos, ofreciéndoles algo a cambio. 71. Esto es magnifico para enviar tráfico. Sin embargo, no ayuda que votes por tu artículo más de una vez. 72. El tráfico no es todo: Los medios sociales pueden enviar gran cantidad de tráfico, pero raramente estas visitas se quedan en tu blog o se suscriben. Comentarios
73. Los comentarios pueden ser una forma de ganar perfil para ti y tu blog. La clave esta en comentar en los blog populares de tu temática. 74. Los comentarios también pueden ir en contra tuya. Sé cuidadoso al criticar a otros o en ser spam. 75. Aconsejo dejar el nombre real en tus comentarios. Simple pero efectivo. 76. Trata de decir algo más que solo “buen artículo“. 77. Si quieres decir muchas cosas, por qué no haces un artículo sobre ello y enlazas al artículo desde un comentario. 78. Mantén los comentarios en perspectiva, esto puede ayudar a ganar unos pocos lectores y algo de tráfico. 79. Agradécele a los comentaristas y anímalos a que vuelvan a visitarte. Ser Profesional
80. Debes tener un buen formulario de contacto y una buena página de ‘Acerca de‘.
31 de agosto de 2009
Como recomendación, siempre es mejor investigar sobre un sitio antes de registrarse, buscar usuarios que han sido pagados, opiniones, quien es el dueño del sitio, entre otros datos que nos pueden ayudar a verificar si un sitio es confiable o no, y si es buena idea incluso invertir o no.
Aqui les dejo una lista SCAM (Estafa) de las PTC que no pagan, para que se puedan guiar y no caigan en trampas, sin embargo no significa que si un sitio no está en la lista es confiable.
E e-bux. us e-clickz. com e-dollar. pl eagleclicknet. com eagleclicks. info earn10bux. com earnbux. info earn. nu earnclick. net earningsecret. com earnmoneyeasily. net EarnMoneyPtc. com earnmybux. com earnptc. com earnup. com earnyourbux. com earthptr. com easy-clicks. net easy. tc easyclicks. org ecash-generator. info egyptclicks. com egyptianclicks. INFO, not the. com!! elisemails. com egyptptc. com elektricbux. info eliteclicks. com email2rewards. com emailpremium. com emailprofit. us emailsclub. com emailspayu. net emails-empire. com emeraldcoastptc. info enganbux. info englandbux. com englandbux. org enjoyfunds. com enrichptc. com entroclicks. com enzo-mails. com epicclicks. com erabux. net esooe. com essentialptr. com estbux. com etwac. com euro-emails. com eurobux. com eurobux. info eurobux. org eurocentsmail. com euroclick. com euroclickers. com eurokdo. com eurotrademails. com eurovisits. org exothema. com expert-mails. com expertmails. net extreme-ads. com extreme-bux. com extreme-earnings. com extremeclickerz. com
Hola a todos. Esto va muy en serio, no es ninguna broma y realmente puede cambiar tu vida. De hecho hay gente que ya se ha ganado autenticas fortunas con ese metodo mes a mes. LEE ESTE ARTÍCULO, NO TE ARREPENTIRÁS:
Esto realmente funciona porque: 1. Se basa en las matemáticas y la probabilidad. 2. Es totalmente legal.
¡Como convertir 5 euros/dolares en 15.000 en 30 días!
Este programa no es de ninguna manera nuevo. Ha existido desde hace por lo menos dos décadas. Pero antes, requería mucho más tiempo y esfuerzo, así como un gasto económico. ¡Sin embargo, gracias a Internet, el gasto es ahora virtualmente CERO! ¡Y todavía más: el proceso entero es MÁS RAPIDO, MÁS FACIL, y MÁS LUCRATIVO que NUNCA!
Este sistema ha estado funcionando en Internet durante años y los miles de personas que han participado alguna vez, se han sorprendido gratamente ¡Con muy poco tiempo de dedicación y 5 euros solamente! ¡Tu también puedes!
Sigue el plan paso a paso simple y exactamente como se indica abajo. Si lo haces, te GARANTIZO que en los próximos 30 días recibirás alrededor de 15.000 euros en efectivo vía tu cuenta de PayPal.
Esta es la manera MÁS FACIL, MÁS BARATA, y MÁS RAPIDA posible de hacer dinero por la red. Y PUNTO. ¡Estoy dispuesto a "arremangarme las mangas" y a ayudarte a comenzar. YA!! Recuerda que NO estoy pidiendo que me envíes un solo céntimo para el proyecto lucrativo del negocio que estoy a punto de compartir contigo. Además, no se te pide comprar nada o sacrificar tu tiempo libre.
Las únicas cosas que necesitarás son:
1) Una dirección de correo electrónico. 2) Una cuenta de PayPal Personal (para personas físicas) con por lo menos 5 euros depositados en ella. 3) Apenas 20-30 minutos de un día cualquiera para enviar 40 emails.
Después de esto, no hay absolutamente nada más que hacer, sólo esperar ganar muchos miles de euros en pocas semanas. ¡Una vez comenzado, sólo tienes que seguir las instrucciones exactamente según lo precisado abajo, prepárate para recibir una afluencia ENORME de dinero durante los próximos 30 días!
¡Como convertir 5 euros en 15.000 en 30 días!
Aquí tienes todo lo que necesitas hacer.
»PASO-1 Atención, si no eres un usuario de PayPal, lo primero que tienes que hacer es abrir una cuenta. Esto te llevará apenas 2 minutos y, por supuesto, es GRATIS!
TIENES QUE ASEGURARTE a la hora de registrarte de abrir una cuenta personal (para personas físicas) y no una cuenta para empresas. De lo contrario, no podrás recibir los pagos.
»PASO-2 La siguiente cosa a hacer cuando tienes tu cuenta personal de PayPal, es enviar INMEDIATAMENTE un pago de 5 euros desde tu cuenta de PayPal a la primera dirección de correo electrónico de la lista de abajo. El motivo del pago debe ser: "Agregame por favor a tu lista de envío."
Tienes que estar seguro de incluir lo anterior, porque es lo que MANTIENE ESTE PROGRAMA LEGAL. Cuando envíes tu pago de 5 euros a la primera dirección de la lista, hazlo con una gran sonrisa en tu cara porque hacerlo te va a suponer ganar mucho dinero!
Aquí está la LISTA actual:
1. hablas. de. mi@hotmail. com 2. morena-ojosnegros@hotmail. com 3. jalbertocll@yahoo. es 4. meli_encuestas@hotmail. com 5. madoniano22@hotmail. com
Después de hacer el envío de 5 euros al primero de la lista, algo muy misterioso sucede: Te invade un sentimiento de certeza, de creencia y de convicción indescriptibles, abrumadoras, hacia el sistema. Acabarás de comprobar por ti mismo que funciona, porque lo habrás hecho igual que mucha otra gente lo hace, y con ello te harán ganar gran cantidad de dinero.
»PASO-3 Una vez que hayas enviado un pago de 5 euros a la dirección número 1 de la lista, lo siguiente que necesitas hacer es sacar fuera la dirección número 1, colocar la dirección 2 en 1, la 3 en 2, la 4 en 3, la 5 en 4. Es decir, subimos todas las direcciones de correo electrónico de la lista una posición. Ahora la dirección 5 está vacia. Introduce alli tu dirección de email. MUY IMPORTANTE: La misma con la que te has registrado en Paypal, de lo contrario no recibirás el dinero.
Ahora haz una copia del contenido de esta carta, pues la enviarás (como mensaje de email) por lo menos a 40 personas. Ten presente que 40 es un buen número de gente, pero con todas las diversas maneras que hay actualmente de anunciar gratis por Internet, la cantidad de personas que reciban el contenido de esta carta a través tuyo podría ser muy superior si lo deseas. Piensa que cuantos más emails envíes, más listas con tu nombre habrá y más posibilidades tendrás de ganar MAS DINERO AÚN!.
Recuerda. en sintesis el procedimiento paso a paso es: 1.-Registra una cuenta en PayPal con tu dirección electrónica. 2.-Envia 5 euros al primero de la lista (para legalizar el programa no olvides utilizar como motivo: Agregame a tu lista de envío). 3.-Elimina el primero de la lista una vez realizado el pago. 4.-Sube un lugar a las restantes direcciones electrónicas de la LISTA (la 2 al puesto 1, la 3 al puesto 2, la 4 al puesto 3, la 5 al puesto 4). 5.-Inserta tu dirección electrónica en el puesto 5 que había quedado vacio. 6.-Haz una copia de esta carta y envíala por email a 40 personas.
La copia que enviarás contendrá TU dirección electrónica (La que pusiste en tu cuenta PayPal) en el número 5 de la lista, que suprime la dirección del número 1 de la lista, y mueve las otras direcciones de email una posición para arriba.
La mejor manera de enviar 40 emails es copiar la carta (una vez realizado el pago al primero de la lista y después de haber colocado TU dirección de email en la posición 5) y pegarla en un email nuevo que enviarás a amigos, familia y demás direcciones de email que consideres que pueden estar interesadas en participar.
Asegúrate de enviar las 40 copias a gente que ya sabes que van a responder. Si tu y toda la cadena que está bajo de ti actúa correctamente, el tiempo de reacción es EXTREMADAMENTE rápido. LA TRANSFERENCIA POR INTERNET ES RAPIDISIMA. ¡Esto es por lo que lleva solamente algunos días para que esos pagos de 5 euros inunden tu cuenta de PayPal!
Cuantos más emails envies, mejor. MAS DINERO puedes ganar.
¡UNA ADVERTENCIA! ¡No tengas la tentación de agregar tu dirección a la posición 1 pensando que ganarás el dinero rápidamente! ¡No funciona así! ¡No recibirás practicamente nada! ¡Si haces esto, alcanzarás SOLAMENTE a la gente a que tu envías directamente el email (40 personas), y entonces tu dirección saldrá inmediatamente del lugar número 1 y no alcanzarás a miles de personas! ¡Sin embargo, si agregas tu nombre a la posición número 5, cuando tu dirección alcance la posición número 1, habrá literalmente miles de personas que estarán enviando emails con tú nombre. ¿VES LA DIFERENCIA entre no ganar nada y ganar 15.000 euros?
Y ahora. aquí están las MATEMATICAS del método:
Cuando envías tus emails, tu dirección electrónica estará inicialmente en el número 5 de la lista. Esta es la mejor posición en la que puedes estar si deseas hacer una cantidad seria de dinero.
La respuesta esperada cuando envías el email a la gente que crees que puede estar interesada en el programa, como promedio, acostumbra a participar cerca del 25%. Pero seamos extremadamente conservadores aquí y asumamos que recibes una tasa de respuesta media de la mitad, solamente del 12.5%.
Los resultados serán los siguientes: Si envías tu email a 40 personas diferentes, puedes esperar que por lo menos 5 de éstas hagan exactamente lo que tu hiciste (12.5% de 40 = 5).
Durante este tiempo, tu dirección se habrá movido hasta el número 4 de tu lista de envío, y esta lista ahora habrá alcanzado alrededor de 200 personas (5 x 40=200).
De estas 200 personas, puedes esperar que por lo menos 25 de ellas participen (12.5% de 200 = 25), así que son 1.000 email más (25 x 40) que son enviados y tu dirección electrónica habrá alcanzado la tercera posición de la lista.
De estas 1.000 personas, puedes esperar que por lo menos 125 de ellas participen (12.5% de 1.000 = 125), así que serán 5.000 email más (125 x 40=5000) ahora los que son enviados con tu dirección en la posición numero 2 de la lista.
De estas 5.000 personas, puedes esperar que por lo menos 625 de ellas respondan (12.5% de 5.000 = 625), así ahora serán ya 25.000 email (625 x 40=25000) los que son enviados con TU DIRECCION en la posición número 1!
Entonces, de estas 25.000 personas, puedes esperar que alrededor de 3.125 de ellas respondan (12.5% de 25.000 = 3.125). Y puesto que ahora estarás en el NUMERO 1 de la lista, recibirás:
¡ 15.625 Euros. (3.125 x 5 euros)
¡Esto es todo lo que necesitas hacer!
Habrá alrededor de 15.000 euros en pagos de 5 euros que te esperan en tu cuenta de PayPal dentro de las semanas próximas. ¡15.000 euros por el trabajo de apenas 30 minutos!
¡Ahora, utiliza el dinero desde PayPal según tu propia conveniencia: Realiza compras en eBay, sácalo a tu propia cuenta bancaria, etc. ¡Es así de fácil!
Yo pienso que vale la pena. ¿Y tú que crees?
¡ESTE METODO FUNCIONA. ES FACIL, RÁPIDO y 100% LEGAL! Ningún engaño puede ocurrir porque PayPal permite solamente una cuenta por persona.
Probablemente todavía desconfíes un poco, especialmente con la cantidad de programas que circulan por la red, pero si no lo intentas nunca lo sabrás. Yo sentí exactamente lo mismo que muy probablemente estás sintiendo tu ahora.
¡PONLO EN MARCHA YA! ¡Después de todo, no puedes perder, sino que estarás en condiciones de ganar más en las semanas próximas de lo que mucha gente gana en un año de arduo trabajo!
Buena suerte, y recuerda, solamente son necesarios 30 minutos por lo general (quizás 40 si no estás muy familiarizado con los ordenadores!), pero el caso es que, cualquier persona puede hacer esto. Sigue las instrucciones al PIE DE LA LETRA, y no puedes fallar.
Buena suerte y que disfrutes el dinero conseguido.
Si aun no confias en este sistema. yo no puedo hacer mas que decirte que es mejor invertir ese dinero (que no es nada) en cambiar tu vida que gastartelo en dos paquetes de cigarrillos.

Scam List "ini adalah Kumpulan Link SCAM Bulan Ini"
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 100-cash. com 6. 2008mails. com 7. 100euro-mail. com 8. 200EuroMails. net 9. 247payouts. com 10. 400DollarsDaily. info 11. 10bux. net 12. 10centcashoutptc. com 13. 10dollar-mail. com 14. 10euro-mail. com 15. 50centMails. com 16. 77bux. com 17. 99centptc. com 18. 1cent-mail. com 19. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 20. 1dollarptc. com 21. 2bux. net 22. 5cash. info 23. 4realptc. info 24. 5euro-mails. com 25. 7evenbux. com 26. 7heavenptc. com 27. a. w.Surveys 28. a-n-cash. com 29. adbux. org 30. adflasher. net 31. Afferinte. com 32. Andreamails. com 33. Ads-Earn. com 34. Adventures4U. com 35. AdyBux. com 36. AeroBux. com 37. Aglocomails. com 38. Alexmails. com 39. All-CashMails. com 40. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 41. ArClicks. com 42. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 43. AsOneWishes. com 44. AstroBux. com 45. At-Mails. com 46. Atbux (atbux. com) 47. Athome-cash. com 48. AutoEx. org 49. Autopayouts. com 50. B-u-x. net 51. Babalac. com 52. BangTheLinks. com 53. Bank-ptr. com 54. BankoMails. com 55. BanziBux. com 56. BeachBux. net 57. Beachptc. com 58. BeanyBux. com 59. Bear-mails. com 60. BeaverBux. com 61. Best-Mails. com 62. BestBux (bestbux. info) 63. BestDollarClicks. com 64. Bestnewbuxto. info 65. BestPayBux. com 66. BetaBux. com 67. BfgBux. com 68. Bigmoneycenter. com 69. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 70. Bigptc. tk 71. Billionaireptc. com 72. Birdmails. com 73. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 74. BluBux. com 75. Blue-Mails. com 76. BoBoMails. com 77. Boffopaidmail. com 78. Boodaq. com 79. BoonBux. com 80. BpBux. com (closed) 81. BraveBux. com 82. BriteBux (britebux. com) 83. Business-PTR. com 84. businessmails. bz 85. bux. ee 86. bux. gs 87. bux. io 88. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 89. bux. to 90. bux-7ven. com 91. bux-gr. com 92. bux-service. com 93. 94. 95. buxanna. com 96. buxCashy. com 97. buxChristmas. com 98. buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 99. buxextra. com 100. BuxFirst. com 101. BuxForex. com 102. Buxforyou. com (closed) 103. BuxHunter. com 104. BuxInc. com 105. BuxMarley. com 106. buxmillionaire. com 107. BuxNew. com 108. BuxOffice. net 109. Buxokk. com 110. BuxPTR. com 111. Buxs. nl 112. BuxWin. com 113. BuxWiz. com 114. Buxxl. com 115. Camel-mails. com 116. Cash4clickingptc. com 117. Cash4Clicks. org 118. Cash4ubux. com 119. Cashfiesta. com 120. Cashflowmails. com 121. CashKidding. com 122. Cashnbux. com 123. Cashmails. biz 124. Cashmails. org 125. Cashmailz. com 126. Cashmedia. biz 127. Cashmoneyemail. com 128. Cashmybux. com 129. CashTreePTC. com 130. Casino-PTR. com 131. Cd-Mails. com 132. Charm-mail. com 133. Cherry-Mails. com 134. Chilloutbux. com 135. Chinawelcomeptc. info 136. Chobitsmails. net 137. Click2earn. biz 138. ClickersHeaven. com 139. ClickersHeaven. info 140. Clickforabuck. com 141. ClickMyBux. com 142. Clix. vc 143. Clix-P. com 144. ClixP. com 145. ClixnCash. com 146. Cloud-mails. com 147. Cloudy-mails. com 148. CloudBux. com 149. Club4You. net 150. Coast-Mail. com 151. Cobebizs. com 152. CobyBux. com 153. Colph. com 154. Comfortableincome. net 155. Cooperativemail. com 156. CreativeMails. biz 157. CurrencyMails. com 158. CuteBux. com 159. CvBux. com 160. Depacco. com 161. Diamond-bizs. com 162. Diamond-mails. net 163. Diamond-PTR. com 164. DingoBux 165. Discoclicks. com 166. Disney-mails. com 167. Dog-mails. com 168. DonkeyBucks. com 169. Dreamails. com 170. Dutzzubux. com 171. Dw-mails. com 172. E-MailPaysU. com 173. Eagle-Mails. com 174. Earn-USD. biz 175. Earningsecret. com 176. EarnMyBux. com 177. Earthptr. com 178. EasyCashPTC. com 179. Elephant-Mails. com 180. ElitePTC. com 181. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 182. E-mailptr. com 183. Emmamails. com 184. EnBux. com 185. Epaisa. pk 186. Esooe. com 187. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 188. Euro-Emails. com 189. EuroTradeMails. com 190. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 191. Exceedmargin. com 192. ExcellentBux. com 193. Exclusivemails. net 194. ExoBux. com 195. expert-mails. com 196. Expertmails. net 197. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) 198. Ezlaptop. com 199. Fairhits. com 200. Fallsmails. com 201. FastCarPTC. com 202. Fast Money 24 ( 203. FastPayPTC. com 204. Fatmoneyptc. com 205. Feer-mial. com 206. FillBux. com 207. FiloBux (filobux. com) 208. FinanceBux. com 209. FinancialFreedomAds. com 210. FinePTC. com 211. Fire-Mails. com 212. FireBux. net 213. Flamemails. com 214. FlashBux. com 215. Fly-field. com 216. Flybizs. com 217. Foggy-mails. com 218. ForeverPTC. com 219. Forex-cashbux. com 220. Foundmails. com 221. Freedom-mails. com 222. Fromhomedataentry. com 223. Fullmoneybux. com 224. Future-PTR. com 225. Gainpay. org 226. GammaBux. com 227. Gardenoflinks. com 228. Generalbucks. com 229. GeniusPTR. com 230. Genuinemails. com 231. Get-UMoney. com 232. GetDailyPaid. com 233. GetPaidIndustry. com 234. GetRefMails. com 235. GetRichPTC. com 236. Getrichptr. com 237. Get-umoney. com 238. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one :( 239. Gkcash. com 240. GlobalPTR. com 241. GoBigPTC. com 242. GodBux. com 243. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 244. Goldbizs. com 245. 246. Golden-Galaxy. com 247. GoldenQuarters. com 248. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 249. Gpclub. net 250. GrandPTC. com 251. GrapeMails. com 252. Green Horse 253. GTSBux. com 254. Halloweenptc. info 255. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 256. HawkinsBux. com 257. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 258. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 259. HiddenBux. com 260. Hide4dz. biz 261. HighBux. Biz 262. HighCashBonus. com 263. HitzMagic 264. Honestclicks. info 265. HooBux. com 266. Hugeptc. com 267. Hulk-mails. com 268. HyBux. com 269. Ibux. eu 270. IcePaid. com 271. Incomeptr. com 272. 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ParadiseClicks. com 356. Paradiseclicks. info 357. PayablePTR. com 358. PayDayPTC. com 359. Payee. me 360. Paying-mails. com 361. PayingClub. com 362. PayingPTR. com 363. Payooclub. com 364. Paypay-mails. com 365. Pcash. info 366. Pearlmails. com 367. PegasusPTR. com 368. PerfectPTR. com 369. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 370. PerformancePTC. com 371. Persianptc. com 372. Phoenixcash. info 373. Planetmails. com 374. Pleasant-Mails. com 375. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 376. PogoMails. com 377. Power-mails. net 378. Power4Bux. com 379. Profitmorebux. com 380. Project-Bux. com 381. ProMails. org 382. ProperPTR. com 383. ProsperousBoom. com 384. Ptcbiz. com 385. Ptcbonus. com 386. PTCBux. com 387. PTCNinja. com 388. Ptcrush. com 389. PTCSense. com 390. Ptcshare. com 391. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 392. PTR-Business. com 393. Pumpkin-Mails. com 394. QualityBux. com 395. Quickcashptc. com 396. QubeCash. com 397. RaiBux. com 398. rainbow-mail. net 399. Rainpaid. com 400. Rainy-mails. com 401. Rapidobux. com 402. Read2Money 403. RealDataEntry. net 404. RealMoneyCompany. com 405. RealCashPTC. com 406. Redclub-cash. com 407. ReoBux. com 408. Revbux. com 409. RevolutionBux 410. Richestmail. com 411. Richestmails. net 412. Richptc. com 413. RichPTR. info 414. Richptr. net 415. RingMails. com 416. Rolex-mails. com 417. RustBux. com 418. SaladMails. com 419. Salary-mails. com 420. Salemails. com 421. SapphireBux. com 422. Saturn-mails. com 423. SchoolBusOfCash. com 424. Scopebux. com 425. ShareTheBux. com 426. ShortBux. com 427. Show-sales. com 428. Silvanamails. net 429. SmurfsPTR. com 430. SnapDollars. com 431. Snowy-mails. com 432. StableBux. com 433. StablePTR. com 434. SteadyCashPTC. com 435. SteadyMails. com 436. Stock-mails. com 437. StockBux. com 438. StormOfTraffic. com 439. StreamEx. org 440. Sun-Cash. com 441. Superpaybyemail. com 442. Sureptr. com 443. SurfJunky. com 444. Sweetdealsemail. net 445. SweetPTR. com 446. SweetsMails. com 447. Tea-Mails. com 448. teammails. com 449. Tendollarclick. com 450. Thanksgivingptc. info 451. Thebestptcintown. com 452. TickerBar. info 453. Timelessearn. com 454. Topcashmails. com 455. Touch-Mails. com 456. TrafficNowFire. com 457. Ts-Mails. com 458. TuePaid. com 459. TuiBux. com 460. Turquads. net 461. Twodollarptc. com 462. uddoo. com 463. UltraBux. com 464. Universe-Mails. com 465. UpBux. com 466. USA-Bux. com 467. Usd-ad. com 468. Usdcenter. com 469. UtilBux. com 470. Valentine-ptr. com 471. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 472. Verbonix. com 473. Vibrantvitalities. com 474. Victorptr. com 475. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 476. Vision-Bux. com 477. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 478. Vitaraptr. com 479. VuBux. com 480. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 481. WaveBux. com 482. WavuBux. com 483. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 484. Webcamcashmails. com 485. 486. Western-Mails. com 487. Windy-mails. com 488. Wishmails. com 489. Wonderful-Mails. com 490. World-mails. com 491. WorldsPTR. com 492. 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I have been a member for two months now. Initially the articles being served were 14-18 per day, later it came down to 10-12 per day. Now it is less than 3 articles per day. These are nothing but scammer tactics to delay payments. Honest paymasters do not need a minimum of $50 to cash out. No forums on the site for users to interact, all factors point to a scam. Tener cuidado.
My experience with readbud accounts in the last two months is a complete waste of time. I have two broadband connections & two pc’s at home. Both me & my wife’s account behaved in the same manner i. e. articles being served reduced as earnings went up.
Though the second account was opened a month ago, number of articles being served for the new account was 14-16 against my month old account (averaging at 8-10 articles). Mind you the article interests were identical in both accounts. So why should one account get more articles. In fact the earnings difference was $16 between my account and my wifes account. Now my a/c is at $37 & my wifes account is at $34.
At this rate it will take about three months (0.15cents x 90days = $13.5) to reach the payout of $50. This is assuming that readbud. com will continue to serve articles. I have my serious doubts. In any case I am not interested in wasting futhur time for a paltry 0.10 to 0.15 cents daily just to reach cashout.
The latest in scammer tactics by readbud. com is this message which is displayed when logged into my account “readbud is currently undergoing major service upgrades, hence the amount of articles you receive will be limited”
This message is now appearing for well over a week now. Over one week for Server upgradation. Readbud. com must think that users are complete fools.
My take is Do NOT waste your time behind readbud. com It is a complete SCAM.
A whois query reports that the domain was created on 08-Feb-10 & updated date 24-feb-10. Even if we were to assume that readbud went live on 08th Feb itself, thats 112 days of existence upto 31st of May 10.
And, as of today their site on login page reports that user "loveChaser" is the top article reader with 8663 articles read till date. Now that comes to a whopping 77 articles served per day to this user. While the top 10th user listed "hotlife" with 8166 articles also has a solid average of 73 articles per day.
Considering an average of .05c an article these guys have made about $400 to $430 till date.
How come we have never heard of any of these guys boasting of their fancy earnings anywhere on the net ?
How come readbud chose to serve such high number of articles to a select few, while the rest have to be content with less than 5-6 articles per day.
All of those payment proofs are scattered on the Internet. I've seen them before.
I've also tried readbud but stopped because it doesn't make any sense.
1. They has no link back to advertisers. Anybody noticed that? All you can see are scattered Adsense ads on the article page. If that was really *paid* articles, it would be common sense to see a link pointing back to the advertisers.
2. 0.05 to 0.09 payout per read are too good to be true especially there are really no *paid* articles.
3. Most of the articles are not unique. They are just copied of from article directories.

