Qué es el acceso directo al mercado (DMA)?
El acceso directo al mercado es un formato comercial que proporciona a todos los operadores de divisas un enlace directo al mercado interbancario. Proporciona a los clientes:
Estiramiento estrecho, fluido, competitivo, multi-banco
Igual acceso instantáneo a los precios proporcionados por los principales bancos de divisas en un protocolo de precio / tiempo estricto
Anonimato que asegura que todos vean los mismos precios neutros
Un entorno comercial libre de conflictos porque no hay mostradores de reparto que colocan oficios opuestos al cliente
Cómo funciona DMA?
Múltiples bancos FX de primera fila de los precios directamente en nuestra plataforma. Los comerciantes son capaces de ver y el comercio en estos top de precios de libros y toda la profundidad de mercado disponibles. Las órdenes se ejecutan en estos precios a la mejor oferta disponible. DMA de FXPIG rutas de precios y todos los tipos de pedidos directamente entre los bancos y nuestros clientes comerciales, lo que nunca su tamaño del comercio.
La verdadera plataforma DMA está diseñada para ofrecer:
Ejecución comercial instantánea Los clientes de FXPIG se ocupan instantáneamente de los precios en vivo y ejecutables con ejecución inmediata y confirmaciones. FXPIG no proporciona una "última mirada" a los fabricantes de precios, por lo que las operaciones de FXPIG son finales y se confirman tan pronto como se reparten. No hay re-comillas.
Anónimo, Neutral Trading Environment Todas las actividades comerciales son anónimas. El anonimato permite a los operadores negociar a precios neutros, que reflejan los precios basados únicamente en las condiciones reales del mercado de divisas, y no una percepción de la dirección de negociación del cliente basada en el conocimiento del distribuidor sobre las estrategias comerciales de un cliente, tácticas o posiciones actuales en el mercado.
Diferenciales variables Una característica común de la divisa es la fluctuación constante de los precios de mercado. Esto refleja la oferta y la demanda, la volatilidad y otras condiciones. Tener spreads variables que se mueven en proporciones directas al mercado actual prohíbe re-cotizaciones que se encuentran a menudo en plataformas de spread fijo.
Además, una empresa que afirma ser una verdadera empresa de DMA debe ofrecer a todos los comerciantes el mismo precio, plataforma y libre de conflictos entorno comercial. No debe depender del patrimonio neto, ni del tamaño de la cuenta.
Destacados del modelo DMA:
Precios de los 8 principales bancos de divisas
Ejecución inmediata
Sin comillas
transparencia de precios
Igualdad de precios para todos los clientes
Diferenciales variables
Disponible para todos los comerciantes
Anonimato completo
Libre de conflictos - para todos los tamaños de oficios
Sin escritorio de reparto
DMA se hace para los comerciantes institucionales y los comerciantes minoristas que el comercio de billetes de mayor tamaño y la necesidad de mayor liquidez por nivel. Nuestro feed de ECN está hecho para comerciantes minoristas y profesionales que tratan en volúmenes más pequeños por comercio y que usan una estrategia de scalping como su metodología comercial principal debido al efecto de deslizamiento que los pedidos de tamaño pequeño pueden ver en nuestro feed de DMA. Si no está seguro de qué cuenta es la correcta, puede ponerse en contacto con uno de nuestros Gerentes de Relaciones Premier y preguntar, estamos aquí para ayudarle.
Premier Interchange Gateway LP está debidamente inscrito en el Registro de Proveedores de Servicios Financieros en Nueva Zelanda (Número de licencia FSP: FSP122864) y es miembro del Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme según lo estipula la ley (FDR Member ID: FM0786). PIG ofrece productos fuera de divisa (divisas) a través de FXPIG. El comercio de divisas es especulativo por naturaleza y no es apropiado para todos los inversores. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros, opciones y divisas porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales. El acceso a la cuenta, las ejecuciones comerciales y la respuesta del sistema pueden verse afectados negativamente por las condiciones del mercado, los retrasos en las cotizaciones, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores.
FXPIG no abre ni mantiene cuentas para entidades o residentes con sede en Nueva Zelandia o entidades o residentes en los Estados Unidos que se clasifiquen como clientes minoristas o de bajo patrimonio neto de acuerdo con la definición más reciente del CTFC. Las restricciones gubernamentales junto con nuestras propias políticas internas de la compañía prohíben a FXPIG abrir cuentas originadas de países sancionados y / o OFAC, incluyendo, pero no limitado a: Afganistán, Birmania (Myanmar), Côte d'Ivoire (Costa de Marfil), Cuba República Democrática del Congo, El ex régimen liberiano de Charles Taylor, Irán, Iraq, Libia, Corea del Norte y Somalia.
* Cotizaciones Forex en tiempo real se proporcionan a través de la API de cotizaciones de FXPIG. Las cotizaciones están disponibles durante las horas de la plataforma desde el domingo a las 21:00 GMT hasta el viernes a las 21:00 GMT, excepto durante los períodos de mantenimiento programados.
Todos los derechos reservados y copiar; 2010 - 2014, Premier Interchange Gateway, 2do piso, 142 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland 1023 NUEVA ZELANDA
DMA Forex corredores | DMA (acceso directo al mercado)
Corredores DMA. Qué es DMA?
DMA - Acceso directo al mercado - es un tipo de ejecución de divisas donde los comerciantes se les ofrece acceso directo al mercado físico, lo que les permite realizar órdenes de negociación con proveedores de liquidez (principales bancos de divisas, otros corredores, etc.
Suena similar a STP y ECN tratar? Está cerca, pero hay una diferencia.
DMA (acceso directo al mercado) es ofrecido por los corredores de ECN y por algunos corredores de STP. De hecho, los corredores de ECN siempre ofrecen DMA, pero no todos los corredores de STP ofrecen DMA. Echemos un vistazo a las diferencias.
Atributos True DMA
Sólo Ejecución del mercado
Sólo diferenciales variables
Precios de sólo 5 dígitos
Característica opcional: Acceso DOM (profundidad del acceso al libro de mercado)
Conoce a otro corredor de Forex de DMA? Por favor sugerimos añadiendo un comentario a continuación. ¡Gracias!
Con STP regular (procesamiento directo) - un corredor llenará las órdenes de los clientes (aunque la ejecución inmediata) en su propio lado. Entonces un corredor irá a cubrir estas órdenes con los abastecedores de liquidez propios.
Dado que un corredor busca beneficios en esta operación de cobertura, los comerciantes pueden experimentar re-cotizaciones si no hay oportunidades rentables de cobertura para un corredor en el mismo momento en que se presentó su solicitud de negociación.
El precio que obtendrá de un agente de STP será superior al mejor precio que un intermediario puede recibir del proveedor de liquidez.
Con DMA / STP (Direct Market Access STP) - un corredor pasará las órdenes de los clientes directamente a los proveedores de liquidez, donde será llenado al mejor precio disponible con uno de los proveedores de liquidez (+ un pequeño margen fijo de El corredor).
Esto se hace mediante la ejecución del mercado, lo que garantiza que todas las órdenes se llenen a la mejor tarifa ofrecida (que, sin embargo, podría no ser la tasa exacta en la que hizo clic (su velocidad de conexión combinada con ofertas de precios de corta duración de los proveedores de liquidez) Pero como la tecnología DMA siempre tiene sólo precios reales negociables, no habrá re-cotizaciones, su comercio siempre se abrirá y cerrará en su clic.
Corredores DMA / STP
Los intermediarios de DMA / STP proporcionan un acceso directo y transparente a los mejores precios de oferta / oferta ofrecidos por los proveedores de liquidez. A diferencia de los corredores regulares STP: 1) Corredor DMA tiene un mayor número de proveedores de liquidez; 2) El intermediario de DMA nunca ofrece spreads fijos, solo variables, porque los precios de oferta / demanda cambian constantemente como provienen de los proveedores de liquidez; 3) Ejecución de órdenes DMA es siempre Ejecución de mercado; 4) No hay re-comillas. 5) DMA también puede ofrecer Depth of the Market book (similar a ECN), donde los comerciantes son capaces de ver todas las cotizaciones bid / ask de diferentes proveedores de liquidez; 6) El modelo comercial de DMA da la bienvenida a los comerciantes de todos los tipos y estilos: revendedores, comerciantes de noticias, comerciantes de swing, comerciantes de posición u otros comerciantes regulares.
Difundir la competencia Cada corredor de DMA tiene su propio contrato con cada proveedor de liquidez (LP), e incluso con los mismos LPs estas condiciones del contrato pueden variar de agente a corredor. Incluso entonces, los diferenciales de DMA son bastante competitivos en comparación con ECN. Esto se explica por dos factores:
Los corredores ECN están conectados a grupos de ECN anónimos (donde no hay contratos directos con cada LP). Dentro de estos grupos de ECN, los corredores no pueden recibir las mejores tarifas posibles de todos los proveedores de liquidez (por ejemplo, los bancos son conocidos por retener sus mejores precios dentro de las reservas de ECN).
Las soluciones tecnológicas de ECN (facilitación, procesamiento, ejecución) tienen un costo que debe ser pagado.
DMA / STP corredor no tiene menos gastos de tecnología y no ECN gastos asociados. Los diferenciales de los corredores de DMA / STP permanecen bajos porque estos corredores disfrutan de las mejores cotizaciones directas de los bancos y / u otros proveedores de liquidez. Para obtener ganancias, los corredores de DMA / STP añaden pequeños márgenes a todos los spreads que pasan de los proveedores de liquidez.
Las tarifas de los precios de DMA se transmiten directamente de los proveedores de liquidez, que están comprometidos con sus ofertas de oferta / demanda. Esto asegura que no habrá re-cotizaciones, rechazos de la tarifa o llenados parciales.
Aunque debido a la naturaleza de los fondos de liquidez de ECN (donde los participantes anónimos pueden colocar órdenes "ilusorias" y luego rechazarlos) los comerciantes podrían ver más re-cotizaciones, deslizamientos y llenados parciales.
Estructura de la tarifa
Los corredores ECN son compensados a través de la comisión.
Los corredores de DMA agregan una pequeña margen fija sobre los spreads, pero no hay comisión.
Algunos corredores de DMA también pueden cobrar tarifas de volumen mensuales (incluyendo tarifas de inactividad) basadas en el volumen de operaciones del inversor. Por lo tanto, si usted no planea operar con frecuencia y con un volumen alto, puede terminar pagando tarifas más altas por el privilegio de negociar en mejores cotizaciones de precios y bajos diferenciales con tales corredores DMA.
Los corredores DMA y ECN ofrecen sólo diferenciales variables;
Ambos tienen precios fraccionarios;
Ambos tienen el libro de pedidos DOM (Depth of the Market), aunque no siempre lo verán con los intermediarios de DMA / STP.
Como DMA se vuelve más popular, se eleva los estándares de la tecnología de ejecución y la calidad comercial general.
Temas relevantes:
Corredores DMA / STP
Con el corredor de DMA usted consigue siempre el STP (Straight Through Processing) que es por eso que se refieren como corredores de DMA / STP.
La diferencia entre un STP y un intermediario DMA / STP:
STP corredores tienen ejecución instantánea y llenará sus órdenes de su lado y sólo entonces STP corredores pasan sus órdenes a sus proveedores de liquidez para la cobertura. Esa es la razón por la que a menudo puedes ver re-cotizaciones durante los tiempos en que el corredor no puede encontrar una oportunidad comercial rentable cuando envías tu solicitud de negociación.
Los corredores de DMA / STP que utilizan la Ejecución de Mercado dirigirán sus pedidos directamente a sus proveedores de liquidez y los harán al mejor precio ofrecido por estos proveedores de liquidez. Es por eso que no hay re-cotizaciones con los corredores de DMA / STP.
Tome nota, que los corredores de ECN / STP siempre son Direct Market Access (DMA) también.
Comparando DMA / STP y ECN / STP corredores se puede decir que ambos tipos tienen spreads variables. ECN / STP corredores obtener su compensación en forma de una comisión. Los corredores de DMA / STP se compensan con un cierto margen fijo con el que tienen un contrato con cada proveedor de liquidez que se agrega al precio de compra / venta.
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DMA Forex corredores | DMA (Acceso directo al mercado)
Corredores DMA. Qué es el DMA?
DMA - Acceso directo al mercado - es un tipo de ejecución de divisas donde los comerciantes se les ofrece acceso directo al mercado físico, lo que les permite realizar órdenes de negociación con proveedores de liquidez (principales bancos de divisas, otros corredores, etc.
Suena similar a STP y ECN tratar? Está cerca, pero hay una diferencia.
DMA (acceso directo al mercado) es ofrecido por los corredores de ECN y por algunos corredores de STP. De hecho, los corredores de ECN siempre ofrecen DMA, pero no todos los corredores de STP ofrecen DMA. Echemos un vistazo a las diferencias. Lee mas.
Corredores de Forex de DMA
Acceso directo al mercado significa exactamente lo que implica el término: los comerciantes tienen acceso directo a los proveedores de liquidez. Para entender este término en su totalidad, es importante describir el mecanismo por el cual se obtiene el precio en el mercado, y el proceso por el cual la orden de un comerciante deja su computadora y se implementa para aparecer en la plataforma como una posición comercial.
