Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Becarios De Forex

www. forexfellows. com

Actividad, flujo de actividad, corriente, artículos, últimos días, registro, foro

La URL (Uniform Resource Locator) es la dirección del sitio. La meta-etiqueta de descripción que se encuentra en la sección principal de la página principal. CoolSocial avanzada herramienta de análisis de palabras clave es capaz de detectar y analizar cada palabra clave en cada página de un sitio. Las palabras clave meta-etiqueta se encuentran en la sección principal de la página principal. El título se encuentra en la sección principal de la página principal.

Dominio y servidor

La fecha para forexfellows. com se registró por primera vez. La próxima fecha para forexfellows. com expirará. El propietario generalmente renueva cada año su dominio, pero algunos prefieren comprar más de un año solamente. La dirección IP de un servidor lo identifica. Puede ser único o compartido entre varios sitios. El registro es la autoridad donde se registra forexfellows. com. La edad del dominio es una medida de cuánto es un sitio antiguo. Los sitios antiguos tienen normalmente más importancia y son más dignos de confianza que los jóvenes. La ubicación del servidor especifica dónde se encuentra físicamente.

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Ganando dinero

Después de aprender y crear una cuenta en uno de los corredores globales, ahora sería el momento de disfrutar del beneficio de su conocimiento. Has aprendido bien? Lo ha utilizado correctamente? ¡Así que ganarás mucho dinero!

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Después de ser entrenado, ahora es el momento de experimentar. Crear una cuenta demo y familiarizarse con el mercado real.

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Aprender antes de hacer nada! Si no hay aprendizaje, fallar sería inevitable. Usted puede asistir a nuestros cursos básicos y avanzados gratuitos y en línea.

Análisis de la Web para Forexfellows - forexfellows. com

Búsqueda completa de WHOIS

Nombre de dominio: FOREXFELLOWS. COM URL del registrador: http://www. godaddy. com Nombre del registrante: Registro Organización del registrador privado: Dominios Por Proxy, LLC Servidor de nombres: NS63.DOMAINCONTROL. COM Servidor de nombres: NS64.DOMAINCONTROL. COM DNSSEC: unsigned

Para obtener detalles completos del dominio, visite: http://who. godaddy. com/whoischeck. aspx? domain=FOREXFELLOWS. COM

Los datos contenidos en la base de datos WhoIs de GoDaddy. com, LLC, aunque creídos por la empresa como fiables, se proporcionan "tal cual" sin garantías ni garantías con respecto a su exactitud. Esta información se proporciona con el único propósito de ayudarle a obtener información sobre los registros de registro de nombres de dominio. Cualquier uso de estos datos para cualquier otro propósito está expresamente prohibido sin el permiso previo por escrito de GoDaddy. com, LLC. Al enviar una consulta, usted acepta estos términos de uso y las limitaciones de la garantía. En particular, usted se compromete a no utilizar estos datos para permitir, permitir o de otra manera hacer posible, difundir o recopilar estos datos, en parte o en su totalidad, para cualquier propósito, como la transmisión de publicidad no solicitada y las solicitudes de cualquier Tipo, incluyendo spam. Además, acepta no utilizar estos datos para permitir procesos electrónicos de gran volumen, automatizados o robóticos diseñados para recopilar o compilar estos datos para cualquier propósito, incluyendo la minería de estos datos para sus propios fines personales o comerciales.

Tenga en cuenta: el registrante del nombre de dominio se especifica en la sección "registrante". En la mayoría de los casos, GoDaddy. com, LLC no es el registrante de nombres de dominio enumerados en esta base de datos.

Comentarios / Evaluaciones / Comentarios / Comentarios sobre forexfellows. com

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¡Hola! Los comerciantes de becas,

Quiero compartir mi estrategia de comercio Forex diario sin miedo.

Uso la mayor parte del tiempo 3 veces el marco:

Gráfico diario. Mirando la tendencia del día

Diagrama de 15 minutos. En busca de retroceso 5 minutos gráfico. Para localizar una entrada

Yo comercio en vivo con este sistema sólo un mes, pero tuve buenos resultados. Es por eso que quiero compartir con ustedes. Si tienes sugerencias constructivas puedes compartir en este hilo.

Le daré 2 maneras de entrar en un comercio en el siguiente post: 1- Conservador 2- Agresivo

Deje que Surfing Forex - & copy; 2016

Los mejores comerciantes de divisas a seguir en twitter

Es manejado por el notorio Sir Scam-A-Lot, que capturamos y lo convirtió en el lado bueno. Sería difícil obtener resultados verificados de todos, pero sí el rendimiento con capital vivo debe ser el criterio principal. Siéntase libre de interactuar conmigo aquí, como trato de responder a todo el mundo!

Los mejores comerciantes de divisas a seguir en twitter - lechada de

Por lo tanto, elogios a los que han superado este mono. Él ayuda a los seguidores y tweets interesantes perspectivas del mercado. Lo que lave sobre Anne Marie es que ella lo mantiene real. Yo tengo un

Los mejores comerciantes de divisas a seguir en twitter - tienen

Si usted sigue su alimentación, se dará cuenta de que ella es un comerciante constante y los oficios de día. Un deber-seguir para los comerciantes del oscilación. De hecho, es muy amigo de Howard Lindzon y fue uno de los primeros inversores en StockTwits. Los programas de mentoría de C Squared Trading están diseñados para aquellos que se toman en serio aprender a maximizar su comercio aprendiendo de un experto comerciante en un ambiente en vivo. Sus tweets mejores comerciantes de divisas a seguir en twitter asesoramiento comercial, comentarios, e interactúa mucho con sus seguidores. Ella también es un inversionista y fundador de la puesta en marcha. Además, todos los comentarios son apoyados por chats gratuitos y los videos semanales gratuitos en su blog. Qoption opzioni binarie touchdown app fan de deportes que disfruta de golf y baloncesto universitario. Ella proporciona muchos conocimientos educativos e interactúa con los seguidores. Siga aquí para mantenerse en la cima de las noticias más frescas y más relevantes de comercio de divisas seleccionadas a mano por los comerciantes de divisas! Trader 8 Nathan Michaud Seguidores: 49,100+ Nathan, o tal vez mejor para decir InvestorsLive porque mucha gente lo conoce de su sitio de acción de precio de cambio de divisas el propietario de la mayor sala de chat de acciones. Sus tweets incluyen comentarios y operaciones específicas mezcladas con tweets personales, lo que lo convierte en un gran usuario genuino a seguir. Cualquier noticia, análisis, opinión, cotización de precios mejores comerciantes de divisas para seguir en twitter cualquier otra información contenida en Forex Crunch y permitido contenido reeditado debe ser tomado como comentario general del mercado. También tweets sobre otras cosas. Pero Joel tuvo éxito y enseña a otros a hacer lo mismo. MeetPips es una comunidad de opciones comerciales futuras estrategias de comercio de divisas que desean ser más disciplinado y consistentemente rentable. Tweets proporcionan noticias inmediatas, análisis rápidos, recomendaciones sobre artículos interesantes, un lugar para mostrar las cartas y un lugar para interactuar con compañeros en el mundo de la divisa. Si es así, entonces de los cientos de miles de comerciantes que hay en el Twitterverse, a quién debe seguir? Conclusión Si esperamos que estas cuentas de Twitter le ayuden a comerciar mejor y obtener información sobre el mercado de los comerciantes probados. ¡Mantener el buen trabajo! También creó, que comenzó como una broma, pero luego se volvió viral. Parets es un nativo de Miami ahora con sede en Nueva York que administra dinero para inversionistas de alto valor neto, corporaciones, planes de retiro y fundaciones caritativas. Él tweets noticias de la industria, recomendaciones de bancos y mucho más de su propia y de la twittersfera FX. Si usted sigue su alimentación, se dará cuenta de que ella es un comerciante constante y los oficios de día.

Descargas populares:

Programa de Mentores Forex

1 semana 1 a 1 Entrenamiento Personal: Utilizando el Análisis Técnico Análisis Profesional con los TimeLanes Entendiendo los Ciclos de Precios: Desglose y Rangos Identificando las Oportunidades de Negociación Análisis Cross Currency Trading y Psicología del Trading - mindset Sinopsis completa abajo)

Mentores Incluye

1 Semana de Personal 1 a 1 Entrenamiento con Kashif Guía PDF dedicada Videos acompañados especialmente diseñados 1 AÑO Acceso móvil y de correo electrónico a Kashif GRATIS 1 AÑO Acceso al Salón Profesional GRATIS 1 AÑO Acceso al Software de Cartas Profesional Acceso GRATUITO al comercio EA

Comuníquese con kashif@forextraderscorp. com para obtener más detalles.

Programa de Mentores de Forex con Kashif Aziz

Fundador y director ejecutivo de Forex Traders Corp. Kashif fue fundamental en el desarrollo de la dinámica Fibonacci multi marco de tiempo de gráficos de software y estrategias de negociación. Con más de 10 años de experiencia comercial sus sistemas y software lo han convertido de un humilde Doctor en un comerciante multi millonario. Especializado en estrategias de scalping Kashif está negociando el mercado en busca de oportunidades para hacer pips rápidamente y había desarrollado un estilo único de comercio que ahora enseña.

El programa y el curso del mentor de la divisa es probablemente el servicio más completo del entrenamiento de la divisa disponible. La formación se estructura en torno a un programa de mentor de un año con Kashif. Esto no sólo comienza con una semana de formación de uno a uno y el comercio en vivo, sino también incluye un año de acceso personal a Kashif a través de teléfono móvil (celular), Skype y correo electrónico. Además, para que pueda desarrollar plenamente sus habilidades de negociación, el curso también incluye un acceso de años al software Trade Room y TimeLanes.

Los primeros cuatro días de su 1 a 1 se dedicará a la formación de Forex. Esto incluirá paso a paso, el método completo que Kashif utiliza diariamente para hacer un ingreso comercial significativo y ahora está siendo utilizado por nuestros miembros en todo el mundo para lograr el mismo. Kashif se rompe el Tiger Time Lanes software de comercio de divisas y desbloquear el misterio detrás de la correcta identificación de alta probabilidad, el comercio rentable set-ups, con el objetivo de ayudarle a comercio forex consistentemente hacer convertirte en un comerciante independiente, donde se Ser capaz de detectar las configuraciones y tomar los oficios tan bien como los principales moderadores hacer. El programa de mentores buscará acelerar su proceso de aprendizaje y le ayudará a alcanzar sus metas en Forex. En esencia le dará un conjunto completo de estrategias que puede emplear para el comercio del mercado. La tercera sección será sobre la gestión de cuentas, el concepto de riesgo y lo más importante la psicología comercial.

El último día con Kashif se dedicará a implementar lo que se ha aprendido con una sesión de entrenamiento en vivo donde los oficios se ejecutarán de verdad. El objetivo es que usted convierta la teoría en práctica bajo la guía de los comerciantes profesionales. Después de su semana, se le dará los datos de contacto personal de Kash para que usted consiga tener acceso a él y son capaces de llamar a su consejo cuando usted siente que necesita. Él mismo se registrará con usted semanalmente para asegurarse de que todavía están en camino.


"La ayuda que obtenemos de los moderadores es insuperable, soy un aprendiz lento y el hecho de que los moderadores revisen todo una y otra vez es invaluable para mí, su paciencia es envidiable. Siempre hay que aconsejar que se comparta, sobre el comercio , Corredores y todo tipo de cosas que uno nunca podría descubrir sin el conocimiento de los moderadores que tienen algo de 10-30 años de experiencia comercial. Esto es principalmente un sitio de scalping, pero hay buenas personas aquí que están dispuestos a compartir Sus ideas de comercio a largo plazo también. Lo llamo mi oasis de comercio, que estaba a punto de renunciar al comercio, porque yo era sólo adivinar los oficios (y adivinar mal en su mayoría) The Tiger Lanes y fxtraderscorp me han dado nueva esperanza de convertirse en un full - El estado de ánimo en la sala de operaciones es siempre boyante, siempre hay comentarios, que son, no relacionados con el comercio, que se hacen por todos en la sala (es decir, fútbol de críquet, etc), pero las cosas se vuelven muy graves el momento de un comercio es predominante."

"Estoy completamente satisfecho, tienes un equipo estupendo detrás de ti y están 100% para ayudar a los chicos como yo hacen muy buenas llamadas a la moneda. Aprecio y respeto a todos y cada uno de ustedes. To-gether una plataforma de gerat, tutorial, y he estado con ustedes durante más de 2 años y estaba tan contento cuando empezó fresco.

Sinopsis del curso

El curso de la fundación de forex está diseñado para llevarte de los fundamentos de la divisa, aunque a estar en marcha y funcionando como un comerciante de divisas inmediatamente después del curso. Su objetivo es ayudarle a convertirse en un comerciante rentable, mientras que al mismo tiempo ayudarle a desarrollar una estructura para ejecutar su carrera de comercio de divisas como un negocio. Durante el curso tendrás un mes de acceso GRATUITO a nuestra sala profesional 24 horas. El objetivo es ayudarle a traducir lo que va a aprender en la formación a ser capaz de tomar consistentemente beneficios en cualquier condición del mercado.

El curso en sí está estructurado para ser lo más conveniente posible. Se compone de 10 horas de tutoriales en video acompañados por cinco talleres en línea. El curso cada mes, excluyendo. Se colocará automáticamente en el próximo curso disponible cuyas fechas están disponibles aquí.

El curso dura poco más de 4 semanas. Hay 9 tutoriales en video con cinco acompañantes en vivo, 2HR talleres en línea. En la primera semana habrá dos talleres en vivo, los tres restantes se llevarán a cabo durante las tres semanas siguientes.

El objetivo de los talleres es ser capaz de tomar lo que ha aprendido de las secciones de vídeo y ampliar y desarrollar los temas para que tenga una comprensión más completa de la forma en que el mercado de Forex funciona y ser capaz de aplicar con confianza las habilidades comerciales pertinentes A su comercio. Los talleres están diseñados específicamente para permitirle interactuar con los moderadores y hacer preguntas. Además, habrá guías adicionales de PDF para que pueda consultar de nuevo a diferentes partes como y cuando lo necesite.

Curso Incluye

Diez Horas de Talleres en LIVE en Línea.

Guías dedicadas en PDF para acompañar las sesiones.

Videos de entrenamiento de acompañamiento especialmente diseñados

GRATIS Cuentas Prácticas de $ 50,000

Un mes de acceso a la sala de profesionales

Un mes de acceso a software de gráficos profesionales

Acceso libre al comercio EA

Curso registrado para que tenga un futuro punto de referencia

Programa del curso

Introducirle a la divisa y explicar la estructura del mercado.

Los mecanismos de negociación y el uso de software comercial.

El papel de los tipos de órdenes de corredores y el uso del apalancamiento.

Cómo abordar el comercio de divisas y la importancia de comprender el riesgo.

Un vistazo a las diferentes opciones de análisis comercial que se utilizan para tomar decisiones comerciales básicas.

Una introducción a la cartografía con un estudio en profundidad de la acción de precios.

Utilizar esta información para determinar las configuraciones comerciales, las entradas comerciales y las salidas.

Avanzadas plataformas de gráficos utilizados por los comerciantes profesionales.


"La ayuda que recibimos de los moderadores es insuperable, soy un aprendiz lento y el hecho de que los moderadores repasen todo una y otra vez es invaluable para mí, su paciencia es envidiable. Siempre hay que aconsejar que se comparta, sobre el comercio , Corredores y todo tipo de cosas que uno nunca podría descubrir sin el conocimiento de los moderadores que tienen algo de 10-30 años de experiencia comercial. Esto es principalmente un sitio de scalping, pero hay buenas personas aquí que están dispuestos a compartir Sus ideas de comercio a largo plazo también. Lo llamo mi oasis de comercio, que estaba a punto de renunciar al comercio, porque yo era sólo adivinar los oficios (y adivinar mal en su mayoría) The Tiger Lanes y fxtraderscorp me han dado nueva esperanza de convertirse en un full - El estado de ánimo en la sala de operaciones es siempre boyante, siempre hay comentarios, que son, no relacionados con el comercio, que se hacen por todos en la sala (es decir, fútbol de críquet, etc), pero las cosas se vuelven muy graves el momento de un comercio es predominante."

"Estoy completamente satisfecho, tienes un equipo estupendo detrás de ti y están 100% para ayudar a los chicos como yo hacen muy buenas llamadas a la moneda. Aprecio y respeto a todos y cada uno de ustedes. To-gether una plataforma de gerat, tutorial, y he estado con ustedes durante más de 2 años y estaba tan contento cuando empezó fresco.

La indecisión del mercado y el comercio no hacen buenos compañeros de cama

Otro día duro para el comercio y los movimientos sin tendencia hacen que sea difícil para el comercio

La maldita Fed tiene mucho por qué responder. No quieren alterar los mercados, pero su indecisión tampoco está calmando los mercados. Justo cuando piensas que has cogido un movimiento que gira a la derecha y te muerde en el culo. Hace muy difícil el comercio

Pero, estoy seguro de que hay gente haciendo dinero que demuestra el punto de que hay oportunidades en entre la locura de todos los tipos de comerciantes. La clave es saber cuándo ajustar. Para mí, me gusta distanciarme del ruido a corto plazo a veces. Pesando la escritura aquí y el comercio, si veo demasiado riesgo, me siento en mis manos. Hay siempre otro comercio abajo de la línea

El mercado no espera a ningún hombre sin embargo y hay operaciones a realizar y los niveles de ver

GBPUSD está sentado justo por encima de la parte inferior de la tendencia alcista de septiembre. Eso es en 1.5423

Abajo tenemos los 100 H4 ma en 1.5392, el viejo soporte de mayo de 2010 en 1.5375. El apoyo más fuerte se encuentra en el área 1.5430 / 45

La resistencia suave ahora viene adentro en 1.5460, 1.5480, 1.5500 / 10 y entonces 1.5530

En la cara de que estamos teniendo un riesgo básico de día, así que si dura es desconocido. En dos horas o mañana podríamos recuperar todo. Si no está seguro de qué hacer a continuación, dar un paso atrás. Elija sus niveles y mantenga su paciencia para fin su comercio

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y el análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a los clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, gerentes de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

Cómo ver Touch / Click en cualquier lugar para cerrar

La información contenida en es sólo para propósitos de información general. La información es proporcionada por y mientras nos esforzamos por mantener la información actualizada y correcta, no hacemos representaciones o garantías de ningún tipo, expresa o implícita, sobre la integridad, exactitud, fiabilidad, idoneidad o disponibilidad con respecto a la información , Productos, servicios o gráficos relacionados contenidos en cualquier propósito. Cualquier confianza que usted deposite en dicha información es, por lo tanto, estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo.

En ningún caso seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, pérdida o daño indirecto o consecuencial, o cualquier pérdida o daño que se derive de la pérdida de datos o beneficios derivados de, o en conexión con el uso de.

A través de usted es capaz de vincular a otros sitios web que no están bajo el control de. No tenemos control sobre la naturaleza, el contenido y la disponibilidad de esos sitios. La inclusión de cualquier enlace no implica necesariamente una recomendación o endosa las opiniones expresadas en ellos.

Todos los esfuerzos se hacen para mantener y funcionar sin problemas. Sin embargo, no asume ninguna responsabilidad por, y no será responsable por, estar temporalmente no disponible debido a problemas técnicos fuera de nuestro control.

Comparta esto entre sus compañeros de amor:

Quién soy?

Hola, este es William S. Ohara de Quakertown. Llegué a saber sobre el software (forex Indicator Predictor software) cuando estaba cansado de mis pérdidas en el comercio de moneda y. Por último, compré el impresionante sistema "forex Indicator Predictor" después de que me convenció mi mejor amigo sobre la fiabilidad del software, forex Indicador Predictor de software, para obtener beneficios. Ha pasado más de un año, no sólo he aprendido las tácticas utilizadas en los mercados financieros, sino que ahora han comenzado a enseñar a otros juniors también. Esto no habría sido posible sin el apoyo de la divisa Indicador Predictor revisiones, cuya constante PIPs y la orientación me ayudó a convertirse en un experto en el comercio de divisas.

Copyright © 2014 Forex Indicator Predictor Todos los derechos reservados.

RAPS busca solicitudes para becarios 2016

24/03/2016 | 02:38 pm EE. UU. / Este

ROCKVILLE, Maryland, 24 de marzo de 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - La Sociedad de Profesionales de Asuntos Regulatorios (RAPS) está buscando solicitudes para la clase 2016 de RAPS Fellows. Ser nombrado becario RAPS es un logro único y excepcional dentro de la profesión reguladora. Desde 2008, el programa RAPS Fellows ha reconocido a profesionales de alto nivel de regulación para continuar contribuciones significativas a la profesión de regulación global y liderazgo en su avance.

"La selección como becaria RAPS es un honor y un importante reconocimiento de aquellas personas que han contribuido a la creciente relevancia de nuestra profesión", dijo Sue Stewart, presidenta del Comité de Selección de Becas, presidente de Stewart Regulatory Consulting LLC. "Al atraer a estos miembros de RAPS a los Fellows, buscamos aprovechar esta experiencia en formas que beneficien a la comunidad reguladora más amplia".

Los becados 2016 serán honrados durante la conferencia de Convergencia Regulatoria de RAPS que tendrá lugar el 17 y 20 de septiembre en San José, CA, EE. UU.

Los becarios vienen de una variedad de fondos y representan muchos aspectos diferentes dentro de la comunidad reguladora mundial diversa, incluyendo aquellos que trabajan en industria, gobierno, academia, investigación y organizaciones clínicas, y otros ajustes. Independientemente de los antecedentes, todos comparten una dedicación persistente a la excelencia regulatoria. Para obtener más información sobre el programa Fellows, visite http://www. raps. org/fellows.

Además de ser honrados durante la Convergencia Regulatoria, los becarios tendrán derecho a la designación FRAPS. También pueden ser invitados a participar en el diálogo estratégico, la ejecución de iniciativas especiales, los programas internacionales y otras actividades de alto nivel del RAPS.

Las solicitudes de becas para 2016 serán debidas a RAPS aproximadamente el 26 de mayo. Para solicitarlo, visite http://www. raps. org/network-community/fellows/application.

Acerca de RAPS La Sociedad de Profesionales de Asuntos Regulatorios (RAPS) es la organización global más grande de y para aquellos involucrados en la regulación de la salud y productos relacionados, incluyendo dispositivos médicos, productos farmacéuticos, biológicos y productos nutricionales. Fundada en 1976, RAPS ayudó a establecer la profesión reguladora y continúa apoyando activamente al profesional y dirigiendo la profesión como una organización sin fines de lucro, neutral y sin presión. RAPS ofrece educación y capacitación, estándares profesionales, publicaciones, investigación, intercambio de conocimientos, creación de redes, oportunidades de desarrollo profesional y otros recursos valiosos, incluyendo la Certificación de Asuntos Regulatorios (RAC), la única credencial profesional post-académica para reconocer la excelencia regulatoria. RAPS tiene su sede en los suburbios de Washington, DC, con oficinas en Shanghai y Singapur, y capítulos y afiliados en todo el mundo. http://www. RAPS. org

Suscripción a Mimic Trader

Paquete Mimic Trader

Si ha estado buscando un método automatizado para beneficiarse de FX Trading. Pero requeriría los ojos de profesionales experimentados para hacer el trabajo para usted, entonces usted ha venido al lugar correcto! Hemos servido sobre millares de comerciantes de la divisa con constantemente sobre 500 pips cada mes, sin esfuerzo en su extremo cualesquiera debido al paquete del comerciante de la mímica. Comience hoy, y presencie los dramáticos cambios en sus potenciales beneficios!

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Apenas en caso de que usted esté publicando mi revisión, me gustaría decir a los becarios que leen esto que, vice de la divisa es el mejor proveedor de las señales de la divisa abajo. Las señales llegan a tiempo todo el tiempo, y el comercio es 100% automatizado de nuestro lado si está tomando el paquete Mimic Trader & # 8221 ;, y eso es. Todo por un precio asequible de $ 250 solamente. Así que si no estás exactamente haciendo ganancias, prueba a estos chicos, querrás agradecerme más tarde.

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Frank Stahr Ingeniero

Hola. Me gustaría aumentar el rendimiento de esta EA. Hace mucho tiempo hubo sistema OZFXDAILY. Creo que alguien recuerda esta estrategia manual. Así que entonces fue construido EA llamado OZFX DIARIO no recuerdo exactamente el nombre de este EA. Así que recuerdo claramente el MM allí. Estaban reduciendo los beneficios paso a paso. Por ejemplo, aquí hemos fijado TP y SL es bueno, pero a veces se pierde mucho pips. Por ejemplo, si usted rewiev actual GOLD captura de pantalla. Hay bastante gran cantidad de pips desaparecidos si tomamos sólo 20 pips TP. Así que me gustaría que el programmist eche un vistazo a esto. Por ejemplo podemos hacer el nivel de TP por ejemplo 5 veces. Así que aquí es como lo hacemos: LEts comercio 1 standart lote. Tendremos 5 pasos de TP. Así que 1 porción divide de 4 será 0.2

1. TP - 20 pips y ea toma el primer lote 0.2 e inmediatamente pone BE +1.

2. 40 - pips lote 0.2 cerrado en el beneficio.

3. 60 - pips lote 0.2 cerrado en el beneficio.

4 y 5 dejó lotes será 0.4 va por arrastre.

Así que aquí vamos a aumentar el rendimiento por lo que el primer día ea tomó 20 pips y va a BE +1, entonces puede ser ea tomará 20 pips y par de moscas en nuestra dirección para que podamos tomar ya más pips. Espero que esto esté claro.


No juego este EA en vivo, sólo el Test de Estrategia. Pero los resultados son buenos, y EA puede ser rentable. TP y SL es la clave para esta EA. En GOLD este sistema parece loco, lo sé, pero en GBP / USD se ve bien. Cable es el mejor par para el sistema de Breakout Diario.

DB EA y GBP / USD es increíblemente simple y rentable. Y esto es hacer que este sistema interesante. Cero indicadores, cero nada. Mantenlo simple. I los parámetros de ajuste y puede ir a Live / 0.01 mucho. Prueba real de un mes.

Última edición por macwys; 13-04-2009, 12:52.


Es mejor esperar hasta que el programador compruebe mi idea para su ea y luego probarlo de nuevo y hacer sugerencia.


Pero, dónde está programmist.


Primajaya, qué hace la configuración del 'rangepoint'. Gracias


Hola. Me gustaría aumentar el rendimiento de esta EA. Hace mucho tiempo hubo sistema OZFXDAILY. Creo que alguien recuerda esta estrategia manual. Así que entonces fue construido EA llamado OZFX DIARIO no recuerdo exactamente el nombre de este EA. Así que recuerdo claramente el MM allí. Estaban reduciendo los beneficios paso a paso. Por ejemplo, aquí hemos fijado TP y SL es bueno, pero a veces se pierde mucho pips. Por ejemplo, si usted rewiev actual GOLD captura de pantalla. Hay bastante gran cantidad de pips desaparecidos si tomamos sólo 20 pips TP. Así que me gustaría que el programmist eche un vistazo a esto. Por ejemplo podemos hacer el nivel de TP por ejemplo 5 veces. Así que aquí es como lo hacemos: LEts comercio 1 standart lote. Tendremos 5 pasos de TP. Así que 1 porción divide de 4 será 0.2

1. TP - 20 pips y ea toma el primer lote 0.2 e inmediatamente pone BE +1.

2. 40 - pips lote 0.2 cerrado en el beneficio.

3. 60 - pips lote 0.2 cerrado en el beneficio.

4 y 5 dejó lotes será 0.4 va por arrastre.

Así que aquí vamos a aumentar el rendimiento por lo que el primer día ea tomó 20 pips y va a ser +1, entonces puede ser ea tomará 20 pips y par de moscas en nuestra dirección para que podamos tomar ya más pips. Espero que esto esté claro.

Hi stace. He modificado la EA, Tal vez no soy un codificador maldita buena, pero espero que aumente el rendimiento como dijo antes

Primajaya, qué hace la configuración del 'rangepoint'. Gracias

En realidad, puede usar esta EA de TF M15 a TF diaria, pero cuando usa esta EA en Período inferior, puede encontrar que Alta y Baja de barra previos es menor que nivel de parada, por lo que la EA no puede enviar orden de detención. Debido a eso, si la distancia de alto y bajo es menor que el nivel de altura, haremos el ajuste para la distancia utilizando el punto de alcance

Espero que ayude Pj,

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Understanding Online Forex Trading

On August 23, 2011

Foreign exchange (forex) currency trading, the largest financial market in the world, requires a minimum of capital to invest and the profits can be substantial. Once you have learned the basics of forex, you're on the way to making money through the internet.

While looking at the most successful Forex traders, the success depends on the effective Forex trading system that has proven time to be profitable for them. However, you have to know how to choose the best Forex trading system that will suit you the best, especially when the internet is full of false claims and different scammers.

The forex market is the largest financial market in the world. The volumes traded here are very high with trillions of dollars being recorded in daily trades. Currencies of various countries are traded in this market which is active 24 hours a day. In fact, there will be a description of what the Forex trading system will be like as well as how exactly it functions. You have to know that in fact, it could need some experience before you can comment on the logic that the Forex trading system has.

In forex trades, it is important to understand what selling and buying a currency pair actually represents. In our currency pair, ‘buying’ means purchasing dollars in exchange for yens while ‘selling’ means, paying for yens with dollars.

Every transaction needs a buyer and a seller. Similarly, every transaction needs a sale price and a purchase price. In forex trade, these are called bid and ask. The bid price is the price that you will get from the market if you sell your base currency and the ask price is what you can buy the same currency from the market for. As there is no exchange, it is the dealer who will be quoting bid or ask prices for your currency pair.

Nowadays, there are more sophisticated and high-tech ways to do forex trading rather than selling currencies to your friends and fellows. You can open an account with a forex broker and start fx trading online - from any place in the world, with tens or hundreds of different currencies!

A simple time delay in buying and selling may cause a row of losses in a manual system and thus cause the trader immense frustration. Automated Forex trading allows trade to be conducted anywhere in the world, in real time, and eliminates the losses seen in manual systems. A huge amount of money is traded each day in the Forex market; compared with these high volumes, the amount invested by an individual trader may be very low. No one individually can have any influence on the Forex fluctuations, not even the government. So it can easily be concluded that the level of the currency reflects the strength or the weakness of the economy of a country. This makes the Forex market a good place for competition. In Forex, you can make huge sums of money even if your initial investment is on a lower side. You can invest as little as $50,000. Rich people have no upper cap to the amount of investment. So remember that even with a nominal investment, the earning ability is undoubtedly very huge.

Patrick is an expert forex trader! in Kenya. The available guides and resources on 27forextradingrules. com are here to help you as you learn more about forex trading rules. For more information please contact us at - 27forextradingrules

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Laura Olmedilla Copyright В© 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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Renowned and reputed online forex broker XTrade ensures to offer traders one of the best forex trading experiences on its platform.

The broker, which is regulated and licensed by a number of European regulatory bodies such as MiFID and CySEC, believes in offering the best forex trading portfolio to all its clients – small and major. Its range of instruments, therefore, is mixed up of all major, minor and exotic forex trading pairs. They include: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, as well as NOK/JPY, SEK/JPY and many others.