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Choke it or Chuck it
Perhaps, like me, you were sitting around wondering about the macroeconomic impact of a Greek default or maybe what a war with Putin over the Ukraine would do to oil prices and poor Europe. What a drag. So here, just in the nick of time, is David Syatt. He wants to take all the realtors who secretly read this pathetic blog to a better place.
“Hi Garth,” he says, “we’re looking for new real estate agents and interior designers to be the hosts of an upcoming, yet-to-be-titled reality TV series. The following press release has additional information, along with how people can apply. Gracias por su consideración. Please feel free to share this release with your readers!”
David is a California dude who does PR for a Toronto-based outfit called Big Coat Productions. Their claim to fame is “Love It or List It,” which comes in two flavours – GTA and YVR – currently airing on that all-babes, all-the-time network called W, plus the hormonal HGTV.
Now, this is big business in our house-horny society where people know all about fake TV realtors and yet can’t name the finance minister. In fact, HGTV has clocked in as the #1 cable channel for US women aged 25 to 54 in the US, with an average of 14 million house-lusty females devouring such gems as ‘Flip or Flop’, ‘Fixer Upper’, ‘Property Brothers’ and, of course, ‘Love it or List It.’
There is no power on earth stronger than this bond, apparently. NBC Nightly News has only nine million eyeballs. And, of course, that’s full of dead people and stuff blowing up. Life is just so much more fun when you’re deciding whether to borrow big piles of money to renovate your house, or even bigger piles to buy a better one.
The plot is deadening. Couples living in beater houses argue about renovating them to perfection, or moving to new digs. A realtor and a designer show up and try to make the conflict worse. In the end the house is rejuvenated and the horny ones must decide whether to love the reno or list it in favour of a sexier place. Along the way viewers are told that a $70,000 project will end up adding a hundred “grand to the value.
It’s house porn at its best. Houses always go up. Massive renovations are completed in about half an hour. Homeowners make gobs of equity every time a paint can’s cracked open. There’s always a house-to-die-for for sale around the corner. And you deserve it, no matter how much money you make or have saved. You’re special.
However, this is not without controversy. The Internet is seething with bitchy comments like this:
I live in the area and know a couple who were on the show. What we don’t see is that some of the houses the couple are looking at are not actually for sale. As well, the “after” shots of the rooms are not actually finished sometimes. My friend’s room was only half finished as they ran into more problems during the renos, so they took the shot to look as though the rooms are complete. Actually, they even did not finish sewing some of the cushions for the couches and just wrapped the fabric and placed it just so to look as though it was.
And couples who live in dumpsters are not just ‘discovered’ but selected to be on the shows after they apply, often in the hope of getting a bargain reno. Here’s a tutorial on how to apply. and here is a link to the actual application form.
Now, why am I writing about such drivel?
Word is the Bank of Canada will be dropping its key interest rate once again – in March. It will decline a further one-quarter point, to 0.5%. That will likely mean a small reduction in bank prime and VRM costs, just in time for the Spring real estate market. The probable outcome? No impact in panic-stricken Alberta, but a big buzz among the W-watching moist Millennial virgins in 416 and 604, where two separate versions of ‘Love It or List It’ are shot. It’s pretty certain that consumer and mortgage debt will continue to increase, even in the teeth of evidence this is financial suicide.
US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt). While the Bank of Canada may be able to hold the line until the end of 2015, it will not be able to ultimately resist upward pressure. What this means is a major head-fake for all those who think higher house highs and lower rate lows are the new normal.
They’re not. Only gullibility is eternal.
By the way, if your real estate career’s sagging, and yet you have star power, a 50-shades face, or an inviting bosom, this is for you:
For Immediate Release: TORONTO – Producers of the much-celebrated reality hit TV series Love It Or List It are at it again. Canadian-based Big Coat Productions has teamed with noted casting agency Milo Casting Inc. to search for an interior designer and real estate agent to co-host Big Coat’s newest reality series project with W Network. Applicants are invited to submit a video of themselves, a brief written introduction and headshot. Big Coat and Milo Casting will arrange interviews with selected candidates. Videos and all submission material should be emailed by March 18 to: [email protected]
According to Big Coat Productions, applicants can be individuals or already be a ‘pair’ such as business partners, siblings, parent-son or daughter – the important elements for consideration are the candidates’ charisma, energy, star quality, experience in their respective fields and ability to carry a television show. While no formal acting experience is necessary, candidates should be well spoken, charismatic, and comfortable on camera.
#1 TurnerNation on 02.10.15 at 8:44 pm
Pathetic the way we like it!
#2 Babblemaster on 02.10.15 at 8:44 pm
I hate to say it, but in the long run, houses do always go up. I was previously in the “logical” camp that says there are no fundamentals to support these insane GTA prices. However, I know an investor who has made out like a bandit because he wasn’t smart enough to understand about fundamentals.
Bout time today. Waiting and waiting. Dinner gettin cold.
#4 Fleabitten Monkey on 02.10.15 at 8:49 pm
I recall a BC Globe and Mail Saturday edition maybe 6 weeks ago which featured an article about flipping in Vancouver. The opinions were that it is VERY hard to do on SFHs and still make money. Buyers don’t value reno’s when they are essentially buying the land only, i. e. the house will end up being dozed anyway. It went on to say that those making money generally are doing so by keeping quality of the build very low. Condo reno’s however, were concluded to be the best bet, but not a slam dunk either.
Who needs Disneyland?
#LoveItOr Fist ListIt… #TheOpenCastingCall… #Or, HowNaughtyIsThat. & # 8230;
#WannaBesAreAdvised… #ToAlwaysAlways… #CheckIMDBFirst
604-210-3033 is a B. C. number These posters are everywhere in Van these days. Realtor ploy. & # 8212; Garth
It will decline a further one-quarter point, to 0.5%. ————————- .
#10 Babblemaster on 02.10.15 at 8:53 pm
Lower rates are the new normal. The last few years have proven it. If rates were to go up “substantially”, there would be mass defaults and resultant lower house prices. No party in power would allow that if they could at all help it. I do agree that rates would have to go up if inflation were to skyrocket, but that is NOT about to happen.
#11 Washed Up Lawyer on 02.10.15 at 8:53 pm
Takes me back to all the hours I spent watching This Old House and New Yankee Workshop on PBS on Sunday afternoons. Now I have a garage full of tools I do not know how to use. I probably bought 4 routers.
I hate to admit it but I do find Hilary’s bitchy attitude and design sense very sexy.
sorry 0.5 is correct, of course.
No need to apologize. I just ignored you. & # 8212; Garth
“Most of the land in Richmond that you talk about is Part of The Agricultural Land Reserve. Not a chance of rezoning that.”
Estoy en desacuerdo. All it takes is the stroke of a pen by some suitably motivated people to abolish any zoning impediments. Politicians will always elect to rezone as opposed to watching people go homeless, if that’s what it comes to. The money involved, the tax base, is simply too lucrative to perpetually keep suitable land out of production.
And when the CMHC comes under pressure financially, perhaps in the not-so-distant future, they’ll cave as well.
As it stands, there is no shortage of land nor housing in the Vancouver area. Low value uses and low-value owners are not being forced out. The only thing keeping Vancouver housing prices elevated is speculation and an excess of subprime credit. And as we all know, credit and speculation is cyclical over the long term.
No need to apologize. I just ignored you. — Garth ———————— like normal, as is prudent. )
#16 NoOneOfConsequence on 02.10.15 at 9:01 pm
When does the forex market respond to such prognostications? If we all know another quarter point is coming off interest rates, and we know this immediately devalues our currency…why shouldn’t we all borrow 20,000, dump it into a forex account, leverage up and sell some pips?
#17 4 AM Sunrise on 02.10.15 at 9:01 pm
I’m confused. They’re casting for a new Love It or List It? Which city are they going to reno? Calgary?
#18 Van Isle Renter on 02.10.15 at 9:02 pm
#11 Washed Up Lawyer on 02.10.15 at 8:53 pm
Takes me back to all the hours I spent watching This Old House and New Yankee Workshop on PBS on Sunday afternoons. Now I have a garage full of tools I do not know how to use. I probably bought 4 routers.
I too, have a biscuit joiner…..
I really don’t get it….why would they drop rates again knowing that the US is eventually going to raise rates…….
I wonder if the fall election has anything to do with this.
“US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt). While the Bank of Canada may be able to hold the line until the end of 2015, it will not be able to ultimately resist upward pressure. & # 8220;
What ‘upward pressure’? There is a huge amount of deflation and consumer austerity in the pipeline for Canadian homeowners/consumers, as housing prices continue to fall. It will be a good 5-10 years before anything resembling ‘upwards pressure’ materializes requiring a BoC rate increase. Long-term bonds are pricing in a very lengthy period of very low policy rates. Yes, Canada will eventually follow the US higher, but with a lag of probably 5-10 years, as the US is that much further ahead of Canada in terms of liquidating housing excess. And with the recent high USD$, and weakening US economy, it is not a certainty, by any stretch, that they will be in any sort of tightening mode in the near future either.
“US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt).”
Gartho. repeat after me baby: ” There will be no rate hike states’ side. ONLY QE4 or something like to that effect”
“Automakers have made big investments in Mexico, where wages are in the $8 an hour range, compared with close to $40 in Canada.
Global automakers poured $7 billion of new investment into Mexico last year, according to the Center for Automotive Research, compared to just $750 million for Canada.”
Canada falls to Mexico in share of North American auto output
candidates should be well spoken, charismatic, and comfortable on camera. …… Well that rules me out… I’m no one’s monkey…
Well it took about a week to recover my kids bad trades. Back up to 100k. 39k this week, which included a bone head move on Job numbers, I should no better.
Proof on the shit blog.
Oh, and lucky for me. My wife watched the walking dead marathon all werkend, no love it or list it here…
I seriously doubt the US Fed will raise rates in any significant way, if any. Maybe a ‘symbolic’ raise to 0.5%, but it’s not going much higher than that.
These rate decreases to 0.25% will cause YVR and YYZ prices to rise by about 15%.
So then a “Correction” after that means prices will revert back to early 2014 levels.
This doesn’t look good for those trying to get in.
Idiot comment. & # 8212; Garth
look out bellow….NIRP on its way to Canada!
#3 Jimmy on 02.10.15 at 8:46 pm
”Bout time today. Waiting and waiting. Dinner gettin cold.” ——————————————- You got it bad dude.
Serious question. Do you even realize how delusional your posts are?
Especially yesterdays comment where you have no idea what the ALR in Vancouver is.
I think it’s time for GFTV. Greater Fool Television….
GFTV could possibly get more than the 5,000 viewers who watch Ezra on SUNTV.
Take the BoC key interest rate to .25 or even 0%. You know you want to Stevie, so just do it.
Tell Mr. President that you are not trying to devalue the currency as he takes you and Canadian exporters to the tariff woodshed for a whippin.
Garth, last night you quoted The Conference board (to make your point about Alberta) by stating this: “The Conference Board says $40 billion in planned spending won’t happen now in the energy sector. Net migration into the province – which has been huge – could go to zero. “The consequences,” says the Board, “will be swift and severe” ——– But you left out the positive parts. They are also predicting good growth and benefits from falling oil and a Loonie for BC & Ontario.
“Well, real estate is always good, as far as I’m concerned.”
Surprisingly love it or list it originated here. Not rhe usa or Britain. Typically we get our show ideas from the brits.
June normalization is not happening. Unless inflation starts an upward trend, and the dollar stops strengthening against every other important currency, the fed is scared to undo much of the improvement of the past year, especially with the current desinflation.
if it happens in 2015, look at September IF the world doesn’t go down the dumpster (trade balance is already turning into a drag, europe, ukraine) and inflation edges up.
I generally agree real estate in Canada is screwed but the US rate hike may not be until later than you expect. Warren Buffett said he thinks the Fed would have a hard time raising rates this year. Could be another orgy of spring buying in the GTA and Vancouver.
The boy in the photo must be one of the younger Blog dawgs. Obviously, he gets it.
Quiéralo. Those RE shows are pumping the hormones of the already RE worshiping house horny to a nymphomaniac level.
I know, living in Alberta the last several years, I was witness to the most indebted people in Canada, the borrowing frenzy Albertans were in as they loaded up on debt for RE, Renos, and Trucks with big nutz. Materialism and consumerism accumulation at any cost is like a contagious disease, and one which is often fatal.
This March BOC rate cut is nice to see, for me, and I will be taking my tax free profit after it before our rates begin to rise, which they have to as our rates have to follow the U. S. rates. Hecho.
#37 The World According to MARK on 02.10.15 at 9:31 pm
“Simply build on the abundance of farmland or light industrial in the GVR area. Build east of No. 6 road in Richmond north of the Westminster highway. Or in South Richmond. Build on the CMHC lands east of North Vancouver. Build in Link it all together with a reasonable mass transit system. Problem solved.” —————- Most of the land in Richmond that you talk about is part of The Agricultural Land Reserve. Not a chance of rezoning that.
There is a huge movement in Vancouver to protect what ever commercial and agricultural real estate they have left, and not rezone it for more residential.
The CMHC lands east of Mt Seymour have effectively been down zoned by the District of North Vancouver to prevent any development. Anyway, most of the 640 acres are not developable because of terrain issues.
Developing a mass transit system is long term and very costly endeavor that is always many steps behind the need. There is also huge resistance by the Nimby’s to have a line running through their back yard. Much of the funding for the lines recently built or currently being built were funded by the federal and provincial Gov’t. Something tells me future funding won’t be easy to get. And, as soon as mass transit is announced, the values of nearby land skyrocket. Check out what happened in Burnaby and the Cambie Street corridor. ———- “Of course, there’s no demand since rents are reasonably affordable in the GVR”
Another piece of crap by Mark.
Glenworth drops 44%
Lol, freakin stupid company for loaning to hi risk people for such low interest rates. Now they are done and the beauty is its only just begun.
New listings in Vancouver: Quite a lot at just over 400. What’s going on? Is Spring in the air? Haven’t seen the sun for days.
Perhaps, like me, you were sitting around wondering about the macroeconomic impact of a Greek default or maybe what a war with Putin over the Ukraine would do to oil prices and poor Europe. …….. Fellow foilers.. No worries about war with Russia, Putin’s getting pissed at all the bullshit tossed his way. My sources on the dark side are saying he’s going to give up the goods, satellite, AND the whole shebang on who did what the day building number 7 fell all by itself.
Watch in amazement how McCain and Graham and MSM back off.
The world isent that complicated when you know how it realy works…
#41 Get back Loretta on 02.10.15 at 9:38 pm
My wife got so hooked on the real estate show ‘Property Brothers’ that she (and I) put in an application to be on the show. We never realized how set up these shows were until we went into the process. Turns out they wanted you to have already purchased your house BEFORE they do the show. We were then to pretend to choose our house and then start the reno’s.
Ok, it’s all smoke and mirrors in the end – but it sure left a bad taste in our mouth. We haven’t watched the show since.
Seriously, Garth – you say, “US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt)”.
The biggest “head fake” of all is the US economic recovery meme. We have no recovery in the US. “IF” the Fed raises rates in the next few months it will *only* be done to give themselves a little wiggle room to bring them back down to zero again by the end of the year, followed by another round of QE to juice the faltering economy. This is far from normalization!
This US recovery is a mirage. There is nothing self-sustaining about our economic recovery. It remains on life support, held together by a toxic brew of $18 trillion in reckless government debt, ZIRP, Bank bailouts, QE1 2 and 3, Operation Twist, periodic massive liquidity injections, ultra low interest rates, and a massive propaganda campaign designed to seduce the sheeple off the sidelines and into the retail stores and equity markets.
Paradoxically, if government programs and central bank shock treatments were all canceled, the economy would collapse into severe recession, or more likely a 1932 style depression.
The Fed has superimposed itself into the market by replacing capitalism and interrupting the most elegant instrument in the free market: The pricing mechanism.
Prices today are not determined by the free market, they are determined by the Fed. If you think the Fed has determined the correct prices for equities and real-estate then go ahead and lever up, however if you are suspect of our central planning fools replacing capitalism in the marketplace and goosing prices artificially high, then perhaps you are better off in cash waiting patently for Mr. Market to reemerge and determine what prices aught to be.
The central banks and states are masking this rising instability with politically expedient measures that all carry the risk of triggering unpredictable unintended consequences.
Surface stability is masking rising instability. The collective actions of the worlds central banks have careened out of control, grotesquely distorting the markets, and bringing to bear cataclysmic consequences.
That is not in doubt!
“Despite lower gas prices, consumer spending has plunged.”
Just admit it there never has been a usa economic renaissance, just a stock market inflation and soon to be stock market deflation.
The 2015 usa economic forecasts were as reliable as the Canuck job growth in 2014 and realtor honesty, QE did nothing because you can’t loan yourself out of debt.
You remind me of those dolts who were around during the dot com boom, saying that “the new normal” was market share and not revenue. They mostly ended up looking like ignorant idiots.
Housing an asset class may go up over time, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t bad times to buy (e. g. just before the crash in 81 in Vancouver).
Pretty obvious that the Cons are going to drop rates as low as the possibly can before the election. If they lose and the Liberals have to raise them, they can campaign next time on how “the Liberals killed the ecomomy”. If they win they can just keep the bleeding going.
More porn to keep the masses distracted. No biggie that we are not getting a Federal budget.
I share an office with a young guy who lives in Edmonton. Anyways he says today WTF… his wife sent him a virtual tour of a 700k house apparently she’s looking at. He has zero interest in moving, but this proves house lust is house lust that young women drool over
The biggest problem we have today is peoples lifetime experience is no longer a reliable guide to the future. This is a moment in history when the things that have been true for our entire lifetimes may have ceased to be true.
#47 Andrew Woburn on 02.10.15 at 10:09 pm
#99 SWL1976 on 02.09.15 at 10:30 pm
The collapse of the US dollar is going to be the single biggest event of our life times and is going to effect every man, woman, and child on this planet.
I’m not sure what such a collapse looks like in this context. Does it mean that:
& # 8211; the USD exchange rate falls so much that Americans have to drastically cut imports – foreigners will no longer accept USD in payment so American exporters must get paid in foreign money and convert it back – Americans refuse to be paid in greenbacks and turn to bartering for cartons of cigarettes or worse, trade in loonies?
Except for option three, its hard to see how these events would turn the US into a Mad Max zone overnight. The US economy is not heavily dependent on foreign trade. Are you actually thinking of a debt triggered collapse in the US economy rather than in the dollar per se? I could see another Lehman Bros event like a derivatives collapse but this would not be directly currency related and likely only result in another credit freeze-up, unpleasant and costly but resolvable.
The use of US dollars in international trade will and should decline over time as other countries increase their trade share. I believe about half of all US currency is held offshore and, as you say, will be making its way home as trade usage declines. This re-domestication of exodollars should increase domestic inflation but it is hard to imagine the process unwinding over less than a couple of decades or that the Fed will not find ways to neutralize the inflows as they show up.
One thing central banks do in the normal course of business is to “sterilize” inflationary inflows. For example, China keeps the yuan from floating up against the dollar by stopping its exporters from swapping their USD receipts for yuan in international markets. More dollars and less yuan in the market boosts the relative price of yuan. The exporters get below market rates to sell their dollars to Chinese commercial banks. The People’s Bank of China prints yuan to buy them from the commercials and parks the new dollars in US treasuries. The PBC doesn’t want the newly printed yuan to create domestic inflation so it makes the commercials increase their reserves (deposits) at the PBC thus “sterilizing” the yuan by taking them out of circulation. This is how China wound up with trillions of USD. It’s not for investment.
I don’t worry much about dollars coming home because the pointy heads at the Fed can do this sterilization stuff in their sleep. A lot of the “money” printed for QE is effectively sterilized as reserves at the Fed. That is one reason why QE did not create massive inflation.
In 2007 my wife and I bought a townhouse in port moody BC. In that time the townhouse has barely appreciated and SFH have increased 2-300k. So basically we’ve spent the last 8 years paying down the mortgage and gotten nowhere. Feel gutted. Where will it end? Will I Look at SFH prices today and think ‘what a bargain’ in 5 years? Based on current trend yes. Rates stay low, house horniness rampant. Might be a time to buy. I will regret this.
Today on BNN … U. S. investors bet against Canadian bank stocks
Did you send this to Eve Adams? Maybe she would fit the bill considering neither the Liberals or the Conservatives seem to want her representing them. She has the assets to fit the bill for “Love it or Leave It”.
RALEIGH, N. C. — The Federal Reserve should raise interest rates in June, a top Fed official said on Tuesday, saying the U. S. economy is strengthening and that inflation will move back to the central bank’s target.
“At this point, I think June looks like the attractive option” to raise interest rates, Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker told reporters here. “The data could change that, but it would have to be surprising data for me.”
#ProductionNotes, Or… #Reality’TV’,You’reKidding… #Right?…
“Big Coat Productions specializes in unscripted entertainment-based programming…”…
I guess alot of Canadians are converting cad to usd to ease the burden of losing wealth because of BOC decision to devalue our currency. I know its going to cause a world of pain for Canadians to have a 64 cent dollar but they know best. Debt enslavement for all Canadians, higher taxes to come and more despair for working familes. Affordable housing will be buying a rv and parking at walmart.
Garth, you missed the biggest story of the day;
BoC and other central banks lower rates in anticipation of rate delay in US.
I am in the K&B industry (that’s kitchen and bath) and everyone, including interior designers hate, hate hate those shows. I saw one show where the wife demanded Fisher +Paykel appliances (expensive) but then cheaped out on the cabinetry with Chinese made hardware that will fail in 2 years with doors falling off and the drawers toppling down, resulting in a redo needed $$$$$. Vanity is so sad to the materialistic fools out there. Stick to European hardware, good cabinetry and mid range appliances and you’ll be OK.
#57 For those about to flop. on 02.10.15 at 10:28 pm
Years working in construction…..25
Houses worked on, I guess…….500
Jobs completed under budget …..0
PS: Keep watching the HGTV shows and rack up that debt chasing the Jones’ because your egos and pride makes me money!
Hey I saw the same advert walking out of a Canucks game the other night, was thinking about this blog then! Definitely real picture today. )
#60 Saskatoon-living on 02.10.15 at 10:35 pm
Guys like real porn. Women like house porn. Hah!
#62 Love It But Missed It on 02.10.15 at 10:38 pm
Not to be overly nitpicky (and only because I work in media), but both Love It or List It and Property Brothers are Canadian-first shows on W Network. HGTV broadcasts them in the US, but the formats and franchises are Canuck through and through.
Not that we North of 49ers care anything about real estate though, right?
#41 Get back Loretta on 02.10.15 at 9:38 pm
“Turns out they wanted you to have already purchased your house BEFORE they do the show.”
Heard it the same BS on House Hunters series. Couples actually own the house they pick at the end of the show and the others are set ups by the agents to show the listings.
Dice are loaded!
About 80 jobs at Plasco have been terminated after the company obtained a court order to protect itself from creditors following several missed deadlines to secure financing for a waste-to-energy plant.
The employees will receive one month of severance pay, a spokesperson for the company said.
#65 fancy_pants on 02.10.15 at 10:39 pm
#19 Chaddywack on 02.10.15 at 9:03 pm I really don’t get it….why would they drop rates again knowing that the US is eventually going to raise rates…….
no brains in the head they are thinking with…. kinda like a guy dropping his drawers knowing the girl is going to raise her dress.
#66 tundra pete on 02.10.15 at 10:40 pm
#25 who is going to get in? Isnt that the $ 64 000 question. First time buyers make up a bulk of purchases. Im thinking the nice lady who works at walmart, maybe the nice man that works at Tim Hortons, a $750 000 100% financing mtg on a strata box with unpredictable homeowner association fees should be the norm. Makes perfect sense to me.
Dont know who remembers the early 80’s but I do. Mtg rates were good. Somewhere around 5 to 8 %. (Normal). Then they quickly jumped up. Yes 18% would be considered reasonable at the time. Many families went thru this. Most hung on crimped the style somewhat but it was dealt with. Houses were reasonable prices then life went on.
Fast forward to now. Wow, wouldnt want to be in a lot of peoples shoes these days. Things can get real bad, real fast.
Gotta keep in mind that since 2008, todays interest rates are still emergency rates in place temporarily to stimulate the economy back to normalcy. If they do not increse at some point, well lets not even go there. Ever heard of a $28.00 loaf of bread or a & $36.00 jug of milk? Didnt think so. Hope we dont.
I admire Garth for his patience I would have just told these house horny no minds to go f%#k themselves.
Todays lesson; You cant fix stupid.
#67 The World According to MARK on 02.10.15 at 10:40 pm
More CRAP by Mark:
“And when the CMHC comes under pressure financially, perhaps in the not-so-distant future, they’ll cave as well. ————— The North Van Lands were down zoned to prevent development by the District of North Vancouver. It was not a decision by CMHC, in fact they tried to fight it and lost.
“The money involved, the tax base, is simply too lucrative to perpetually keep suitable land out of production. ———— The ALR is controlled by the Province. Property taxes are collected by the municipality. The Province will adamantly protect the ALR.
“The only thing keeping Vancouver housing prices elevated is an excess of subprime credit.” ———– Please Mark back up what you say with facts just once. Prove that there is an abundance of sub prime credit in Vancouver.
#68 MSM-free Zone on 02.10.15 at 10:41 pm
“…….In fact, HGTV has clocked in as the #1 cable channel for US women aged 25 to 54 in the US……” _________________________________________
Cable TV is the last refuge for influencing those who are incapable of mastering a computer mouse and discovering the truth for themselves.
Speaks volumes of the intelligence of a nation about to pump a second Bush into power.
#69 MSM-free Zone on 02.10.15 at 10:46 pm
“….Word is the Bank of Canada will be dropping its key interest rate once again – in March. It will decline a further one-quarter point, to 0.5%…..” _______________________________________
Kind of like handing out donuts and slurpees at a Weight-Watchers meeting.
At least we now know the truth about the so-called ‘arms length’ agreement between the current government and the Bank of Canada.
#70 tundra pete on 02.10.15 at 10:51 pm
To much patience Garth. I would have lost it long ago repeating the drivel incessantly. Would have told the house horny no minds to go f#%k themselves.
These are emergency interest rates enacted 2008 to stimulate the economy not the moist virgins.
Proven time and time again, you cant’t fix stupid.
#71 just say no on 02.10.15 at 10:56 pm
back in the day with only;This old house to watch now and then…I bought a home year 1987 and in 1999 still had not gone up an dime! But today people are cut throat for the same house at 4x’s the price. I will never forget those years when people with no money could only dream and envy. I do love the house porn though for it is entertainment and if people had to use their own hard earned and saved to pay cash this would not be happening at this pace. I believe sellers are holding off on listing for with a rate drop no doubt the asking price gets to rise. How I miss 1987…….
#40 Smoking Man on 02.10.15 at 9:33 pm — “Perhaps, like me, you were sitting around wondering about the macroeconomic impact of a Greek default or maybe what a war with Putin over the Ukraine would do to oil prices and poor Europe.”
Hey there SMan. Keeping well? I am!
I heard a TREB commercial on the radio tonight, a first for me. Not sure what that means exactly but looks like they’re ramping up for the spring.
They were talking about how real estate in York Region has gone up 85% in the last 10 years. That’s conservative if you ask me. If you include leverage those who bought 10 years ago won the lottery. And it really is luck if you think about all of the world and local events that had to happen for this to work. Another big spring in the GTA.
#74 Andrew Woburn on 02.10.15 at 11:12 pm
MSM-free Zone on 02.10.15 at 10:41 pm
Speaks volumes of the intelligence of a nation about to pump a second Bush into power. =================
You mean a third Bush. You’re forgetting George Senior. And Bush 4.0 is already emerging from the 3-D printer.
Wouldn’t that be Bush 3.0?
Very smart… If you can find sheeps feed them grass, Canadians deserved it.
“Especially yesterdays comment where you have no idea what the ALR in Vancouver is.”
The “ALR” is, at best, a short-term measure to keep land out of use for RE. The minute that any meaningful shortage of land develops in the Vancouver region, backed by actual scarcity and rapid rises in real rents, the political and financial pressure to release such land to production will be irresistible by politicians at all levels of government. Let’s not get too carried away with the delusion that government can permanently keep land from reverting to its highest value uses.
As it stands, rents in Vancouver are not very high on a major world city basis for all classes of RE. And elevated prices appear to only have support in excessively low cap rates and excess subprime credit.
Tried very hard, growing a successful bussines, double my tsfa, happy family, money it’s not an issue etc but the life sucks in here, I’m so happy i have a back up country.
I said yesterday that my Edmonton manufacturing shop just laid off 25% of our workforce this week plus via attrition have not re-hired back a handful of managers… WELL, today we found out that our sister shop (Edmonton area) is completely shutting down in August. So 100 low-skilled laborers & 20+ office staff are out of a job or will be in 6 months. Things just got really scary for the rest of us.
This bubble is like filling the halon with farts. when it burst the smell will kill you. Tetrahydrocannabinol, long name I know…
“In 2007 my wife and I bought a townhouse in port moody BC. In that time the townhouse has barely appreciated and SFH have increased 2-300k. So basically we’ve spent the last 8 years paying down the mortgage and gotten nowhere.”
I feel for you man. Your story is typical of a large segment of my general peer group, (Gen-Xers trying to get into the market with a starter home), and this is is the “new normal” in many attached properties bought in the mid-late 2000’s and beyond, all across YVR, including parts of Van city, NOT just the suburbs.
Many (most, perhaps all?) who bought in the last 7-8 years are underwater technically speaking, or worse. Yet NOTHING is ever mentioned in the MSM, no reliable stats to reference, nada. It’s “RE only goes UP!” One actually has to spend the time to research assessed values yoy, and track the MLS listings in a specific area (yes I need a hobby) to notice the reality of this multi-year downward trend (and I have)… and this does not even begin to factor in the massive OVERSUPPLY of this type of housing that continues to be pumped out for the foreseeable future. I’m just tired of watching friends & colleagues jumping off a financial cliff to “get-in at all costs, because housing only goes up!” based on almost complete obfuscation of data and a complicit msm paid for with RE advertising $.
After hearing dozens, and dozens of similar anecdotes over the past 5+years, some from people close to me, I finally went from long-time lurker here, to poster in an effort to provide some honest perspective.
The RealTrolls™ who come here to shamelessly pump, to date, have not provided any links to reliable data to refute the observation that many Van suburbs have been sloooow melting for YEARS. having access to the data, they know this is the truth.
Garth, you really should take a closer look at YVR ‘burbs, especially the attached market in the last 5-7 years. SFH’s in many areas also flat or down in real terms, yoy, (at minimum, losing money against inflation) or worse, in defined downward trend. Rot starts at the edges, now White Rock & area SFH luxury market chilly too. Where’d all that HAM go? Van city and remaining Hot Pockets will not be immune. The “floor” may arguably end up being higher than other areas, but there will be a correction closer the the historical mean nonetheless.
“Genworth drops 44%”
Careful there. Genworth (USA — ticker GNW) is a different legal entity from Genworth Canada (MIC. TO). The latters’ stock is only down from a peak of $42 to today’s $31, and believe it or not, actually declared a dividend today.
#83 Mincus Wincup Sr. on 02.10.15 at 11:26 pm
Garth says rates will start to normalize in June. (That is not in doubt). I’m sure Garth has some data to back this statement up.
The guy is the video below seems pretty smart. He says rates are not going to rise. He backs it up with statistical data. Disclaimer: This was posted on Zero Guy so it might not be credible according to some opinions that frequent this site.
Someone is gonna be right and someone is gonna be wrong. Good luck gentlemen. I will enjoy watching and enjoying the show.
And 3D printer one will be tad brighter…
#86 Andrew Woburn on 02.10.15 at 11:38 pm
If you can’t sell HAMburgers in Richmond, then where?
My friend who lives there says other local businesses are struggling as well.
“McDonald’s Steveston shuts up shop in Richmond”
“The RealTrolls™ who come here to shamelessly pump, to date, have not provided any links to reliable data to refute the observation that many Van suburbs have been sloooow melting for YEARS. having access to the data, they know this is the truth.”
Por supuesto. For a few reasons. First of all, we know that the shift in the sales mix over the past couple years has been quite dramatic. Away from lower-end units, and more tilted towards the higher-end units. Hence, it becomes very erroneous to merely apply the “sales” stats (which clearly show an increase) over the entire universe of housing when the mix of that housing participating in transactions is quite a bit different today than it was two years ago.
Secondly, newer units are being delivered with amenities, finishes, and other features which are not all that common in older units. Just because brand new units are being built with granite, stainless, and other top-dollar features, doesn’t mean that existing units magically have those features. The effect of all this new, un-depreciated construction on the sales mix is significant, especially in Calgary and Vancouver where supply has been so vigorous over the past few years.
Last but not least, we have evidence, in certain markets, that vendors have been ‘juicing’ the prices by building in unusually significant incentives into the purchase price. A $1M house that includes a $50k BMW, is really a $950k house, but will be reported as a $1M transaction. On a wide enough scale basis, this has the effect of masking declines.
All of the available evidence seems to indicate that the Canadian housing market, including in the GTA, GVR, and Calgary, peaked in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2013, and we’ve been coasting on fumes and manipulations as described above. Inflation has been chronically running beneath target, even with abnormally low policy rates, because demand is disappearing and the “wealth effect” is going in reverse. The Realtors will “deny, deny, deny”, but they’re rapidly running out of excuses, and the sales mix changes have largely run their course. Which is why we’re seeing a lot of sell-siders freaking out these days, now that the jig is up.
So let me get this straight. There is yet another home reno show coming online (with a focus on the markets that matter 416 & 604). Yet the ‘inevitable housing crash/correction is upon us’ predictions continue…
As if all the market and audience research already done by the people backing this show isn’t enough to suggest that at the very least:
& # 8211; Demand for housing in the 416 & 604 will continue to increase - The owners of 300 sq foot micro units will need to learn how to max out every square mm of space - People will aspire to own for any number of reasons for a long time to come - With interest rates heading towards negative territory, viewers will still be able to afford cable to watch the show AND pay the mortgage (imagine that)!
And yes, monopoly money is hell of a lot of fun to spend on acquiring real assets:) I always say, assuming you have a fat down and decent job prospects.
5 & ​​# 8211; 10 years from now, I see a show about renters dealing with issues brought on by severe regrets about not buying in the GTA: “Wished it, but Missed It,”
#89 For those about to flop. on 02.10.15 at 11:42 pm
I don’t suppose anyone has ever seen Smoked Meat and lala in the same room? Maybe they had the same school teacher?
My wife has an acquaintance who is supposedly going on Love It or List It with their house. Will let you dogs know what happens.
#91 crowdedelevatorfartz on 02.10.15 at 11:51 pm
@ #80 lala “This bubble is like filling the halon with farts. when it burst the smell will kill you. Tetrahydrocannabinol, long name I know…” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Smoking Man has spawned an educated successor.
I’m likin’ eso
#92 crowdedelevatorfartz on 02.10.15 at 11:55 pm
@#61 Lillooet “Guys like real porn. Women like house porn. Hah!” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lazer-like observation. The difference being; Men think with “monkey brain”. Women think with “lizard brain”.
#93 No Canada, No on 02.10.15 at 11:57 pm
Garth, tell us you’ve applied. Please? Pleeseees?
“The collapse of the US dollar is going to be the single biggest event of our life times and is going to effect every man, woman, and child on this planet. & # 8220;
True, and probably for the better in most cases. The USD is in a giant bubble, and investing in it has been a large source of malinvestment over the past few decades. Instead of using such investment to develop the world’s most state-of-the-art factories, R&D, and standard of living, the US has largely squandered its exorbitant privilege of seignorage on exorbitant domestic compensation for non-producers (public “servants”), endless military interventions in foreign lands, and domestic policy intended to destroy the efforts of its domestic producers.
I believe “hard” currencies, the currencies of chronic exporters such as Canada, will replace the USD$ in the reserve baskets of nations which are net importers. Along with domestic deflation in Canada, and the probability of strong investment inflows on account of such rebalancing, I believe the CAD$ eventually will be worth $1.5 USD$ or more. It will take decades for the US to fully clean up its act, liquidate all of the malinvestment in its economy (social, political, economical), rebuild its domestic economy, and regain credibility. The 2008/2009 collapse was a warning shot which unfortunately was not appropriately heeded.
Pretty houses, pretty designers, pretty realtors and pretty interest rates=pretty horny
#96 Uh Oh Canada on 02.11.15 at 12:07 am
I’ve waited and I’ve watched for the last five years. Now the ‘rot at the edges’ are in my area. 400k houses are going for 300kish and so forth and so on. This is about a 100k savings for those who didn’t buy in 12/13. Vultching time will be either later this year or next year.
#47 Andrew Woburn
Thanks for the insight. I know there are plenty of people who contribute to this blog who are considerably smarter than myself when it comes to international banking and finance. I’m the guy you want setting the clearance in your self aligning spherical roller bearings or designing one off custom tooling for your machine shop. That being said I am smart enough to know that something isn’t right in the world of finance.
Personally I think once the majority of the world decides to ditch the dollar things will happen fast, but I have no idea how it will play out.
Look at the recent wars with regards to countries trying to ditch the petro-dollar. Doesn’t go over well, sure we in the west have been told a certain story, but the bottom line is the US desperately clinging to Reserve currency status. I think the west is greatly underestimating the demographics of the rest of the world and how perceptions can change rather quickly. Remember the west is 5% of the global population and aging at that.
I do know one thing when a country with 18 trillion and counting in debt is writing laws that give complete control of private property to the state, complete control of the internet and communication to the state, complete control of all transportation to the state, has built internment camps for its citizens, and has approved prolonged detention, is arming and training its local police with military gear and personnel… One best take notice, all the above is happening and can be enacted in a state of emergency.
Truth is I don’t know how this house of cards will fall, but just take a look around warning signs are every where but sure enough even more distractions. Most people in North America have 3 days food in their home… False flag terrorist attack on the banks, or transportation network, no food moves, and there would be chaos pretty quick especially in urban areas. Once martial law is declared, complete state control… Just what they want.
Who was thinking on Sept 10 2001 that passenger planes would be flown into the WTC the next day?
Anyways I have had enough for the week, too many things to worry about that are beyond my control
Thanks Garth for this forum and thanks to all who contribute.
#73 I love reading comments like yours, where the people have won the lottery in gains. Only problem is you have to cash that ticket in to get your winnings which no one seems to do as the “jackpot” only gets bigger. Then the day comes to cash in the winning ticket and they find out it’s expired
now days “robots” are everywhere, they trade. write news, assembles other machines, delivers mail… but I will absolutely hate to see them in service industry. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=JzF5VawGgiA
Folks: Is Russia and Japan a good place to invest now (’cause the market is so down…buy low sell high) and what do you think about investing in agriculture commodities and agribusiness?
BOC will cut rate again in March? “Hey, how about a 20% pay cut for everyone so may be we can have a better economy, uh, I mean higher housing prices.”
#37 The World According to MARK
“Of course, there’s no demand since rents are reasonably affordable in the GVR”
Another piece of crap by Mark.
Except he’s absolutely right. There is no shortage of housing in Vancouver, either to buy (months of inventory) or to rent (rents have gone nowhere in the last decade, flat in real terms). Lower mainland is very low density, comparing to even tier 2 or tier 3 world class cities, never mind the tier 1 metropolis Vancouver likes to aspire to.
Particularly telling is the rent figure; if there was actual supply/demand mismatch, rents would be skyrocketing along with prices. If properties to buy are in tight supply, then so are properties to rent, and both would rise in price (there are no rent controls for new tenants, before you bring up that nonsense). This is not happening, there is a complete disconnect between rents and prices, with CAP rates typically in 1-2% range. The only reason for the disparity is speculative demand driven by easy and cheap credit, and asset-based lending.
RE: #68 MSM-free Zone on 02.10.15 at 10:41 pm Speaks volumes of the intelligence of a nation about to pump a second Bush into power.
Not to mention the collective intelligence of a nation who put Harper into power. When he, or one of his minions, speaks on the world stage I feel embarrassed to be Canadian.
#105 Metro Van Observer on 02.11.15 at 12:57 am
Garth, years and years of you warning of higher rates have not materialized and will not anytime soon in Canada. Why oh why do you believe this will happen? 6 years of emergency interest rates already and we are well on the long-term deflationary pathway of Japan than to see higher rates. As others note, the long term bond rates are telling us that years of slow growth are ahead.
What do you see that us mere mortal blog dogs don’t? Even after all these years from you of higher rates just over the horizon.
#106 Iceberg Homes on 02.11.15 at 1:03 am
Human moles. need more space…. dig dig dig..
“Now, why am I writing about such drivel?”
Right, and WWE is real and Lance armstrong never took PEDs.
“Reality TV” is an oxymoron.
cleared up on south central VI today for a nice ride.
As a 25 year vetran software engineer on his way to the USA due to the 3rd world standard of living here in YVR, I can’t abide inconstancies. Please Mr G, the code for toronto airport is YYZ. Rush wrote a song about it. Its a good song.
#109 Carney is happy. on 02.11.15 at 1:22 am
#18 Van Isle Renter
I too, have a biscuit joiner…..” ————————————————
Bought one for my wife, thought she could use it in the kitchen. jajaja
#111 Obvious Truth on 02.11.15 at 1:37 am
#11. Clamps and vices for me. Not sure what that says about me. Happy to say they’ve all been used at the cottage. Clamps are holding things together all over the place. Just need Gillian to help with some reno work. Move over Bob.
For all you oil junkies. Clean and green is the new marginal barrel. Critical mass will be achieved and there will be no disruptions in power. Yes subsidies were needed. Just like for oil infrastructure. Get over it. Don’t fear being empowered.
I had put together a few paragraphs to frame the scenario for you horse and buggy fossilized dinosaur hunters but I realized its a waste of time. You love oil. I’m competing with hgtv on this. Carry on.
#112 Frustrated Kiwi on 02.11.15 at 1:41 am
Actually no, in the very long term house prices are flat (relative to inflation): http://economistsview. typepad. com/economistsview/2006/03/shiller_longter. html This is because if the average house price went up faster than the average wage both houses and rents would become uneconomic. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a generations worth of under or over priced houses of course.
#113 Keith in Calgary on 02.11.15 at 1:45 am
Speaking of BC real estate……..I personally know 4 people who have been trying to sell their SUNSHINE COAST properties (in Sechelt and Gibsons) for at least 3 years………with no takers.
I know it’s a little too popular to beat up on Fort McMurray these days, but I’d invite y’all to check out this Facebook page which offers vehicles for sale up in the Fort these days. Desperate days indeed…
Let’s just say there are lots of vehicles for sales to pay for frivolous things like mortgage payments. My nephew was going to buy a fancy sled which was purchased for 16K last year which he was going to vultch for 5K… Dude got laid off and needed money PRONTO – like last Friday. My nephew wasn’t able to get to Fort McMurray that quick and the fancy sled was sold to someone else. My nephew is also in the Alberta oil patch and his dad said something wise… “You might be taking advantage of this guy in Fort McMurray today, but that might be you in 6 months.”
Was told told a great expression at work today. “It’s unfortunate stupidity is painless”.
The Vancouver housing crash in ’81. Guau.
That was a long time ago. Waayyyy before the HAM factor. Things are very different now.
That’s not that surprising: there’s already 1500 plus units on the MLS, and much of that is stuff in the new subdivisions. And prices are dropping on ‘investment’ stuff, like condo conversions and small bungalows.
Yeah…I don’t know about the next rate drop Garth. Poloz looked like he was holding his penis with both hands in Turkey when he had to deny deny deny not using his bully pulpit to drive the dollar down. Canadian and International reporters echoed Canadians very loud and public sentiment…from both Main Street and Bay that Poloz has been playing silly buggers without a clue as to what he was doing.
Personally I think he’s a uneducated buffoon, without the qualifications or experience for this job….that idea is well known and shared among Canada’s financial analysts…so nothing new there…
Harper must have known as well. But I think the product of Poloz’ buffoonery has unexpectedly driven the Canadian economy off the rails when he didn’t foresee the dual Balck Swans crashing through the roof of his 1940’s style economic model.
Harper will have to find a way to quietly ‘retire ‘ Poloz and get someone more credible…with embarrassing the senior bureaucratic ‘talent pool’ …and himself.
I think Poloz will be ‘reassigned ‘ before March.
#74 Andrew Woburn on 02.10.15 at 11:12 pm #75 Wildnutter on 02.10.15 at 11:16 pm _________________________
Absolutely, thanks for the reminder and correction.
Love the 3D comment!…. who’s supplying the ink? Sarah Palin? …(though 1D would better describe both families, and their voter base.)
“US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt).”
I never thought I’d hear it from a US chief economist but here is Mizuho’s Steve Ricchiuto saying exactly what I’ve been saying for the past year…
“…and we’re going to be pushing out just like the Bank of England. They’ve been preparing everyone for a rate increase for some time too.”
Steve Ricchiuto? Seriamente? & # 8212; Garth
Today I felt a scare….a realization..I am becoming a citizen of a country whose leaders ape the USA. The US has become a bully boy. It has done a lot of bad things including killing little kids Mom’s and Dad’s. Those little kids grow up. I know if you killed my mom or dad I’d get even….eventually. Interest rates may not be our biggest problem. I am concerned
Calgary real estate board stopped posting daily changes in listings, median & average prices? Don’t see them this morning…
Selfish intent…as always?
#124 Brian Williams NBC News on 02.11.15 at 8:50 am
Say, Garth, I am taking a bit of a sabbatical from the network and might be interested in doing one of these jobs. They say my demo tests very high with women (it’s the hair of course – you know that yourself, bro!) so I’d be a great fit for W Network.
Tell them I’m interested. If they insist, I’m sure I can get a real estate license in a few weeks max, no biggie.
It’ll be great being up in Canada again, hanging out with you again Garth!
Just like old times. I remember it like it was yesterday, being in the cabinet room with you standing up to Harper and that bruise when he threw his lipstick case at your forehead. Or when I was the passenger on your Harley, hugging you with my thighs as you rode into the sunset off Parliament Hill in 2008. Or our days together at UTS hanging in the cafeteria, or when you got me to call Dorothy last year to reassure her that all the Amazons were fake (wink, wink) or when I supervised you at the Toronto Sun………….
#118 Londoner on 02.11.15 at 5:30 am “…and we’re going to be pushing out just like the Bank of England. They’ve been preparing everyone for a rate increase for some time too.”
Mark Carney is very good at crying wolf. He fine tuned his howl in the Great White North.
for sure, looks like you are on the cusp for an imminent rate increase (insert rolly eyes)
@89 about to flop
Been 15 years in Canada but english is not my thing, who is smoking meat!?
#113 Big English
Stupidity isn’t painless for the observer. Just look at the Daily Mail link that was posted twice above.
(On second thoughts, don’t. It’s click bait and it’ll reduce your intelligence by a measurable amount. I know. I clicked so help me.)
#128 Holy Crap Wheres The Tylenol on 02.11.15 at 10:08 am
#72 Nosty, etc. on 02.10.15 at 11:00 pm
#40 Smoking Man on 02.10.15 at 9:33 pm — “Perhaps, like me, you were sitting around wondering about the macroeconomic impact of a Greek default or maybe what a war with Putin over the Ukraine would do to oil prices and poor Europe.”
Hey there SMan. Keeping well? I am!
Now, try this for something completely different. It’s a real screwed up world now!
http://www. businessinsider. com/russian-official-we-could-help-iran-attack-saudi-arabia-if-us-arms-ukraine-2015-2 _____________________________________________ That is the old school method of getting the economy pumped vigorously. Just start a war! Its been done so many times over my life! But it does work!
“Steve Ricchiuto? Seriamente? — Garth”
Hey, he’s actually in your camp. You guys just disagree on timing.
Anyways, the problem here is that you refer to rate rises as “normalization”. In the early days, options traders had the same issue when assuming normality in their valuation models.
#130 Interesting observation re @Mark on 02.11.15 at 10:16 am
@Mark can write anything, yet Sir Garth won’t comment. He used to comment but he’s now biting his tongue in what seems to be an attempt to make him go away. @Mark is coming up with some really “creative stuff” in hopes to get a reaction but to no avail.
Hang in there Sir, we are all cheering for you.
#125 fancy_pants on 02.11.15 at 9:01 am “…..Brian Murphy, of the Mortgage Advice Bureau, said: ‘The next six months are shaping up to be the best-ever window to secure a low interest rate if you are looking to buy or remortgage…….” ___________________________________
“Mortgage Advice Bureau”.
I’m sure the REALTURDS® here a home in Canada are saying, “How come we didn’t think up a sucker-slogan like that!”
#104 kommy kim “Not to mention the collective intelligence of a nation who put Harper into power.”
I think it might have more to do with the “collective frustration” of the nation. With no fiscally responsible/socially conscience middle party to opt for, many pinch their nose and vote.
Here in Ontario, Justin does himself a great disservice appearing in photo ops with the spendthrift scandal plagued Wynn. This only serves as a reminder to Conservatives of the past federal Liberal scandals that got them booted out prior to Harper.
As an aside, we rarely vote in federally, the same party that’s in power in Ontario. It’s a crapshoot. In the meantime you may find the Serenity Prayer helpful.
I am very sad to say it but it is true.
The economy will be wrecked.
This is how it all will come together.
Let us hope it does not go nuclear.
But it may, maybe just in a limited way. (I hope)
Ukraine+Middle East+The Rest Of Us+Home Grown Terrorists+ISIS+. +. +.
All to be connected very soon, it appears.
Mark – ALR has been around for 40 years and shows no sign of dissolving.
#135 Simon Cowell on 02.11.15 at 11:08 am
Poloz is not talking down the Lonnie, he is sinking it. Qualifying the guy as a complete idiot is putting it mildly. Insane statements, complete lack of communication skills, amateur… he is clearly not fit to be a central banker.
After all people get mad when lied to and mislead by an idiot, in a stupid, ignorant way, I start to miss Mark Carney, at least he had some class. While Poloz is a real insult to everyone’s intelligence.
If you had 100 k in the bank a year ago Poloz is singlehandidly responsible for stealing at least 10-12 % of their purchasing power.
Hey, my wife and I have watched “Love It or List It” often in the past. I like Hilary’s designs. She’s good. I’ve picked up some nice ideas. Plus it’s fun deciding whether we would (in the fictional world) either keep the house or move.
Speaking of TV, anyone see Undercover Boss recently with Armando Montelongo? He is the biggest reno/house flipper in the U. S. Built a $200M fortune flipping houses and selling his “you can flip it too” seminars. Reputed to make $75M/yr doing it! Isn’t RE grand. So easy! No more land being made so much better than crap shoot on Wall Street!
The Vancouver housing crash in ’81. _________________ Yes it was awful.
18 months of dropping, followed by 33 years of uppa.
This is how RE crashes in 604.
________________ Not really ,
My big expenses are 100% in CDN. No loss whatsoever.
Property taxes, boat moorage, costco, booze etc, kids braces, etc have seen Zero change with the dollar. What, exactly are you talking about, aside from us travel?
#139 miketheengineer on 02.11.15 at 11:24 am
#86 Andrew Woburn said “McDonald’s Steveston shuts up shop in Richmond”
This will be the trend going forward. Big Chain Fast Food…look at the price increases….and look at what you get….not much. For a 10 dollar meal, I can go an buy 2 loaves of bread and a jar of peanut butter and eat lunch for 2 weeks.
People are “tapped” fuera. Boomers don’t eat at McDonalds, on CPP…it is too expensive for them, when they can barely make ends meet. The government takes every dime they can from you. Wages don’t go up as fast as real inflation. Entry level jobs at 10 bucks an hour….guess what, you have to go to food bank to survive.
More retail and more fast food has to go, bye bye….cause people are “tapped out” of their cash.
#96 Uh Oh Canada
Where is your area?
#134 ALR on 02.11.15 at 11:04 am Mark – ALR has been around for 40 years and shows no sign of dissolving ————— Mark is delusional on this point. The alr is the most productive farmland in the country by a wide margin. It is a relatively tiny amount of land. It will never be sacrificed for backyards. Nunca. Período.
Vancouver city ran out of room for backyards 70 yrs ago. (combined with demand, that is why lots are 1-5 mil)There is no alr anywhere near vanity that isn’t richmond swamp. Have you ever been here?
@ the US dollar doomsters. Gentlemen, the US dollar will not collapse. The US is running the international casino and the house always wins. US currency is backed by this :
US debt is irrelevant, they’ll just keep on printing and cooking the books. Whatever it takes. China does have pull in the Forex but has no interest in slashing its own throat by crushing the US dollar.
China, Russia, and India are basket cases. India is STILL running their caste system, average Russians live in horrible conditions and don’t get me started on China.
Chinese do NOT own the land their buildings are on ( state owns the land).China’s biggest problem is the language(s). Many people living only a few kms apart cannot understand each other’s dialects and have only the written language in common. There are 30-50 THOUSAND Chinese characters. But :
“Studies in China have shown that functional literacy in written Chinese requires a knowledge of between three and four thousand characters.”
3-4 thousand characters to memorize versus 26 letters of the alphabet? Who do you think has the advantage?
“By some estimates, 100 surnames cover 85 percent of China’s citizens….By contrast, 70,000 surnames cover 90 percent of Americans.”
How can you provide an index for scientific papers or even a phone book without an alphabet? China is making an attempt at romanization with Pinyin. Pinyin is a phonetic system but because China’s languages are tonal (where one “word” has multiple meanings depending on how it’s pronounced) Pinyin will prove inadequate for the modern world.
Ever wonder how a Chinese typewriter works?
I was really looking forward to an influx of translated modern Chinese literature but have come to realize this is little more than a pipe dream.
Sadly I can’t read Chinese scrolls. And the dirty little secret is… neither can most people in China!
#143 Hot Albertan Money on 02.11.15 at 11:36 am
Since YYZ and YVR already have their own shows, anyone willing to guess which city will get the newest Love it or List it?
I’m willing to bet Garth’s mortgage it’s Winnipeg
#144 Smoked squirrel meat on 02.11.15 at 11:37 am
One born every day.
#145 Yyc not retired on 02.11.15 at 11:42 am
@123 s calgary They have last years active listings as N/A too! So annoying. I think because it’s approaching 200% increase they’ve decided to just leave it out. How convenient for them - don’t like the number? Let’s just not report on it. Creb. com
#146 Ralph Cramdown on 02.11.15 at 11:45 am
#133 Brutus — “I am very sad to say it but it is true. WAR WITHIN WEEKS.”
You’re such a poor predictor of geopolitical events that as soon as you open your mouth predicting war, gold drops 1% and oil drops 3%. Isn’t that a bit embarrassing? Also, where’s our predictions for the price of gold and silver?
#147 Mister Obvious on 02.11.15 at 11:48 am
The renters of Vancouver are taking a free ride at the expense of property owners. This reluctant largess will continue for some time yet.
It’s a fantastic opportunity for younger people who have not yet thrown their money away on houses to begin a lifelong habit of sensible investing.
#148 Smoked squirrel meat on 02.11.15 at 11:55 am
#149 Musty Basement Dweller on 02.11.15 at 11:59 am
That Poloz dude seems to get horny about being Mr. Unpredictable. (probably some kind of power trip). So now that everyone thinks he is going to drop the rate again I predict he doesn’t do anything this next time. (or maybe raise .25. wouldn’t that be a turn on. )
#150 Musty Basement Dweller on 02.11.15 at 12:07 pm
“smoked squirrel meat” lol love the handle :). and a great idea to spice things up with a side of meow mix.
“If you had 100 k in the bank a year ago Poloz is singlehandidly responsible for stealing at least 10-12 % of their purchasing power.”
Except that inflation, which is a measure of purchasing power, has been only on the low side of 1-2%. Which itself may be overstated as prices on a lot of stuff, including houses, have declined in the past year. Where do you get 10-12% from?
I personally wouldn’t “blame” Poloz for anything. If anything, the BoC has been way too hawkish over the past few years, running a policy rate that was so high as to not be justified by the state of the Canadian economy. The BoC finally saw the light and lowered policy rates recently, in recognition of not only the declining RE market, but the significant need to stimulate business development in Canada.
Speaking of flipping houses… just got an idea to make millions! Just across the border in Detroit, the city has thousands of derelict houses they are trying to avoid tearing down. I could buy several dozen at $2k each, employ all local out-of-work people to reno & landscape, then sell for a tidy profit. With the booty, buy another hundred and do the same. Soon the whole city is renovated and beautified. A reality TV show could be made to cover the transformation. Call it “Motor City Makeovers!” That will make a fortune too!
Why hasn’t some American figured this out? Why does it take a Canadian to show them the way to the “American Dream”? Maybe because Canadians are the #1 RE geniuses in all the world!
The best part of the Canadian real estate tv shows is that their production is government/tax payer subsidized (like virtually every other CA tv shows).
& # 8220 ;. @Mark is coming up with some really “creative stuff” in hopes to get a reaction but to no avail. & # 8220;
I’m not a particularly ‘creative’ persona. I just look at the facts and the data, and come to conclusions based on the hard evidence. I am neither looking to buy, nor sell RE (am very comfortable with my own sorta balanced portfolio and renting), so I have far less conflict-of-interest than many posters.
“The alr is the most productive farmland in the country by a wide margin. It is a relatively tiny amount of land. & # 8220;
Its such a tiny amount of land in the whole scheme of things, its practically a certainty that as demand exists, it will eventually be released to residential uses. Canada already has quite an over-abundance of farms. The short-term civic planning preference is for re-development of housing at existing sites, the so-called “teardowns”. Which, if you have travelled to cities such as Atlanta, makes perfect sense to avoid the creation of slums, and urban blight.
#155 The World According to MARK on 02.11.15 at 12:30 pm
Dyslexic? Foolish? Uneducated? Poorly Read? Or just trying to get reaction?
Maybe a combination of the above?
#156 Smoked squirrel meat on 02.11.15 at 12:30 pm
#157 Sideshow Rob on 02.11.15 at 12:31 pm
Here is an interesting perspective on Canadian housing. No real surprises to the blog dogs.
Canadians had every chance to do the right thing. Despite the recent US experience with a national housing bubble Canadians refused to learn anything. They instead doubled down on the stupid. Brain dead Canadians still subscribe to the notion that massive housing debt equals massive wealth. Most people just have to learn lessons from personal experience. They will soon find out what massive debt really is…a ball and chain.
#73 pwn3d on 02.10.15 at 11:03 pm
I heard a TREB commercial on the radio tonight, a first for me. Not sure what that means exactly but looks like they’re ramping up for the spring.
They were talking about how real estate in York Region has gone up 85% in the last 10 years. That’s conservative if you ask me. If you include leverage those who bought 10 years ago won the lottery. And it really is luck if you think about all of the world and local events that had to happen for this to work. Another big spring in the GTA.
Like any other investment, you’ve really only made $$$ if you cashed out and took the profit, otherwise you’re just letting it ride at the casino. Nobody’s “won the lotto” until they cash out. They might just a have a risky ticket that looks good…. por ahora. What they do with that ticket is another matter.
I sold my house, took the $$ and rent a newer better house for a fraction of what my old house cost me. I also sold out all my O&G stocks in July and captured a multi-bagger before the wheels fell off.
Got rid of the risky business stuff and went into a balanced portfolio. Doing well this year again.
There’s a difference between being up and taking a profit. You might be up, but I took a profit.
No offense, but I’d rather be me than you.
“US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt)”
“normalize” means to stay historically low?
that is not is doubt
The new and improved anti terror law ( c44, c51) has a section with an offence which is confusing. & # 8221; interfering with the finacial stability of the country or its infrastructure. & # 8221; is your old boss talking about the finance dept. realters. the fed, us posters or you Garth. hes build the illusion of a great financial g7 leader on the backs of our youth and thier credit. Could pointing out the truth now be an offence or worse make you a suspect. I wish more people would read Kafka .
“Maybe a combination of the above?”
None of the ‘above’. But speaking of trying to get a reaction, seriously, posting under a “Name” specifically with the intent of trolling? The phrase, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” comes to mind.
I am guilty of a few grammatical abortions in my comments, but that’s because I devote a grand total of about 5-10 minutes each day reading and commenting here. And typing stuff into a tiny little window, without an editing feature, does make it hard to proofread.
BMO expects the Bank of Canada to cut again in March, and then hold steady, while the Fed hikes in September.
Other market players see the U. S. central bank moving faster, in June, and are speculating on a second and third cut by Mr. Poloz, Ms. Wilkins and their colleagues.
“While it’s not our base-case forecast, there is a non-zero chance that the bank could be cutting rates in June as the Fed initiates liftoff,” Mr. Gautieri said in a research note.
“The loonie will remain in crash position.”
Genworth Canada, the private mortgage insurer, yesterday announced higher than expected loan losses on their book.
We’ve been yapping and hoping until now, but now we have a first fact of problems coming.
Ticker symbol: $MIC. CA
Andrew Coyne: Deflation is the latest phantasm being used as an excuse to engineer policies
Deflationistas are right to worry that should prices go into a sharp and sustained decline, they might take the economy with them, as people put off purchases in anticipation of still further price drops. But that’s highly unlikely: it doesn’t automatically follow that if prices ever drop even the slightest bit, they must inevitably fall into a death spiral.
Indeed, it would require quite spectacularly perverse monetary policy, of a type rarely seen (outside Japan) since the Great Depression. Just as inflation is “always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” so is deflation. It doesn’t visit us like some plague, but must be actively engineered by central banks. Deflation, then, is effectively the mirror of inflation: a little bit of either will not kill you, so long as it does not become a lot.
If I’m skeptical of this phantasm’s likelihood, it is in part because the people most concerned about it seem to be the same people who would like to see more than a little inflation, on the theory that this would somehow prove stimulative. I had thought this discredited by experience long ago — it requires, among other things, that people do not realize inflation is rising, or take action to insulate themselves from its effects — but there you are.
There is no more need to panic about deflation than any previous hobgoblin. Keep movements in prices within a percentage point or two of zero, on either side, and we’ll be fine.
Word is the Bank of Canada will be dropping its key interest rate once again – in March. It will decline a further one-quarter point, to 0.5%. That will likely mean a small reduction in bank prime and VRM costs, just in time for the Spring real estate market. The probable outcome?
Don’t be so naïve. Carney hinted he would raise rates something like 10 times. Number of times Carney actually raised rates = 0. This latest statement from the BoC is the same song, different tune.
Central banks everywhere have been trying to influence the markets by hinting at action so they don’t actually have to take real action. Our friend Mario over at the ECB is the poster child of this tactic. Unfortunately, he became the boy who cried wolf so when the markets finally called his bluff he was forced into real action.
The Bank of Canada has no intention of cutting rates again and allowing consumers to become even more indebted – something they themselves have constantly warned the public against. By merely hinting that they are open to another rate cut FX markets will keep the CAD depressed, which is all the BoC really wants.
The only way the BoC will cut rates again is if the market calls their bluff and the CAD appreciates significantly against the USD.
#166 Edmonton dwelling on 02.11.15 at 1:22 pm
Living in Edmonton all my live I know a lot of people, and a lot of friends of my parents & grandparents. Many friends of the family that are in their retirement years have tried to sell their homes but can’t. They’ve listed, and relisted and no bites for the prices the realtor told them that they could list for. Some of these couples and widows are aproaching 80 years old, or 90, many are the original owners of the home and can barely keep up to the responsibilities that a home demands. There are hundreds of households in this situation in just the westmount, inglewood & North glenora alone in our small city. What about the rest of this country? In Edmonton you can get a new house for $340,000 will the masses still pay $340,000 for a dated bung with asbestos? In addition we’ve had a huge deregulation crisis, of utilities by The Conservative Government of Alberta. User fees utility companies now charge are often over 150% of the actual usage now. So to give you an idea of how bad it is, and the costs to seniors who have had incomes contract under the Conservative Federal Governments the last 8 years…. I was paying $25 for electrcity and $70 for gas in the winter of 2000 per month average, today 14 years later, I paid $125 for electrcity ( with new energy efficient appliances & led lights). And I’ve paid $245 for gas per month! We’re so screwed in Alberta. Why did our government do this to us??
“US rates will start to normalize in June (that is not in doubt).”
I agree with you M. Each year (since 6 to 7 years now) they say they will rise the interest rate! I think it’s to encourage people to buy before rate rise (and they never rise), and keep the real estate market alive. It’s always the same story…interest rate will rise…interest rate will rise…bla…bla…bla… They cannot rise interest rate!
The Fed has not said anything remotely close the that. & # 8212; Garth
#168 Ralph Cramdown on 02.11.15 at 1:33 pm
#152 cramar — “Call it “Motor City Makeovers!” […] Why hasn’t some American figured this out?”
The irony is that he got the money to do it by growing the USA’s second largest mortgage lender. Took it public at $130mm, sold it to Intuit for $532mm, bought it back from them for $64mm in *2002*. Impeccable timing.
“No impact in panic-stricken Alberta, but a big buzz among the W-watching moist Millennial virgins in 416 and 604, where two separate versions of ‘Love It or List It’ are shot. It’s pretty certain that consumer and mortgage debt will continue to increase, even in the teeth of evidence this is financial suicide”
Debt is going to increase anyhow, as some old “pre-construction” buyers, will be handed the keys to their new built condos/houses
But besides that it is pretty much done here. Spoke with couple of recent buyers (They were afraid to be priced out of the market). No abroad / No ski vacation for them. Money is an issue. It is sad really
If you look several months ahead. It is now very clear that things are heading downward. The next big shock is going to be CMHC losses, and Canadian Banks either missing on their bottom line or laying off excess personnel (Take an educated guess on which one is going to happen). This will be scapegoated on O&G trouble of course
#170 Musty Basement Dweller on 02.11.15 at 1:43 pm
Re: Mark Attacks: To you who seem to have nothing better to do than berate Mark without offering a counter argument..Don’t you have something better to do? Instead of attacking why don’t you try writing something that someone could possibly believe has some intelligent thought behind it? I’ve been looking for that in your comments..seems in short supply.
“5 – 10 years from now, I see a show about renters dealing with issues brought on by severe regrets about not buying in the GTA: “Wished it, but Missed It,””
Well I see a show called “Pay this or Pay that” It will be about the bubble buyers trying to figure out if they are better to pay the mortgage payment first or that property tax (they both going to be higher in the years to come)
Many talk about renting or real estate in TO or VCR, bu tin areas in SW Ontario, RE can be had for fair pricing vs. renting.
I dont think you can flip like the TV show pretend, but you can buy a place and rent it out and have it be self sustainable financially in some cases.
#173 Sheane Wallace on 02.11.15 at 1:55 pm
You live in phantasy land my friend. You inflation meassures have nothing to do with reaility.
Everything is more expensive then ever today, even housing, even gas is around a dollar so no significant relief there either.
Were you the guy shorting the US dollar? My condollences. You have seen nothing yet. Loonie would be bellow 0.5 pretty soon.
Only an idiot can see manufacturing revival with weak loonie, the idiot that Poloz clearly is.
“The 2008/2009 collapse was a warning shot which unfortunately was not appropriately heeded.”
Did we (in Canada) looked at that warning shot for what it is or did we just went crazy into more debt?
To be hugely bearish on the US you should disregard all of their obvious long term assets, which are many, and likewise disregard real problems in the rest of the world
Can the US slow down? Sure we saw that happening, but long term they still hold all the cards …
Besides what is the alternative to the USD?
#94 Mark – Thanks for your insight as well. It’s getting increasingly difficult to make heads or tails of things these days.
The more points of view the better IMHO
#176 Smoked squirrel meat on 02.11.15 at 2:13 pm
It’s a Walmart world.
#177 MIKETHEENGINEER on 02.11.15 at 2:13 pm
Can someone explain what happens if:
Greece Bails out of Euro – What happens to stock market and when is this likely to occur?
Is this the buying opportunity of a life time? Should we sell now, and capitalize on the gains?
#178 waiting on the westcoast on 02.11.15 at 2:15 pm
#165 Musty Basement Dweller on 02.11.15 at 1:43 pm Re: Mark Attacks:
I agree. While I don’t agree with with a number of his theses, he does present his arguments well and does not lower himself to personal attacks.
A number of his arguments fail (in my opinion) because he takes only one facet of the forces present and follows to a conclusion. My belief is that there are more forces at play that combine to create the outcome.
But who am I to say what is right/wrong. I called for CDN interest rates to climb to keep up with the likely US increase (in order to preserve CDN$). Although I did expect the CDN$ to fall relative to the US (which so far has come far faster/harder than I expected).
Hey Garth, you think the strength of the US dollar will delay an interest rate hike in the US. The Fed’s dual mandate of price stability and jobs has been dominated by jobs since the financial crisis, but I think the run-up on USD will be a head-wind for growth, and jobs, in short term and may delay the rate hike. Pensamientos?
What I fail to understand is why people care so much. The Fed rate will rise a quarter point in June. Get over it. & # 8212; Garth
You live in phantasy land my friend. You inflation meassures have nothing to do with reaility.
Yet I am paying less for gas than I paid even 15 years ago here. I am paying less for airfares than close to 20 years ago. Even the price of chicken is down considerably from 5 years ago. Retailing is a heck of a lot more competitive today than it was 10 years ago, so prices have gone down there as well. Cars are cheaper than ever, used or new, adjusted for the size and feature set. I’d be hard pressed to think of any item in my personal consumption basket that has gone up in price in the past few months, let alone over the past decade.
Everything is more expensive then ever today, even housing, even gas is around a dollar so no significant relief there either.
Housing is accounted for in inflation using owners’ imputed rent, or a measure of what equivalent accommodation would rent for in the marketplace. Little to no growth there either. And petrol might be a dollar where you are (let me guess, BC??), but wasn’t it $1.30-$1.5 not so long ago?
I find Mark’s comments entertaining. Comedic relief. Similar to my grade school kid’s stories. It’s all in good fun. Everybody relax.
#182 Mike in Toronto on 02.11.15 at 2:52 pm
#178 waiting on the westcoast
“A number of his arguments fail (in my opinion) because he takes only one facet of the forces present and follows to a conclusion.”
I love how bandwagon jumps for joy when the cad drops as the holy grail for manufacturing… well let’s look at air Canada. they take a 43m drop in operating expenses after every penny drop in cadusd fx.
Our buying power drops. It costs more to purchase things and it’s cheaper for the external importers to grab our cheaper stuff. On the other side it costs us more to bring in products not home grown.
Oh the humanity. Guess there are fewer prudent executives that hedge their products with options… then again who hedges 100%…
@ #168 Ralph Cramdown
Dan Gilbert is an interesting Detroiter. It looks like he is into commercial RE development (including apartments/condos), and business ventures. It doesn’t look like he is into flipping single-family renoed wrecks. Small bananas to him. Why gamble with residential RE, when you own real casinos?
The Fed rate will rise a quarter point in June. Get over it. — Garth ——————————— the numbers say yes. 3 months ago i believed otherwise.
Mr T is right. One bump. then nothing for a long time. US economic flywheel has a little juice left in it.
I’d be hard pressed to think of any item in my personal consumption basket that has gone up in price in the past few months, let alone over the past decade. ———————- how about;
electricity, heat (even with low NatGas, we still pay more with fees+++) eating out apples (saw apples in a denman st produce stand 2bux each) internet service cell phone service whistler lift tickets road/bridge tolls carbon tax (BC) fast food hotels beef seafood car insurance soon to come higher PST in 604 for transit.
this is somewhat balanced with many of the items you mention.
Re: #183 Mishuko on 02.11.15 at 3:00 pm
Air Canada will file for bankruptcy. If you want to lose all your money buy their shares and wait for the announcement.
#181 Leo Tolstoy on 02.11.15 at 2:49 pm I find Mark’s comments entertaining. Comedic relief. Similar to my grade school kid’s stories. It’s all in good fun. Everybody relax. …….
No one likes a bragger. =)
#189 Guessing Game on 02.11.15 at 3:48 pm
Can someone tell me when a $28.00 loaf of bread or a & $36.00 jug of milk is going to come into effect ?
I will die a sad man, if I don’t see that in my life time…
4 not 1st on 02.10.15 at 10:15 pm
re the robots…so how much energy does a robot factory eat? Are the deserts be the new industrial parks?
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Officials at the Federal Reserve are debating a historic shift in one of its core economic gauges that could lead the central bank to move even more slowly than now thought once it lifts its rates from rock bottom levels.
According to interviews with half a dozen current and former Fed policymakers and staff, the concept that the economy can produce far lower levels of unemployment without stoking inflation is being built into Fed models and becoming increasingly entrenched in the central bank’s views.
That shift may not delay the timing of the Fed’s first rate increase, still expected in mid-year. But it does offer Chair Janet Yellen a good reason to move at a snail’s pace from then on to bring as many people as possible back to work and to push inflation back up to the Fed’s 2-percent target.
#192 Sheane Wallace on 02.11.15 at 4:08 pm
#180 Mark, never tyred of being stupid.
15 years ago gas was 56 cents in Toronto. Now is a dollar.
qe1 didn’t work
qe2 didn’t work
qe3 didn’t work
Actually the easing in monetary policy worked just fine. & # 8212; Garth
“I find Mark’s comments entertaining. Comedic relief. Similar to my grade school kid’s stories. It’s all in good fun. Everybody relax.”
I don’t know how old you are, but Canadian families losing a small chunk, and now an even larger chunk of their greatest asset, their investment in residential RE, while their real debt burden increases is nothing to laugh about. That you find such to be funny really reflects a lot on your character. I hope you are a much different person in real life, than you are playing in your on-line persona, but sadly I have my doubts.
#195 For those about to flop. on 02.11.15 at 4:51 pm
Hey Sheane, you call Mark stupid then proceed to misspell fantasy and tired in the same tirade . Who’s the monkey?
#196 Smoked squirrel meat on 02.11.15 at 5:00 pm
Spelling doesn’t matter.
#197 young & foolish on 02.11.15 at 5:26 pm
“All of the available evidence seems to indicate that the Canadian housing market, including in the GTA, GVR, and Calgary, peaked in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2013, and we’ve been coasting on fumes and manipulations … & # 8221;
Esto es absolutamente cierto. RE has been sliding, and anybody watching the market closely knows this.
#195 For those about to flop… on 02.11.15 at 4:51 pm Hey Sheane, you call Mark stupid then proceed to misspell fantasy and tired in the same tirade . Who’s the monkey? ………
What’s spelling have to do with smarts, it’s more of, I comply, or I don’t give a shit.
Win back 50gs in a week that your appreciate blew, banging in and out trades ain’t smart either, that’s just pure structured disciplined skill.
#199 Ralph Cramdown on 02.11.15 at 5:38 pm
#192 Sheane Wallace — “15 years ago gas was 56 cents in Toronto.”
Statscan says 67.1 in February 2000. Oil was about US$28/bbl and the Canadian dollar was about US$0.69
This implies an average annual inflation rate of 2.7% for gasoline
#200 For those about to flop. on 02.11.15 at 5:42 pm
Hey Smoked Meat, what’s your point son ?
#201 young & foolish on 02.11.15 at 5:55 pm
I wonder what more people need to buy … we already have so much stuff, we hardly have space for it all.
You’re just eyeballing these. Unless you rigorously keep track of a range of prices from a range of vendors over a period of time, you can’t say anything. It’s just an anecdote.
Most things are up over a year or 2, because of inflation. There are minor (and sometimes major) seasonal variations. Apples are more expensive, because it’s the middle of winter. A bad harvest or a natural disaster in a major apple producing region can double prices overnight. Taxes are up, because it’s the government. They always need more money, and always get it. Global and local demand changes over time. Time of day, day of week, and time in vendor’s inventory cycle also affects prices at the shelf. I still can’t figure out yogurt pricing, as they “randomly” range from $4.25 to $1.45 for no apparent reason that I can tell. 2 days ago, the price was over $4, today I picked up 2 for $3. Guess what the price will be tomorrow.
#2 Babblemaster “I hate to say it, but in the long run, houses do always go up.”
It’s arithmetically impossible in any economic system, no wonder you hate saying it. My parents are getting to ‘that age’ and we recently calculated the return on their 1965 house purchase slides in just below inflation. Hot hot hot.
Of course Poloz is talking down the dollar; along the the rate cut that showed he was serious. It’s due to the carnage in Alberta; a 20% cut in the loonie is a 20% boost for the price of oil in CDN. It shouldn’t have been enough to affect home sales, but then we Canadians are stupid that way.
If he’s smart – and I dunno about that – Joe O will bring in a counterbalancing lowering of the CMHC limit. Just a little one; 50 or 100k, to nudge down the prices, and just in TO and Vancouver. They don’t want to burst the bubble, but we need it stopped.
These things of course can’t be seen to happen together, since they are “independant” of one another. The new budget is going to be interesting.
From the Vancouver Province March 25th, 2000 when the TSX hit 10000 for the first time.
TSX 10052 Dow 11112 Nasdq 4968 SP500 1527 SP60 596 TSXV 4421 (Tech Bubble) London 6738 Tokyo 19958 Hong Kong 17784 Euro .9760 US CDN $ 68.4 US 30 yr bond 5.75% Oil $28.02 Gold $284.70
That will apply to the suckers that thought they could play the RE game with measly 5-10% downs, so what you described is the reality they are already living.
Don’t forget about the Grants the shows are getting from the taxpayers.
Really starting to love this blog……we’re in a period of change, and people/canadians have to deal with it.
Love It Or List It was Hillary Clinton’s favourite TV show.
Garth, did the Galley Avenue pile sell?