El proceso comienza con la visualización de precios en la plataforma. Varios bancos de primer nivel que constituyen los proveedores de liquidez de flujo de los precios directamente en la plataforma del corredor de divisas DMA. Así, los operadores pueden ver estos precios así como la profundidad de mercado disponible. El pedido se llena con uno de estos proveedores de liquidez al mejor precio posible, pero normalmente con un pequeño mark-up en el lado del corredor de divisas DMA. Las órdenes se cumplen en la ejecución del mercado, que es esencialmente al precio que el par de la moneda está en cuando la orden golpea los servidores de los abastecedores de la liquidez. Puede que no sea necesariamente al precio indicado debido a cambios rápidos de precios, spreads variables y la velocidad de conexión a Internet del operador. Sin embargo, no hay requotes. Por lo tanto, los corredores de divisas DMA ofrecen sólo la ejecución del mercado, los diferenciales son siempre variables con un modelo de precios de 5 dígitos, y también proporcionan la profundidad del acceso al libro de mercado como una característica opcional.
Tan en una cáscara de nuez, un corredor verdadero de la divisa de DMA:
& # 8211; Ejecuciones de mercado sin cotizaciones.
& # 8211; Proporcionar un entorno comercial anónimo que permite a los comerciantes a negociar a precios neutros, tener el mismo acceso a la cartera de pedidos, y ver la verdadera profundidad de mercado.
& # 8211; Proporcionar precios basados en spreads variables refleja la demanda y la oferta, así como la volatilidad y el volumen de mercado. Esto también evita las re-cotizaciones como es a menudo el caso en las plataformas de extensión fija.
& # 8211; Proporcionar un entorno comercial libre de conflictos de intereses (sin operaciones de negociación o comercio de contrapartes) y es independiente del tamaño de la cuenta o del volumen comercial.
DMA Forex Brokers: Lo mismo que STP o ECN Brokers?
La descripción que se ha dado anteriormente parece indicar que los corredores de divisas DMA ofrecen el mismo modelo que los corredores de STP o corredores de ECN. Hay algunas diferencias sutiles. Todos los corredores ECN ofrecen DMA (Direct Market Access), pero no todos los intermediarios de STP ofrecen DMA.
Es esencial saber que cuando se habla de un corredor de acceso directo al mercado, usted debe saber que hay una diferencia entre un corredor de divisas DMA que ofrece un modelo ECN de divisas en lugar de un corredor de divisas DMA que ofrece un modelo STP. Estas diferencias se ven en términos de spreads, ejecuciones, honorarios y requisitos de depósito de cuenta.
Los corredores de divisas de DMA con un modelo de ECN se ven para tener una estructura de la tarifa más barata que los corredores de la divisa de DMA con un modelo de STP. Esto se debe a que no cobran comisiones, en lugar de hacer su dinero mediante la marcación de los precios obtenidos de los proveedores de liquidez. A veces, los corredores de divisas de DMA cobran cuotas mensuales o honorarios que penalizan a los comerciantes por no reunirse con cierto volumen de comercio en un ciclo mensual.
Ventajas del uso de DMA Forex Brokers:
Hay numerosas ventajas en el uso de los corredores de divisas DMA.
A) No hay discriminación contra los estilos comerciales. Scalpers, que suelen tener ofertas en bruto en manos de los creadores de mercado, son bienvenidos con las manos abiertas por los corredores de divisas DMA.
B) No hay re-citas en absoluto. Si usted ha intentado aprovecharse de una punta del comercio de las noticias y guardó conseguir los requotes de su corredor, usted sabría frustrante esto es, para no mencionar el riesgo de ser llenado en un precio malo.
C) Su agente realmente trabaja para usted y no contra usted debido a la eliminación de las circunstancias que promueven el conflicto de intereses.
D) Aunque los spreads son variables, no son tan amplios. Los diferenciales varían, pero están contenidos dentro de una banda determinada.
Hay pocas desventajas.
A) Si no negocia con frecuencia, podría ser penalizado por la inactividad de la cuenta.
B) El requisito de depósito en cuenta puede ser bastante pronunciado.
C) A algunos comerciantes les encantan los spreads fijos. Si usted es uno de estos comerciantes, entonces los corredores de divisas DMA no son para usted.
Tenemos una tabla que muestra los principales corredores de divisas DMA en el mercado hoy. Siéntase libre de consultar la tabla para hacer su elección de un corredor de divisas DMA.
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programa de afiliación
Copyright Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de instrumentos financieros conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital con la posibilidad de perder más de su inversión inicial. La negociación de instrumentos financieros puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores y sólo está dirigida a personas mayores de 18 años. Asegúrese de tener plena conciencia de los riesgos involucrados y, si es necesario, buscar asesoramiento financiero independiente. También debe leer nuestros materiales de aprendizaje y advertencias de riesgo.
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@ 2015 Investoo Lorem Ipsum, PLC. Todos los derechos reservados. Número de registro FCA 82888880
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Cuenta DMA
Forex FS ofrece una cuenta DMA de comisión fija para clientes MT4.
Acceso directo al mercado (DMA) a los diferenciales institucionales sin procesar
Depósito inicial mínimo de $ 3,000
$ 3.5 comisión por lote estándar ($ 7 ida y vuelta). La comisión se cobra en la moneda base de la cuenta (es decir, para las cuentas EUR la comisión de ida y vuelta es de 7,0 €, para las cuentas GBP-£ 7,0)
Los diferenciales empiezan desde 0 pips en las principales monedas
El tamaño mínimo del lote es 0,01 con pasos graduales de 0,01
Coloque órdenes de fin de carrera 1 punto del mercado
Comercio en MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Los clientes con cuentas DMA son elegibles para VPS gratuito (* se aplican las condiciones)
Abrir una cuenta de DMA
EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Forex FS se esfuerza por ofrecer a los clientes la mejor ejecución y los diferenciales competitivos disponibles a través del acceso directo al mercado. Sin embargo, puede haber momentos en que las condiciones del mercado (volatilidad extrema o volumen) hacen que los diferenciales se amplíen más allá de nuestros diferenciales típicos, esta condición de mercado se conoce como un "mercado rápido". Las condiciones de mercado rápidas pueden ser causadas por varios factores incluyendo, pero no limitado a, comunicados de prensa tales como números de nóminas no agrícolas, desequilibrios de pedidos, órdenes significativamente mayores de un tipo (por ejemplo, "compra") que otro tipo . El retiro de liquidez es una medida común utilizada por los Proveedores de Liquidez en o justo antes del momento de lanzamientos de datos claves como el NFP de EE. UU. En el caso de un mercado rápido, los spreads se ampliarán a medida que el mercado compruebe el valor correcto de una divisa y la brecha de los precios puede ocurrir cuando el precio de un mercado salta de su última oferta / oferta a una nueva cotización, sin Nunca negociando a precios entre esas cotizaciones. Por ejemplo, EURUSD podría negociar 1.3510 / 12 antes de un comunicado de datos económico o evento de noticias con la primera cotización después del evento siendo 1.3060 / 80 si los datos o noticias reflejaban tal cambio en el sentimiento. En estos casos, se detendrán las pérdidas, las órdenes de entrada y las llamadas de margen al mejor precio disponible después de la brecha dada la liquidez del mercado subyacente. Los clientes pueden experimentar un retraso en la ejecución, cotizaciones de precios diferentes a su precio de compra solicitado o ejecución de órdenes a diferentes niveles dependiendo del tamaño y reflejando la liquidez del mercado subyacente. Las rápidas condiciones del mercado pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, pero son más comunes durante los lanzamientos de datos económicos o eventos de noticias, especialmente cuando la liquidez es alta (por ejemplo, fiestas nacionales) o después de un fin de semana cuando el mercado vuelve a abrir. Los diferenciales más amplios durante las condiciones de mercado rápidas o una brecha de mercado pueden disminuir significativamente el patrimonio en su cuenta y pueden desencadenar una llamada de margen o un nivel de pérdida de capital (liquidación de las posiciones menos rentables).
La aplicación desplazó el promedio móvil DMA
Desplazamiento promedio móvil (DMA) en la mayoría de los casos utilizados para mover una orden de parada para salir de las posiciones comerciales. El uso de la media móvil desplazada es completamente análogo al uso del indicador comercial de SAR parabólico (PSAR).
Cómo es desplazar el promedio móvil? DMA (NxM) o promedios móviles desplazados = SMA (N), entonces existe la media móvil simple usual, que se desplazó a cierto número de (M) períodos de tiempo por delante.
Para instalar DMA en horario POS Metatrader 4. Seleccione Indicator Moving Average, y pregunte el valor de tiempo de M en el "shift".
Según la teoría
Joe DiNapoli (Joe DiNapoli), para mantener posiciones comerciales y medir la tendencia tiene sentido utilizar las siguientes combinaciones de DMA, como:
La elección específica de la media móvil desplazada depende de la volatilidad de las ventas de activos, así como del uso de la escala, así como del período de tiempo.
Por lo menos cuando se examinó 2 secundaria - sesgada e imparcial de 15 días de media móvil simple para el aumento de los precios de las acciones de RAO UES. En este ejemplo, la curva DMA se desplaza ligeramente al desplazamiento paralelo derecho en los cinco períodos de negociación.
Mantener la posición de negociación para comprar es hasta el momento en que el precio de cierre supera la media móvil desplazada, DMA (15? 5). En el caso de que se utilice para este propósito SMA (15) en lugar de DMA (15? 5), entonces esta posición se cerraría mucho antes de 5 veces. El desplazamiento promedio móvil DMA nos permite seguir manteniéndonos en la tendencia durante un período de tiempo más largo. Cerrando con una posición de negociación en el momento una inversión de la tendencia.
Corredores de divisas DMA / STP
Para calificar como un verdadero corredor DMA / STP, los corredores DMA (Direct Market Access) deben cumplir con todos los siguientes criterios:
El corredor sólo proporciona spreads variables.
Ninguna intervención del distribuidor y ningún requotes nunca.
El corredor sólo proporciona la ejecución del mercado.
No hay restricciones en la escalada forex ni en la entrada rápida de pedidos.
Encuentre abajo una lista de DMA / STP no negociando los corredores de la divisa del escritorio con la reputación muy buena entre comerciantes.
Xemarkets proporciona la ejecución del mercado de DMA / STP en todas las cuentas comerciales (Micro, Standard, Executive). Número de proveedores de liquidez: 6
Hotforex proporciona la ejecución del mercado DMA / STP en todas las cuentas comerciales (Micro, Premium, VIP, Islamic, Currenex).
DMA / STP Forex Trading:
Diferencias de variables ajustadas
Ningún comercio de negociación (NDD)
No hay conflicto de intereses entre broker & amp; cliente
No hay comillas nunca
Escalado permitido
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Rellene el formulario que se encuentra al lado de nuestra plataforma de trading online de DMA CFD
Accendo Markets es un premiado corretaje de derivados con sede en la ciudad de Londres.
El acceso directo a mercados (DMA, por sus siglas en inglés), también conocido como comercio de nivel 2 o L2, le permite ver datos de precios extensos y profundidad de mercado desde una variedad de intercambios. Utilizando los datos de Nivel 2, puede medir el sentimiento del mercado y la liquidez para mejorar sus decisiones comerciales. También le permite realizar pedidos a cualquier nivel y potencialmente dentro de la propagación al negociar DMA CFD.
Con esta plataforma de demostración gratuita de DMA CFD, usted recibirá:
Datos de Live Level 2
Funcionalidad de negociación
Acciones de comercio, materias primas o divisas utilizando DMA CFDs o spread betting
£ 100,000 para usted & # 8230; [Lee mas]
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& # 8230; dinero de demostración para operar en los mercados financieros
No hay ningún cargo por este juicio ni se requieren los detalles de la tarjeta de crédito / débito.
Esperamos que encuentre la demo útil y que le alentará a hacer de Accendo Markets su proveedor comercial de elección.
Qué sucede cuando la demostración caduca?
Si te gusta la demo, puedes abrir una cuenta de comercio en vivo en vivo con precios de acciones en vivo. Como cliente, usted tendrá acceso a la plataforma para operar con dinero real. No hay ningún cargo por la prueba de demostración de la plataforma DMA CFD, que terminará simplemente si decide no convertirse en un cliente comercial.
En Accendo Markets ofrecemos servicios y tecnologías de negociación en línea a clientes que desean operar CFDs de DMA y propagar apuestas en una gama de activos, incluyendo acciones. Commodities, índices y monedas.
Más información sobre CFDs de DMA
Cuando se aplica a la negociación de Contrato por diferencia (CFD), el acceso directo al mercado (DMA) describe un tipo de transacción que permite a los comerciantes acceder directamente al mercado subyacente, por ejemplo el mercado de valores. Las instrucciones se envían directamente al intercambio sin intervención del distribuidor que implique transparencia. Debido a que un proveedor DMA permite el acceso directo a los mercados por parte del comerciante, todos los oficios están cubiertos. Este tipo de operaciones de CFD, a menudo denominado CFD de DMA, es cada vez más popular en Europa.