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The post Get the Best of Forex Trading only at XTrade appeared first on NEWSBTC.

The bitcoin price volatility is still a concerning aspect of the digital currency. There are many options to avoid being exposed to the risk that such volatility entails and Forex has been one of the preferred options of many Bitcoin holders so far.

Many bitcoin users have been adopting the foreign currency exchange trading as a safe haven and protection against volatility and at the same time, they are trading and earning dividends.

When it comes to Forex exchanges, you need to pay close attention to what broker you choose. You will need to choose a professional, secure and trusted broker. Trade24 is all of that and much more; the company committed to offers complete honesty and transparency for its customers. Trade24 is a UK-based Broker that provides high-quality service for forex and CFD trading.

The Trade24 professional platform enables customers to trade a variety of foreign currencies, stocks, and commodities at very low fees. The company offers a set of technical analysis tools and a variety of trading instruments, such as High Liquidity, Low Transactional Cost, Margin Trading/ Leverage, etc. Traders can use advanced trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4, SIRIX and Webtrader. The company also offers incredible software for android platform and IOS with access to markets 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Trade24 is an extremely user-friendly. Newcomers can visit the site to become familiar with trading concepts that will help them when doing their biddings. Besides, the site also offers newbies to learn about the different types of accounts, futures market, forex signals, and most important of all, to learn about the risks associated with trading and how to avoid them.

Trade24 is used for more than 140,000 of traders all around the world and every day new traders are joining in! Visit the site now to open a Demo account and start trading!

The post Trade24 – Invest in Forex and protect yourself from Bitcoin Volatility appeared first on NEWSBTC.

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Directors From AIG, Citigroup, Cummins, Family Dollar Stores, and Parker Hannifin Become NACD Fellows in Q4 2015

WASHINGTON, March 02, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) today announced the names of 104 corporate directors who earned NACD Fellowship™—The Gold Standard Director Credential—during the fourth quarter of 2015. These directors serve on the boards of such companies as AIG Investments, Angie’s List Inc. Cardtronics Inc. Citigroup Global Wealth Management, Cubic Corp. Cummins Inc. Delta Dental, Denny’s Corp. Dover Corp. E*Trade Financial Corp. Family Dollar Stores Inc. NorthWestern Corp. Parker Hannifin Corp. SunPower Corp. WPX Energy Inc. Yamana Gold Inc. and on the boards of other Fortune 100, nonprofit, and private companies.

NACD Fellowship is a comprehensive and continuous program of study that empowers directors with the latest insights, intelligence, and leading boardroom practices. NACD Fellows, who earn and maintain this distinguished director credential, stand within the highest echelon of those committed to excellence in the boardroom and are recognized by investors, regulators, and peers as gold standard directors.

“The focus on directors’ credentials will only become more intense as the efforts to improve corporate governance continue,” said Jim Brady, former director of Constellation Energy Group Inc. McCormick & Co. Inc. and T. Rowe Price Group Inc. “NACD Fellow status is a differentiating factor that governance constituencies highly value.”

Anne Sheehan, director of corporate governance at CalSTRS, concurred from an investor’s standpoint: “America needs well-rounded directors who are sensitive to public company shareowners, and who can clearly demonstrate their value on proxy disclosures. I always look forward to meeting NACD Fellows.”

The NACD Fellowship community is backed by more than 35 years of authoritative research and represents the combined knowledge capital of hundreds of the world’s largest and most-diverse companies.

“Directors who choose to enhance their skills and acumen by becoming NACD Fellows demonstrate to company management, shareholders, and their peers a desire to perform their fiduciary duties to the best of their abilities,” said ;Ken Daly. CEO of NACD. “I am pleased to recognize these distinguished leaders, who are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of governance.”

The new cadre of NACD Fellows includes 33 Board Leadership Fellows and 71 Governance Fellows, whose boards span a wide range of industries: agriculture, banking, computer software, energy and utilities, engineering, fast casual restaurants, financial services, healthcare, higher education, information technology, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, retail, transportation, telecommunications, and more.

Individuals Named NACD Board Leadership Fellows, Q4 2015

For more information about NACD Fellowship, visit NACDonline. org/Fellowship or contact Meghan Metzbower at Fellowship@NACDonline. org or 202-803-6764.

The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) helps more than 17,000 directors to lead with confidence. As the recognized authority on leading boardroom practices, NACD aspires to a world where businesses are sustainable, profitable, and respected, and where stakeholders trust directors to develop strategies that create long-term value and provide effective oversight. World-class boards join NACD to elevate performance, gain foresight, and instill confidence. Fostering collaboration among directors, investors, and governance stakeholders, NACD has been shaping the future of board leadership for more than 35 years. To learn more about NACD, visit ;www. NACDonline. org. To become an NACD member, please contact Steve Kalan at Join@NACDonline. org or 202-572-2089. If you are already a member, contact your Concierge at Concierge@NACDonline. org ;to ensure that you are receiving the best value from your membership.

About Nasdaq NewsFeed

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Risk Disclaimer - By using this web site you agree to its terms and conditions. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Forex (or FX or off-exchange foreign currency futures and options) trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The value of currencies may fluctuate and investors may lose all or more than their original investments. Risks also include, but are not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price and/or liquidity of a currency. The impact of seasonal and geopolitical events is already factored into market prices. The leveraged nature of FX trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds and such may work against you as well as for you. Past results are no indication of future performance. Information contained this web site is intended for informational purposes only and was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. De ningún modo la información está garantizada. Ninguna garantía de ningún tipo está implícita o es posible cuando se intentan proyecciones de condiciones futuras.

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Hello fellows traders and programmers,

I am doing my thesis in Identifying automated Forex trading challenges and provide possible solution to overcome them. Can you be helpful for me and provide challenges and possible solution in this topic? Do you have a link to a useful information, I will appreciate your help. I have tried to search, but didn't find a document that make inventory of thiese. We can give them on economy, forex trader, mathematics, computer science & engineering point of view.

Thank you again

What do you mean: forex trading challenges? Why people are trading?

newdigital : What do you mean: forex trading challenges? Why people are trading?

Automated Forex Trading challenges in other words is problems related to robots when trying to fulfil trading expectations. What are problems encountered by and EA and how does the trader or programmer solve them.


Using all four recommended pairs

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Las operaciones de futuros y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Como se indicó anteriormente, los resultados comerciales simulados en las cuentas de demostración pueden ser inexactos y engañosos, ya que pueden no reflejar los resultados reales que el usuario vería en una cuenta real (utilizando dinero real). Por ejemplo, las cuentas de demostración no pueden reflejar factores tales como el "deslizamiento" de la ejecución del comercio, que ocurre en las cuentas de dinero real, pero no en las cuentas de demostración. El deslizamiento es la diferencia entre el precio esperado de un comercio (precio de mercado), y el precio que el comercio realmente se ejecuta en. El deslizamiento ocurre a menudo durante períodos de mayor volatilidad cuando se usan órdenes de mercado, y también cuando se ejecutan órdenes más grandes cuando puede no haber suficiente interés al nivel de precio deseado para mantener el precio esperado del comercio (conocida como "falta de liquidez" . Estos tipos de factores adversos deben tratarse en una cuenta de dinero real, pero normalmente no se reflejan en un entorno de cuenta de demostración. Por lo tanto, es totalmente posible que un robot de comercio muestra beneficios en una cuenta demo, pero tiene un desempeño pobre en una cuenta de dinero real. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, todos los resultados de negociación mostrados en este sitio son de cuentas de demostración.

Al usar este sitio, usted acepta y acepta nuestros Términos de uso.

DIVULGACIÓN DE CONEXIONES MATERIALES: Harmony Forex, LLC, el propietario / operador de BestForexRobots. net, tiene una relación de afiliado y / o otra conexión material a los proveedores de bienes y servicios mencionados en este sitio y puede ser compensado al comprar o utilizar Los servicios de un proveedor.

Last week’s article generated a lot of interests and uproar. I received many mails on my calculation of 240 per cent annual return on an investment of N400,000 ($2,500). For those who claim it is high-risk or a tall order, please find below my analysis based on the assumptions that.

January 17, 2013

Last week’s topic was an eye opener for opportunities that abound in online forex trading to all and sundry who desire to go into it.  This week dwells on those who are already entrenched and are making a living or fortunes out of it. This will convince doubtful fellows who do not believe in the reality of the business.

The saying goes that if you think education is expensive, try ignorance (or illiteracy). A comparison of the two will put you in one state or the other. But what is education meant to achieve and at what cost? And what is the worth of quality education in forex trading?

In nearly every facet of life, there are rules. Rules, laws, commandments, principles and what name you can give it are meant to be obeyed. In obeisance there are rewards even greater ones if truly one keeps to the tenets

Risk Disclosure Trading Foreign Exchange (FX) and Contract for Differences (CFD) on margin is highly speculative, it carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to trade on margin and/or invest in FX or CFDs you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some and/or all of your initial deposit(s) and/or investment(s) and may be required to deposit additional funds, therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You therefore should be aware of all of the risks associated with trading FX and CFD and not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with FX and CFD trading and seek advice and/or consultation from an independent financial advisor if you have any questions and you are in need of further clarification.

Copyright В© 2013 Kards Nigeria Limited. Todos los derechos reservados. | Website by CITITECH

what questions do on forex part 2/2

How do I make a good plan for achieving the goals and aspirations?

If you have once defined what you want to achieve, it is time to develop a solid plan to achieve the objectives. Preferably, the plan should be a good structure, time window and step-by-step sequences contain. But even a mediocre elaborated plan is a good start. The further development is afterwards always possible and first actions can already be tackled, even if not everything is planned to the end.

How should a good plan exist?

Basically, the plan of a well-structured to-do list must exist. It would be helpful if notes are made, why the tasks defined is so important to reach the final destination or several smaller goals.

Actions can be of different types. First brainstorm is very helpful.

What books I want to read?

What daily routines, I would like to integrate into my daily routine from now? *

What skills do I need to learn in order to achieve my goal?

What I want to meet people?

What income I want to achieve in what time frame?

* To integrate habits in daily life, the app lift (available for Android and iPhone) helped me a lot. The app is free and I can highly recommend.

I myself have some lists of things that are necessary in order to achieve certain goals – for example to improve my trading or to create a better balance between work and private life.

When it comes to trading, I recommend to put the targets as clearly as possible so that you can measure its success. This may for example be a simple financial plan with the expected monthly profit. Especially in the area of finance, it makes sense to play through many possible scenarios. So you can, no matter what happens, well prepared to be humble circumstances. To find out about what questions you can worry I like to use the websites or www. gutefrage. net www. finanzfrage. net.

Also, I am aware that, ultimately, perhaps not all things that are in these lists useful. But that’s OK, and once I identify something as no longer relevant or counterproductive, I stroke it from the appropriate list.

Set priorities is extremely important here!

If I personally look at my old notes in recent years and the time when I started to get interested in trading, I can only smile. My plans and execution have become much better over time, although not perfect – but that’s not necessary at all.

Here is an interesting quote: You know that you’re on the right track, if you are not interested in looking back.

Professional traders it does not matter what mistakes you have made a few minutes ago or yesterday. Important to learn only from our mistakes and what steps can be tackled next.

What comes first.

After the list of actions and steps has reached a good length, the tasks need to be prioritized. Not everything is of equal importance and therefore you should arrange your list follows.

What actions bring my goal fastest closer?

For what actions I have already ausreichendFähigkeiten?

For what actions I need more resources?

Some of the things on your list are certainly no resource necessary and you can perform without help from others. When it comes to reading a book, go a few times eating out less to save money together and do not use the evening sprinkler watching television. Use your time effectively in order to get your objective quickly approach ing through quality actions.

Read your list of to-do several times a day in order to maintain focus and to concentrate on the things that are really important for your trading.

Believe firmly to your plan and in yourself?

That you agree, certainly, when I say that the success and the achievement of the target fails with a high probability, as long as one is not firmly convinced that we can achieve the set goals. So it is with the skills in trading.

I myself have had many trading plans developed and describe in minute detail the conditions under which I open a trade or close and many other things. But ultimately I think you have to be very flexible as a trader and willing to change his plans when prove tactics and beliefs not as profitable or even simply false.

If you do not believe in your plan, who will?

If you do not believe in yourself, who will?

I do not mean to say that it is not desirable or can be beneficial if other people believe in their own visions and supportive stand behind one. One should, however, this does not expect from others and only one direction in life take, such as a Forex trader will, if this is also supported by the fellows ‘allowed’ review and approval.

Take action? In the direction of your dreams

Even if there is a plan, it does not mean that this leads to the goal. You can have the necessary steps to achieve the goals no matter how well drafted. But without action, there is no no success is set.

Why not act so many people and operate the necessary expenses of your trading goals?

On this question there are many answers. But the most common reasons are probably the fear of failure and thus whether the defined steps actually lead and the concern in the required time to the destination.

That could mean, for example, that you are standing in front of family or friends and like an idiot, because you might looks as if you’re wasting his time with things that eh have no perspective in their eyes.

There are two ways to fail:

Failure by limiting beliefs and fear

Failure by action and effort

If you tend to be afraid of things that are irrelevant or may never happen, you have actually already failed before you’ve even started. Under the influence of anxiety and fear a person can develop his abilities very poorly.

It is far better to fail to a project after it has left no stone unturned. Only by trying to achieve the goal, we gained valuable experience that can be used effectively in a 2nd attempt or in another project.

What’s the solution to this problem?

The change in attitude towards the mistakes committed in the past and that could possibly be done in the future.

One should not identify with the mistakes of the past, but only with what we have learned from you.

If one perceives errors and only as a temporary and mainly interesting experiences. Experience because you can change at any time and do things differently than the day before. So you can draw a lesson from the experience and continue tomorrow with another, or slightly different approach .

So act as wise as possible, and above all without fear of the temporary consequences. Focus your energy on the plan and the steps themselves and avoid it to continually focus on the result of your actions.

If you want, for example, bring a trading account to the value of 50,000 or 100,000, it does not make sense to think all the time about the things you can buy with the money, or what happens when you might not reach the value for the requested period. What is needed is a different way of thinking and quality actions on the way to goal.

Steps 5 to 7 follow as soon as possible …

Terence Gugulethu Sibiya

Occupation: Professional field

Occupational Position: Director, Head of Foreign Exchange Sales Standard Bank Limited


Professional History

Terence is a director in the Global Markets Division at Standard Bank Head Office in Johannesburg. As head of the Foreign Exchange Sales team, his primary responsibility is managing the forex sales to corporates, institutions, and the branch network. While his focus is predominantly on South Africa he also looks after inter Africa sales. Until recently Terence was a director in the Equity Investments Division of Standard Bank as Head of the Strategic Equity Investments team, his primary responsibility was Private Equity & Black Economic Empowerment financing for the Corporate and Investment Bank. With a very strong drive to make a difference in the broader economy, Dr. Sibiya has also recently served as Aurora Associates International Inc.


Masters and Doctorate in Instructional Systems Design and Information Technology from University of Pittsburgh (USA) BSc degree in Information and Decision Systems from Carnegie Mellon University (USA).


2007 Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow

Forex Robot Audits – Discovering Computerized Forex Signals

Forex Robot Audits – Discovering Computerized Forex Signals

Forex Robot Audits – Discovering Computerized Forex Signals

As every day passes, you appear to hear more about the forex market. With its prominence, you are seeing more forex surveys for diverse method advancements. One of the more noticeable ones that are being evaluated are mechanized forex exchanging. These forex signs are created by robots or forex programming that ready you to both purchase and offer methods.

Trust it or not, mechanized forex signs appear to be getting the main part of the press in this continually extending business sector. Sadly, a ton of the press they appear to be getting is a negative tilt and that is not really a reasonable portrayal of this forex exchanging programming.

These signs appeared to be getting lumped into the same classification of these fellows that are offering the get rich fast plans for getting land for nothing and things like note buying. Why might anybody need to put out significant data like this in the event that they were really making a benefit with it themselves? It is just ordinary to reason that having more individuals in on exchanges would mean less benefit as the business sector would make up for lost time with the circumstance much speedier and there would be to a lesser extent a benefit window.

Likewise with any business, where there is authenticity, there are individuals hoping to take point of preference and take advantage of speedy buck. There are really a few forex exchanging signs accessible that are great. The issue originates from these fleeting fellows why should attempting make a speedy buck and not testing their signs enough before putting them out available.

Some of these “forex autopilot” sites make some fake cases, use whimsical representation and the before you know it, they are the most famous item available. At the point when organizations like this produces unsuccessful exchanges, the whole specialty gets hit with a name of being a misrepresentation despite the fact that there are really some demonstrated models in presence.

On the other hand, regardless of how great the forex signs are, you ought to never depend on one and only apparatus to choose when and how you exchange. You ought to be taking a gander at a few way out and passageway techniques alongside adding to your own sound model for exchanging. Assembling these can create a productive forex exchanging framework.

As you are looking at changed mechanized forex exchanging frameworks, remember that the ideal framework to create a benefit every single time does not exist. On the off chance that it did Free Reproduction Articles, everybody would have it and everybody would be making huge amounts of money. You need to have a strong venture arrange and use these signs as an approach to make you mindful of circumstances. Nobody individual if reliable nor is a forex exchanging framework. Discover one that can be fused into your own particular framework well and you will turn into a fruitful merchant.

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Disclaimer: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess to your investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. FXCM will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

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Make money from blog!

Today a plenty of Internet resources offer running own blogs not only speaking about Forex, but other life aspects as well. Blog allows you to express opinion in the global net and find a huge number of people who share your point of view or take the opposite position, in contrast. However, the blog comes as a facility for sharing your own readings and seeking like-minded fellows, as well as for exerting an extra profit.

MT5 Portal blogs are no exception. Every user has an opportunity to start up own blog making public his opinion on all happening within Forex world. You will be able to discuss and have access to other traders’ comments operating in the financial markets and in addition – earn money.

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6 Responses to Make money from blog!

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Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 terminales. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.

Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.

Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Diálogo con corredores y comerciantes (sobre corredores). Si tiene experiencia negativa o positiva de trabajo con Forex broker & ndash; Compartirlo en Forex Forum, relacionado con las cuestiones de la calidad del servicio de Forex. Usted puede dejar un comentario sobre su corredor que dice sobre ventajas o desventajas de trabajo en Forex con él. Las revisiones de corredores de los comerciantes agregados constituyen una calificación. En esta calificación se puede ver a los líderes y forasteros del mercado de servicios de Forex.

Free discussions at the Forex Forum mt5.com You are a trader and want to relax? Entonces Foro de Forex para las discusiones libres es para usted. No hay duda de que la conversación sobre temas cercanos al mercado Forex es preferencial. Aquí encontrará bromas acerca de los comerciantes, la caricatura de los corredores de Forex y Forex de tasa completa fuera de la parte superior.

Bonuses for communication at Forex Forum mt5.com This forum is created by traders for traders and is meant for deriving of profit. Sin embargo, cada post en el foro de Forex le da a su autor un bono de divisas. Que puede ser utilizado en el comercio de Forex en la cuenta abierta con uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Este pequeño regalo se presenta con el objetivo de recompensar a los comerciantes profesionales por pasar tiempo en nuestro foro.

Agradecemos su elección de Forex foro mt5.com como una plataforma para la comunicación.

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Forex trading signals that many traders use are selected through studying a chart containing useful forex trading indicators. These indicators work best if a selective approach is used by the trader to build a trading system that is unique from all others.

Forex trading signals provides clearly explained technical indicators to the traders. These signals pertains to price actions which set off either the market entry or market exit, or set off adjustments in any intra-trade types.

A precise mathematical formula being applied to the prices refers to technical indicators. It also displays the intervals of time within the selected periods of prices. So, the charts contain information about technical indicators as well as the prices in the different intervals of time. The data in these charts are always updated depending on its type. Take for instance, a one-minute chart is being updated every after one minute while a sixty-minute chart is updated every after one hour.

If you have understood these intervals and its effects on the technical indicators, then you can start finding the forex trading signals appropriate for you before entering the market.

Potential traders are always looking for easy and clear technical signals. It indicates the right time when a particular trader should enter the market. Remember that forex trading signals are based on a specified chart interval. It is helpful for traders to always observe the chart before entering the market. They can also have an option to use these signals basing from one or more intervals of time to build any entry signal.

If ever you have identified the trade through entry signals, then concentrate next on your exit plans. As a trader, you always have the options of limit exits, exit signals, trailing stops, or fixed stops on the trade.

The trader can also use the forex trading signals when entering a trade to attempt in capturing a reversal. Take for example, if a short swing of a currency pair occurs, you will then capture it earlier as possible because you can accumulate better profit when the swing turns long. This is called the turning points which are excellent signals for market entry and market exits of shorter trades.

Normally, limit exits are preferred by most traders. They are frequently trading using higher percentage, however for only lower pips. Another alternative view that is possible is to use the signals for managing market exits. The signals should be conservative but the exit signals should capture real moves rather than exit limits.

It will be the trader’s personal decision on what type of signals he is going to use. The trader should be committed on whatever decision he has made. The technical indicators should be studied well to learn everything about it. It will help you select the best signals which will work best to your advantage.

These signals can be merged. It can also be implemented along with some parameters for improving its performance and reducing the danger of wrong moves. Take note, forex trading signals are characterized as unique market aspects. Using different signal varieties will provide a good system of balances and checks. It enables the traders to anticipate the market movements and conditions before making their trading decision.

Keep in mind that trading forex is difficult especially if it is done only as part-time. It could be easier if you are using your computer twenty four hours each day. Many independent companies and forex brokers have created trading systems which provide forex signals to its users to know when to sell and buy. The trade executions could be very simple. You can just make a phone call or press a button.

Remember, forex trading signals are operating using a mathematical formula. The signals are sent out through phone or email if the parameters are met. If the signals are received, the user will then decide whether to obtain the signals or not.

There are a great number of available service providers on forex trading signals. However, make sure that you carefully read their reviews. In fact, most service provider’s signals works, the problem lies on the failure of following the system. Even if you haven’t decided when it is the right time to sell and buy, you can be sometimes emotional which will later on distract your business’ right direction. The traders should follow the systems to succeed.

If You Need a Decent And Reliable Broker, xCFD Review Is Your Answer!

Checking out the different brokers by signing in and investing money for initial deposits is not the smartest idea for the challenge to find the best one among them. It is much easier and faster to rely on our detailed and helpful Forex platform reviews. They give you the necessary information that can form your primary opinion. Here is one good example – our xCFD broker review. Read it and see if it can suit your needs and become your newest trading platform to join and make even more money!

xCFD Company, Main Broker and Establishment Information

xCFD broker is a comparatively new broker. Even though a new one and not with such a rich history, it has succeeded to conquer a big part of the trading community. The platfomr was established only few years ago – in August 2013 year. Once it appeared on the Forex market, the company behind the xCFD website has registered it officially and eventually took a legal license to operate in Forex world. Currently, xCFD website is strictly regulated by FSC – Financial Services Complains. The broker, itself, is well-known for its solid and fine security measures that cover both necessary nice – the personal data protection, as well as the financial transaction execution safety. Up to know xCFD has numerous offices across the entire world, but its main headquarters are located in New Zeeland, where the broker is registered.

Accounts, Spreads and Other Options At xCFD Broker

xCFD is a common ECN broker. To trade at this website, choose one of the available currencies: GBP, USD and EUR. The spreads are fixed – 0.1 pips and there are no hidden fees or commissions you will be charged, when making trades on this website. Hedging is not allowed, but you can, though, try the scalping trading approach. Note that xCFD broker offers thousands of different trading instruments – including more than 100 currency pairs, stocks, bonds, commodities, indices and even binary options. The leverage is also fixed – 1:100 – while the education centre and the free learning lessons on xCFD web page are very suitable for beginners in trading experience. There is only one – standard – account, which has a restriction for minimum deposit – $100 – which makes the broker more suitable for advanced traders and beginners, too.

Information About xCFD Customer Support Services

You can always reach one of the kind and polite customer support representatives at xCFD website for any inquiry or special requirement. The customer support services here are 24/7 and established at multiple languages. Choose one of these communication methods: email messages, telephone calls with a different phone number of the different regions from the world, as well as an integrated live chat with instant replies.

xCFD Broker Offers You a Superb And Vast Bonus System!

xCFD broker is also well-known for its generous bonus system. Here are the currently available bonuses at this Forex trading website:

& # 8211; Demo account If you are not sure whether to remain on xCFD trading platform, better try the demo account that offers you to make numerous free trades – without the requirement of any initial deposits – to test and see how good and suitable for you the platform is. & # 8211; Welcome bonus This bonus is available only for new traders on the website, so you do not have to own an account at xCFD to get it. Make a registration and claim for the welcome bonus, which is 50% of your initial deposit. & # 8211; No deposit bonus The most favourite Forex broker bonus type is also available at xCFD website. It is $30 and you receive it regardless you have made an initial deposit and regardless its value. & # 8211; Refer a friend program Join xCFD broker, invite your friends to make trades on this website and as a referral to your fellows you can receive up to $600. The amount of your bonus depends on the first initial deposit amount your friend will invest.

What Is The Trading Platform At xCFD Broker?

xCFD Forex broker its own – specially tailored Forex trading platform. The software can be downloaded and installed on your device in a flash of a second without even the necessity for you to be any kind of an IT pro. The platform is 100% free and if you are keen on mobile trading, you can also use the xCFD mobile version to use your tablet or smartphone for even simpler participation of the Forex market.

xCFD Broker – Main and Common Pros To Consider At Last

Last, but not least our helpful xCFD review ends up with the best pros of this trading platform. See why choosing it now!

Other Forex Brokers

& # 8211; Amazing customer support services – Very good bonus system – especially for newcomers on the website – Good reliability – Strong regulation – Perfect reputation even though the broker is new – Low spreads – Different trading instruments to choose from

xCFD does worth it, so if you need a new or first broker, this website could be a great choice for you by all means!

Risk Warning - Your capital is at risk. Trade with caution, these products might not be suitable for everyone so make sure you understand the risks involved!

Insight Data Engineering Fellows Program applications due Oct 27

Jake Klamka

October 17, 2014

This June we launched the Insight Data Engineering Fellows Program. designed to help experienced engineers transition to careers in big data. During the free, six week, full-time program, Insight Data Engineering Fellows work with technologies like Hadoop, Cassandra, Storm, Spark, and others to build robust, scalable data pipelines while meeting data engineers from top technology companies, and interviewing with them immediately following the program.

Insight Data Engineering Fellows from our inaugural session now work as data engineers at various mentor companies including Apple, Yelp, Intuit, Microsoft and various startups such as Silicon Valley Data Science and Zillabyte. At Insight, the Fellows built big data applications, including a real estate data API and a data product for restaurant recommendations along an arbitrary driving route.

Additionally, Nathan Marz. creator of Storm and author of the upcoming book Big Data. has joined Insight as an advisor and active mentor. Nathan has been working with the Insight Fellows on a regular basis, running workshops on Storm, Lambda Architecture and Clojure, in addition to giving project feedback. We’re extremely excited to have him involved. We have also hosted a number of very successful workshops as part of the program. Reynold Xin and Paco Nathan from Databricks have been in to show off Spark, Pato Echague from RelateIQ shared his experience from the Cassandra community, and Sujee Maniyam from Elephant Scale, and author of Hadoop Illuminated. consistently works with the Fellows sharing his experience the Hadoop ecosystems and building ETL pipelines.

Our second session of the Insight Data Engineering is now in progress and is shaping up to be even more successful than the first, thanks to our mentors and the active participation of our new alumni. Insight Data Engineering Fellows in this session are experienced engineers, both hardware and software, joining us from leading companies, consulting firms and universities. They’re leveraging the experience of the alumni in the first session, and creating some incredible projects while meeting with more than two dozen mentor companies we have actively involved this session, including: Facebook, Square, Apple, Netflix, Microsoft, Jawbone, LinkedIn, Intuit, Airbnb, and many others.

The next session of the Insight Data Engineering Fellows Program starts January 2015 in Silicon Valley. Engineers, computer scientists, and anyone with a strong background in programming (no PhD required) are welcome to apply. Applications are open until Monday, October 27. We can’t wait to build the next generation of big data applications and pipelines with future Insight Data Engineering Fellows!

If forex trading is high risk, then what healthy habits will protect me?

Trading currency pairs in the world of foreign exchange is a high-risk endeavor, a fact we demonstrated in our last article on the topic. But as we also stated, the way to protect yourself from becoming a casualty statistic early on in the learning process is to adopt many of the healthy habits of veteran traders.

It is estimated that one out of ten newcomers to forex eventually go on to achieve success at this risky profession. Not everyone is cut out to be a currency trader, but if you have the will, the emotional control, and the disciplined mindset it takes to survive and thrive in these shark-infested waters, then follow the plan laid out in our first article. After your preparation phase, it is then wise to embed the wisdom of veterans in your daily routine.

How do you acquaint yourself with this wisdom? Veteran traders are more than happy to share their winning secrets with fellow traders at forums, seminars, and related conferences. They understand how difficult it is to maintain a consistent record of trading gains over time and have talked freely about the competitive edge they developed to succeed. After interviews and surveys of these fellows over the years, a consensus has formed around a small group of healthy habits that we will call the “Decisive Dozen”.

Many of these bits of wisdom will not be new to you, but, in most cases, there might be a small tweak here and there that will trigger a positive response in your consciousness, enough to signal that a small change in how you do things could make a big difference. Keep an open mind as you read what follows and pick a few habits to try on for size. You will notice that veterans take patience to a new level and often do exactly the opposite of what you might think is a winning formula. The psychology of trading is very important to them, as well. The more you understand crowd mentality, the better off you will be.

Here then is our version of the “Decisive Dozen”:

#1 – Avoid using money as a measuring stick for success.

If you are to win at this game, you are taught that you must treat it like a business and to be successful, you must make money. The shear thought of putting money on the line in a market can mess with your mind big time. Veteran traders understand how thoughts about money can put added pressure on your ability to perform, a negative issue that must be dealt with daily. The solution – Veteran traders develop the discipline to follow rules and their plan to the letter or focus on their winning percentage of trades, knowing that, if they do, the money will follow as a direct result.

#2 – To win, you must develop your personal competitive edge and refine it.

You will rarely find two veteran traders that think alike or use the same strategy, but each of them will tell you that they had to develop their own personal way of obtaining an “edge” and then adapting it to changing market conditions. After commissions and fees, trading forex is actually a net-negative game. Forget zero-sum. To win, you must pick your moments to leverage your “edge”, which could be as easy as waiting for a forceful trend before acting or using a particular indicator in a specific way. Whatever it is, make it your own, refine it, and stick to it.

#3 – Use Technical Analysis as a barometer of buying and selling forces.

Too often we get caught in watching our charts for crossing indicator lines, but veterans use TA specifically as a gauge to measure how buyers and sellers are changing their thinking in real time. Are forces increasing at an increasing rate? If momentum is being created, it often overshoots the mark, a nice thing to know when looking for an edge. These subtleties may only be discernible from how candlesticks or Fibonacci levels are forming, but monitoring changing sentiments in real time can make for better entries and exits.

#4 – Follow strict position sizing rules, but be prepared to jump on winners.