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الليماس | مدونة خبراء الربح من الانترنت
مقدمة الربح من الانترنت
يحتاج الدخول الى الربح من الانترنت العلم بكل اساسياته فمثلا عندما تريد تعلم استخدام الحاسوب فيجب عليك تعلم اساسيات استخدامه مثل تشغيله و انشاء ملف مثلا لذلك ياخذ منك بعض الوقت لتعلم استخدام الحاسوب فذلك مثل الربح من الانترنت فهو ياخذ بعض الوقت لتعلم و لكن مع الليماس مدونة خبراء الربح من الانترنت سنختصر لك الوقت في التعلم و هي دليلك لربح الربح من الانترنت و الشركات الربحية الصادقة و النصابة منها الجديدة و القديمة لذلك ستجد ان شاء الله كل الاجوبة عن كل اسألتك التي ستترحها مثل كيف ابدا? كيف و متى. انشاء الله ستصل الى ما تنشد الله مع مدونة الليماس من ربح وافر و معلومات و اخبار كثيرة و اهمة, لذلك قمنا بتقسم المعلومات مع بعض الخدمات المجانية او ما يجب ان تعرفه عن الربح من الانترنت الى الاقسام التالية :
مصطلحات الربح من الانترنت
البنوك الالكترونية
شركات الربح من النقر علي الاعلانات
شركات الربح من التسجيل في الاعلانات
شركات الربح من رفع الملفات
شركات الربح من اختصار الروابط
الربح من موقعك او مدونتك
الشركات النصابة
كتب الليماس
فريق الليماس