Direct Market Access ofrece a los operadores de CFD todos los beneficios de negociar con valores convencionales, pero con la ventaja añadida del apalancamiento obtenido por el comercio de margen. Sin acceso directo al mercado, un comerciante sólo puede comprar una acción al precio de oferta establecido, pero Direct Market Access permite a los operadores de CFD realizar un pedido para una acción donde quiera, incluso dentro del spread. Por lo tanto, CFDs DMA dan al comerciante la capacidad de unirse a la oferta o oferta cola, y participar en la verdadera profundidad de mercado de la acción subyacente.
Acceso directo al mercado Los proveedores de CFD pueden ofrecer una amplia gama de mercados subyacentes adicionales, aunque no todos los DMA. Los comerciantes que deseen comerciar con divisas, materias primas o índices tendrán que hacer uso de un proveedor de mercado, ya que el comercio directo de acceso al mercado sólo es adecuado para las acciones. Sin embargo, son ideales para comerciantes de capital alto que desean ejecutar personalmente operaciones en el mercado subyacente.
DMA CFD trading tiene la ventaja de dar a los operadores la oportunidad de entrar o salir de las operaciones a un mejor precio que les da una ventaja sobre los comerciantes con un creador de mercado. Cuando un comerciante CFD DMA introduce un pedido, se refleja inmediatamente en el intercambio y, por tanto, afecta al precio de la acción en la que se basa el CFD. Por lo tanto, los comerciantes DMS CFD se dice que son "fabricantes de precios", ya que tienen la capacidad de influir directamente en el mercado.
Para una tarifa mensual nominal, es posible para los comerciantes de CFD que negocian a través de acceso directo al mercado suscribirse a los datos del mercado de cambios. Los comerciantes que se suscriben a los datos del mercado cambiario tienen acceso a cotizaciones y estadísticas en tiempo real, lo que les permite ver cuántos compradores y vendedores hay en cada nivel de precios individual. También tendrán acceso a las colas de pedidos, lo que permitirá una mejor ejecución. Si desea aprovechar los pequeños cambios de precios rápidos (por ejemplo, los comerciantes de día o scalpers hacer ofertas frecuentes), a continuación, el comercio de CFDs utilizando un modelo de acceso directo al mercado es una herramienta de comercio ideal.
Puede negociar CFDs DMA a través de los premiados Accendo Markets. Donde ofrecemos las mejores plataformas de comercio en línea junto con el servicio personalizado, si es el servicio personal que desea. Nuestras plataformas permiten a los operadores participar en la profundidad de mercado del instrumento DMA CFD en el que se negocia.
Plataforma Imágenes
CFDs, spreadbetting y spot FX son productos apalancados & amp; Puede resultar en pérdidas superiores a su depósito inicial. No son adecuados para todos, así que asegúrese de comprender los riesgos. El valor de las acciones puede bajar y subir, por lo que podría volver menos de lo que invierten.
Las llamadas telefónicas y conversaciones de chat en línea pueden ser monitoreadas y registradas para fines regulatorios y de capacitación.
* Proporcionamos estos como activos subyacentes a CFDs y Spreadbets.
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DMA detalles del producto
Con nuestro servicio DMA forex, tendrá acceso al mercado interbancario de divisas mediante el comercio en el nombre de IG. Obtenga acceso directo a los precios de una amplia gama de bancos y proveedores de liquidez globales, actúe como un creador de mercado con sus operaciones afectando el precio del mercado subyacente y vea datos completos sobre pares de divisas.
No se le cobrará un diferencial con Forex Direct - sólo comisión variable de tan poco como USD10 por millón de dólares de la moneda negociada.
Nuestra comisión varía, dependiendo del volumen que haya negociado el mes anterior.
Forex Direct
Forex Direct es nuestro servicio DMA, diseñado exclusivamente para los comerciantes de divisas. Con acceso directo al mercado subyacente, ya no paga una IG spread. En su lugar, le cobramos una comisión baja y el comercio de compra y venta de los precios procedentes de una amplia gama de bancos y proveedores de liquidez global, lo que le da una mayor visibilidad en el mercado subyacente y estrecha, los diferenciales de nivel institucional.
Cuáles son los beneficios de DMA?
Descubra cómo el acceso directo al mercado da a los operadores experimentados mayor flexibilidad, visibilidad y opciones de precios.
Negociación sobre los estrechos márgenes procedentes de una serie de bancos y proveedores de liquidez
Pagar comisión baja y variable, en lugar de una IG spread
Ver datos ampliados sobre pares de divisas
Comercio directo en la cartera de pedidos de IG
Actuar como un creador de mercado, con mayor visibilidad en el mercado subyacente
baja comisión
Cómo funciona DMA con IG
Nuestra tecnología está diseñada para encontrar los mejores precios disponibles tanto para productos OTC (over-the-counter) como para DMA. Los precios de DMA no son necesariamente mejores que OTC, pero el acceso directo a los mercados puede darle una mayor visibilidad como un comerciante.
Con las complejidades añadidas al entorno comercial ofrecido por DMA, puede haber un mayor riesgo. Tomamos una posición paralela en el mercado subyacente, así que una vez que su pedido ha sido ejecutado, no podemos cambiarlo o invertirlo.
Mientras que usted está negociando basado en el mercado subyacente, lo que realmente recibe en la colocación de un comercio DMA es un CFD de nosotros. Funciona así:
DMA muestra el mejor precio de oferta y oferta disponible para un mercado en particular, además de otros precios
Usted realiza un pedido, y realizamos un chequeo de margen para asegurarse de que tiene suficientes fondos en cuenta
Si se cumple el chequeo de margen, ponemos un pedido en nuestro nombre en el mercado y creamos un CFD paralelo entre usted y nosotros si se ejecuta su pedido.
Mientras que usted está negociando a precios de mercado, usted no gana ningún derecho de propiedad sobre las monedas que forman el tema de su CFD.
Qué plataformas ofrecen DMA?
Obtenga DMA en nuestra plataforma web y variedad de aplicaciones
Use L2 Dealer *, nuestra potente plataforma DMA
Conecte su front-end a la contratación y ejecución de precios de IG a través de nuestras API
Cómo obtengo DMA?
Abrir una cuenta de IG - por lo general podemos configurar en minutos
Activar DMA (también llamado 'Nivel 2' o 'L2' tratar) en nuestra plataforma basada en web *
Elija los feeds de datos que desea activar
Elige la plataforma que quieres usar
* Normalmente necesitarás 1000 € en tu cuenta para acceder al concesionario L2 con IG.
Acceso directo al mercado (DMA)
Corredores DMA. Qué es DMA?
DMA & # 8211; Acceso directo al mercado & # 8211; is a type of FX execution where traders are offered direct access to the physical market, enabling them to place trading orders with liquidity providers (leading foreign exchange banks, other brokers, market makers etc).
Sounds similar to STP and ECN dealing? It’s close, but there is a difference.
DMA (Direct Market Access) is offered by ECN brokers and by some STP brokers.
In fact, ECN brokers always offer DMA, but not all STP brokers offer DMA. Let’s take a look at the differences.
DMA – Direct Market Access
& # 8211; only Market execution
& # 8211; only variable spreads
& # 8211; only 5 digit pricing
& # 8211; optional feature: DOM access (depth of the market book access)
Do you know another DMA Forex broker?
Please suggest by adding a comment below. Thank you!
With regular STP (Straight Through Processing) – a broker will fill clients’ orders (though Instant execution) on his own side. Then a broker will go to hedge these orders with own liquidity providers.
Since a broker seeks profits in this hedging operation, traders can experience re-quotes if there is no profitable hedging opportunities for a broker at the very moment your trading request was submitted.
The price you get from an STP broker will be higher than the best price a broker can receive from the liquidity provider.
With DMA/STP (Direct Market Access STP) – a broker will pass clients’ orders directly to the liquidity providers, where it’ll be filled at the best available price with one of the liquidity providers (+ a small fixed mark-up from the broker).
This is done using Market execution, which ensures that all orders will be filled at the best offered rate (which, however, might not be the exact rate you clicked on (your connection speed combined with short-lived price bids from liquidity providers), but since DMA technology always has only real tradable prices, there will be no re-quotes, your trade will always be opened and closed on your click.
DMA/STP brokers
DMA/STP brokers provide transparent direct access to the best bid/ask prices offered by liquidity providers.
Unlike regular STP brokers:
1) DMA broker has a greater number of liquidity providers;
2) DMA broker never offers fixed spreads, only variable, because bid/ask prices constantly change as they come from liquidity providers;
3) DMA order execution is always Market execution;
4) There is no re-quotes.
5) DMA can also offer Depth of the Market book (similar to ECN), where traders are able to see all bid/ask quotes from different liquidity providers;
6) DMA trading model welcomes traders of all types and styles: scalpers, news traders, swing traders, position traders or other regular traders.
Each DMA broker has his own contract with each liquidity provider (LP), and even with the same LPs these contract conditions may vary from broker to broker.
Even then, DMA spreads are quite competitive comparing to ECN. This is explained by 2 factors:
& # 8211; ECN brokers are connected to anonymous ECN pools (where there are no direct contracts with each LP). Inside these ECN pools brokers may not receive the best possible rates from all liquidity providers (for example, banks are known to hold back their best prices inside ECN pools).
& # 8211; ECN technology solutions (facilitation, processing, execution) come at a cost, which has to be paid for.
DMA/STP broker doesn’t have fewer technology expenses and no ECN-associated expenses. The spreads from DMA/STP brokers remain low because these brokers enjoy the best direct price quotes from the banks and/or other liquidity providers. To make profits, DMA/STP brokers add small mark-ups to all spreads they pass from liquidity providers.
& # 8211; DMA price rates are streamed directly from liquidity providers, which are committed to their bid/ask offers. This ensures that there will be no re-quotes, rate rejections or partial fills.
& # 8211; While due to the nature of ECN liquidity pools (where anonymous participants can place “illusive” orders and then reject them) traders might see more re-quotes, slippage and partial fills.
& # 8211; ECN brokers are compensated though commission.
& # 8211; DMA brokers add a small fixed mark-up on the spreads, but there is no commission.
(Some DMA brokers can also charge monthly volume fees (including inactivity fees) based on investor’s trading volume. Thus if you don’t plan to trade frequently and with high volume, you may end up paying higher fees for the privilege to trade on best price quotes and low spreads with such DMA brokers).
& # 8211; DMA and ECN brokers offer only variable spreads;
& # 8211; both have fractional pricing;
& # 8211; both have DOM (Depth of the Market) orders book, although you won’t always see it with DMA/STP brokers.
As DMA becomes more popular, it rises the standards of execution technology and overall trading quality.
To trial your Direct Market Access platform with £100,000 fictional money to spend, please submit your details opposite . We’ll send you log in details, allowing you to log into the trial via our website.
Alternatively, if you’re ready to trade with a state-of-the-art Direct Market Access platform, please visit our account application page.
Direct Market Access (DMA), is an electronic trading mechanism where investors can input trades directly to the central market, rather than requiring a Retail Service Provider (RSP) to act as an intermediary. Direct Market Access allows buy side firms to input trades at lower cost. It also allows trades to be placed at a faster rate, and with less chance for error from miscommunication.
When stock exchanges moved from open outcry to electronic trading, Direct Market Access became feasible. This was, in part, because of technological advancements that created electronic communication networks. Investment banks were the first to utilize electronic networks and develop Direct Market Access platforms. Direct Market Access, together with algorithmic trading, changed electronic trading and execution by altering the number and types of trades that are accessible to retail investors. Direct Market Access and algorithmic trading are also essential for… [Read More]
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…high frequency trading.
Previously, private investors would need to trade though a broker. The price quoted to the investor was given from a RSP, who would offer prices in smaller volumes and higher prices. This price, while based on an exchange’s order book, was often altered. Direct Market Access, however, means investors do not need to use an intermediary. Rather, investors are able to stipulate the price they want, and the size of the order directly, and the execution venue. This is called an open-driven market.
When compared to a traditional market maker model, Direct Market Access gives more transparency, more speed, and more control. Specific advantages of Direct Market Access include:
Equality – every order is placed equally, and you are able to see the order queue through the exchange
Transparency and visibility – Orders are visible to all market participants. The order book reveals the number of buyers and sellers, and prices. Direct Market Access reveals unexecuted limit orders to the market, which increases transparency and helps investors determine the best price.
Control – Investors are able to stipulate the price the order is placed at
Auction Participation – Direct Market Access allows investors to participate in pre and post market auctions, which often results in securing lower prices
Regulation – Direct Market Access is regulated and supervised by an exchange, increasing safety
Tighter spreads – Direct Market Access helps spreads to become tighter, as information is displayed publicly and trades typically occur faster
Accendo Markets offers Direct Market Access trading platforms for CFDs.
Direct Market Access - CFDs and FX
As CFDs are over the counter financial instruments, they do not follow a traditional Direct Market Access model. Rather, Direct Market Access is given for the underlying instrument (whether shares. commodities, interest rates, or other). The CFD is purchased or sold to the provider at the price shown. The provider then hedges through the market place. With this method, the CFD is based on the underlying’s price and closely follows the market. Tighter spreads result in lower costs for the investors.
FX can also be traded using Direct Market Access. The FX trading platforms synthesize information from multiple banks regarding price and quantity available for trade. This information is then presented live to the investor. Once an order is placed, an external agency broker is used.