Obey risk and money management rules when sizing your positions. By limiting the size of your bets, you develop the stamina to outlast bad trading days, which are a fact of life. Another fact of life, from a veteran’s perspective, is that the majority of their trades will net to zero, but they win by having a few big winners during a month. They are very patient, waiting for these rare moments, but, when the stars align and their analysis is spot on, they will adjust position sizes upward for advantage. When the market shifts, they reduce again immediately. Pick your winners, and cut your losers in a flash!

#5 – Before establishing a position, know your exact exit point criteria.

If you followed your risk rules in “#4”, you would have determined a risk/reward ratio that would have set your stop loss and take profit points, before you even entered the market. Veterans also make an adjustment for volatility by using an Average True Range (ATR) indicator to advantage. More volatile markets equate to more risk and potentially for more reward, as well. If you let a winner run, it will depend on your assessment of market force momentum and whether you are conservative or aggressive.

#6 – Visualize the right side of your chart rather than focus on the left side.

Professional golfers are always visualizing their next shot with a pre-set routine that never varies. Veteran traders do the same thing in a way. They look to the right of price action on their charts and visualize how the candlesticks will form going forward. It helps to have Bollinger Bands to guide the process, but this is a developed skill, meaning it takes practice to acquire it. Try this one on for size over time. If you give it a chance, you will develop confidence in predicting future price action, which is your primary goal in the first place.

#7 – For once and for all, give up trying to pick tops and bottoms.

Have you ever been tempted by an offer that is too good to be true and then regretted it? Forex fraudsters are adept at plying these tempting attempts to rob you, but, as a trader, there are two such temptations that must be avoided at all costs – tops and bottoms and the tempting pastime to predict their occurrence to the minute. We regret doing it, but then we immediately jump at the chance to get it right next time around. All veterans have learned that predicting tops and bottoms is a fruitless exercise. They go for the “meat” of the trade, the middle portion of the trend. You should do the same.

#8 – Do not fight the tape – Go with strength and short weakness.

This habit naturally follows the previous one, as one more chance to emphasize the obvious from a veteran’s perspective – be patient enough to wait for the trend to form. If the move is up, bet into the strength, and ride it for all it is worth. That last point requires more patience, as well, but, if the move is down, then short into the strength of that movement. Trying to fight the tape can be fun, but being right about the market is not what trading is about. It is only about taking what the market is giving you right now.

#9 – Learn to accept anxiety and use it as a weapon to sharpen your focus.

Hollywood has always portrayed a successful trader as someone with ice in their veins, surrounded by a multitude of screens screaming financial opportunity across the globe. He strikes and is handsomely rewarded. Anxiety never enters into the equation. NOT! We have never encountered a veteran trader that does not feel anxiety before and during a trade. When instantaneous decision-making is involved, there will always be anxiety since you will never have enough information to make a perfect decision. All veterans know and accept this axiom and then use anxiety to focus their efforts.

#10 – Replace panic with the right kind of patience when evaluating exits.

When in doubt, we typically do nothing, especially when it comes to closing a position, whether for a gain or a loss. Wealthy traders have learned their lesson long ago that there is a right kind of patience to be employed when acting upon an exit decision. It is the opposite of what you might think. If they have doubt about closing a losing trade, they become very impatient and shut it down on the spot. If it is a winner, then the real patience kicks in to determine if it should be extended or if the position size should be increased. Learn to be patient at the right time and impatient, as well.

#11 – Never ever add to your position on a losing trade.

Why are casualty rates so high in forex trading? Most newcomers are never prepared for what they think they expect. Impatience kicks in when chaos is encountered. If you review their winning and losing stats, you find a number of large losing trades and hardly any large winning trades, the opposite of what it takes to survive. They throw money at losing trades in the hope that things will turn in their favor, ignoring the wisdom of habit #10, and falling victim to one more temptation. Never ever add to a losing trade.

#12 – Forget the past – There is always a new opportunity around the corner.

Our last habit is about forgetting the past. Do not get caught up in second guessing your mistakes. Mistakes happen, as do losing streaks. They are both part of the game and happen to everyone. Focus on the good decisions that you have made and loving your winning streaks. They happen, too. No matter how badly the market is treating you, it changes like the weather. Give it time. Return with confidence, and realize that there is always another opportunity just around the corner, waiting just for you.

Concluding Remarks

And there you have our list of healthy trading habits, our “Decisive Dozen”. Try to incorporate a few of these in your daily regimen, and, who knows, you, too, may become healthy, wealthy, and wise, like many veteran traders before you. Happy Trading!

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#12 Multiple indicators analysis

Submitted by User on August 7, 2010 - 12:38.

Submitted by Stoyan

Hi, this is Stoyan. I look at this marvelous site from time to time and may be this is the right moment to express my great gratitude to Edward and the other guys, sharing such information with fellow traders. Nice work guys, keep on..

So, I am about to reveal a quite simple, yet efficient strategy, not only for those of us who enjoy scalping, but for swing traders, as well. I am quite confident you will find it quite accurate and beneficial.

Well, let's get straight to the point:

Currency pair: ANY Timeframe: M15, M30 for scalpers H4 for swing traders Indicators: TOR 1.02 TA_1.14c (attached below)

OK, in general, those indicators represent an improved version of the well-known MT4 indicators - namely ADMI, RSI, CCI and Stochastic Oscillator.

Enter a trade when at least 90% of the arrows at the various timeframes go for BUY or SELL (green or red, respectively).

When scalping, shoot for 15-25 pips per trade. For the swing traders - pay special attention to the higher timeframes (H4, D and W) - in case of change of direction - close your trade.

I will be glad to know your results and comment on this one.

Happy and profitable trading fellows.

Advanced system #4 (Early bird Breakout System)

Submitted by User on January 21, 2009 - 03:13.

Hi Edward & fellows,

First of all, I would like to say Thank You for such a good strategy.

I am new to FOREX and I find this strategy profitable. I have a question though: If I have successfully reached the Sell Order and gain profit, should I continue to set the entry order for the next hours of the day? Or I should have made several trade entry at the same time but with different Sell order?

Hope you can clear my doubt. Gracias

Submitted by Edward Revy on January 21, 2009 - 04:21.

This strategy is good for one time breakout entry only. Entering with more than one order is possible, but you have to calculate your risk/reward scheme properly. Afterward you should be looking for other trading intraday systems.

Best regards, Edward

Submitted by Kav on February 4, 2009 - 12:03.

Market designed based on two human emotion as you may know, FEAR & GREED, market fluctuate by these two.

One is defensive (Fear), one is offensive (Greed). You better have a balance respecting to your norms, values, goals, risk tolerance, capital and.

As Edward said, this strategy is a One-Time-BreakOut-Entry. The beauty of this strategy is that It balances your Greed & Fear and It forces you to trade one time, and a good one, it shows you that you do not need to trade every day and every time, it shows you too keep your risk low by analysing both technical and fundamental daily signals.

I hope it helps little bit :) Good Luck Kav

Submitted by User on February 21, 2009 - 14:24.

took some time and tested this system on GBPJPY for the last 6 months data, manually. My conclusion is that that though it ended the period profitable, the profit factor as rather low after all trade results are properly adjusted with spreads. also, losing trades outnumber winners, and drawdowns are guge to withstand time to time. start at a wrong time, and never survive to see the profit.

to trade this system on GBPJPY i only suggest to those who has big enough account size and steel nerves to withstand the huge drowdowns without altering the system out of emotions. my test included a total of 115 trades in 6 month period, and the total result came around +840pips. worst 3 day losing period resulted 700 pips drowdown, best month's profit was 816 pips, worst month's loss -568 pips.

hope this test will help a few. Saludos

Submitted by User on April 17, 2009 - 01:49.

I agree with the previous comment. I created an EA for this system, and tested it on different long term periods. There are some periods extremely profitable, which tripled your account in 4 months. But there were some when your account lost a half of it in 2 months. Percentage of winning/losing trades is about 50/50, and only a TP > SL and a right money management saves you from a ruin. Also, I discovered an interesting thing: if you DO NOT trade after your first trade of the day ends in SL, then your long-term results are better!

Submitted by User on May 18, 2009 - 15:55.

Dear Edward, I am new to Forex and was amased by this simple strategy. but let me ask you, does it really apply blindly, without any affecting factors? I mean it is all time-based strategy, without any market analysis, news, etc..

Thanks for your great help. I am looking forward to applying it

Submitted by Edward Revy on May 20, 2009 - 01:20.

It is indeed just a time-based breakout strategy. There are plenty of those available, but they have the same idea in common: the setup tries to catch the hours of a less active trading session and, as the market decides on major direction for the day, traders join in on a break out of a price range.

News announcements only spice up the breakouts, however, one should remember that in order to keep profits during news breaks, a profit goal should be set in advance as a pending order, otherwise an attempt to exit with a market order will have very slim chances for success.

Other than that the breakout method is a set-and-forget type of trading, which needs no additional technical or fundamental research.

Analog Devices Announces New Fellows

Business Wire via CMTX - Wed Jul 01, 7:00AM CDT

Analog Devices, Inc. named senior engineers Ahmed Ali and Peter Katzin Analog Devices Fellows, a distinguished technical position awarded to engineers who contribute significantly to the company's business success through exceptional innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship and an unparalleled ability to bridge organizations and mentor others within the company. In addition to their business impact, Analog Devices Fellows serve as company ambassadors and are recognized as industry leaders in their fields of expertise.

"Ali and Peter exemplify all the qualities of a Fellow, which represents the highest level of achievement for a technical contributor at Analog Devices," said Ray Stata, cofounder and chairman of the board, Analog Devices. "Ali has received 40 patents for his innovations and played an instrumental role in creating a series of industry-leading benchmarks in high-performance and high-speed converters. Peter is overseeing the development of Analog Devices' new silicon germanium product families, and has proven himself to be an exceptional innovator, mentor, and a driving force behind many technological breakthroughs."

Ahmed Ali received his BSEE and MSEE from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. He completed his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. His experience includes high-speed converters and RF synthesizers for cellular applications, as well as serving as an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2002, Ali joined Analog Devices' High-Speed Converter Group in Greensboro, N. C. where he began working on pipelined analog-to-digital converters that have helped Analog Devices set a series of industry-leading performance benchmarks.

Peter Katzin graduated from Cornell University in 1983 and joined Hittite Microwave Corporation in 1987, where his efforts drove growth and cemented the company's reputation as a microwave technology leader. After a six-year stint in Analog Devices' Communications Division supporting the first cellular and cordless telephone handset transceivers, Katzin returned to Hittite as Director of Engineering in 2000, taking responsibility for the development of all RF and microwave IC products. In 2004 Katzin assumed a broader technical role as Chief Engineer, providing leadership across circuit design, process selection and design methodology. He returned to Analog Devices upon its acquisition of Hittite in June 2014.

About Analog Devices, Inc.

Analog Devices ( NASDAQ:ADI ) designs and manufactures semiconductor products and solutions. We enable our customers to interpret the world around us by intelligently bridging the physical and digital with unmatched technologies that sense, measure and connect. Visit http://www. analog. com.

Follow ADI on Twitter at http://www. twitter. com/ADI_News

Subscribe to ADI's News Feed at http://www. analog. com/en/homepage/news. xml

View source version on businesswire. com: http://www. businesswire. com/news/home/20150701005051/en/

SOURCE: Analog Devices, Inc.

Copyright Business Wire 2015

The School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University will welcome five visiting senior fellows this year. The visiting fellows will devote their two-year residence at FIU to research, teaching and creation of new engagement opportunities for students.

The fellows are:

Manny Diaz, former mayor of Miami

Kimberly Green, philanthropist

Martin Palous, immediate past ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Nations

Peter Reill, European historian

U. S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

“These fellows each bring unique access, expertise and personal experiences to the classroom that will expand opportunities for our students,” said John Stack, director of the School of International and Public Affairs. “We hope their insights will really make our students’ time at FIU much more robust and even more fulfilling.”

SIPA, housed within the College of Arts & Sciences, is dedicated to preparing students for the globalized world of the 21 st Century. The addition of these five fellows will help advance that mission.

Manny Diaz was first elected Miami’s mayor in 2001, having never held elective office. He was re-elected to a second term in 2005. In the summer of 2008, he was chosen to lead the United States Conference of Mayors as its president. During his two-term tenure, Diaz was recognized for completely transforming the City of Miami and for many nationally recognized programs in urban design, sustainability, education, infrastructure, affordable housing, law enforcement, poverty and arts and culture. He is a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security and serves as vice chairman of the Alliance for Digital Equality Board of Directors. He also serves as the chairman of Fair Districts Florida and serves on a variety of boards for foundations, non-profits and civic organizations. As a senior SIPA fellow, Diaz will establish programs that provide FIU students with opportunities to participate in the political process.

Kimberly Green . philanthropist, writer and documentary-filmmaker, Green has led the Green Family Foundation since 1997. Under her leadership, GFF has spearheaded a variety of initiatives in Haiti and in her native Miami. In Haiti, her work ranges from community health and development to cultural repatriation and preservation. Green, who directed and produced the award-winning documentary “Once There Was a Country: Revisiting Haiti ,” also oversees the Cultural Committee for the Clinton Global Initiative Haiti Action Network. As a senior SIPA fellow, Green will work with SIPA faculty on a range of projects emphasizing FIU programs in Haiti. She also will help expand the multidimensional Haitian studies program at FIU, as well as conduct seminars and lectures.

Martin Palous was one of the first signatories of Chapter 77, a document criticizing the Communist government of Czechoslovakia for not respecting human rights and later served as the group’s spokesman. He also is a founding member of Civic Forum, a dissident movement that helped overthrow the Communist government in Czechoslovakia. He was elected to the Federal Assembly where he joined the Foreign Affairs Committee and later became deputy minister of Foreign Affairs. In 2002, he was appointed Ambassador for the Czech Republic to the United States, and in 2006, became the ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Nations. As a senior SIPA fellow, Palous will co-teach classes on democratization, human rights, Europe, and the European Union. He also will develop an initiative on human rights and democratization.

Peter Hanns Reill

Peter Hanns Reill is the former director of the UCLA Center for 17 th and 18 th Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. Scholar and commentator, he is the author of six monographs and co-editor of six collections by distinguished scholarly presses in the United States and Europe. As a senior SIPA fellow, Reill will teach a graduate seminar and serve on master’s and dissertation committees. He also will help to build the European Studies Program in SIPA at the graduate level.

Marco Rubio was elected to the United States Senate in 2010 to represent the State of Florida. He currently serves on the Committee of Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. From 2000-2008, Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives. During this period, he served as Majority Whip, Majority Leader and Speaker of the House. At the end of his tenure as Speaker, Rubio resumed his law practice as a sole practitioner. He has also served as a visiting professor at Florida International University’s Metropolitan Center and as a political analyst for Univision during the 2008 election cycle. As a senior SIPA fellow, Rubio will co-teach four courses over the next year and oversee independent study students.

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Repetitive Mistakes Made By Forex Newbie

Repetitive Mistakes Made By Forex Newbie

Submitted by adil on Mon, 02/09/2015 - 13:16

Tagged as: Forex Trading Online. Forex Trading

Forex trading can be really challenging for the newcomers in many aspects; strategic as well as emotional. But the reality is that many fellows just easily neglect the emotional factors as they have no importance. Much attention is given to the strategies, tools, charting and indicators but the psychological factors and the mind chemistry is completely ignored during the training of a new trader.

How a trader reacts to a certain trade, a success, or a failure is really important. How he controls emotions while making decisions is significant towards his success. The idea is to control your mind-games and never let emotions affect your judgment. This can be done by building proper risk and money management systems, having a disciplined mindset, a detailed trading plan to keep you focused and a set of rules and rewards for closing trades. Let us have a thorough look on how these factors can help a novice trader in keeping his head together.

Detailed Trading Plan

It is very imperative to have a good and comprehensive trading plan; it keeps you devoted and never lets you go astray. Your plan must include rules for entering a trade and stick to them. This way you can also recognize your mistakes and errors.

Understand the Lay of the land

A review of the trades and longer timeframes can help you in getting to know the “lay of the land”. Going back over the previous trades of the day can help you prevent a lot of errors. It is more like a battle field, where the more you know about the landscape and the local conditions, the more favorable will it be for you. Market is always open for you to make mistakes, and then learn from those mistakes. This is how you will reach success.

Impatience, rush and heated decisions will take you nowhere in forex trading. Novice traders are young, emotional and often more than enthusiastic to join the battle, and most of the times their hasty psychological mindset leads to failure. So be patient and have faith in the market. Do not lose precious capital to a hasty decision because market will always be there to give you another chance.

Technical and operational skills

In the beginning we talked about a detailed trading plan, although it requires time but it clears your path towards a finer phase where you can easily understand the market conditions and use your knowledge to make trades. But for all this to take place, you must know how to use the market analysis tools. Once you master the technical and operational skills, you will be able to develop stability and master the trades!

Choosing the currency pair

Now that you have built up your strategies, it is time to enter the real market. First, you must find out which currency pair to start with. Some people would suggest EUR/USD as the best option but in my opinion AUD/USD can be more predictable in terms of price action trading signals. Whatever you might choose, the most important thing is that you keep record of your trades. It will help you locate your mistakes in the future.

Do not hold onto a losing trade for too long

This is a common mistake that beginners might make. The truth is that if your average losses are more than average profits, then you need a little more practice in guessing the market reversals and identifying opening and closing positions. In the end, it is all a matter of how well can you read the indicators and identify the levels of support and resistance.

Free100Forex. com does not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website; Esto incluye material educativo, cotizaciones de precios y gráficos y análisis. Tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invierta más dinero del que puede arriesgarse a perder. Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. IntelliTraders no se hace responsable de las pérdidas comerciales que pueda enfrentar como resultado del uso de los datos alojados en este sitio. Algunas Empresas de Opciones Binarias no están reguladas dentro de los Estados Unidos con agencias reguladoras. La red IntelliTraders es un material educativo y no un asesoramiento comercial. Comercio bajo su propio riesgo.

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Forex Bar Chart

a chart with bars whose lengths are proportional to quantities

(Bar Charts) a popular format for studying the price action of currency pairs.

(Bar Charts) Standard bar charts are commonly used to convey price activity into an easily readable chart. Usually four elements make up a bar chart, the Open, High, Low, and Close for the trading session/time period.

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies.

The foreign exchange (also known as "forex" or "FX") market is the place where currencies are traded. The overall forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average traded value that exceeds $1.9 trillion per day and includes all of the currencies in the world.

The market in which participants are able to buy, sell, exchange and speculate on currencies. The forex markets is made up of banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, and retail forex brokers and investors.

amazing bar chart in some cnbc show about porn industry. they even had the bars grow slowly to reveal the girl. extra good touch is using different photos. poor thinking/design: placing the graph source tag under the logo. both channel and program are produced by the same company, this should be an easy mistake to avoid.

Human Bar Chart (tall)

Clara Miller is an amazing woman with an enormous amount of knowledge on non-profit funding and equity. Unfortunately for her, her laptop crashed this morning, so we had to improvises for the Pop! Tech Fellows program. Eric and myself became 2 bars in her bar chart.

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by JohnH Published on 10-02-15 07:11 PM

Liam is one of the new generation of Aussie boxers who at 22, has already held the Queensland state super welter title and now holds the Qld middleweight title. At 10 wins and only once beaten, 2015 could be a big year for this up and comer.

We would like to thank Jeff for his time, the Q&A was a huge success and is captured here:- I hear you're challenging Shannon "Shaggy" King for his Australian Super Welterweight title! Congratulations. What do you see as the keys to winning this fight? What are King's strengths and weaknesses? Thanks mate, I know I've got a big opportunity against Shaggy, and we know it will be, by far, my toughest fight to date. He's a big puncher, but we're confident I'll box my way to the win.

After doing a bit of research thanks to google, I read that you're actually cousins with Paul "Dudey" McCloskey! Have you ever sparred with him? Does he offer you advice? Yeah, I made my debut in Ireland and was training out of Dudey's gym in Belfast and really got a feel for the pro game. Dudey's always there offering support and advice. Plus, it was a real thrill having my first pro fight at the Odyssey Arena!

Quite a thrill to debut at the Odyssey. But what were you doing training in Belfast when you were born in Queensland? No worries, that's a good question. I had the opportunity to go over and stay with family in Ireland and train out of Breen's Gym in Belfast with my cousin Paul McCloskey. My debut was on the undercard when he fought Prescott. I'd love to get back there again someday, maybe not on the undercard next time :P

Liam - Just the one loss to your pro record v David Galvin 2.5 years ago. The judges weren't unanimous about it and it was only a 4 rounder. Can you tell us about the fight, what you thought of the decision and whether you want the opportunity to square things up? There's no doubt you've kept onwards and upwards since. To be honest, it was a while ago (2012) so I don't really recall the fight in great detail. but if I learned one thing, it was not to let ANY rounds slip. In terms of squaring up the ledger, I believe David Galvin has retired.

Knowing the successes that Aussie fighters like Wes Capper and Steve Lovett have had relocating to the US for their career, have you thought about moving overseas as an option? I would love to go back to Ireland at some point in my career and fight in front of my family again. As to when that might be. I've got a bit of work to do on the Aussie scene first. How would you describe your fighting style to those of us who haven't seen you box. What are your strengths and what things do you have to work on? I like to think I'm an evasive fighter who has power in both hands. As far as things to work on. I'm trying to be busier.

I was watching an amateur fight you had in New Caledonia on Youtube and read that you turned pro at 18. What sort of record did you have in the amateurs? What are you finding the biggest differences are between fighting in the amateur and pro ranks? Thanks for the great question mate. I had about 30 fights in the amateurs, and to be honest when I turned pro I felt like that's where I belonged. I did win an Australian Junior Title but I was always working toward turning pro. The biggest difference I've found between amateur and pro is that with more rounds you don't have to rush your fight.

Where did your interest for boxing come from mate? Are there any particular boxers you have watched and been inspired by? I started boxing as a way to get fit and then fell in love with it. I'm most inspired by Floyd Mayweather Jr and what he does in the ring.

Your one punch KO of Will Sands was probably one of the best we've seen domestically in recent years https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=lxgaNiQJn3I. I see on boxrec you also crushed Ryan Heck in your last fight. Do you consider yourself a puncher and do you find that you're punching harder as you get older? That was by far one of the best punches I've ever thrown in the ring. I'm never looking for the knockout, but I'm happy when those opportunities come along. I do find the older I get, the harder my punches are getting.

1) What is your mentality walking to the ring? What goes inside you're head? 2) How do you seek opponents, how does the match making go for a pro? Do you have any say in the matter? 1) Walking to the ring I'm trying to stay as calm as possible, and just knowing I've done the work in training helps keep me focused. 2) My managers, Matt Clark/Brendan Bourke, look after the matchmaking for me - they find them and then we make a decision as a team.

How would you describe your style for people who have never seen you fight? What is your trademark punch? How long before you think you will be ranked highly? I'd say I'm a counter-boxer that can punch. As far as a trademark punch, I'd have to say the name gives it away! As far as getting my ranking up goes. getting the better of "Shaggy" King will put me in good stead.

Give us a bit of an insight into your career so far, and your ambitions in the future - Who are some fighters that inspire you etc. from Australia and overseas - Are you a "gym rat" ready to fight 24/7? Or do you take a bit of time off between fights? G'day mate. - I'm currently 10-1 and ready for a big 2015. As far as the future goes, I've been intensely focused on this Australian Title fight, so I'll think about what happens next on March 29th! - My overall favourite fighter is Floyd Mayweather Jr. - I do take a bit of time off between fights until we lock something in, but I still keep a good fitness up.

Aside from the obvious, what other interests do you have? I enjoy all sports, (I was on the golf course today). Always gotta be keeping active. I don't sit still much Who are your favourite fighters to watch, both past and present and your favourite fights? Mayweather Jr and Adrien Broner are my favourites at the moment. In terms of the past, you can't go past the classics - Ali v Frazier trilogy!

Have you fought any southpaws yet? Do you cope with them easy enough? Or did you feel really at sea with it at first? I know most fighters find it really strange first time up. I've only fought one Southpaw as a pro, and it didn't get past the first round, so I don't have much to go on just yet.

You seem to really enjoy digging opponents with that left hook of yours. Whether it be to the head or the body. Is that something somebody specifically taught you? Or did it just come fairly natural to you? I find the left hook is a punch that I throw easily and feels natural. There's always room to fine tune and I'm always trying to perfect it.

Do you think this is really is a golden time for Australian boxing? I think Aussie boxing is definitely on the up, and there's plenty of young talent. I'm happy to be a part of it.

Where do you see yourself in five fights' time and what do have planned for those five fights, mate? As far as the next five go - it all depends on the outcome of this next fight - it will determine what path my career takes! Liam, how can fight fans see you in your Aussie super welter title fight against Shaggy King March 28?

Thanks, great question!

As you say, it's on March 28th at the Mansfield Tavern. Doors open 6.15pm, first fight 7pm.

Ace Boxing Promotions are putting on the fights. For tickets, contact Angelo on 0414 620 296 and tell them "Left Hook" sent you. Sure to be a great night!

Hey guys, thanks so much for your questions. This was my first forum Q&A!

Sorry if I missed your question, but you can hit me up also on facebook: www. facebook. com/LiamHutchinsonBoxingbrisbane

If you can make it to my first Australian Title fight on 28th March at the Mansfield Tavern, come and say hi.

Thanks again for your time,

Liam "Left Hook" Hutchie.

SNB Shenanigans & Weekly Trades

SNB Shenanigans & Weekly Trades

Hi, the fall out from the Swiss National Banks actions on Thursday are still being felt and despite the millions of words written by thousands of experts the picture is still not clear as to what happens next.

The actions of the SNB and its effects were felt around the world and have potentially hammered their own exporters & tourism in the process, the latter right in the middle of the Skiing season.

The Guardian newspaper in the UK went as as far as to title a huge article “Thomas Jordan – ‘the most hated man in foreign exchange?’ (Jordan is the head of the SNB)

The bottom line is that this was a “Black Swan” event that Fotis has been warning about in recent weeks but in reality NO ONE on the planet appeared to have any inkling (including the Swiss government & IMF) as to what the Swiss National Bank were going to do, in fact only 2 days earlier the SNB‘s vice-chairman said that the bank “are convinced that the minimum exchange rate must remain the cornerstone of our monetary policy”. In other words, there was absolutely no warning of this.

A Black Swan event in statistical terms is a 20-sigma move where the odds against such a move happening are about 10 to the 50th power. To put that in context, Black Monday, where the US stock market crashed down -25% on October 19, 1987, was a 20-sigma move and Black Thursday, where the US stock market crashed down -13% in 1929, and was an early warning for the Great depression, was a 10-Sigma event.

Today, the Swiss Market Index (symbol: SMI) was down -14.3% at one point, only to recover so far to -10%. This is the single worst day in the history of that stock market.

If you want to find out more about what happened and what the current rumour mill is churning out then get “googling,” the important thing to note is what should you do as a trader? Currently everything Chf related is as clear as mud and the most sensible option is to stay well away from all things CHF BUT the impact of this event goes much deeper.

The viability of many brokers is currently in doubt, some have already closed their doors, others are being summoned by their regulators to provide proof of their solvency vis a vis their operating regulations. Indeed Alpari Uk this morning have reversed an earlier release of their impending closure by stating this weekend “For the avoidance of any doubt and notwithstanding previous announcements by the company, Alpari (UK) Limited has not entered a formal insolvency process.

The board of directors are urgently considering all options including a sale and are liaising closely with the FCA. We hope to make a further announcement shortly.”

This may well have been prompted by the news that FXCM had received a $300 Million loan to help them through the crisis: http://www. marketwatch. com/story/leucadia-to-provide-fxcm-with-300-million-loan-2015-01-16

A further complication as those who study the “Global Macro” know is that ALL markets are inter related. Thursdays events affected the European stock markets which then had a knock on effect in the Usa. Gold surged as was to be expected but less well known was the impact on other European countries in diverse sectors. For example in Poland 46% of mortgages are denominated in Chf which means that many mortgagees have been thrust into negative equity in a heartbeat.

Anyone considering taking a mortgage in a foreign currency BEWARE.

Darren Courney Cook, Head of Trading at Central Markets Investment manager said on Friday “This kind of event is the kind of thing that will trigger volatility. This is not a one day thing now.”

If you have a deep understanding of how global markets are synergised then there are opportunities out there not just from trading forex BUT for the vast majority of you the best advice is walk away. If you didn’t lose money in this debacle then count your blessings. if you did then you have my heartfelt sympathies.

Lessons to be learned? As previously stated by all of us NEVER, EVER Trade without a stop. Sometimes in a Black Swan event they can and do get jumped but you should get stopped out at the next available price.

Follow strict risk management rules

Only trade with a broker in a reputable jurisdiction where client funds are held in segregated accounts and where accountability is high and rigorously enforced.

The Forex Week Ahead

For those of you who are new I usually at this point show a detailed study of trading opportunities that I see for the week ahead including where I am looking to enter.

This week is not the same due to the Chf situation but I do show you areas of potential interest from longer time frames.

However I have been explaining since Christmas that I wasn’t in a rush to trade as price was at extremes on many pairs and that markets often don’t settle down until after Martin Luther King which is a Bank Holiday, tomorrow (Monday) in the USA.

In view of last weeks events AND the impending ECB “will they, won’t they, if they do, how much”, QE announcement at Thursdays press conference I will probably leave forex alone for another week.

The ECB are notorius for their indecison followed by “fudged” decisions taken usually to appease the Germans. A further complication is that Fitch downgraded Greece back to negative from stable and their elections, on the 25th of January, could see those who want a Euro exit hold the balance of power.

The fear then is that Spain, Italy & Portugal could follow and the Euro implodes.

Fear & indecision make uncomfortable bed-fellows for stable markets.

Forex is supposedly completley random. We are often “spookily accurate” in using previous patterns to identify possible future moves but when extraordinary events are afoot its often safer to walk away. In fact many experts have suggested that the SNB may have acted in the way that they did and when because of the ECB’s woes and subsequent anticipated actions later in the week.

One thing is for sure we can predict with some certainty that the week ahead will be a wild ride and I am not in the habit of going looking for trouble with my money, that of my clients nor members here. Unless you are at a pro level and willing to take above average risks I recommend walking away.

You have seen how many Companies with huge numbers of highly educated, knowledgeable and well informed employees have fallen this week (in fact one of the USA’s biggest Hedge funds with $830 million in assetts has been said to have been wiped out: http://www. bloomberg. com/news/2015-01-17/swiss-franc-trade-is-said-to-wipe-out-everest-s-main - fund. html – I dont for the life of me understand how they could have possibly allowed themselves to be so exposed, especially as they claimed to focus on emerging markets, which Switzerland is not.

In general I expect to see continued $ USA strength, Euro & Gbp weakness. I show you the major areas that I will watch only from daily candle closes and I will definitely not take anything after Wednesday London close.

Places of interest are:

Aud: COULD get dragged back up by gold if the latter continues. These 2 used to be closely correlated and in a risk off situation gold is attractive. I am still only looking to short the Aud and 0.8400 is of interest intra day and 0.8650 from daily if bigger moves.

Gbp/$: Preferred pull back to 1.5500 to short. Option B is a break and close below weekly trend line around 151.00 but could be limited as 1.500 just below.

Euro/$: High risk, but a pull back to 1.1850 interesting to short BUT not after London close on Wednesday.