وتتمنى لكم مدونة الليماس بأن تستفيدوا من هذا القسم الذي سيساعدك في تأسيس استراتيجيتك و خطتكم الخاصة للربح من الإنترنت.
مقدمة الربح من الانترنت. اربح. الربح. اربح من الانترنت. الربح من الانترنت. الربح المجانى, تعلم الربح من الانترنت احصل على وظيفتك الان واتعلم كيف تبدا الربح بخطوات سهلة وبسيطة, تجارة الكترونية ، اربح، ربح ، عمل ، فلوس ، إربح ، كتب ، كتب اليكترونية ، مال ، اكسب من الانترنت ، العمل من المنزل ، اعمل من المنزل ، دفع ، طرق الدفع باستخدام شبكة الإنترنت ، وظائف ، وظيفة ، اربح من النت ، الربح على الانترنت ،
الشركات الربحية النصابة الجديدة و القديمة في مجال الربح من الانترنت
Scam List PTC GPT Bux Scam
في هذا الوقة كثرة شركات النصب و الاحتيال في مجال التجارة الالكترونية المعروف ايضا باسم الربح من الانترنت لذلك قمنا بانشاء موقع الليماس لفلترة المواقع النصابة عن المواقع الصادقة في مجال الربح من الانترنت لذلك قمنا بانشاء قائمة الشركات الربحية السوداء او الشركات الربحية النصابة او الشركات الربحية الخيالية او الشركات الربحية المخادعة او الشركات التي لا تدفع مقابل تعبك.
A site will go on this list if it has these combined issues: * not paying, * too many complaints and negative comments are found * unstable (comes and goes) * abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) * ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) * or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" ex: paying $100.00 per ad
قواعد و اساسيات معرفةالشركات النصابة. قريبا جداااااااااا
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للبحث بسهولة تامة عن الشركة التي تريد البحث عنها في القائمة يرجي الضغط فوق الزرين التاليين للوحة مفاتيح جهازك
الشركات النصابة الجديدة :
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OLD REVIEW UP 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com 526. TickerBar. info 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com
الشركات الربحية السوداء, الشركات الربحية النصابة, الشركات الربحية الخيالية, الشركات الربحية المخادعة, الشركات التي لا تدفع مقابل, الشركات الربحية السوداء, الشركات الربحية النصابة, الشركات الربحية الخيالية, الشركات الربحية المخادعة, الشركات التي لا تدفع مقابل