Any Questions?
CFDs, spreadbetting and spot FX are leveraged products & can result in losses exceeding your initial deposit. They are not suitable for everyone, so please ensure that you understand the risks. The value of shares can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest.
Telephone calls and online chat conversations may be monitored and recorded for regulatory and training purposes.
* We provide these as underlying assets to CFDs and Spreadbets.
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Accendo Markets Ltd - 1 Alie Street, London, E1 8DE (UK) Telephone: 020 3051 7461 - Accendo Markets Ltd. is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) No. 475285. Accendo Markets Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No. 6417051. © Copyright Accendo Markets Ltd 2015. All rights reserved.
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Risk warning: CFDs are leveraged products that incur a high level of risk and it is possible to lose all your capital invested. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary.
STP/DMA Forex Model
The STP/DMA forex model provides direct access to the forex exchange market that utilises multiple liquidity providers to supply true market conditions without the intervention of a dealing desk or any third party.
Belarta provides its clients, regardless of account size or trading experience, access to the liquidity of the interbank foreign exchange market. All deals executed through the range of trading platforms are completed using the STP/DMA (Straight Through Processing) model to ensure true market conditions are enjoyed by all clients.
We believe that this is the most transparent forex model. STP/DMA is the choice that offers full clarity and openness between the broker and its clients. Furthermore, Belarta operates under the compliance and license of the European regulator CySEC.
This ensures that the company does not run a risk book behind the scenes and means that Belarta does not take risk on clients’ orders that leads to conflict of interest between the broker and its clients. Each order submitted through any of our platforms is delivered directly to the bank using the leading technology solutions used by Belarta.
The price displayed in the chart is the lowest price available at any given time and is provided by leading sources. This removes the aggregated price model that can lead to execution of orders at different prices than the one displayed within the chart. This simplifies the order process and therefore leads to more reliable execution of forex trades.
Moreover, this system allows larger orders to be executed to the market place at one flat rate, which is more advantageous than using the market depth ladder than involves executing orders to multiple providers at different rates that is fully dependent on market depth and market volatility.
Interbank Liquidity
No Dealing Desk Intervention
Trading Anonymity
No Re-quotes
No Conflict of Interest
M&L Invest Union Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the CySEC (License № 165/12.). Todos los derechos reservados. Tradename BELARTA is a property of M&L Invest Union Markets Limited. None of the information contained herein constitute an offer to purchase or sell a financial instrument or to make any investments. Margined currency trading is one of the riskiest forms of investments available on the financial markets and is only suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses, and M&L Invest Union Markets Limited and any of its group companies assumes no liability to the accurateness of the information herein, nor for any loss arising from any investment based on the information from this site.
CFDs are leveraged products that incur a high level of risk and it is possible to lose all your capital invested. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary.
M&L Invest Union Markets Ltd Street Christodoulou Chatzipavlou 223, Hawaii Royal Garden, office 41, Limassol 3035, Cyprus
&dupdo; 2014 Belarta. com All Rights Reserved.
Forex News
USD/JPY: 120-pips recovery falters near 20-DMA
USD/JPY™s unstoppable bullish run from near 112 handle ran out of steam just below 20-DMA at 113.41, and the major eased from there although stays above 113 handle.
USD/JPY sees more than 1 big figure recovery A major turnaround in risk conditions towards Tokyo close and the subsequent risk-on trades extended into Europe helped the dollar-yen pair stage a solid recovery. The European equities snapped previous losses and rebounded 0.50% to 1.50%. While the oil prices regained momentum and extended higher, with the WTI rising 1.40%, while the Brent gains 0.85%.
The major remains firmer this session on expectations of improving manufacturing sector activity in the US last month. The ISM manufacturing PMI is expected to have improved to 48.5 in Feb versus 48.2 last, while PMI gauge from Markit is expected to remain unchanged at 51.0. Meanwhile, the sentiment on the Wall Street will also play a major role.
USD/JPY Technical levels to watch
In terms of technicals, the immediate resistance is located at 113.34/41 (daily high/ 20-DMA). A break above the last, the major could test 114 (round number/ Feb 29 High). While to the downside, the immediate support is seen at 112.86/76 (10-DMA/ 1h 200-SMA) and below that at 112.20/16 (Feb 29 & Daily Low).
to other news
EUR/GBP trimmed losses during the last hours but is consolidating below 0.7900. The pair started the day steady m
Analysts at Scotiabank ranked the Yen as an under performer.
"The JPY is the main under-performer on the day on better risk appetite (US equity futures) and
Analysts at UOB Group explained that according to the deputy secretary general of the China Coal Industry Association. Mr Xu Liang, China’s coal demand is forecast to fall 2% in 2016, for a third consec
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TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belize, C. A.
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Forex News
NZD/USD bulls tiring through 20 dma
NZD/USD is currently trading at 0.6643 with a high of 0.6775 and a low of 0.6617.
NZD/USD has been in consolidation around the mid point of the 0.66 handle for the best part of this week and remains above the 200 dma at 1.06635 into the closing hours.
Fundamentally, its been about the greenback this week and a number of data releases have been supporting risk apatite for US denominated assets propelling the US dollar forward across the G10's, but the antipodeans have been faring the best vs the strength of the greenback. We are short again in data for NZ next week, but we will look to Chinese manufacturing, the G20 and indeed the Aussie block buster releases that include GDP and the RBA.
Technically, the bird is off the highs of 0.6775 and has fallen back below the 200 dma at 0.6651. Below here lies the cluster of ma's and the 50 dma at 0.6623 guarding the 0.66 handle and ultimately the Feb lows of 0.6461. On a continuation of the upside, the 0.68 is key objective before 28th Dec 2015 highs of 0.6883.
to other news
EUR/GBP trimmed losses during the last hours but is consolidating below 0.7900. The pair started the day steady m
Analysts at Scotiabank ranked the Yen as an under performer.
"The JPY is the main under-performer on the day on better risk appetite (US equity futures) and
Analysts at UOB Group explained that according to the deputy secretary general of the China Coal Industry Association. Mr Xu Liang, China’s coal demand is forecast to fall 2% in 2016, for a third consec
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Todos los derechos reservados. 2012 - 2016 ©
TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belize, C. A.
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DMA Forex Brokers
Definition of an STP/DMA broker
An STP broker with Direct Market Access (DMA) aggregates prices from liquidity providers in the Forex interbank market and forward your trades directly onto these liquidity providers.
Three things to look for in a DMA broker:
Always variable spreads
Always market execution
Always 5 digit pricing (fractional pricing)
Optionally: depth of market access
Benefits of Direct Market Access
Tight spreads
Your broker aggregates prices from competing liquidity providers and shows only the best bid and the best offer. The more liquidity providers your broker works with, the greater the competition and the tighter the spreads.
In addition, fractional pricing also helps reduce spreads because it prevents brokers from rounding them up. Compare brokers with 5 decimal pricing .
Instantaneous execution
Your orders go directly to liquidity providers for execution at the prevailing market price. There are no dealing desk (NDD) and no re-quotes even during news events or data releases. This supports a broad range of trading strategies, including scalping, news trading and swing trading.
No conflict of interest
Brokers with a dealing desk (DD) make a market for your trades. They sit on the other side of your trades and, for this reason, profit when you make a loss. This can give rise to conflicts of interest if your broker has an interest in seeing your lose money.
In contrast, DMA brokers face none of these issues. They act as intermediaries rather than market markers and earn money from a mark-up they apply to the spreads rather than your losses. This aligns their interests with yours.
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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
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Forex Broker Models: Direct Market Access
While most online trading brokers offer some variant on market making or straight-through processing, some of the more high-end brokers now operate a model known as Direct Market Access, or DMA for short.
Widely considered to be the holy grail for online investors, DMA gives a trader a way of trading financial instruments electronically by interacting directly with the order book of the exchange. Traditionally, this level of access has been restricted to broker-dealers and market making firms that are members of the exchange, although most major sell-side brokers now provide DMA services to their clients alongside their traditional order methods and algorithmic trading strategies, giving their clients access to a variety of different trading strategies.
There are several advantages to using DMA as opposed to other types of order placement, namely:
Lower transaction costs – this is made possible because only the technology is being paid for, as opposed to the usual order management and oversight that a broker provides
More control – Because the originator of the order is the person that handles all aspects of it, this gives them a lot more control over the final execution, giving them the chance to exploit opportunities more quickly
More privacy – with the trading taking place anonymously, using the DMA provider’s identity as cover, information leakage is minimised. DMA systems are also usually shielded from other trading desks within the organisation of the provider
Trading the spread – the ability to enter trades directly onto the order book of an exchange, negating the need to pass through a broker or dealer, enables the trader to profit from the spread in the same way that a broker normally can
High frequency trading – using ultra-low latency direct market access (ULLDMA) technology, traders employing automated trading strategies can make use of high-frequency trading techniques, confident that their strategies will not be undermined by slippage or re-quotes
Of course, this all comes at a price. While DMA may have many functional advantages for traders, you need to be a fairly high-end trader with a lot of capital in order to use this technology. Because you are trading directly with the order book of an exchange, there are no mini or micro-lots, and if you want to trade with leverage, you will still have to deal with a broker and find one that is willing to extend you a line of credit without all the usual safety catches that come with other order models.
So, if you are a retail trader with a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars in your trading account, then you will have to look into other trading models such as market making and straight through processing to execute your trades.
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DMA Forex brokers
DMA – Direct Market Access – is a type of FX execution where traders are offered direct access to the physical market, enabling them to place trading orders with liquidity providers (leading foreign exchange banks, other brokers, market makers etc).
Sounds similar to STP and ECN dealing? It’s close, but there is a difference.
DMA/STP Forex brokers list
Do you know another DMA Forex broker?
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With regular STP (Straight Through Processing) – a broker will fill clients’ orders (though Instant execution) on his own side. Then a broker will go to hedge these orders with own liquidity providers.
Since a broker seeks profits in this hedging operation, traders can experience re-quotes if there is no profitable hedging opportunities for a broker at the very moment your trading request was submitted.
The price you get from an STP broker will be higher than the best price a broker can receive from the liquidity provider.
With DMA/STP (Direct Market Access STP) – a broker will pass clients’ orders directly to the liquidity providers, where it’ll be filled at the best available price with one of the liquidity providers (+ a small fixed mark-up from the broker).
This is done using Market execution, which ensures that all orders will be filled at the best offered rate (which, however, might not be the exact rate you clicked on (your connection speed combined with short-lived price bids from liquidity providers), but since DMA technology always has only real tradable prices, there will be no re-quotes, your trade will always be opened and closed on your click.
DMA/STP brokers
DMA/STP brokers provide transparent direct access to the best bid/ask prices offered by liquidity providers.
Unlike regular STP brokers:
1) DMA broker has a greater number of liquidity providers;
2) DMA broker never offers fixed spreads, only variable, because bid/ask prices constantly change as they come from liquidity providers;
3) DMA order execution is always Market execution;
4) There is no re-quotes.
5) DMA can also offer Depth of the Market book (similar to ECN), where traders are able to see all bid/ask quotes from different liquidity providers;
6) DMA trading model welcomes traders of all types and styles: scalpers, news traders, swing traders, position traders or other regular traders.
Each DMA broker has his own contract with each liquidity provider (LP), and even with the same LPs these contract conditions may vary from broker to broker.
Even then, DMA spreads are quite competitive comparing to ECN. This is explained by 2 factors:
& # 8211; ECN brokers are connected to anonymous ECN pools (where there are no direct contracts with each LP). Inside these ECN pools brokers may not receive the best possible rates from all liquidity providers (for example, banks are known to hold back their best prices inside ECN pools).
& # 8211; ECN technology solutions (facilitation, processing, execution) come at a cost, which has to be paid for.
DMA/STP broker doesn’t have fewer technology expenses and no ECN-associated expenses. The spreads from DMA/STP brokers remain low because these brokers enjoy the best direct price quotes from the banks and/or other liquidity providers. To make profits, DMA/STP brokers add small mark-ups to all spreads they pass from liquidity providers.
& # 8211; DMA price rates are streamed directly from liquidity providers, which are committed to their bid/ask offers. This ensures that there will be no re-quotes, rate rejections or partial fills.
& # 8211; While due to the nature of ECN liquidity pools (where anonymous participants can place illusive orders and then reject them) traders might see more re-quotes, slippage and partial fills.
& # 8211; ECN brokers are compensated though commission.
& # 8211; DMA brokers add a small fixed mark-up on the spreads, but there is no commission.
(Some DMA brokers can also charge monthly volume fees (including inactivity fees) based on investor’s trading volume. Thus if you don’t plan to trade frequently and with high volume, you may end up paying higher fees for the privilege to trade on best price quotes and low spreads with such DMA brokers).
I’ve been trading DMA CFDs since they were launched in Australia by Man Financial (MF Global) in 2004. Since their introduction DMA CFDs have revolutionized day-trading and scalping. Today there are many DMA CFD brokers, giving professional CFD traders a choice and ensuring healthy competition.
During my trading career I’ve had CFD trading accounts or traded with all the major DMA CFD brokers in Australia and have had a range of different experiences with each of them. When chatting with traders and investors at educational seminars and expo’s around the nation I repeatedly get asked which DMA CFD broker is best. To help you to work out the answer to this question and make certain novice CFD traders carry out fair evaluations of all the DMA CFD brokers in Australia I’ve published this brief review based on my own experience.