Euro/Gbp . Pull back to 0.7800 for a pull back. Price bounced back off bottom trend line thats been in place since 2013 ( I said 2018 in the video - note to self - stay off the sherry before sun down If the ECB news sees a bigger move then 0.8000 is the place AFTER the dust settles

Nzd/Cad: Pull back long at 0.9150

New members please note: If I am looking to take a trade long, at for example 1.5000. I place my order 10 pips above & 10 pips below for a short. This is because price often does not quite reach a major line and you need to allow for spreads.

We are NOT a “tipping service” our aim is to teach you how to trade for yourself.

If you would like to know more about trading like a professional then check out the Pro Traders Course CLICK HERE

We have discussed several psychological aspects of Forex trading earlier and will continue doing so till all the students learn the lesson of psychological challenges of Forex trading by heart.

Today I’d like to touch the subject of technical analysis in Forex. If you have started yawning already, stop doing that(!), because I’m not going to repeat what technical analysis is for, and who invented it and why… well, only if you ask for it… but then I may start yawning… :)

Today we will speak about enhancing your everyday trading performance by adding some very essential markers to your charts.

Pen in the one hand, paper in the other, let’s start writing:

Rule Number One: No matter what time frame you trade, you should always be aware of the situations on the time frames superior than yours. P. ej. if you trade on 1 hour frame, know what’s going on at 4 hour and daily time frames. If you trade 1 min time frame, know what conditions are on 5 min, 15 min and 1 hour time frames.

What kind of conditions am I referring to? Derecha. I’m referring to major support and resistance levels traders must, must and must know about. Therefore, first thing in the morning with your eyes and charts open, start collecting the data and marking appropriate price levels till you chart literally looks like a grid.

In particular, mark the next price levels by drawing horizontal lines: - Monthly pivot points (no need to draw them all, just nearest and most essential ones, if any, for the current day) - Weekly pivots (same, only the nearest ones) - Daily pivots (all pivots) - High and Low of the previous day - the current value of 200 EMA indicator on daily chart - current value of 200 EMA indicator on 4 hour chart and so on – for all time frames that are superior than yours + on your own time frame - Zoom out charts to draw trend lines on your main chart. - Zoom out to draw support/resistance lines based on latest swings high and low for your main chart plus for 2 time frames above yours. (In simple words, swing high is the top of the most recent wave; swing low is the bottom of the most recent price wave).

Too much? Don’t be lazy, I don’t like lazy students… I have additional levels for you, so keep on writing. Always remember to check out today’s economic news schedule in Forex economic calendar. Set vertical lines highlighting the time when fundamental news are due. Always know what may affect today the currency you trade with. Now we are done!

What to do with all that? Ha-hah, stare at it and like it! I promise you that will like it, because you will see how predictably price bounces at all those levels you have drawn, and how well it accelerates after breaking through those levels. The grid of levels will become your map. Confirmation for entries and logical exits will lie in front of you. Map will drive you to success, without a map you risk ending up in the Darkness… Oh yes, if you happen to be in my area, come over for dinner…

** Forex Dark Lord **

9 Comments to this post

MoneyNeverSleeps | Nov 28, 2008 at 3:58 pm

Thanks for the technical parameters. What is the significance of the 200 EMA? In equities and options the 200 SMA is the hard parameter as it’s used by institutional traders.

Joe Hickle | Mar 21, 2009 at 3:49 pm

I watch the 5M with 200 EMAs superimposed for all timeframe sizes. What rules do you have for entry points based on price breaking or respecting those various levels?

Forex Dark Lord | Mar 28, 2009 at 7:03 pm

200 SMA and 200 EMA both qualify to be support/resistance levels. You can have them both on the chart. Sometimes it’s 200 EMA which price obeys, other times it’s 200 SMA.

These long term moving averages split market into two territories: bears and bulls territory. Respecting those levels, I trade either Long or Short. 200 moving average is just a trend guide, with it a trader should pick either Buy or Sell signals given by his own entry rules.

Emmanuel | Apr 15, 2009 at 3:07 pm

I want to commend you for your knowledge in forex trade. I have been into forex trading for a while and have discovered that to become an elite forex trader, all you need is create time to develop your own strategy. It takes a longer time to develop one but the reward thereafter is worth it. wish you the best in forex business.

forexbaby | Jan 17, 2010 at 2:24 pm

i don’t understood the “200 EMA indicator on daily chart”…

i don’t know anything in chart(i am beginner) but from your line i understood Chart is the MAP…. please give briefly about EMA and other lines(lot of irregular lines moving up and down other than exchange value)

Forex Dark Lord | Jan 17, 2010 at 4:23 pm

In order to be smart, all babies should go to school. I would recommend starting your learning journey at this school: http://www. babypips. com/school/

Upon graduating you’ll know what all those lines mean and much more. ¡Buena suerte!

Twice | Jan 17, 2010 at 8:56 pm

Yes: Just a quick question: How would summerise the FX market?

I do believe if persons would aproach the market for investment and speculate less their would be more success stories.

Forex Dark Lord | Jan 18, 2010 at 9:10 am

Forex is an unforgiving beast, who eats all naive traders every day and has other quite experienced fellows for snacks. Unless you stack mathematical numbers against it and learn money management properly, you’ve got no weapon against it. Your trading system should better be good as well.

Snack Fellow | Jul 29, 2010 at 12:25 am

Thank You very much for your tips of how to setup a chart, it become the light in my darkness. Amazing!

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Commodity Currencies Hit as Growth Outlook Looks Grim

by Nicholas Adams Judge

The forex market had bad news for traders holding some of the world’s major commodity currencies on Tuesday – Tuesday in the US, anyway. Wednesday, in Australian time.

Across the board, expectations of low global growth rates pushed down the demand for the world’s major commodities, with oil most prominent among them. While the Aussie came off of lows yesterday against the dollar, it slid today against that currency and continued what is now a five day downhill streak against the Yen.

This last trend was compounded on Tuesday by boasting coming from Japanese ministers that Japan will be the first G7 nation out of recession.

Across the globe, crude’s drop below the forty dollar mark was bad news a number of currencies. The Russian government was forced to inject some steroids into the rescue efforts of their currency. That, however, couldn’t slow the slide of one of the world’s most endangered currencies as traders continued to bet on further devaluations by the Russian government.

That being said, the apparent resolution to the Ukrainian gas line crisis will surely allay fears of over the ruble for at least the immediate short term.

Just as the two countries’ climates resemble one another, Canada’s currency has been feeling the same pinch as Russia’s. Most strikingly, the vaunted Canadian trade surplus has almost vanished, falling to a mere $1 billion. The psychological impact of this fact combined with crude’s flirtation with the $40 mark to put considerable pressure on the loonie. It’s currently trading at roughly 1.22 USD.

Bloomberg’s survey of economists predicts a fall to $1.25, though economists at the RBC predict a more dramatic drop off to the $1.31 range.

Speaking of striking predictions, UBS is advising investors to sell euros and buy dollars to get in front of the ECB’s January 15 meeting – one day after my birthday: give me a .5% cut, boys… seriously, you’re economy is in horrid shape, give yourselves an early birthday gift in the form of a .5% cut, for the love of God, you inflation-paranoiac freaks.

UBS’ predictions, though, didn’t stop the dollar from falling against the euro to roughly $1.32 in the face of an expected weak retail sales report.

What’s a bit surprising right now is UBS’ prediction of the euro a decent amount against the currently-battered sterling.

Risk aversion is baaAaack, and has been pushing the dollar back up from its Gaza-inspired lows, with the same UBS fellows – an overconfident bunch, methinks – also lowering their call on the dollar/yen to 90 from the initial 95.

The topic of risk aversion – it’s almost like we didn’t have a New Year – brings us back to the commodity currencies. A Seattle bank’s suspension of dividends reaches across the Pacific, apparently, because investors that the previous day had been feeling comfortable with risk enough to put money into the Aussie quickly retraced their steps, bringing money home to the dollar.

Similarly, New Zealand’s kiwi fell to just 48.62 yen, a four-week low.

The cause of that Seattle bank’s woes? You guessed it: residential mortgage bonds. Shouts of “happy New Year, everyone” should be delayed until August, or until the new treasury secretary decides to get a clue a require banks to be lending all of the capital injections they receive.

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Callaway Golf: Forex Headwind Becomes a Gale; Cutting EPS Estimate

Excerpts from Gilford Securities analyst Casey Alexander's recent note to clients on Callaway Golf (NYSE:ELY ):

1. Key Currency Conversion Rates Worsen

Ever since Callaway Golf discussed the potential negative impact of foreign exchange rates on their 2009 results, we have tried to keep an eye on the key conversion rates that have the greatest impact on Callaway’s EPS.

As you can see from the charts below, the Euro (Chart labeled FXE) has declined another 5% versus the US$ during the last month and a half.

Not all the news from Europe is quite as bad, but it is not good either. As you can see from the chart below, the British Pound (Chart labeled FXB) has only declined about 2.4% during that time, and a large portion of Callaway’s European sales come from Great Britain.

But here is where things get very problematic. The Japanese Yen (Chart labeled FXY) has declined 11% during that time.

With 3 weeks left in the quarter it seems unlikely that the foreign exchange impact is going to be anything but greater than the company had first envisioned, at least for the first quarter.

2. With Negative Forex, Everyone Gets Hurt But Management

Callaway just filed an 8-K that outlines the management bonus structure for 2009. The relevant passage in the 8-k speaks for itself:

“On March 4, 2009, the Committees determined that each of the Company's executive officers would be eligible to participate in the 2009 Program. On March 4, 2009, the Committees also set the financial performance goals and other program terms for the 2009 Program. These terms include a target award for each of the executive officers, which is set forth as a percentage of base salary. The target award as a percentage of base salary for each of the executive officers for 2009 is as follows: 100% for Mr. Fellows and 55% for each of Messrs. McCracken, Holiday, Laverty, and Yang. Payment of the target award is determined by the Committees based on the Company's achievement of targeted corporate net income goals calculated on a currency neutral basis as compared to 2008 and provided that the officer also achieves his individual objectives for 2009 as approved by the Committees. Subject to certain threshold and maximum performance limits, performance above or below the targeted levels generally results in an award above or below the targeted award. At threshold and maximum performance, respectively, each executive officer could earn a percentage of the target awards as follows: 50% and 150% of base salary for Mr. Fellows and 27.5% and 82.5% of base salary for Messrs. McCracken, Holiday, Laverty and Yang. Performance below threshold would result in no payouts and performance above the maximum would result in no additional payout.”

Obviously this “currency neutral basis” was not present in the 2008 bonus award. So why should management be saddled with the decline in currencies that affect corporate profitability? Maybe they should, maybe they should’t. But they darn sure shouldn’t get a bonus that is favorably impacted by positive currency adjustments one year, then not get penalized by negative currency adjustments the next year. But of course we forgot. Management got a portion of their bonus last year even though they failed to hit the targets. Don’t let Barney Frank see this.

3. Same-Store-Sales (SSS) at Retail Down Double Digits (Say it 3 times fast)

Despite our tongue twisting headlines, the reality is that Golfsmith (NASDAQ:GOLF ) estimates Q1 same-store-sales down mid to high teens. Callaway had estimated that 2009 would be down less, so we must factor in this disparity as well. Dick’s Sporting Goods (symbol DKS, Not Rated) reported Q4 SSS down 20% at Golf Galaxy, and suggested that Q1 could follow the same sales trajectory.

4. Cutting EPS Estimate for Q1 and Full Year

The continued negative foreign exchange trends and the tough Q1 SSS suggest that we cut our EPS estimates even further. Pretty soon we expect to hit the EPS bone. We will take $8 million off Q1 revenues and $3 million off our local selling costs. This reduces Q1 EPS from a Street low $0.37 to a Street lower $0.33. This also reduces our FY2009 EPS estimate from a Street low $0.50 per share to a Street lower $0.46 per share.

5. Reiterate Buy Rating

We have the lowest EPS estimates on the Street. Still with Callaway shares trading at tangible book value, we just find it reckless and shortsighted to become a seller now. This economic environment will remove some competition from the landscape forever. Callaway will still be there. We just think the shares are too cheap to give away at this level. When shares are trading for tangible book value, no price target is necessary. So none will be given.

ANALYST CERTIFICATION I, Casey Alexander, certify that all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views of the subject company (ies). I also certify that I have not and will not receive compensation with respect to the issuance of this report.

Consulate General of The United States


The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U. S. Department of State fosters mutual understanding between the people of the U. S. and the people of other countries through a range of programs based on the benefits of mutual understanding, international educational and cultural exchange, and leadership development. These programs engage youth, students, educators, artists, athletes, and rising leaders in many fields in the U. S. and more than 160 countries through academic, cultural, sports, and professional exchanges. ECA exchange program alumni encompass over 1 million people around the world, including more than 50 Nobel Laureates and over 350 current and former heads of state and government.

Some major exchange programs are listed below in alphabetical order:

American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) Founded in 1966, ACYPL is a bi-partisan, not-for-profit organization based in Washington DC, which has become internationally recognized as the pre-eminent catalyst for introducing rising political leaders and policy makers to international affairs and to each other through various programs and exchanges with more than 90 nations around the globe.

AFS - Intercultural Programs AFS (formerly the American Field Service) is a leader in intercultural learning and offers international exchange programs in more than 40 countries around the world. AFS-USA works toward a more just and peaceful world by providing international and intercultural learning experiences to individuals, families, schools, and communities through a global volunteer partnership. See also AFS Turkey coordinated by Turkish Cultural Foundation ( Türk Kültür VakfД± ) since 1974.

Au Pair Programs Through the Au Pair program, participants and host families take part in a mutually rewarding, intercultural opportunity. Participants can continue their education while experiencing everyday life with an American family, and hosts receive reliable and responsible childcare from individuals who become part of the family.

Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows: Summer Institutes for Youth The Summer Institutes for Youth, a program under the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Initiative, focuses primarily on the exploration of global issues through interactive activities, practical experiences, and other hands-on opportunities. Through their participation, the fellows learn more about democratic practices, volunteer service, conflict resolution, critical thinking, tolerance and respect for diversity, and youth leadership.

Community College Initiatives Program (CCIP) CCIP provides opportunities for individuals from countries including Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Turkey, and South Africa to develop leadership, professional skills and English language proficiency, while studying at a community college in the United States. Participants study in one of the following eligible fields: Agriculture, applied engineering, business management and administration, allied health care, information technology, media, and tourism and hospitality management.

Fulbright Program The flagship international exchange program sponsored by the United States Government, the Fulbright Program is designed to increase mutual understanding between the American people and people of other countries. It provides participants—chosen for their academic merit and leadership potential — with the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. The Turkish Fulbright Commission was established by a binational agreement signed between the U. S. and Turkey in 1949. It aims to support Turkish and American graduate students, academicians and secondary school teachers through grants which include travel and living expenses and offers educational advising for Turkish students wishing to study in the U. S.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship The Humphrey Program provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the U. S. Humphrey Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or the private sector. The program fosters a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the U. S. and the fellows’ home countries.

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) IVLP is the U. S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program. Launched in 1940, the IVLP is a professional exchange program that seeks to build mutual understanding between the U. S. and other nations through carefully designed short-term visits to the U. S. for current and emerging foreign leaders. International Visitors (IVs) are current or emerging leaders in government, politics, the media, education, the arts, business and other key fields. Over 4,000 IVs come to the U. S. from all over the world each year.

Opportunity Grants This is a U. S. Department of State/EducationUSA program run by advisers at the Fulbright Commission. Students with the potential to get substantial scholarship funding form US schools but need financial assistance in taking the next step towards a US education are eligible. Items for funding include: Test preparation/testing fees/travel to a test site, application and postage fees, translation fees, visa fees/travel costs, international airfare, a settling-in allowance, and books and insurance fees.

Sports United Program SportsUnited is an international sports programming initiative designed to help start a dialogue at the grassroots level with non-elite young people. The programs aid youth in discovering how success in athletics can be translated into the development of life skills and achievement in the classroom. Foreign participants are given an opportunity to establish links with U. S. sports professionals and exposure to American life and culture. Americans learn about foreign cultures and the challenges young people from other countries face today.

State Alumni Initiative The State Alumni is a dynamic and interactive networking tool for all past and current participants of U. S. government-sponsored exchange programs. You can find fellow alumni in all regions of the world to share your ideas/experiences; focus on your professional development by searching for job and grant opportunities; and learn more about alumni activities being implemented in communities the world over.

Study of the U. S. Institute (SUSI) Student Leader Program SUSI Student Leader Programs are five-to-six-week academic programs for foreign undergraduate leaders. Hosted by U. S. academic institutions throughout the U. S. the Student Leader Institutes include an intensive academic component, an educational tour of other regions of the country, local community service activities and a unique opportunity for participants to get to know their American peers.

Summer Work and Travel (SWT) Program The U. S. Department of State (DoS) administers the Exchange Visitor Program under the provisions of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended. The SWT program provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the U. S. during their summer vacation from college or university to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the U. S.

Turkish Student Teacher Internship Project (TSTIP) TSTIP was established to help foster mutual understanding, respect and appreciation for the contributions, values and perspectives of cultures worldwide. Iowa State University's teacher preparation program reflects a strong commitment to student-centered learning and the use of technology in the classroom. Centered in the American heartland, the experience at Iowa State University provides Turkish interns with distinctive insights into American culture. Visiting students experience technology-rich educational programs and daily life in rural farming communities as well as in metropolitan cities like Chicago and Washington DC. Also, this project provides opportunities for Turkish interns to show American teachers and students international perspectives on teaching and learning.

Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES) Since 2003, over 2000 young people from countries such as Lebanon, Afghanistan, Turkey, Nigeria, and Indonesia have come to the US to live as a “son” or “daughter” in an American family and attend high school for an academic year or semester. YES students share their host families’ everyday lives, engage in school activities and volunteer in their communities. They learn about American society and values while helping to educate others about the customs and culture of their homelands. See also Yes Programs Turkey managed by AFS - Intercultural Programs.

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Stock and commodities markets

OPEC Says Shale Oil Shows Unprecedented Pricing Flexibility

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:49:00 +0400

The U. S. shale oil revolution has already proved to the world’s major oil producers that it is worth counting with. This obvious fact was recently recognized by OPEC Secretary General Abdalla Salem El-Badri. He says that American companies engaged in producing shale oil are capable to boost their production under any circumstances. With that being said, if that’s the case, they are going to be able to cover any oil export deficit should it occur as the result of shrinking oil production by other exporters out there. This means that the USA may become the nation preventing oil prices from recovering even if OPEC and other exporters start reducing their production to reduce the oversupply and make the prices recover.

Within the framework of his speech made in Huston at the World Oil and Gas Conference, El-Badri highlighted the fact that the cartel is now uncertain about the way the members are going to act under such circumstances full of uncertainty. The this is that OPEC has never encountered such a flexible source of oil exports capable of reacting to any changes in a matter of days.

It is also interesting to note that on February 16 th. Qatar hosted a summit with Russia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Venezuela as its participants. They agreed to freeze their oil production volumes at the level of January 11 th. Still, the participants agreed to make such changes only if the other OPEC members do the same. With that being said, this agreement is some kind of a crucial step aimed at showing others that the exporters are willing to act first and ready for an open dialog. They are setting an example for other oil exporters out there.

However, Iran seems to be reluctant to make such a step. The Iranian government claims that they don’t find it logical to curb their oil production, which is why they are not going to to join the agreement that was reached a couple of weeks ago between Russian and several OPEC members. More specifically, some Iranian officials say that many OPEC members boosted their oil production while Iran was under Western sanctions. Now, when the sanctions are canceled, Iran is also going to catch up with OPEC fellows.

It happens so that the mentioned agreement contradicts Iran’s ambitious plans, which is why Iran is not going to join it even though other OPEC members support the agreement. In particular, Kuwait and some other OPEC members are reported to have agreed to cap their oil production. Still the expert community is skeptical about the agreement since the participants have to talk the remaining 10 OPEC members into signing the agreement as well. Iran is on the list and the authorities are said to be reluctant to make such a step as they are trying to regain the lost ground by any means.

Nouriel Roubini and David Backus

Lectures in Macroeconomics

Chapter 6. Money and Inflation

Over the last few weeks we've seen how aggregate production possibilities (summarized in the production function, the demand for labor, and the return on investment), consumers' preferences (summarized by their willingness to work and save), and government policies (spending and taxes) combine to influence the values of output, employment, wages, and the rate of interest. All of these variables were "real": the relevant wage rate was the ratio of the wage measured in dollars to the price of goods measured in dollars and the relevant interest rate measured the rate of return adjusted for changes in the purchasing power of money. The theory, thus far, has had nothing to say about "nominal" or "money" prices P, wages W, and interest i.

Today we're going to look at the determination of nominal variables, specifically the price level, its rate of change the inflation rate, and the nominal interest rate. The idea is that inflation is associated with high rates of money growth. This theory, you'll see shortly, exhibits a strong separation between real and nominal variables, since we have already described how real variables are determined with no mention of the price level or inflation rate. This is a hallmark of Classical theory. We'll see shortly that the Keynesian theory does not have this feature, and economists differ about whether it is an embarrassment, a strength, or both.

The Quantity Theory of Money

We're going to start here with some pure reasoning that goes back a few hundred years. Like a lot of good theory, it's based on an analogy. As a start, you should ask yourself what the effect of a two-for-one stock split would be on the price of a stock. Suppose it's now selling for 100, then you'd probably expect it to sell for 50 after a split, unless the split is an indicator of some new information about the firm. As a first approximation we'll assume not. The point is that the value of the firm's stock shouldn't depend on anything as arbitrary as the number of shares outstanding: its value is more fundamental than that.

Now suppose we do the same thing with money. This is unrealistically simple (remember, we're doing theory now!) but suppose the government were to replace every dollar with two new dollars, marked so we can tell the difference between old and new dollars. Then you'd expect, I think, that prices in terms of new dollars would be twice as high. In short, changes in the money supply executed in this way will be associated with proportionate changes in prices, with no effect on output or employment.

Of course the world is more complicated than this, and monetary policy consists of more than just currency exchanges, but some of the same reasoning applies more generally (or may apply, we'll look at some data shortly). The so-called quantity theory of money is the result of two ideas: that money is not fundamental (pieces of paper don't change the effectiveness of GM's manufacturing processes or marketing strategies), and that its usefulness is in executing transactions. Let's start with the latter. Suppose we think of Y as all the transactions in the economy and PY is the dollar value of all these transactions (sales revenue). Then we need M dollars of money to make all these transactions each period, or

Note that this equation has the stock-split property: if we double M then we double PY. We can make this more specific by associating transactions Y with real GDP, PY with nominal GDP, and P with the GDP deflator.

A slight generalization is that money can be used several times each period for transactions, as it goes from one person to another. That is,

where V is the velocity of money, the number of times each period a unit of money is in a transaction. The assumption of the quantity theory, which dates back at least three hundred years (a long time in economics), is that velocity is approximately constant. This equation maintains the stock-split property, that increases in M are associated with proportionate increases in PY.

In principle the increase in PY could be in P, Y, or both. Later we'll consider a theory in which Y changes are possible (the Keynesian theory). But for now let's say that Y is not affected by M. This is the assumption that fundamentals like Y are not influenced by M, just as a firm's value is not influenced by a stock split. The theory behind this in our case is that Y has been determined by the production function and the labor market. That leaves only one thing to adjust when M changes: the price level P. In short, changes in the stock of money lead, in this theory, to proportionate changes in prices.

The same theory can be reinterpreted in terms of the inflation rate, the rate of growth of the price level. To see this, we need to covert the quantity theory relation to growth rates. We take the quantity equation at two different dates and divide, getting

For reasons similar to our growth accounting relations in Chapter 4, this leads to (approximately)

where lower case characters represent the rate of growth of upper case variables (i. e, m is the rate of growth of money M).

If velocity is constant we get, approximately, the growth rate of money equals the growth rate of prices (inflation) plus the growth rate of output

If money growth does not influence output, then higher money growth leads to higher inflation. Período. This prediction is overly strong, as we'll see, but the simplicity has some value of its own, including making it easy to remember. As Milton Friedman put it: "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomena." It's only after you think about that sentence for a while that you realize it's not as informative as it first sounds.

Open Market Operations

We'll go into this in greater depth later on, but for now let me give a quick overview of how governments get money into the system. One way, as we've seen, is to print money to finance government deficits. If we measure the deficit in dollars (rather than the base-year prices we generally use in the National Income and Product Accounts) this is something like:

which says each dollar of deficit is financed by printing dM new dollar bills. Literally, the government pays its bills with currency. This is how Yugoslavia, for example, got such a high inflation rate: the costs of fighting the war were paid for, in large part, with cash, which by now is nearly worthless.

The other way the government gets currency into the economy is by changing the composition of its balance sheet. The government's balance sheet might be represented, in highly streamlined form, as (approximate numbers for 1992, billions of dollars):

The government also has some assets, but let's ignore these for the moment. The government thus has a "capital structure,'' to use some finance jargon, of about 97 percent interest-bearing debt and 3 percent currency, which pays no interest.

Now suppose the government (generally the central bank) wants to increase the quantity of currency in the economy by 10 billion dollars. It does this by buying 10 billion of bonds from someone in the private sector, and paying for them in cash. This changes the balance sheet accordingly. This is referred to as an open market purchase of government securities . for obvious reasons, and is the method of choice in most developed countries. The institutional details sometimes looks quite different (the US, for example, has a highly developed "money'' market for short term securities, and we never actually see cash changing hands), but this is still basically what is going on underneath it all.

Interest Rates and Inflation

We've seen that the real rate of interest is the difference between expected inflation and the nominal rate of interest that we see quoted in the paper, or in letters,

The question is what our theory tells us about the relation to be between inflation and nominal interest rates. The theory that fits in with our stock-split analogy (fundamentals do not change, and r is a fundamental) is that the real interest rate r is determined by investment and saving without regard for money and inflation. That's apparently what we assumed in our presentation of this aspect of the Classical theory, since there was no mention of money when we determined the real interest rate and output. For a given real interest rate, what happens to the nominal interest rate if inflation rises? Clearly the nominal interest rate rises by the same amount. Thus an increase in inflation (really, expected inflation since it's the future that matters) leads to higher nominal interest rates.


Quick review. Real output Y and the real interest rate r are determined by the real side of the economy: the production function, the labor market, and the capital market. The money stock governs the price level and the rate of inflation. In conjunction with the real side of our theoretical economy, the quantity theory states that higher money growth is associated with higher inflation and nominal interest rates. This complete separation between real variables and inflation is overly strong, esp in the short run, but it illustrates what I think are the important long-run effects. But don't take my word for it, let's look at some data.

Here's how the theory does in practice. The first prediction can be expressed two ways: velocity is approximately constant or (this follows from the quantity equation) the price level mimics the money stock adjusted for output growth. In logarithms,

By assumption V is constant, so if M is growing faster than Y we should see a comparable rise in the price level. Do we? I've graphed these variables in Figure 1. with M defined as the broad money stock, M2 (which includes, as we've noted, time and saving deposits as well as checking accounts). (Y here is real GDP and P is the implicit GDP deflator.) I think you'll agree that the relation is pretty good---maybe as good as you'll ever see in economics (we have aspirations, but this isn't physics). To a first approximation, it seems that the assumption of constant velocity isn't too bad. Most of the increase in the price level over the past thirty years has been associated with a comparable increase in the broad stock of money. There are, however, some wiggles in velocity over the short term (up to three years, say) that we may want to look more closely at.

How well does this work in the short run? You can see in Figure 1 that there are some "wiggles" that reflect fluctuations in velocity. What does that do to our prediction? If we graph annual growth rates we know (recall our GDP graphs) that these short-run movements will show up more clearly. In terms of the theory, the prediction is

since velocity is assumed to be constant. These variables are graphed in Figure 2. where we see that the connection between money growth and inflation is much looser for these short-run movements. In this sense, the theory is a much better prediction of long-run tendencies than short-run fluctuations.

Our second prediction concerns interest rates. In the theory we saw that the real interest rate was determined by saving and investment schedules. In principle these curves, and hence the real rate of interest, can move around over time---for example, as government deficits vary. The nominal interest rate will move around for a second reason: because expected rates of inflation vary. With the exception of the Korean War, inflation was less than four percent until the late 60s. It rose during the Vietnam War, peaked above 10 percent in 1975, declined slightly, and peaked again at about ten percent in 1980. The question for the moment is whether this pattern is reflected in interest rates. In Figure 3 I've graphed the one-year treasury rate and the rate of inflation (computed from the GDP deflator). Here, too, the relation isn't bad: we tend to see high rates of interest in those periods when inflation is highest, and vice versa. As a rough approximation, at least, nominal interest rates reflect rates of inflation. There are still, though, some significant short-run deviations. Note in particular that real rates, measured as the difference between the two curves, were higher in the late 1980s than elsewhere in the entire postwar period.

Thus the classical quantity theory seems to provide a reasonably good guide to long-run trends in inflation and interest rates. In the short-run, though, something more complicated seems to be going on. That's our objective for the Keynesian theory to come: to get a better understanding of these short-term fluctuations.

Application: Friedman's Money Growth Rule

The quantity theory was the basis (or a big part of it) for one of the sharpest policy debates in the postwar period. Then, as now, there were many businessmen, economists, and government officials who thought that monetary policy should be chosen to micro-manage or fine tune the economy: to help smooth out the recurrent ups and downs that we've labeled the business cycle. Milton Friedman, who made a career out of playing devil's advocate, advocated precisely the opposite: that the Federal Reserve should follow a policy consistent with (we'll leave the operational aspects for later) a constant rate of money growth of about 4 percent a year. Given output growth of about three percent, on average, that would be expected to lead to average inflation of about 1 percent a year.

Over the years Friedman provided many arguments for constant money growth rates. Here are a few of them (stated as hypotheses to think about, not self-evident truths):

This policy should have good long-run properties (low inflation).

It might be better than actual policy over the last forty years, since it would probably eliminate some of the big mistakes (like the high inflation rates of the 1970s).

Discretionary short-run policy management leads, in practice, to shortsightedness and bad long-run policy decisions. Eg, suppose the Fed continually increases the money stock to avoid recessions. The result is higher inflation, not demonstrably better output performance.

Monetary policy is a string, you can pull on it but you can't push. In other words, you can use it to start a recession, but not to stop one.

The main counterargument is that you may be able to do better than this: why tie your hands behind your back?

Friedman's points are a combination of theory, fact, and pessimism regarding government, little of which is inarguable. But I think all of these issues are important. It's still an open question how well (or poorly) such a policy would do, but it's had an effect on actual policy. I think that after the experience of the 1970s, when policy repeatedly failed to eliminate either inflation or business cycles, policymakers are less ambitious now about managing the economy in the short-term. Greenspan, for example, does not adhere to a rigid money growth rate rule, but he uses monetary growth rates as guides to the long-run inflation content of his policies. At the same time, he is willing to make large policy changes in response to special conditions, something clearly opposed by Friedman. In the wake of the 1987 stock market crash Greenspan, in conjunction with other central bankers, engineered a sharp increase in funds and a sharp drop in interest rates to cushion the fall. There was some worry at the time that this would eventually lead to higher inflation, and inflation did rise somewhat over the next 3-4 years, but I think most observers view it as an astute move that may have prevented financial and economic disaster.