الربح الحلال عن طريق الإنترنت (( صدق ))
غرض هذا الموضوع هو التنبيه عن بعض الشركات الغير صادقة حتى لا تضيع وقتك معها . الموضوع ده يا جماعة مش خاص بيا وهيكون مفتوح لكل الاعضاء اللى عنده اى شركة اتأكد انها نصابة يحطها فى الموضوع هنا والموضوع هيبقى متجدد بيكم واللى عنده شركة وعايز يعرف اذا كانت صادقة او نصابة يسيب سؤاله هنا وان شاء الله نقدر نتأكد منها نبذه عن الشركات الربحية الغير صادقة . نقصد بالشركات الربحية النصابة ( Scams ) الشركات التي لا تدفع لأعضائها و بالتالي فان تعاملك معها سيكون مضيعة للوقت ، هناك عدة شركات ربحية نصابة يرجى توخي الحذر منها و لمعرفة طريقة اختيار الشركات الربحية الصادقة اتبع التعليمات الآتية : * اذا كانت الشركة لا تحتوي على منتدى فلا أنصحك بالاشتراك بها ، أما ان كانت تحتوي على منتدى فبالتالي يمكنك التحقق من مصداقيتها بحيث تجد اثباتات دفع الاعضاء في منتدى الشركة . * اذا كانت شركة بمميزات خيالية كـ : 1 دولار مقابل الضغطة أو اكثر. الخ فهذا مستحيل احذر فهو نصب اوعدد كبير من الاعلانات يتعدى 20 اعلان . * هناك شركات حتى و ان وضعت صور اثباتات دفع في موقعها ، ما هي الا صور مزورة تستعملها لاغراء الناس فاحذرها . * اذا كانت شركة جعلت الحد الأدنى للدفع كبير فلا أنصح بالاشتراك بها . * اذا كان سكريبت و تصميم الموقع افتراضي البوكس هوست فهو يثير الشكوك بل أنها ليست شركة جادة و بالتالي لا انصح بالاشتراك بها . * اذا كانت شركات تستعمل اسم نطاق مجاني أو استضافة مجانية و بالتالي كيف تدفعلك و هي لا تستطيع تحمل تكاليف الموقع . * كل شركة تزعم أنها تدفع أكثر من سنت للعضوية العادية فهي نصابة. * كثير من الشركات الان ليس لديها حماية للموقعها فهي (معرضة للهاك ) هناك بعض الشركات تبدأ بالدفع لاعضائها وبعد فترة لاتدفع ازاى تعرف ان الشركة هتنصب قريبا : ظهور الكثير من الشكاوي من الأعضاء في تأخر الدفع الأدمن مهمل للموقع ولا يرد على اي استفسار أو شكوى الشركة جميع إعلاناتها لنفسها منذ فترة طويلة رغم أنها دفعت مبالغ كبيرة .
للمعرفة طريقة البحث عن الشركة فى القائمة السوداء يرجى اتباع الخطوات الاتية استخدم خاصية البحث بالضغط على

Lucrando com Clicks
O que é PTC SCAM?
Scams são falsos sites PTC, eles não pagam você, tipo aqueles que dizem pagar uma fortuna por clique, sites novos que tem muitos cliques por dia também são grandes candidatos a scam. Então devemos se registrar apenas nos sites fornecidos pelo Dinheiro com Internet que são PTCs de confiança e que vão gerar lucros!!
Lista dos sites PTC que NÃO PAGAM !
PTC's SCAM ou PTC fantasma . não pagam os usuários . perdem a credibilidade rapidamente e extinguem-se.
Não perca seu tempo e dinheiro com os sites abaixo :
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O que é PTC = Paid to click?
Traduzindo para o nosso português seria algo como “Pago por clique” ou seja você é pago para clicar nos sites. Digamos que você tenha um negócio na internet montou um site registrou um domínio (http://seunegocio. com) mas e agora o que fazer para que as pessoas vejam seu negócio online? Aí é onde entram os sites de Ptc que são em sua maioria, empresas de propaganda que por sua vez pagam usuários para que esses entrem nos sites anunciados, geralmente pagam centavos por cada visita. Como funciona?
1 & # 8211; Se cadastre no site PTC Para se cadastrar siga as instruções abaixo *Username: usuario *Password: senha * Confirm Password: confirme sua senha * Email Address: endereço de e-mail * Confirm Email Address: confirme seu e-mail * Alertpay E-mail Address For Payments: e-mail que se cadastrar no alertpay * Your Country: Pais * Referer: Esperma / EspermaTozoidy – Isso geralmente aparece automaticamente caso não aparece digite Esperma / EspermaTozoidy para que você seja meu indicado.
2 & # 8211; Vá para a area onde estão os links, deve se chamar “ads“, “show ads“, “Click ads” ou algo parecido.
3 & # 8211; Terá uma quantidade de links diarios, clique em um, e ele vai abrir com uma contagem regressiva, espere ela terminar e então vai aparecer algum tipo de simbolo dizendo que ja pode fechar a janela, pode ser um “V” na cor verde, um “$”, a palavra “DONE” ou qualquer outra coisa.
4 – Quanto a contagem acabar clique em outro link da lista e abrirá uma nova janela com contagem regressiva. Cada vez que você fizer isso o dinheiro será depositado na sua conta do site. Obs:Você não pode clicar em um link mais de uma vez por dia, na segunda tentativa vai aparecer a mensagem que ele ja foi clicado, ou após a contagem regressiva vai aparecer o X vermelho.
O que é referral?
Referrals significa “indicados”. Nos Sites PTC você indica pessoas usando o seu link de indicação, isso serve para que você ganhe uma porcentagem do que os seus indicados ganham, e assim você poderá lucrar bem mais rápido, por exemplo se um site te dá 100% dos referrals, significa que tudo que um indicado seu lucrar em um dia, você vai lucrar uma quantia equivalente, ou seja se você indica 1 pessoa e ele ganha $0,10 por dia, você também ganha $0,10 por dia, você pode indicar quantas pessoas quizer. Como indico alguém? Procure no site o seu link de indicação “Your referral link” ou algo parecido com “Referral link” Seu link vai ser algo parecido com: http://www. neobux. com/?r=EspermaTozoidy
Posso criar várias contas no mesmo PTC?
Não! Eles tem um sistema que detecta se você ta criando várias contas indicadas por você! E não pode criar nenhuma outra conta no mesmo PC tambem, mesmo que essa outra conta não seja sua indicação.
O que é cashout/payout?
Cashout e Payout é quando você atinge a quantia mínima para poder pedir para enviarem o dinheiro, por exemplo se o cashout/payout de um site for de 10 dolares, você precisará atingir pelo menos 10 dolares pra poder retirar o dinheiro.
O que é SCAM?
Scams são falsos sites PTC, eles não pagam você, tipo aqueles que dizem pagar uma fortuna por clique, sites novos que tem muitos cliques por dia também são grandes candidatos a scam.
Como recebo dinheiro de Sites PTC?
Todo site PTC, quando voce for se cadastrar, irá pedir o email de sua conta no Banco Virtual, que poderá tanto o Paypal quanto o Alertpay ou Pagseguro, para que possam efetuar o pagamento do dinheiro.

Kadang kita kesal ketika kita sudah mengklik iklan ptc, setelah terkumpul cukup lumayan ternyata situsnya tiba2 menghilang atau tidak dilanjutkan dengan berbagai macam alasan, untuk itu anda perlu berhati hati dalam memilih ptc. http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/scam dan http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Scams menerbitkan beberapa ptc yang scam dan Ini adalah daftar ptc scam yang mungkin berguna bagi anda :
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info 14. 10bux. net 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com 22. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org 33. adflasher. net 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com 54. b-u-x. net 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. bcbux. com 62. beachbux. net 63. beachptc. com 64. beanybux. com 65. bear-mails. com 66. beaverbux. com 67. best-mails. com 68. bestbux. info 69. bestdollarclicks. com 70. bestnewbuxto. info 71. bestpaybux. com 72. BbetaBux. com 73. bfgbux. com 74. biggreenbux. com 75. bigmoneycenter. com 76. bigmoneyptc. com 77. bigptc. tk 78. billionaireptc. com 79. birdmails. com
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a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation scam
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الربح من الانترنت
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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم اقدم لكم شرح عن البنوك الالكترونيةالمختلفة مع مميزات كل منها : 1- بنك &
بدايةً ؛ يعتبر بنك الالرت باى احد اهم البنوك حالياً واهمها علي الاطلاق بالنسبة لنا كعرب "لما به من مميزات في صالح العرب" ، و يتم من خلاله اغلب التعاملات خلال الشركات الربحية بانواعها المختلفة.
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خصائص البنك: * يدعم الدول العربية *التسجيل مجاني * تستطيع إيداع و ارسال و سحب أموالك بطرق مختلفة * تستطيع طلب الأموال من الأشخاص عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني لهم
قبل تسجيل حساب في هذا البنك الأكتروني لازم نجهز التالي 1- صورة من البطاقة الشخصية أو رخصة القيادة على الوجهين عن طريق سكانر او كاميرا عالية الدقة وهذا مثال لكيفية أخذ صورة من البطاقه ملاحظات *يجب أن تكون الصورة للوجه و الظهر * ان تظهر الأربع زوايا للبطاقه
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منقوووووووووول بعد مجربته واتاكدت منو للتسجيل من البنر *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ثانيا بنك مازال فى طور الانشاء وهوhttp://www. paybox. me * ان هذا البنك مازال فى طور الانشاء وهذا هو المهم فمعنى ان تكون من عملائه الاوائل هو ان تجمع منه هو المال ان هذا البنك يعطيك مقابل تسجيلك فيه الان 50$ دولار وعشرين دولار يوميا مقابل اجابتة على بضعة اسئلة عن نوع الخدمة اللتى تريد و5$ دولار مقابل كل من ياتى عن طريقك و عليك ان تدخل الى البنك على الاقل2 مرتان اسبوعيا و والله ان هذا الكلام حقيقى فانا الان رصيدى 86.42$ دولار للتسجيل اضغط هنا وفى النهاية كل ما ارجوه هو ان تتركونى رفيرار لكم فانتم لن تخسرو شيئا (احب لاخيك ما تحب لنفسك ) وعليك ان تعلم بان الربح من الانترنت يعتمد على الريفيرال وكما احتاجك فى هذا الموقع كريفيرال انت ايضا ستحتاجنى فى موقع اخر والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
16 أغسطس, 2010
احذر تلك المواقع النصابة حتى لاتقع ضحية أو فريسة التعامل معهم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نقلت لكم تلك المواقع حتى لا تقعوا لها فريسة فتجتهدوا ولا تنالو شيئا على جهدكم وهذا لوجه الله تعالى ولا ابغى الا دعائكم والان ادعكم معها فتاكدو انكم لم تشتركو فيها : 1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 100-cash. com 6. 2008mails. com 7. 100euro-mail. com 8. 200EuroMails. net 9. 247payouts. com 10. 400DollarsDaily. info 11. 10bux. net 12. 10centcashoutptc. com 13. 10dollar-mail. com 14. 10euro-mail. com 15. 50centMails. com 16. 77bux. com 17. 99centptc. com 18. 1cent-mail. com 19. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 20. 1dollarptc. com 21. 2bux. net 22. 5cash. info 23. 4realptc. info 24. 7evenbux. com 25. 7heavenptc. com 26. A. W. Surveys 27. A-n-cash. com 28. Adbux. org 29. Adflasher. net 30. Afferinte. com 31. Andreamails. com 32. Ads-Earn. com 33. Adventures4U. com 34. AeroBux. com 35. Aglocomails. com 36. Alexmails. com 37. All-CashMails. com 38. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 39. ArClicks. com 40. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 41. AstroBux. com 42. At-Mails. com 43. Atbux (atbux. com) 44. Athome-cash. com 45. AutoEx. org 46. Autopayouts. com 47. B-u-x. net 48. Babalac. com 49. BangTheLinks. com 50. Bank-ptr. com 51. BankoMails. com 52. BanziBux. com 53. BeachBux. net 54. Beachptc. com 55. BeanyBux. com 56. Bear-mails. com 57. BeaverBux. com 58. Best-Mails. com 59. BestBux (bestbux. info) 60. BestDollarClicks. com 61. Bestnewbuxto. info 62. BetaBux. com 63. BfgBux. com 64. Bigmoneycenter. com 65. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 66. Bigptc. tk 67. Billionaireptc. com 68. Birdmails. com 69. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 70. Blue-Mails. com 71. BoBoMails. com 72. Boffopaidmail. com 73. Boodaq. com 74. BoonBux. com 75. BpBux. com (closed) 76. BraveBux. com 77. BriteBux (britebux. com) 78. Business-PTR. com 79. Bux-gr. com 80. Bux-Service. com 81. 82. Buxanna. com 83. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 84. BuxForex. com 85. Buxforyou. com (closed) 86. Bux. gs 87. Bux. io 88. Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 89. Bux. to 90. Bux-7ven. com 91. 92. BuxCashy. com 93. BuxChristmas. com 94. BuxExtra. com 95. BuxFirst. com 96. BuxHunter. com 97. BuxInc. com 98. BuxMarley. com 99. BuxNew. com 100. BuxOffice. net 101. Buxokk. com 102. BuxPTR. com 103. Buxs. nl 104. BuxWin. com 105. BuxWiz. com 106. Buxxl. com 107. Camel-mails. com 108. Cash4clickingptc. com 109. Cash4Clicks. org 110. Cashfiesta. com 111. Cashflowmails. com 112. CashKidding. com 113. Cashnbux. com 114. Cashmails. biz 115. Cashmails. org 116. Cashmailz. com 117. Cashmedia. biz 118. Cashmoneyemail. com 119. Cashmybux. com 120. CashTreePTC. com 121. Casino-PTR. com 122. Cd-Mails. com 123. Charm-mail. com 124. Cherry-Mails. com 125. Chinawelcomeptc. info 126. Chobitsmails. net 127. Click2earn. biz 128. Clickforabuck. com 129. ClickMyBux. com 130. Clix. vc 131. Clix-P. com 132. ClixP. com 133. ClixnCash. com 134. Cloud-mails. com 135. Cloudy-mails. com 136. CloudBux. com 137. Club4You. net 138. Coast-Mail. com 139. Cobebizs. com 140. CobyBux. com 141. Colph. com 142. Comfortableincome. net 143. Cooperativemail. com 144. CreativeMails. biz 145. CuteBux. com 146. CvBux. com 147. Depacco. com 148. Diamond-bizs. com 149. Diamond-mails. net 150. Diamond-PTR. com 151. DingoBux 152. Discoclicks. com 153. Disney-mails. com 154. Dog-mails. com 155. Dreamails. com 156. Dutzzubux. com 157. Dw-mails. com 158. E-MailPaysU. com 159. Eagle-Mails. com 160. Earn-USD. biz 161. Earningsecret. com 162. EarnMyBux. com 163. Earthptr. com 164. EasyCashPTC. com 165. Elephant-Mails. com 166. ElitePTC. com 167. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 168. E-mailptr. com 169. EnBux. com 170. Epaisa. pk 171. Esooe. com 172. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 173. Euro-Emails. com 174. EuroTradeMails. com 175. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 176. Exceedmargin. com 177. ExcellentBux. com 178. Exclusivemails. net 179. ExoBux. com 180. expert-mails. com 181. Expertmails. net 182. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) 183. Ezlaptop. com 184. Fallsmails. com 185. FastCarPTC. com 186. Fast Money 24 ( 187. FastPayPTC. com 188. Fatmoneyptc. com 189. Feer-mial. com 190. FillBux. com 191. FiloBux (filobux. com) 192. FinanceBux. com 193. FinancialFreedomAds. com 194. FinePTC. com 195. Fire-Mails. com 196. FireBux. net 197. Flamemails. com 198. FlashBux. com 199. Fly-field. com 200. Flybizs. com 201. Foggy-mails. com 202. ForeverPTC. com 203. Forex-cashbux. com 204. Foundmails. com 205. Freedom-mails. com 206. Fromhomedataentry. com 207. Fullmoneybux. com 208. Future-PTR. com 209. Gainpay. org 210. GammaBux. com 211. Gardenoflinks. com 212. Generalbucks. com 213. GeniusPTR. com 214. Genuinemails. com 215. Get-UMoney. com 216. GetDailyPaid. com 217. GetPaidIndustry. com 218. GetRefMails. com 219. GetRichPTC. com 220. Getrichptr. com 221. Get-umoney. com 222. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one 223. Gkcash. com 224. GlobalPTR. com 225. GodBux. com 226. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 227. Goldbizs. com 228. 229. Golden-Galaxy. com 230. GoldenQuarters. com 231. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 232. Gpclub. net 233. GrandPTC. com 234. Green Horse 235. GTSBux. com 236. Halloweenptc. info 237. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 238. HawkinsBux. com 239. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 240. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 241. HiddenBux. com 242. Hide4dz. biz 243. HighBux. Biz 244. HighCashBonus. com 245. HitzMagic 246. Honestclicks. info 247. HooBux. com 248. Hugeptc. com 249. Hulk-mails. com 250. HyBux. com 251. Ibux. eu 252. IcePaid. com 253. Incomeptr. com 254. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) 255. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 256. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 257. InstantlyPTC. com 258. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 259. InterAdMedia. com 260. Ippomails. net 261. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 262. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 263. IzyBux. com 264. Jackmails. com 265. Jaysu. com - (closed), went down before we could review it 266. JesusBux. com 267. Jobptc. com 268. JokerBux 269. JustBux. com 270. KazarianGPT. com 271. Key-Mails. com 272. Kinderbux. com 273. King-mails. com 274. Lachicaemails. com 275. Lawyer-mails. com 276. Leadmails. com 277. Legend-mails. com 278. LenkaClix. com 279. 280. LevinClix. com 281. Link2Communion. com 282. LitBux. com 283. LiveBux. com 284. LolliPopMails. com 285. Loving-Mail. com 286. Luckydollar. biz 287. MagicalMails. com 288. Mailsmoney. net 289. Main-Bux. com 290. MakeMyBux. com 291. MassivePTR. com 292. MaystroMails. net 293. Mecbux. com 294. MegaBuxx. com 295. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 296. megamoneyptc. com 297. Mic-Promotion. com 298. MillionaireBux. com 299. MixBux. com 300. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 301. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 302. Moneyems. com 303. Moneytrainptc. com 304. Moonpaid. com 305. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 306. Mygoldbux. com 307. MyMoneyBux. com 308. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 309. NacBux. com 310. NeatBux. com 311. NeoPays. com 312. NewBuxIndia. com 313. Next-neo. com 314. NippyClicks. com 315. NoMinCashout. com 316. NoMinimumBux. com 317. NoWorkCash. com 318. Ocean-Mails. com 319. Ochristmastreeptc. info 320. Ok-usd. com 321. OnABux. com 322. Onedollarptc. com 323. OppoMails. com 324. Paid-Bux. info 325. PaidClicks. WS 326. PaidForFree. com 327. Paidlink. info 328. Paidstation. com 329. PaidToViewTube. com 330. Papillon-clicks. com 331. ParadiseClicks. com 332. Paradiseclicks. info 333. PayDayPTC. com 334. Payee. me 335. Paying-mails. com 336. PayingClub. com 337. PayingPTR. com 338. Payooclub. com 339. Paypay-mails. com 340. Pcash. info 341. Pearlmails. com 342. PegasusPTR. com 343. PerfectPTR. com 344. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 345. PerformancePTC. com 346. Phoenixcash. info 347. Planetmails. com 348. Pleasant-Mails. com 349. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 350. PogoMails. com 351. Power-mails. net 352. Power4Bux. com 353. Profitmorebux. com 354. Project-Bux. com 355. ProMails. org 356. ProperPTR. com 357. ProsperousBoom. com 358. Ptcbiz. com 359. Ptcbonus. com 360. PTCBux. com 361. PTCNinja. com 362. Ptcrush. com 363. PTCSense. com 364. Ptcshare. com 365. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 366. PTR-Business. com 367. Pumpkin-Mails. com 368. QualityBux. com 369. Quickcashptc. com 370. QubeCash. com 371. RaiBux. com 372. rainbow-mail. net 373. Rainpaid. com 374. Rainy-mails. com 375. Rapidobux. com 376. Read2Money 377. RealDataEntry. net 378. RealMoneyCompany. com 379. RealCashPTC. com 380. Redclub-cash. com 381. ReoBux. com 382. Revbux. com 383. RevolutionBux 384. Richestmail. com 385. Richestmails. net 386. Richptc. com 387. RichPTR. info 388. Richptr. net 389. RingMails. com 390. Rolex-mails. com 391. RustBux. com 392. SaladMails. com 393. Salary-mails. com 394. Salemails. com 395. SapphireBux. com 396. Saturn-mails. com 397. SchoolBusOfCash. com 398. Scopebux. com 399. ShareTheBux. com 400. ShortBux. com 401. Show-sales. com 402. Silvanamails. net 403. SmurfsPTR. com 404. SnapDollars. com 405. Snowy-mails. com 406. StableBux. com 407. StablePTR. com 408. SteadyCashPTC. com 409. SteadyMails. com 410. Stock-mails. com 411. StockBux. com 412. StormOfTraffic. com 413. Sun-Cash. com 414. Superpaybyemail. com 415. SurfJunky. com 416. Sweetdealsemail. net 417. SweetPTR. com 418. SweetsMails. com 419. Tea-Mails. com 420. teammails. com 421. Tendollarclick. com 422. Thanksgivingptc. info 423. Thebestptcintown. com 424. TickerBar. info 425. Timelessearn. com 426. Touch-Mails. com 427. TrafficNowFire. com 428. Ts-Mails. com 429. TuePaid. com 430. TuiBux. com 431. Turquads. net 432. Twodollarptc. com 433. UltraBux. com 434. Universe-Mails. com 435. USA-Bux. com 436. Usd-ad. com 437. Usdcenter. com 438. UtilBux. com 439. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 440. Verbonix. com 441. Vibrantvitalities. com 442. Victorptr. com 443. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 444. Vision-Bux. com 445. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 446. Vitaraptr. com 447. VuBux. com 448. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 449. WaveBux. com 450. WavuBux. com 451. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 452. Webcamcashmails. com 453. 454. Western-Mails. com 455. Wishmails. com 456. Wonderful-Mails. com 457. World-mails. com 458. WorldsPTR. com 459. Worldwide-mails. com 460. WorldWidePTC. com 461. Worldwideptr. com 462. WuBux. com 463. XeonBux. com 464. YingYangBux. com 465. Yippeemails. com 466. YooBux. com 467. YouPTC. com 468. YourBestBux. com 469. YourMyBux. com 470. ZionBux. com وفى النهاية ارجو ان يكون قد نال الموضوع اعجابكم وانتظرو التجديد لتلك القائمة

Atenção PTCs SCAM (Não Recomendados). Lista Atualizada em Janeiro de 2013
Como Identificar um Site PTC SCAM:
Desconfie de sites PTC / PTR que pagam quantias elevadas por clique;
Desconfie de sites PTC que solicitem uma taxa, ou tenham um payout muito alto (por exemplo $100);
Tenha cuidado com sites de hospedagem gratuita, pois se o proprietário não puder pagar um site, como ele pode te pagar?;
Cuidado com Scripts que são livres ou podem ser facilmente hackeados.
Fique atento às atualizações mensais da lista de sites PTC SCAM aqui no site.
Veja aqui a enorme lista de PTCs que não pagam, isso mostra que não adianta ir se cadastrando em tudo que aparece pela frente !
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SCAM LIST PTC 2013/2012
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1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info Revisão Antiga 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com Revisão Antiga 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. zionBux. com
31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org Revisão Antiga 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com Revisão Antiga 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. bcbux. com 62. beachbux. net 63. beachptc. com Revisão Antiga 65. bear-mails. com 66. beaverbux. com 67. best-mails. com Revisão Antiga 69. bestdollarclicks. com 70. bestnewbuxto. info 71. bestpaybux. com 72. BbetaBux. com 73. bfgbux. com 74. biggreenbux. com 75. bigmoneycenter. com Revisão Antiga 77. bigptc. tk 78. billionaireptc. com 79. birdmails. com Revisão Antiga 81. blackearn. com 82. blubux. com 83. blue-mails. com 84. bobomails. com 85. boffopaidmail. com 86. bombapub. com 87. boodaq. com 88. boonbux. com 89. bpbux. com 90. bravebux. com 91. britebux. com 92. business-ptr. com 93. businessmails. bz 94. bux. ee Revisão Antiga Revisão Antiga 97. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 98. bux. to 99. bux-7ven. com 100. bux-gr. com 101. bux-inv. com 102. bux-service. com Revisão Antiga 104. 105. buxanna. com 106. buxcafe. com 107. buxcashy. com 108. buxchristmas. com 109. buxcorp. com 110. buxdiamond. com 111. buxextra. com 112. 113. buxfirst. com 114. buxforex. com 115. buxforyou. com 116. buxgolden. com 117. buxhunter. com
Revisão Antiga 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com Revisão Antiga Revisão Antiga 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com Revisão Antiga 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com Revisão Antiga 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com Revisão Antiga 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com
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Ramai orang ingin mendapat pendapatan tambahan, tetapi menunggu terkumpulnya modal untuk memulakan perniagaan. Bagaimana dengan anda apakah seperti kebanyakan orang. Apakah anda ingin berniaga tanpa mengeluarkan modal ATAU menambah pendapatan tanpa modal. Ramai orang yang sangsi dengan hal ini. Tetapi bagi anda seorang netter, hal ini akan menjadi kenyataan. Anda boleh BUKTIKAN dengan mengikuti program-program cari wang tanpa modal yang saya lampirkan dibawah ini.
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Harap maaf, halaman yang anda cari dalam blog ini tidak wujud.