Novice investors frequently get caught out by opening a CFD trading account after seeing a glossy magazine, Television advert or review published by a paid journalist not an experienced CFD trader. Real traders with real life experiences are the only ones that can perform a fair and unbiased appraisal based on what a trader needs and requests.
The top 3 DMA CFD providers in Australia are MF Global, FP Markets and IC Markets. It is also of significance noting that there is a fourth DMA CFD broker being Macquarie Bank with their Macquarie Prime offering, however they were not included in this assessment for the simple reason that their product offering is more closely linked to a margin loan instead of a CFD and is restricted to ASX equities only.
When browsing the net and flicking through the papers and magazines you’ll likely notice a few more DMA CFD providers than those mentioned here, the main reason for this is straightforward, many online share brokers have added CFDs as a complimentary product offering which isn’t part of their core business. Examples of this include Etrade and Comsec who both provide a “white label” version of MF Global’s DMA CFD product offering to their share trading clients.
As a frequent DMA CFD trader I am of the opinion that the most significant elements to consider when selecting the best DMA CFD broker are:
1. Customer Service
2. Trading platform Stability and Useability
3. Product Range
It’s essential to note that these are the factors that I personally believe are imperative, other investors could have different views and decide on a different provider.
Customer Service: I first encountered MF Global at a tradeshow, the service and professionalism of the staff was exceptional, so I opened up an account with them. After completing all the formalities the trading account was setup some seven days later (these guys like to take their time). The time taken to set up my account was not an issue for me, the issue was that my trading account executive didn’t phone me to let me know, I had to phone him to find out if my account was setup. My low customer service ranking is slightly biased as a result of this early occurrence however they have been excellent to deal with since.
Platform Stability and Useability: MF Global use one of the better web based DMA CFD platforms out there, WebIress. WebIress is one of the most stable DMA CFD trading platforms available and offers share, indice and forex CFD trading. The forex trading capabilities of the platform are somewhat poor compared to others in the market, but for DMA share CFDs WebIress is certainly an excellent system.
Product Range: MF Global has one of the better product ranges out of all the DMA CFD providers. They’re one of the few to provide share, indice and forex CFDs on WebIress. They have not yet incorporated shares, options and futures onto the platform, these products must be traded on different trading platforms which can be quite annoying for professional users needing an all round trading solution. Their ASX DMA CFD product offering is made up of 800 ASX DMA CFDs, a reasonable quantity.
Pricing: It is no big secret that MF Global are one of the most costly DMA CFD brokers around, however despite the high rack rate of $12.50 or 0.125% they do offer special discounts for high volume traders. The frequent trader rate shown on their website for DMA CFDs is $8 or 0.08% but to obtain this rate you will need to fund your trading account with a minimum of $100,000.
Customer Service: I found FP Markets to have a great turnaround time for general inquiries, however when confronted with more difficult general inquiries their employees seemed to be out of their depth. As an experienced trader I expect my CFD broker to know the product they are selling and answer my questions. FP Markets are a small discount CFD business and as with all small brokerages these are normal problems.
Platform Stability and Useability: Like MF Global these guys also use the WebIress trading platform one of the most stable and reliable platforms around, not the best for forex but great for DMA equity CFDs.
Product Range: These guys have a very limited offering they only offer ASX DMA CFDs, not much good for those wanting to trade DMA CFDs on shares listed on other exchanges. For ASX DMA CFDs these guys have a terrific offering as they cover the full range of shares listed on the ASX, however do not get caught out by their advertising and marketing, many of their CFDs outside the top 500 are offered on 100% margin.
Cost: These guys have a published rack rate of $10 or 0.1%, a little less expensive than MF Global, they too have a frequent trader package where a commission rate of 0.08% with no minimum can be accomplished with a $50,000 deposit. This is not a bad rate if you’re looking to trade ASX DMA CFDs only but not great for those looking for additional products and a long-term relationship with their CFD provider.
Client Service: These guys are very professional and helpful, they really know the marketplace and the products they sell, I can not fault their client service however I will say that I did experience some problems when calling them after hours regarding an accounts query, however I was called very first thing the following morning by my account manager who was able to promptly resolve my problem.
Trading platform Stability and Useability: These guys are the only CFD provider of those reviewed to offer me a choice of platform. They permitted me to select either WebIress Plus or their other DMA CFD trading platform, ProDeal. WebIress Plus is a quicker and more sophisticated version of WebIress which is one of the better and most dependable web based trading platforms in existence. Their ProDeal trading platform also appears to be very reliable, I have had no problems to date. ProDeal seems to be a bit more user friendly than WebIress Plus and has great charting functionality.
Product Variety: So far as product variety goes these guys have it all global DMA CFDs, Forex, Futures and Indices, there is certainly nothing they don’t offer. All of these products are offered on both WebIress and their ProDeal trading platform. Their variety of CFDs on WebIress covers all listed stocks on the ASX and many other markets. On the ASX they offer in the region of 2700 share CFDs and all can be traded on margin unlike FP Markets product offering where most are on 100% margin.
Pricing: These guys have a published rack rate of $10 or 0.10% and like all the brokers in this evaluation they have a frequent trader rate, the difference here though is that the minimum deposit is $20,000 and active traders can pay as little as 0.03%, significantly less than MF Global and FP Markets rates on the WebIress platform.
After reviewing each DMA CFD broker based the four important factors that I consider important, deciding on a winner was not rocket science. From every one of the three DMA CFD providers compared they were all able to provide a great offering however there was one CFD provider that really came out on top in all of the categories and was able to give me just what a professional trader demands when their money is on the line. Even though my number one choice IC Markets came out trumps in all categories my second choice MF Global was a close second but simply couldn’t match IC Markets on cost and service. In my opinion you can’t go wrong with IC Markets if you are an active DMA CFD trader and value pricing, service, product choice and order execution speed.
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Forex Strategy «VIDYA» is simple enough to use, but the efficiency of it this does not fall, it is worth noting that the best profits it shows a trend and sideways can give drawdown, but the drawdown is very quickly covered at the time of the active trend. For trade I recommend to choose one […]
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e-FX Trading
Direct Market Access
The Forex market is a decentralized market which has been historically fragmented. This has resulted in inconsistent trade execution on the part of most brokers since they operate in various capacities. Direct Market Access (DMA) now enables traders to transact their orders directly with sources of liquidity or primarily Interbank participants.
With a vast improvement in trading technology, DMA can now be accessed by the trading public through DMA brokers.
Popular MT4 platform Can be customized to your specifications very cost effectively and in a short period of time.
Registered with both the Financial Services Providers Register(FSPR) and Financial Services Complaints LTD (FSCL).
Risk Warning
Trading Forex on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade Forex you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. You should be aware of all the risks associated with Forex trading.
Break of 1.3455 support in USDCAD could lead to a test of the 200 DMA
Premier forex trading news site
Founded in 2008, ForexLive. com is the premier forex trading news site offering interesting commentary, opinion and analysis for true FX trading professionals. Get the latest breaking foreign exchange trade news and current updates from active traders daily. ForexLive. com blog posts feature leading edge technical analysis charting tips, forex analysis, and currency pair trading tutorials. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
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HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercial. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.
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Indigo DMA
Variable, 0.2 pips on EUR/USD + $ 15 commission per lot
Unlike most forex brokers, which try to suit the needs of traders of all preferences and levels of experience, Indigo DMA offers its clients one basic account type, providing DMA-access.
Any real trading account with a deposit of at least $100 can be published as a trading signals provider. Traders get $ 5 per 1 lot of orders, copied by investors.
In addition, swap-free (Islamic) services are available, tailored at clients who are not willing to earn interest for religious reasons. Such Sharia complaint accounts involve commission increased by $3, spread is not widened.
The Company. Security of Funds
Indigo DMA is an offshore broker founded in 2004 by automated trading experts. It offers online trading in a wide range of currency pairs and stock, indices and oil CFDs on MetaTrader 4.
Indigo DMA is the trading name of Indigo DMA Corp. registered in the Marshall Islands, providing financial services under the laws of the Marshall Islands Business Corporation Act. The broker has set up call-centers in Russia, Great Britain, Germany and Sweden.
Due to its location, this forex broker is not under any regulation. Brokers based in Marshall Islands don’t face any of the stringent requirements US or UK-based brokerages do: they are not obliged to report regularly to any authority, nor to conduct external audits; companies registered in Marshall Islands are not required to hold clients’ funds in segregated accounts, to possess certain minimum capital in order to prove their financial stability, nor to arrange a compensation scheme in the event of insolvency or default.
In other words, if you intend to invest a large amount of money, we would advise you to select among FCA-regulated brokerages, US-based ones or Swiss brokers. where the respective financial watchdogs are always on alert and where your money will be safe.
Trading Conditions
Minimum Initial Deposit The minimal amount required to open an account with Indigo DMA is $10, which reasonably low, considering the lack of regulation. In comparison, LiteForex, also registered on the Marshall Islands, requires $10, and SuperForex, headquartered in Belize, demands as little as $1 initial deposit.
Average Spreads & Commissions This broker offers tight variable spreads. starting at 0.0 pips for major currency pairs. The average ones on EUR/USD amount to 0.2 pips. However, all trades are subject to costly commission of $ 15 per traded lot, which in fact means that the minimum spread offered is comparatively high, starting at 1.5 pips.
In comparison, Belize-based ForexBrokerInc offers variable spreads from 1 pips on its commission-free accounts and Fort provides spreads from 0.1 pips, plus commission ranging from $1.5-$9 per lot.
As we have already mentioned, Indigo DMA specializes in copy trading. Traders, who have deposited at least $100, are able to publish his trading account and earn extra money with each order, copied by investors ($ 5 per lot).
Maximum Leverage The maximum leverage level at Indigo DMA is 1:100, which is a comparatively low ratio. In comparison, SVG-based OctaFX and ForexBrokerInc both offer leverage up to 1:500. More forex brokers offering leverage equal to or exceeding 1:500 can be viewed here .
Trading Platforms
Currently, Indigo DMA supports just one trading platform - the famous MetaTrader 4 (only desktop version available). The broker says on its website that it plans to create its own user-friendly platform in 2016 that will allow trading within any market (including NYSE, CME, NASDAQ).
Anyway, MetaTrader 4 is preferred by most experienced users, because this professional, fully-featured software provides everything a trader needs: fast order execution, a variety of technical indicators, linear instruments, advanced charting package and the ability to develop and to use Expert Advisors (EA). More brokers using the MT4 can be viewed here.
In addition, VPS is available to any Indigo DMA account holder whose deposit exceeds $10,000. And the broker offers two colocations: Equinix data-centre and Amazon.
As regards execution speed, Indigo DMA says on its website that it is less than 0.2-0.4 second. Speaking of Indigo DMA’s website, we would like to mention that we found it quite poor in terms of content, design and functionalities.
Methods of Payment
Clients of Indigo DMA are offered a variety of ways to deposit to and withdraw from their accounts: credit/debit cards, bank transfer, contact transfers and the following e-wallets: Skrill. Perfect Money. WebMoney, QIWI, OK PAY, Payza, Payeer, WalletOne and others.
Indigo DMA is an offshore broker trading in various currency pairs and CFDs on the MT4 platform. Its main disadvantage is lack of regulation. To sum up the above:
Latest forex brokers
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Look out below as EURUSD trades down through the 200 dma
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Founded in 2008, ForexLive. com is the premier forex trading news site offering interesting commentary, opinion and analysis for true FX trading professionals. Get the latest breaking foreign exchange trade news and current updates from active traders daily. ForexLive. com blog posts feature leading edge technical analysis charting tips, forex analysis, and currency pair trading tutorials. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
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HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercial. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.
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We understand FX professionals’ requirements for bespoke trading platforms which provide superior liquidity, best price and immediate execution; traders need reliability and even more prominently in today’s market, professional support in order to facilitate all their strategic requirements.
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One Financial Markets is the trading name of C B Financial Services Ltd, a company registered in England with company number 6050593.
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Differences between STP, ECN, DMA Forex Brokers
When it comes to different types of forex brokers, there is a lot of confusion as to whether the brokers in question are STP or ECN or DMA. The truth is that despite the fact that some forex brokers claim to be ECN, if you look close enough you would realize that it is a complete sham. One of the basic criteria to identify if a forex broker is a STP or ECN or DMA is look at the following factors.
Factors to look out for in a STP, ECN, DMA forex brokers
Market Execution
Variable Spreads
5 Digit or decimal pricing
Access to depth of market
Some other factors to bear in mind are Market Execution and Liquidity providers .
With market execution . trades are fullfilled at the best available prices. In pure DMA dealing, there is no requotes and can be usually traded by One-Click-Execution
Liquidity providers act as a counterparty to your trades. They (Liquidity Providers) take the other side of your trade in an attempt to close the trade later on with another party.
The best way to understand whether your forex broker operates on a STP, ECN or DMA model is to first know what each of the terms above mean.
STP Forex Brokers
STP, short for Straight Through Processing is a forex technical jargon for ‘Non Dealing Desk’ brokers. An STP Forex broker usually makes use of a small pool of Liquidity providers. Therefore an STP forex broker usually offers limited liquidity as compared to an ECN forex broker.