There's also some discussion recently about whether monetary policy should be more expansionary. The argument in favor is that this might help us get out of a recession when we are stuck in one; we'll see how next week. Friedman's counterargument might be that (i) it won't do it ("string") and (ii) it will lead to inflation over the longer run. The Fed currently has members with both views, plus the entire spectrum in between. And since you never know what would have happened if you had followed some other policy, there's lots of room for differences of opinion.

My feeling is that, like much of what Friedman says, there's a useful point here but he's pushed it too far. I'd guess that a constant growth rate rule, for average growth rates over two to five years, would be a pretty good long-run policy. That leaves room for short term deviations, without letting them get out of hand: so when the economy is headed towards a recession, the Fed will expand the money supply and reduce interest rates; while it will do the reverse if the economy is growing too fast and there are signals of inflationary pressures in the economy. This would probably eliminate most of the excesses of the last thirty years. As an economist at the Bank of Canada put it: "Our goal is to avoid disasters, like the inflation of the 1970s. Anything else is a bonus."

Application: Big Inflations

In the 1980s, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Israel have experienced very large inflation rates, all over one hundred percent a year and some over a thousand. We can confidently expect several more cases of large inflation over the next decade.

But why? If the relation between money growth and inflation is so clear, why don't these countries simply print less money? If only it were so easy! The real problem most of these countries had was a large fiscal deficit. Let's think how that influences monetary policy. If a government is running a deficit, then it must issue iou's of some sort to pay for it. Roughly, speaking, it may issue money (dollar bills or their local equivalent) or interest-bearing debt (treasury bills and notes) denoted with the variable B. Mathematically we can express this as

or, in real terms:

where the two terms on the right are issues of new money (dM) and new interest-bearing debt (dB), respectively. This is an example of a government budget constraint: it tells us that what the government doesn't pay for with tax revenues, it must finance by issuing debt of some sort.

So why do these countries increase the money supply? The problem, typically, is that a political impasse makes it nearly impossible to reduce the budget deficit. Given the government's budget constraint, it must then issue debt. Now for US debt there is apparently no shortage of ready buyers, but the same can't be said for Argentina or Russia. If they can't issue debt and they can't reduce the deficit, the only alternative left is to print money: in short, when they can't pay their bills any other way, they pay them with money, which is easy enough to print. The effect of this, of course, is that these countries experience extremely high rates of inflation.

Note that whenever a central bank prints "fresh money" it can obtain goods and services in exchange for these new pieces of paper. The amount of goods and services that the government obtains by printing money in a given period is called "seignorage". In real terms, this quantity of goods and service is given by the following expression:

Seignorage t = dM t / P t = New bills printed during the period / Price level during the period.

The monetary aggregate that the central banks control directly is the "monetary base", consisting of currency in the hands of the public and reserves of the commercial banks deposited in the central bank. Thus, when we refer to a central bank as "printing more money", we mean increasing the monetary base.

Note that since the government, by printing money, acquires real goods and services, seignorage is is effectively a tax imposed by the government on private agents. Such a seignorage tax is also called the inflation tax. The reason is the following. From the definition of seignorage:

Since the rate of growth of money (dM/M=m) is equal to inflation (p) (assuming, for simplicity, that the rate of growth of output 'y' is zero), we get:

In other terms the inflation tax is equal to the inflation rate times the real money balances held by private agents. This makes sense: the inflation tax must be equal the tax rate on the asset that is taxed times the tax base. In the case of the inflation tax, the tax base are the real money balances while the tax rate at which they are taxed is the inflation rate. In other terms, if I hold for one period an amount of real balances equal to M t /P t . the real value of such balances (their purchasing power in terms of goods) will be reduced by an amount equal to p t (M t /P t ) after one period. The reduction in the real value of my monetary balances caused by inflation is exactly the inflation tax, the amount of real resources that the government extracts from me by printing new money and generating inflation.

To understand the relation between money creation, budget deficits and seignorage see, for example, the data for Brazil in Figure 4. Figure 5 and Figure 6. Through 1993 it appeared that Brazil was committing the cardinal sin of inflation stabilization: they are trying to reduce the inflation rate by controlling money, but without solving their underlying budget problems. Experience indicates that this approach is bound to fail.

The thing I like about this analysis is that it gives a strange twist to Friedman's quote: inflation might be a monetary phenomenon, but the money is a reflection of bad fiscal policy, not monetary policy. We might say instead: "Inflation is always and everywhere a fiscal phenomenon."

To understand better why inflation is a fiscal phenomenon . note again that a government with a budget deficit can finance it either by printing money (that leads to seignorage or the inflation tax) or by issuing public debt:

(G-T) = dM/P + dB/P = p (M/P) + dB/P

Note also that countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Israel had very high inflation rates in the 1980s. Now, if inflation was purely a monetary phenomenon caused in the first place by an exogenous excessive rate of growth of money, these countries could have reduced inflation quite fast by printing less money and reducing the growth rate of the money supply. Instead, all these countries had a really hard time in reducing their inflation rates. So, if inflation was due to an exogenous high growth rate of money, why didn't these countries print less money. The main problem is that these countries had large structural budget deficits and printed money to finance it. In this sense, the excessive growth rate of money that led to seignorage and caused inflation was not exogenous but rather endogenous and caused itself by the need of these governments to finance their budget deficits.

Note, however, that these countries could have in principle avoided the high inflation if they had cut their budget deficits (thus reducing the need for seignorage revenues) and/or if they had financed their budget deficits by issuing bonds rather than by printing money. This leads to the further question: why weren't the deficits reduced and/or why weren't the deficits financed by issuing bonds?

Budget deficits are often very hard to reduce for political and structural reasons: cutting deficits implies reducing government spending and/or increasing taxes and both policies are politically unpopular. Also, in countries with inefficient tax collection systems and where there is a lot of tax evasion, it is hard in the short-run to reform the tax system so as to increase (non-seignorage) revenues. Conversely, increasing seignorage revenues is much easier as it implies printing new money, an executive action rather than a legislative action as in the case of traditional taxes. Of course, seignorage is as much of a tax as regular taxes but it is politically more hidden (at least at low levels of inflation) as the effect of higher money growth leads to higher inflation only slowly over time.

For what concerns the possibility of (non-inflationary) bond financing rather than (inflationary) monetary financing of the deficits, there are several obstacles to such a policy option in many developing countries. First, bond markets are not very well developed (and in some cases altogether absent) in many countries. Second, citizens are concerned about buying nominal long-term bonds issued by the domestic government because an unexpected increase in inflation by the government would lead to a fall in the real value of these bonds (that is equal to a wealth tax on the public holdings of such bonds). Third, bonds indexed to inflation and/or short-term bonds that pay returns close to current market rates are still subject to default risk if the government decide to renege on its obligations. Fourth, the ability to borrow abroad and/or issue bonds denominated in foreign currency in international capital markets may also be limited by the default risk of the country. Fifth, even when some bond borrowing may be available either domestically or abroad, governments may not be willing to issue such bonds. In fact, bond financing is more expensive than monetary financing (seignorage) since governments do not pay interest on their monetary liabilities while they have to pay interest (high ones if inflation is high) on their borrowing. Sixth, borrowing by issuing debt means that the stock of debt goes up every year by the amount of the the flow of debt financing: B t+1 = B t + dB t . This growth of debt may be very costly and not be sustainable in the long-run. In fact, if the public debt grows a lot (relative to GDP), at some point private agents might become unwilling to buy new debt (or even roll-over old debt that comes to maturity) as high debt increases the probability that the government might at some point default on its debt obligations. So, if such a panic occurs and the private sector refuses to buy new debt and/or renew the old one, a government with a structural budget deficit will eventually be forced to start printing money and thus create inflation. Therefore, in face of a structural deficit, trying to reduce inflation today by issuing bonds rather than printing money will just lead to higher debt in the future that will eventually force the government to monetize the deficit (when the debt constraint is hit) and thus will cause inflation in the future. Again, inflation is a fiscal phenomenon and there is no escape from it if the underlying deficit problem is not solved: attempts to reduce current inflation by issuing bonds only implies that future inflation will be higher when the ability to issue debt is exhausted and the government is forced to switch to a monetary financing of the deficit.

Therefore, while the near proximate cause of high inflation is always monetary as inflation is associated with high rates of growth of money, the true structural cause of persistent high inflation is a fiscal deficit that is not eliminated with cuts in spending and/or increases in (non-seignorage) taxes.

Finally, note that for someone operating an international business, the thing to remember is that "big inflations'' are relatively common. So what do you do if you're hit with one? You'll probably find that the most important thing you can do is streamline your cash management. If you can reduce the payment terms from (say) 60 days to 30 days, you increase your "real'' revenue substantially. You may also find that big inflations leads to policy changes, like price controls, that make your life more complicated. Finally, you may find that your financial statements, and incentive programs based on them, are highly misleading, since they measure performance in terms of the local currency, whose value is changing rapidly. For a US subsidiary, high inflation triggers a change in the rules for translating financial entries into dollars for tax and reporting purposes (hyperinflation is defined, for this purpose, as 100 percent over 3 years).


The Classical theory exhibits complete separation between real variables and inflation. There is, by construction, no effect of money growth on real output or the real rate of interest.

In the Classical theory, inflation is driven by money growth (the quantity theory) and nominal interest rates by inflation (the Fisher relation).

In the data, the theory's predictions look better for long-run trends than for short-run fluctuations.

Extremely high rates of inflation are generally associated with high rates of money growth, often the result of financing large fiscal deficits by printing money. In this sense, there's no simple distinction between monetary and fiscal policy.

Further Reading

Rukstad's "Colgate-Palmolive in Mexico" (Harvard Case 9-389-105, reprinted in Michael Rukstad, Corporate Decision Making . Dryden, 1992) is a terrific example of a US subsidiary operating in a high inflation environment (Mexico in the mid-1980s). Choi and Mueller's International Accounting (Prentice-Hall, 1992) contains nice reviews, with examples, of accounting issues related to currency translation (ch 4) and high inflation (ch 5) (which we'll see shortly are closely related).

Further Web Links and Readings

For more Web readings on this chapter's topics look at the home pages on Macro Analysis and Macro Data sources and the controversies on NAIRU and the New Economy.

Variable Definitions

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Do your research. If something sounds too good to be true, it’s not true. Simples

Once upon a time, every little boy wanted to be a train driver. Then it was a spaceman. Then it was Michael Sorrentino. Now, it would seem, it’s online foreign exchange brokers. Y por qué no? The money, the cars, the women. But that excess of FX-ers means there are a few unscrupulous fellows you might want to avoid.

Steer clear, for a start, of ‘get rich quick’ offers. If someone promises you a fast track to undreamt of riches then it’s a scam. Or, at best, an overly optimistic account of their services. If they really had discovered a way to make lots of money very quickly, they’d be partying with supermodels on their yacht – not bothering you.

Another claim you hear a lot is that “our trading comes with little or no risk”. Which is obviously nonsense. El comercio es inherentemente arriesgado. And the currency markets in particular can fluctuate wildly. They should always be approached with caution and plenty of research.

Speaking of which – always check company information. Sometimes FX brokers will have websites filled with services and reasons to sign up – but little information on the companies themselves, or the people who work for them. High-flying financiers aren’t retiring types. If they’re so reputable, why hide the people at the top?

Nail down a physical address. Email addresses and phone lines are stupidly easy to set up. Find out WHERE the company is based and check they. They may not exist at all. Or they might be using a shell address. You don’t want to be pouring your money into a parking garage in Fresno.

The internet is full of reviews, but not all of them reliable. There’s no more reason you should trust ‘Jason DeWynter’s’ view on MegaSuperFX than you should Yoda49’s view on Grown Ups 2. (He loved it. They’re all mad.) That glowing review you just read might be from an employee of the company. Check out a range of reviews – get an idea what the general feeling is. And don’t see Grown Ups 2.

And make sure you know the regulations. Online FX broking isn’t the easiest industry to keep a hold of and national borders are easily bypassed – but there are regulatory bodies that license brokers in certain territories. Such as the CFTC and NFA in the US, and the FCA in the UK.

But, play safe, take care and the world’s your oyster. Most online FX brokers are reliable souls who just want to make you money. And, with a few sensible precautions, why not let theem?

The end of US QE // Video

Syria sabre-rattling // Video

Why Forex Trading Fails. Most Common Reasons For Failure In Forex Trading

Forex Trading is a tricky game and its well know that most of the people fails because of so many reasons. In general, beginners are trend to mistakes and without proper knowledge about trading, they are doing trade. This is the most common reason for forex trading failure.

This article is for those who had already failed or about to fail i am kidding.

It is good to understand the failure reasons because it helps you to avoid such mistakes in the earlier stage of forex trading. Though there are sufficient number of good automatic trading softwares still people fails, why ?

Focusing More On Day Trading.

I would say, day trading is a complex process. Because of too much market fluctuations and most of the time you could not predict the move. Its totally random and hence more chances for loosing your money (same like more chances of making profits).

When you are not able to put in effort for day trading better completely avoid it.

Cheap Dirty Forex Trading Softwares.

As forex trading is a vast industry, there are too much belittled fellows who are selling their own forex automatic softwares. They market well with no stuff. In fact, without market experience they are releasing such softwares. So don’t become a prey for them, do a good background study before selecting a forex automatic software.

Repeat Loss…

A successful Forex trading requires tweaks and experimentation’s. When you are seeing a loss by one method, don’t just repeat the same. It again leads to loss. Explore new ways and never repeat your Lossy Experiment . Think for the long term which helps you to take wiser decisions with trading currencies.

Bad Forex Trading Psychology.

In forex trading, psychology plays a major role. When you are doing trade, the loss or profit drives your own behavior. It may either frustrate you or drive more to perform better. Basically, it affects your decision making capacity. Don’t be too much of greedy which trends to take high forex risks and chances of high loss.

Finally, Forex trading takes time and as a beginner, you have to study the market behavior well. Always think for the long term and invest your money. At the same time, allocate a few portion of money for short term trading. This way, you could well balance the risks involved in forex trading, learn to manage risks .

A simple example is the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) generally we do in Mutual Funds investment. It is the safer way of investing because you are going by the market fluctuations. And the returns are higher because you invest fixed amount each time and goes systematically.

So be systematic in forex trading and follow the best strategies which makes you profits. Simply, be controlled and take controlled moves. Definitely, when you follow this strategy, you could easily make profits and the chances of failures will be come less.

Zerin Rahiman, Co Founder & Director

Zerin advises Indian companies on charting their growth story and working out exit strategies. Having handled multiple cross border M&A transactions, he understands the finer nuances and challenges of working across borders and cultures. Dealing with entrepreneurs from their early days, to their successful exits and their next ventures, he is a trusted sounding board to many entrepreneurs. He works closely with the National Entrepreneurship Network, which is engaged in mentoring new Indian entrepreneurs.

Zerin is a Computer Science engineer from NIT, Calicut and majored in Strategy and Finance from Indian Institute of Management. He began his career at Mindtree Consulting and SBI Capital Markets. He is passionate about football and still finds the time to put on his boots for an occasional kick about.

Shivakumar R, Co Founder & Director

Shiv advises Private Equity funds in formulating and executing their investment strategy in India. Because of his experience in advising Indian entrepreneurs and business families, he has a deep understanding of what makes a deal work.

Shiv’s primary criteria for a business are the quality of the team and its ability to scale up a business. He is a firm believer in the India consumption story and is often invited as a speaker at events targeted at the SME sector.

Shiv started his career at Deloitte and GE Commercial Finance. He completed his PGDM from the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow and holds a Commerce degree from Narsee Moonjee in Mumbai. He also holds a qualified Chartered Accountant. Passionate about fitness, he loves hitting the gym and manages to squeeze in a session even on travel.

Sandeep Ramesh, Co Founder & Director

Sandeep leads the IndigoEdge Insights team. He likes digging into data, analyzing business models, meeting entrepreneurs and identifying industry trends. His team supports the deals teams through analysis, insight and execution. The team also works with select clients in mapping out growth plans and validating hypotheses.

Sandeep is an Electronics engineer from BMSCE, Bangalore and a management graduate from IIM, Lucknow. He spent a few months at CDOT (telecom R&D) and ICICI Bank before IndigoEdge.

He is passionate about cricket and cooking and spends his free time shuttling between the TV and the kitchen!

Francois Montrelay, Senior Partner

Francois founded P2P Consultants in 2003, advising Western and Indian companies on cross-border strategic initiatives, including Strategy, Financial Strategy, and Corporate Finance (M&A, fund raising, resructuring, turnaround)

He is a strategic dealmaker with in-depth cross-cultural experience gained in critical and complex transactions in several countries.

Francois has been and is currently involved in cross-border and domestic operations in India, France, Germany, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and the USA. He works in sectors such as Banking Systems, Technology, Automotive, Publishing, Luxury Goods, Telecom, B2B Services, Textile, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Design, Micro-electronics, etc.

Francois’ career began in India, working in the villages of Andhra Pradesh. He then joined US-based global engineering firm Louis Berger Inc. where he successively developed the African and Eastern European businesses. He then spent four years in Strategic Marketing at French Hospitality giant Accor and six years as Senior VP at ABN AMRO Bank in Amsterdam.

In addition to his work with P2P Consultants Francois teaches Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Finance at ESTP Paris and holds an MsC Ag. Engineering (Agro), 1978 and a Finance degree from HEC, 1985.

Rakesh joined IndigoEdge after working extensively in the IT sector. He worked with TCS and Infineon after his BE from NIT, Calicut. He completed his post graduation in Management from IIM, Calcutta and joined Virtusa Corporation as a consultant.

Rakesh joined IE in 2010 to give wings to his investment banking aspirations. Since then Rakesh has made a significant contribution to technology and consumer mandates. He has also become the in-house expert on QSR, having worked extensively on the sector.

Rakesh shares Zerin’s passion for football and has been travelling around the world for the last few football world cups!

Federal Enforcers Target List Brokers

The Federal Trade Commission has joined forces with the U. S. Postal Inspection Service and the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois to halt an illegal operation that sold lists of consumers to Canadian telemarketers who planned to use them unlawfully. The lists included consumers’ credit card and bank account information, exposing thousands of consumers to possible identity theft, and violating federal law.

The USPIS set up an undercover sting – using postal inspectors who posed as Canadian telemarketers – and sought to buy lists that contained consumers’ credit card account numbers and security codes, and bank account numbers and routing codes, so they could offer credit cards to U. S. consumers for a one-time, up-front fee. It’s a violation of federal law to sell such lists, but Practical Marketing, Inc. sold them to the undercover inspectors. Randy G. Massey, the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, brought federal criminal charges, and Practical Marketing pled guilty to identity theft and was sentenced to a criminal fine of $10,000, and ordered to make payment of $100,000 to the Postal Inspection Service Fraud Fund to assist the Service in investigating and prosecuting fraud cases.

In a separate civil action, the FTC charged Practical Marketing and its principals with assisting telemarketers who were purchasing lists in order to solicit U. S. consumers to pay advance fees to get “guaranteed” credit cards with substantial credit limits. Selling lists with unencrypted credit card and bank account information – so called “full data leads”– violates the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule. In addition, the TSR bars telemarketers from charging fees in advance to obtain credit cards. The FTC charged that the telemarketers violated the Rule by offering advance-fee credit cards, and the list brokers knowingly assisted the telemarketers in that unlawful conduct.

The settlement in the FTC’s action bars the list brokers from “collecting, selling or disclosing” consumers’ account numbers to unaffiliated third parties in the future. It requires that

the defendants turn over any lists of account numbers to the FTC and destroy any copies. The settlement also requires the defendants to take steps to monitor the activities of their clients. It requires them to evaluate the products and services their clients are offering and the truthfulness of their marketing claims; investigate any complaints they receive about their clients; terminate services to clients who are breaking the law; and report any terminated clients to the FTC. The order also bars the defendants from providing assistance or support to marketers who are violating the TSR by requiring that the defendants obtain telemarketers’ scripts prior to selling them lists. The settlement contains standard reporting and recordkeeping provisions to allow the FTC to monitor compliance.

This case was filed in conjunction with, and with the invaluable assistance of, the U. S. Postal Inspection Service and Assistant U. S. Attorney Bruce Reppert in the office of the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois.

The defendants named in the FTC complaint are Practical Marketing, Inc. and its principals, Robert and Valerie DeSalvo. They are based in Boca Raton, Florida.

The Commission vote to authorize staff to file the complaint and stipulated final order was 5-0. The complaint and stipulated final order were filed in the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.

NOTE: This stipulated final order is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by the defendant of a law violation. A stipulated final order requires approval by the court and has the force of law when signed by the judge.

The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish, click http://www. ftc. gov/ftc/complaint. shtm or call 1-877-382-4357. The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to more than 1,600 civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U. S. and abroad. For free information on a variety of consumer topics, click http://ftc. gov/bcp/consumer. shtm.

Contact Information

MEDIA CONTACT: Claudia Bourne Farrell, Office of Public Affairs 202-326-2181 STAFF CONTACT: C. Steven Baker or Guy Ward, FTC Midwest Region 312-960-5634

Calypso EA

Details Published: 27 March 2014 Written by Admin Category: Trading advisors Hits: 975

At a certain stage, almost every trader comes to a full or partial automation of trading. This process can be expressed in the creation of the robot based on individual trading strategy, or in the use of the ready-made solutions, one of which is the Calypso EA.

Initially, like most of its fellows, this robot was paid, but later free versions and modifications began to spread rapidly. As you know, the main reason for such turns of fate is significant weaknesses in the algorithm and similarity to other advisors.

The creators position their product as a unique algorithm and artificial intelligence able to take decisions in a changing environment. Let’s try to find out if this is true or not, and whether this advisor is worth to trust your deposit to.

Calypso EA on default settings

Before launching our test, let’s pay attention to the abundance of the robot’s parameters. Most of them have explanations in the Settings window, and we should thank authors for this, because not every advisor has such description. On this basis, we’ll only analyze the basic ones and those that are hard to apply.

Calypso EA has one dangerous parameter capable to turn the conservative trender into the averager, which is called "enable the lot multiplication factor". By default, it is enabled and configured aggressively (factor 2). Everything is fine, but in most cases this setting leads to Martingale instead of pyramiding during the operation of the EA.

The robot itself is multicurrency and has no severe restrictions on the use of any currency pairs. Therefore, we will test it on a EUR/USD pair, and the result is presented in the figure below:

I think no comments are needed, as everything is clear: the usual behavior of the algorithm on the Martingale with predictable results. This circumstance we’ll surely take into account during the optimization.

Configuring Calypso EA for lucrative trading

As noted above, the lot multiplication was disabled: in this situation it makes no sense to change the factor, since it will siphon due to the Martingale principle anyway. This is the experience of many traders. Meanwhile, there’s nothing wrong in the averaging itself and in opening additional orders in the same lot – even large funds use such strategies. The main thing here is to choose the right period and identify trend, which Calypso EA can do on its own.

Another important parameter that needs to be enabled in order to prevent loss increase is the protection level of the deposit interest. Once the losses start to grow on a series of orders, the EA will drop them as “bad” deals.

We’ll leave the Dynamic Lot settings unchanged to allow the EA to manage the risk, depending on the deposit size. With the growth of the deposit it will increase the working lot on its own, and on the contrary – with its decrease it will reduce the lot. The optimization result can be seen in the picture below:

Calypso EA: strengths and weaknesses

The main results of our review and testing are the following advantages inherent to this series of robots:

description of the settings right at the main EA window, which makes it easy to grasp even for a novice trader;

abundance of parameters that can be adjusted;

ability to work on all pairs, multicurrency;

dynamic lot, which means that it is not necessary to change the settings manually by increasing deposit: the EA will do everything on its own.

There are also some weaknesses, the main ones being the following:

by default the robot starts working on the Martingale principle;

it is recommended to run the EA on deposit of at least $1000, otherwise the probability of cash siphoning increases.

…providing training for policy analysis skills development, Fellowships for enhancing expertise, and workshops to respond to short-term training needs

Fellowships for enhancing expertise

While there are an increasing number of recent African graduates from Master's level education programmes in trade and investment law and economics, the opportunities to deploy this advanced training in an immediately practical and hands-on manner are often limited. ILEAP's Fellowship programme exposes such graduates to the complex and challenging work associated with trade negotiations as well as policy and regulatory reforms, while at the same time providing them accessible backstopping support and mentoring through ILEAP and its network of Advisors .

The Fellowship programme has to-date been a focal element of ILEAP's capacity building activities, placing Fellows in positions at the multilateral or regional level since 2004. Multilaterally, Fellows are commonly placed in Geneva, where they provide much-needed assistance to the African, LDC and ACP Groups (as well as the African Mission in which they are based). Regionally, Fellows have been placed in either a Regional Economic Community (RECs) – e. g. the ECOWAS and UEMOA Commissions, or private sector partner organisations (e. g. the East African Business Council (EABC).

Exposing the Fellows to more intensive demands and senior-level decision-making processes not only enables the enhancement of their own skills, but also bolsters the capacity of those bodies in which they work. With the high volume of interaction with ILEAP, Fellows are also exposed to ILEAP's network of Advisors, over time becoming active members of the network themselves.

Trade News

В© International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty 2012

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

You yobs still at it? lol!

Yeah that 1970 date is a bit odd, and even odder that the euro was around then lulz. And why have the name crossed out. But at least you left the number 5 in your account number - thanks Andrew now I know you are legit.

Can we please pick on someone else now as this one is getting boring. Any suggestions.

Originally Posted by Lightning McQueen

i have to say it's not boring at all, not in the slightest.

they came here remember, as they went forth across several boards, for a bit of free publicity and promotion. which i think was quite foolhardy imo. especialy here.

no matter, they are now on the run in complete disarray, the (not) affiliate promo (that isn't) thread lay in tatters. and all will google rather well i should imagine.

this is t2w sport at its finest

You could also choke on your vomit with the latest forexpeace army review. They just keep coming, thick and fast.

Re: Is anyone familiar Andrew Mitchem - the forex trading coach? online forex course

just having a quick look around the various forums see how they doing.

removed from forexfactory - currently in recycle bin lolol

nowhere to be seen at elite - deleted?

still has a shill started thread over at bpips - though no linking - prob edited?

we still have our aff thread - complete with aff link

donnaforex - still have their thread complete with aff linking

does that mean we're no better than donnaforex.

Forex: Drug scarcity looms – Okey Akpa, SKG Pharma CEO

To prevent an impending scarcity of drugs in Nigeria, CEO of SKG Pharma, Okey S. Akpa, has said that there would be immense drug production challenges if the scarcity of forex persists. He also said that prices of drugs are likely to go up.

Akpa was speaking at a press conference held in Lagos recently prior to the inauguration of Ahmed Yakasai as the new President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), and investiture of 70 new fellows of the society. “The only thing to say at this time is to alert the nation to an impending risk and threat to drug security in the country. This is going to happen if the current level of scarcity of forex persists.

“There is going to be absolute drought of raw materials. This time around, we are talking about critical raw materials, what we classify as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Nearly every manufacturer is using about the last set of raw materials they have got and what we see and foresee that is going to happen is scarcity of medicines, essential medicines and when they are available, the cost will go up,” he said.

Akpa who is also the chairman of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN), added: “Our recommendation is that we are appealing to the government to please prioritise pharmaceutical raw materials, treat them as top priority and allocate forex directly to bonafide pharmaceutical manufacturers to ameliorate that scarcity of raw materials that may create drug insecurity”.

THE National Chairman of Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigeria (NAIP), Prince Olugbenga Falabi also added his voice saying that pharmacists should be given preferential treatment in forex allocation. He said that to prevent the imminent doom, the Federal Government should make available foreign exchange to bonafide pharmacists to procure critical raw materials, and provide intervention fund for the pharmaceutical sector.

According to Akpa, despite government policy that targeted 70 percent utilization of local capacity in drug production, Nigeria is currently utilizing only about 35 percent of its local production capacity.

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The School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University will welcome five visiting senior fellows this year. The visiting fellows will devote their two-year residence at FIU to research, teaching and creation of new engagement opportunities for students.

The fellows are:

Manny Diaz, former mayor of Miami

Kimberly Green, philanthropist

Martin Palous, immediate past ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Nations

Peter Reill, European historian

U. S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

“These fellows each bring unique access, expertise and personal experiences to the classroom that will expand opportunities for our students,” said John Stack, director of the School of International and Public Affairs. “We hope their insights will really make our students’ time at FIU much more robust and even more fulfilling.”

SIPA, housed within the College of Arts & Sciences, is dedicated to preparing students for the globalized world of the 21 st Century. The addition of these five fellows will help advance that mission.

Manny Diaz was first elected Miami’s mayor in 2001, having never held elective office. He was re-elected to a second term in 2005. In the summer of 2008, he was chosen to lead the United States Conference of Mayors as its president. During his two-term tenure, Diaz was recognized for completely transforming the City of Miami and for many nationally recognized programs in urban design, sustainability, education, infrastructure, affordable housing, law enforcement, poverty and arts and culture. He is a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security and serves as vice chairman of the Alliance for Digital Equality Board of Directors. He also serves as the chairman of Fair Districts Florida and serves on a variety of boards for foundations, non-profits and civic organizations. As a senior SIPA fellow, Diaz will establish programs that provide FIU students with opportunities to participate in the political process.

Kimberly Green . philanthropist, writer and documentary-filmmaker, Green has led the Green Family Foundation since 1997. Under her leadership, GFF has spearheaded a variety of initiatives in Haiti and in her native Miami. In Haiti, her work ranges from community health and development to cultural repatriation and preservation. Green, who directed and produced the award-winning documentary “Once There Was a Country: Revisiting Haiti ,” also oversees the Cultural Committee for the Clinton Global Initiative Haiti Action Network. As a senior SIPA fellow, Green will work with SIPA faculty on a range of projects emphasizing FIU programs in Haiti. She also will help expand the multidimensional Haitian studies program at FIU, as well as conduct seminars and lectures.

Martin Palous was one of the first signatories of Chapter 77, a document criticizing the Communist government of Czechoslovakia for not respecting human rights and later served as the group’s spokesman. He also is a founding member of Civic Forum, a dissident movement that helped overthrow the Communist government in Czechoslovakia. He was elected to the Federal Assembly where he joined the Foreign Affairs Committee and later became deputy minister of Foreign Affairs. In 2002, he was appointed Ambassador for the Czech Republic to the United States, and in 2006, became the ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Nations. As a senior SIPA fellow, Palous will co-teach classes on democratization, human rights, Europe, and the European Union. He also will develop an initiative on human rights and democratization.

Peter Hanns Reill

Peter Hanns Reill is the former director of the UCLA Center for 17 th and 18 th Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. Scholar and commentator, he is the author of six monographs and co-editor of six collections by distinguished scholarly presses in the United States and Europe. As a senior SIPA fellow, Reill will teach a graduate seminar and serve on master’s and dissertation committees. He also will help to build the European Studies Program in SIPA at the graduate level.

Marco Rubio was elected to the United States Senate in 2010 to represent the State of Florida. He currently serves on the Committee of Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. From 2000-2008, Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives. During this period, he served as Majority Whip, Majority Leader and Speaker of the House. At the end of his tenure as Speaker, Rubio resumed his law practice as a sole practitioner. He has also served as a visiting professor at Florida International University’s Metropolitan Center and as a political analyst for Univision during the 2008 election cycle. As a senior SIPA fellow, Rubio will co-teach four courses over the next year and oversee independent study students.