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PTCs Joss
A continuación, los sencillos pasos que hay seguir para registrarse en BeRuby y empezar a conocer este portal de inicio.
2.- Veras un sencillo formulario de registro
3.- Deberás rellenarlo con tus datos reales ( nombre, correo electrónico, seleccionar una contraseña )
4.- Por ultimo, se recomienda marcar los dos “checks box” -> He leído y acepto las condiciones de uso -> Deseo recibir comunicaciones de BeRuby y asociados
5.- Finaliza el registro con un click en el botón “Aceptar”
6.- Luego, deberás de ir a tu bandeja de entrada de la casilla de correo con la que te hayas registrado, para confirmar el registro con el mail de bienvenida que te tiene que haber enviado BeRuby. com .
7.- Haz click en el enlace que parece en el correo y serás redirigido a BeRuby. para validartú registro.
8.- Finalmente, recibirás otro correo para informarte que te has registrado exitosamente.
Ahora si ya estas registrado en BeRuby y podes empezar a conocer todo lo que te ofrece, para ganar dinero por lo que hagas tu y los amigos que invites a tu red.
Inicialmente, primero se recomiendo darle un vistazo general al portal para familiarizarte con los menúes y luego ir por tu primer euro.
Esta empresa también trabaja con PayPal y AlertPay para cobros. Así que no esperes y abre tu cuenta ya.
Para ganar dinero en internet con NeuBux sólo hay que realizar cuatro pasos :
1er paso: Crearse una cuenta en PayPal. Lo único que tienen que hacer es poner sus datos verdaderos, y después confirmar su dirección de e-mail.
2do paso: Registrarse en NeoBux. Es fácil, simplemente llenen los datos que les piden como nombre de usuario, dirección de e-mail, clave. No hace falta poner Secondary Password .
3er paso: Empezar a ganar dinero. Para ello, deben loguearse enNeoBux poniendo su nombre de usuario y su clave, e ir a la sección View Advertisements . Luego, deben abrir cada uno de los anuncios que aparecen, uno por vez, y esperar los segundos que el contador indica, para así comenzar a sumar dinero. La clave de este sitio es tener referidos, gente que tú invitas a que se registre en la web con tu propio link y que te darán muchas ganancias. Tu enlace de referido lo puedes encontrar apretando en tu nombre de usuario (arriba a la derecha) y luego yendo a la sección Banners .
4to paso: Una vez que hayan llegado a $2 en NeoBux apretan en Your Payment y la página les va a mandar el dinero automáticamente a su cuenta de PayPal .

Aquí menciono sólo algunas de las webs que se dedican a estafar a la gente con un eslogan de poca credibilidad.
Para empezar debemos tomar en cuenta que el primer indicio para saber si una web no es recomendable es que te ofrezcan mucho dinero por poco esfuerzo; recuerda que ninguna web PTC te ofrecerá tanto dinero por pocos clicks o por otra forma de conseguir dinero fácilmente, cosa que resulta nada convencional. A continuación, las páginas PTC que han obtenido malas reseñas o malas experiencias dichas por sus mismos usuarios:
[F] factorx. eu fairytaleptr. com fantasy-worldmails. com feer-mial. com flashrich. com flaviomails. be fourleafclovermail. com forex-mails. com fourleafclovermail. com free-kingdom. com freemoneymails. net futureptr. com fx-mails. com
[G] gem-mail. com getor-mails. com getpaidbyemail. com getpaideasy. com getpaidtoemail. com giga-mails. com gladiator. ws goldearning. com goldenbux. net goldenemail. com goycp.977mb. com gowellup. com gr8ads. com graspaftertime. com grassmails. com greatspiritbearptr. com greetgold. com
[H] halloweenptr. com hamburg-mails. com happybizs. com happyearning. com happy-mails. net happyptr. com haulingcash. com hello-mails. com heroptr. com hellotomy. com hits4bux. com hold-cash. com holiday-mails. com hollywood-mail. com honestmails. com honestptr. com hot-bux. info huge-mails. com husky-mails. com
[I] ice-mails. net icequeenmails. com innotime-cash. com inspiremarrow. com inteearn. com invest-mail. com ippomails. com iriverptr. com itpaystolearn. com
[J] jackpot-ads. biz job-readmail. com justcashinc. com just-click. us
[K] keeperofdreamsptr. com keybux. webspacemania. com kiddays. com kingbux. biz kingofads. com
[L] lawnchairmillionaire. com lightstarmail. com linkread. com lion-mails. com lookingemail. com lovebird-mails. com
[M] madeinclick. com magnetismail. com majesticunicornmails. com mangoemails. com manateemania. com mapleptr. com matoakaptr. com maystromails. com megaptr. com meteor-mails. com millionaire-mail. com mister-gains. com mobileptr. net moneybagsmail. com moneyems. com moneys-bank. com mushroom-mails. com mybizs. com mystic-ice-mails. com mysticegyptptr. com mysweetheartmail. com
[N] newsptr. com new. sukces. cz njgirl. biz no2allmails. com numenmail. com
[O] oceansoflife. com ohomails. com ok-mails. com ok-usd. com okayemail. com one-mails. com oneperson-mail. com online4ads. com onlygravy. com ourpaidmail. com oursharedsuccess. com outstandingmail. com
[P] paidbizopmail. com paidbux. org paidmailengine. com paidstation. com pay2searchers. com payingcash. info pay-to-mail. info paytoclick. biz payyoudollar. com pcash. info penguinpassion. com petmails. com phoenixcash. info pig-mails. com platinum-mails. com polarbearmails. com power-mails. net pretty-mail. com probux. net professionalmails. com profitptr. net prosperousboom. com ptr4you. net ptr-trading. com ptrforce. com ptrland. com pumpkin-mails. com
[Q] quality-cash. com quality-profits. com quickestshare. com
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[T] tango-mambo. com tarantulas-mails. com tata-cash. com thegoldcave. com thegoldmail. net therichcash. com tiger-mails. com time4ptr. com timelessearn. com tinklycash. com tomails. com tons-referrals. com Tomoonmails. com trade-mails. com trafficcool. com trafficinvader. com trailoftearsptr. com travelmails. com trustfulmail. com trustmails. com trvs. awesomewebspace. com twowolvesptr. com tycoonmails. com
[U] ubizs. com ubux. tk ugains. com united-empire. com unitmails. com usa-clicks. us usonlinemail. com
[W] warm-mails weapon-earnings. info weelands-garden. biz welovepay. com western-clicks. com western-mails. com whaleintomail. com whisperingwindsptr. com whitefeatherptr. com wolfbux. com woo-mails. com
[X] xsc-mail. com xtremeptc. com – reported virus
Empieza a ganar dinero en Internet ¡Anímate!
Hola a todos, bienvenidos al blog dedicado a las grandes páginas PTC del mundo. Para Saber la Terminología "PTC" click aquí.
Ahora bien, como ya sabemos, es muy fácil ganar dinero a través de la Internet. Existen muchas formas para lograr ganancias bajas pero al final resulta muy bueno el esfuerzo, debido a que estas páginas te recompensan de muchas man eras.
¡Prepárate para obtener dinero con sólo tomar un rato frente a la computadora y dar clicks, sin necesidad de invertir ni un centavo.!
Comienza registrándote.
Recuerda que entre más webs PTC te suscribas más dinero recibirás. A continuación, una lista de las webs PTC más conocidas.
NEOBUX . Para registrarte haz click aquí
Clicksia . Para registrarte haz click aquí
BeRuby . Para registrarte haz click aquí
LeePubli . Para registrarte haz click aquí
JillsClickCorner . Para registrarte haz click aquí
¿Cómo registrarse y ganar dinero en estas webs PTC?
PayPal - AlertPay ©
Antes de suscribirte en las webs PTC y ganar dinero, debes crearte una cuenta PayPal o AlertPay.
Estas empresas son número uno en transacciones realizadas en Internet; son la mejor opción entre tú y el negocio electrónico, brindándote seguridad y rentabilidad. Además, la mayoría de las webs PTC realizan sus pagos a través de estos rubros de gran prestigio, y no tienes que registrar una tarjeta para recibir tu pago.
Para registrarte haz click en el icono correspondiente

Ganhando Dinheiro Na Internet
Vou dividir com vocês dicas importantes pra quem está iniciando no mundo dos negócios de sites PTC’S.
1- Começamos com a dica mais importante de todas: Acesse o site todos os dias
É de fundamental importância que você não deixe passar nenhum dia sem acessar o site de ptc que tiver cadastro, pois cada dia contribuirá diretamente para que você alcance mais rapidamente o payout e assim consiga receber o seu pagamento e alem disso se você deixar de clicar um dia, não vai receber os cliques dos seus referidos naquele dia que você não clicou. Essa talvez seja a dica mais importante de todas, não basta apenas cadastrar no site, tem que clicar todo dia se possivel.
2- Divulgue o seu link de indicação.
Todos os sites de ptc disponíveis aqui no meu blog fornecem para cada membro um link de indicação, e outras formas de publicidade, como banners, para que você consiga indicados através deles e assim possa ganhar uma parte de tudo que eles ganharem no site, alguns sites até possuem a opção de compra de referidos, onde você pode comprar alguns indicados também.
3- Procure acessar os sites mais de uma vez ao dia.
Muitas pessoas declaram em fóruns e sites pela Internet, que alguns sites de ptc, não fornecem o número de links que a maioria das pessoas informam, quando o divulgam. O que eu aconselhamo é que as pessoas acessem os sites mais de uma vez ao dia, pois nem todos os links são disponibilizados ao mesmo tempo, em um momento você pode ter 10 links para clicar no site e 2 ou 3 horas depois mais 5 links neste mesmo site, formando assim uma média de 15 links diários. Preste atenção!
4- Explore todo o site.
Grande parte dos sites ptc fornecem outras formas de ganhos, como ler anúncios, ler e-mails, auto ou manual surf (onde você visualiza, por 30 seg ou menos, várias páginas automaticamente ou manualmente), e você não só ganha dinheiro, como pontos e bilhetes para sorteios diversos no site, onde pode trocar por vários serviços, alguns destes site também fazem concursos semanais ou mensais com os membros, dando prêmios em dinheiro, então explore tudo que o site oferece, não deixe escapar nada.
5- Não desanime NUNCA.
O método ptc não promete milagres e nem riqueza imediata, mas com o seu empenho você pode sim, através desse método ganhar um bom dinheiro, a nossa dica é não desanimar, no começo são apenas cents, mas com o tempo se tornam dólares e euros, acessar o site e clicar nos links, não vão te levar mais do que 30 min por dia, então faça disso uma rotina, tenha ambição e não ganância, e com o tempo com certeza você obterá êxito nessa atividade.
6- Invista nos PTC’s de confiança.
Todos os sites PTC’s oferecem ao usuario a opção de se tornar um membro Premium. O usuario Premium tem muitas vantagens que os membros Standart não tem. Tais como:
* Voce ganha até o dobro do que ganhava pelos seus cliques.
* Voce tem mais links para clicar diariamente.
* Seu pagamento é feito em algumas horas e em alguns PTC’s, é feito na hora.
E muitas outras vantagens. Só não vá sair por aí comprando contas premium. Primeiro teste o site e de preferencia tenha referidos diretos ativos, é muito importante que os referidos diretos sejam ativos, ou seja cliquem todos os dias. Se ele te pagou certinho, se ele nao fica muito tempo fora do ar, se tem muitas pessoas reclamando no forum.
Se voce sentir confiança no site, invista nele voce ganhará o dobro.
Quando voçe visualiza um anuncio voçe ganha 4 adprizes, que voçe pode usar para ganhar prêmios, é só clicar no icone do adprize e visualizar a pagina, voçe não ganha nada visualizando a pagina, voçe só tem uma pequena chance de ganhar alguns prêmios como:
$0.25. $0.50, $1.00, $2.00, 10 neopoints, 50 neopoints, 100 neopoints ou 1 ano de conta golden que te dá alguns beneficios.
Os NeoPoints são a sua moeda NeoBux e podem ser convertidos para comprar alguns serviços.
Actualmente pode ganhar NeoPoints ao:
Ver anúncios: Cada anúncio = 1 NeoPoint
Completando ofertas de NeoPoints
Ganhando NeoPoints no AdPrize
Os NeoPoints podem ser utilizados para:
Actualização para Golden: 30000 NeoPoints = 1 ano como membro Golden
Reciclar e/ou Renovar os seus referidos alugados
Aumentar o limite de referidos directos: 500 NeoPoints = Aumenta o limite existente de referidos directos por 1

Vou colocar aqui os beneficios do menbro Golden, vale muito a pena investir no membro golden pois os beneficios são muitos, mas é melhor ir tentando ganhar ele no adprize ou juntar os 30000 neopoints para trocar por 1 ano gratis golden do que gastar 80 dolares para comprar ele, pois com 80 dolares voçe pode alugar 400 referidos o que da bastante dinheiro para voçe, mas para quem quiser comprar tambem é uma boa.
Aqui vou deixar alguns comprovantes de pagamento, para mostrar que este site realmente paga:

Bom, tá esperando oque. começe agora a ganhar dinheiro online com esse incrivel PTC chamado Neobux. qualquer duvida pode colocar nos comentarios que eu responderei em no maximo dois dias.
Traduzindo para o nosso português seria algo como “Pago por clique” ou seja você é pago para clicar nos sites. Digamos que você tenha um negócio na internet montou um site registrou um domínio (http://seunegocio. com) mas e agora o que fazer para que as pessoas vejam seu negócio online? Aí é onde entram os sites de Ptc que são em sua maioria, empresas de propaganda que por sua vez pagam usuários para que esses entrem nos sites anunciados, geralmente pagam centavos por cada visita. Como funciona?
1 & # 8211; Se cadastre em um site PTC
2 & # 8211; Vá para a area onde estão os links, deve se chamar “ads“, “show ads“, “Click ads” ou algo parecido.
3 & # 8211; Terá uma quantidade de links diarios, clique em um, e ele vai abrir com uma contagem regressiva, espere ela terminar e então vai aparecer algum tipo de simbolo dizendo que ja pode fechar a janela, pode ser um “V” na cor verde, um “$”, a palavra “DONE” ou qualquer outra coisa.
4 – Quanto a contagem acabar clique em outro link da lista e abrirá uma nova janela com contagem regressiva. Cada vez que você fizer isso o dinheiro será depositado na sua conta do site. Obs:Você não pode clicar em um link mais de uma vez por dia, na segunda tentativa vai aparecer a mensagem que ele ja foi clicado, ou após a contagem regressiva vai aparecer o X vermelho.
O Que é Referral?
Referrals significa “indicados”. Nos Sites PTC você indica pessoas usando o seu link de indicação, isso serve para que você ganhe uma porcentagem do que os seus indicados ganham, e assim você poderá lucrar bem mais rápido, por exemplo se um site te dá 100% dos referrals, significa que tudo que um indicado seu lucrar em um dia, você vai lucrar uma quantia equivalente, ou seja se você indica 1 pessoa e ele ganha $0,10 por dia, você também ganha $0,10 por dia, você pode indicar quantas pessoas quizer. Como indico alguém? Procure no site o seu link de indicação “Your referral link” ou algo parecido com “Referral link”
Posso Criar Várias Contas No Mesmo PTC?
Não! Eles tem um sistema que detecta se você ta criando várias contas indicadas por você! E não pode criar nenhuma outra conta no mesmo PC tambem, mesmo que essa outra conta não seja sua indicação.
O Que é Cashout/Payout?
Cashout e Payout é quando você atinge a quantia mínima para poder pedir para enviarem o dinheiro, por exemplo se o cashout/payout de um site for de 10 dolares, você precisará atingir pelo menos 10 dolares pra poder retirar o dinheiro.
Como Recebo Dinheiro De Sites PTC?
Todo site PTC, quando voce for se cadastrar, irá pedir o email de sua conta no Banco Virtual, que poderá tanto o Paypal quanto o Alertpay ou Pagseguro, para que possam efetuar o pagamento do dinheiro.
Quanto posso ganhar com os site PTC?
O lucro que você vai ter dependerá do seu empenho e da sua experiência. quanto mais indicados você ter mais lucros terá, você é pago por cada website visualizado e por cada website visualizado pelos seus indicados, e não esqueça de clicar tambem para receber os cliques dos seus indicados. Caso você seja um menbro premium poderá ganhar muito mais, o valor do clique aumenta, o limite de indicados aumenta e o valor para sacar o dinheiro diminui.
Exemplos de ganhos em um PTC que paga 1 centavo ($) por clique seu e 0,5 centavos ($) por clique de referidos.
-Você clica em 10 anuncios por dia = $0,1
-100 indicados seus clicam em 10 anuncios por dia = $5,00
-Seus ganhos diarios = $5,10
-Seus ganhos semanais = $35,7
-Seus ganhos mensais = $153,00
-Total ganho anualmente = $1,836,00 (dolares)
Mas isso se você estiver cadastrado somente em um PTC, vai depender de você! você pode se cadastrar em quantos PTC quiser, embora eu não recomende que você saia se cadastrando em todos PTC que ver pela frente pois existem varios PTC scam que são aqueles que não pagam. Então somente se cadastre somente nos mais confiaveis e testados. E o melhor de tudo você não precisa gastar nada, você se cadastra e usuflui do serviço gratuitamente.
Lista De Sites PTC Que Realmente Pagam:
Bem Vindo
Bem Vindo Ao Blog Que Te Ensinará a Ganhar Dinheiro Na Internet Com Sites PTC, Eu Sou Um Exemplo De Que Pode Ganhar Bastante Dinheiro Com Esses Sites, Só Com Dedicação e Paciência.
Me Cadastrei Em 4 Sites PTC, e Com 1 Ano De Dedicação (Conseguindo Referidos, Clicando Todos Os Dias,) Consigo Fazer Por Mês Agora Quase U$ 2500 Dolares. Isso Serve Para Jovens Tambem Que Não Tem Nada Para Fazer Na Internet, Imagine Ganhar Tudo isso Por Mês, Então Te Convido Para Ler Todos Os Posts Do Meu Blog Para Fazer Tudo Certo e Conseguir Ganhar Uma Renda Extra. Bons Cliques Pessoal e Não Esqueçam de Comentar Sobre o Meu Blog.
Arquivo do blog
O Que Mais Falta No Blog?
Ocorreu um erro neste gadget
Modelo Awesome Inc. Imagens de modelo por merrymoonmary. Tecnologia do Blogger.