Some STP brokers offer fixed spreads as well. This is done by making use of a pricing engine which matches the orders and ensures that the forex broker makes a profit on the spread difference. When using a fixed spread STP broker, traders are given a higher spread which is usually marked up in order for the forex broker to make profits.
List of STP Forex Brokers
ECN Forex Brokers
ECN or Electronic Communications Network allows traders to interact with their liquidity pool. An ECN Broker has access to a large liquidity pool made up of banks and other financial institutions. Trading under a pure ECN model requires a higher capital (minimum deposit of $50,000) as the ECN forex broker is required to meet certain criteria such as higher trading volumes from their ECN clients.
DMA Forex Brokers
DMA or Direct Market Access forex brokers offers traders a direct connection to the actual markets. In a DMA forex broker model, traders and investors trade directly with the liquidity provders. Direct Market Access is actually a subset of ECN model. In other words, pure ECN forex brokers always offer Direct market access to their traders.
Another variant is the DMA – STP forex model. In this scenario, the forex broker will automatically execute your trades by filling them with the best available bid and ask price usually provided by the liquidity providers. This is known as Market execution.
List of DMA Forex Brokers
How to re-verify your forex broker
The above forex brokers listed under each of the different types (DMA/STP/ECN) are true to their trade execution model. However, if you want to trade with a forex broker not listed above and are unsure if the forex broker operates on a DMA/STP/ECN model, then simply take a look at the trading account details and the spreads.
A second level of verification can be done via the terms & conditions page/document where it will be clearly specified as to how the broker will fullfil your trade executions.
US DOLLAR Technical Analysis: The 100-DMA Acts As a Bullish Support
What is the #1 mistake FX traders make? Find out HERE.
-US Dollar Technical Strategy: Bullish Off 100-DMA into FOMC
-Consolidation before FOMC Statement Favors Upside
Ahead of the December 16, FOMC meeting, markets are pricing in a 74% probability of a hike with a near 40% chance of an additional 25bps hike in March. In recent trading, the US dollar has seen the 100DMA near 12,040 act as firm support and going through FOMC, we can look at that level to hold, as the Fed’s plans for the next hike are made known. It appears now that the bearish channel (red) will soon break, and another impulsive move higher could take out the November 6 high of 12,219.
US Dollar Index is sitting on a cushion of support. The bottom of the support zone is the November opening range low at 12,013 up to the 50% retracement of the October-November range & 100-DMA at 12,040. Price has tested and held that level multiple times. Today, we saw a bullish key day ahead of the Federal Reserve rate announcement tomorrow. We will look for today’s low to hold as support going forward. The first level of resistance to break from here that would validate the bullish argument would be a move above the December 8 high of 12,157, followed by the December opening range high of 12,212 before Draghi gave a scare to EUR shorts on December 3, 2016.
Going into Wednesday, the Fed rate hike is presumed and priced in as the dollar fluctuates in preparation for the Federal Reserve’s decision on to raise interest rates for the first time since 2006. The focus in no uncertain terms is whether or not we could see a second hike rather soon. If so, we would further enhance the yield advantage of assets denominated in US currency as other currencies with a dovish central bank could fall further. Should a spread widening develop, US Dollar strength would become a dominating theme once again. As long as 12,040 holds as support, this remains the preferred view. A break below support could pour cold water on USD Bulls through the end of 2015.
DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.
Forex and the Evolution of Direct Market Access
The Forex market is a decentralized market which has been historically fragmented. This has resulted in inconsistent trade execution on the part of most brokers since they operate in various capacities. Direct Market Access (DMA) now enables traders to transact their orders directly with sources of liquidity or primarily Interbank participants.
A Forex Direct Market Access broker acts in an agency capacity as opposed to being a market maker. The complete transparency of a Forex DMA offers many benefits:
Forex Direct Market Access orders are only based on two variables – (1) Price and (2) the time that the order is placed. The result is efficient execution where requotes are rare regardless of the market conditions.
Forex Direct Market Access pricing is based on institutional standards of 1/10th of a pip pricing as opposed to ½ or 1 pip pricing. Retail brokers typically quote using ½ to 1 pip to capture the difference in their favor.
Forex Direct Market Access brokers also offer trading anonymity which giving the trader a level playing field.
Unlike traditional brokers that offer fixed spreads, a Forex DMA broker offers variable pricing that reflects the true market conditions in the Interbank Forex market. Brokers that offer fixed spreads are most likely acting in the capacity of a market maker and taking the risk on the client orders. While this is not inherently negative, it reduces transparency and calls into question the order handling process. DMA brokers eliminates this concern.
Until recently, DMA trading has only been available for larger institutions and hedge funds. With a vast improvement in trading technology, DMA can now be accessed by the trading public through the DMA brokers.
Forex DMA via Currenex is offered by Divisa FX which acts in an agency capacity to channel customer orders to 11 top tier banks within the Interbank market.
Institutional FX
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Kyte develops DMA offering
Forex VPS Service – IndigoDMA
Forex VPS Service by IndigoDMA for running EA and trading script smoothly. Get a Virtual Private Server to handle your trading simultaneously without having issues. Trade live Forex on the go while your don’t need to worry about power on internet access. In addition get root access, unique IP address and many more to best optimize your server.
Forex Trading VPS
Expire Date: Service available all year of 2016
Offer is Applicable: Both new and Existing clients.
Deposit more than $10,000 to get one free server with standard configuration.
More Details – IndigoDMA Forex Virtual Private Server
General terms and contest apply.
GFT Forex Global Forex Trading review
GFT is a global forex broker that recently took the decision to withdraw from the Japanese and U. S. retails forex market, and is now operating out of Singapore, London and Sydney.
The one thing that you will notice when you go to the broker's website is that it is pretty scarce in terms of information – the home page won't tell you even basic things such as what's the maximum leverage offered. The customer support won't be of any help either – they are rude and dance around questions in vain hope they won't have to answer.
The platforms that you will find at GFT are Metatrader 4 (MT4) and its own DealBook 360. The latter comes equipped with 85 technical indicators and a number of order types, including Signle-click orders, Parent & Contingent orders, and automated Trailing Stop. Trading straight from the charts is possible.
The broker offers a few analysis tools: Autochartist helps you identify chart patterns fast and easy; Foresight-A. I. forecasts market movements; and DiNapoli D-Levels combines leading and lagging indicators to help you determine your entries and exits. GFT has thought of the beginners as well – for them, there are webinars, free trading guides and video tutorials.
If you sign up with GFT UK, you can take advantage of a Refer-a-Friend program of the broker, getting £ 50 for every friend you bring (you can get up to five such bonuses, terms and conditions applicable).
Traders looking to diversify their portfolios can also try the broker's binary options offering.
Latest forex brokers
Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. All information on ForexBrokerz. com is only published for general information purposes. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.
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El sitio web de Forexbrokerz utiliza cookies. Al continuar navegando por el sitio, usted está aceptando nuestro uso de cookies. Read our Privacy Policy .
As a trader, you can choose to place your bets with:
A broker – who trades with you, against an independent 3rd party (“the market”). This is what Darwinex does and always will do. In brokerage jargon, brokers operate an A-Book
A dealer – who trades against you and thus plays the role of “the market”
A broker-dealer, who can act in either of the above capacities
In technical jargon, dealers and broker-dealers incur risk by running a so called a B-Book. You can watch our take on economics & incentives for either of the models in this webinar .
More interesting to you is the answer to “What does Darwinex DMA mean, and what happens to my trade after I hit trade on Darwinex MT4” & # 8211; so let’s go for it!
MT4 B-Book
Out of the box, MT4 is a dealing platform: it is exclusively designed for a dealer to make markets against customers, by publishing a bid-ask price . on which customers may decide to trade.
If you e. g. go long 1 lot the EURUSD, MT4 processes:
Your buy at the ask
If the dealer accepts the opposite side of your trade, an accounting entry into the dealer’s B-Book at the bid is processed
Your trade’s P&L is a function of the evolution of (the dealer’s!) price-feed.
Technically though, it’s a simple bean-counting affair involving only MT4:
You routed a trade request via the Internet in MT4 proprietary encoding
MT4 received it
The broker chose to fill you (or did not, in which you’d get a re-quote)
You received a notification on your MT4 terminal
MT4 Direct Market Access
Things become slightly more involved in a pure A-Book broker – see chart below.
You routed a trade request via the Internet in MT4 proprietary encoding
MT4 received it (no change so far)
A software “bridge” triggered a FIX message to a 3rd party – we use this external provider for this
The 3rd party determined the market price is, at arms’ length from Darwinex within 4 ms or less, as described in the diagram.
Crucially, and differently from most other brokers out there, Darwinex currently matches all your orders with LMAX in London, a MiFID regulated Multi-Lateral-Facility (MTF) to ensure that:
All customers trade on one and the same price feed, resulting from an order-matching process that works on public and FCA enforced rules
Customer identity remains anonymous – so winners are co-mingled with the rest of our flow and not discriminated against
Liquidity providers enjoy no “last-look” on any orders fed into the order-book. This means you will NEVER experience a re-quote
Counterparty risk is kept to a minimum – by virtue of only Tier 1 liquidity providers feeding prices in, and risk among liquidity takers being evenly spread
These are the reasons why we strongly believe in trading with customers, on Exchange. If the CHF affair and the FX rate rigging affair trigger anything, we bet it’s regulators accelerating the move of spot foreign exchange trading away from OTC. onto Exchanges.
MT4 & DMA – limitations
Alas, whilst on Exchange is the fair way, this is not to say that LMAX is without practical limitations owing to:
Adverse selection
MT4 Integration with the order book
(At times, and on certain pairs) Market depth
We’re more committed to providing customers with competitive liquidity in all market environments, than we are to fostering on Exchange clearing…. and we’ll provide more background on all the above in due course – for the time please note that we’re evaluating all possible options to mitigate the above limitations as widely and promptly as possible.
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PureDMA | DMA Platform
Trade straight into the order books of the world's equities exchanges with our Direct Market Access (DMA) platform.
The unrivalled transparency and flexibility of DMA is becoming essential for the more experienced trader - harness the advantages with PureDMA. PureDMA combines the speed and simplicity of PureDeal with the increased control of DMA trading.
Key Benefits
PureDMA has a number of additional benefits for the DMA trader. In addition to the huge range of over-the-counter products available to trade on our PureDeal platform (Indices, Forex, Commodities and more) you can:
Compare buying vs selling interest By comparing relative levels of buy and sell side interest you may be able to get an insight into the future direction of a stock
Get inside the spread Place your own orders in the order book and trade directly with other market participants by setting your own price - as a price maker you may get opportunities to trade within the market spread
Time your trades When placing large orders you can account for market liquidity when considering the timing of the trade
Track your orders Use the order book to monitor your orders as they are being worked in the market
Enter auctions As a DMA participant you can enter stock auctions, with the potential to trade at 'institutional prices' and avoid market spread
Order minder Open a DMA trade then leave a closing order against our OTC equivalent for peace of mind
Please visit our DMA Markets page for information on the exchanges you can trade on PureDMA. See here for a detailed example of how PureDMA works.
Our Head of Client Education, Adam Lewis, has recorded a special online seminar 'A Guided Tour of PureDMA ' to get you started. This will take you through the new PureDMA service and can be viewed at your own convenience.
Any Questions? New Accounts: U. S. Toll Free 866 748 1341 Helpdesk: U. S. Toll Free 866 748 1340
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Remember that the products we offer may not be suitable for everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Los productos Nadex que ofrecemos son instrumentos volátiles que implican un alto riesgo de perder toda su inversión. Los productos marginados de Forex que ofrecemos son productos apalancados que pueden resultar en pérdidas que exceden su depósito inicial. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.
Why TechForex?
TechForex is a trade name of Forex Technologies, Inc . the enterprise grade Forex technology provider. By combining state-of-the-art Forex trading technology with inter-bank liquidity . TechForex provides turn-key technology and connectivity solutions for all types of market participants ranging from retail broker-dealers and fund managers to individual and algo traders.
FTPrime is an unprecedented Direct Market Access (DMA) liquidity solution providing executable rates aggregated from 40 major banks and ECNs. It is supported by unlimited credit from major prime-of-prime (PoP) brokers, regardless of your capitalization!
O’TRADE is an HFT based algorithmic trading solution aimed to execute automated strategies directly through major liquidity gateways .
With TechForex, you easily resolve the following well-known market challenges:
Wide spreads – NO MORE! With TechForex, you get trade-able price averaging in up to 1 pipset on major currency pairs directly from the bank with 99% execution guaranteed .
High cost of trade – NO MORE! Currently available FX liquidity gateways such as Currenex, HotSpot or Integral are focused on the bigger players, thus keeping the high cost of trade (around $15 per $1M traded) not affordable for the small and mid-size institutional traders. By employing in-house state-of-the-art technology and direct cross-connect integration into inter-bank liquidity gateways TechForex significantly reduces the overall cost of trade – up to $6 per USD 1 million .