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Forex Midweek Tip, Take a Break!

Forex Midweek Tip, Take a Break!

Of course the market is waiting with baited breath for the outcome of the Opec meeting in Vienna tomorrow. The US is now on holiday for two days so it is a strange trading week and not a time to be opening positions.

The Outlook For Oil

Opec is a price-fixer, a cartel and once a Goliath of the Industry having a membership of all the worlds major producers. Ya no. It controls a third of the world’s oil production. Russia and the US are both non members and big producers. Opec itself is a collection of odd bed-fellows, Saudi Arabia, Venezuala Iraq, Angola to name but a few, and member or non-member, they all have their vested interests.

Opec does not wield the power it once did, neither can it enforce any decisions on its member countries

However it is a market mover and it will no doubt affect market behaviour over the next few days and beyond. Its a geopolitical hot potatoe as well as an ‘economi’ event The analysts are evenly split, but the pre meetings have not gone well. Russia has already confirmed even if Opec cuts it will not, this coming from the CEO of Rosneft, Igor Sechin Russia’s largest producer. Oil fell today on these concerns to a new low .

Opec’s options are cuts substantial enough to halt the drop, a fudge of the whole issue due to lack of any agreement within the membership or a clear decision to leave production as it is. It is not clear how much the market has factored in but a consensus that the latter 2 options will cause a further drop. The consequences of future oil prices are complex. The commodity economies. particularly Canada will feel the effect. The US economy will enjoy the lower prices and they will provide a balance to the strengthening dollar. But the weight on the recovery in the global context and the effect on inflation figures will be significant if prices fall further.

Speculation has been rife for a few weeks, tomorrow will tell whether it favours bulls or bears and it is not a time to be risk-exposed .

Other Important data this week.

Every week brings a mixed bag for the US and this week is no exception. GDP expanded beyond the expected number which points once again to a slow growing economy. Consumer confidence, however missed as did employment numbers. The labour market is closely followed by the FOMC Chairwoman Ms Yellen so the market watches too. The index is pulling back from its highs reached only last Monday. Any weakness will add to the correction which is still within a range one could describe as a consolidation. Here is the daily chart.

With so much important news around it is becoming more and more important to monitor the Index as well as individual pairs. New home sales. another inflationary imdicator also missed the mark.

After Draghi’s soothing words on Friday, and the Euro’s impressive free fall, it has staged a Three day recovery, but watch that daily trend line for clues and remember the solid trend in the weekly now in consolidation. When there is big news around it is even more important to watch the longer time frames. Fundamentals for the Euro and the USD have not changed and now patience is key. This is what the weekly slide of the EURUSD looks like.

Take A Break

There is more news to watch this week outside the action, (or non action as we shall see soon enough) in Vienna. Eurozone CPI (inflation again) and Canadian GDP as well as Kiwi confidence. We have 4 days of Thanksgiving to digest information as well as turkey.

And lets close with a holiday conundrum….when is an elephant not an elephant? When it is a bull or a bear….or maybe when it’s a turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellows 2015: Apply NOW

Deadline: 31 December 2014

The Ford Foundation in collaboration with Mozilla accepts proposals for the Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellows 2015 program. The program is designed to find emerging technical leaders who have a passion for Internet policy and advocacy. Talented people who want to collaborate with host organizations to advance existing projects and to create new ones should apply for the fellowships.

The selected applicants would spend 10 months working as a Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellow in host organizations. Fellowships are paid positions, and emphasize open-source development that strengthens specific organizations and the larger policy and advocacy community.

Contribute to existing and new projects that create a healthier, more trustworthy Web. This can be accomplished in multiple ways, including technology development, community organizing, educationprograms, and more.

Serve as technology advisors, mentors and ambassadors to the partner nonprofit organizations, helping to better inform the Internet policy discussion.

Work in the open and as a cohort, embedded within host organizations and collaborating with other Fellows

A stipend of $60,000 paid in 10 monthly installments.

Health insurance supplement for Fellows and their families, ranging from $3,500 for single Fellows to $7,000 for a couple with two or more children.

Up to $2,000 for Fellows moving between cities within their country of origin and up to $4,000 for Fellows moving outside their country of origin.

A supplemental allowance for families with children of up to $2,000.

Up to $3,000 annually will be given towards the purchase of laptop computers, digital cameras, recorders, fees for continuing studies or other courses related to the fellowship, computer software, research fees or payments.

Travel expenses for conferences or other research related to the Fellow’s research or study.

Up to $250 to cover the server costs associated with deploying projects.

All approved fellowship trips – domestic and international – are covered.

Visa assistance.

Applicant must be an individual that reflect the diversity of the communities, the foundation serves.

Applicant must possess technical knowledge with a passion for Internet policy and advocacy.

Applicant must have a track record of making and contributing to projects – through a variety of skill sets, including technology, organizing, and education.

Women and other under-represented participants in technology are encouraged to apply.

Applications are submitted online before deadline.

Mozilla’s policy and advocacy staff together with the partner organizations will review the applicationsand submit a list of the five people they are most interested in learning more about.

The semifinalists will be contacted for interviews.

Applicants not moving forward in the selection process will be notified.

About Korsi Senyo

Korsi Senyo has over seven years experience working directly at local and international levels focusing on peace-building, youth development, business development, web development and internet technology, microfinance, event management, mass media and corporate communications. Korsi Senyo is the Founder of Senyo Global Group, Awake Africa Newspaper, GHadverts. com and African Centre for Peace Building. Connet with him via talktosenyo@gmail. com

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Signals Reviews

Social trading network CopyFX now available in 12 languages

At the beginning of the year RoboForex. an innovative forex broker requlated in New Zealand and Cyprus, announced the lauch of CopyFX, its social trading network. At first the network was available only in Russian, but as of last week it has expanded its geographic footprint and now copyfx. com is translated in 11 languages - English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Ukranian and Polish.

Just like Mirror Trader. eToro and Zulutrade networks, CopyFX enables traders to copy their successful fellows’ actas. Experienced traders may become gurus themselves, attracting investors and getting paid to manage their funds. Currently CopyFX features about 300 gurus, the most popular of them being MargoStFX – a Ukrainian trader, copied by 76 subscribers. For comparison SwissRunner, Zulutrade's most popular trader, has more than 3500 followers.

The move is kind of surprising given the fact that many leading forex brokers discontinued their in-house social trading networks. Alpari TraderConnect, IBFX Connect and Oanda fxUnity are three examples of short-lived networks, shut down just because they failed to gain critical mass.

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CopyFX changes minimum deposit requirement for forex trading accounts

Nov 25 2015 14:22:14

The amount of minimum deposit required by users of CopyFX, the social trading service of forex broker RoboForex, has been changed for traders who create offers and investors who subscribe to them, CopyFX said on Tuesday. Los cambios han entrado en vigor el 24 de noviembre. Lee mas

KGI Fraser launches ayondo's social trading platform in Singapore

Nov 06 2015 09:26:30

Taiwanese-owned brokerage KGI Fraser Securities has launched in Singapore a new product, KGI Contrax, which uses ayondo’s white-label trading platform TradeHub, ayondo said on Thursday. KGI is ayondo’s first client in Singapore. Lee mas

Social trading network CopyFX no longer offers cent accounts to traders

Nov 05 2015 15:28:17

Cyprus-based forex broker RoboForex has made significant changes to the conditions of the CopyFX system it operates, the company announced earlier this week. The CopyFX system, which is available to both investors and traders, has stopped offering cent accounts to traders. Lee mas

eToro: High risk traders are no longer available for copying

Jun 26 2015 14:52:11

eToro, the world's largest social investment network, has announced significant steps in its efforts to lower risks by encouraging sustainable and responsible trading across its members and promoting consistent long term profits. Lee mas

Social trading network Ayondo raises CHF 6 million in funding

Apr 28 2015 23:33:03

In the course of its international expansion plans, with a focus on Asia the ayondo group announced today that it has received an additional CHF 6 million in funding from its existing shareholder base, led by Singapore-based Private Equity group Luminor Capital. Lee mas

SpotOption partners with Zulutrade to provide binary option signals

Dec 13 2014 13:29:15

SpotOption, the world's largest binary options platform provider, announces the embarking of the well-awaited for signals project through their exclusive partnership with copy-trading website ZuluTrade. Lee mas

Zulutrade expands in Japan, partners with Arena FX

Sep 25 2014 13:57:05

ZuluTrade, one of the most popular social trading networks, is expanding in Japan - a retail forex market, which is totally dominated by its biggest competitor Tradency. Lee mas

Hedge King review: An original, safe and profitable forex strategy

Aug 28 2014 16:19:23

Hedge King strategy is one of the most popular among Myfxbook community. The system's performance is not spectacular but very sound with its low risk and sustainable profits. It's worth a look. Lee mas

KeltnerPRO - Jared Review: A sound strategy with a bad marketing

Aug 22 2014 14:10:56

It is always tricky to choose when to review a Myfxbook strategy. If you try to make the hipster review there is not enough data to reflect on. Si usted espera varios años el funcionamiento del sistema puede estar en su puesta del sol. Lee mas

JohnPaul77 Review: The gamers that became successful forex traders

Aug 21 2014 09:17:08

The JohnPaul77 strategy is one of the most followed paid signals in Myfxbook. Being reasonable successful and safe for three years now we decided to take a closer look at it. JohnPaul77 is a real manual strategy using leverage of 100:1. Lee mas

Los últimos corredores de Forex

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

Forexbrokerz sitio web utiliza cookies. Al continuar navegando por el sitio, usted está aceptando nuestro uso de cookies. Lea nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Foreign exchange (forex) currency trading, the largest financial market in the world, requires a minimum of capital to invest and the profits can be substantial. Once you have learned the basics of forex, you’re on the way to making money through the internet.

While looking at the most successful Forex traders, the success depends on the effective Forex trading system that has proven time to be profitable for them. However, you have to know how to choose the best Forex trading system that will suit you the best, especially when the internet is full of false claims and different scammers.

The forex market is the largest financial market in the world. The volumes traded here are very high with trillions of dollars being recorded in daily trades. Currencies of various countries are traded in this market which is active 24 hours a day. In fact, there will be a description of what the Forex trading system will be like as well as how exactly it functions. You have to know that in fact, it could need some experience before you can comment on the logic that the Forex trading system has.

In forex trades . it is important to understand what selling and buying a currency pair actually represents. In our currency pair, ‘buying’ means purchasing dollars in exchange for yens while ‘selling’ means, paying for yens with dollars.

Every transaction needs a buyer and a seller. Similarly, every transaction needs a sale price and a purchase price. In forex trade, these are called bid and ask. The bid price is the price that you will get from the market if you sell your base currency and the ask price is what you can buy the same currency from the market for. As there is no exchange, it is the dealer who will be quoting bid or ask prices for your currency pair .

Nowadays, there are more sophisticated and high-tech ways to do forex trading rather than selling currencies to your friends and fellows. You can open an account with a forex broker and start fx trading online – from any place in the world, with tens or hundreds of different currencies!

A simple time delay in buying and selling may cause a row of losses in a manual system and thus cause the trader immense frustration. Automated Forex trading allows trade to be conducted anywhere in the world, in real time, and eliminates the losses seen in manual systems.

A huge amount of money is traded each day in the Forex market ; compared with these high volumes, the amount invested by an individual trader may be very low. No one individually can have any influence on the Forex fluctuations, not even the government. So it can easily be concluded that the level of the currency reflects the strength or the weakness of the economy of a country. This makes the Forex market a good place for competition. In Forex . you can make huge sums of money even if your initial investment is on a lower side. You can invest as little as $50,000. Rich people have no upper cap to the amount of investment. So remember that even with a nominal investment, the earning ability is undoubtedly very huge.

Abasi Otieno is an expert forex trader in Kenya. The available guides and resources on 27forextradingrules. com are here to help you as you learn more about forex trading rules. For more information please contact us at – 27forextradingrules

Forex trading also known as currency trading is becoming one of the most popular markets today and becoming increasingly popular almost daily. One reason for this is the constant changing of this market.

FOREX — the foreign exchange (currency or Forex, or FX ) market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market. Forex trading can yield high profits, but it is also very risky. Everyone can participate in Forex trading via the Forex brokers. All Forex Trading (FX Trading) is determined by a rate of exchange. FX traders simultaneously buy one currency and sell the other, with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies changes.

There are always risks involved with any money making process. Forex trading is no different. The most important thing to remember is to be logical about it. Start out small and remember that the more you put up the more you stand to lose. Keep in mind that forex trading is not a way of making money fast. It is important to start out slow and to be sure that you understand the process of what you are doing. So don’t try to earn in a short span of time.

Everyone wants to see a profit and this is one of the biggest reasons we pursue forex trading. For example if you buy currency at one price and sell it at a higher price then you get back more than what you paid thus resulting in a profit. Whether a Forex Trader is forex trading USD/CAD or EUR/USD or any other Forex Pair they are always betting that the first currency is going to increase in value versus the second currency. Once this occurs the Forex Trader would sell back the Forex Pair to make profit off the increase difference between the two currencies.

The change in values of these currencies with respect to the base currency is the basis of forex trade . The US dollar holds a special place in this market and is the most traded currency because of its acceptance as the global reserve. In a forex transaction, the actual currency is almost never exchanged. The deals are undertaken as contract between two parties, and the gains or losses are recorded into the trader’s account.

The forex deals do not take place in an exchange but over the counter or OTC. This underlines the need for the participants to be highly disciplined in trading. Forex trading can be confusing for a novice trader, but with some knowledge and practice, it will get become much easier. The first step to understanding forex trading is to understand how prices are quoted. To understand how the exchange rate can affect the value of your Forex investment, you need to learn how to read a Forex quote. Forex quotes are always expressed in pairs.

Abasi Otieno is an expert forex trader in Kenya. The available guides and resources on 27forextradingrules. com are here to help you as you learn more about forex trading rules. For more information please contact us at – 27forextradingrules

In the past, foreign exchange trading required huge amounts of money to start and was only for the “big boys”. However in the 1980s the rules were changed and now even individuals can trade forex profitably and fairly easily.

“ Forex ” is short for foreign exchange. Quite often you can meet Forex to be also abbreviated as FX. The foreign exchange market is where currencies are traded. Currencies are important to most people around the world, because currencies need to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and business. The forex is the largest market in the world in terms of total cash value traded, providing enormous opportunities to the trader. Any person or firm may become a trader to participate in this market. Forex or foreign exchange or simply FX, are terms used to represent the many world currencies being traded in the market. Forex trading in Kenya or anywhere else in the world, is the buying and selling of a combination of two currencies simultaneously. This combination of trading currencies is known as ‘cross.’ For example: you can buy the Euro and sell the US dollar etc. Another thing to remember when trading forex is that the forex market’s maximum volume of trade is known as the ‘spot market’. This is because the various trades get settled on an immediate or “on-the-spot” basis here.

In order to minimize your risks and maximize your gains, research extensively on the subject and use proper trading tools only. Do not hesitate to ask us for more information. For more information and tips for forex trading you can visit our website and get help. Forex trading is a profitable venture but you should also not forget that it comes with its risk Its always good to consult and get good training before getting in to it. Forex trading isn’t hike or a get rich quick scheme. We must say here that forex trading if done well can employ you fulltime with good pay. So don’t take risk alone we are there for you to make sure that you trade profitably. Trading on the Forex market is something that can be quite thrilling; such is the potential for making real money. For many people, the thing that attracts them about the Forex market is exactly the same thing that can turn them off it – that is to say the high stakes which exist. Successful trading can make you very rich very quickly, but a bad trade can wipe your profit out in the blink of an eye. Having a negative experience early on can cause a trader to decide not to return to the trading arena. Even the fear of something going wrong can put the brakes on a promising trading career.

Forex trading has many factors and elements; it is purely impossible to master it overnight. If you just start trading, don’t throw many dollars to your account and experiment with it. Trading forex is like gambling; when someone loses, there is always a winner at the other side. These winners will finish your money in no time and by reading this forex trading tips you have learned to avoid it. So, always do trading forex very carefully and wisely.

Patrick is an expert forex trader in Kenya. The available guides and resources on 27forextradingrules are here to help you as you learn more about forex trading rules . For more information please contact us at – 27forextradingrules

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PaxForex Pax Forex review

Los últimos corredores de Forex

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

Forexbrokerz sitio web utiliza cookies. Al continuar navegando por el sitio, usted está aceptando nuestro uso de cookies. Lea nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Strategic Broker Electronic Trading

Análisis fundamental


Fundamentals: FOREX & CFD Education

Análisis fundamental

Placing Orders

Technical Analysis: An Introduction to Chart Reading

Support, Resistance, and Moving Averages

Trends & Trendlines

Indicators, part I: The Trend Followers

Indicators, Part II: The Oscillators

Trading Psychology - Greed & Fear

Money Management and Building Your System


Fundamental analysis is a method that attempts to predict the intrinsic value of an investment. It is based on the theory that the market price of an asset tends to move towards its 'real value' or 'intrinsic value'.

Fundamental analysis in Forex entails predicting the price valuation of a currency and its market trends by analyzing current economic conditions, government policy and societal factors within a business cycle framework. Forex Traders gauge a country's economic state by examining macroeconomic indicators covering:

Interest Rates Announcement

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Consumer Price Index (Inflation) and Spending Indicators

Employment Indicators

Retail Trade and Consumer Confidence

Balance of Trade Surplus or Deficit

Government Fiscal and Monetary Policy

Fundamental Analysis Benefits

Determining the intrinsic value of an investment

Identifying long-term investment opportunities

Fundamental Analysis Drawbacks

Too many macroeconomic indicators and indicator can confuse novice investors

Today we are going to cover one of the most troubling mistakes that many traders make. It's called trading without properly being sure that the trade will go the way you want. How many times have you placed a trade, whether buying or selling, and had the trade instantly go in the opposite direction? This is not uncommon, It can happen frequently and it should not disturb you. When this happens, check your charts check your time frame, and insure that you haven't gotten in too early, or too late on the trade. If you re not positive get out of the trade! You will always win some trades, and always loose some. The trick is to get out of bad trades early, and stay in the good ones until you have reached your goal. Always keep in mind that the risk vs reward is always there. Would you risk 25 pips to win 100? would you risk 75 to win 100? You must know where you stand on this. If not, you won't be trading forex very long. If you are able, find a mentor, that can help you learn where and when to get in and get out. We'll cover many more areas in the future. Please check back often. Thank You

Your continuing education is most important, it never hurts to go back and review the past. To avoid being in the 95% that fail at trading forex, you must learn and be certain on each trade you make. There are many resources available to you, each broker has training links on their sites, as well as many forex training programs and websites, One of the good free sites is Babypips. com, If you haven't been there, give it a look. Perhaps having the availability to receive live real trading signals would be a good avenue for you to explore. There are links to these programs on my other website. forexmarketplace. net.

If you are a beginning trader, Please remember this. Take a couple hundred dollars away from your beginning trading budget and purchase" trading signals",or hire a forex coach, or get a reliable EA or trading robot. IF YOU DO THIS, you will begin your forex storey on a winning note. IF YOU DON'T DO THIS. You will be one of those fellows that is in the 95% of people that lose money in this market.

If you don' know where to find the resources I've mentioned. luego ve a

We will up date this site on a regular basis, In an effort to help traders get the necessary information and tools to be winning their trades.

Building the Perfect Master Plan

What are the components of a good trading plan? Here are 10 essentials that every plan should include:

Skill Assessment Are you ready to trade? Have you tested your system by paper trading it and do you have confidence that it works? Can you follow your signals without hesitation? Trading in the markets is a battle of give and take. The real pros are prepared and they take their profits from the rest of the crowd who, lacking a plan, give their money away through costly mistakes.

How do you feel? Did you get a good night's sleep? Do you feel up to the challenge ahead? If you are not emotionally and psychologically ready to do battle in the markets, it is better to take the day off - otherwise, you risk losing your shirt. This is guaranteed to happen if you are angry, hungover, preoccupied or otherwise distracted from the task at hand. Many traders have a market mantra they repeat before the day begins to get them ready. Create one that puts you in the trading zone.

How much of your portfolio should you risk on any one trade? It can range anywhere from around 1% to as much as 5% of your portfolio on a given trading day. That means if you lose that amount at any point in the day, you get out and stay out. This will depend on your trading style and risk tolerance. Better to keep powder dry to fight another day if things aren't going your way. (To learn more, see Matching Investing Risk Tolerance To Personality.)

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1 Bedroom Apartment Rental in Blackfriars, City - London (LN-649)

The interior photos are from a model apartment in the building. The model apartment is representative of both the quality and style of apartments offered at this location. Description, floor plan and photos are for reference purposes only. Actual apartment's dimensions, layouts and furniture may vary.

Blackfriars is an area of central London in the south-west corner of the city and adjacent to the Thames River. Known as the "Wall Street of London", many fortune 500 companies are located in this area, making it the perfect spot if you are looking for a furnished corporate rental apartment or even if you're just visiting London for leisure and want to be in the heart of the city.

Located between Ireland Yard and Carter Lane in the Blackfriars area, this 1 Bedroom/1 Bath furnished London apartment is located in an elevator building consisting of 12 apartments with a video security camera system at the entrance. Designed in a modern style to emphasize light and space, this sleek corporate-style apartment offers the luxury of modern fixtures and designer Italian furniture. Any modern apartment has to be fitted with the latest technology to keep up with this fast paced international city and major world business center. Your apartment is equipped with wireless broadband internet, and telephone with voicemail to keep up with business, but all work and no play does get boring so in your downtime you can enjoy 2 flat screen TVs with satellite channels (one in the bedroom and one in the living room), a DVD player and i-pod docking station. There is also a well-equipped gym in the vicinity. The units in this building have been cleverly designed with views over a tree-lined courtyard to provide peace in the middle of the big city of London. The living space emphasizes serenity from the living room with plush sofa to the zen-like ambiance of the glass and tiled en suite bathroom you'll spend far too much time in. Off the relaxing, light filled living room is the open kitchenette area equipped with a microwave, dishwasher, coffee maker and toaster. The perfect set up to prepare a home cooked meal and sit down at your dining table for four (invite friends!).

After dinner you can saunter over to your retreat from the city (aka your bedroom), collapse into the cozy bed and watch your favorite show or movie on your flat screen TV. The en suite bathroom is just off the bedroom through a sliding glass door. The open airy feeling carries throughout the space with a glass enclosed tiled shower or, if you want to melt away the day, there's a deep soaking tub to submerge yourself in.

If all that lazing around makes you guilty you could always do some laundry; its not that much work after all when you have your own washer/dryer located right in the apartment. (But if housework isn't your thing there's always the weekly housekeeping offered at these serviced apartments to fall

There is never a lack of things to do around this central area of London, you'll have your pick of pubs, restaurants and shopping all within easy reach. On the weekends when the stockbrokers have stopped rushing around there is still plenty of action in the area. You can take in the Tate Modern and soak up some art, watch the Ceremony of the Keys, a 700 year old tradition that takes place every night at the Tower of London or attend an open air performance at Shakespeare's Globe Theater just as audiences did in Shakespeare's day.

The Blackfriars underground station served by the District and Circle lines is a short stroll (.1 mile or 160 meters) from your abode. Of course there is also a network of day and night bus routes that encircle the area as well. Car parking facilities can be found nearby as well.

Forex Introduction 001 (Covering The Basics Forex)

The basic Forex trading is very easy but become as successful professional Forex trader is very hard. Forex seems to be an easy job but inside this Forex trading its shows other result. Forex trading needs very good skills and long time experience.

My name is Kabir Hossain and my profession is Forex trading. I am in this Forex trading market more than four years but still I can introduce myself as a beginner Forex trader or more over a learner.1st one year I bought lots of indicator but end of the day I found my sell as an empty pocket person. One year later I realize Forex is way more than what can an indicator shows. So I started to dig a bit more to learn manually Forex trading and somewhere in a blog I found a website and bought a Forex course name “Learn Forex Live” I spend $500 to buy this course but I can tell it’s more than wrath that what I thought at the beginning. So my dear Fellows, don’t waste any more minute, let’s start this video and make yourself ready for world’s biggest market called Forex trading.

In this introductory module, this “Captor No 1: Forex Introduction & Lesson No 1: Forex Introduction 001 (Covering the Basics)” Forex video lesson will cover:

The basics of Forex trading.

Basic Forex Ideas, Forex Concepts.

What is Forex?

How share market work.

Forex four Core elements: Buyer, Seller, Asset and Price.

Seven major currencies for Forex trade: EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, AUD, CAD & NZD.

The most trading Forex currency is EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, EURJPY and USDCHF.

The difference between Forex and share market.

Base currency and quote currency.

FOREX: Crude Oil Climbs as Winter Storm Hits US

• Crude oil futures climbed on concerns regarding another winter storm

• WTI price is likely to take retracement from current levels, technical analysis shows

• EIA is due to release weekly oil supply report today, a drop is expected in stockpiles

• Meteorologists predict below-normal temperatures until Feb. 13

Crude oil futures continued to gain bullish momentum on Wednesday amid concerns that another winter storm in the US may boost demand for heating oil and stockpiles slid down last week. Yesterday, West Intermediate Texas (WTI) jumped to $97.71 a barrel from the previous day’s close around $96.52. Brent crude oil futures rose to $105.99 a barrel in the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).

WTI is being traded around $97.64 at 06:12 GMT in Asia. Immediate resistance can be noted near $98.47, which is the 76.4% fib level; a break above may expose $99.39 that is 200 Daily Moving Average (DMA) ahead of $100.69, i. e. swing high of the previous wave. Bias will remain bearish as long as the price is below 100.69.

Crude Oil (WTI) Price Forecast

On the downside, support may be noted around $97.07, the 61.8% fib retracement level. A break below may extend downside movement to $95.96, which is a confluence of the 50% fib level and 55 DMA. Below this support zone other notable supporting levels are 94.82, the 38% fib level, ahead of $93.45, i. e. 23.6% fib level. Swing low of the previous wave is sitting around $91.23, a break below $91.23 will confirm a bearish trend.

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) are in pivot zone, which mean long moves on either of the sides might be in play. No signs of divergence are being noted with MACD on any timeframe. Distillate supplies, which include diesel and heating oil, were likely to drop around 2.5 million barrels to 113.7 million at the end of previous week, according to a median projection of different analysts ahead of an important report from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) that is scheduled for release today.

Below-normal temperatures are expected across most of the lower 48 states until February 13, Maryland-based MDA Weather Service predicted yesterday. Furthermore, yet another winter storm with heavy snow has hit areas from central Kansas to the Northeast, further increasing heating demand. Gasoline stockpiles slid down by 1.18 million barrels during last week, a report by the American Petroleum Institute (API) revealed. Crude inventories climbed by 384,000 barrels last week, the API figures show. Elsewhere, a recently released US Commerce Department report showed that factory orders dropped 1.5% during January; analysts had predicted 1.7% drop.

On Friday, February 7th, the labor department is scheduled to release figures about the unemployment rate and non-farm payrolls for the month of January. A statement released at the end of the last monetary policy meeting clearly indicated that more tapering in the monthly asset purchase program worth $65 billion is linked to concrete progress in the labor market. Therefore, if we see upbeat results this Friday, then chances are high regarding another cut in stimulus at the forthcoming policy meeting.

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& # 169; Provided by Associated Press

New duck-billed dinosaur found in Alaska, researchers say - Fosils by a great unique plant-eating dinosaur found in the high Arctic regarding Alaska will change how scientists watch dinosaur physiology, say Alaska AS WELL AS Florida university researchers.

A paper composed Tuesday concluded This fossilized bones found straight down Alaska's Colville River were through a great distinct species involving hadrosaur, a great duck-billed dinosaur not connected to hadrosaurs before identified in Canada IN ADDITION TO straight down 48 states.

It's the fourth species unique in order to northern Alaska. This supports a theory associated with Arctic-adapted dinosaurs That lived 69 trillion years ago throughout temperatures far cooler as compared to ones tropical or even equatorial temperatures Many people Affiliate inside dinosaurs, said Gregory Erickson, professor connected with biological science in Florida State.

"Basically a lost world involving dinosaurs This when i didn't realize existed," he said.

The northern hadrosaurs would have endured months associated with winter darkness IN ADDITION TO probably snow.

"It am surely not like the Arctic at this point up there — quite possibly at the 40s are your current mean annual temperature," Erickson said. "Probably the analogy is thinking about British Columbia."

The after that step on the research technique is actually to be able to try to be able to figure out how they survived, he said.

Mark Norell, curator regarding paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History with New York, said from e mail It The item feel plausible your animals lived for the high Arctic year-round, like muskoxen AND ALSO caribou do now. It has difficult for you to imagine, he said, that this small, juvenile dinosaurs were physically capable to long-distance seasonal migration.

"Furthermore, your own climate feel much less harsh for the Late Cretaceous as compared to This is today, making sustainability easier," he said.

Most of any fossils were found for the Liscomb Bone Bed in excess of 300 miles northwest regarding Fairbanks IN ADDITION TO a good little over 100 miles south of your Arctic Ocean. your bed can be named regarding geologist Robert Liscomb, whom found ones initial dinosaur bones throughout Alaska inside 1961 whilst mapping regarding Shell Oil Co.

Liscomb thought they came by mammals. They remained in storage regarding exactly about 3 years until someone identified ones fossils In the same way dinosaur bones, said Pat Druckenmiller, earth sciences curator with the University connected with Alaska Museum.

Researchers over the subsequently 25 several years excavated ALONG WITH catalogued over 6,000 hadrosaur bones, far greater than any kind of some other Alaska dinosaur. many were coming from small juveniles approximated to get been all about 9 feet prolonged IN ADDITION TO 2 feet tall in the hips.

"It appears That the herd regarding young animals am killed suddenly, wiping out mostly single similar-aged population to write down the actual deposit," Druckenmiller said.

They initially were thought to possibly be Edmontosaurus, the hadrosaur well-known in Canada along with the U. S. like Montana AS WELL AS South Dakota. ones formal study of a Alaska dinosaur, however, revealed differences within skull AS WELL AS mouth offers It made it the different species, Druckenmiller said.

Researchers have dubbed your current creature Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis (oo-GROO'-nah-luk KOOK'-pik-en-sis). your current title means "ancient grazer" IN ADDITION TO are chosen coming from scientists throughout support by speakers connected with Inupiaq, ones language associated with Alaska Inupiat Eskimos.

The dinosaurs grew up for you to 30 feet long. Hundreds regarding teeth allowed them chew coarse vegetation, researchers said. They maybe walked primarily with its hind legs, but they could possibly help walk from four legs, Druckenmiller said.

The Liscomb Bone Bed through your own Cretaceous Period am hundreds involving miles farther north throughout What exactly is today your own Arctic Ocean, Druckenmiller said.

University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student Hirotsugu Mori a lot more than five years done his doctoral run towards species. your own findings were published Tuesday inside "Acta Palaeontologica Polonica," an international paleontology quarterly journal.

Researchers are generally recording to name additional Alaska dinosaurs.

"We recognize The idea there may be at the least 12 for you to 13 distinct species regarding dinosaurs towards the North Slope inside northern Alaska," Druckenmiller said. "But not every one of the material i find will be adequate enough to help actually brand a new species."