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This is a very interesting way to make some money. if you have a camera and think you can take quality pictures, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to generate a source of repeated revenue. people and businesses buy images for a number of different reasons, some need it for their website or blog, others need it for their ad campaign or their book or what have you. how many times you needed an image that you couldn’t find for free but there was plenty of it for a small price? well that’s the whole point and when you consider the number of world wide Internet users who might buy that image, it is so obvious that this is a simple but very effective revenue generating system.
Thanks to the numerous websites, today it’s easier than ever to earn money for your pictures and for the same reason there is a lot of competition of course. but remember, you ad your own style to your pictures which makes it a unique image and you never know what kind of work the photo buyers are looking for. best of all these websites wont cost you a dime to register with. upload your images and whenever one gets sold, depending on the specific website, you get a portion of the profit.
One of the best ways to maximize your revenue is the referral program. 80% of these websites offer referral reward, so take advantage of this opportunity to refer people both the image buyer and the image seller. don’t be shy to put your referral link in your blog or website or even in your email (please don’t spam others). i am a member of couple of the below sites and i am using my referral link to link to them. try to do something like that in your blog or website. there is nothing wrong with that. i belive as long as i am being honest and not referring people to the rip off sites or scamms, its ok to use my referral link in fact in a way you help others find the services they need.
Remember, claiming and selling images that are not yours is a crime and will have its consequences. ok, here are some of the most well known sites that you can use to sell your images.
1. shutterstock There are three ways to make money with this program: refer photographers(earn 3 cents per photo sold by photographers you refer). refer Stock Buyers (make 20% off their subscriptions), and submit photos for sale! (25 cents every time one of your images is downloaded. Once you reach $500 in earnings, your commission goes up to 30 cents per download).
2. istockphoto Earn 20 % on prices ranging from $1 to $20 per image. you can make up to 40% if you offer them an exclusive on your images. you can also sell Audio, Video, Flash and Illustrations.
3. dreamstime Earn 50-80% from each image sold. exclusive photos make you more money.
4. bigstockphoto Make 30 cents to $3 per image sold. they have a list of photos that they need, submitting photos in those categories will increase your earnings.
5. crestock You will earn 20% commission with prices ranging from $5 to $15 per photo, but as soon as you hit 100 sales, you’ll earn 30% commission. of course the more you upload the more you’ll sell. fast and easy uploading process.
6. photostockplus 85% commission on all sales. you can host private galleries and you set your own prices. however, you pay 3.25% processing fee on each sale.
7. 123royaltyfree Earn 50% on each photo downloaded. refer customers and earn 15% of their purchase or subscription. refer photographers and earn 10% of the price of each of their photo downloaded.
8. veer You set your own prices For every image that’s sold on a standard or product license, you will receive a royalty of 30%. If you allow your image to be downloaded on subscription, you will receive 30 cents per download. Once you make $10 in royalties, you will be paid in paypal.
9. fotolia Get paid an average of 50% on each image downloaded. you get paid by pay pal and Money booker, however wire transfers are offered in countries where pay pal and money booker are not supported.
10. shutterpoint ShutterPoint offers the highest payout rate on the internet. 85% for Full Royalty-Free License. 70% for Standard Royalty-Free License. when you reach $50 you can get it in paypal or by check .
11. clustershot Your free to submit any photos without the fear of not being approved. you can set a price or be open to offers. they get 12% of the sale price and you get the rest automatically in paypal when your account reaches $100, however you can request payout earlier but they will charge a small fee for payments less than $100.
12. stockxpert You get paid 50% of each sale, by paypal, money booker or check. which means you can earn $7.50 after each XXL size download and $10 after each super high quality vector download! you can even earn $50 per sale by offering extended licenses for your images.
this is a very interesting way to make some money. if you have a camera and think you can take quality pictures, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to generate a source of repeated revenue. people and businesses buy images for a number of different reasons, some need it for their website or blog, others need it for their ad campaign or their book or what have you. how many times you needed an image that you couldn’t find for free but there was plenty of it for a small price? well that’s the whole point and when you consider the number of world wide Internet users who might buy that image, it is so obvious that this is a simple but very effective revenue generating system.
Thanks to the numerous websites, today it’s easier than ever to earn money for your pictures and for the same reason there is a lot of competition of course. but remember, you ad your own style to your pictures which makes it a unique image and you never know what kind of work the photo buyers are looking for. best of all these websites wont cost you a dime to register with. upload your images and whenever one gets sold, depending on the specific website, you get a portion of the profit.
One of the best ways to maximize your revenue is the referral program. 80% of these websites offer referral reward, so take advantage of this opportunity to refer people both the image buyer and the image seller. don’t be shy to put your referral link in your blog or website or even in your email (please don’t spam others). i am a member of couple of the below sites and i am using my referral link to link to them. try to do something like that in your blog or website. there is nothing wrong with that. i belive as long as i am being honest and not referring people to the rip off sites or scamms, its ok to use my referral link in fact in a way you help others find the services they need.
Remember, claiming and selling images that are not yours is a crime and will have its consequences. ok, here are some of the most well known sites that you can use to sell your images.
1. shutterstock There are three ways to make money with this program: refer photographers(earn 3 cents per photo sold by photographers you refer). refer Stock Buyers (make 20% off their subscriptions), and submit photos for sale! (25 cents every time one of your images is downloaded. Once you reach $500 in earnings, your commission goes up to 30 cents per download).
2. istockphoto Earn 20 % on prices ranging from $1 to $20 per image. you can make up to 40% if you offer them an exclusive on your images. you can also sell Audio, Video, Flash and Illustrations.
3. dreamstime Earn 50-80% from each image sold. exclusive photos make you more money.
4. bigstockphoto Make 30 cents to $3 per image sold. they have a list of photos that they need, submitting photos in those categories will increase your earnings.
5. crestock You will earn 20% commission with prices ranging from $5 to $15 per photo, but as soon as you hit 100 sales, you’ll earn 30% commission. of course the more you upload the more you’ll sell. fast and easy uploading process.
6. photostockplus 85% commission on all sales. you can host private galleries and you set your own prices. however, you pay 3.25% processing fee on each sale.
7. 123royaltyfree Earn 50% on each photo downloaded. refer customers and earn 15% of their purchase or subscription. refer photographers and earn 10% of the price of each of their photo downloaded.
8. veer You set your own prices For every image that’s sold on a standard or product license, you will receive a royalty of 30%. If you allow your image to be downloaded on subscription, you will receive 30 cents per download. Once you make $10 in royalties, you will be paid in paypal.
9. fotolia Get paid an average of 50% on each image downloaded. you get paid by pay pal and Money booker, however wire transfers are offered in countries where pay pal and money booker are not supported.
10. shutterpoint ShutterPoint offers the highest payout rate on the internet. 85% for Full Royalty-Free License. 70% for Standard Royalty-Free License. when you reach $50 you can get it in paypal or by check .
11. clustershot Your free to submit any photos without the fear of not being approved. you can set a price or be open to offers. they get 12% of the sale price and you get the rest automatically in paypal when your account reaches $100, however you can request payout earlier but they will charge a small fee for payments less than $100.
12. stockxpert You get paid 50% of each sale, by paypal, money booker or check. which means you can earn $7.50 after each XXL size download and $10 after each super high quality vector download! you can even earn $50 per sale by offering extended licenses for your images.
Get paid to search . Sounds interesting and almost unbelievable, doesn’t it? But, its true. There are a couple of search engines that pay you for searching on their site. You just need register with them, and after that, all you have to do is… Well just use their search engine to search for whatever you search every day, and before you know it, you’ve made some extra cash, which i am sure in this economy, is appreciated more than ever. With that said, here are 6 Search Engines you can get paid to search on.
1- interadmedia. com You can earn money by performing genuine searches that you would do with any other search provider. You get paid $0.001 for every minute you are actively searching online, plus you earn 5% of your direct referrals earnings. Once you have $25 in your account you can cash out, which would be paid by pay pal.
2- scour. com Scour. com shows results from three major engines, Google, Yahoo, Msn. You can either earn points for each search you make, or earn by voting and commenting on keywords that have been searched. You will earn points (usually 3 points per search) for the first 100 searches that you do daily. Plus you earn 25% of what each of your invited friends earn. 6500 points equals to $25,assuming you have many friends to invite you have the potential to earn a lot of points quiet rapidly. Paid by pay pal or prepaid visa gift card .
3- blingo. com This is more of a chance to win than actually getting paid for precise action. But still some people might be interested. Search just like you normally would, and each search (up to 25 per day) will give you one chance to win prizes from movie tickets to cars, instantly ( i haven’t heard or don’t know of anybody who has won a car or a big prize yet !). Each day Blingo’s prize program chooses a bunch of winning times (usually several per hour). The first person to search after a winning time wins the prize. You must be at least 13 years old and live in the United States to be able to participate.
4- swagbucks. com Is an online portal that lets you earn digital dollars called “Swag Bucks,” which can be redeemed for cash (pay pal) and exclusive swagbucks. com merchandise. Each searched performed is a chance to win $1-$5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. There are also some other ways to earn money like getting paid for shopping through their network.
5- irazoo. com Each search you perform gives you a chance to win an Amazon gift certificate instantly. Plus you can earn 4 points by voting for or against every website you search for, at the top of every webpage, and if you leave a comment for that site you will earn 4 more points. Each person who you refer that registers on the iRazoo website, will earn you “50″ points as well as earning 50 points for him or herself. The cool thing is, if that person or friend who you refer to the iRazoo, wins a Gift Certificate, you will win that same Gift Certificate as well! The points earned then can be exchanged for prizes such as Mp3 players, Cameras, Memory sticks & Video Game systems.
6- supportingfriends. com This one is very different and unique in the sense that you can help a friend in need by searching. It has been developed as a way of raising funds for those who need support, simply from you searching the internet. Here is how it works. After registering, you choose a cause or add your own (that cause or person in need could be yourself). To dedicate your earnings to that cause or person, perform searches like you would normally do, and supportingfriends. com will share 50% of their yahoo revenue that is generated from your searches, with you, which is then paid to that cause or person every 30 days, 45 days after each month end.
Getting paid to search is one of those fun ways to make money online. Of course your not gonna make any notable amount of money with get paid to search sites, but in this economy, a dollar is a dollar. Please feel free to let me know if you have heard of any other similar sites or perhaps you are already using one to get paid to search.
stay away from this all site They are listed in Alphabetical Order, starting with Numbers, and then Letters..
0 07Bux. net
1 1-800-mail. com 10-cash. com 10bux. net 10centcashoutptc. com 1centemails. com 10clix. com 10dollar-mail. com 100-cash. com 100-dollars-mail. com 100-percents-work-bux. com 100cents-1000dollars. com 100dollarsmails. com 100euro-mail. com 1000-mail. com 10000usd-mail. com 101clix. com 123bux. net 123easycash. net 1bux. org 1centemails. com 1dollarcash. com 1stbux. com 1stprofit. com
2 2-dollar-mail. com 20-cash. com 20-Euro-mail. com 200dollars-email. com 200dollarsmail. com 200euro-mail. com 200eurocent-200euro. com 200euromails. com 200euromails. net 20dollarsmail. com 20euromail. com 2009-bux. com 24bux. com 247bux. com 247payouts. com 25dollarsmail. com 25-dollars-mail. com 2bux. com 2bux. net 2dollaremails. com 2ree. net 2usdbux. com
3 300dollarsmail. com 30dollarsmail. com 37-21mail. com 37bux. com 3rbux. com
4 4bux. info 4bux. pri. ee 400dollarsdaily. info 400dollarsmail. com 4starads. info
5 50centmails. com 500cents-500dollars. net 500cents-500dollars. org 500pounds-and-500pence. com 50dollarsmail. com 520Searcher. com 5bux. com 5buxs. cn 5ivebux. com
6 60euromail. com 666mails. com 6buxy. com
7 75centinstantbux. com 77bux. com 7centsolos. com 7thbux. com 7heavenptc. com 7thheavenptr. net
8 8cent-emails. com 80euromail. com
9 9bux. info 99centclicks. info 99centptc. com 9icebux. com
A A-n-cash. com AAA-mails. com Abovebux. com Aceptc. com Active-Clickers. com Activeclickers. com Actualbux. com Ad2bank. info Ad-fortune. com Adandel. com Adblenger. com Adbux. org Adbuxter. com Adcash. lv Adcash. org Aderup. com Adfez. net Admadbux. com Admadmax. com Admonsta. com Adoost. com Adpalptc. com Adptc. info Ads-bux. net Ads-earn. com Ads. own. CZ Ads4cash. net Ads4sale. info Adsforsale. info Adsgain. com Adsneed. com Adspacedepot. com Adstab. com Adstobux. com Adstomail. com Adswing. info Adverbux. com Adversess. com Advertbux. com Advercash. net Advertunited. com Advintage. com Adybux. com Aebux. com Aembux. com Aerobux. com Aff. si Afferinte. com Ageptr. com Ahacash. com Alabamaclicks. com Alabamaptc. info Alarmbux. net Alertbux. com Alertptc. com Alexaclix. com Alphabux. com AlibabaMails. com Allcashmail. com Alleybux. com Allstarsbux. com Allyousubmitters. com Almightybux. com Almiyachts. com Almondbux. com Alphabux. com Alwayspay. com Amazingptc. com Amazinggpt. com Amazingptr. com Amirbux. com American-mails. com Amigoemail. com Amubux. com Ancient-bux. ch Angelbux. com Annies-biz. com Apachemails. com Anotherrealm. info Apple-bizs. com Applemails. com Appleptc. info Appolomails. com Aquabux. com Arabbux. com Arabicbux. biz Arcane-mails. com Archbux. com Arclicks. com Arcticbux. com Argentinaptc. com. AR Argusbux. info Ariaptc. com Armybux. com Asonewishes. com Astrobux. com At-mails. com Athome-cash. com Atlantis. shiftcode. com Auction-emails. com Augbux. com Aurorabux. com Auto-bux. com Autopayouts. com Autoptr. com Avengerbux. com Awsurveys. com Ayotraffic. info Azbux. com scamlist is property of: http://www. talkptc. com
B Babyloncash. com Baleclix. com Bananaclicks. info Bank-mails. com Bankbux. net Bankonbux. com Bastard-cash. com Baybux. com Baydefeisptc. info beabux. com Beach-mails. com Beachbux. com Beachbux. net Beanybux. com Beautybux. com Be-mails. com Bebux. info Becbux. com Bee-gold. com Beebux. info Bendovernclick. com Bensbux. com Bensonbux. com Best-mails. com Best-bux. info Bestbux. com Bestbux. info Bestclickersbux. info Bestdollarclicks. com Bestearnbux. net Bestgrandbux. info Bestpaidbux. cn Bestpornobux. us Beta-cash. com Betabux. com Better-bux. com Better4bux. info Bettybucks. com Bgbux. com Bgclicks. com Biggestdollars. com Bigkingpay. com Bigmoneyptc. com Bigptc. info Bigx2.bigxmailer. com Bigx3.bigxmailer. com Billobucks. com Birdadmail. com Birdclicks. info Bizbux. info Black-mails. com Blastbux. com Blerbux. com Bloomingcash. info Blue-mails. com Bluebux. info Boffopaidmail. com Bondjamesbond. net Boodaq. com boonbux. com boostbux. info boss-mails. com BPbux. com braveviolation. com breakoutbux. com breastcancerptc. info brinkslinks. com britebux. com britishbux. com britneybux. com brmbux. com brown-mails. com brptc. com bugcash. com burnbux. net businessmails. biz butterflyclix. com b-u-x. net bux-7ven. com bux. bg bux-ceo. com bux. ee bux. gs bux. ms bux. sc bux. to bux-4-clicks. com bux-7ven. com bux-attack. com bux-enterprises. com bux-forex. com bux-gr. com bux-gt. com bux-lub. com bux-paid. com bux-pay. info bux-service. com bux-star. com bux2cash. com bux2click. com bux2earn. com bux2you. com bux4all. com bux4clicks. com bux4clix. info bux4life. com bux4you. net bux9x. com bux. ee bux. fater. info buxa. org buxalot. net buxamr. com buxary. com buxatrini. net buxaware. com buxbank. com buxbin. com buxbob. net buxboss. com buxbrasil. net buxbum. com buxbunny. com buxbytes. com buxcafe. com buxcan. com buxcash. com buxcl. com buxclicks. com buxclicks. net buxcool. com buxcore. com buxcorp. com buxcrate. com buxdaily. com buxdeposit. com buxdevil. com buxdigital. com buxdol. info buxdol. net buxdollar. com buxdotcom. com buxear. com buxearn. com buxearners. info buxeast. com buxed. info buxed. net buxer. bizrg buxera. com buxera. net buxero. com buxeuro. com buxexpress. com buxtoads. com buxextra. com buxextreme. com buxez. com buxfriend. com buxgalore. com buxguaranteed. com buxhall. net buxhappy. comen. com buxheaven. net buxheaven. org buxhere. com buxhero. com buxhunter. com buxibux. com buxilliard. com buximo. com buximple. com buxin. info buxing. info buxinstant. com buxiq. com buxit. info buxlab. com buxler. net buxlite. com buxlove. com buxlover. com buxlv. com bux. mr-rex. net bux. own. cz buxmania. cn buxmania. info buxmarket. com buxmarketing. net buxmarley. com buxme. info buxmindz. com buxnolimit. com buxnsuch. com buxology. com buxnew. com buxnext. com buxnow. net buxoffice. net buxon. net buxona. com buxone. com buxor. info buxout. com buxpaidinstantly. com buxpalace. com buxparadise. com buxpick. com buxpl. com buxplode. com buxplus. com buxplus. org buxpoint. com buxpremium. com buxprof. com buxprofi. com buxptc. com buxptr. com buxput. com buxrecord. com buxs. ws buxsense. com buxsense. info buxserv. com bux-service. com buxsite. org buxshares. info buxsit. com buxsnap. com buxtard. com buxtax. com buxtc. com buxteam. com buxter. ws buxterminal. com buxthatpayz. com buxtheory. com buxtune. com buxtro. com buxunlimited. com buxup. com buxvegas. com buxvision. com buxvisit. net buxvisitors. net buxwanted. com buxway. net buxwiz. com buxxl. com buxxo. com buxybux. com buxyou. com buxyworld. com
C cadybux. com cafebux. com cannabisbux. net cannabismails. com carclicks. net carrotclicks. info cash-kitty. com cash-mails. net cash-overflow. info cash2all. cn cash4bux. com cash4ever. biz cash4grabs. info cash4hits. com cash4offers. com cashbux. com cashclicks. biz cash-clix. net cashheist. com cashination. com cashinonads. info cashium. net cashlauncher. com cashmails. biz cashmails. org cashmailz. com cashmall-bux. com cashmedia. biz cashmoneyptc. com cashmybux. com cashnads. biz cashnbux. com cashnclicks. com cashout. me cashoutbux. com cashoutclix. com cashpointclicks. com cashposse. net cashptc. info cashquestgpt. com cashra. com cashread. com cashsea. com casinoptc. com cassandraclicks. com cat-mails. com catch-cash. com cd-mails. com celbux. com celestialclicks. com cent-clicks. com centbux. com centclicks. com centking. com ceoptc. com champbux. com cheap-bux. com cherokeeptr. com chillbux. com chillcash. com chlorobux. com chobitmails. com chobitsmails. net christmas-bux. com christmasclicks. info citygpt. com cjbux. com class-act-clicks. com classic-bux. com clean-invest. com click-bux. net clickads. nu-zone. org click2bepaid. com click2bux. com click4you. net/ clickabuck. info clickandbux. com clickanimation. info clickarn. com click-bux. net clickbux. com clickbux. org clickbuxpay. com clickbuxx. com clickearnmoney. com clickerbux. com clickerscompany. com clickermania. com clickerscoop. info clickersheaven. com clickfantasy. net clickforthousands. com clickin. me clickingmoney4u. com clickipink. com clickkt. com clickmybux. com clickonbux. info clickosaur. us clickpay. ca clickpaycash. com clickptc. us clicks4bux. com clicks4cash. com clicksforshare clickpaycash. com clicktazia. com clicktopsites. com clickvoid. com click4u. net clickabuck. info clickersheaven. com clickfantasy. net clickipink. com clickptc. us clicksx. com clixango. com clixp. com clix. vc clix-cash. info clix4coins. com clix4sense. info clixdistrict. com clixearn. com clixmakesense. com clixmania. net clixmedia. biz clixmx. com clixncash. com (let us know when jj sells it, i am sure it won’t be long) clixos. com clixplaza. com clixsurf. com clixsurf. com clockpay. net cloud-mails. com cloudybux. com club4you. net cm-ptr. com cmediazone. info coast-mail. com cobybux. com cocobizs. com coffee-bizs. com coinclicks. net coinzbux. com coinzer. com combux. com comeagain. com cometbux. com comfortableIncome. net cool-bux. com coolybux. info cooperativemail. com copperflame. com copymails. com corpbux. info cosmicwealth. com countryfriendsptc. info coverclicks. com cowboy-mail. com crabclicks. info crazy4dollar. com crazyclicks. com crazyptc. biz cream-mails. com creativemails. biz crewbux. com crewbuxonline. com crewptc. com croclix. com croptc. com cruiseshipclicks. info currencymails. com cvbux. com czechooo. com
D daddybux. com daddyclix. com dafbux. info dailybux. info dailybux. org dailycent. com dailyclicks. biz dailyclickspro. com dannybux. com darkptc. com davidmails. com daydayupemails. com dayscash. com dcbux. com deafbux. com dedibux. com deep-mails. com deepseacash. com delta-cash. comdj-mails. com deluxe-bux. info deluxebux. com demoney. biz depacco. com desibux. com desiclix. com devbux. com devilptc. com diamond-mails. net dicead. com discobux. com digital-ptr. com dinbux. com dingobux. com dingodollar. com directbux. com divinebux. com dj-mails. com doemails. com dolarbux. info dollarclix. org dollar-factory. com dollarbux. info dollarbux. us dollargpt. com dollarslove. com dolphindollarsgpt. com dolphincents. com dotptc. com downlinebux. com dragone-search. com dragonhole. com dream-mails. info dream-bux. com dreambux. com dreamclix. net dreamingbux. com dreamptc. com dreamstarmail. com drumcash. com drunkbux. com dualbux. com dualbux. net dudebux. com dungeonanddragonemails. com duobux. com dw-mails. com dynamicbux. com
E e-bux. us e-clickz. com e-dollar. pl eagleclicknet. com eagleclicks. info earlybux. com earn10bux. com earn-usd. biz earn. bz earnbux. info earn. nu earnclick. net earnforclicking. info earningsecret. com earnmoneyeasily. net scamlist property of http://talkptc. com EarnMoneyPtc. com earnmoneyptc. info earnmybux. com earnptc. com earnup. com earnwithme. co. uk earnyourbux. com earthptr. com easy-clicks. net easy2clickit. com easy. tc easyadbucks. com eazbux. com easybuxpay. com easyclicks. org easyptccash. com eazy-bux. com ecash-generator. info eclipseclicks. info econ-bux. com egyptclicks. com egyptianclicks. INFO, not the. com!! elisemails. com egyptptc. com eire-bux. com elektricbux. info eliteclicks. com elusivemails. net email2rewards. com emailpremium. com emailprofit. us emailsclub. com emailspayu. net emails-empire. com emassivemails. com embux. com emeraldcoastptc. info emoneybux. com emopussybux. com enbux. com enganbux. info englandbux. com englandbux. org enjoyfunds. com enrichptc. com entrabux. com entroclicks. com enzo-mails. com epicclicks. com equalbux. com erabux. net esooe. com essentialptr. com etwac. com euro-emails. com eurobux. co. uk eurobux. com eurobux. info eurobux. org eurocentsmail. com euroclick. com euroclickers. com euroclicks. info eurokdo. com eurotrademails. com eurovisits. org evernity. com evernity-rewards. com ex-bux. com excads. com excellentbux. com exclusivemails. net executiveclicks. info exeogpt. com exothema. com expaybux. com expert-mails. com expertmails. net extreme-ads. com extreme-bux. com extreme-earnings. com extremeclickerz. com eyesbux. com ez_bux. net ezlaptop. com
F facebookbux. com fairydollars. com famous-clickers. info famybux. com fanclicks. info farland-cash. com fast. sc fastbux. com fastbux. org fastcashptc. info fastestbux. com fastpaybux. info fatcashcow. com fatmoneyptc. com favbux. com feelbux. com feer-mial. com fegabux. info fflinx. com fillmyaccount. com filmyinbox. com finalbux. com financialfreedomads. com findingbux. com finebux. com fineptc. com firebux. net first-five. org first5clicks. com fishptc. info fivebux. com flameclix. com flamemails. com flashbux. com flashpay. tuaptc. org flashrich. com flipbux. com flowerbux. com flybizs. com foggy-mails. com foobri. com foreverclix. info forex-buxonline. info forexbay. us formulabux. info foxcash. net freebirdbux. com freecashclick. com reedom-mails. com frei-bux. com fruitclicks. info ft-mails. com ftbux. com *&%#ingsituation. com fullbux. org funbux. org funkycashmail. com furiousbux. com futurebux. com futureclicks. net G gaborbux. com gagabux. com gainpay. com galaxybux. com galaxybux. info gamma-cash. com gammabux. com gardenptc. info gatorbux. com gem-mails. com gen4bux. com geniusptc. com genuinebux. com genuinemails. com gepeto. biz getbuxed. com getcashright. com getclix. com getor-mails. com getpaidindustry. com getpaidbyemail. com getpaideasy. com getpaidfasttoday. com getpaidtoguru. com getpaidwatch. com getrefmails. com getrichptc. com getrichptr. com getyourgpt. com gg-bux. com ggmvp. org ggmvpclub. com ggnshare. com ggtheater. com ghostitans. info gibux. com giftclicks. info gibuxsurf. com giga-cash. com giga-mails. com gigabux. net gilligansptc. info glitterbux. com globalptc. net globalptr. com globeclix. com globeptc. net go4dwl. com goaio. com gobux. net godbux. com gogobux. com gold-mails. info goldads. org goldbizs. com goldcashbux. com goldclicks. org golddiggerptc. info golddownline. com golden-bux. com golden-galaxy. com goldenbux. net goldenclix. net goldenemail. com goldengooseptc. info goldmineclicks. info goldpromotion. net goldptc. info goldsbux. com golfmails. com goobux. com goodbux. net goodluck-email. com google-mails. com gordosbux. info got2pay. com gotbux. com gpclub. net gpm-ptc. net gpt. ir gpt. wideads. org grandbux. org grandptc. com grapeclicks. info grapemails. com gratisbux. com greatbux. com greenbux. com greenlifebux. com green-cash. com greetgold. com
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الشركات النصابة / اخر تجديد بتاريخ 29/9/2010
" بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "
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Black List usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 5-dollar-mail. com 4. 10-cash. com 5. 20-euro-mail. com 6. 100-cash. com 7. 2008mails. com 8. 1800banners. com 9. 100dollarptc. com 10. 100euro-mail. com 11. 200euromails. net 12. 247payouts. com 13. 400dollarsdaily. info 14. 10bux. net 15. 10centcashoutptc. com 16. 10dollar-mail. com 17. 10euro-mail. com 18. 50centMails. com 19. 77bux. com 20. 99centptc. com 21. 1cent-mail. com 22. 1centemails 23. 1dollarptc. com 24. 2bux. net 25. 5cash. info 26. 4realptc. info 27. 5euro-mails. com 28. 7evenbux. com 29. 7heavenptc. com 30. awsurveys. com 31. a-n-cash. com 32. adbux. org 33. adflasher. net 34. afferinte. com 35. ahbux. com 36. andreamails. com 37. ads-earn. com 38. adventures4u. com 39. adybux. com 40. aerobux. com 41. aglocomails. com 42. alexmails. com 43. all-cashmails. com 44. angelbux (angelbux. com) 45. arclicks. com 46. ariaptc. com 47. asonewishes. com 48. astroux. com 49. at-mails. com 50. atbux. com 51. athome-cash. com 52. autoex. org 53. autopayouts. com 54. b-u-x. net 55. babalac. com 56. baltbux. com 57. bangthelinks. com 58. bank-ptr. com 59. bankomails. com 60. banzibux. com 61. bcbux. com 62. beachbux. net 63. beachptc. com 64. beanybux. com 65. bear-mails. com 66. beaverbux. com 67. best-mails. com 68. bestbux. info 69. bestdollarclicks. com 70. bestnewbuxto. info 71. bestpaybux. com 72. BbetaBux. com 73. bfgbux. com 74. biggreenbux. com 75. bigmoneycenter. com 76. bigmoneyptc. com 77. bigptc. tk 78. billionaireptc. com 79. birdmails. com 80. black-mails. com 81. blackearn. com 82. blubux. com 83. blue-mails. com 84. bobomails. com 85. boffopaidmail. com 86. bombapub. com 87. boodaq. com 88. boonbux. com 89. bpbux. com 90. bravebux. com 91. britebux. com 92. business-ptr. com 93. businessmails. bz 94. bux. ee 95. bux. gs 96. bux. io 97. bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 98. bux. to 99. bux-7ven. com 100. bux-gr. com 101. bux-inv. com 102. bux-service. com 103. 104. 105. buxanna. com 106. buxcafe. com 107. buxcashy. com 108. buxchristmas. com 109. buxcorp. com 110. buxdiamond. com 111. buxextra. com 112. 113. buxfirst. com 114. buxforex. com 115. buxforyou. com 116. buxgolden. com 117. buxhunter. com 118. buxinc. com 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com 143. cashmails. biz 144. cashmails. org 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com 152. cd-mails. com 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com 185. depacco. com 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com 197. dollargpt. com 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com 203. e-mailpaysu. com 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com 212. enrichptc. com 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com 217. epaisa. pk 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com 225. exclusivemails. net 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com 244. fineptc. com 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) 284. gowellup. com 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 296. hiddenbux. com 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 321. izyBux. com 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com 345. libertyreservemails. com 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com 355. magicalptc. com 356. mailsmoney. com 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com 363. massiveptr. com 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com 393. newbuxindia. com 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 404. omnibux. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info 409. PaidClicks. WS 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com 422. PayingPTR. com 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info 435. pink-mails. com 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com 442. pretty-mail. com 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com 454. PTCSense. com 455. Ptcshare. com 456. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net 479. Richptc. com 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com 486. RustBux. com 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com 494. ScvBux. com 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com 500. SnapDollars. com 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com 522. Tendollarclick. com 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. bux. com 526. TickerBar. info 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com 533. TuiBux. com 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com 540. UpBux. com 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net 572. wow-mails. com 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com " تم الحمدلله "