Lack of technology – NO MORE! Most small and mid-size institutional traders are unable to professionally maintain complicated software packages and hardware farms required to communicate with major FX liquidity providers – major banks and large brokerage firms. As a leader in FX software development, TechForex has an in-house state-of-the-art trade execution and back office platform, which communicates with all major liquidity providers and prime brokers. TechForex would charge as low as $2 per million for the use of our platform connected to all major prime brokers and liquidity gateways.
We support all our solutions in-house – no IT staff is needed on your site!
Contact us: In order to establish trading account powered by TechForex . please, fill out the contact form available here .
55 dma still containing EUR/USD
It’s all died a bit of a death out there at the moment.
EUR/USD bounced again from the 55 dma currently at 1.3626 but we’ve been stuck in a 30 pip range since then. If we do break lower then that may tip EUR/GBP lower and towards a year old support line at 0.8231.
EUR/GBP daily chart 03 01 2014
Of course as soon as I start writing this EUR/GBP pops 30 pips as cable sheds 40, but hey ho, the level is still there to be watched. Ahead of it the November low at 0.8251 will be the next line of support.
Above 0.8390 has been a previous point of resistance and it’s joined by the 55 dma at 0.8396 and there’s plenty of moving average resistance in the 0.84’s.
100 dma 0.8425,
200 wma 0.8451
55 wma 0.8477
200 dma 0.8484
So there’s plenty to chew through to the upside.
Despite my bearishness for this pair I would be interested in taking a long on the technical support line should we get there.
Premier forex trading news site
Founded in 2008, ForexLive. com is the premier forex trading news site offering interesting commentary, opinion and analysis for true FX trading professionals. Get the latest breaking foreign exchange trade news and current updates from active traders daily. ForexLive. com blog posts feature leading edge technical analysis charting tips, forex analysis, and currency pair trading tutorials. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116(t)
HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
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DMA Broker Type
The DMA (Direct Market Access) has mainly been used in the Equities and Futures market to imply that the access to the market is via an exchange.
Did you know you can:
The term DMA has been thrown around loosely in the Forex market as a trend of mislabeling or misusing the terms ECN and STP have left brokers looking for a new term to suggest or ultimately show their superior cleanliness at execution.
DMA implies that all trades are executed on exchange and your trades will affect the market. There is no interference between brokers or any dealing and market makers.
Top Brokers this Month
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Risk Disclaimer: Trading Forex (FX), CFD’s or other asset classes with margin (leverage) has significant risks associated with it. It is recommended to only invest funds that you are able to and willing to loose. Always consider the terms and conditions and consult with your financial advisor, Accountant, or Lawyer to determine if these products are right for you.
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Fortex scores a HK client for its DMA forex platform
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Your capital is at risk. Trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade forex or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.
Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Therefore TradingT. com doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
Trading With Belarta STP/DMA Broker
No Dealing Desk Intervention - All orders are executed directly through to a selection of regulated and leading liquidity providers.
Trading Anonymity - Anonymous trading allows Belarta to accept and protects all trading strategies against any manipulation.
Award-winning MT4 Platform - The MetaTrader 4 is the preferred choice for professional traders and is the most advanced trading platform available in the forex market.
No Re-quotes - The STP/DMA trading model protects clients from any third party manipulation and dealing desk re-quotes.
Competitive Pricing - Best bid and ask pricing ensures that trades are executed at the most competitive prices. Smart pricing creates competition between leading liquidity providers that drives down forex spreads.
Personal Segregated Accounts - Belarta offers its clients a unique service of opening a personal segregated account which provides ultimate protection for clients that fund their account with $300,000 or more.
Regulations and Safe Funding
At Belarta, we have made every effort to ensure that our clients and partners benefit from a fully regulated and secure trading environment. We understand the importance of delivering transparency, security and most of all the peace-of-mind that all of our clients merit. Ultimately, we have created a platform and trading environment for our clients to trade forex with full confidence. Belarta is fully compliant with the European Union Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and is regulated and authorised by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.
Belarta prides itself on the unrivalled protection and security of clients’ funds. All deposits remain fully protected as they are kept separately from company funds and are held at globally recognised banks such as Promsvyazbank. This ensures that funds belonging to clients cannot be used for any other unauthorised purpose. Lee mas
M&L Invest Union Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the CySEC (License № 165/12.). Todos los derechos reservados. Tradename BELARTA is a property of M&L Invest Union Markets Limited. None of the information contained herein constitute an offer to purchase or sell a financial instrument or to make any investments. Margined currency trading is one of the riskiest forms of investments available on the financial markets and is only suitable for sophisticated individuals and institutions. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses, and M&L Invest Union Markets Limited and any of its group companies assumes no liability to the accurateness of the information herein, nor for any loss arising from any investment based on the information from this site.
CFDs are leveraged products that incur a high level of risk and it is possible to lose all your capital invested. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary.
M&L Invest Union Markets Ltd Street Christodoulou Chatzipavlou 223, Hawaii Royal Garden, office 41, Limassol 3035, Cyprus
&dupdo; 2014 Belarta. com All Rights Reserved.
algorithmic trading strategies and dma
New multi-broker strategy hub integrates the proprietary trading strategies of the leading investment banks in the field of algorithmic trading
Algorithmic Trading and DMA quant book review algorithmic trading strategies and dma.
TM, Citigroup That will drive demand for the algos that are flexible and customized to the client that a white-labelled product will find itharder to provide. A broker who has outsourced algorithm development to a third party may find it harder to react to client demands in atimely fashion, compared with one that has an in-house development team. Algorithmic trading strategies and dma.
DB, JPAM Two or three years ago, if heads of buy-side desks in London started talking about algorithms and DMA, the immediate response fromthe guys on the buy-side desk was: ‘Well that’s me out of a job!’ It couldn’t be further from the truth. Traders are nowhappy to embrace such tools and appreciate that they enable them to utilize capacity to a greater effect.
Algorithmic trading strategies and dma - Read more
Description algorithmic trading strategies and dma
Direct-Market access (DMA) represents the client’s ability to access brokers order routing infrastructure, allowing them to issue their ordersalmost directly to the exchanges. Sponsored access is a step up from DMA, these tend to be ultra low latency, direct connections to the market. Inthis situation, the client uses their own infrastructure but with the broker’s trading identifier. Sponsored access is (predominantly) used byclients exploiting high-frequency trading strategies.
A world-class trading platform with advanced risk management features. improve pre-trade risk management by closely monitoring the behavior of each of its DMA clients. Algorithmic strategies running in Horizon Software platform are also .
Object Trading has offices in London, Zürich, Chicago and Sydney. For more information please contact:
- Passport's stable and robust system has withstood even the most high volume days
- Orders are the fundamental building blocks for any strategy. Market, limit, stop, hidden, iceberg, peg, routed and immediate-or-cancel orders areall described with illustrated examples.
Our Automated Execution Group focuses on electronic execution and trading connectivity for reliable, streamlined and efficient execution.
Watch algorithmic trading strategies and dma
PU, JO Hambro Algorithms have been a natural follow-on for us from DMA trading. We started to use DMA to give us speed, control, costsavings and anonymity. Algorithms extend those features by grafting the processing capability of the computer onto a strategy that thetrader can select which captures his view of how to handle the specific order. Algorithmic trading strategies and dma trade.
The next place to find more sophisticated strategies is with trading forums and trading blogs. However, a note of caution: Many trading blogs rely onthe concept of technical analysis. Technical analysis involves utilising basic indicators and behavioural psychology to determine trends or reversalpatterns in asset prices.
PU, JO Hambro This gets back to the key issue, which is that DMA and algorithms have filled out the buy-side traders’ toolkit so thatthey can take control of their orders. They are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Their use should be seen within the broadercontext of unbundling.
- Cutting edge applications such as portfolio and multi-asset trading are also considered, as are handling news and data mining/artificialintelligence.
ECNForex > Investing Book Reviews > Algorithmic Trading and DMA – Barry Johnson(algorithmic trading strategies and dma trade.|)
I want a system that monitors and amends trades to my specifications
AUD above 200 DMA
Mar 2, 2016 23:19
The US dollar ignored an upbeat ADP report in US trading Wednesday and trended lower. Commodity currencies diverged with the Australian dollar leading while the Canadian dollar lagged. Another busy data slate is due in Asia-Pacific trading. The Premium Insights closed out of the AUDJPY long with a 258-pt gain in order to lock up gains and assess the potential for fresh entry ahead of tonight's Aussie trade figures and tomorrow's Aussie retail sales. Another AUD trade remains currently open.
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The ADP report showed 214K new jobs in Feb compared to 190K expected and that sent the US dollar to a session high of 114.55 against the yen but it lasted only moments. One reason was a -12K revision to the prior report, another one was that the ADP report has recently been a poor predictor of NFP.
Afterwards, the US dollar continued to deteriorate. Cable, in particular, took advantage. It rose to 1.4094 from as low as 1.3912. The Brexit debate has fallen off the front pages for now and that may inspire a continued bounce.
Separately, the AUD/CAD divergence today is an interesting shift. The Canadian dollar has been in a major retracement phase while AUD was languishing near its long-term low. Or at least it was until today when it surged following a strong Q4 GDP reading. AUD may now take the baton as domestic economic worries ebb.
Technically, AUD/USD broke above the 200-day moving average for the first time since 2014 and also cruised through the February highs. There is a cluster of resistance at the Jan/Oct highs in the 0.7325/85 range but beyond that is some clear sailing. Whether it gets there will depend on how risk assets perform but the 4.3% gain in China yesterday and a second day of gains in the S&P 500 are positive signs. The major hurdle is the data and central bank slate in the next two days.
In the near-term, the data calendar remains busy beginning with Australian trade balance 0030 GMT. Q4 GDP showed falling imports and that's something to watch out for. The consensus is for a $3.2B deficit but a better-than-expected number on falling imports wouldn't be such a great sign.
A speech from BOJ deputy Nakaso is due at 0130 GMT and that's followed by the Caixin China services PMI at 0145 GMT. The prior was 52.4. The slate wraps up with Japan services PMI from Nikkei at 0200 GMT. The prior was 52.4 but it's rarely a market mover.
The recent trend in the market is for counter-trend moves in Asia that are reversed in US trading, especially after the London fix. There is chatter about low volumes so flows could be in charge.
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Metatrader 4 (5 Digit) - 30 days
Advantages of Direct Market Access CFDs
CFDs have become one of the most popular traded derivative products and for many good reasons. CFDs have been used by investment banks, which have used equity swaps for over 20 years. CFDs have provided retail traders with the same advantages that have made them such a popular product. FPM offers Direct Market Access for all of its global CFD products adding transparency to the list of advantages.
One of the key benefits of CFD is that it helps better utilise capital by offering leverage. When trading CFDs on a small margin is required when taking out a much larger position. This means that with very little capital a trader can access to much greater profits. Margins are as little as 1% on some instruments.
Short Selling
Short selling enables a trader to sell a CFD at a high price and buy it back at a lower price to gain a profit. This enables traders to profit from not only rising markets but also falling. CFDs are unique in this fact that other traditional equity products do not offer this benefit. Whilst this is not available for every single instrument, FPM offers a large range of short sellable Securities, FX, Commodities and Indices. Another major advantage of short selling is that there is no cost of holding this position open, so it’s perfect for hedging purposes as well as speculation.
Given that CFDs can be short sold, they are an ideal tool for hedging purposes. Many equity portfolios remain vulnerable to market downturns and the cost of exiting and re-entering are far too high and risky. DMA CFDs enable traders to lock in the value of an equity portfolio by holding short positions that mirror that in the equity portfolio. This means for every dollar the equity portfolio loses the CFD portfolio will gain. With CFDs only requiring a very small margin this means a minimal outlay at a very little cost.
FX CFDs enables people to hedge currency balances. Indices CFDs enable people to blanket hedge a large portfolio without having to buy individual Equity CFDs. FPM also enable clients to open accounts that are Self Managed Super Funds and trusts where many equity portfolios are held.
Lower Transaction Costs
Unlike traditional Equities trading and other derivatives products, CFDs have very low transaction costs. Many high volume traders chose to trade with FPM due to our flexible and competitive transaction costs. Please contact us to find out more about our competitive rates.
Direct Market Access (DMA) CFDs mirror the underlying exchanges making them very easy to trade. Other derivatives products may not move in line with the underlying financial instrument, such as options and futures, and therefore can be very difficult to trade and understand. Along with this the majority of CFDs have no expiry either, and therefore positions can be held open as long as necessary.
Dividends & Corporate Actions
For all equity CFDs, traders are entitled to a cash equivalent of any dividend that is paid. Another advantage of CFDs is that the dividend is paid on the Ex Date rather than the pay date as is the case when trading fully paid equities. You also have the ability to participate in other corporate actions such as share splits and rights issues. FP Markets offers the most extensive list of Australian and other global equity CFDs ensuring you can get access to corporate actions and dividends where possible.
CFDs have the added benefit of enabling traders to use unrealised profits as margin to open new positions. CFDs are also cash settled and therefore make it much easier to trade in and out of positions multiple times throughout the day on the same available capital. Positions closed intra-day do not incur financing fees.
Overview of Protrader 2 – a DMA Platform
PFSoft has recently released its Protrader 2 platform. This trading software is broker neutral, features advanced charting capabilities, a risk management tool and many more features.