They have found not any evidence of crocodiles, turtles, lizards or some other ectotherms, your own cold-blooded animals The idea depend to the sun or perhaps another external source associated with heat for you to regulate it\'s body temperature.

"It tells you something right there Around the biology of these dinosaurs," Erickson said, a indication they were further like birds AS WELL AS mammals.

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Justice News

Former Toyoda Gosei Executive Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing and Bid Rigging on Automobile Parts Installed in U. S. Cars

A former executive of Japan-based Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd. has agreed to plead guilty and to serve one year and one day in a U. S. prison for his role in a conspiracy to fix prices and rig bids of automotive hoses installed in cars sold in the United States, the Department of Justice announced today.

A one-count felony charge was filed today in the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio in Toledo against Makoto Horie, a Japanese national. According to the charge, Horie along with co-conspirators, conspired to fix the prices of certain automotive hoses sold to Toyota Motor Corp. and certain of its subsidiaries, affiliates and suppliers, in the United States. According to the charge, Horie participated in the conspiracy from at least as early as March 2007 until at least September 2010. In addition to the prison term, Horie has agreed to pay a $20,000 criminal fine and to cooperate with the department’s ongoing investigation. The plea agreement is subject to court approval.

“The charge today once again demonstrates the Antitrust Division’s vigorous commitment to holding individuals accountable for engaging in anticompetitive conduct,” said Brent Snyder, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division’s criminal enforcement program. “The division’s ongoing investigation has resulted in more than two dozen executives serving prison time for their participation in illegal conspiracies involving auto parts.”

Toyoda Gosei manufactures and sells a variety of automotive parts, including certain automotive hoses. On Sept. 29, 2014, the Department of Justice announced that Toyoda Gosei had agreed to plead guilty and pay a $26 million criminal fine for its role in this conspiracy and another conspiracy involving automotive airbags and steering wheels.

Horie, a Japanese national, was employed at Toyoda Gosei North America, in Troy, Michigan, a subsidiary of Toyoda Gosei, as Vice President of Sales between March 2007 and December 2007, and as Senior Vice President of Sales between January 2008 and January 2010; and was employed at Toyoda Gosei in Japan as a sales general manager between February 2010 and September 2010.

To date, 49 individuals have been charged in the government’s ongoing investigation into price fixing and bid rigging in the auto parts industry. Additionally, 32 companies have pleaded guilty or agreed to plead guilty and have agreed to pay a total of over $2.4 billion in fines.

Horie is charged with price fixing and bid rigging in violation of the Sherman Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $1 million criminal fine for individuals. The maximum fine for an individual may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime, if either of those amounts is greater than the statutory maximum fine.

Today’s charge is the result of an ongoing federal antitrust investigation into price fixing, bid rigging and other anticompetitive conduct in the automotive parts industry, which is being conducted by each of the Antitrust Division’s criminal enforcement sections and the FBI. Today’s charge was brought by the Antitrust Division’s Chicago Office and the FBI’s Cleveland Field Office, Lima Resident Agency with the assistance of the FBI headquarters’ International Corruption Unit and the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Ohio. Anyone with information on price fixing, bid rigging and other anticompetitive conduct related to other products in the automotive parts industry should contact the Antitrust Division’s Citizen Complaint Center at 1-888-647–3258, visit www. justice. gov/atr/contact/newcase. html or call the FBI’s Cleveland Field Office at 1-216-522-1400.

How To Start Forex Trading

Financial institutions have been exchanging currencies for decades through the Foreign Exchange Market. Forex is short for the Foreign Exchange Market. Forex, or FX became a popular investment strategy for corporations during the 1970s. The Internet opened the door for all FX investors in the 1990s. Forex trading may sound complicated, but a proven strategy and a solid understanding of currency values is the key to being a success.

Over two trillion Forex dollars are traded daily, and a large number of those trades are done on the Internet by average investors. The first thing to learn is the forex market regulates itself. There’s no board of directors, and there’s no central location. It is one of the most liquid markets in the world. Trades are made twenty-four hours a day. Since the market never closes investors can respond to political, social and economic events in real time. That gives investors a great deal of flexibility.

The concept behind currency trading is a simple one. FX Trades are done in pairs. One currency is exchanged for another currency. A common pair is the United States Dollar and the Euro. In order to trade, the seller, known as a Forex Broker, states an asking price and a buyer makes a bid. The difference between those two factors is known as a spread. The spread is, usually, one or two-hundredths of a cent. Forex Brokers will, usually, add three to twenty pips, to the spread and that serves as their commission. The beauty of Forex trading is in the fact that there are very low margin requirements.

Since the Forex market is unregulated, the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission recommends using a broker that has membership in the National Futures Association. That association is the industry’s self-regulating organization. A reputable broker will supply software, market quotes and Forex charts. All FX transaction are completed through electronic funds transfer. Mini accounts are available for beginners. Mini accounts can be opened for as little as twenty-five dollars. Mini accounts trade in micro-lots, so new investors can get a feel for the exchange market.

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Fellows and Associates in the process of recruiting USA-based Intellectual Property Sales positions.

British recruitment firm Fellows and Associates is currently working in partnership with IP Sales, Inc. a division of Valipat, to recruit sales positions in the United States.

London, UK (PRWEB) March 21, 2014

Intellectual Property recruitment firm, Fellows and Associates, is working with US based division of Valipat to source sales people focused on both the East and West coast markets. “This is a great opportunity for Fellows and Associates to utilise our extensive IP contact base built in part from years of attendance at the INTA Annual Meeting and AIPPI Congress and seems like a natural next step for our business,” says Pete Fellows. Managing Director of Fellows and Associates.

IP Sales, Inc. Valipat's US subsidiary are recruiting two positions, one focused on the East Coast and the other on the West. Both positions will allow for home working so there is a great deal of scope in respect to where prospective candidates might live, as long as they can travel to key commercial centers on a regular basis to meet with existing and prospective clients.

Pete outlines that IP Sales have a very flexible approach to hiring, “They understand that experience comes in a lot of forms and hence these positions might suit an attorney seeking a career change, a paralegal with commercial skills or business development professionals with a track record in the intellectual property sector”. The job advertisement listed on the Fellows and Associates website lists the key responsibilities as: “Understanding the foreign filing IP workflow in companies and law firms; account management; researching new business opportunities, business development via email, social networking and telephone; meeting clients in person and over WebEx, running demonstrations; national and international travel, to intellectual property conferences as well as to Valipat HQ in Brussels; and business networking”.

The role will have close interaction with the parent company in Brussels, including extensive initial training and regular contact and support. It is also supported by an existing team in the USA.

Valipat is a provider of IP administrative services to IP professionals and paralegals, primarily in the areas of European patent validations and entries into the national and regional phases of PCT applications. Valipat supports many of the world's leading companies and IP law firms. Originally created in 2008, Valipat is now experiencing rapid expansion. As a consequence, Fellows and Associates are working with Valipat on a number of positions in Europe as well as the United States. In Europe, Fellows and Associates are recruiting paralegal and management positions based in Brussels.

Phillipa Field, Consultant with Fellows and Associates says about the project, “It is a great experience to be working with exciting, growing intellectual property businesses such as Valipat and IP Sales, Inc. We have found that whilst there are a great deal of recruitment firms, like ourselves, that recruit attorneys for the intellectual property sector, other support positions such as business development that require sector experience are underrepresented.”

Pete Fellows talks about how they are sourcing the roles, “Social networking helps; we use a number of social networking sites extensively, particularly as a way of consolidating our contact base after a conference. We have also discovered a range of specific advertising strategies that have been effective in finding candidates on our work with these positions to date. And then when we speak to candidates, given that we only focus on recruitment within intellectual property, it means that hopefully we can relate to candidates well as we understand the sector in a way that, for example a more generalist legal recruiter might not”.

About Fellows and Associates Fellows and Associates recruit Patent Attorneys, Trade Mark Attorneys, IP Lawyers and other Intellectual Property professionals worldwide. The firm offers a diverse range of recruitment services including search, advertised selection and managed campaigns. Fellows and Associates' management consultancy division offers targeted strategic advice to firms within the Intellectual Property sector worldwide. See http://www. fellowsandassociates. com for more, phone +44 207 903 5019 or email contact(at)fellowsandassociates(dot)com.

Mastering Forex Trading

This is an article for individuals who have fizzled at Forex exchanging. You know who you are? You are most likely simply like me and was sucked into the guarantee of profiting in a couple of hours.

I fell so where it counts the rabbit gap that I was getting up at 3 AM each morning just to exchange the London open. I began off utilizing a huge amount of slacking specialized pointer and I was attempting a huge amount of tips and routines that I found in gatherings and websites. Following six months of doing this I lost my shirt. My record was unfilled and I was discouraged.

For me Forex was a diversion that I needed to win. Like any fanatic, I reloaded my record and guaranteed myself to stick to one system. I additionally guaranteed to utilize great cash administration on the grounds that half of your prosperity as a dealer is subject to how you oversee hazard. Gentlemen who utilize an excess of influence become bankrupt and fellows who exchange to vast go belly up.

As of right now, I was not utilizing any markers on the grounds that all pointer are slacking and can just let you know what happened previously. Have you each taken a gander at moving midpoints in the previous strained and perceived how everything bodes well? All things considered, continuously those moving midpoints are pointless and can just let you know where cost has been and not where it will go.

Despite the fact that, I was settling on better decisions with how I dealt with my cash, regardless I wasn’t a decent broker. Indeed, even with these progressions, I was only a slight failure.

My issue was that I was still an optional broker who was exchanging on two little of a time allotment. This is an issue that numerous brokers face, they get into Forex to TRADE and to their hindrance, little time allotments permit them to make numerous exchanges. All beginners experience passionate feelings for some type of transient exchanging, which is difficult to ace.

In all genuineness, fleeting exchanging and day exchanging is not something that most brokers can effectively do. It’s a major kid amusement. The enormous young men have all the level 2 apparatuses where they can see a request book and see when the huge cash comes into the business sector. You and I don’t have that on our retail accounts.

For the learner and losing halfway dealer, a technique that uses a bigger time allotment gives the most chance to win cash. You need to execute that craving to TRADE and supplant it with the yearning to profit. At the point when exchanging on a bigger time allotment their will be less exchanges to make and that compares to less chances to commit errors.

I didn’t begin profiting until I began concentrating on the day by day outline. I made exchanges just a few times per day and I rebound hours after the fact to perceive how things are going. I some of the time close exchanges a couple of hours and at times I let these exchanges rider for a couple of days.

I am at long last an effective merchant.

INK Invites Applications for its 2016 INK Fellows Program

February 16, 2016 - Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Business Wire India INK . India’s foremost platform for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas and inspiring stories, is inviting applications for its prestigious INK Fellows Program . The Fellows initiative provides young change-makers a platform for discovery and exposure while also equipping them with the mentorship, support, networks and specially designed opportunities necessary to help take their brilliant work to the next level. INK will select 20 young leaders to comprise the class of 2016.

The Program is now entering its seventh year. Current Fellows include Kaushal Dugar . founder of Teabox, an Indian startup that is disrupting the $40 billion global tea industry and was most recently in the news for raising an undisclosed round of funding from Ratan Tata ; Anshulika Dubey, co-founder of Wishberry, India’s first and most successful crowdfunding platform for creative ideas; Richa Singh, co-founder of Your D. O.S. T, an emotional support network for people to anonymously discuss their problems with qualified and experienced individuals; and Nina Tandon, CEO and co-founder of EpiBone, the world’s first company growing living human bones for skeletal reconstruction.

Fellows from previous years include actor/writer-producer Kalki Koechlin . director Anand Gandhi . mountaineer and Padma Shri awardee Arunima Sinha . visual artist Shilo Shiv Suleman . photographer Vicky Roy . entrepreneur Neeraj Kakkar . and bestselling author Varun Agarwal .

“INK is a place where I have met the most fascinating people from all walks of life - dancers, engineers, scientists, film stars and so on. It helped me broaden my perspective in many ways. By being a part of this dynamic community, it just fosters the feeling every single day that with passion and hard work EVERYTHING is possible. Even though INK is so big and so organised, it still feels like a small family who will be there for you. Being an INK fellow has clearly been one of the milestones of my life”, says INK Fellow Richa Singh, co-founder of Your D. O.S. T.

INK Fellow Kaushal Dugar, founder of Teabox adds, “INK Fellows is a gathering of the most diverse and accomplished group of people who are all high achievers, and their accomplishments are nothing of sort of inspiring. Be prepared to be inspired beyond human levels.”

Since its inception in 2010, the INK Fellows Program has identified 133 young achievers from across the world who have demonstrated their ability to be path-breakers in fields as diverse as art, science, technology, entrepreneurship, social impact, music, and architecture, just to name a few. It has also enabled access to potential customers, funding and mentorship opportunities, not to mention providing these young change-makers an enriching community of peers for collaboration and support.

“INK is a privileged place to be. Being part of a group of wonderful achievers at INK, one feels like they have arrived! And beyond that, it feels like this community is almost second to your family in giving you direction and encouragement to go beyond your limits! Personally, I have met some awe-inspiring people. INK opens up the door for great collaborations”, says INK Fellow Anshulika Dubey, Co-founder of Wishberry.

Applications to this year’s program are open to individuals aged between 18 and 40 years, from any country and field of work and can be filed by answering an online questionnaire available on the website http://inktalks. com/fellows/apply or by uploading a 3-minute video on YouTube and including it in the application form. INK also encourages nominations; those interested in nominating candidates can access the form at http://inktalks. com/fellows/apply

Shortlisted candidates who make it to the second stage will be called upon to provide additional information in support of their application and to be interviewed. Applications to the initial stage will close on April 8 th .

INK is India’s foremost platform for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas and inspiring stories. Based out of Bangalore, India, INK is known for events such as the annual INK Conference, INK Asia, and INK Salons. Video releases from live events are available at inktalks. com . Beyond live events, INK is a community that transforms imagination to impact, as demonstrated by programs such as INK Fellows and INK Makers.

The INK Conference is an annual celebration of thinkers and doers from diverse walks of life. CEOs, entrepreneurs, artists, technologists, scientists, artists, musicians, and more come together, leading to an exciting percolation of ideas, collaboration and chance encounters. Past speakers include actor Irrfan Khan, Hollywood director James Cameron. Facebook India head Kirthiga Reddy, technology entrepreneur Joi Ito, and designer Philippe Stark, just to name a few.

Source: Business Wire India

Mr. Kakhaber Davitaia, BSc, MBA

BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY . Senior Fellow Kakhaber Davitaia

Mr. Kakhaber Davitaia is a Senior Fellow of New Westminster College and has a distinguished record of ethical leadership. He earned the BSc in Mathematics from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia), a MBA from the Grenoble Graduate School of Business (France), and a MBA in Business Intelligence from Caucasus School of Business at Caucasus University.

Mr. Davitaia’s professional experience includes:

Group Head of Treasury from 30 July 2009, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Director of Treasury Department from 16 January 2003, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Deputy Director of Treasury Department from 01 March 1999, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Head of Funding and Deposit Management Department from 07 September 1998, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Head of the of the Correspondent Relations’ Department from 04 January 1997, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Head of the of the Correspondent Accounts’ Department from 03 May 1996, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Accountant of the Correspondent Accounts’ Department from 04 September 1995, Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Mr. Davitaia’s has attended the following Seminars and Workshops:

Capital Markets and Financial Instruments, by Institute for Training in Banking, Luxembourg, IFBL, 11-18 June 2012, Luxembourg

Treasury Risk Management, By EBRD, 19-20 October 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia

Microeconomics of Competitiveness, by Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, 6 October 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia

Government Securities, by National Bank of Georgia, 02 August 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia

Bank Liquidity Risk Management, by IFC, 14-15 July 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia

Managerial Skills, by ATTF Luxembourg, 23-25 May 2011, National Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Trade Finance Facilitation Program, by ADB, 30 June 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia

Cash and Securities’ Settlement Systems, by ATTF Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2010, National Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Bank Strategies and Operational Decisions in a Competitive Environment, by Finanzgruppe Sparkassenstiftung für international Kooperation; 1-5 March, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia

Asset & Liability Management, by Finanzgruppe Sparkassenstiftung für international Kooperation; 24-26 November, 2009, Tbilisi, Georgia

Second Regional Forum on Financial Asset and Liability and Risk Management; 29-31 July 2009, Singapore

Asset & Liability Management Training Programme by Simarch & FMO; October 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia

Dynamic Treasury Risk Management; May 2005, EBRD sponsored course by BG Consulting Group, Rome, Italy

Securities and Equity Market; July 2004, Banking – Finance Academy, Tbilisi, Georgia

Treasury Skills / Bourse Game; May 2003, Citibank Training Center, Istanbul, Turkey

BankExec International; December 2002, USAID/Bank World Ink. sponsored course by Mr. Duane Stuker, Tbilisi, Georgia

Treasury Risk Management; October 2000, EBRD sponsored course by Birchin Training and Consulting plc, Alpbach, Austria

Treasury, Forex, Budgeting, IT, Audit, Credits, Branch management; October 1999, ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Business English; January 1999, USAID sponsored course by Barents Group, Tbilisi, Georgia

Documentary business, Money Markets, Forex, SWIFT Settlements; April 1996, Bank of New York – Intermaritime Bank, Geneva, Switzerland

Mr. Davitaia’s language skills include:

Georgian – nativo

English – fluent, IELTS grade 7

Russian – fluido

French – intermedio

German – principiante

Mr. Davitaia’s computer skills include:

PL-SQL Developer, FoxPro, Pascal, C++, MS Office

As a Senior Fellow of New Westminster College, Mr. Kakhaber Davitaia is dedicated to supporting the highest standards of academic excellence and is committed to the advancement of New Westminster College and its Global Network of Fellows.

The FASTEST WAY To Earn Money Trading Forex PERIOD!


We all have a dream to make money quickly and safely, what I am about to reveal will start you on your way.

Does the thought of making tens of thousands of dollars every month appeal to you? To most of you, of course it will!

If you’re prepared to read about what I’m about to disclose on this page. I’ll demonstrate to you exactly how an incredible piece of Software, together with a team of professional traders will allow you to plunder the forex market and allow you to cash in on the billions of dollars, swiss francs, pounds and euros just sitting there waiting for your withdrawal…

Austerity Proof, Recession Proof and Idiot Proof

Over the last 7 years the Financial markets have arguably gone through their toughest period, YET WE HAVE MADE MONEY right the way through!

No Baffling Charts. Or Complex Analysis

Nothing To Learn, If You Don't Want To

You Can Be Up And Running In Under 15 Minutes!

Forex Trading Signals Will Give You The Power To " GENERATE $1458 IN PROFIT" In Just Two Hours.

The BEST Part Is That You Will Using SOMEONE ELSES MONEY.

Yes, you read that right! The beauty of Forex is that almost all the money you will use to trade will be someone elses!

How does that work? It is because Forex brokers provide something called leverage. In simplest terms it is a sort of loan without any credit checks! It works like this; for every $1 you put in your account you can trade up to $50 (50:1). So if you put a $1000 into your account you can trade up to $50,000 if you live in the US. If you are lucky enough to live outside the US it is even better. You can get leverage of 500:1 and more! So if you put $1000 in your account you can trade up to $500,000! The best bit is that you keep all the profits you make and it gets added to your account.

Why is this important? It is because the bigger the amount you can trade the larger the profit you can make from each trade that you take. That is the same with lots of investments, the more money you have the more you can make. But the beauty of Forex is that you don't personally need to have a lot of money to start with! Thus, FOREX HAS THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE YOU A LOT OF MONEY AND FAST even if you only have small amount of capital!

It is about financial security and long term solutions!

Despite the fact that forex can make you money quickly, this isn't about short term fixes, this is about long term solutions and financial security!

​Once you start to trade you have the chance to build a REAL income for yourself with ultimately the only limit being how much time you want to put in

It also means that your choices are going to chang e. You will no longer have to make your buying decisions based on your budget. Your choice will be whether you want to pay your mortgage off this month or take an a luxury holiday and pay it off next month.

It is like having your own ATM that allows - Limitless Withdrawals

A great example of this is one of our clients, a guy called Robert. He held down a good job but did not have a great deal of spare cash. He had always dreamed of going to Australia to watch England play cricket, in the "Ashes Series", the pinnacle of world cricket. But such a trip was beyond his means. That was until he joined us and we showed him how to trade and make money! By the end of the year he had done so well he was able to take a three month trip to Australia and watch the Ashes!

The truth is that successfully trading Forex is like having your own ATM machine that allows you limitless withdrawals! Forex allows you to trade when you want. it is a 24HR market, Sunday night through to Friday evening! When you need money you can trade.

You don't need much capital to start. On of the very best things about forex is that no matter how small amount of capital you have you can start to make money.

Long term financial stability with unlimited earnings possible. Forex is not just about how much money you can make quickly. It genuinely provides you with the chance to achieve long term financial stability

The ability to fulfil your dreams. As Robert showed above and countless others have achieved with us, trading Forex with our help allows you to actually start fulfilling some of your dreams.

Trading with us makes PROFITING FROM FOREX EASY

We use the term "easy" unreservedly because when you look at what we do for you all you need to do is to be able to click buy or sell! When you trade with us you will literally be taken by the hand and shown which trades to take. We have made it so simple that you literally just have to click one button to enter a trade and one button to exit.

Our analysts take care of the hard part of assessing the market and identifying the best trades. They are professional Forex traders with over 40 years combined experience trading Forex. To help them we use a unique piece of forex software that we developed and had built. This software, instead of just showing where the market has been already instead indicates places where the market might change direction. It is so good that it has a success rate of 82-94% success rate. dependent upon type of trade

We take care of our members

We are not only successful traders in our own right ourselves but we also have a track record of helping people just getting into trading forex to be a SUCCESS as well! Being able to trade well is one thing being able to translate this into helping others such as yourself be successful is another! Over the last five years we have trained hundreds of people to be successful in forex.

Introducing - “ Forex Trading Signals ”

The ULTIMATE and PROVEN Forex Trading Strategy

Our system is based around our proprietary Dynamic Multi-Timeframe Indicator (DMTI). This has been developed over a number of years and reverses the standard way a trading indicator works. Traditionally most trading indicators are lagging, i. e. they show what has already happened. The DMTI works differently, it is programmed to show what is LIKELY to happen next to price. You can imagine how powerful this is. It is like being able to know which card will be drawn out of the pack 8 out of 10 times!!

But there is more. The DMTI is accurate over such a wide range of trading time frames that we have THREE different system that can be utilised.

We have short term trades where the trades last only a few minutes. These are alerted in the member’s area in real time. Second longer term trades that can last between 30 minutes and several hours. These trades are alerted and managed via SMS as well as the members area so that you don’t have to spend a long time managing them, (most brokers give you the ability to trade through your cell phone so you can react immediately on getting the SMS. Thirdly, an automated system that allows you to set up a piece of software on your account and it will take manage and exit the trades. If you have very little time this is an excellent way to get into trading!

Trades In Our Members Area: This is the place where all trades are alerted be they short term, SMS or auto trades. The DMTI software is shown running in the member's area

Trades delivered by SMS: When the DMTI alerts a longer term trades, these are also sent to your cell phone via SMS so you don't miss any trades.

Auto Trading: The DMTI has been automated so that for certain types of trades, if you don't have the time to go to the members area or just want the easiest option this will do everything. Just set and count the money at the end of the month!

Let Me Tell You About A Few Other Advantages You Get With Forex Traders Signals

Extensive analysis of the market situation with our Dynamic Multi Time Frame Indicator System which delivers highly accurate trading precision.

Three strategies in one, with one being completely automated so you just set and watch the money roll in! This enables anyone to get started however little time that they might initially have.

Professional Traders input, monitors and validates the signals so that you are not caught out by unexpected trading news.

Can be used with any broker who offers MT4 platform which is most of them.

Check Out How Easy It is To Make Money Everyday!

Customer Response To Our System Has Been Amazing!

"Dedication in making every room member succeed. "

"Forex Traders Corp is a group of very genuine traders. Each day they call a series of trades which invariably give in excess of a total 100 pips. The trades are called live in real time. Wherever you are with your forex trading, you would be missing a huge opportunity not to give them a try. The strength of Software lies in the dedication of the the mentors in making every room member succeed.

CHRIS Miller Systems Manager

"I am completely satisfied!."

"I am completely satisfied! You've got a terrific team behind you and they're. there 100% to help guy's like me all make very good calls on the currency. I appreciate and respect each and everyone of you. You have put to-gether a gerat platform, tutorial, and I've been around with you fellows for over 2 years"

LARRY KOPP Accountant

"It represents good value for money. "

I have been using the Live Trading Room for about three months now and although I have been trading equities for 20 years and forex for two, I have learnt a great deal. If for any reason I was unable to continue with the room, I personally would feel it as a loss. It represents good value for money for anyone, beginner or experienced, wishing to trade forex.

ERNEST Hammond Business Owner

I am consistently making money

"The Forex Traders members room is so much more than a place to follow live trades. I am a beginner trader and with the support and guidance I get from the trade room I am consistently making money and improving in my trading skills with each session."

Lorrie oliver Retired

Given me the chance of becoming a full-time trader

"There is always advise being shared, about trading, brokers, and all manner of things that one could never find out without the knowledge of the moderators that have anything from 10-30 years trading experience. The software and Forex Traders have given me the chance of becoming a full-time trader."

Peter Mason Manager - Taxi Company

The Question You Are Probably Asking Is How Much Is This Going To Cost?

We Are NOT Asking For Stupid Money.

When you look at what we are offering we could ask you to pay $1979. $997, $497 or even $297 for it, after all we have been working for many years to put this together and are going to provide you with a system that should allow to become financially secure for life! However, we want to charge you much LESS

We want you to be able to tell everybody what an UNBELIEVABLE BARGIN you have, or not tell them if you don't want anybody to find out how you have become so successful! Each month we want you to be able to talk about how much profit you have made!!

We have to be careful though, there is a maximum capacity for our members Trade Room. If we get close to capacity we will have no choice but to raise the price so tomorrow you might find this costs a whole lot more!!

However the one thing we will not do is let you in without giving a guarantee. We don't want you to worry. We are going to responsibly show you how good this system is for the next 60 days and give you 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee!

Do NOT stop yourself from a lifetime of success by hesitating here today.

Make a positive step forward in the right direction and become an instant success trading Forex

Places are ONLY available for a limited-time so you MUST act fast!

To Claim Your Place, No Risk. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Enter your Main Email Address then click INSTANT ACCESS & start to profit with Forex Traders Signals right away!

If you require any help or assistance please email us direct at support@forextraderssignals. co

​Hesitation here will cost you dearly. ForexTradersSignals will NOT be available forever .

​ Let's start making profits together – see you in the Elite Members Room and let’s make you a ton of money!

Forex Traders Signals Team

PD You risk nothing with our unconditional “buy it back” 60 DAY guarantee . The only risk you have remaining is the risk that you will miss the window of opportunity to secure your placwe. We will provide all the support you need, for as long as you need it, to ensure that you make a success of forex.

preguntas frecuentes

How much money do I need to get started with Forex Traders Signals?

Some brokers will allow you to start with as little as $50 but the better brokers usually want between $250 and $2000 to start. Don't worry, if you don't already have a broker, we will recommend a number of reputable brokers that cater for most starting budgets. In truth, contrary to what new traders believe, the bigger the amount you can start with the less risk there is, the bigger the potential joining bonus there is. important when you take your first few trades, and the more money you can make.

How easy is the software to install?

Once you have your brokers software, the alerts and DMTI runs inside the members area. The only thing to install is the Auto Trading DMTI, which takes about 10 minutes to set up correctly. If you have a Mac then you will need to have Parallels or WINE installed to run the correct brokers platform. Alternatively we will show you how to set up and install it on a FREE VPS (virtual private server)

What does Forex Traders Signals Trade ON?

We stick to Forex pairs because they offer the best value. We normally send signals for the major pairs, that is the most commonly traded pairs, as these provide more than enough signals, but in fact the DMTI can trade any pair. We do pride ourselves on the fact there is nothing to learn but if you are interested to learn how the DMTI works then we have a complete training library of videos once you understand it you can trade any pair you want

Why Forex Traders Signals?

We have been operating a forex members trade room for over five years. In that time we have had remarkable success and trained hundreds of traders to be successful trading forex. There are six professional traders who moderate and validate the signals so that you trade both successfully and SAFELY. What really sets us apart is the fact we genuinely care about our clients. Your success is our greatest pleasure!

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ― Winston S. Churchill

PD “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger-- but recognize the opportunity .” ― John F. Kennedy

All of the statements above represent the vendor's past experiences. We have every effort to accurately demonstrate this product and its potential. The forex industry is one of the few in which you can genuinely make large amounts of money. However, there are no guarantees that you will earn any money using the techniques, ideas in this system. In the same way examples and testimonials on this page cannot be interpreted as a guarantee or promise of earnings. The earning potential is completely dependent on the person using the product, their own ideas and techniques. This is a relatively new service and as such there are no long term history of earnings from its use.

Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.


​ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc. a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.​

Former Republic of Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe to Address MIT Sloan Fellows

The theme of the lecture, to be presented before 123 scholars, will focus on leadership in an uncertain world

Cambridge, MA (PRWEB) December 08, 2015

The Honorable Laurent S. Lamothe, LSL World Initiative founder and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti, will deliver a lecture to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan Fellows about exhibiting leadership in an uncertain world and how to deal with the challenges and adversity that come with it. In attendance will be 123 Sloan Fellows – mid-level executives participating in the one-year MIT Sloan Fellows Program – who come from all over the globe to attend the world renowned institute. The lecture will take place at the MIT Sloan School of Management in Cambridge, MA. The following morning, a brainstorming breakfast will take place with Mr. Lamothe and the scholars about innovative ways to finance projects in developing countries.

"I am delighted to once again speak with the Sloan Fellows at the word-class MIT Sloan School of Management," said Mr. Lamothe. "It is their minds that will be helping to solve the many problems in the world, particularly in parts of the globe that have been forgotten and need help the most. It is imperative that these minds come together as we collectively seek innovative ways to assist emerging and developing countries to meet their socio-economic objectives. I look forward to a productive, impactful dialogue and thank MIT for hosting this important program."

The MIT Sloan Fellows Program is a 12-month, full-time executive MBA program designed to prepare an elite group of global mid-career managers to magnify their impact as leaders.

About Laurent S. Lamothe

Laurent S. Lamothe successfully served as Prime Minister of Haiti between May 2012 and December 2014, the longest tenure of any Prime Minister in the last three decades. During his time in office, Lamothe presided over the design and implementation of an important social policy agenda that targeted the poorest sectors of the Haitian population. Mr. Lamothe also oversaw the largest infrastructure development in recent memory throughout Haiti, and served as co-chair of the Council for the Economic Development and Investment in Haiti in 2011 with United States President Bill Clinton.

Under Mr. Lamothe's leadership, foreign direct investment increased to the highest level since the fall of the Duvalier dictatorship in the mid-1980s. Mr. Lamothe also pursued reforms that helped make Haiti more business-friendly, including the implementation of 15-year tax holidays and tax breaks to companies investing in the island nation, and increasing the police force by 30 percent.