Updated Scam List!
Courtesy - PTC Investigations
A site will go on this list if it is:
* not paying, * too many complaints and negative comments are found * unstable (comes and goes) * abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) * ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) * or it is being deceiving and is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
Hint: Use CTRL + F to help you look through this list.
1. 1-usd-mail. com 2. 3-dollar-mail. com 3. 10-cash. com 4. 20-euro-mail. com 5. 100-cash. com 6. 2008mails. com 7. 100euro-mail. com 8. 200EuroMails. net 9. 247payouts. com 10. 400DollarsDaily. info 11. 10bux. net 12. 10centcashoutptc. com 13. 10dollar-mail. com 14. 10euro-mail. com 15. 50centMails. com 16. 77bux. com 17. 1cent-mail. com 18. 1centemails (1centemails. com) - not to be confused with 1 cent email 19. 1dollarptc. com 20. 2bux. net 21. 5cash. info 22. 4realptc. info 23. 7evenbux. com 24. 7heavenptc. com 25. A. W. Surveys 26. A-n-cash. com 27. Adbux. org 28. Adflasher. net 29. Afferinte. com 30. Andreamails. com 31. Ads-Earn. com 32. Adventures4U. com 33. AeroBux. com 34. Aglocomails. com 35. Alexmails. com 36. All-CashMails. com 37. AngelBux (angelbux. com) 38. ArClicks. com 39. Aria PTC (ariaptc. com) 40. AstroBux. com 41. At-Mails. com 42. Atbux (atbux. com) 43. Athome-cash. com 44. AutoEx. org 45. Autopayouts. com 46. B-u-x. net 47. Babalac. com 48. Bank-ptr. com 49. BankoMails. com 50. BanziBux. com 51. BeachBux. net 52. Beachptc. com 53. BeanyBux. com 54. Bear-mails. com 55. BeaverBux. com 56. Best-Mails. com 57. BestBux (bestbux. info) 58. BestDollarClicks. com 59. Bestnewbuxto. info 60. BetaBux. com 61. BfgBux. com 62. Bigmoneycenter. com 63. Big Money PTC (bigmoneyptc. com) 64. Bigptc. tk 65. Billionaireptc. com 66. Birdmails. com 67. BlackEarn (blackearn. com) 68. Blue-Mails. com 69. BoBoMails. com 70. Boffopaidmail. com 71. Boodaq. com 72. BoonBux. com 73. BpBux. com (closed) 74. BraveBux. com 75. BriteBux (britebux. com) 76. Business-PTR. com 77. Bux-gr. com 78. Bux-Service. com 79. 80. Buxanna. com 81. Buxcorp (buxcorp. com) 82. BuxForex. com 83. Buxforyou. com (closed) 84. Bux. gs 85. Bux. io 86. Bux. LT (bux. xz. lt) 87. Bux. to 88. Bux-7ven. com 89. 90. BuxCashy. com 91. BuxChristmas. com 92. BuxExtra. com 93. BuxFirst. com 94. BuxHunter. com 95. BuxInc. com 96. BuxMarley. com 97. BuxNew. com 98. BuxOffice. net 99. Buxokk. com 100. BuxPTR. com 101. Buxs. nl 102. BuxWin. com 103. BuxWiz. com 104. Buxxl. com 105. Camel-mails. com 106. Cash4clickingptc. com 107. Cash4Clicks. org 108. Cashfiesta. com 109. Cashflowmails. com 110. CashKidding. com 111. Cashnbux. com 112. Cashmails. biz 113. Cashmails. org 114. Cashmailz. com 115. Cashmedia. biz 116. Cashmoneyemail. com 117. Cashmybux. com 118. CashTreePTC. com 119. Casino-PTR. com 120. Cd-Mails. com 121. Charm-mail. com 122. Cherry-Mails. com 123. Chinawelcomeptc. info 124. Chobitsmails. net 125. Click2earn. biz 126. Clickforabuck. com 127. ClickMyBux. com 128. Clix. vc 129. Clix-P. com 130. ClixP. com 131. ClixnCash. com 132. Cloud-mails. com 133. Cloudy-mails. com 134. CloudBux. com 135. Club4You. net 136. Coast-Mail. com 137. Cobebizs. com 138. CobyBux. com 139. Colph. com 140. Comfortableincome. net 141. Cooperativemail. com 142. CreativeMails. biz 143. CuteBux. com 144. Depacco. com 145. Diamond-bizs. com 146. Diamond-mails. net 147. Diamond-PTR. com 148. DingoBux 149. Discoclicks. com 150. Disney-mails. com 151. Dog-mails. com 152. Dreamails. com 153. Dutzzubux. com 154. Dw-mails. com 155. E-MailPaysU. com 156. Eagle-Mails. com 157. Earn-USD. biz 158. Earningsecret. com 159. EarnMyBux. com 160. Earthptr. com 161. EasyCashPTC. com 162. Elephant-Mails. com 163. ElitePTC. com 164. EnRich PTC (enrichptc. com) 165. E-mailptr. com 166. EnBux. com 167. Epaisa. pk 168. Esooe. com 169. Essential PTR (essentialptr. com) 170. Euro-Emails. com 171. EuroTradeMails. com 172. EvernityRewards (evernity. com) 173. Exceedmargin. com 174. ExcellentBux. com 175. Exclusivemails. net 176. ExoBux. com 177. expert-mails. com 178. Expertmails. net 179. EziHippo (ezihippo. com) 180. Ezlaptop. com 181. Fallsmails. com 182. FastCarPTC. com 183. Fast Money 24 ( 184. FastPayPTC. com 185. Fatmoneyptc. com 186. Feer-mial. com 187. FillBux. com 188. FiloBux (filobux. com) 189. FinanceBux. com 190. FinancialFreedomAds. com 191. FinePTC. com 192. Fire-Mails. com 193. FireBux. net 194. Flamemails. com 195. FlashBux. com 196. Fly-field. com 197. Flybizs. com 198. Foggy-mails. com 199. ForeverPTC. com 200. Forex-cashbux. com 201. Foundmails. com 202. Freedom-mails. com 203. Fromhomedataentry. com 204. Fullmoneybux. com 205. Future-PTR. com 206. Gainpay. org 207. GammaBux. com 208. Gardenoflinks. com 209. Generalbucks. com 210. GeniusPTR. com 211. Genuinemails. com 212. Get-UMoney. com 213. GetDailyPaid. com 214. GetPaidIndustry. com 215. GetRefMails. com 216. GetRichPTC. com 217. Getrichptr. com 218. Get-umoney. com 219. Giga-Mails. com - Very sad personal stories and comments about this one 220. Gkcash. com 221. GlobalPTR. com 222. GodBux. com 223. Godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 224. Goldbizs. com 225. 226. Golden-Galaxy. com 227. GoldenQuarters. com 228. Google-Bux (googlenow. info) 229. GrandPTC. com 230. Green Horse 231. GTSBux. com 232. Halloweenptc. info 233. Harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 234. HawkinsBux. com 235. Hellish Dollars (hellishdollars. com) 236. Herecomessantaclausptc. info 237. HiddenBux. com 238. Hide4dz. biz 239. HighBux. Biz 240. HighCashBonus. com 241. HitzMagic 242. Honestclicks. info 243. HooBux. com 244. Hugeptc. com 245. Hulk-mails. com 246. HyBux. com 247. Ibux. eu 248. IcePaid. com 249. Incomeptr. com 250. InfiniteBux (infinitebux. com) 251. Insane Cricket (insanecricket. com) 252. Instant-PTC-Cash. com 253. InstantlyPTC. com 254. InstantPTR (instantptr. com) 255. InterAdMedia. com 256. Ippomails. net 257. IsabelMarco's Money Maker (isabelmarco. com) 258. Itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info 259. IzyBux. com 260. Jackmails. com 261. Jaysu. com - (closed), went down before we could review it 262. JesusBux. com 263. Jobptc. com 264. JokerBux 265. JustBux. com 266. KazarianGPT. com 267. Key-Mails. com 268. Kinderbux. com 269. King-mails. com 270. Lachicaemails. com 271. Lawyer-mails. com 272. Leadmails. com 273. Legend-mails. com 274. LenkaClix. com 275. 276. LevinClix. com 277. Link2Communion. com 278. LiveBux. com 279. LolliPopMails. com 280. Loving-Mail. com 281. Luckydollar. biz 282. MagicalMails. com 283. mailsmoney. net 284. Main-Bux. com 285. MakeMyBux. com 286. MassivePTR. com 287. MaystroMails. net 288. Mecbux. com 289. MegaBuxx. com 290. Mega Cash Zone (megacashzone. com) 291. Mic-Promotion. com 292. MillionaireBux. com 293. MixBux. com 294. MNMBux (mnmbux. com) 295. Mom-n-PopPTC. info 296. Moneyems. com 297. Moneytrainptc. com 298. Moonpaid. com 299. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 300. Mygoldbux. com 301. MyMoneyBux. com 302. Mystery Clickers (MysteryClickers. com) 303. NacBux. com 304. NeatBux. com 305. NeoPays. com 306. NewBuxIndia. com 307. Next-neo. com 308. NippyClicks. com 309. NoMinCashout. com 310. NoMinimumBux. com 311. NoWorkCash. com 312. Ocean-Mails. com 313. Ochristmastreeptc. info 314. Ok-usd. com 315. OnABux. com 316. Onedollarptc. com 317. OppoMails. com 318. Paid-Bux. info 319. PaidClicks. WS 320. PaidForFree. com 321. Paidlink. info 322. Paidstation. com 323. Papillon-clicks. com 324. ParadiseClicks. com 325. Paradiseclicks. info 326. PayDayPTC. com 327. Payee. me 328. Paying-mails. com 329. PayingClub. com 330. PayingPTR. com 331. Payooclub. com 332. Paypay-mails. com 333. Pcash. info 334. Pearlmails. com 335. PegasusPTR. com 336. PerfectPTR. com 337. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 338. PerformancePTC. com 339. Phoenixcash. info 340. Planetmails. com 341. Pleasant-Mails. com 342. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 343. PogoMails. com 344. Power-mails. net 345. Power4Bux. com 346. Profitmorebux. com 347. Project-Bux. com 348. ProMails. org 349. ProperPTR. com 350. ProsperousBoom. com 351. Ptcbiz. com 352. Ptcbonus. com 353. PTCNinja. com 354. Ptcrush. com 355. PTCSense. com 356. Ptcshare. com 357. PTC WALLET (ptcwallet. com) 358. PTR-Business. com 359. Pumpkin-Mails. com 360. QualityBux. com 361. Quickcashptc. com 362. QubeCash. com 363. RaiBux. com 364. Rainpaid. com 365. Rainy-mails. com 366. Rapidobux. com 367. Read2Money 368. RealDataEntry. net 369. RealMoneyCompany. com 370. RealCashPTC. com 371. Redclub-cash. com 372. ReoBux. com 373. RevolutionBux 374. Richestmail. com 375. Richestmails. net 376. Richptc. com 377. RichPTR. info 378. Richptr. net 379. RingMails. com 380. Rolex-mails. com 381. RustBux. com 382. SaladMails. com 383. Salary-mails. com 384. Salemails. com 385. SapphireBux. com 386. Saturn-mails. com 387. Scopebux. com 388. ShareTheBux. com 389. ShortBux. com 390. Show-sales. com 391. Silvanamails. net 392. SmurfsPTR. com 393. SnapDollars. com 394. Snowy-mails. com 395. StableBux. com 396. StablePTR. com 397. SteadyCashPTC. com 398. SteadyMails. com 399. Stock-mails. com 400. StockBux. com 401. StormOfTraffic. com 402. Sun-Cash. com 403. Superpaybyemail. com 404. SurfJunky. com 405. Sweetdealsemail. net 406. SweetPTR. com 407. SweetsMails. com 408. Tea-Mails. com 409. Tendollarclick. com 410. Thanksgivingptc. info 411. Thebestptcintown. com 412. TickerBar. info 413. Timelessearn. com 414. Touch-Mails. com 415. TrafficNowFire. com 416. Ts-Mails. com 417. TuePaid. com 418. TuiBux. com 419. Turquads. net 420. Twodollarptc. com 421. UltraBux. com 422. Universe-Mails. com 423. USA-Bux. com 424. Usd-ad. com 425. Usdcenter. com 426. UtilBux. com 427. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 428. Vibrantvitalities. com 429. Victorptr. com 430. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 431. Vision-Bux. com 432. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 433. Vitaraptr. com 434. VuBux. com 435. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 436. WaveBux. com 437. WavuBux. com 438. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 439. Webcamcashmails. com 440. 441. Western-Mails. com 442. Wishmails. com 443. Wonderful-Mails. com 444. World-mails. com 445. WorldsPTR. com 446. Worldwide-mails. com 447. WorldWidePTC. com 448. Worldwideptr. com 449. WuBux. com 450. XeonBux. com 451. Yippeemails. com 452. YooBux. com 453. YouPTC. com 454. YourBestBux. com 455. YourDailySurveys. com 456. YourMyBux. com[i][u]
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Sites SCAM (Sites que não pagam)
Sites que estão aguardando para ser carregado a partir blog antigo (sem links até o momento) porém eles são scams! Se você tem uma pergunta por que eles são scams. deixe um comentário no final desta lista e vamos encontrar a revisão de idade e enviá-lo para você.
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OLD REVIEW UP 119. buxjobs. com 120. buxler. net 121. buxmarley. com 122. buxmillionaire. com 123. buxnew. com 124. buxoffice. net 125. buxokk. com 126. buxptr. com 127. buxs. nl 128. buxtask. com 129. buxtro. com 130. buxturk. ws 131. buxwin. com 132. buxwiz. com 133. buxxl. com 134. camel-mails. com 135. capricornbux. com 136. cash4clickingptc. com 137. cash4Clicks. org 138. cash4ubux. com 139. cashfiesta. com 140. cashflowmails. com 141. cashkidding. com 142. cashnbux. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 145. cashmailz. com 146. cashmedia. biz 147. cashmoneyemail. com 148. cashmybux. com 149. cashTreePTC. com 150. casino-PTR. com 151. cat-mails. com 152. cd-mails. com 153. charm-mail. com 154. cherry-mails. com 155. chilloutbux. com 156. chinawelcomeptc. info 157. chobitsmails. net 158. cjbux. com 159. click2earn. biz 160. clickersheaven. com 161. clickersheaven. info 162. clickforabuck. com 163. clickmybux. com 164. clicksterbux. com 165. clicksx. com 166. clix. vc 167. clix-p. com 168. clixp. com 169. clixncash. com 170. cloud-mails. com 171. cloudy-mails. com 172. cloudbux. com 173. club4you. net 174. coast-mail. com 175. cobebizs. com 176. cobybux. com 177. colph. com 178. comfortableincome. net 179. companybux. com 180. cooperativemail. com 181. creativemails. biz 182. currencymails. com 183. cutebux. com 184. cvbux. com OLD REVIEW UP 186. detbux. com 187. devbux. com 188. diamond-bizs. com 189. diamond-mails. net 190. diamond-ptr. com 191. dingobux. com 192. discobux. com 193. discoclicks. com 194. disney-mails. com 195. doemails. com 196. dog-mails. com 197. dollargpt. com 198. donkeybucks. com 199. dreamails. com 200. dutzzubux. com 201. dw-mails. com 202. dynamicptr. com 203. e-mailpaysu. com 204. eagle-mails. com 205. earn-usd. biz 206. earningsecret. com 207. earnmybux. com 208. earthptr. com 209. easycashptc. com 210. elephant-mails. com 211. eliteptc. com 212. enrichptc. com 213. e-mailptr. com 214. emmamails. com 215. enbux. com 216. enterpriseptr. com 217. epaisa. pk 218. esooe. com 219. essentialptr. com 220. euro-emails. com 221. eurotrademails. com 222. evernityrewards (evernity. com) 223. exceedmargin. com 224. excellentbux. com 225. exclusivemails. net 226. exobux. com 227. expert-mails. com 228. expertmails. net 229. extrajozbux. com 230. ezihippo. com 231. ezlaptop. com 232. fairhits. com 233. fallsmails. com 234. fastcarptc. com 235. fastcashbux. com 236. 237. fastpayptc. com 238. fatmoneyptc. com 239. feer-mial. com 240. fillbux. com 241. filobux. com 242. financebux. com 243. financialfreedomads. com OLD REVIEW UP 245. fire-mails. com 246. firebux. net 247. fivedollarptc. com 248. flamemails. com 249. flashbux. com 250. fly-field. com 251. flybizs. com 252. foggy-mails. com 253. foreverptc. com 254. forex-cashbux. com 255. foundmails. com 256. freedom-mails. com 257. fromhomedataentry. com 258. fullmoneybux. com 259. future-ptr. com 260. gainpay. org 261. gammabux. com 262. gardenoflinks. com 263. generalbucks. com 264. geniusptr. com 265. genuinemails. com 266. get-umoney. com 267. getdailypaid. com 268. getpaidindustry. com 269. getrefmails. com 270. getrichptc. com 271. getrichptr. com 272. get-umoney. com 273. giga-mails. com 274. gkcash. com 275. globalPTR. com 276. gobigptc. com 277. godbux. com 278. godrestyemerrygentlemenptc. info 279. goldbizs. com 280. 281. golden-galaxy. com 282. goldenquarters. com 283. google-bux (googlenow. info) 284. gowellup. com 285. gpclub. net 286. grandptc. com 287. grapemails. com 288. green horse 289. gtsbux. com 290. halloweenptc. info 291. harktheheraldangelssingptc. info 292. hawkinsBux. com 293. helgabux. com 294. hellishdollars. com 295. herecomessantaclausptc. info 297. hide4dz. biz 298. highbux. Biz 299. highbashbonus. com 300. hitzmagic 301. honestclicks. info 302. hoobux. com 303. huebux. com 304. hugeptc. com 305. hulk-mails. com 306. hybux. com 307. ibux. eu 308. icepaid. com 309. incomeptr. com 310. infinitebux. com 311. insanecricket. com 312. inspiremarrow. com 313. instant-ptc-cash. com 314. instantlyptc. com 315. instantptr. com 316. interadmedia. com 317. ippomails. net 318. ironbux. com 319. isabelmarco. com 320. itcameuponthemidnightclearptc. info OLD REVIEW UP 322. jackmails. com 323. javaptc. com 324. jaysu. com 325. jemabux. com 326. jesusbux. com 327. jobptc. com 328. jokerbux 329. jpbux. com 330. jrbux. com 331. justbux. com 332. kazariangpt. com 333. keedes. com 334. key-mails. com 335. kinderbux. com 336. king-mails. com 337. lachicaemails. com 338. lawyer-mails. com 339. leadmails. com 340. leetbux. net 341. legend-mails. com 342. lenkaclix. com 343. 344. levinclix. com 345. libertyreservemails. com 346. link2communion. com 347. litbux. com 348. livebux. com 349. lollipopmails. com 350. lolybux. com 351. loving-mail. com 352. luckydollar. biz 353. makenbux. com 354. magicalmails. com OLD REVIEW UP OLD REVIEW UP 357. mailsmoney. net 358. main-bux. com 359. makemybux. com 360. malnadcashmachine. com 361. mapbux. com 362. mappbux. com 363. massiveptr. com 364. matebux. com 365. maverickptc. info 366. maystromails. net 367. mecbux. com 368. megabuxx. com 369. megacashzone. com 370. megamoneyptc. com 371. mic-promotion. com 372. milbux. com 373. millionairebux. com 374. mixbux. com 375. mnmbux. com 376. mom-n-popptc. info 377. moneyems. com 378. moneymakerptc. com 379. moneypakbux. com 380. moneytrainptc. com 381. moonpaid. com 382. mutualptr. com 383. mybestpornobux - complaints about scam, we don't review porn, go here to read comment. 384. mygoldbux. com 385. mylook. com 386. mymoneybux. com 387. mysteryclickers. com 388. nacbux. com 389. neatbux. com 390. necbux. com 391. neopays. com 392. neveroff-bux. com 393. newbuxindia. com 394. next-neo. com 395. nippyclicks. com 396. nomincashout. com 397. nominimumbux. com 398. noworkcash. com 399. oberonclicks. com 400. Ocean-Mails. com 401. Ochristmastreeptc. info 402. olebux. com 403. Ok-usd. com 405. OnABux. com 406. Onedollarptc. com 407. OppoMails. com 408. Paid-Bux. info 409. PaidClicks. WS 410. PaidForFree. com 411. Paidlink. info 412. Paidstation. com 413. PaidToViewTube. com 414. Papillon-clicks. com 415. ParadiseClicks. com 416. Paradiseclicks. info 417. PayablePTR. com 418. PayDayPTC. com 419. Payee. me 420. Paying-mails. com 421. PayingClub. com 422. PayingPTR. com 423. paymentsbooklet. com 424. Payooclub. com 425. Paypay-mails. com 426. Pcash. info 427. Pearlmails. com 428. PegasusPTR. com 429. PerfectPTR. com 430. PerformanceBux (performancebux. com) 431. PerformancePTC. com 432. Persianptc. com 433. phatbux. com 434. Phoenixcash. info OLD REVIEW UP 436. Planetmails. com 437. Pleasant-Mails. com 438. Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite. com) 439. PogoMails. com 440. Power-mails. net 441. Power4Bux. com 442. pretty-mail. com 443. Profitmorebux. com 444. Project-Bux. com 445. ProMails. org 446. ProperPTR. com 447. ProsperousBoom. com 448. ptc4u. com 449. Ptcbiz. com 450. Ptcbonus. com 451. PTCBux. com 452. PTCNinja. com 453. Ptcrush. com OLD REVIEW UP 455. Ptcshare. com OLD REVIEW UP 457. PTR-Business. com 458. Pumpkin-Mails. com 459. QualityBux. com 460. Quickcashptc. com 461. QubeCash. com 462. RageBux. com 463. RaiBux. com 464. rainbow-mail. net 465. Rainpaid. com 466. Rainy-mails. com 467. Rapidobux. com 468. rcbux. com 469. Read2Money 470. RealDataEntry. net 471. RealMoneyCompany. com 472. RealCashPTC. com 473. Redclub-cash. com 474. ReoBux. com 475. Revbux. com 476. RevolutionBux 477. Richestmail. com 478. Richestmails. net OLD REVIEW UP 480. RichPTR. info 481. Richptr. net 482. RingMails. com 483. Rolex-mails. com 484. rpbux. com 485. rushnsuccess. com OLD REVIEW UP 487. SaladMails. com 488. Salary-mails. com 489. Salemails. com 490. SapphireBux. com 491. Saturn-mails. com 492. SchoolBusOfCash. com 493. Scopebux. com OLD REVIEW UP 495. ShareTheBux. com 496. ShortBux. com 497. Show-sales. com 498. Silvanamails. net 499. SmurfsPTR. com 500. SnapDollars. com 501. Snowy-mails. com 502. solomails. com 503. StableBux. com 504. StablePTR. com 505. SteadyCashPTC. com 506. SteadyMails. com 507. Stock-mails. com 508. StockBux. com 509. StormOfTraffic. com 510. StreamEx. org 511. Sun-Cash. com 512. sunsbux. com 513. Superpaybyemail. com 514. Sureptr. com 515. SurfJunky. com 516. Sweetdealsemail. net 517. SweetPTR. com 518. SweetsMails. com 519. Tea-Mails. com 520. teammails. com 521. tehnobux. com OLD REVIEW UP 523. Thanksgivingptc. info 524. Thebestptcintown. com 525. thumbbux. com 526. TickerBar. info 527. Timelessearn. com 528. Topcashmails. com 529. Touch-Mails. com 530. TrafficNowFire. com 531. Ts-Mails. com 532. TuePaid. com OLD REVIEW UP 534. Turquads. net 535. Twodollarptc. com 536. uddoo. com 537. UltraBux. com 538. Universe-Mails. com 539. up-bux. com OLD REVIEW UP 541. USA-Bux. com 542. Usd-ad. com 543. Usdcenter. com 544. UtilBux. com 545. Valentine-ptr. com 546. Valuebux (Valuebux. com) 547. Verbonix. com 548. Vibrantvitalities. com 549. Victorptr. com 550. viewbux. com 551. Vinefire (vinefire. com) 552. Vision-Bux. com 553. Visit4Cash (visit4cash. net) 554. Vitaraptr. com 555. VuBux. com 556. WaoIndia (waoIndia. com) 557. WaveBux. com 558. WavuBux. com 559. WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR. com) 560. Webcamcashmails. com 561. 562. Western-Mails. com 563. Windy-mails. com 564. Wishmails. com 565. Wonderful-Mails. com 566. World-mails. com 567. WorldsPTR. com 568. Worldwide-mails. com 569. WorldWidePTC. com 570. Worldwideptr. com 571. worldwideptr. net OLD REVIEW UP 573. WuBux. com 574. XeonBux. com 575. XrayEmails. com 576. YingYangBux. com 577. Yippeemails. com 578. YooBux. com 579. YouPTC. com 580. YourBestBux. com 581. YourMyBux. com 582. zaebux. com 583. zionBux. com
Para aqueles que estão se perguntando o que é uma farsa. aqui está uma definição de um embuste.
1 - scam . um ato fraudulento ou enganoso ou scam operação

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