More details are below, from the official product release from PFSoft:
The Protrader 2 platform is a broker-neutral trading software developed by the PFSoft company. This DMA platform allows its users always see actual rates from international markets, and execute orders instantly whether there is strong news or not.
Fully customizable interface
When a user opens Protrader 2 for the first time the platform looks rather unfamiliar. But it’s all about a matter of habit. Protrader 2 has a fully customizable interface that is why every trader can create a visually appealing workspace based on his personal criteria and preferences. It’s rather convenient when you can put this or that button where you want to see it, and arrange dockable panels how you like to. After that you can save your own created workspace and load it every time you need it. The number of such custom workspaces is unlimited. Those traders who don’t want to create them are provided with five default workspaces – nothing was left to chance by the software developers.
What is one the most essential things for every trader, whether he is a pips hunter, a swing trader or a news trader, etc? Of course, it is chart and its functions for trading. Protrader 2 provides its customers with all the necessary instruments for a pleasant user experience. You have many useful gadgets directly on the chart for a deeper technical analysis. One of them is overlay function, which enables to lay one graph of the currency pair on the other in order to see correlations between instruments. With the Protrader 2 you are able to see price action of two or more currency pairs simply on one Chart. Also you can custom timeframes and choose between regular or exotic chart types. For active traders there is a one-click order management directly from the chart. In such a way you can easily drag and drop your SL or TP, for example, using no confirmation if you are a scalper or with confirmation if you have any uncertainties about orders modifying. If you have no opportunity to stare at the monitor all the time and watch currencies movement, with Protrader 2 by creating any condition you want to when it is fulfilled you will receive a special message/e-mail or a sound will be played or even a new order/ position will be opened/canceled.
It is important to mention about Order Entry panel. One of them is built-in directly in the chart and it can be hidden when you don’t need it. With this panel traders can make transactions actively, picking the necessary type of order (Market, Limit, Stop, Stop limit, OCO), filling in the number of lots and placing SL or TP. Execution of orders is instant. The complete data about order a trader can see in the separate Order Entry panel: information about the volume of spread, swap and margin.
Additional risk management tool
Without installing additional applications traders have at their disposal a risk management tool – autosizing amount. In such a way it is possible to monitor whether an order is worth opening or no.
For scalpers there is FX board panel where a user has only BUY and SELL buttons at his fingertips for sending instant market orders and information about price’s day high and low is displayed.
A wide range of instruments for a comprehensive technical analysis
For a comprehensive technical analysis a wide range of intelligent instruments is provided. A trader can choose from over 60 system indicators and also he can add his custom indicators. Drawing tools are represented by Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Spirals and many others. Using the Protrader 2 you become a professional trader who opens orders deliberately and effectively.
Algo Studio – a powerful environment for strategies scripting, optimization and back testing
One more advantage of the Protrader 2 should be mentioned here. The platform has a powerful tool for strategies scripting, optimization and back-testing – Algo studio. The most important is that it supports 2 popular languages – C# and MQL4. We know that most of the forex strategies are written in MQL4 and it is very convenient that Algo studio supports this language because a trader won’t waste his time on coding his strategy into the other language for further optimization or back testing.
About Author
Yohay Elam – Founder, Writer and Editor
I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.
Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.
Artículos Relacionados
BigNews. Biz - Sep 25,2009 - The Forex market is a decentralized market which has been historically fragmented. This has resulted in inconsistent trade execution on the part of most brokers since they operate in various capacities. Direct Market Access (DMA) now enables traders to transact their orders directly with sources of liquidity or primarily Interbank participants.
A Forex DMA broker acts in an agency capacity as opposed to being a market maker. The complete transparency of a Forex DMA offers many benefits:
Forex DMA orders are only based on two variables – (1) Price and (2) the time that the order is placed. The result is efficient execution where requotes are rare regardless of the market conditions.
Forex DMA pricing is based on institutional standards of 1/10th of a pip pricing as opposed to Ѕ or 1 pip pricing. Retail brokers typically quote using Ѕ to 1 pip to capture the difference in their favor.
Forex DMA brokers also offer trading anonymity which gives the trader a level playing field.
Unlike traditional brokers that offer fixed spreads, a Forex DMA broker offers variable pricing that reflects the true market conditions in the Interbank Forex market. Brokers that offer fixed spreads are most likely acting in the capacity of a market maker and taking the risk on the client orders. While this is not inherently negative, it reduces transparency and calls into question the order handling process. DMA brokers eliminates this concern.
Until recently, DMA trading has only been available for larger institutions and hedge funds. With a vast improvement in trading technology, DMA can now be accessed by the trading public through the DMA brokers.
Forex DMA via Currenex is offered by Divisa FX which acts in an agency capacity to channel customer orders to 11 top tier banks within the Interbank market.
For more information please visit www. divisafx. com Divisa Capital LP (“DCFX”) is an investment house that provides spot foreign exchange trading services to a diversified client base that ranges from financial institutions through to private individuals.
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AUD/JPY firmer, heading towards 200-DMA?
Forex News
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The AUD/JPY cross received a double booster shot on Easter Monday, with light trading adding to the bullish under tone, driving the rate towards 85.50.
AUD/JPY gains for the 3rd straight session
Currently, the AUD/JPY pair rises 0.64% to 85.45, hovering close to fresh session highs posted at 85.50 last minutes. The bulls tightened the grip on the AUD/JPY cross over the last hours after the rebound in the AUD/USD pair picked-up pace tracking the recovery in the oil and gold prices.
However, further upside remains in check as the USD/JPY rally appears to have taken a pause, as markets await fresh cues from the US PCE index, pending home sales and personal spending data due later in the NY session.
AUD/JPY Technical Levels
To the upside, the next resistance is located at 86 (round number) and above which it could extend gains to 86.54 (200-DMA). To the downside immediate support might be located 85.02/85 (daily low/ round number) below that at 84.67/28 (daily S3/ Mar 24 Low).
The AUD/JPY cross received a double booster shot on Easter Monday, with light trading adding to the bullish under tone, driving the rate towards 85.50. (Market News Provided by FXstreet)
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Anglorand Group is regulated by the JSE Limited (JSE), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX) and the Financial Services Board of SA (FSB). Through its divisions, Anglorand Securities Ltd and Anglorand Futop Ltd. as members of the South African Exchanges (respectively JSE and SAFEX), Anglorand offers a comprehensive broking service in financial derivatives instruments to both private clients and various institutions.
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IG Markets Review
Review on the IG Markets The IG Markets is taken care of in London, it belongs to the IG Group Holdings. This is a worldwide organization discovered in 1974, once it started as an IG Index, thus giving a modern way for the investors to think of the gold price. They have been visible online for 12 years now they are maintaining more than 16 nations and 140,000 vigorous clients across the globe. IG is sanctioned and governed by the Financial Conduct Authority of Australia which is also known as the leading providers of the CFDs as well as Financial range betting across the globe and Uk’s biggest retail forex provider.
There are just two kinds of trading accounts in IG and these are the standard account for the regular traders and the other is the premium account for the high net worth traders. The normal version has a minimum trade of $1 while the maximum choice is $300. They also provide a comprehensive trading solution for companies and entities, these are complete with a user friendly feature and it comes with more than 10,000 markets, straight to access the solutions, transparent charging, tiered margining as well as round the clock technical support system. It also provides the traders with a DMA account. This is fitted for people seeking for a market trade with systems & traders who are seeking for someone to contribute in the pre-market or post marketplace sales.
There is a range of investment tools to select in IG. The traders can easily spread bet or trade CFDs in more than 100,000 markets across the globe. The spreads are similar for the CFDs as well as with the spread betting, excluding that in terms of the shares. The share CFDs come straight with the subject price as well as the focus to a commission. The share spread on the other hand are commission free, but they are typically subject to a spread on the opening &closing of the price bet. On the other hand, the entire cost is just similar for the share spread, bets and share CFDs in a virtual manner. As a forex provider, the IG now offers the low spreads in more than 90 pairs through different original trading platforms.
In terms of the indices, the IG offers good spreads in a wide variety of global indices with just a low margin yet high leverage. The stock index spreads differ from the time of the day. Through the day, the fundamental market hours may differ from the standard and so do with the tightest spreads of around 1pt. The traders can easily pick from more than 6,000 global shares and IG offers spreads at around .1% on spread bets & commissions from .1% on CFDs, but that still depends on the host country for the stock, while the margin starts at 5%.
You must not be gone out by one of the quickest growing financial instruments. IG also provides binary option trading with the timescales from as short as 60 second trades to the monthly timeframes. Commodities like the metals, agricultural and the energies are also included. To sum up the overabundance of various probabilities, the IG makes the markets available for the traders, such as interest rates, sectors, bonds, exchange trades and others. Spread betting platforms
You can use the IG online site without downloading anything at all. The functionality of the website is just so beautiful and helpful to the traders. One of their features is that they have Autochartis, this helps in doing auto monitoring of the markets for you to stay updated with the possible trading probabilities that it foresees. As an alternative, you can also download the app to your mobile device and then be able to use its function anywhere you go.
The FX Empire’s Award Taken
To be able to meet the trading needs of the clients, IG has been separated in terms of the trading platforms into two categories, heart central platforms and so do with specialist platforms.
1. Core platforms
The core platforms were made with mobility in mind particular for those who are always on the go. These central platforms containing the IG’s award winning web based flagship in accordance with the platform, mobile apps that were made for smartphone users and with the handheld devices like tablet apps windows and IOS.
2. Specialist Platforms
IG’s specialist platforms however are made for the well versed traders and those who would like to trade in a professional manner. These dedicated platforms are composed of the level 2 dealer, proRealTime platform and MT4.
If there is enough liquid capital you can also make an initial deposit. Those who can actually prove their value can benefit from the use of a credit account with the firm. This is a good asset, however as with all of the credit in life you can pay an admin fee for the service they rendered. As an alternative, you can also deposit the money for free from the debit card. When you open an account, the new clients will then see and get the free guide that cover certain topics like the financial markets, leverage, margin and trading discipline at the same time. Moreover, for this type of account, there is an account manager that a new client can call to seek for help. The manager can assist you with your concerns about spread betting and how to manage it accordingly.
There is a special offer at the moment, they call it refer a friend which they run on IG. In this offer, you will be given a reward for every friend that you will refer, but the friend must open an account and must at least have 5 spread bets of 1£ for every point of in their first 6 months in the company. Even if it will not give you an instant bonus or boosts close to other sites, the may also end up giving you advantages along the way, particularly if you will refer a lot of people.
License & regulations
The IG group has stated their reviews about the broker and it doesn’t have a similar licensing problems that a lot of the new retail binary options brokers that are presently going through. The IG markets is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is presently controlled by the UK’s FSA.
The IG enables you to fund your account through BPay, Mastercard and Visa. There are the only payment choices that don’t incur a charge, other choices may incur small cost in every transaction. You must also be cautious about the BPAY and that will take a working day for the transaction to clear. In terms of the withdrawals, you can simply withdraw the profits from the IG account by having them paid into the debit or credit card and so do with the EFS
IG was just on top of the list in terms of the instructive gratified that it gives its current and possible clients. You can also seek for anything in their website thus from the technical & the vital information to the historical & live charting as well. Little did it prove to be inadequate for the company that offers a 24/7 customer service and the team is also very much knowledgeable about the matters.
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Algorithmic trading and Direct Market Access (DMA) are important tools helping both buy and sell-side traders to achieve best execution.
This book starts from the ground up to provide detailed explanations of both these techniques:
An introduction to the different types of execution is followed by a review of market microstructure theory. Throughout the book examples from empirical studies bridge the gap between the theory and practice of trading.
Orders are the fundamental building blocks for any strategy. Market, limit, stop, hidden, iceberg, peg, routed and immediate-or-cancel orders are all described with illustrated examples.
Trading algorithms are explained and compared using charts to show potential trading patterns. TWAP, VWAP, Percent of Volume, Minimal Impact, Implementation Shortfall, Adaptive Shortfall, Market On Close and Pairs trading algorithms are all covered, together with common variations.
Transaction costs can have a significant effect on investment returns. An in-depth example shows how these may be broken down into constituents such as market impact, timing risk, spread and opportunity cost and other fees.
Coverage includes all the major asset classes, from equities to fixed income, foreign exchange and derivatives. Detailed overviews for each of the world’s major markets are provided in the appendices.
Order placement and execution tactics are covered in more detail, as well as potential enhancements (such as short-term forecasts), for those interested in the specifics of implementing these strategies. Cutting edge applications such as portfolio and multi-asset trading are also considered, as are handling news and data mining/artificial intelligence.
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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.
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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.
ФРБ Атланта: экономика США покажет прирост в I квартале на 0,6% По оценке ФРБ Атланта экономика США покажет прирост в I квартале на 0,6% против +1,4% в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
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Индекс производственной активности от ФРБ Далласа в марте составил -13,6 Индекс производственной активности от ФРБ Далласа в марте составил -13,6 по сравнению с. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
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Объем незавершенных сделок по продаже жилья в США вырос в более быстром темпе, чем ожидалось Национальная ассоциация риэлторов (NAR) сегодня опубликовала отчет, согласно которому. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
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» 2016-03-28 13:31:00
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» 2016-03-28 13:31:00
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» 2016-03-28 13:31:00
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