Mr. Lamothe brought to the office of Prime Minister an entrepreneurial spirit and dynamism that earned him the title of "Entrepreneur of the Year" by Ernst and Young in May 2008. More recently in November 2014, Latin Trade magazine recognized his innovative skills by naming him the year's Innovative Leader of the Americas, noting that Mr. Lamothe "helped establish a paradigm shift for Haiti as a destination for investment, rather than simply for humanitarian aid."

Having grown up in a country affected by poverty and lack of resources at all levels, this savvy businessman has developed a deep sense of social responsibility and a strong tendency to assist those in need. Mr. Lamothe is a pragmatist who, throughout his role serving in the public sector, emphasized practical solutions over partisan politics to address the urgent needs of Haiti.

Mr. Lamothe obtained a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Barry University in Miami and his MBA with honors from the University of St. Thomas.

About LSL World Initiative

The LSL World Initiative (LSLWI) is a global organization dedicated to the socio-economic empowerment of emerging countries founded by Laurent S. Lamothe, a visionary leader driven by a deep sense of global social responsibility. Mr. Lamothe successfully served as Prime Minister of Haiti between May 2012 and December 2014, the longest tenure of any Prime Minister in the last three decades.

Against the bleak background of the global economic crisis, traditional forms of financing for development are under pressure. Countries must find alternative sources of financing or face falling short of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). LSL World Initiative's mission is to help governments achieve their SDGs by thinking outside the box of traditional foreign aid to bring proven solutions that identify new revenue sources through innovative financing development mechanisms.

Countries working with LSL World Initiative transparently determine the allocation of funds according to their priorities including vital needs such as clean water, housing development, health and education services. Ultimately, LSL World Initiative empowers countries toward a prosperous, sustainable future through economic self-sufficiency.

Sarina Jensen, Black Hills Equestrian Center

Jordan Breeding, JB’s Country Store, LLC

Mark Bower, Aberdeen Parts Store, LLC

Four Dakota Rising Sites will each have a new Entrepreneur Fellow this year, following the June 27 selection of a new Dakota Rising Cohort. Dakota Resources Dakota Rising cultivates rural entrepreneurs dedicated to growing themselves, their businesses and the greater community, providing a vital spark to strengthen South Dakota’s economic base.

Cristin Stewart . the Hot Springs Vault, is the Entrepreneur Fellow from Southern Hills On The Rise, serving Fall River and Custer Counties. Lawrence County’s Dakota Rising Fellow for 2014 is Sarina Jensen . Black Hills Equestrian Center. Jordan Breeding . JB’s Country Store, LLC, is this year’s Fellow from Faulkton Area Economic Development Initiative, serving Faulk County. Mark Bower, Aberdeen Parts Store, LLC, is the newest Entrepreneur Fellow from Aberdeen Dakota Rising, covering all of Brown County.

Each Dakota Rising Fellow becomes a member of an interactive Fellowship community of rural South Dakota entrepreneurs focused on growing their businesses, their communities and South Dakota. The greatest benefit to the 2014 Fellows is participation in the Cohort process, a peer advisory board that challenges, supports and holds them accountable. Fellows are also awarded a $10,000 grant to be used for professional and business development.

“Dakota Resources Dakota Rising Fellows are growing their businesses at remarkable rates, increasing profitability and creating jobs. We look forward to entrepreneurs in more communities joining the Fellowship in the future,” said Beth Davis, president of Dakota Resources.

For more information on becoming a Dakota Resources Dakota Rising Fellow, go to www. dakotaresources. org/dakota-rising. To learn more about how Dakota Resources increases the capacity of South Dakota communities, contact Dakota Resources at 605-987-2804 or e-mail info@dakotaresources. org.

lets recover loss and get profit

ASSALAM O ALEIKUM my dear fellows

first of all thanx to dearest almighty and greatest ALLAH

my dear freinds last working day we bear a loss due to lot of missunderstandings and confusion.

my freinds i already told my all targets are for exact time and just for one time because in that time

and by that targets we can get our daily profit i was sad because my freinds bear a loss due to my targets and by this i came to know that next time i need to be more carefull

this all market is a big game and if we want to win in it we need to be perfect and copy our enimies thoughts their tricks and stratigies as a biggest cheater i, m ready to challenge them. and i have full believe on my greatest ALLAH that he can never ever break my beleive it is my strong belief that HE almighty will help me to give me success in it by HIS unlimited blessings

and now i know where we was mistakken first my targets for normal time period and for normal profit but from past two days my targets was for much time period and for much profit and this was the mistake i had done from now we will again start our old stratigy less profit, less loss, less time and less targets

and i have gift for my freinds as my birthday treat to recover your losses this is my referral link open it and register your self and by this share your thoughts knowledge and experiance of forex by your comments and they will pay you 20 cent for your each comment as a bonus and you can transfer that bonus to your forex account for trading

when i was working on EURO i came to know that EU can drop to 1.32 but after that 80 % chances that it can touch 1.38 or 1.36 if now it touch 1.32 or 1.30 or 1.27 then there is no porblem to worry now a days is golden days for trading in EURO now just need to follow the market IN SHA ALLAH by the grace of great ALLAH we will win. i think today all market is in bullish and i think EU can break 1.34 and 1.35 any time like a fast arabic horse today long is best and EU also make W in h1

targets: for long EU 1.3320 SL 1.3280 TP 1.3360

now lets talk about GOLD

actualy gold long time trend is bullish which is all correct

gold is the most dangerous commodity to trade

it is confusing us so that we will set our minds on these levels actualy it, s gold nature to make it move to upside like this one time short and double time long and soo on now a days did you notice if it break one time a up level then it did not touch again it, s previous short level but it make a dip to hit stop loss so that no one can understand that what is going on and to make it, s fear on traders today long is best for gold also

targets: for long gold 1689 SL 1681 TP 1698

Forex operate or not to operate on holidays

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They are reaching the Christmas holidays. Maybe you have Christmas holidays, or just rest holidays marked, 24 and December 25, December 31 and January 1, the feast of kings … the typical, and I hope that usual “for the Most “because we know that during the holidays are still people who makes our lives easier and works: waiters, cleaning services, medical … etc. There are a number of people who rely on these days, on the contrary, they may find a lot more work than usual, but that is not the case with finance. In the financial world there are also holidays . I’m sure in the “City” during these days, there are four cats and fellows who can not go anywhere, and you you are asking these days you rest from your regular job, whether trading Forex on holiday can be a good idea . Many traders these days close the computer may work until 22 or 23 December until after New Year not reopen the screens, some extend a little more their holiday period, until after Reyes.

Why not trade Forex in Christmas holidays?

There is no written rule that prevents operate on vacation . but as I said in the City, and many financial institutions, the low activity greatly. The Forex market is difficult to handle the amount of money involved, but when sharks are missing (central banks and liquidity providers) the market is not to be manipulated, but volatility is exaggerated holidays . and it is harder to operate: the more easily jump stops, technical reliability figures lose, we go much more in times of uncertainty in small graphics. It is also possible that prices move more in ranges, and the price has no strength to move in trends. The strong hand, professionals are needed to break support and resistance solvency. This same situation occurs in the summer. During the month of August volatility increases and more tough to operate for day-traders. But sometimes if I have observed trends are born during the month of August, maybe some operators knowing that others do not operate, take advantage of these dates to move the market with little volume ….in short, it is difficult to know whether the figures typically operate, they have the same reliability over the holidays. There are public holidays during the year, especially when US markets are closed, which also are recommended to operate, as recently on Thanksgiving. My recommendation is that during these take advantage of days to review your operations closed, you do research on your system, you evaluate it would be interesting to modify and polish, where you make mistakes, and of course that’s what you’re doing well, to try to improve your operations. Rest, and if you decide to operate, in order to minimize noise market, looking superior graphics, 1 to 4 hours . but you should know that the stops are farther away and the money must be put to work more. I for one, I take a vacation for a few days the market and the blog and therefore I have no more than to wish you have a: Merry Christmas.

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Justice News

Florida Man Pleads Guilty to $30 Million Investment Fraud Scheme

WASHINGTON – David R. Lewalski, formerly of Gainesville, Fla. pleaded guilty today to mail fraud in connection with his operation of a $30 million investment fraud scheme, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and U. S. Attorney Robert E. O’Neill of the Middle District of Florida.

Lewalski, 47, pleaded guilty before U. S. Magistrate Judge Mark A. Pizzo in the Middle District of Florida and faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

According to court documents, t he defendant, who operated a company called Botfly LLC, willfully engineered and executed a scheme to defraud by promising victim investors that he could generate returns of up to 10 percent per month, compounded monthly, through his trading in the foreign currency (forex) market. In fact, the defendant operated an investment fraud scheme. The defendant and others working at his direction raised approximately $29,851,598 from victim investors, but the defendant used only a small percentage of those funds for forex trading (approximately $2.6 million), the vast majority of which he lost.

Lewalski admitted that instead of trading in the foreign currency market as he promised, he used the bulk of victim investor funds to make payments to other investors in order to perpetuate the scheme and make it appear as if he was generating the promised returns. Lewalski paid investors $14,339,887 in “returns” that he led them to believe were generated by his forex trading when, in reality, he was merely paying them with other victim investors’ funds. Lewalski also spent millions of dollars of victim investor funds on personal expenses, including high end real estate, private jet travel, luxury automobiles, computer equipment and jewelry.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U. S. Attorney Mandy Riedel and Trial Attorney Henry Van Dyck of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. The case was investigated by the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, with assistance from the Florida Office of the Attorney General.

Today’s guilty plea is part of efforts being undertaken by President Barack Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. President Obama established the interagency Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to wage an aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes. The task force includes representatives from a broad range of federal agencies, regulatory authorities, inspectors general and state and local law enforcement who, working together, bring to bear a powerful array of criminal and civil enforcement resources. The task force is working to improve efforts across the federal executive branch, and with state and local partners, to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, ensure just and effective punishment for those who perpetrate financial crimes, combat discrimination in the lending and financial markets, and recover proceeds for victims of financial crimes.

For more information on the task force, visit www. StopFraud. gov .

Learn Forex With Marketiva

Courtesy of the Motley Fool

It was a huge week for news, and there are financial repercussions all around. So prepare yourself to hear the headlines you've heard all over again -- this time through a macro Foolish filter.

1. The market goes on to impress [I]What happened?[/I] The Dow continued to rumble and bumble its way into new record territory this week, displaying no weakness through an onslaught of negative events. Despite numerous reasons to retreat back to familiar territory, the Dow seems poised to continue marching through a better-than-expected earnings season.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] After my negative prognostication for the market last week, I am humbly left without much to say. However, I believe there is still solid evidence to support a bearish outlook on the market. While the inverted bond yield is not a guaranteed indicator for recession, it certainly can be a red flag for one. Add that to the reality that there hasn't been a 10% correction to the market in about three and a half years, and I do think there is something to be concerned about. Until then, however, I hope everyone can ride the tide to new, great profits. Just don't get greedy.

2. Googtube or Boobtube? What happened? Those who are savvy with the Internet have probably been familiar with both mega-names for quite some time. So when Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) purchased video portal YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock options, everyone was forced to pay attention.

[I]What does this mean for you portfolio?[/I] Regardless of what people might say about the deal and whether people think $1.65 billion was too high a price to pay for an unprofitable video site, Google can afford it. Basta de charla. If, from here, synergies create lasting profitability for Google, then that's just another trophy on the mantle for the Internet megalith. What is important to note here, however, is whether this prompts Google's more desperate competitors to go after high premiums for questionable opportunities. Specifically, I'm thinking of the scrutinized talks between Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO - News) and social site Facebook, which now seems to be holding out for more money, after initial rumors of a $1 billion buyout offer. Yahoo! can't afford to overpay, yet it may be tempted to dole out more money just to avoid losing this prospect.

3. Bernanke balks at interest-rate cuts[ [I]What happened?[/I] Fed Chief Ben Bernanke and his board fellows made it patently clear that no guarantees would be made about interest-rate cuts later in the winter. Expectations over such an occurrence went from a likelihood of 82% on Oct. 4 to a paltry 18% on Oct. 11, according to Bloomberg.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] As usual, investors can take this to mean that there will be no unnatural boon to the market as a result of cheaper money. Additionally, Bernanke has indicated that his attempts to quell inflation have not yet been completed. While the price of U. S. homes fell in August for the first time in 11 years, other more traditional indicators of inflation have risen. Combine this data with the growing rate of employment, and you've got the Fed worried about growing weakness in purchasing power.

4. Trade deficit continues to bulge [I]What happened?[/I] The trade deficit continued to increase on a multitude of issues, including increased consumption of Chinese goods, rising oil prices, a relatively strong dollar, and rising overall imports. For August, the deficit was reported at nearly $70 billion, an all-time high that raised concern in some circles.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] While at first glance a rising trade deficit may spell trouble, the real story lies in the value of imports and exports, both of which rose by more than 2% from the reported July numbers. As such, this news isn't as worrisome as it might initially appear. This growth for both figures, along with other economic metrics, provides strong evidence of a robust economy -- particularly increased consumer spending. While the U. S. can't allow the trade deficit to inflate continuously, the U. S. can soak it up for the time being.

5. Federal deficit scales back [I]What happened?[/I] The federal deficit has fallen almost to $248 billion, nearly 1.9% of GDP -- its lowest levels since 2002. The source of this good news is largely attributable to increased corporate and individual income taxes, as well as what has been an impressive profit season for the economy.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] This is as much of a political issue as I care to delve into, but simply speaking, a reduction in the federal deficit is a good thing. The White House has claimed that its efforts to promote growth through tax cuts and corporate incentives have largely allowed the administration to keep its re-election promise of cutting the deficit in half. Critics have cried foul and suggested that the administration only cut in half its own inaccurate estimates for the growth of the deficit. This back-and-forth is likely to continue for quite some time. However, we all can be sure that the federal deficit will bear the weight of looming crises, in the form of that retiring generation we like to call the baby boomers. This reduction is probably a temporary sigh of relief to what will be a lingering infirmity. 6. The North goes nuclea [I]What happened?[/I] On Monday morning, the media reported that North Korea joined the world's elite club of world nuclear powers when it tested the nation's first nuclear device.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] I suspect that few Fools have investments directly linked to North Korea. But the nation's proximity to the rest of the Asian economic bread basket is a cause of great and legitimate concern for all involved. If you have shares of an emerging-market ETF such as iShares Pacific Ex-Japan Index Fund (AMEX: EPP), then you should be especially concerned with the events that will unfold. The most susceptible target is South Korea, but other parties are bound to be involved, such as Japan and China. In fact, we've already begun to witness the reaction, by way of Japan's imposed sanctions. I doubt that Kim Jong-il has the strategic capability to launch a nuclear device at any of the countries mentioned, but escalating tensions can wreak havoc on your foreign funds. 7. Big boys deliver results [I]What happened?[/I] In the first week of October's earnings season, a few commercial favorites have announced that their numbers will beat analyst expectations. McDonald's (NYSE: MCD), PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP), Costco, and others have brought in better-than-anticipated numbers to the delight of shareholders and outside investors alike.

[I]What does this mean for your portfolio?[/I] In the worrisome past few days, it has been the positive results of the aforementioned consumer favorites that have propped up the markets, along with the shedding of the excessive energy prices of the summer. This is great news as we head into holiday spending season. However, I would pay close attention to how quarters come in for other important retailers, such as Target (NYSE: TGT), to gauge the true strength of this past fiscal quarter.."

Monday, October 16, 2006

An introduction to Forex

Forex trading has recently sold millions of investors in the trillion dollar buy and sell, industry. Forex trading is currently surpassing the stock market exchange, since the outcome for forex presents a higher potential than that of any other market exchange. Forex is a foreign market currency exchange, whereas investors buy and sell pairs of currencies based on a base and counter quoted currency. Forex trading is available 24-hour exchange, which only closes on weekends. Forex trading differs, since unlike any other trading industry forex does not have central or corporeal locations.

Forex is similar to drug stores, in that investors buy or sell currencies over the counter. The largest forex traders are corporations, banks, government, private sectors, financial institutes, etc. Some of the forex traders come from London, Japan, New York, and various other parts of the world. Some traders also gather at www. forextraderforum. com to discuss trading strategies. Forex trading industry has a huge volume of diverse investors, as well as a large volume of traders in general, which means the direction of forex is undetermined or controlled, even by the government.

Forex trading is one of the larger exchange industries due to its availability, and that no sole or group of entities controls the market. In addition, forex has a larger volume of liquidity, as well as lower transactions which spread the cost in forex. Furthermore, forex trading has the highest influence, as well as potentials in both high and low markets. In other words, unlike stock exchange you have potential abilities to gain even if the market is low. As well, forex provides inter-bank marketing, which makes it one of the larger market sectors in the trading industry.

At one time only larger forex sectors invested in the market exchange, however today retail investors, as well as smaller financial sectors can invest in forex trading. Recent platforms made this possible. (FX Trading Stations) FX trading has made it easy for smaller forex sectors to invest in assets and convert them to cash. The smaller sectors now have a gateway, which makes a path for them to inter-bank in the forex exchange market. Yet, the smaller forex sectors present higher risks than that of the larger forex trades.

If you are considering joining forex trading make sure that you gain enough knowledge and read as much information as you can to learn more about forex. Forex traders take large risks, yet the profitable traders will become well informed to reduce those risks. Visit www. forextraderforum. com to talk about forex or to share your trading strategies. Trade Smart

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have heard that you should always plan your trades on paper before you pull the trigger.

Now i believe that to be true, and so im looking for some trading planning sheet templates so i can develop my own and was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of some availalble on the internet.

Or better still, maybe you would like to share with me the trade planning worksheet that you use.

Thanks and have a great trading day!

Hi, I just wanted to share.

A few days ago I received a phone message regarding Forex trading. I decided to ask several basic questions about the new dealer company in my country. Eventually I arrived to an inevitable question "what will happen with my money in case you're going bankrupt". The polite saleswoman explained me it's impossible, because 90% of traders are losing, therefore the company will never have any problem to pay the 10% of the profitable customers.

I explained her she's charming with her blunt honesty and thanked for an information.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Perfect Technical Analysis!

The method is based on the analysis of pure price, instead of information distorted by technical indicators. In fact, if the basic postulate of the technical analysis on repeatability of history is true, there will be no necessity to study behavior of indicators to answer the question about the further movement of the price. It will be enough to find such dynamics of the prices in the past, which would be similar to recent price dynamics investigated, for implement the best ever technical analysis.

I use algorithms, based on fuzzy logic and statistical methods together with artificial neural networks to search for price movements similar to present one. Then I divide the area of future possible price movement into regions and calculate the quantity of similar price movements that corresponds to that region. More of past movements pass to that regions, more the probability will be that the future price will reach that region.

Pakistani Student Zone

Create Forex account, forex account demo, affiliate marketing

Whether you’re new to trading or you are what’s considered a “seasoned” trader, there is a lot of money to be made trading Forex markets. Although instantly trading with real money is not for beginners or people that have never traded before, you can quickly learn the ropes with a little help and commitment.

What is Forex Trading?

Forex trading is the buying and selling of currencies. In much the same way that you’d buy and sell stocks on the stock market, traders exchange currencies they’ve purchased. If you’ve ever traded on the stock market, you should have no problem getting the hang of trading Forex.

The purpose of Forex trading is to exchange a currency that you’ve purchased for another with the hopes that the price of the newly purchased one will go up in value. Whether you’re new to this or consider yourself an old pro, you’ll find it very exciting and a lot of fun. The value of currencies is always quoted in pairs such as USD/JPY or GBD/USD. The reason for this is because you’re always buying one and selling another.

It is recommended, however, that until you get the hang of what you’re doing you should set up a “demo” account where you may be buying and selling currencies but they’re fake. By doing this, you’re learning how it’s done and giving yourself a chance to learn more about it without losing real money.

Signing up for an Account

Signing up for an account is very easy. You can register for one of the training courses on the Forex web site where you can “pretend” trade in a demo atmosphere or you can participate in their workshops where you’ll have real experts teaching you everything you need to know about Forex trading. You’ll also have webinars at your disposal where you can watch demonstrations of Forex trading, take part in discussions with beginners as well as experts in the field. Signing up for an account is not only fun and exciting by the best way to learn the ropes so you’ll soon be ready to begin making money trading Forex.

Getting started is Easy

You’ll find that it’s easier than you thought to get started. Banks and financial institutions have been doing it for years and now with the internet available to everyone, it’s easy for you to make money at home by trading Forex. Because there are so many different theories behind trading Forex, it’s to your advantage to talk with someone that knows what they’re doing and has participated in Forex trading in the past.

If you don’t know anyone with enough experience to help you, consider signing up for some of the online webinars and Forex workshops. They’re very helpful and will take you through any scenario you can imagine and are available to answer any questions you may have. You can continue to be part of a “demo” trading market until you’re ready to strike out on your own with real money. That’s when you’ll see how much money you can truly make trading Forex.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan.

It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.

Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.

The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in 20 academic institutions located in 10 countries within the Region. The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.

For complete information, eligibility criteria and application procedure, visit http://www. adb. org/JSP/default. asp

Note: Applicants are required to send their application directly to the University in which they want to apply.

Procedures for Applying

Detailed information is available at http://www. adb. org/JSP/default. asp

Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen Academic Institution(s). Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the institutions' websites and handbooks, and institution information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the academic institution and course they wish to undertake.

Applicants should indicate to the academic institution that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB-JSP Scholarship. The completed Institution application form and required documentation, including the ADB-JSP Information Sheet form, should be submitted to the academic institution. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual Salary/Monthly Salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a Certification of Family Income (Parent's Income).

The academic institution will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the academic institution may contact the candidates for further information. The academic institution will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking.

ADB will review the submission from the academic institutions and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval.

Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise academic institutions on the successful candidates.

The academic institution will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.

The academic institutions will arrange for the signing of the Acceptance of Scholarship Award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country.

ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to each scholar.

Download the Information Sheet in Ms Word format. Download the Information Sheet in PDF format.

Applications for scholarships should be sent at least six months prior to the planned time that you wish to commence studies.

No separate application to ADB is necessary.

The duly accomplished information sheet together with all copies of academic records should be sent to the institution at least six (6) months before the commencement of the intake that you wish to join.

Only candidates who have been offered admission and endorsed by the academic institutions will be considered for the scholarships by the ADB.

The ADB-JSP does not cover: expenses for the scholar's family; extra-curricular courses or training; additional travel during the course of the study program; additional expenses related to supplementary educational materials, field trips, or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships while at the academic institution or purchase of educational equipment such as computers.

Completion of the information sheet or admission by the academic institution does not mean that you have been accepted for a scholarship; accordingly you should not take any action with respect to your current employment or otherwise, until you have been informed by the institution that you have been awarded a scholarship.

Note: Applicants are required to send their application directly to the University in which they want to apply.

Post-doctoral positions are currently available in the Nanomechanics Division in Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), Daejeon, Korea.

The postdoctoral candidate will take part in a project 1) “Separation and transparent conductive film application of carbon nanotube” in the Frontier Program funded by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation or 2) "nanocrystal quantum dot synthesis for LED application" in the Program funded by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Our research goals are to elucidate 1) Mass chirality separation of carbon nanotube, and 2) lowering the resistance of transparent conductive film of CNT 3) application of transparent heater by using CNT, or 4) Mass scale synthesis of nanocrystal quantum dots using flow reactor system. More challengeable works for CNT & QD will be partly accompanied. The annual salary starts from 35,000 US$ with tax. If you have more job experience except PhD, more salary can be considered.

We are seeking highly motivated and excellent postdoctoral candidates for this program. English language skills are required. All publication list in international journals as first author should be submitted.

Send CV, student records (BS, MS, PhD), statement of career goals and representative published papers as pdfs. Position is immediately available, but starting date is negotiable. All document should be submitted via only e-mail.

Universities in Which Programs are Offered: Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) and Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) The list of programs offered by each university can be downloaded from Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Scheme's website, mentioned above. The Scholarship covers

Air-tickets by economy class for which the scholar will only be provided on the following occasions:

From the scholar’s home country to Brunei Darussalam at the commencement of the program

From Brunei Darussalam to the scholar’s home country after the completion of the program

Free medical and dental treatment at any Government hospital subject to conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Health. However there will be administrative charges for every consultation (currently at B$ 3.00), admission to class A1, A2 and A3 wards and charges for certain dental treatment as stated in the schedule 1 Dental Treatment issued by the Ministry of Health.

Other allowances payable will include:

Monthly personal allowance of BND$ 500.00

Annual Book Allowance of BND$ 600.00

Baggage Allowance maximum of BND$ 250.00 to ASEAN and BND$ 500 to non ASEAN region

The scholars is required to sign an agreement with the Brunei Darussalam Government to complete the course of study, failing which he/she will be liable to refund to the Brunei Darussalam Government all expenditures that have been extended on him/her.

The scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other award without the prior approval of the Government of Brunei Darussalam and the awarding body;

The scholar may not undertake paid employment during the award or serve in the staff of their country’s representative in Brunei Darussalam;

The Government of Brunei Darussalam will not be responsible for securing employment for the scholar after graduation;

An applicant may be required to appear for an interview at such place(s) as may be determined by the institutions offering the programmes, and to sit a written examination to asses his / her proficiency in the English Language / Malay language / Arabic Language (where applicable);

To abide with the rules and regulations of each individual institution;

Successful applicants are required to undergo medical examination in Brunei Darussalam;

The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to terminate the scholarship as recommended by the institutions as they found it deemed to be justifiable;

Upon completion of the course, graduates are required to return to their home country with immediate effect;

Successful applicants are recommended / advised to acquire travel and health insurance cover (24 hours cover) at their own expense for the whole duration of their stay here in Brunei Darussalam;

Successful applicants should get a security clearance from their National Security Agency / Police (clear from civil and criminal record);

Successful applicants are responsible to deposit an amount of money as determined and required by the immigration Department of Brunei Darussalam before a student pass can be issued upon reporting for enrolment at the offering institution.

Successful applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Medical Fitness from a registered medical practitioner to the Scholarships Section at the address given in paragraph 9. An award will only be confirmed / granted upon producing certificate of medical fitness. All charges for medical expenses to be borne by the applicant concerned.

December 23, 2015

To many traders, as well as technical and fundamental analysts, it’s a known fact that the foreign exchange market is a highly volatile market. This suggests that regardless of strong market trends and favorable conditions, the market direction can suddenly pursue a different path; the outcome can still be unpredictable. However, by understanding the data featured in economic calendars, a trader can raise his chances of faring well in the forex market.

Economic Calendar Definition An economic calendar, or economic indicator to some, is a tool that jots down informative and specific details about economic activities. The report is presented weekly, monthly, and quarterly. They are suggestive of anticipated events and their impacts on the market.

An economic calendar is often called economic indicator by some trading fellows; there’s a slight difference, however, between the two. An economic calendar is focused on reporting market events with regard to dates. An economic indicator, on the other hand, tends to come without any date significance.

The Impact of Monetary Policy One of the constant data that can be found in an economic calendar is an update on monetary policies. This is possible due to the contribution of central banks and other financial institutions; the leaders intend to promote taking the best actions to growth and stability. Since major authorities hold meetings within a year, reports are presented for the achievement of improved economies worldwide.

Calendar Findings As indicated, it’s no secret that the forex market is a highly volatile market; an economic calendar can gauge the market’s volatility level. It provides a list of usual and outstanding events regularly; other than that, it points out the intensity of volatile levels that are associated to such events.

Typical economic calendar events:

Consumer Price Index (or CPI)

Economic and industrial production

Investments with regard to foreign events

Monetary Policy Announcement

Purchasing Manager’s Index (or PMI)

Ventas al por menor

How to Use an Economic Calendar Using an economic calendar is simple ; understanding the purpose of particular features is the key. It goes in light with the fact that the market volatility that is shown tends to vary; the results will be dependent on the type of event, as well as on event frequency.

Economic calendar features:

Green-colored levels indicate volatility level 1

Orange-colored levels indicate volatility level 2

Red-colored levels indicate volatility level 3

Weekly identifiable events include: jobless claims and business performance reports

Monthly identifiable events include: employment rate and production rates

Quarterly identifiable events include: Gross Domestic Product (or GDP) and central bank money supply

Article by Taylor Wilman

Plan Your Visit to the Smithsonian

The Smithsonian is 19 world-class museums and a zoo—plus 9 research centers.

Most museums are open daily from 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. The American Art Museum and Portrait Gallery are open 11:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. All are closed Dec. 25. See Hours »

Admission is free

Smithsonian museums & the National Zoo (DC, VA)

American Indian Museum Heye Center (NYC)

Note: Tickets are not used for general admission.

Entry fee required

Tips for visiting

Make the Smithsonian Visitor Center in the Castle your first stop. Open daily 8:30 a. m.–5:30 p. m. 1.5 hours earlier than the museums. Plan your visit; enjoy the Castle Café and free Wi-Fi.

The use of public transportation is recommended. Washington's Metrorail subway system and Metrobus link the city with nearby communities in Maryland and Virginia. Metrorail is conveniently located near many Smithsonian museums and the National Zoo.

Learn about our museums and zoo »

See our exhibitions »

Participate in an event or activity »

Visitor Survival Guide (PDF) »

Tips for Visiting with Children (PDF) »

•Pharmacists urge special attention to producers

If the scarcity of foreign exchange for importation of critical raw materials persists, the country may soon witness shortage of drugs in circulation, a situation that could be dangerous to the health of the citizens.

Pharmacists under the aegis of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN), who alerted the nation to the situation, said to prevent the imminent doom, the Federal Government should make available foreign exchange to bonafide pharmacists to procure critical raw materials, and provide intervention fund for the pharmaceutical sector.

President PSN, Ahmed I. Yakasai, and Chairman of PMG-MAN, Okey S. Akpa, said that despite government policy that targeted 70 per cent utilization of local capacity in drug production, Nigeria is currently utilizing only about 35 per cent of its local production capacity.

Akpa, yesterday, in Lagos, at a press conference heralding the inauguration of the new PSN President, Yakasai and investiture of 70 new fellows of the society scheduled for February 18, 2016, in Abuja, said: “The only thing to say at this time is to alert the nation to an impending risk and threat to drug security in the country. This is going to happen if the current level of scarcity of forex persists.

“There is going to be absolute drought of raw materials. This time around, we are talking about critical raw materials, what we classify as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Nearly every manufacturer is using about the last set of raw materials they have got and what we see and foresee that is going to happen is scarcity of medicines, essential medicines and when they are available, the cost will go up.”

The ceremony is scheduled for 7pm at Transcorp Hilton Abuja, with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, as the guest of honour and the Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, as the special guest.

Akpa, who is the chief executive officer of SKG Pharma and chairman of the inauguration and investiture committee, added: “Our recommendation is that we are appealing to the government to please prioritise pharmaceutical raw materials, treat them as top priority and allocate forex directly to bonafide pharmaceutical manufacturers to ameliorate that scarcity of raw materials that may create drug insecurity.

As the name suggests a safe haven currency is a stable currency that is not susceptible to economic turmoil or other forms of crisis. These currencies don’t change much in value and belong to relatively stable economies. Whenever markets get choppy, investors pull out their money from risky investments and invest in safe haven currencies. Once the markets start to trend again investors take their money out from the safe haven currencies and take profitable positions. Generally JPY, CHF and USD are considered to be safe haven currencies.

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